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A07894 A briefe chronicle, of the successe of times, from the creation of the world, to this instant· Containing, the originall & liues of our ancient fore-fathers, before and after the Floude, as also, of all the monarchs, emperours, kinges, popes, kingdomes, common-weales, estates and gouernments, in most nations of this worlde: and how in alteration, or succession, they haue continued to this day. Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. 1611 (1611) STC 18263; ESTC S112963 308,814 636

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the battell w●s fought whereon was engragen Marij victoria The Stone was set vppon Stanesmoore and the whole Country thereabout taking name of this Marius was cald Westmaria now Westmerland Marius raigned 53. yeares and was buried at Carleill Coilus Sone of Marius was after his Fathers death King of Britaine hauing bin educated among the Romaines which made him pay them the tribute all the time of his raigne Hee builded the Towne of Colichester in Essex now called Colchester he raigned 55. yeares departed this life at Yorke and lieth there buried as some say but others at Co●lchester Lucius sonne of Coilus succéeded King after his Father being a very godlye and Vertuous Prince And because since the comming of Ioseph of Arimathia into the land there was much talke about Christ and Holy Religion whych many had begun to embrace he sent to Pope Eleutherius that hee would send some more learned men to him whereby both he and his might fully be enstructed in the faith of Christ Eleutherius sent vnto him D●ianus and Faganus by some called Fugatius and Damianus two woorthy learned Clearkes who at theyr comming conuerted the King and his people from Paganisme There were in those dayes within the bounds of Britaine 28. Flamines and 3. Ach-flamines that were as Byshoppes and Arch-byshoppes of the Pagan Religion in whose place King Lucius appointed the 28. Byshoppes and thrée Arch-Byshops of Christian Religion O●● of which Arch-byshops held his Sée at London another at Yorke and the thirde at Caerleon Arswike in Glaumorganshire To the Arch-byshop of London was subiect Cornewall and all the middle part of England euen vnto Humber To the Arch-Byshoppe of Yorke all the North parts of Britaine from the Riuer of Humber to the furthest parts of Scotland And to the Arch-Byshop of Caerleon was subiect all wales within which countrey were then seauen Byshoppes where now there are but foure This King Lucius is saide to builde the Church of Saint Peter at VVestminster and Saint Peters Church of Cornehill in London This Lucius raigned 12. yeares and dying without issue the Brittaines fell at variance by which meanes the Romaine Lieutenants go on againe with their Gouernement the Emperor Adrian comming in person into Britain then the wal of Adrian was built from the mouth of Tine to the Water of Eske containing thirty miles in length Adrian hauing quieted all disturbances in Britain Lollius Vrbicus Calphurnius Agricola Vlpius Marcellus Pertinax Clodius Albinus and Heraclitus succéeded each other as Lieutenantes ouer the Brittaines for the Romaines which manner of Gouernement so continued to the yeare of our Lord 207. Seuerns Emperor of Rome did now beginne his rule in Britaine causing a Trench to bee cast from Sea to Sea Hee raigned not fullye fiue yeares and was buried at Yorke His Sonnes Geta and Bassianus contended for the Gouernment Geta was slaine in battell and Bassianus ruled sixe yeares but hee was likewise slaine by one Caransius a Britaine of vnknowne Byrth whom the Britaines accepted as their King till Alectus was sent from Rome with his Legions of Souldiors who conquered Caransius in field and slewe him Aesclepiodotus Duke of Cornwall preuayling in fight against Alectus and Liuius Gallus or Wallus whom when he had slaine he threw into a Brooke which tooke name of him and was called Wallus Brooke nowe Walbrooke was admitted to raigne ouer the Britaines And discord being afterward raised betwéene the King and one Coell Earle of Colchester they met in a fielde of battaile where Asclepiodotus was slaine after he had raigned thirty yeares At this time was Britaine in cruell persecution vnder the bloody tyrants Dioclesian and Maximus Alban a Cittizen of Werlamchester being the first that suffered martirdome in Britaine hee being conuerted to Christian faith by zealous Amphibilaus and because he would not sacrifice to their false Gods he was beheaded on the top of the hill ouer-against VVerlamchester where a Church and Monastery was builded in memory of hys martyrdom and VVerlamchester being destroyed the place tooke name of him and is to this day called S. Albanes A number of Christians were likewise assembled at another place to heare the word of life preached by that vertuous man Amphibilaus but they were all there slaine by the Pagans and the place in their memory named Lichfield The fielde of dead bodies It is also recorded that in the dayes of these Tyrants Dioclesian and Maximus of godly men and Women professing the faith of Iesus Christe there were martired in sundry place aboue 17000. Coell Earle of Colchester began his rule ouer the Britaines in An. Dom. 262. But Constantius being sent from Rome to suppresse him hee couenanted to pay the tribute gaue his daughter Helena a Noble and learned Lady in marriage to Constantius King Coell raigned 27. yeares and is said to be buried at Colchester or rather at Glocester Constantius succéeded in the rule of Britain after Coell and had by his wife Helena a Sonne named Constantine that was afterwarde Emperor and sir-named Constantine the Great In this Constantius dayes Amphibliaus was apprehended and suffered martyrdome at Redburne néere to VVerlamchester fiftéene yeares after the death of S. Alban Constantius raigned eleuen yeares Constantine sonne of Constantius and Helena and sir named the Great was King after his Father and created Emperor in Britaine His Mother Quéene Helena went to Ierusalē where she found the Crosse that our Sauiour was crucified on and the Nailes which shee gaue to her Sonne Constantine who did set one of them in the Crest of his Helmet another in the bridle of his horse and the third he threw into the Sea to asswage a rough Tempest Octauius or Octauian beganne his raigne ouer the Britaines in Anno 329. being called Duke of VVindsore He assembled a great companye of people and fought with the Gouernours of the Land which Constantine had heere appoynted yet was he expelled by Traherne into Norway and Traherne being slaine by treason afterward Octauius sent Maximianus Cosin to the Emperor Constantine to whom he gaue his daughter in marriage Octauius raigned 54. years About this time the Empresse Helena Mother to Constantine for loue she bare to Colchester and London did newly engirt them both with Walles rounde about causing great Bricke and huge Tyles to be purposely therefore made which are yet to be seene in the Towne and Castle of Colchester Maximianus or Maximus vsurped in Brittaine the Title of the Empyre and assembling all the men of Warre and youth of the Realme he went into France expelled the French-men out of Armorica and placed Brittaines there vnder Conon Meridoc Duke of Cornewall whereon it was euer after called Britayne the Lesse This Maximus or Maximianus hauing slayne the Emperour Gratian at Lyons in France was slaine himselfe at Aquileia by the Emperor
kingdomes of England and Scotland hath vnited them in one sole Monarchy of Great Britaine Long may hee raigne to Gods glory and comfort of his Kingdomes ¶ A briefe Catalogue of the Princes of Wales from the time that King Edward the first had conquered Wales to this instant 1. EDward borne at Caernaruon therefore called Edward of Caernaruon being Sonne to king Edward of England first of that name was the first Prince of Wales of the English bloud after the death of Prince Lhewelyn and came to Chester in the 29. year of his fathers raigne where he receiued the homage of the frée-holders of Wales 2 Edward of Windsore beeing eldest son to king Edward the second in the 15. yeare of his fathers raigne was created Prince of VVales and Duke of Aquitaine in a Parlament holden at Yorke 3 Edward borne at Woodstock sonne and heyre to king Edward the third in the 17. yeare of his Fathers raigne was created Prince of Wales at London This Prince was surnamed the Blacke Prince hee tooke Iohn the French King prisoner and dyed in the 46. yeare of his age his father yet liuing 4 Richard sonne to Edward the Black Prince was created Prince of Wales at Hauering in the Bower in the fiftie yeare of king Edward the 3. his Grandfather and was afterward king of England by the name of king Richard the second 5 Henry of Monmouth sonne and heire to king Henry the fourth was in the first yeare of his fathers raigne created Prince of Wales at VVestminster 6 Edward of Westminster sonne and heyre to king Henry the sixt in the 31. yeare of his Fathers raigne was created Prince of wales and Earle of Chester at westminster 7 Edward eldest sonne of king Edward the 4. borne in the Sanctuary at Westminster in the 11. yeare of his Fathers raigne was created Prince of Wales and Earle of Chester at London He was afterward king of England by the name of Edward the fift but neuer crowned because both he and his Brother were made away by the treachery of their Vnckle Richard Duke of Glocester that vsurped the Crowne 8 Edward the onely Sonne of king Richard the third being a child of ten years olde in the first yeare of the said kings raign was created prince of wales at London 9 Arthur sonne and heire to king Henrie the seuenth in the fift yeare of his Fathers raigne was created Prince of wales at London dying at Ludlow Castle in the 17. yeare of his fathers raigne was buried with great Funerall solemnity at Worcester 10 Henry Duke of Yorke son to King Henry the seauenth and Brother vnto Prince Arthur was after the saide Princes death in the ninetéenth yeare of his Fathers raigne created Prince of Wales and was afterward King of England by the name of King Henry the 8. In the 26. yeare of his raigne the Principality and Countrey of Wales was by Parliament incorporated and vnited vnto the Kingdome of England and all the Inhabitants thereof made equall in freedomes liberties rightes priuiledges lawes and in all other respects to the naturall subiects of England 11 Edward sonne to King Henry the eight and borne at Hampton Court the Principality of Wales being incorporated as hath bin sayde to the Crowne and kingdome of England was no otherwise Prince of Wales then vnder the generall Title of England as the King his Father was king of England and vnder the name king of Wales as it being a member of England Nor do I read of any other creation or inuesture that he had in that Principality He was King after his Father by the name of K. Edward 6. 1 Marie Daughter to King Henry the eight by the Princesse Katherine Dowager Widdow of Prince Arthur was Princesse of Wales 2 Elizabeth Daughter also to King Henrie t●e eight was in a Parliament in the 25. yeare of her Fathers raigne declared Princesse and Inheretrix of the crowne of England with all dominions to the same belonging and therefore was as her Sister Princesse of Wales All these fore-named Princes of Wales were created solemnely by and in Court of Parliament except three which were Richard the second Edward the fifte and Edward Sonne to Richard the thyrde Those that were created out of Parliament were Princes whose fortunes proued hard and disastrous For Richard the second was deposed and after murdered Edward the fift was also murdered in the Tower of London and Edward sonne to Richard the thirde dyed within three moneths after as a iust iudgement of God for his Fathers wickednesse 12. Henrie sonne and heire to our dread Soueraigne King Iames in the eight yeare of his Fathers raigne ouer England c. was created in the Court of Parliament at Westminster Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwall and Rothsay Earle of Chester and Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter The strong arme of Heauen be his continuall keeper and defender Briefe Obseruations not vnfitly annexed to this our short Summary of England ¶ Of Bishopprickes and their circuites CAnterbury erected first by Augustine the Monke in the time of Ethelbert king of Kent by prouincial regiment reacheth ouer all the South and west parts of this Lande and Ireland also and there are few shyres wherein the Arch-byshop hath not some peculiets But in it selfe as from the beginning was and is proper to the See It extendeth but ouer one parcell of Kent which Rudburne calleth Cantwarland the Iurisdiction of Rochester including the rest so that in this one County both the greatest Archbishopricke and least Bishoppricke are vnited together Canterbury hath vnder it one Arch-deaconry that hath iurisdiction ouer 11. Deanries or 161. Parish Churches In time of popery vndername of first fruites it paide to Rome at euery alienation 10000. Ducats or Florens beside 5000. which the new elect did vsually pay for his pall each ducat being then worth an English Crowne Rochester included within the limits of Kent was erected also by Augustine in the raygne of Ceolrijc ouer the west-Saxons It hath one Arch-Deacon whose gouernement in spirituall causes ruleth 3. Deanries or 132. parish Churches whereby appeareth that in Kent are 393. parish churches whereof the saide two Arch-deacons haue cure and charge It paid to Rome at the bishops admission 1300. Ducats or Florens London was erected at first by king Lucius who made it an Archbishops See as in due place hath already bin remembred and so it continued till Augustine translated that title to Canterbury It includeth Essex Middlesex and parte of Hertfordshire containing in quantity the ancient Kingdome of the East Angles before it was vnited to the West-Saxons It hath foure Arch-deaconries viz. London Essex Middlesex and Colchester that haue vnder them 363. parish Churches beside peculiers The Archdeaconry of S. Albanes was added thereto by king Henry the eight which hath also 25. parishes whereof foure are in Buckingham the rest in Hertfordshire It payed to Rome
to the effusion of much blood He raigned 38. yeares sixe months and foure daies and was buried first at Chertsey and afterwarde remoued to windsore Edward Earle of March tooke on him the gouernment of the Realm being son to Richard Duke of Yorke that was slaine at Wakefield His raigne also was filled with many troubles broyles and Rebellions yet hee gouerned 22. years one month and eight daies and was buried at Windsore Edward the fift son to king Edward the fourth succeeded after his father being neuer crowned but deposed by his Vnckle Richard Duke of Glocester when he had raigned two months eleuen dayes and with his brother was murdered in the Tower of London where both theyr bodies were obscurely buried Richard Duke of Glocester vsurped the kingdome two years two months and one day and was slaine in battell at Bosworth fielde by Henrie Earle of Richmond and buried at Leicester In him ended the line of the Plantagenets Henry Earle of Richmond surnamed Tudor son to Edmund of Hadham Earle of Richmond who was son of Owen ap Meredyth and Queene Katherine the French kings daughter wife to king Henry the fift This king Henrie builded and repayred in his life time many goodly houses beside his Mannor of Richmond and his Chappell at Westminster as Baynards Castle in London the goodly Hospitall of the Sauoy neere Charing-Crosse to which hee gaue lands for releefe of an hundred poore people Sir Religious houses for Franciscan Friers of the Obseruant and Couentall orders viz. at Richmond at Greenwich and at Newarke for Obseruants at Canterbury New-Castle South-hampton for Couentals Hee gaue also manie sums of money to good and godly vses And for that one of the goodliest Chappelles in Europe was by his meanes finished formerly begun by king Henry the sixt called the Kings colledge Chappell in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge I cannot omit the summe he gaue to accomplish the same which was 10000. lt viz. 5000. pounds in his life time and the rest by will at his death vnder his great Seale of England which was truely paide as is yet to be seen in the same Colledge Hee married his eldest daughter Margaret to Iames the fourth King af Scots of which happy marriage we enioy our dread Soueraign now raigning King Iames the sixt King Hentie raigned 23. yeares and somwhat more then 8. months and was buried in his new Chappell at Westminster Henry the eight sonne of king Henry the seauenth succeeded next in the kingdome after hys father He banished the Popes authority out of England and was proclaimed King of Ireland because the former Kinges were onely called Lords of Ireland He wun Terwin Tourney and Bullen in Fraunce and gaue the Church of the Gray Fryers in London to the Cittie to bee a place of releefe for poore people S. Bartholomewes Spittle the Gray Fryers and two parish Churches the one called S. Nicholas in the Shambles the other S. Ewin in Newgate Market were then made all one parish Church and he gaue in Lands for maintenance thereof fiue hundred Markes by the yeare for euer He raigned 37. years 9. months and 5. daies and was buried at Windsore Edward the sixt onely son to king Henry the eight was crowned king at Westminster Hée caused the Masse to be vtterly abolished Images to be defaced in Churches and the Lords supper to be ministred in both kindes There was then good orders deuised for the poores reliefe poore people were distinguished by thrée seuerall degrées in manner following Three degrees of poore 1. The poore by impotency 2. Poore by casualty 3. Thristlesse poore 1. The poore by impotency were also diuided into 3 kinds 1. The fatherles pore mans ch●●d 2. The aged blinde and lame 3. The diseased person by leprosie dropsie c. 2. The poore by casualty were also of three kinds 1. The wounded Souldior 2. The decayed Housholder 3. The visited with grieuous disease 3. The thriftlesse poore were likewise of 3. kinds 1. The Riotor that cons●meth all 2. The Vagabond that will abyde in no place 3. The ydle ●erson as Strumpets and others 1 Christs Hospitall was appointed for the innocent and fatherlesse childe to be trained vp in knowledge of God and vertuous exercises 2 Saint Thomas Hospitall in Southwark was appointed for reliefe of the aged blinde and lame 3 Bridewel was also appointed for the Vagabond ydle strumpet and vnthrift Of all which seuerall Hospitals this Vertuous yong k. Edward was the founder and gaue the lands of the Sauoy which then serued as a harbour to Loyterers Vagabonds and strumpets that lay all day in the fieldes and at Night were harboured there to the maintenance of these houses which Lands were of the yearelie value of sixe hundred pounds and he gaue 4000 Markes beside of Lands taken in M●●tmaine so yearely valewed This worthy young King raigned sixe years fiue months and eight dayes and was buried at Westminster Mary eldest daughter to King Henry the eight and Sister to King Edward succeeded after her Brother She married with the Prince of Spain who was afterward king and raigning 5. years fiue monethes and tenne dayes was buried at Westminster Elizabeth second Daughter to king Henrie the eight and Sister also to king Edward came next to her right in the Crowne of England To write of the Princely life and raigne of that Virgin Empresse and matchlesse Queene woulde require large Volumes yet all too little for her high deseruing merit Hauing liued well neere threescore and ten years and happily raigned 44. yeares 4. months and od dayes she died the 24 of March 1602. was buried at Westm The lines engrauen on her Tombe may serue for her further memory A Sacrifice to Posterity HAuing restored Religion to the Primitiue sincerity established Peace reduced coine to the iust valew reuenged Domestical rebellion succored France greeued by ciuill war supported Belgia ouer-come the Spanish inuincible Nauy pacified Ireland by driuing out the Spaniards and compelling the Rebels to yeeld to her pardon increased very much the Reuennewes of both Vniuersities by a Law for theyr prouision of Victuall enriched all England administring most prudently the Imperial state thereof 45. yeares in true piety in the seauenty yeare of her age in most happy peaceable maner departed this life leauing heere hir mortal parts enterred in this famous and renowned Church by her conserued til by the command of Christ they rise againe immortall Iames king of England Scotland Fraunce and Ireland first Monarch of the whole Islands or Countrey was proclaimed king the 24. of March 1602. being the onely inheritour to k. Henry the seauenth and Elizabeth his Queene issuing from Lady Margaret eldest Daughter to them both In whose happy marriage ended the long ciuill dissentions of the two deuided families of Yorke and Lancaster And by his most rightfull succession in the deuided
147. yeares hauing prophesied that Iesus Christ should come before that the Scepter were taken from Iuda or a Duke of his generation Galathes the Sonne of Hercules was King of Gaule whereof it tooke the name Prometheus and Atlas at this time were very excellent Astrologians Ioseph dyed 54. yeares after his Father The Israelites now began to be euill intreated by the Egyptians Moses the last Nephew of Leui was borne 64. yeares after the death of Ioseph Cecrops then builded the Citty of Athens and was first King thereof Also he was the first Authour of the most abominable idolatries that euer were among the Grecians The Deluge of Deucalion Princes and Iudges of Israel MOses aged 80. yeares by the commandement of God reproued Pharoah wrought many myracles in Egypt with-drew the people of Israel our of Egypt by the Red-Sea béeing in number more then sixe hundred thousand This their departure thence happened in the yeare 430. of the promise made to Abraham for the blessing of all Nations by his séede Moyses gaue the Law to the people in the Deserts of Arabia as a School-maister vntil the comming of the promised séed For this cause he ordained for the sins of the people diuers Ceremonies of sacrifices marriages punishments solemnities of feasts For the action of War he numbred more then six hundred and thrée thousand without comprehension of the Leuites to whom he prescribed theyr charge In the end he instructed the rude people in diuers commandements For Gods ordinances he constituted Iosuah his successour and rendred vp his spirit in the 120. yeare of his life and of the departing out of Egypt the 40. read Exodus Leuiticus Numbers and Deuteronomy all which are heere thus briefely collected Da●danus hauing slaine his Brother Iason was the first King of Troy Ianigines was then King in Italy the most cruell Tyrant Busiris King in Egypt and Mercurius Trismegistus that is to say thrée times the most great King Priest and Philosopher See M. Ficinus in his life Iosuah passed the people dry foote thorough the Riuer of Iordan into the Land of Promise The Sunne stayed while he fought the battel he slew one and thirty Kings And after he had distributed their Countries amongst the people he died thirty yeares after the death of Moyses The Israelites then left God and serued Idols Orcus King of the Molosses made then a rape of Proserpina And Cadmus brought the Charracters of Letters into Greece Othoniell of the Lignage of Iuda gouerned the people eight yeares and was the third Iudge of Israel in order and not the first as some haue supposed He deliuered the people from the oppression of the King of Mesopotamia Aiod or Ehua slew the king of the Moabites raigned eight yeares and deliuered the people from the idolatry of the Moabites In this time began but much rather encreased the Gods and Idolatries of the Gentiles according to Iosephus as Bacchus Pandion Radamanthus Aeacus Minos King of Creet Dedalus and Icarus at this time made their flight Tantalus Amphion founder and first King of Thebes Linus Barach with Debora the Prophetesse iudged 40. yeares ouercame with ten thousand men only the Army of Sisara consisting of two hundred thousand men The Argona●tes sayled then to Colchos then liued Areus and Thiestes Pan also and Midas King of Phrygia abounded in Treasures Gedeon a valiaunt Captaine iudged fortie yeares and deliuered the Israelites from the seruitude of the Madianites In this time liued Circes Medea Enchanteresses with Medusa and Andromeda Euristheus first king of Mycena was slaine by Aeacides hauing commaunded well néere thorough all Greece for the space of forty fiue yeares togither Abimelech the naturall Son of Gedeon was Iudge thrée yeares he slew 69. of his naturall legitimate Brethren only that he might raigne Sparta or Lacedemon was thē builded by Spartus the Sonne of Phoroneus Others doo attribute the building thereof to Aristhenes who was their first king Thola was Iudge 25. yeares then liued Ruth Mother to the Grand-mother of Dauid then also were Castor Pollux Apollo the inuenter of Musicke Aesculapius his Sonne Orpheus and Museus who were the first Poets according to Linus Iair iudged 22. yeares during which time the people liued in maruailous quiet as they did before in the raigne of Thola But afterward there happened interregnum eightéen yeares together in all which time the Israelites were seruile to the Philistims for their idolatries Pyrrhus then inuented the Tennis Play Theseus vanquished the Minotaure and Hercules came from Spayne into Italy 55. yeares before Aeneas Iephta the Bastard was Iudge sixe yeares and being thereto compelled by his vow hee slew his onely Daughter Theseus now made his rape of Helena shee being then a very young Mayden Sybilla Aericthrea liued in this time shee that fore-told the ruine of Troy and of whom Homer telleth many goodly tales Abesan or Ibsan iudged seuen yeares The History of Ruth happened in this time Pluto Neptune then were and Paris stole Helena the wife to Menelaus king of the Lacedemonians Elon was Iudge ten years in whose time happened the Warre betwéene the Greekes and the Troyans for the rape of Helena Wife to Menelaus by Paris Sonne to Priam the last King of Troy Abdon iudged eight yeares Aeneas with his companions came into Italy and Francus if wée may beléeue Manethous and others the Sonne of Hector with his followers also came into Austria Of the one descended the Latines kings of the Romaines and of the other the Kinges of France In these dayes liued Pilades and Orestes the two loyall friends Samp●on the strong was Iudge 20. yeares he slew a thousand Philistims with the iaw-bone of an Asse and was deceiued by a Strumpet The Linage or Tribe of Beniamin was now almost vtterly destroyed onely thorow detestable voluptuousnesse Hely Priest and Iudge raigned fortie yeares and was punnished of God for his ouer great indulgence towards his children The Ark of Moses was then taken by the Philistims B●ute the Sonne of Syluius third King of the Latines expulsed then the cruell Gyants out of the Island which after his owne name he called Brittaine now England and deuided his Land to his thrée Sonnes in thrée seuerall kingdoms to wit Loegria to Locrine Cambria now called Wales to Camber and Albania now called Scotland to his third Sonne Albanact Samuel the Prophet and innocent Iudge to those wicked children He annointed Saul to the Israelites they desiring a King t And then began the Kingdome of the Lacedemonians instituted by Euristhenes and of the Corinthians founded by Atletes Kings of all the Iewish people SAule first King of the Israelites with Samuel raigned fortie yeares Hee pardoned Agag King of Amalec his Prisoner and reserueth the spoile to Sacrifice to God
the fourth a Samnite borne sonne of Castorius Cardinall Priest of S Syluester vnder Iustine and Iustinian he helde the See foure yeares two months three daies vacante thirteen daies The second synod of Tolledo 57 Boniface the second a Romaine sonne of Sigultus Cardinall Priest of S. Cecily vnder Iustinian hee helde the Sée two yeares two daies vacante two months The sixt schisme betweene Boniface and Dioscorus Three synodes holden at Rome 58 Iohn the second sur-named Mercurius a Romaine sonne of Proiectus Cardinall Priest of S Clement vnder Iustinian he held the Sée two yeares foure months vacante six daies 59 Agapetus a Romaine sonne of Gordianus Cardinall Arch-Deacon of the Romaine Church vnder Iustinian he held the See eleuen Months nineteene d●ies vacante one month xxix daies A synod holden at Constantinople 60 ●●●uerius borne in Terra di Lauoro sonne of Pope ●ormisda sub-Deacon of the Romaine church vnder Iustinian he held the Sée one year fiue monthes twelue daies vacante sixe dayes Then he was expulsed and banished into the Isle Pontia where he died The second synode of Orleans 61 Vigilius a Romaine sonne of Iohn that had 〈…〉 Deacon of the Roman Church vnder Iustinian He held the Sée eighteen years six months sixe and twenty daies vacante three months fiue daies The seauenth Schisme betweene Siluerius and Vigilius and the fifte Generall Counsell of Constantinople against the Origenists Also the third Synod of Orleans 62 Pelagius a Romaine sonne of Iohn Vlearianus Arch-Deacon of the Romaine Church vnder Iustinian he held the Sée sixe yeares ten moneths eight and twentie daies vacante three months and six and twentie daies Two Synods at Paris 63 Iohn the third Catelline a Roman sonne of Anastasyus vnder Iustinian and Iustine he held the Sée twelue yeares eleuen months sixe and twenty daies vacante ten monthes three daies Then beganne the Lombardes to raigne in Italy 64 Bennet Bonosus a Romaine sonne of Boniface vnder Iustine and Tyberius Constantine he held the See foure yeares one month eight twentie daies vacante two months ten daies 65 Pelagius the second a Romaine sonne of Vinigildus vnder Tiberius and Mauritius hee held the See ten yeares two months ten daies vacante ten months x. daies The Patriar-chate of Aquilea was then transferred to Grada 66 Gregory sur-named the Great a Romaine Monke and Doctor of the Church son to Gordianus the Senator and Syluia a most holy woman Arch-Deacon of the Romaine Church Legate or Agent for the holy see at Constantinople towards the Emperor called also the Apostle of the English vnder Tyberius Mauritius and Phocas he held the see thirteene yeares sixe monthes tenne daies vacante fiue months nine daies The sixt Age. IN this sixt Age flourished Cassiodorus Bennet Abbat Fortunatus Byshop of Poictiers Euagrius Michaell Syngelus Gregory of Tours and others 67 Sabinianus borne in Tuscanie son of Bonus Cardinall-deacon and Legate to the Emperour Phoeas at Constantinople He held the see 1. year 5 months 9. daies vacante 11. months 26. daies 68 Boniface the third a Roman son of Iohn Cardinall-priest vnder Phocas He held the See nine months vacante one month nine daies 69 Boniface the fourth borne at Maersia in Lombardy sonne of Iohn a Phisition Cardinall-Priest vnder Phocas and Heraclius Hee held the see sixe yeares eyght months thirteen daies vacante seauen months fifteene daies 70 Deus-dedit a Romaine sonne of Stephen Subdeacon cardinall-Priest vnder Heraclius He held the see three yeares three months 20 daies vacante one moneth 16. daies The Synod of Auxerre 71 Boniface the fift borne at Naples sonne of Iohn vnder Heraclius He held the see fiue years twenty daies vacante thirteene daies 72 Honorius borne in Terra di Lauoro son of Petronius that had been Consul vnder Heraclius Hee helde the See twelue yeares eleauen months sixteene daies vacante one year seauen months thirteene daies The foure and fiue synods of Tolledo 73 Seuerinus a Romaine son of Labienus vnder Heraclius he held the see one year 2. months vacante foure months 29. daies 74 Iohn the fourth borne in Dalmatia son of Venantius the Scholastick cardinall-deacon vnder Heraclius hee helde the see one yeare nine months nine daies vacante foure monthes 13. daies the sixt synod of Toledo 75 Theodorus a Grecian sonne of Theodorus the Byshop vnder Constantine and Constans he held the see sixe yeares fiue monthes 18. dayes vacante one moneth 22. daies A synod at Rome and three in Affrica 76 Martine a Tudertine sonne of Fabritius vnder Constans by whom he was banished for the faith to Gersonna in the Isle of Pontus where he dyed he held the see sixe yeares one month 26. dayes vacante one yeare two monthes A synod at Romo another in Spaine against the Monotholites 77 Eugenius a Roman sonne of Rufinianus vnder Constans He held the see two yeares nine months vacante foure monthes fifteene daies synod eight of Toledo 78 Vitalian a Latine sonne of Anastasius vnder Constans and Constantine he held the see 14. years six months vacante one yeare one month 8. daies A synod at Chaalons of Toledo 9. and 10 79 Adeodatus a Romain Monk son of Iouinianus Cardinall Priest vnder Constantine hee held the See foure years two months v. daies vacante foure months twenty dayes Synodes then at Hertford in England Toledo the xi and at Bracharensys the third 80. Domnio or Domnus a Romaine sonne of Mauritius vnder Constantine he helde the See fiue yeares fiue months ten daies vacante two months sixteene daies 81 Agatho borne at Palermo in Sicily a monk and sonne of Pannonius Cardinall Priest vnder Constantine he held the Sée two yeares six moneths fifteene daies vacante one yeare fiue monethes Then was the sixt generall Counsell of Constantinople against the Monotholites 82 Leo the second a Sicillian sonne of Paule Cardinall Priest vnder Constantine hee held the Sée one yeare vacante eleuen months xxi daies The xiij Synod of Toledo 83 Bennet the second a Romaine and sonne of Iohn Cardinall Priest vnder Constantine he held the Sée ten months twelue daies vacante two months fiftéene daies 84 Iohn the fift borne at Antioch in Syria son of Cyriacus Cardinall Arch-Deacon vnder Constantine and Iustinian he held the Sée one yeare vacante two months ninetéene daies The seauenth and eight Schisme betwéene Iohn the fift and two Anti-popes Peter and Theodor. 85 Cuno or Conon a Natiue in Thrace sonne of Bennet Cardinall Priest vnder Iustinian hee held the Sée eleuen months thrée daies vacante two months thrée and twenty daies 86 Sergius borne at Antioch sonne of Tyberius Cardinall Priest vnder Iustinian Leontius and Tyberius he held the See thirteene yeares eight moneths and three and twenty daies vacante one moneth xx daies The ninth Schisme betweene Sergius Theodor and Paschall Three Synods at Toledo The seauenth Age. IN this seuenth Age liued S. Isidore the bishop Georgius Alexandrinus Andoemus
Byshop of Rouen Iulianus Arch-Byshoppe of Toledo and others 87 Iohn the sixt a Greeke sonne of Paturnus or Patronus or Petronius vnder Tyberius he helde the Sée three yeares thrée months vacante one month ninetéene dayes A Synod in England 88 Iohn the seauenth a Greeke also son of Plato Cardinall Deacon vnder Tyberius and Iustinian he held the Sée two yeares seuen months seuenteene daies vacante three months 89 Sysinnius a Syrian sonne of Iohn vnder Iustinian Hee helde the Sée xx daies vacante one month eighteene daies 90 Constantine a Syrian sonne of Iohn vnder Iustinian and Phillippicus he held the Sée seauen yeares twenty daies vacante two moneths ten daies A Synod holden at London in England 91 Gregory the seconde a Romaine sonne of Marcellus Cardinall Deacon vnder Anastasius Theodosius and Leo he held the Sée xvi yeares nine months eleuen daies vacante one moneth A Synod holden at Rome about Images another synod at Moguntia or Mentz in Allemaign 92 Gregory the third a Syrian son of Iohn Cardinall priest vnder Leo Isauricus Hee helde the Sée x. yeares ix months xxiiij daies Vacante viij daies A synod at Augusta vnder Bonifaco 93 Zacharias a Greeke sonne of Polycronius Monke and Cardinall Priest vnder Constantine Copronymus He held the sée x. years iij. months Vacante xij dayes Synods at Rome in France 94 Stephen the second Cardinall Priest vnder Constantine He held the Sée thrée daies 95 Stephen the third a Romaine sonne of Constantine Cardinal Deacon vnder Constantine and Leo. He held the Sée v. yeares one month vacante one month 96 Paule a Romaine son of Constantine and brother to Stephen the third Pope Cardinal Deacon vnder Constantine and Leo. He held the Sée x. yeares x. months Vacante one month the tenth schisme betwéen Paul and Theophylact synods in Bauaria and in Allemayne 97 Constantine the second Duke Nepesius son being a Lay-man was created pope perforce But he was afterward shut vp in a Monastery after that they had pluckt out his eies He held the Sée four months iij. daies vacante ix dayes The eleuenth schisme was betwéene him and Phillip 98 Stephen the fourth a Sicilian Monk the son of Olibryus Cardinall Priest vnder Constantine and Leo. He held the See 4 yeares v. months xxiiij daies Vacante ix daies A synode was at Rome to take order for ensuing schismes and another synod was holden at Wormes 99 Adrian a Romain of a most noble family and son to Theod●r Cardinall Deacon vnder Leo the fourth Constantine his son He held the Sée xxiij years x. months xvi daies Then was the seuenth general Nicene counsell against the Iconomaches and after that Didier was taken then ended the raigne of the Lombards 100 Leo the third a Romaine son of Azzupius cardinall Priest vnder Constantine 8. and Nicephorus he held the Sée twenty yeares first and reseated xvi years v. months xviij daies vacante xvij daies In this Leos time was Charles the Great king of Fraunce created Emperor of the West to whom he fled for refuge The eighth Age. IN this eight age liued the learned venerable Bede S. Iohn Damascene Germaine Partriark of Constantinople Paulus Diaconus Vsuardus and Paulinus of Aquileia 101 Stephen the fift a Roman son of Inlius Marinus cardinall Priest vnder Lewes the meeke Emperor he held the See six months foure and twentie daies Vacante xi daies 102 Paschall a Romaine Monke and Abbot son of Maximus Bonosus cardinall Priest vnder Lewes and Lotharius Hee held the See seauen yeares three moneths seuenteene daies vacante foure daies 103 Eugenius the second sur-named the poores Father a Romaine son of Boëmond Cardinall Arch-Priest vnder Lewes and Lotharius he held the Sée foure yeares sixe months foure twenty daies vacante three daies The xij Schisme betweene Eugenius and Zinzinus 104 Valentine a Romaine sonne of Leontius Cardinal Arch-Priest vnder the same Emperors he held the Sée one month tenne daies vacante thrée dayes 105 Gregory the fourth a Romaine sonne of Iohn Cardinall Priest vnder Lewes and Lotharius Hee helde the Sée sixtéene yeares vacante fifteene daies Two Synods in Allemayne 106 Sergius the second a Romaine sonne of Sergius Cardinall Arch-priest vnder Lotharius he held the Sée three years vacante two months fifteene daies 107 Leo the fourth a Romaine Monke sonne of Rodolphus Cardinall Priest vnder Lotharius and Lewes the younger hee helde the Sée eight yeares three months sixe daies vacante fifteene daies The Synod of Mentz vnder Rabanus 108 Bennet the third a Romaine sonne of Peter Cardinall Priest vnder Lewes the yonger he held the Sée two yeares sixe months ix daies vacante fifteene daies The xiij Schisme between Bennet and Anastasius 109 Nicholas the Great sonne of Theodor Cardinall Priest vnder Lewes He held the Sée nine yeares seauen months thirteene daies vacante seauen months 110 Adrian the second a Romaine sonne of Talarus the Byshoppe Cardinall Priest vnder Lewes He held the Sée fiue years nine months twelue daies vacante twelue daies The eight generall counsell at Constantinople against Photius 111 Iohn the eight a Romain sonne of Gundus Cardinall Arch-Deacon vnder Lewes the younger Charles the Balde Lewes the Stammerer and Charles le Gros. He helde the Sée x. yeares two daies vacante two daies 112 Martine the second otherwise called Marine borne in Tuscane sonne of Palumbas Cardinall Deacon vnder Charles le Gros He helde the Sée one yeare fiue months 113 Adrian the third a Romaine other-wise called Agapetus sonne of Bennet vnder Charles le Gros He helde the Sée two yeares two monethes vacante xij daies 114 Stephen the sixt otherwise called Basile son of Adrian vnder Charles le Gros and Arnould he held the Sée sixe yeares eleuen dayes vacante fiue dayes A Synod at Cullen 115 Formosus of Portua sonne to Leo Byshop of Portua vnder Arnould He helde the Sée fiue yeares sixe months Vacante two months This is the first man that of a Byshoppe was made Pope The xiiij Schisme betwéene Formosus and Sergius the third who afterward was Pope 116 Boniface the sixt a Romaine sonne of Adrian byshop vnder Arnould or Arnulphus Emperor He helde the Sée sixe and twenty daies Vacante fourteene daies 117 Stephen the seuenth a Romaine Sonne of Iohn the Priest Byshoppe of Anagnia vnder Arnulphus He held the See one yeare 3. months vacante 3. daies A synod at Tiburtium 118 Romanus borne in Tuscany Son of Constantine who was Brother to Martine the second Pope vnder Arnulphus he held the sée thrée daies vacante eight daies 119 Theodorus the second a Romaine sonne of Photius vnder the Empyre of Arnulphus he held the see twenty daies vacante eleauen daies 120 Iohn the ninth a Tiburtine Monke son of Remp●aldus Deacon of the Romain Church vnder Arnulphus and during the Schisme of Sergius He helde the Sée two yeares fifteene dayes vacante nine daies
all the trobles and mollestations The Great Maister hauing gouerned his Order about eighteene yeares and an halfe departed this life in the yeare 1373 31 In the same yeare Robert de Iuliac or of Gulich great Priour of Fraunce was chosen Great-Maister who at the time of his election had the charge of his Priory but vnderstanding the newes he went forthwith to Auignon where he was receiued with great honor an assemblie general of this Knightly Order being then there held and the Great Maister had the gouernment of Smyrna imposed vpon him vnder paine of excommunication At his comming to Rhodes he qualified all the contentions which had hapned in the time of his absence At this time went the Pope to hold his seat at Rome againe which he and his predecessors had kept at Auignon for the space of seauenty one yeares 1376. In which yeare the 29. of Iune dyed the Great Maister and then 32 In his place came Iohn Fernandes d'Heredia a Natiue of Arragon in the Citty of Valentia who was Prior of Cathalognia and Castillian d'Emposta Twice he had bin marryed and chancing to be a Widdower he was made a Knight of Rhodes in the time of Villeneufue who was then Great Maister Being then but a simple Knight hee went to visite the holy Sepulchre and other memorable places in the holie Land He was also Ambassador from Pope Clement the sixt to the Kings Phillip 6. of France and Edward the third of England and did verie good seruice to King Phillip in the yeare 1346. For he being dismounted from his horse on a day of battaile against the English he gaue him his owne horse whereby the King escaped to a place of safety In like manner he fortified the Bastions and new wals of Auignon whereof hee was made Gouernor by the Pope Being great Maister hee tooke his way to Rhodes in the yeare 1377. and being required by the Generall of the Venetians Army to vnite their forces together they went to Morca in the yeare 1378. where they besiedged the Citty of Patras and tooke both it and the Castle The great Maister fighting man to man with the Gouernor of Patras slewe him manfully Afterwarde in an ambuscado of Turkes hee was taken prisoner by reason hee was too well knowne to them Whereuppon to worke his liberty Patras and other places which had bin won from them were re-deliuered to the Turkes And yet notwithstanding they would néeds carrie him with them into Albania where they kept him as a slaue thrée yeares In the year 1381. the great Maisters fréedome was bought with money and hee returning to Rhodes the Ambassadors of Smirna came to desire succour of him In the yeare 1391. Baiazeth Emperour of the Turkes made some preparation to besiege Rhodes whereupon Phillebert de Naillac Priour of Aquitaine was sent by his fellow knights to Auignon with Letters to the great Maister to require aide against Baiazeth Naillac returning to Rhodes in the yeare 1396. Heredia the great Maister died and was buried at Caspa 33 Newes beeing brought to Rhodes that Heredia the great Maister was dead Phillebert de Naillac grand Priour of Aquitaine borne in France succéeded in his roome At the Spring time he was inuited by Sigismond King of Hungaria to come and assist him with his Knights against Baiazeth which hee did in person in the yeare 1397. And then was a battaile fought at Nicopolis where Baiazeth had the victorie the K. of Hungary being glad to saue himselfe and with the Great Master retyred to Rhodes Thither also did the Emperor of Constantinople send all his precious Iewelles to be kept by the Great Maister fearing least Baiazeth shoulde surprize Constantinople But hee was disappointed by Tamberlain who ouercame Baiazeth and kepte him captiue in a Cage of yron so long as he liued and the siege of Constantinople being raised the great Master sent home again the Emperors Iewels After the foyle of Baiazeth the great Maister de Naillac sailed with an army into Caria there builded an inexpugnable fortresse which he named S. Peters Castle in the year 1399. vnder the raigne of Charles the sixt king of France In the yeare 1403. there happened wars betweene the k. of Cyprus and the Genewayes which was pacified and ordered by the wisedome and authority of the great Maister to whom the Soldan of Egypt sent an Ambassador for request of peace In the yeare 1409. the Great Maister gaue his personall assistance in the Counsell of Pisa assembled to quench the Schismes which were then crept into the Church and the guard of the Conclaue was committed to the great Maister when Alexander the fift was elected Pope The sayde Maister was likewise at the generall Counsell of Constance where thrée Popes were deposed and Martine 5. elected an 1414. the guard of the Conclaue being then againe giuen to the great Maister Trauelling into France he held a general assembly of his knights at Auignon afterward at Florence and last at Ancona whence returning to Rhodes an 1420. he held there a general chapter and in the beginning of Iune 1421. he dyed 34 And then in the deads place Anthony de Fluuiano or de Riuers reported to be a natiue of Arragon but more say of England was created Great Maister In his time began the generall Counsell of Basile 1430. And not long after the Soldan of Egypt puft vp with the victory which he wonne at Cyprus brake the Truce and prepared a great Armye with intent to besiedge Rhodes But when hee heard that the Great Maister was prouided of sufficient strength to withstand him he left off his determination and so the Order that way remained in quiet This Great Master founded and endowed a Chappel in the Citty of Rhodes which afterwarde hee made a Church for his Knights And the 29. of October hee died after hee had gouerned in his place with much wisedome 16. years an halfe 35 The sixt of Nouemb. in the same year 1437 Iohn de Lastic borne in Auuergne was elected Great Maister albeit he was absent at his election remained in Auuergne whereof he was prior Before he wold go to Rhodes he made a general assembly of his knightes at Valentia in the month of Decem. 1438. when he cam to Rhodes he began to build the new hospital for sick people which the precedent great M. by his wil had appointed to be done at his expences In his time Pope Eugenius 4. was deposed by the Counsell of Basile and Foelix the fift created in his place who was held at Rome to be an Antipope In the yeare 1440. the Soldane of Egypt beeing come néer to the port of the isle of Cast-Lerouge which appertained to the Knights and from thence turning towards Rhodes he was put to flight by an army of the Knights who had but eight Gallies and in the Soldanes army there were eightéene and there were slaine about seauen hundred Sarazins beside a
great number that were wounded This foile did so highly offend the Soldan that he leagued himselfe with Amurath Emperor of the Turkes with intention to make himselfe Maister of the Isle of Rhodes and to kill or expell thence that famous Order of Knight-hood Héereupon in the yeare 1444. he came and besiedged Rhodes which was vertuously defended by the Rhodian Knights and in the moneth of September the same yeare a generall assembly was held at Rhodes to helpe the ensuing necessities of the Order So the yeare following the Great Maister by aduise of the Pope and the King of Cyprus made peace with Amurath and helde a generall Chapter at Rhodes At whiche time the Duke of Cleues passed by Rhodes in his returne from Ierusalem where he had visited the holy places In the yeare 1451. a general assembly was made at Rhodes wherein the administration and gouernment of the Treasure and whole Fraternity was giuen to the Great Maister who in anno 1452. after the death of Amurath renewed the peace with Mahomet the second his sonne And yet the yeare following Mahomet became Maister of the Cittye of Constantinople the 29. of May when beeing not a little proude of this fortunate successe hee sent to the great Maister of Rhodes that he shold pay him yearly two thousand Ducats in name of tribute otherwise he purposed not to hold any longer the peace sworne betwéen them Wherevnto the great Maister made a couragious aunswere to wit That neither his Religion the Isle of Rhodes nor himselfe were subiectes to any but God and his Church and that he would neuer pay Turke any tribute being rather resolued to dye both he and all his Knights then to indure Christian liberty which euer had bin free to come now by his meanes into thraldome Whereupon he sent Ambassadors to the Pope and Christian Princes to entreat supplye from them against the periured Mahomet And in the yeare 1454. the 19. day of May he died hauing valiantly gouerned his Order sixtéene years sixe months and thirtéene daies 36 Iacques de Milly borne in Auuergne whereof he was Prior succéeded as Great Mayster the first day of Iune 1454. being in his Priory when he was elected his Nephew George de Boisrond brought him first tydings thereof Whereuppon hee immediatly went to Rhodes and helde a generall Chapter the same yeare in the month of Nouember In the yeare 1456. the Isle of Rhodes was greatly afflicted with Pestilence and Famine whereby it became halfe desert and to re-people it againe many generall citations were sent abroad to all the Knightes to méete there at a certaine time The yeare 1457. Mahomet besiedged the Isle of Lango and the Castle of the Isle des Singes but he was couragiously repulsed the Knights hauing a very happy and signat victory against him which caused Charles the seauenth King of France to send the Knights as a gift sixtéene thousand Crownes The Bailiffes Commaunders and other Officers of the Order being then enioyned by a generall Chapter to come to Rhodes for more secure and strong defence thereof The seuentéenth of August 1461. the Great Maister dyed hauing with much prouidence gouerned his charge in hard and troublesome times seauen yeares two months and sixteene daies He was greatly lamented because he was very benigne affable and humaine desirous to preserue peace and vnity among his worthy Bretheren 37 Peter Raymond Zacosta born in Arragon and Castileon d'Emposta was created Great M. next he being then absent in Spaine but at his comming to Rhodes by a generall Chapter there holden the eight language of Castile and Portugall was then admitted into the Order For till that instant there were but seauen languages there before to wit three of Fraunce Auuergne and Prouence one of Italy one of Arragon one of England and one of Allemaigne or Germany The yeare 1464. the Venetians Army besiedged the Citty of Rhodes but the siedge was soone raised and the Venetians returned home to their Countrey the warre beeing appeased by the wisedome of the Great-Maister who caused the Tower of Saint Nicholas to be built at the mouth of Rhodes Port in the very same place where in elder times the great Colossus of the Sunne numbred among the seauen wonders of the world had stood As a helpe to this building Phillip Duke of Burgundy gaue tenne thousand Crownes of Gold The yeare 1465. the great Turke sent Ambassadours to Rhodes to mediate a peace betwéen him and the Knights Hospitallers but they worthily refused it and in presence of the Ambassadours denounced Warre against the Turke The generall Chapter beeing then transferred from Rhodes to Rome and the Great Maister béeing present in person thereat he died there the twenty one of February 1467. and was buried in the Church of Saint Peter 38 Baptista Orsino Prior of Rome an Italian by Nation and tongue succéeded the Great-Maister Zacosta No sooner was hee come to Rhodes but hee receiued intelligence that the great Turke prepared a puissant Army purposing to besiedge either Rhodes or Negropont Wherfore he sent for a great number of the Knightes that were then absent to come forth-with for defence of the Island Moreouer hee leagued himselfe with the Seigneury of Venice against the Turke Neuerthelesse in the yeare 1470. Mahomet forcibly tooke the Citty of Negropont the last day of Iuly committing very great and horrible cruelties killing in cold blood all the Latines there to be found and by sound of Trumpet he proclaimed open war against the knights of Rhodes which enforced them to séeke all meanes for their best defence prouiding euerie way to withstand the Turkish Army But in this time of preparation the eight day of Iune the Great Maister died of a long lingering disease which had afflicted him a whole yeare together and after him succéeded 39 Peter d'Aubusson borne in Auuergne Prior there Captaine of the Citty of Rhodes He being chosen Great Maister solemnely took his oath according to custom to kéep the statutes of the Order He visited the whole Isle of Rhodes and made very great prouision to defend it against the Turkes Army sending for all knights and Commaunders appertaining to the Order to repaire thither for defence of the Isle and renewing peace with the Soldane of Egypt The same yeare King Lewes preuailed to haue a Iubilie in Fraunce in fauour of the Knightes of Rhodes taking order that the Monies thereby arising should soly be imployed for their defence And by this Iubily came great store of Money wherewith Castles and fortifications were builded in the Isle Truce also was taken betwéene the Knightes and the King of Tunis for thirtie yeares and the Knights of the Sepulcher at Ierusalem were ioyned with the Rhodians of S. Iohn In the yeare 1479. Mahomet the second Emperour of the Turkes held a solemne Councell that Rhodes should bée besiedged with a powerfull Army as indéede soone after it was in which siedge many sallies forth were made
Knights had not any assured place of abyding vntill the Isle of Malta was giuen thē by the Emperor Charles the fift For they departed first into Candie from thence they went into Sicilie and Italy where the Pope sent them the City of Vitterbo and where they held a generall Chapter Afterward they soiourned for some small time at Cornetto then at Villefranche and at Nicea While they remained at Nicea the great Maister made a voyage into England and from thence to France where being at Lyons a great sicknesse tooke him but after his recouery he went to Cambraye to hold the Baptisme Font for Phillebert Emmanuell sonne to Charles Duke of Sauoy Afterwarde comming with his Brethren-Knights to Malta on Wednesday morning the sixt of Octob 1530. he caused a Pallace to be there erected for the abiding of him and his successors calling it Castell Angelo building another pallace also in the old Citty of Malta When he had gouerned his Order thirtéene yeares and seauen months being aged seauenty yeares the 21. of Aug. 1534. he died at Malta and was buried in a Chappell which he had builded néere to Castel Angelo and then succéeded him by election 44 Pierrin du Pont a Natiue of Ast and an Italian by language Before the taking of Rhodes he was Gouernor of the Isle of Lango and after the ●osse thereof he departed with al the knights vnder his gouernment and ioyned his power in Candie with the armye of the Order In his time Charles the fift Emperor attempted to go in person to the kingdome of Tunis in Affrica where he was assisted by the Gallies belonging to the Order and the Knights also who performed there great exploits of Armes especially in the surprizing of Goletta which was helde to be a Fort vnconquerable This war being ended the great Maister aged seuenty and thrée years dyed hauing gouerned onely fourtéene months and 22. daies and was buried by his predecessor Villiers 45 Desirê or Didier de S. Iaille de Tolon borne in Prouence and Priour of Tholossa was next made great Maister when lifting vppe his eies to heauen he vsed these words O my God if thou thinkest me fit for this great charge I wil not refuse the paine and labour In his trauayling towards Malta being very aged so soone as he arriued at Mont-pellier he fel into an extream sicknesse whereof he died the 26. of September 1536. and was buried with much solemnitie in the church of the Commandery of S. Gilles without the gates of Mont-pellier when the knights were aduertised of his decease the eightéenth of October in the same yeare they procéeded to the election of 46 Iohn d'Homedes a natiue of Arragon who being then in Spaine made hast to Malta where he was ioyfully receiued Albeit he was discontented that they had not sent some of the gallies nor the great Carrack of the Order for his conduct thither wherefore he disarmed and destroied the great Carrack which caused manie complaints against him Very often would hee discourse of the siedge at Rhodes because hee gaue generall notice thereby that there he had lost one of his eies He made a goodly Parke of Dear and a very beautiful Garden in the Isle of S. Michael there would he spend the greater part of the day which raised occasion of murmuring against him that he was slacke in his publicke gouernement and no way carefull to prouide the Isle of Malta of needfull supplies against the Turks forces for he trusted too much in the strength of Castell Angello In his time the Citty of Tripoli in Barbary was lost by the Knights of the Order taken by the Turkes which droue him to no little feare and amazement In the year 1552. Leo Strozzi an especiall Commander of the Order made an attempt vpon the Isle of Zoara which had very hard successe because many Knightes were then slaine there of all Nations especiallye many French Auuergnacs and Prouenceals It being declared to the Great Mayster he grieued extraordinarily thereat and sayde That a greater losse had not happened to the Order since the surprizall of Rhodes Hee builded the Castles of Saint Elme and Saint Michaell and being eighty yeares old died the sixt of September 1558. hauing gouerned sixtéene yeares ten months and xv daies and was buried in the Great Maisters Chappell 46 Claudius de la Single borne in Fraunce was next created Great Maister and at his election there were then present at Malta aboue 400 Knights of the Order Hee gouerned verie discréetly by Counsell of fiue woorthie Knights his Officers and attendaunts to witte by his Steward Mayster of the Houshold Maister of the Horsse the Treasurer and Secretary So that the Order was in great happynesse during the time of his Maister-ship hauing obtayned the priuiledge of Neutralitie of King Henry the second and Charles the fifte Emperor who made Warre against him Hee was verye valiant Religious and a most profitable Administrator of the Orders reuennewes in whose Treasurie he left abundant store dying of a Catarrhe which had much suffocated him after he had attained to the Climacteriall yeare 63. of his age 47 F. Iohn de Valette borne in Prouence succéeded next as great Maister and his election was very pleasing to all the Order of S. Iohn because he was generally beloued of all the Nations and vniuersally desired as most woorthie of that charge and dignity In lesse space then two yeares hee was Generall of the Gallyes Bayliffe of Lango Great Commander Priour of S. Gilles and Lieutenant to the great Master and now at length great Maister also He did so affect his Knights Order that after the day he first entred in it he wold neuer more return into his country So that by making continuall residence therwith them he passed thorow al the degrées offices of honor in the profession apearing still in all his actions to bee of rare iudgement perfect integrity and incomparable valour So soone as he was aduanced to this soueraigne dignity he resolued to builde a new Citty at Malta vpon the Mountaine of S. Elme knowing that al the other Forts were not sufficiently mumted to endure the battery of a potent enemy yet this desseigne was deferred till a further time Hee fortified the Castle of the Isle of Goza and forsaking his abiding at the Castle of S. Angello came and dwelt within the Towne of Malta which he defended most valiauntly agaynst the siedge of the Emperor Sultan Soliman when he was gréeuously wounded in his leg in the yeare 1565. But the siedge being raised to the shame and confusion of the Turkes hee greatly strengthened the Isle of Malta and began to builde the new Citty which was called Valette according to his sur-name and whereof himselfe solemnely laide the first stone on Monday the eight and twenty of March 1566. And by the sollicitude of the Great-Maister the building thereof continued on still eight thousand persons being
at Brutes arriuall was no Britannia but a rude and solitary Desert or wildernesse without name Ferarum altrix a verie nursery or place of store for wilde Beastes The Countries and Regions of Britayne were then all ouer-growne with Woodes replenished with all kindnes of sauage and cruell beasts as Lyons Beares Wolues Foxes wild Boares and all other game belonging to the Chase Beside diuers other kind of wilde Beastes and Cattell especially a certaine kinde of white monsterous wilde Buls and Kine with long shagd curled haire and maines which kind of Cattel were as fierce and cruell as Lyons and could neuer be tamed by mans art as you may finde it registred and recorded in our ancient Chronicles and noted in the very common Dictionaries vppon these wordes Caledonia and Caledonia sylua Britanniae alwayes mistaken and corruptly Written Caledonia for Calydonia because the reason why our Countrey was first called Caledonia sylua was no better knowne to the auncient Romaines in Iulius Caesars time then it is at this day knowne to dyuers of our Antiquaries and Chronicles of Britayne For one deriueth Caledonia sylua from Calden and another fetcheth Calydonia sylua from Kaled But the ones faire Daughter Kaled is too young to bee the Mother of Calydon or Calydonia sylua Britanniae And the others Calden or Hazellsticke is as weake to be the Mother of Calydon For Calydon of whom Calydonia sylua by Aetolia in Greece tooke name was the Sonne of Aetolus who was the Sonne of Mars the God or Patron of battaile Mars was the father of Aetolus of Parthaon of the bright Britona called Britomaris the president of Britayne Aetolus the Sonne of Mars and Brother to bright Britona was Father of Calydon of whom Calydonia sylua by Aetolia in Greece Mother of our Calydonia sylua the generall name of all Britayne tooke name but especially of Calydonia sylua secunda which is Scotland called Britannia secunda In which part of Brytaine at this day is the most ancient Towne of Parthaon now called Perth and Saint Iohns Towne the principall Towne of Aetolia now called Atholl a Region or Countrey of Britannia Albania or Calydonia sylua secunda where the great Calydon Wood which beginneth at Striueling called the Dolorus Mount runneth foorth thorough Mentieth and Stratherne to Aetolia that fruitefull Region of Grampius Mount which reacheth to Lochquhaber and to Calydonium Promontorium which is Cathnesse or Orcha the angle point cape foreland or lands end of Scotland This Calydonia sylua Brytannia was the daughter of Calidonia sylua by Aetolia in Greece who tooke his originall from Calydon the Sonne of Aetolus Aetolia now called Atholl in Britayne is the Daughter of Aetolia a Citty of Albania and Calydonia sylua in Greece so called of Aetolus the Sonne of Mars Parthaon now called Perth or Saint Iohns Towne the principall Towne of Aetolia in Scotland tooke his glorious name of Parthaon the Brother to bright Britona called Britomaris the president Brytaine Of whome all Britannia contayning all the Countries and Regions of England Scotland Wales and Cornewall called by Alexander Necham in his book De diuina sapientia Bruti tellus took the most glorious name of Britaine For Brute of Albania the Founder of Brittaine came to this Isle by the Oracle of Britona called Diana of Calydonia sylua therefore hee called this Isle of Britannia of the bright Britana c. The same Brute also who was borne in Albania bannished to Albania and the first founder of Britayne called Albania called all our Countrey of Britayne Albion seu Albania not of the White Rockes and Cliftes as some men suppose but of Albania in Asia and Albania Epiri in Greece the Countrey of Helenus and Andromache Quéene of Albania Epiri from whence Brute of Albania brought the Albanian Troyans the founders of Britayne To approue what formerly hath béene sayde without any néede of repetition wée haue a multitude of most glorious Recordes and Chronicles Written and Printed confirmed by the Testimony of Iulius Caesar by Pope Eleutherius by a Parliament holden at Norham vppon Twede and another at Lincolne in the time of King Edward the first who by his Letters sent from Lyncolne ●o Pope Boniface dooth approoue Brutes Historie to bee no F●ble as some Criticks of our time haue done who will not beleeue our ancient written Records although confirmed by Emperors Kings Popes and Parliamentes neyther the Testimony of Strangers Wherefore by the Oracle of Diana called Britomartis the President of Britayne and by the Oracle of Diana Lucifera that is to say Venus called Bosphorus the bright Quéen of Phrygia and Caria Mother of Eneas and the Graces of whom came Brute of Albania founder of Britaine who brought in Carius a Noble Prince of Lydia and Caria with the people of Caria and Swannes of Carie in Britaine By the Oracles aforesaide the Swans of Carie in Britaine are now stirred vp to maintain the verity of the Brittish History The Goddes of the Gentiles whose Temples our fore-fathers of the Troyan race erected in diuers Countries and regions of Britaine especially at Troia-noua now called London in Britaine where the Troynouants did sometimes Sacrifice Buls Bullocks and Stags to Diana Tauropolia whome the Gentiles called the Quéene of Heauen whych was the same Diana called Bellona whome the Brigantes honoured at Yorke Brigantium Ciuitas And what were these Brigantes I pray ye Herodian saith that the Briges Phryges and Brigantes were all one Whereupon I conclude that the Brigantes that is to say our Northerne Britaines were Phrygian Troyans The Brigantes of Brittaine are the people of Yorkshire Richmondshire Lancashire Dutham westmerland and Cumberland hard to the Pictes Wall where the Abij and Picti Agathyrsi dwell about Abus Aestuariū now called Humber And what were those Abij but Albanian Troyans that came also from Abus a Riuer of Albania Epiri And the auncient Brittaines called Picti Agathyrsi what were they Euen Scythian Troyans of Albania who sprang of Scythes and Agathyrsus the Sonnes of Hercules that sometime raigned in Troy for the famous Cittie of Troy in Phrygia the head of all Asia was in Scythia The noble Troyans were called Taurini and Tauroscythi of a famous mountaine of Asia called Tau●us Mount which runneth thorough all Asia a great part of the Mountain Taurus endeth in Caria which is a countrey of Asia belonging to Troy Venus called Bosphorus the mother of Eneas and the Graces of whome came Brute of Albania the founder of Britaine was Quéen of Phrygia and Caria The famous Riuer of Maeander is in Caria which riuer hath Golden sands and singing Swannes that sometime serued Venus Quéen of Phrygia and Caria wherefore the Swans of Caria and Signets of Troy in Britaine must alwayes sing of Troy Troyans The daughters of heauen and earth Isis Themis Rhea Thetis Abus Arius Alanus Ax Tameres
of Britaine And among his other ordinances he first appointed weights and measures whereby men should buy and sel and deuised very seuere punishments for Theft He raigned 40 yeares and was buried at Troy-nouant Brennus and Belinus the Sonnes of Mulmutius had in their Fathers life time the Land once more deuided betwéene them Belinus enioying Loegria Wales Cornwall and Brennus all the Countries ouer and beyonde Humber But when Brennus grew couetous to exceed his portion and sought to compasse it by forraine assistance he was enforced to flight and Belinus quietly seated in the whole possession Then finished he the foure high-waies of Britaine which his Father had begunne which were called the Fosse Watling-streete Erming-streete and Hiknel-streete confirming to them the priuileges which his Father had formerly granted He builded the Hauen called Belines-gate and a Castle also East-ward from that Gate called long time after Belines Castel but is the same which we now call the Tower of London Hee raigned twenty sixe yeares and was buried in Troy-nouant Gurguintus the Son of Belinus succéeded in Britaine after his Father He subdued Denmark and made them pay tribute to Brittaine In his daies was the Towne of Cambridge with the Vniuersity first founded by Cantaber a Spanyard according to Caius Hee raigned 19. yeares and was buried at Troy-nouant Guintholinus Sonne to Gurguintus raigned after his Father beeing marryed to a vertuous Lady named Mertia who deuised certaine Lawes which afterward were tearmed Mercian Lawes He ruled 27. yeares and was buried at Troy-nouant Sicilus Sonne to Guintholinus raigned after his Father albeit hee was then but seauen yeares old but his Mother Mertia had both the gouernment of his person and of the Realme in which time shee deuised those Lawes before mentioned It is saide that then the Picts arriued in Brittaine and possessed those partes which now are the Marches of England and Scotland hee raigned seauen yeares and was buried at Troy-nouant Kimarus Sonne of Sicilius raigned thrée yeares Elanius Sonne of Kimarus raigned seauen yeares Morindus Bastard Son of Elanius In his time a came a wonderful Monster out of the Irish Seas that destroyed many people and the King in fighting with the said monster was deuoured by him hauing raigned sixe yeares Gorbouianus first Sonne of Morindus who builded the town of Grantham raignd 10. years Archigallus Elidurus Vigenius and Peridurus being all likewise the Sonnes of Morindus raigned seuerally in Brittaine by great contentions all their times scarcely reaching to 27. years yet Elidurus was crowned King three times ech after other But no sooner died Elidurus a King of most milde and princely nature but there passed aboue 185. yeares betweene the said Elidurus and the beginning of King Luds raigne in which time there raigned 33. Kinges of whose names and rule Authors doe so disagrée that I passe them ouer and come to King Helie who was the last of those 33. Kings who gaue name to the Isle of Elie builded a goodly pallace there with reparatiens of the Sluces Ditches Causies about the Isle for conuayance away of the water yet he raigned not fully a yeare Lud eldest son to King Hely succeeded in Britaines gouernment He enclosed Troy-nouant with a Wall made of lime and stone and fortified with diuers faire townes building also a gate in the west part of the wall which he cald Luds-gate He erected likewise a goodly Pallace somewhat néere to Luds-gate which is now the Byshop of Londons Pallace and in méere affection to the Citty hee altered the name thereof from Troy-nouant called it Caer-Lud that is Luds Towne since when corruption hath tearmed it London K. Lud raigned 11. yeares was buried néere Lud-gate He left two sons named Androgeus Tenancius whose minority in yeares made them vncapable of gouernment Cassibaline Brother to K. Lud was admitted King of Britaine or rather Ruler and Protectour of the Land during his Nephewes nonage In the 8. yeare of his raigne Iulius Caesar with his Romans came into Britain wher being wearied at first with a sharp battell after that his nauy well-néere destroyed by a sudden tempest hee returned back into Gallia or France But the next spring being the year before Christ 51. he crossed the seas againe with a greater army and compelled Cassibelane to consent that Brittaine should become tributary to the Romains Then raigned foure Kings in Kent Cingetorix Taximagulus Caruilius Segonax all whose power could not withstand Caesar whose preuailing thus in Britaine was Anno mundi 3913. and after Brute 1060. Cassibelane raigned 17. yeares Tenantius Luds youngest Sonne succéeded as lawfull King of Brittaine because his Brother Androgeus had assisted Caesar against Cassibelane He raigned 23. years and was buried at London Kymbeline or Cimbeline Son to Tenantius succéeded after his Fathers decease In his time was the Sauiour of the World our Lord Iesus Christ borne of the euer-blessed virgine Marie Kymbeline raigned 35. yeares Guiderius eldest Sonne to Kymbaline was King of Britaine in the yeare of our Lorde after his incarnation 17. Hee iudging the Romaines tribute to bée vniust denied to pay it This Guiderius was slaine at Portchester valiantly resisting against Claudius his Romains where one Hamo who was on the Romans side attired him selfe like a Britain changed his shield and armor and so entring the thickest of the British host cam at last where the K. was and so slew him But Aruiragus Brother to Guiderius perceiuing this villainy caused himself presently to be clad in the kings coat armor and other furniture whereby the Kings death was scarcely discerned He renewed the fight with such vndaunted courage the Claudius was beat backe to his ships Homo to the next adioyning Woods whether Aruiragus pursued him and slew him ere he could get off the hauen casting him peece-meal into the sea which Hauen in memory of his name was euer after called Hamans Hauen afterward by corruption Hampton Hauen and now at this day commonly called Southampton Guiderius raigned 23. or after others 29. yeares Aruiragus youngest Sonne to Kymbeline succéeded his Brother as King of Brittaine In his time Vespasian came into Britaine landing at Sandwich or Richborough Also about the yeare of Christ 53. and while this Aruiragus raigned Ioseph of Arimathia was sent by Phillip the Apostle into Brittain and one Simon Zelotes came then thether also Then began Brittaine to be gouerned by Romaine Lieutenantes and Treasurers Aruiragus raigned 28. yeares dyed in the yeare of Grace 73. and was buried at Glocester Marius sonne of Aruiragus succéeded his father in the State and then came the Picts with Roderick their King into this land but Roderick was slaine by Marius and his people vanquished In memory of which victory against the Picts Marius erected a Stone where
1555 1556. Elizabeth Q of England 1559 The Spanish Inquition 1565 1568 1574 Wil. Prince of Orange The Commaunder of Castile 1575 Don Iohn of Austria 1577. The Arch-Duke Mathias 1578. The Prince of Parma 1580. The Duke of Aniou 1581. The States for themselues 1582 The prince of Orange shot 1584 The Prince of Orange murdered 1585 The Earle of Leicester Sir Phillip Sidney slain 1587 Sluice The Lord willoughby 158● Prince Maurice 1592 Ernestus D. of Austria 1594. Prince Maurice shoulde be murdered twice Sir Frances Vere 1595. Albertus Arch duke of Austria 〈…〉 1596 Hulst besiedged 1597 Tournhoult 1598 The Iesuits conspire the death of Prince Maurice The death of K. Phillip 1599 1600 The battaile of Nicuport Prince Maurice and the states losse 1601 1602. 1604 The long siedge at Oastend The Arch-dukes losse at Oastend 1605. 1606 1607 1608 1069 1610. The Originall of the Irish Leyland in Cyg Ca●t Scotach or Scota the wife of Gathelus An. mund 2●33 Camb●e● Lib. 1. dict 3. rub 5 6. The first K. of Ireland Roderick K. of the Picts Turgesius the Tyrant The iust punishment of a lasciuious Tyrant Saxo Grammat Albert. Crantz Syluest Girald Cambrensis O Dermon Mac Morogh Dermon sweareth allegiance to K Henry Gilbert Earl of Chepstone Robert Fitz Stephens Maurice Fitz-gerard Fitzstephens his men passe into Ireland A prophes● of Merlin● Richard Strongbow Earle of Chepstone and Pembroke Celidons prophesye Merlins Prophesie King Henry offended with Earle Strongbow The princes of Ireland sweare fealty to King Henry The yeares of our Lord 1174 1177 1182 1227 1228. 1253 1258 1261. 1267 1268 1269 1270 1272 1281 1295 1293 1314 1315 1317. 1319 1320 1321 1323 1327 1332 1338 1339 1346. 1355 1357 1361 1367 1369 1372 1381 1394 1401. 1403 1407 1413 1414 1420. 1470 1494 1501 1520 1523 1529 1534. 1540 1541 1546. 1546 1547 1548. 1549 1550 1551 1553 1555 1556 1556. 1557 1558 1559 1564 1565 1567 1568. 1570 1571 1572 1579. 1580. 1580. 1582 1584. 1588 1595 1597 1599 1600 1602. 1604. Gathelus a noble Grecian An. Mund. 2416 Ioseph Lib. 2 Cap. 7. Gathelus his departure out of Egypt He landed in Portingale The Citty Brachara builded Campostella builded The Scots foyleth the spaniards Gathelus his Marble stone The inscription on the stone of Gathelus Gathelus his people doo greatly a-abound Gathelus his two sonnes come into Ireland The death of Gathelus and valor of his son Hiberus Scottes and Spaniardes one nation Simon Brechus in Ireland first K. ouer the Scots Fandufus his issue Rothsay transporteth his Scots into the western Isles Argathelia in remembraunce of Gathelus The Pictes come into Albion Ferguhardus in Ireland Fergusius the first king of Scotland Feritharis the second k. of Scotland Howe the first kinges of s●ottes succeded each other The birth of our Sauiour Iesus Christ 54 58 71 75 131 133 162 176 207 211 216 242 252 273 287 322 358 360 363 369 424. 440 The Brittaines tributary to the Scots and Picts 470 481 501 521 531 The death of King Arthur Mordred c. 578 588 England made seuen kingdomes 606 620. 632 645 664 684 A generall Pestilence 688 697 Strange visions in Albion 6●9 716 The Histories of the Kings liues written 734 762 767 769 788 819 824 830. 833 839 The vtter s●buersion of the Picts Translation of the Marble stone 860. 874 A vertuous King 876. 893. 903 943. 959 968 972 976 1000 1002 1010. 1034 1046. 1057 1092 * Thaines were as Barons 1101 1109 The beginning of the Knights of Rhodes 1153 The vertuous life and raigne of K. Dauid 1165 1214 1249 1290 The seueral claimes of Iohn Baliol and Robert Bruse 1250 The firste comming of the Stuarts to the Crowne 1390 The Kings name changed 1424 The inuention of guns in this kings time 1436. The Arte of Printing found out 1461 1488. King Iames married the eldest daughter to Henry 7. King of England 1513 1542 Mary Dowager of France returneth backe into Scotland 1567 Geog. Com. lib. Beros an t Lib. 1. Annius de Viter in Cōment sup 4. Lib. Beros de aut Lib. 1 Iohannes Bodin ad fact hist cogn Franciscus Tarapha Samothes first King of Celtica Wolfang Lazius demigr gen Lib. de Magic success Lib. 22. De ant Cāt. ce●t Lib. 1. Script Brit. ce●t 1. Magus second King Sarron third King Druis 4. K. De bello Gal gic● Lib. 9. Lib. 6. Anti. Lib. 5 Bardus fift King The Celtes subiected by Albion the Gyant Bergion ruled in Ireland Britania of Britona and Britomartis Diana Britonas Oracle Albania Calydonia Aetolia Britannia a Wildernes Ferarum altrix Wilde Buls and Kine Calydon was the son of Aetolus Mars the father of Etolus Parthaon Britona Parthaon now Perth in Aetolia Aetolia now Athol Calydon wood Calydoniū Cathnesse Calydon Aetolia Parthaon Britannia of Britona Albania of Albania Chronicles and written Records of Brute Dianas Temple at Troia noua Diana Tauropolia Theonte● Dea. Diana Bellona of Yorke Briges Phryges Brigantes Abus Aestuarium Abij Alba●i Agathyrsi Troyans called Taurini Tauroscythi Taurus the mansion of Venus Riuers of Britaine are Recordes of Brute Towns and Citties Recordes of Brute Diuers Nations and people of Britain Recordes of Brute Princes Noblemen and Gentlemen Recordes of Brute Brute slewe his Father Siluius Brute met with Corineus Brutes resistance in Gallia Brutes landing in Albion The building of London The deuision of Brittaine by Brute to his sonnes The death of Albanact The death of k. Locrine Madan deuoured by Wolues 2949 Memprecius deuoured by wild beasts 2969 The building of York 3009 3021 The building of Carleill 3046. The building of Cāterbury Winchester and Shaftsbury 3085 The building of Bath 3105. The building of Leircester on the Riuer of Sore 3155 ●150 Britaine deuided the second time Cunedagius builded 3. Temples 3203. The building of Rome 3249 3287 3336 3364 3418 3476. The Pentarchy of fiue Kings 3529 The building of Blackwell hall Malmsbury and the vies builded Mulmutius Lawes The 4 high waies of England The beginning of sanctuary Waights measures to buy and sell by 3574 Britaine againe diuided The names of the foure high wayes of England Belines-gate The building of the Tovver of London 3596 The foundation of Cambridge 3614 3657 The arriual of the Picts 3663. 3669 3670 3676 3686 33. Kinges betwixt Elidurus and Lud. The Isle of Ely 3895 Luds-gate Troy-nouant altered to Luds Towne 3508 The Romā comming into Britain with Caesar Four Kings in Kent 3921 3944 The birth of Iesus Christ The year of Christ 17 Guideruis slaine at Portchester How South hampton became so named 46 Ioseph of Arimathia came into Brittaine Britain gouerned by Romayne Deputies 73 The Pictes comming into Britain Westmaria Westmerland 125 Colchester builded 16● Britain conuerted to the Christian faith Arch-byshops Bishops appointed in Britaine S. Peters Churches at Westminster London in Corne-hill The Wall of Adrian 207 A Trench cast in Brittaine from sea to sea