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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06817 The voyages and trauailes of Sir John Maundeuile knight Wherein is treated of the way towards Hierusalem, and of the meruailes of Inde, with other lands and countries.; Itinerarium. English Mandeville, John, Sir.; Jean, d'Outremeuse, 1338-ca. 1399, attributed name. 1582 (1582) STC 17251; ESTC S107901 91,951 146

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THE Voyages and Trauailes of Sir John Maundeuile KNIGHT Wherein is treated of the way towards Hierusalem and of the meruailes of Inde with other Lands and Countries LONDON Printed by Thomas Este The Preface Heere beginneth a little treatise or booke named Iohn Maundeuile Knight borne in England in the Towne of S. Albone and speaketh of the wayes to Hierusalem to Inde and to the great Caane and also to Prestor Iohns land and to many other countries and also of many meruailes that are in the holy land FOrasmuch as the land ouer the Sea that is to say the holie land that some call the land of Bihest among all other lands is most worthie and soueraigne for it is blessed hallowed and sacred of the precious bloud of our Lord Iesus Christ in the which land it liked him to take flesh and bloud of the Virgin Marie and to enuiron that land with his owne feete and there he would do many miracles preach and teach the faith and the law of christian men as vnto his children and there he would suffer manie reproues and scornes for vs and hee that was king of heauen and hell of earth of aire of sea and land and of all things that are contained in them would alonely be called king of that land when hee said Rex sum Iudaeorum I am King of the Iewes For at that time it was the land of Iewes and that land he chose before all other lands as the best and most worthie of vertues of all the world And as the Philosopher saith Virtus rerum in medio consistit that is to say the vertue of things is in the midst and in that land hee would lead his life and suffer passion and death of the Iewes for vs to saue and deliuer vs from the paines of hell and from death without end the which was ordained to vs for the sinne of our father Adam and our owne sins also for as for himselfe he had none euill done nor deserued for he neuer thought ne did any euill for he that was king of glory and of ioy might best in that place suffer death For hee that will doe any thing that he will haue knowne openly he will proclaime it openly in the middle place of a towne or of a Citie so that it may be knowne to all parties of the citie So he that was king of glorie and of all the world would suffer death for vs at Hierusalem which is the midst of the world so that it might be knowne to all nations of the world how deare he bought man that hee made him with his hands to his owne likenesse for the great loue that he had to vs Ah deare God what loue hee had to his subiects when hee that had done no trespasse would for his trespassours suffer death for a more worthie cattel he might not haue set for vs then his owne blessed body and his owne precious bloud the which he suffered for vs right well ought men to loue worship dread and serue such a Lord praise such an holy land that brought forth a Lord of such fruite through the which each man is saued but if it be his owne default This is that land prepared for an heritage to vs and in that land would he die as seased to leaue it to his children For the which each good christian man that may and hath wherewith should strength him for to conquere our right heritage purchase out of the euill peoples hands for we are cleped christian men of Christ our father and if we be the right children of Christ we ought to challenge the heritage that our father left vs take it out of strange mens hands But now Pride Couetise and Enuie hath so inflamed the hearts of the Lords of the world that they are more busie to disherite their neighbours then to challenge or conquere their right heritage aforesaid And the common people that would put their bodies and their cattell for to conquere our heritage they may not do it without lords for assembling of the people without a chiefe Lord is as a flock of sheepe without a shepheard the which depart asunder and wot not whither they shall go But would God the worldly Lords were at a good accord with other of their common people would take this holy voyage ouer the sea I trust well that within a little time our right heritage before said should be reconciled and put into the hands of the right heirs of Iesu Christ And forasmuch as it is long time that there was any generall passage ouer the sea that many men desire to heare speaking of the holy land and haue thereof great solace and comfort Wherefore yee shall heare by me Iohn Maundeuile Knight which was borne in England in the towne of Saint Albones and passed the sea in the yeare of our Lord Iesu Christ a thousand iii. C. on the day of Saint Michael and there remained long time and went through many lands many prouinces kingdomes Iles and haue passed through Turky and through Armony the little the great through Tartary Persia Surry Araby Egypt the high and the low through Libia Chalde and a great part of Ethiope through Amazony through Inde the lesse the more a great part and through many other Iles which are about Inde where many people dwelleth of diuers lawes and shapes Of the men of which lands Iles I shall speake more plainly and I shall declare part of the things what they are when time shall be after it may best come to my minde and specially for them that will and are in purpose for to visite the holy citie of Hierusalem and the holy places that are thereabout and I shall tell the way that they shall hold thether for I haue many times passed and ridden it with good company and with many Lords The Voyages and Trauailes of Sir Iohn Maundeuile Knight Hee that will goe toward Hierusalem on horse on foote or by sea Chap. j. IN the name of God Almightie Hée that will trauaile to Hierusalem may goe many waies both by sea and by land after the country that he commeth from but thincke not I will tell all the Townes Cities and castels that men shall go by for then should I make too long a tale but onely the most principall countries cities and townes that men shall go by and through to go the right way First if a man come from the West side of the world as England Ireland Wales Scotland and Norway he may if hée will goe through Almaine and throughout the kingdome of Hungary which King is a great lord and a mightie and holdeth many lands and great for he holdeth the land of Hungary Sauoy Camony a great part of Bulgary that men call the land of Bugres and a great part of the kingdome of Russie and that lasteth to the land of Milland and marcheth on Ciprus and men passe thus through the land of
messes together they sing in the bringing a song and they cut his meate and put it in his mouth and hée hath right long nailes on his hands that is great nobilitie in that country and therefore they let their nailes grow as long as they may and some let them grow so long that they come about their hands and that is great honour and gentry and the gentry of a woman is to haue small féete and therefore as soone as they are borne they binde their féete so straight that they cannot waxe halfe as they should And hée hath a full faire Pallace and rich where hée dwelleth of which the wall is two mile about and there is many faire gardens and all the pauements of the hal and chambers is of gold and siluer and in the midst of one of his gardens is a little hill wheron is a place made with towres and pinacles all of gold and there he will sit often to take the ayre and disport for it is made for nothing else From this land men may goe through the land of the great Caane How all the Lands Iles and kingdomes before rehearsed haue some Articles of our Faith Chap. cvij. AND yée shall vnderstand that all these men and folke that haue reason that I haue spoken of haue some articles of our faith and though they bée of diuers lawes and beliefes yet they haue some good points of our faith and they beléeue in God as the Prophesie saith Et metuent cum omnes fines terrae That is to say And all the ends of the earth shal dread him And in another place Omnes gentes seruient ei That is to say All Nations shall serue him but they cannot speake perfectly but as their naturall wit teacheth them neither of the Sonne nor of the holy Ghost but they can well speake of the Bible and specially of Genesis and of the bookes of Moyses And they say that those creatures which they worship are no Gods but they worship them for the great vertue that is in them which may not bée without the speciall grace of God and of simulacres and Idols they say that al men haue simulacres wherby they meane the Papists who haue Images of our Lady and other but they think that they worship the Images of stone and of wood and not the Saints whom they doe represent for as the letter teacheth Clarks how they shall beléeue so Images and Picture teacheth lay men they say also that the Angell of God speaketh to them in their Idols and doe miracles and they say truth but it is the euill Angell that doth miracles to maintaine them in their Idolatry How Sir Iohn Maundeuile leaueth many meruailes vnwritten and the cause wherefore Chap. cviij THere are many other Countryes where I haue not yet béene nor séene and therefore I cannot speake properly of them Also in countries where I haue béene are many meruailes that I speake not of for it were too long a tale and therefore hold you apaid at this time with that I haue said for I will say no more of meruailes that are there so that other men that goe thether may find enough for to say that I haue not told What time Sir Iohn Maundeuile departed out of England Chap. cix ANd I Iohn Maundeuile went out of my country and passed the Sea the yéere of our Lord 1332. and haue passed through many Lands Iles and countries and now am come to rest I haue compiled this booke and writ it the yéere of our Lord. 1366. thirtie two yéere after my departing from my Country The rather for the pleasure of all such as delight to read of the strange and wonderfull meruailes of other forraine countries as also for a direction to all such as shall desire to sée eyther all or some of these countries heretofore specified and because some things herein spoken of may séeme straunge and scarcely credible therefore I haue thought good to make knowne vnto all that will sée more proofe hereof in the booke called Mapa Mundy there they shall finde the most part of the same ratified and confirmed And I pray all that shall read this booke and looke for no further proofe to iudge fauourably therof since they shall in conceit sée as much at home without much paines as I did after many weary and dangerous steps passed and I pray to God of whom all grace commeth that hée will fulfill with his grace the readers and hearers hereof and saue them body and soule and bring them to his Ioy that euer shall last Amen FINIS THE TABLE HEe that will goe toward Hierusalem on horse on foote or by sea chap. 1 Of the Ilands of Greece chap. 2 To come againe to Constantinople to go to the holy land chap. 3 Of a terrible Dragon chap. 4 Of a young man and his lemman chap. 5 Of the manner of hunting in Cypres chap. 6 Of the hauen named Iaffe chap. 7 Of the hauen of Tire chap. 8 Of the hill Carme chap. 9 How Sampson slew the king and his enimies chap. 10 The way to Babilon whereas the Souldan dwelleth chap. 11 Yet here followeth of the Souldan and the kingdomes that hee hath conquered which hee holdeth strongly with force chap. 12 For to returne from Sinay to Hierusalem chap. 13 As men are passed this wildernesse againe comming to Hirusalem chap. 14 Here followeth a little of Adam and Eue and other things chap. 15 Of the dry tree chap. 16 From Ebron to Bethlehem cha 17 Of a faire mayden that should bee put to death wrongfully chap. 18 Of the cittie Hierusalem chap. 19 Yet of the holy cittie of Hierusalem chap. 20 Of the Church and of the holy sepulcher chap. 21 Of the Temple of God chap. 22 Yet of the Temple of God chap. 23 Of king Herod chap. 24 Of saint Saluatours church cha 25 The field of Acheldemack which was bought with the xxx pence chap. 26 Of the mount Ioy. chap. 27 Of the castle of Bethania chap. 28 Of Iericho other things cha 29 Of the holy place betweene Bethania and the riuer Iordane with other things chap. 30 Of Abraham and his generation chap. 31 Of the riuer Iordane chap. 32 Of many other meruailes chap. 33 Of the Samaritones chap. 34 Of Galile chap. 35 Of the way of Nezareth to the mount or hill of Tabor chap. 36 Of the sea of Galile chap. 37 Of the Table whereon Christ eate after his resurrection chap. 38 Of strange manners and diuers chap. 39 For to turne againe on this side of Galile chap. 40 How a man may goe furthest and longest in those Countries that are here rehearsed chap. 41 Of other wayes for to goe by land vnto Hierusalem chap. 42 Yet of another way by land toward the land of Promise chap. 43 Of the faith of the Sarasins and of the booke of their Law named Alkaron chap. 44 Yet it treateth more of Mahomet chap. 45 Of the birth of Mahomet chap. 46