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A02895 The pageant of popes contayninge the lyues of all the bishops of Rome, from the beginninge of them to the yeare of Grace 1555. Deuided into iii. sortes bishops, archbishops, and popes, vvhereof the two first are contayned in two bookes, and the third sort in fiue. In the vvhich is manifestlye shevved the beginning of Antichriste and increasing to his fulnesse, and also the vvayning of his povver againe, accordinge to the prophecye of Iohn in the Apocalips. ... Written in Latin by Maister Bale, and now Englished with sondrye additions by I.S.; Acta Romanorum pontificum. English Bale, John, 1495-1563.; Studley, John, 1545?-1590? 1574 (1574) STC 1304; ESTC S100602 276,183 440

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had raigned 50 yeare in his life he lacked lyuinge and after death he wanted a graue throughe malice of the Pope Pope Paschal held a councell of Princes and bishoppes about matter of gaynes as homages and fealtyes due vnto him also he spoiled the bishop of Rauenna of his lands and toke them into his owne handes But afterwarde because he refused to confirme certaine bishops appointed by the Emperour Henry the fift the Emperour though la●e before he had kissed the Popes feete apprehēded him and cast him into prison where he continued vntill he had cōfirmed them all and should by his Seale restore the priuiledge of ratifying a bishop which was graunted to Charles the great and confirme him to be Emperour While sayth Masseus the Pope sate in his chayre after Masse beholde the souldiours cryed vnto him and his clergye Giue vnto Caesar that which is Caesars and forthwith apprehended both him and all his clergye and caryed them out and stripped them out of their apparell so naked that they lefte them not theyr breeches on and ledde them thus hādled to Soractis mount wher they put them in prison c. This broyle being ceased and Henry being crowned Emperour Paschal renued vnto him the auctoritye of appointing bishops and pronounced openlye in the Church that they were all held accursed who soeuer would disanul the preuiledge which he had graunted Then thy sange Gloria in excelsis because of this peace betwene the Emperour and the Pope But as sone as the Emperour this being done was departed into Germanye the Pope brake al his oathes and went from his word in euerye thinge saying that hee did it not freelye and of his owne accorde but that for feare hee yelded to the Emperours desire Then was the priuiledge condemned and the Emperour excommunicated and terrible tragedyes sturred which were all blazed throughe diuers countryes Also hee by a councell diuorsed the clergye of Fraunce from their wyues as Gregorie had done in Germanye and draue diuers bishops frō their Seas because they would not leaue theyr wyues Againe to encrease the regiment of Rome he reuiued the strife for the bestowīg of bishoprickes which wrought great slaughter and bloudshed in all countreyes of Europe Anselmꝰ archbishop of Canterbury wyth sophistrye and cauillinge vphelde this Popes doing as he did Pope V●banus being both their coūcelour at Rome their Uicar here in Englande This Anselmus did depriue kinge Henry the first of all auctoritye in Ecclesiastical causes and denyed to do homage to the kinge thinking and auouching it to be vnlawfall because it was due in the clergye vnto the successours of S. Peter Also he condemned in England the mariage of ministers Pope Paschal dyed Anno 1118. Matthaeus Pa●siensis wryteth in his Chronicle that when Anselmus accused his soueraigne kinge Henry the first of England before the Pope at Rome for medling with the appointing of bishops and ministers VVilliam VVarelwarst the kinges Proctour did aunsweare stoutlye in hys Princes behalfe and amonge other thinges sayd that the kinge would not for the losse of his kingdome lese his auctoritye in appointing of prelates ▪ Whereto the Pope said If as thou sayest thy kinge to hazarde his crowne wil not forgoe his giuing of Ecclesiasticall lyuinges knowe thou preciselye I speake it before God that I will not suffer him without punishmēt no not for the price of his head Which beinge heard Anselmus besought the Pope to laye hands in despite of the kinge on those whom he had disgraded so sayth Mattheus the holye seate readye to yelde fauour to all restored them to their former dignities by the intercession of White and red But kinge Henry did depriue Anselmus of all his goodes and confiscated his Archbishopricke and defyed the Popes auctoritye Anno 1110. the Moone was darkened as if she had lost her lighte the yeare following it rayned bloud at Rauenna in Italy at Parma in the month of Iulye Anno 1114. in December the Heauen appeared sodenlye of a very fierye and ruddye colour as if it had burned and the Moone suffered an Eclipse The same yeare the riuer of Thames was drye for two dayes Anno 1 ▪ 17. there were thonders hayle great windes horrible dreadful and houge earthquakes that ouerthrewe Churches Towers walles buildinges and destroyed men 102. Gelasius the second GElasius the second called before Iohn Caietanus of a noble house was sometime a monke he succeded Paschal but not without great discention For because he was chosen withoute the consente of the Emperour one Cincius a mā of great power in Rome would not suffer this iniurye but went with a troupe of souldiours to Palladiā minster where the Cardinals were gathered together and breakinge the gates open he rushed in vppon them and stroke at euerye one that he mette And as for the Pope with his necke wrongde awrye he threwe him on the ground stamped on him wyth his feete and cast him into prison and as the Cardinals were rūning away he hoysed them of their Mules and horses to the grounde and vsed all the despite he could toward them But the Romaynes would not suffer this and therfore by the ayde of the Normans they deliuered the Pope made his ennemyes to submit themselues and to aske pardon wyth kissinge his feete The Emperour hearing this sent a great ar●●ye out of Germanye to Rome which Gelasius fearing fled by shippe wyth his companye to Caieta and there was made a priest for he was made Pope before beinge but a deacon Henry the Emperour comming to Rome in the absence of Gelasius created Maurice Burdinus archbishop of Bracharie Pope and called him Gregorie the eight and thē he returned frō Rome Gelasius hearinge thereof returneth priuilye to Rome and takinge harte to him he commeth into Praxis Church to saye masse where he was so hindred by the contrarye syde that he scant saued himselfe by running away From thence he fled into Fraunce where at the length he was entertayned by an abbot in whose house hee dyed of a pleuresye in the seconde yeare of his raigne In his life by a Legat that he sent he held a councell in Collen where he excommunicated the Emperour and decreed that the Popes of Rome should be iudged by none 103. Calixtus the seconde CAlixtus the second being before called Guido of Burgundy came of the kinges of Fraunce and Englande he succeded Gelasius And after he was cōfirmed at Rome he sent a messenger to the said Conon in Germanye to cōtinue the excommunication of his predecessour against the Emperour Hereupon the Emperour was cōpelled to summon a councell of Princes and bishops at Tybur to make peace betweene him the Pope and least the Popes part shoulde haue spoyled his dominions he toke peace vppon vnequall conditions He confirmed to his great dishonour the electiō of this Calixtus who was chosen Pope at Cluny in Fraunce by a fewe Cardinals whom Gelasius had brought wyth him and yet was the other
Pope Gregorie aliue whom the Emperour himselfe had first created And when the Popes Legates demaunded of the Emperour to giue ouer his auctoritye in Ecclesiasticall causes and bestowing spirituall liuinges he desired respit to deliberate thereon with the Princes of Germanye who councelled him to seeke for the fauour of the Pope to such puissancye was the Pope then start vp ouer the mightie Monarches Finallye Embassadours meetinge at VVormes in Germanye for eyther parte to debate the matter after greate controuersyes and sharpe reasoninges on eyther syde the Pope bare awaye the victorye for the Emperours Proctours were the bishop of Spire and the abbot of Fulda by theyr callinge bounde to fauour the Popes part who perswaded the Emperour to yelde ouer his righte for feare of the excomunication which would cause his subiects to reuolt from him And so he obeyed This beinge done the Popes Legates did absolue him and gaue him licence to repayre to seruice in the Church which Gelasius had denyed him These compositions were drawne in wrighting for both sydes and therfore the Popes part euen to triūph of their victorye and shewe how the Emperour was vanquished caused theirs to be read with open Proclamation and hanged them vp at Lateran to be seene openlye Calixtus after he had thus maistred the Emperour persecuted Pope Gregorie his aduersarye that stoode against him for the Popedome by the Emperours meanes Gregorie hearing of this fled from Rome to Sturium where Calixtus caught him and to make him a laughing game euen to the Emperours reproche he caused Gregorie to be set vppon a Camel with his face toward the Camels tayle so to be brought to Rome afterward he caused his heade to be shauen so sente him into a Monasterye Amonge manye Canons that Calixtus made one was that it should be adulterye if a man in his life time shoulde forsake his bishopricke or Church wresting this place of Paule vnto it The wyfe is bound to the lawe of her husbande while he liueth c.. He appointed to fast foure times in the yeare whereas before it was but thrise and said it was not lawfull to fast anye otherwise then accordinge as the Church of Rome did addinge this reason For sayth hee as the sonne came to do the will of his father so muste Christians do the will of their mother the Church of Rome He dyed of a feuer which he toke by the trauell of a greate iorneye Anno 1125. One Simeon an Englishman borne in Duresme in the 2. booke of his historye of the Kinges of Englande wryteth that this Calixtus held a generall councell in Fraunce wherin he forbad priestes deacons or subdeacons to haue wyues and first to leese their benefices secondlye the Communion if they woulde not yeilde herein Wherevppon one in Englande wrote a sharpe Epigram against him thus in effect O bone Calixte nunc omnis clerus odit te Quondam presbyteri poterant vxoribus vti Hoc destruxisti postquam tu Papa fuisti Ergo tuùm meritò nomen habent odiò O good Calixtus now the clergye doth the hate In former tyme the Churchmen might enioy their spousal mate But thou bast takē this away to Popeship since thou came Therefore as thou deserued hast they do detest thy name 104. Honorius the seconde HOnorius the second before called Lambert being but of base byrth was first made bishop of Hostia for his learninge and so came to be Pope But sayth Platina his entraunce into Peters place is not to be commēded because he came in rather by the ambition of a few then the cōsent of good men for he was made Pope with great debate by the pollicy of one Leo Frangepain the chiefest Citizen who perswaded that they should not chose the Pope before they knewe all the Canons concerning the electiō While they stayed about this Leo practised to serue this Popes turne by such fetches as he could deuise but the Cardinals perceyuinge his policye did create one Theobaldus a Cardinall Pope callinge him Celestine but the people stoode earnestlye vrginge for another Cardinall that was a Saxō which Leo seemed to like of onelye to defeate the election of the Cardinals and when by this meanes he had the people somwhat indifferent to be ruled by him he brought to passe by them to make Lambert Pope and called him Honorius This Honorius sayth Mattheus Parisiensis sent out a Legat one Iohn Cremensis a riotous Cardinal to fil the Popes bagges He cōming into England Anno 1125. wyth the kinges fauour passed from one Religious house to another still fillinge his pouches with moneye and hys panche with delicate cheare And when he had euen loaden himselfe meetely wel he held a Synode in London where he cōdemned all the clergye of adultery which had wyues and euen the selfe same daye at night my Lord Legat himselfe euen his owne parson was taken in adultery And yet Pope Honorius wrote in his behalfe to the clergye of Englande thus Wee desire you charge you and commaunde you that ye receyue this Iohn as the Uicar of S. Peter w t reuerence heare him with humilitye and at his commaūdement be assistant at his Synodes c. The like for him wrote Honorius to Dauid kinge of Scottes There is a certaine statute made by the same Iohn in the said Synode helde at London to this effecte Wee by our Apostolicall auctoritye commaunde that priestes deacons subdeacons and canonists shall not come in companye wyth theyr wyues concubines yea or any other women except theyr mother sister or aunte or such womē as may altogether giue no suspition and who so shall breake this shall forfaite his orders Wee commaunde that no mariage shal be made betweene kindred or affinitye to the seuenth degree Honorius dyed Anno 1130. Platina sayth that in the time of this Honorius one Arnulphus an Englishmā and a noble preacher of the Christen Religion was murthered at Rome by the treacherye of the clergye because he did sharpelye reproue theyr royat and wantonnesse and rebuked theyr pompe and greedinesse in gatheringe riches Manye of the nobles of Rome did followe this man as a true disciple Prophete of Christe and onelye preacher of the truth 105. Innocentius the second INnocentius the second after he was made Pope coulde deuise no more charitable deede then to suppresse Roger Duke of Sicilia for sayinge that he was kinge of Italye The Pope broughte oute his armye and marched forward stoutlye and manfullye ouerthrew his ennemye but the dukes sonne comminge vppon his backe with an army toke the Pope and his Cardinals and so Roger obtayned all besyde the title of Sicilia In the meane time the Romaynes created one Peter Leo his sonne Pope and called him Anacletus which being heard Innocentius desired to be set at libertye and obtayned it and purposed to returne to Rome but because he saw al was in an vprore at Rome he turned frō thence trauayling till he came into Fraūce In the meane
time Anacletus sought wyth spendinge and brybinge to winne and confirme all mens good wills towarde him that anye way seemed to fauour him He made Roger kinge of both Sicils to be his freinde Innocentius was busye on the other syde to recouer the Popedome therefore held a councell in Fraunce and condemned Anacletus for an ennemye of the Church Afterward he went to Philip kinge of Fraunce and crowned his sonne Lewes then he wente to Carnotus where he met with Henry the first kinge of Englande perswading with him to send an armye against the Sarracens that kept the holye lande but his purpose was to haue vsed that army for the recouering of his Popedome From him he went to Lotharius kinge of Germanye desyringe him to see him restored Lotharius gyuinge his oath to the Pope prepared an armye to conducte Innocent safe to Rome So Lotharius entred into Italye wyth a puissante armye to restore Innocent to hys place and comminge to Rome deuided his hoast and entred into the Citye ouerthrewe Anacletus with duke Roger and set Innocētius safe in Lateran Innocentius therefore to shew himselfe thanckfull crowned Lotharius Emperour and gaue to Reginold his chiefest Captayne the Dukedome of Apulia that was none of his owne to bestow and all that Roger possessed in Italy ▪ But Reginold dyed soone after and then Roger claymed his right againe and because the Pope withstoode him he toke him againe his Cardinals sodenly ere that they wist would neuer let them depart vntill they had graunted him his whole desire yea to make him kinge of both Sicils and so since that time the kingdome of Sicill is called S. Peters patrimonye But sayth Nauclerus much mischiefe arose vp hereof because the Pope woulde thus take vppon him the bestowinge of Princelye titles robbinge the Emperours of that righte which they had gotten by the sworde Innocentius made a lawe that whosoeuer should strike an annointed priest or shauen clarke shoulde be excommunicated to be absolued onelye by the Pope after this hee dyed Anno 1143. In this Popes time Steuen Kinge of Englande Anno 1136. kept to himselfe and vsed in his owne power the inuesture of prelates And Lotharius the Emperour would haue reclaymed that to himselfe which the Pope toke from Henry the Emperour but that S. Bernard being then of great credite disswaded him About this time was VVilliam bishop of Yorke called S. VVilliam of Yorke who was poysoned in his challice by his Chapleynes 106. Celestine the second CElestine the second a Thuscan succeded Innocent by the commaundement of Conradus his life was so shorte that he could not play the Pope like other At this tyme was a great contagious plague through out al Italy Celestine dyed in the sixt month of his Popeship In his time the bishop of VVinchester in Englande helde a councell where was concluded that if any man abused eyther Church or Churchyard or layde hand on an Ecclesiasticall person he shoulde be excommunicate to be absolued onelye by the Pope 107. Lucius the second LVcius the second borne in Bononia succeded Celestine He was the cause auctor of much discension in Rome for deposing and disanullinge a kinde of office called Patricianship which the Romaynes being weary of the Popes yoke had made in the time of Innocentius because the Popes toke vppon them all swaye within the Citye abroade likewise But this Pope Lucius because he was not able to depose the Patrician alone craued ayde of the Emperour Conradus whoe beinge otherwise busied coulde not assiste him Lucius therefore soughte to attaine his purpose another waye for when the Patrician the Senatours were all gathered together close in the Capitol Lucius toke his oportunitye and came thither with a bande of souldiours in armour meaninge either to destroye the Capitoll or to driue them out The Cityzēs hearing hereof armed them selues forthwith and ranne to succour theyr officer whervppon roose a very bloudye fraye Pope Lucius beinge in the middest of the broyle was so pelted with stones and other lumpes that sone after he dyed therof Anno 1145 ere he had raigned a yeare 108. Eugenius the third EVgenius the thirde sometime an abbot was made Pope by this meanes w t the consente of the Cardinals This Eugenius was scholer to S. Barnard who for his learning was then in great reuerence and cōsidering the time how the Romaynes wrangled to haue auctoritye in the electiō of the Pope they thoughte it safest and surest for the maintenaunce of the Popes auctoritye to chose none of the Colledge of Cardinals but this Eugenius that it mighte be a cause why his scholemaister Barnarde shoulde aduaunce the Sea of Rome in his wrytinges and so it fell out as it appeareth in his 2. booke of Considerations Eugenius at his first creation perceyued the Romaynes woulde be importunate to haue the election of theyr Senatours ratifyed and therefore hee fled wyth his Cardinals from Rome by night to Viterbium where he excommunicated all the Romaynes which caused the Citizens to obeye Iordan chosen Patrician then he ioyned his armye with the hoast of the Tiburtines olde ennemyes to Rome so compelled the Romaynes to sue for peace which he graunted at length vppon condition that they should fullye abolish the principalitye of the Patrician and shoulde restore his deputye to his former place and for hereafter shoulde be contente to take suche Senatours as hee by his Papall auctoritye would assigne them Peace beinge thus concluded he returned into Rome but perceyuing afterwarde that falsehoode was mente towarde him he slipt againe to Tiburie the Romaynes pursued him forthwith with bowes and bils and draue him from Tiburie into Fraunce And at length he returned to Rome and there dyed Anno 1152. 109. Anastasius the fourth ANastasius of a Cardinall became Pope wherein hee did nothinge worthye memorye but that hee bestowed vppon Lateran a riche and massye Chalice and bestowed cost in repayringe S. Maries Churche and so dyed the seconde yeare of his Popeship Anno 1154. This Anastasius after the death of one Henry Mordachus a proud mōke whom Pope Eugenius intruded restored S. Williā archbishop of Yorke which William was afterward poysoned in the Challice comminge to receiue the Communion as Mattheus Parisius sayth In this Popes time y Thames at London was so frozen the cartes and waynes passed ouer the I se and a litle before were two Eclipses one of the Sunne and the other of the Moone after which followed terrible tempestes stormes thonder lightninges raine and winde 110. Hadrian the fourth HAdrian the fourth was an Englishmā borne called Nicolas Breakespeare the sonne of one Dan Robert a mōke of S. Albanes he was first a reguler priest afterwarde a bishop then a Cardinall and finallye Pope of Rome He being chosen by the clergye at Rome would not ascende take the place vntill they had consented vnto him that one Arnold bishop of Brixia whom he counted an hereticke should be banished
crosses shoulde passe ouer to assist the Emperour but he draue them oute of Apulia Lombardye shewinge himselfe a wicked and mischieuous man by many other meanes in slaying those Germaynes that returned from the Emperour moste cruellye Thus while the good Emperour defended the flocke of Christe with the sworde abroade the Pope deuoured and spoyled them at home After the Emperour had wonne from the Soldā Hierusalem Nazereth Ioppa hee toke a truce with him for tenne yeares whereof he certifyed the Pope by his letters looking that the Pope woulde haue shewed himselfe ioyfull therof and all Christians likewyse But the Pope despysing and reiecting the letters commaunded the messengers that broughte them to be put to death leaste they should make report of the Emperours noble successe Also he spreade this rumour that the Emperour was dead to this ende to make such Cityes in Apulia to shrincke for feare as had with stode to submit themselues to him And both to stop the Emperours returne and to obtaine Apulia at his pleasure he wrote to the Soldan desyring him not to yeld the Holy lande to the Emperour as he was about to do But the Emperour finishing his matters with the Soldan returned into Italye whereupon the slaughter of his men done by the Pope as they returned stayed and within a while he draue the Popes power oute of Apulia and by the helpe of God recouered all his owne from him Hereupon the Pope did excōmunicate him and curse him a newe and conspired with the Lombards and Thuscans to rebell against him because he had made a league with the Soldan But in the ende many Princes seekinge to set them at vnitye the Emperour had absolution of the Pope paying to him for it ere as Platina saith he could obtaine it an hundred thousande ounces of gould For sayth Vspergensis notwithstanding all these iniuries yet so often as the Pope did excommunicate him he craued and sued for the benefite of absolution humblye with all obedience deuocion yelding of iustice Soone after the Emperour prepared to go into Germanye to redresse certaine disorders doone by his eldest sonne Henry the Pope hearinge thereof wrote to the estates of Germanye commaundinge that they should make none of the Emperours family king of the Romaynes because the kinge of the Romaines is heyre apparent to the Empyre Frederick vnderstanding this treachery and that the Pope had conspired a freshe w t manye Princes of Italy against him did forthwith inuade Italy suppressed the rebellious Lombards wanne diuers townes in Vmbria and Hetruria subdued to the Empyre Lomberdie Viterbie Peruse Fauentia Cremona Vicentia Patauy all which had conspired with the Pope The Pope seinge this cursed him againe The Emperour hearinge of it because the Popes couetousnesse ambition tyrannye and pride grewe so great that it was no longer to be suffered thought good to reueale the same to all Christians to reclayme them from their errour and false Religion and therfore he lying in Patauy commaunded a certaine learned mā wel studyed in the Scriptures to preach before him concerninge the Popes curse of the Church of Rome After the preacher had disclosed all the abuses of the Pope and his Church the Emperour moued thereby wrote these 2. Uerses to the Pope Roma diu titubans longis erroribus acta Corruet mundi desinet esse caput Rome that hath rulde long and hath in errour farre beene ledde Shal come to nought and cease to be on earth the supreame hedde ¶ The Popes aunsvveare to the Emperour Niteris incassum nauem submergere Petri Fluctuat at nunquam mergitur illa ratis To drowne S. Peters shippe ye spende your labour all in vaine It tottreth oft but sinks not so but it may floate againe ¶ The Emperours replye Fata volunt stellaeque docent auiumque volatus Quod Fredericus ego maleus orbis ero ▪ T is destinye the starres of heauen and flight of foules do showe I Frederick shal be the club to strike the deadlye blowe ¶ The Popes aunsvveare Fata volunt Scriptura docet peccata loquuntur Quod tibi vita breuis paena perennis erit T is destenye the Scripture shewes and thy offences tell Thy life is short thy paine shall last for euermore in hell Thus was the Emperour nowe the thirde time excommunicated by the Pope and pronounced not Emperour but at this time there were manye Cardinals that disalowed the Popes doing so that the Emperour had many frends in Italy because he still sued and sought for the Popes fauour and could not haue it and now therefore he set all at defiance in maner afore shewed Of this Gregorie Mattheus Parisius sayth further callinge him bloud sucker couetous Pope that he held a councell at Rome to depose the Emperour who had maryed Isabel doughter to king Iohn of England and ere the councell began he caused the Apostles heades to be borne aboute the Citye in a solemne procession that the sighte thereof mighte astonishe mens mindes and drawe their hartes from the Emperour Also he gaue free pardon to euery one that would fight against him The Emperour vnderstanding it stopped all passages both by Sea and lande and taking many Cardinals other prelates as they were sayling awaye he put them in prison hee drowned ii Cardinals in the Sea of the rest some bishops abbots and chaplins and amonge them the Popes brother for their notorious and haynous treasons were hanged The first excommunication that was sent out against this Emperour arose of this groūd because themperour would not at the Popes commaundement daunger himselfe and many Christians with him to go out to fight for the holy land For the Pope as it appeared by his actes coueted to encroch the kingdome of both Sicils Apulia other landes so that he sought meanes how to destroy the Emperour being inheritour thereof which he mighte see come to passe by the chaunce of the warre or els while the Emperour should there haue beene busye against the infidels he in the meane time as chiefe prelate hauing Christendome committed to his credite mighte the more easely disposses the Emperour Furthermore this Gregorie was the cause of sedicion in Rome for banishing one Hannibal oute of the Senate because he sued to recouer the aunciente Romaine libertyes Also he prouoked the Poloniās to destroy the Prutenians being his foes He made that cursed deuision in Italy which to the great confusion of Christiā bloud lasteth to this daye betweene the Guelphes and Gibelines for these being two of the most noble and famous houses in Italye whereof the one name whollye that is the Gibelines toke part with the Emperour the Guelphe w t the Pope and this quarrel hath doth last to this day betwene all of the one name against all of the other w t continuall reuenge as oportunitye serueth from time to time Amonge diuers other his superstitious deedes these were some he canonized S. Dominick S Fraūcis
barbarous Pyrates then this churlishe Boniface He hated the Gibelines with such rancour that in persecuting them he heard saye that some of them were fled to the Genewaies therupon he poasted thether to destroy them vtterly to roote out the very name of them vpon earth And when vpon Ash wednesdaye he should according to the superstitious vse crosse al comme●s on the forheade with ashes and saye vnto them thus Remember man that thou art ashes and to ashes thou shalte returne Upon the same day for the same cause the archbishop of Porchet who was a Gibeline came vnto him kneelinge downe vnto the Pope put of his cappe to haue the ashes put on his head whō when Boniface had espyed beinge neither ashamed for the time nor the place nor the people present vttered his rancour towarde the bishoppe most shamefullye For takinge vp an handfull of ashes he threwe them spitefullye in the eyes of the bishop sayinge reprochfullye wyth malicious chaunge of woordes Remember man thou arte a Gibeline and to the Gibelines thou shalt returne And beside this depriued him of his archbishopricke though in the ende he restored it In his time were great and cruell warres betwene the Sicilians and Robert duke of Calabria which wroughte much mischiefe to all Italye and yet the Pope being oftētimes requested thereunto would neuer with his auctoritye steppe in betwene them to pacifye the matter But by the prouidence of God they that before fled out of Italye with the rouers arriued in Italye againe and gathering together a fewe who fled and lurked here there for feare of the rage of Boniface came to Anagnia ere the Pope mistrusted any such matter they brast open the gates vpō him apprehended him and brought him to Rome where frettinge and raginge in a great agonye most desperatlye for the space of xxx dayes throughe the extremitye of his malady he dyed myserablye Anno 1304. This Pope sent a commaundement to the king of England charging him not to molest Scotland as he did then anye longer because the Scottes were a priuiledged people belonging to his Chappell but the kinge stoode stoutlye in the defence of his righte and quarrell and claymed it as his right not the Popes After this the Pope moued kinge Edwarde to warre vppon the Frenche kinge because he had offended the Pope but the kinge would not be so abused by him After this when the kinge had bestowed the bishopricke of Canterbury vpon Robert Burnel bishop of Bathe the Pope in spite of his teeth did not onlye place another called Iohn Peccam but also sent downe his Bull to the spirituall men of England for their discharge not to paye one penye tribute to the kinge in any case to his no small trouble for vpon this the most of them were at defiaunce with the kinge and his Parliamente especiallye the bishop of Canterburye This is that Pope of whom it was cōmonlye said He entred like a foxe he raigned like a Lion he died like a dogge He thinking that kingdomes and Empires were all in his owne hande did vsurpe the aucthority of both swordes woulde be counted the Lord of all the world He gaue sentence the vnlesse kinges woulde receiue their kingdomes at his hand they should be accursed and oughte to be deposed He excommunicated Philip kinge of Fraunce because he would not suffer the treasure of his Realme to be transported oute to Rome he cursed both him and his to the fourth generation Also he would not confirme Albertus to be Emperour whom before he had three or foure times reiected vntill he woulde inuade Fraunce and depose king Philip. He maintayned the discorde that was in Italye and purposed to nourishe them continuallye He forbad that the clergye should paye anye tribute to their Princes without his commaundement He boasted that he bare the keyes of heauē and published this Canon that he oughte to be iudged of none althoughe hee shoulde drawe thousandes of soules to hell with him He was the first that deuised the Iubelye according to the Iewishe tradition He gaue full remission of sinnes and pardons to all that shoulde come on pilgrimage to Rome At the first daye of Iubelei hee prancked himselfe gorgeouslye in his pontificalibus The seconde daye he being arrayed most royallye with Emperiall insignes commaunded a naked sword to be caryed before him and said with a loude voice Ecce potestatem vtriusque gladij Lo here is the power of both swordes Finallye he being as is said apprehended and offeringe rather his head to be cut of then he would yelde vp his Papacye those conditions beinge put to him his house was first spoyled of so much treasure that as it is reported all the kinges of the earth together were not able to make so much oute of theyr treasurye as was caryed oute of his Pallaice and from three Cardinals and a Marquesse that were with him Then afterward he was set vpon an vnbroken coult with his face to the horse tayle and so caused to ride a gallop iaunted til he were breathlesse and then was he imprisoned and there almost pined by kinge Philips souldiours of Fraunce till the people of the towne of Aragon where he was did releue him and yet neuerthelesse for thought of this misery and losse he dyed He bestowed on S. Peters Pallaice a chayme of belles making a sweete and pleasaunt noyse and encreased the reuennues therof he yet encreased very much that priuiledges of the begginge fryers He doubled the idolatrous honour of the Apostles the 4 Euangelistes and the foure doctours of the Church He gaue auctoritye to the Ecclesiastical parsons generally in England to excommunicate the people twise in the yeare He caused one Hermanus of Ferraria to be taken oute of his graue and burned xxx yeares after he had beene buryed He said that to be subiect to the Church of Rome is of the necessitye to saluatiō He deposed diuers Cardinals he deuested diuers kinges of their estate he fostered harlots ●e begat diuers bastardes beside sondrye other l●ude pranckes He sommoned kinge Edwarde the first to Rome vpon the cōplaint of Robarte VVinchelsey bishop of Canterbury after the death of Iohn Peccam both which Archbishops troubled the kinge as almost all their auncetours from the time of Hildebrand had done to the Princes in their time for so VVilliam Rufus and Henry the first were troubled wyth Anselmus Archbishop of Canterbury Henry the second also with Thomas Becket King Richard and all England with VVilliam bishop of Elye the Popes Legate King Iohn with Steuen Langtō bishop of Canterburye Henry the thirde with Edmonde Archbishop and now this kinge Edwarde wyth these two The kinge beinge cited to Rome was there suspended till he had purchased full dearely his absolution but of the said Peccam this one thing is to be noted that he caused to be ordayned that no spirituall mynister should haue any more benefices thē one which was also
speake all that might be saide of this miserable man touching his hainous faces as manslaughter theft poysonings treasons tyrannies incest fornication and such other But yet it shall not be amisse to disclose a few of his practises This Paule was an Astrologian a Magician a wyzard He made one Dionysius Seruita a practiser of Geomancy that is a kinde of coniuringe with earth clay and sande or suche matter also he alwaies vsed as his familiar companions ●anricus a Portugall Cecius and Marcellus being coniurers and raysers of euyl sprites in the bodies of dead men He acquainted him selfe with these because he wold haue them to cast the natiuities and destenies of him and his children by constellations By playing the bawde he first got to be made cardinal He deliuered his sister Iulia Farnesia vnto Rodoricus Borgia a Spaniard otherwise Pope Alexander the sixt wherby he might obtaine of him to be made cardinall and byshop of Hostia and so gat money to pay his debtes By such meanes haue many fished for the fattest benefyces in the court of Rome by seruing the Popes fleshely appetite and saith Cornelius Agrippa there is no way redyer to get preferment there then this is Furthermore this vnnaturall and wicked Pope Paule coulde not with holde his mischeuous hande from his owne kinred no not from the wombe that first gaue him breath and life for he poysoned both his nephew and his owne natural mother that he might therby enioye the whole inheritaunce of the Fernesians Beside this he liued carnally wyth another sister that he had and because he perceyued that she loued other better then him which in the ende the harlot shewed openlye his iealouslye was such that to reuenge the despite as he counted it he so watched his oportunitye that in the ende he poysoned her for it He beinge Legate vnder Pope Iulius the seconde in the prouince of Ancona did villanouslye beguile a noble yong gentlewoman of the same Citye For he shifted his apparell counterfayted himselfe to be a noble man of the Legates companye resorting to her as a woer and craftelye vnder colour of mariage laye with her But in the ende when the poore gentlewoman had vnderstandinge of him what he was in deede and saw how she was deluded being made not a lawfull wyfe but a priestes cōcubine according to the Popes lawe she was so greuouslye wounded with griefe hereof that she was almost mad and rauished of her wittes But she conceyued by him and was deliuered of a sonne called Peter Aloysius who afterward shewed himselfe to be the liuelye image of such an adulterous father At another time this Paule hauing a nyce called Laura Fernesia committed incest with her also but her husband Nicolaus Quercaeus toke him in the deede doing in a greate rage so wounded him that the skar thereof remayned till his death Againe he had a daughter called Constantia with whom he was so entāgled and bewitched that O most sinnefull man to enioye her the more freelye as his concubine he poysoned her husband Bosius Sfortia Such is the double corruptiō of their single life such villanye ensueth of their vowed chastitye Thus doth God giue them ouer to their owne lustes that presume vpon themselues thus doth he detect the man of sinne suffering him to come to the fulnes of iniquitye who neuerthelesse is so blinded in his owne fantasyes that wallowing in this wickednes he thinketh yet himselfe to be perfite holye and the generall Uicar of Christe vpon earth Yea for so much as he is able to forgiue vnto other as he thincks greater sinnes if greater maye be then these are why maye he not dispense wyth himselfe in the like Or rather why shoulde it be counted sinne in him For so sayth one Ennodius to speake but of one among many such sayinges The Pope together with the power of teaching hath receiued free libertye to do ill without controlment And such is their affiaunce in the holines of their chaire that the presumption thereof hath caused them thus to decree Distict 40. Non vos in Glossa Papa de homicidio vel adulterio accusari non potest vnde sacrilegij instar esset disputare de facto fuo Nam facta Papae excusantur vt homicidia Samsonis furta Hebraeorum adulteria Iacob The Pope cannot be accused of adulterye or manslaughter Therefore it was as muche as Churchrobbing to dispute of his doing For the Popes deedes are excused as the murthers of Samson the theft of the Hebrewes the adulterye of Iacob And againe it followeth in the same place In Papasi desint bona acquisita ꝑ meritum sufficient quae a loci praedicessore praestantur If the Pope lacke good deedes gotten by his owne merites the good deedes which his predicessour S. Peter did do serue his turne This being cōsidered it is lesse to be marueyled at that the Pope should thus embrewe his han●es with the bloud both of his freindes kindred and parentes and defyle his body most shamefullye with his owne sister nyce and daughter But to returne to the historye After that this Paule gatte the Popedome he created two Cardinals whereof the one was Alexander sonne to his bastard sonne Peter Aloysius and the other was Ascanius sonne to his bastard daughter Constantia By his tyrannye he oppressed the Perusians and in a madnesse he draue Ascanius Columna out of his kingdome He cloyned into his owne handes by vyle treacherye a towne called Camery dryuinge out and dispossessing the Queene thereof being a godlye wyse and vertuous Ladye By his crafte he so inuegled the Colledge of Cardinals that he brought to passe by their consente to chaunge Camery for Parma Placentia two noble Cityes and to make his sonne Peter Aloysius Lorde and Prince thereof But the iust vengeance of God did afterward plague this their pollitick packing for this aduaūcement of Aloysius fell oute to his destruction in the ende Oftentime this Paule consulted wyth his Cardinals how he might hinder the nationall councel holden in Germanye and hee commaunded his Legates to enflame the mindes of other Princes against the king of England and he purposed to giue his kingdome awaye from him and to make it a praye and bootye to those that woulde make hauocke of it Anno 1542. he summoned a generall councell to be holden at Trent against the Gospel the preachers fautors thereof But because he coulde not there haue all things according to his owne minde he remoued it to Bononia pretending that it was done onely for choyse of better ayre which was but a shifte when as his purpose was by this meanes to defeate many of geuing theyr voyces in the sinode He oppressed wyth all force the professours of the Gospell some wyth sword some wyth fyer some wyth poyson were destroyed He spared not so much as his Cardinals if they did once but sauour of that sect wherof Cardinall Fulgosius Cantarenus felt the proofe And but that it
whereof he had diuers especiallye one called VVilliam One Robert Capito bishop of Lincolne had a great controuersye with this Pope for he detested defyed both in preachinge and wrytinge the Popes couetousnes pride and tyrannye He would not admit one of the Popes bastardes because he was vnlearned and but a boye of yeares to a canonship of Lincolne but rebuked the Pope for it in a letter and withstoode the Popes pollinge ●obbinge the Realme and therefore the Pope receyuinge the sharpe letter from this Robert Grosted for anger rayled not onlye on the bishop but also brast into these arrogante wordes against his Prince king Henry the third sayinge as Mattheus Parisius testifyeth Is not the kinge of Englād our vassel our slaue our page who may at our pleasure to hamper him put him in prison to vtter shame And finallye because he coulde not tell howe otherwise to ease his rancke stomacke against the bishop hee excommunicated him but he constantlye defyed and despised his excommunication euen to the death He defended in disputation that the Pope could do nothinge against iustice truth and that he was worse then Lucifer and Antichrist at the length being cited to appeare in the court and condempned by the Pope wrongfullye he appealed to the iudgemente of Christe This good bishop after he had detected much of the Popes treachery before his death vttered these two Uerses applying them against the Pope Eius luxuriae meretrix non sufficit omnis Eius auariciae totus non sufficit orbis One concubine could not suffice his burning lust to quenche Nor yet his honger after golde one world serude not to stenche Also this bishoppe by diligent searche tryed it that this Pope and his clarkes had in reuenewes out of Englande aboue iii. score and tenne thousande markes where as the reuenewes of the Crowne came not to 30. thousand Cestrensis in his seuenth booke wryteth that when this bishop of Lincolne dyed a voyce was heard in the Popes court sayinge Veni miser in iudiciū dei that is Come thou vvretch to be iudged of God And that the Pope was found deade in his bedde the next daye and a blewe stroke in his bodye as if he had beene beaten wyth a staffe This was done Anno 1253. he being at Naples and loking soone after to haue enioyed the whole kingdome of Sicill where he lyeth buryed Thaddition to Vspergensis sheweth that the yeare before as the Pope was going from Liōs to Millen these straunge tokens happened certaine bloudy cloudes were seene in the ayre streames of bloud gusshed out of breade as oute of wounded bodyes After his death the seate was voide two yeares 124 Alexander the fourth ALexander the fourth borne in Campania being Cardinall of Hostia succeded Innocent He persecuted Ecelinus of Runcan and Manfred king of Sicill because they had beene ennemyes to the former Popes thus he began his raigne And first he craftelye admonished them not to stande against the dignitye of the Church in anye point before he gaue them this charge he had prouided his army in a readinesse meaning to course them if they should seeke to preuent him and his Cardinals of the kingdome of Sicill yet these Princes very couragiouslye with an oast of Saracens and other fearinge not the Popes threates did set vppon his army at vnawares euen in a trench ere they wist and partly slue them partly toke them prisoners In the meane while Pope Alexander goinge to Anagnia excommunicated Manfred and sent a Cardinal called Octauian to Naples to make the Neapolitans to stand faithful to him against Manfred promysing speedely to bring ayde to all Campania and to the Neapolitans but Manfred not pacifyed with troubling Naples did also moue factions in Hetruria but chiefely in Florence where he brought in the Guelphis againe who euer were at deadly foode with the Gibelines Thus was al Italy in a myserable vprore torne in sonder with cruell and saluage warre But Manfred hauing poysoned Conrad king of Sicill was proclaymed kinge at Panorme and with an armye of hyred souldiours he ouerthrew the Popes Legat with great slaughter This Pope sent one Rustand Legate into Englande Anno 1255. to gather vp the tenthes in Englande Scotland Irelād to warre against Manfred And saith Mattheus Parisius manye mischiefes detestable issued from the burning fountayne of Rome in those dayes to the destruction of manye for after the begginge fryers had preached the power of the Crosse he required infinite sommes of moneye the exaction of the Pope was such sayth he that the like hath not bene heard Whereupon Fulck bishop of Lōdon sayd with great griefe Ere I giue my consent to oppresse the Church vvith such iniurye seruitude and bondage surely I will first loose my head for although that Courte hath often in times past pinched euen to the bone the faithfull flocke of Christ yet it neuer woūded in such deadlye sort all and euery one of Christes seruaunts as it did this yeare and the yeare following c. The money the was gathered for the holy land was transposed into Apulia against Christians and sayth Mattheus vnmeete mē are made gouernours of noble Churches the prelates are sould as oxen and asses this is the extreame point of seruitude c. About this time the said Rustand the Popes Legate being Prebēdary of Paules Church in Lōdon dyed beyond the sea king Henry the third hearing therof gaue the same prebend to one Iohn Crakehale his chaplein but after the sayde Crakehale had full possession thereof came one Iohn Grasse from Rome wyth the Popes embulled letter to chalenge the sayde lyuing Hereupon the matter being in controuersye it was brought before Boniface bishop of Canterbury who finding that the Popes gift was dated before the kinges dispossessed the Englishman and inuested the Popes man which was taken so in despite by certaine repyning to see the Pope and his Italian priestes in this and all such cases to beare more sway then the king and to reape all commodyties from the kinge and his subiects that the said Italiā and a cōpanion of his were murthered in a thronge by whom no man knewe Rustand in a conuocation at London alleaged that all Churches were the Popes to whom one Leonard an Englishman answeared modestly yea sir in tuition not in fruition to defend not to expende Seuell bishop of Yorke by the example of the former bishop of Lincolne did likewyse wtstande this Pope Alexander and desyred him by letter to leaue of his wonted polling according to Peters example to feede the sheepe not to flece them not to flea them not vnbowel them neither as a wolfe deuoure them Further it followeth in the sayd Mattheus that the Pope sente yet other Legates into England namelye Arlot Mansuet minorite fryers who had power to pardon for money eyther lyers forswearerers vowbreakers adulterers and Sodomits traytors poysoners murtherers and all suche Whereuppon a certaine woman
this Clemens one Octobonꝰ a Legate of his comminge into England enrolled to perpetuall memorye the valuation of all Churches in the Realme so narrowly as he could possiblye gather the certaintye Clemens dyed at Viterbium Anno 1270. was buryed amonge the Dominickes and the seate was voyde two yeares 127. Gregorie the tenth GRegorie the tenth borne in Placentia in Lombardye of the house of the countesse of Millen was first called Theobaldus He being an archdeacō after the Cardinals discention which had lasted almost two yeres was ended was chosen Pope of whose election Iohn Cardinall of Portua wrote these Verses Papatus munus tulit archidiaconus vnus Quem patrem patrum fecit discordia fratrum One archdeacon against his hope by chaunce obtayned to be Pope The iarringe of brethren caused the rather that he was created of them the father This Pope amonge other thinges made peace betwene the Genewaies and Venetians He excommunicated the Florentines for inuadinge such townes as belonged to the Popeship Afterward he held a coūcel at Lions in Fraūce to the which came Michael Palaeologus Emperour of Greece to reason of the opinions of the Church of Rome for xii of his auncetours had in times past conferred with them and euer departed dissentinge from them In this councell was decreed that the Pope beinge dead the Cardinals should be shut vp in a certaine closet without meate or drincke till with one consente they should agree vppon choyse of another He made many decrees for the helping of the Holy land and the maintayninge of Religious mē Many noble and great parsonages both kinges Earles made themselues apparell with the Crosse on it to go the voyage to Hierusalem to whom the Pope verye craftely to further their purpose promised to come visit them there He aduaunced diuers of the begging fryers to greate Ecclesiasticall dignityes as to bishoprickes archbishoprickes and Cardinalships After the Empyre had beene voyde a long time at the length he made Rodolph Earle of Hamboroughe Emperour because he shoulde maintaine ciuill discention and after that Alphonsus kinge of Castile had bestowed houge summes of money in hope to be Emperour especially the duke of Cornewall being dead the Pope appeased him with wordes enoughe but no recompence in money toward his charges This Rodolph after he was chosen was charged by the electours that he shoulde go to Rome within a yeare to receiue the Crowne of the Pope yet he neuer did it excusing himselfe with pretence of priuate affayres vsed to saye oftentimes amonge his frendes that the footinge of the Emperours goinge into Italye seemed glorious triūphant but in their returne out of Italye wretched myserable ful of sorrow Alluding to the fable of the Foxe who being sent for to come to visit the sicke Lion made aunsweare that he perceyued the footesteps of many beastes goinge into the Lions denne but he could finde fewe or none comming from it But Rodolph sente his vicegerent into Italye whom the Cities for the most part receyued but the Pope returning to Rome iourneying hard by the Florentines would not yet absolue them of their excommunication which had lasted almost 3. yeares At length he came to Aretium Anno 1275. dyed in his iourney in the fift yeare of his Popeship is buried there and neuer came to Rome nor sawe it 128. Innocentius the fifte INnocentius the fift borne in Burgundie a dominican in profession was cho●en by the Cardinals at Aretiū who beinge chosen Pope and crowned in S. Peters Church went about to establish peace in Italye Therefore he sent great Embassadours who should compell the He●rurians entendinge to destroye the Pisans to take peace also the Venetians and Genewaies being at deadly enmitye to fall to vnitye vpon perill of his curse Also he procured the Embassadours of Charles king of Sicill to be present at the peace makinge the better to countenaunce his doinges the Hetrurians obeyed and especially the Florentines and therefore the Pope did absolue them from the excommuni●atiō of Gregorie But the Genewaies and Venetians cōtinued notwithstanding the slaughter of each other whom yet Innocentius had broughte to his purpose if he had liued he purposed it so earnestly He dyed the same yeare that Gregorie dyed in the second daye after he had raigned vi monthes This Pope sayth Platina did not a litle offende seculer priestes because at Viterbium he did determine the dominicās should enioye the tombe of Clemens the fourth for which they and the secular priestes had longe beene at sharpe debate 129. Hadrian the fifte HAdrian the fifte a Genewaie borne before called Othobonus was made Pope in Lateran porche this mā was nephewe to Innocentius the fourth and made Cardinall of S. Hadrian by him and sent into England as Legate to gather vp the Popes money But while he wente about to appease strife betweene the kinge his barons thereby to worke his owne matters more quietly he was put into prison by the Citizens of London and at length deliuered againe Anno 1266. w t a great trayne of bishops and priestes he helde one councell at Northampton and another at London where after he had dispatched his matters touchinge papistrye according to his owne minde he made lawes whereby England did longe after maintaine Papistrye Also he denounced all those bishops to be wicked who had taken parte with the Princes against kinge Henry the third and yet those same bishops were partlye absolued by him for money partlye compelled to go for absolution to the Pope This Hadrian as sone as he was made Pope went forthwith to Viterbium sente for Rodolphe the Emperour into Italye to breake the power of Charles kinge of Sicill this Charles is he whom againste lawe and righte he had aduaunced before who then ruled all at Rome according to his luste But Rodolph beinge troubled with the Bohemian warre could not satisfye the Popes desire but Charles meaning to eschue the mallice transported all the power of his armye into Achaia purposinge to make a waye to attaine to the Empyre of Constantinople Hadrian sayth Platina purposed to make the gouernemente of the Church to be safer from oppressours to alter the constitutiō of Gregory his predecessor touchinge the restraint of the Cardinals for the election of the Pope He dyed at Viterbium ere he were consecrate Pope 40. dayes after his election 130. Iohn the xxij IOhn the xxii a Portingale borne a Phisition by profession called before Peter Portingale was made Pope beinge first bishop of Tusculan This man although he were counted very well learned yet for want of skill in gouernment infirmitye in his maners sayth Platina did more hurt and dishonour to the Popeship then good For he did many thinges that seemed to be both of a foolish and light minde and was to be praysed in this thinge onelye that he ●uccoured with money and Ecclesiasticall lyuinges yonge men that were toward in learninge especiallye the
him selfe bodye soule vnto them if by their helpe he mighte attain● to the Papacye which when the deuils had perfourmed Pope Alexander began so to refourme his life that he neuer went about anye busines but that he did first take councell of the deuill Other pranckes of this Pope Alexander were partlye written in these Uerses compendiouslye Vendit Alexander cruces altaria Christum Emerat ille prius vendere iure potest De vitio in vitium de flamma transit in ignem Roma sub Hispano deperit imperio Sextus Tarquinius Sextus Nero Sextus iste Semper sub Sextis perdita Roma fuit Pope Alexander selleth Christe with aares crosses store And reason good that he should sell the thinges he bought before c. In the time of this Pope the pall of the bishop of Mentz was enhaunsed to be payde for it for euer heareafter vnto the Popes Chamber xxxv Thousand Florences Among other enormities wherewith this Alexander swarmed he poysoned Gemen brother to Baiazetes the great Turke prisoner at Rome receyuing for the same deede wherwith he was hyred by Baiazetes two hundred Thousand Crownes Furthermore to maintaine his tyrannye he ioyned league with the Turke against the French kinge and craued his assistaunce vsing both the kingdome of Naples Rome it selfe for his owne royat sake as the fortresses to the Empyre of Ottomannus Beside he cōmaunded the tongue of Antonius Mancinellus and both his hands to be cut of because he in a learned and eloquente oration reproued his licentious and loathsome demeanour But as he liued wickedlye so he dyed myserablye for he preparinge a feast for diuers Senatours and Cardinals purposing to poysō them with the same bane that he poysoned Cemen but by the prouidence of God one of the wayters ignorantly gaue the Pope the same bottell wherein the poyson was wherof he drinking dyed with the reste Finallye in one thinge this Alexander matched the wickednes of his predicessours in graunting leaue to a Spaniard Petrus Mendoza Cardinall of Valentia to vse his bastard sonne Marquesse Zanatensis otherwyse then becommeth vowed chastitye but hereof enough And beside this Mendoza was well knowen greatly to dishonour the spowsall bed of his soueraigne king Ferdinand Anno 1499. one Ierom Sauonarola a dominicā monke with other his fellowes were burned at Florence for defending the communion vnder both kindes condemninge the Popes pardons and for reprouing the loose life negligence of the clergye generallye They denyed also the Popes supremacye saying that the keyes were giuen to the whole Church and not to Peter Againe that the Pope followed Christe neither in life nor doctrine because he attributed more to his owne pardons traditiōs then to the merits of Christ that his cursinges excōmunicaiōs are not to be feared He prophecied also of certaine things to come as of the destruction of Florence and of Rome and the restoring of the true Church at length for the which Picus Mirandula calleth him an holye Prophete and defendeth him in his wryting against the Pope Also one Marsilius his neighbour and Cominoeus in his French historye do attribute to him the spirite of prophesyinge and diuers other learned men do defend that he dyed an innocent 161. Pius the thirde PIus the thirde borne in Hetruria and nephewe to Pius the seconde called first Franciscus Picolhomeneus after great debate amonge the Cardinals succeded Alexander Valentine Borgia after the death of his father purloyning his treasure did beset that Vatican with xii Thousand souldiours it beinge the place where the Pope was elected thinking by this drift to make the Cardinals stoupe to his purpose but they to auoyde this daunger did forthwith conueye themselues into the Temple of Minerua where they were forthwith enclosed by him Hereuppon a rumour ran through the Citye that the elders were apprehended that all the Citye was molested with ●laughter and spoyling so that all men were amazed This being hearde doares were shut vp men toke them to their weapōs the streat passages were stopt with timberlogs irō chaynes and thus was all in an hurlye burlye and a great vprore as if the hoast of Hanniball had bin battringe the gates of Rome But Valentine because he sawe that he had attempted an harde matter being requested by the Cardinals to giue ouer his wilfull purpose did promise to cease by by and to obey them Then when this Pius was chosen Valentine abating his courage did thanke the Cardinals because they had chosen him Pope whom he most desired He being Pope did forthwith rayse an armye to driue out those Frenchmen that dwelt in Italye taking it in dispite that their king had subdued Apulia and a great part of Italye but the Pope hoped for a daye to gall the Frenchmen to enclose them in a trap and in the end to hunt them vtterlye out But while he purposed these thinges he dyed of an vlcer in his legge the xxvii daye after his creation Anno 1503. the same yeare also that Alexander also dyed the xv of the Calendes of Nouember And here endeth the sixt booke of these prelates contayning in it 41. Popes from Innocentius the 4. to this Pius the 3. whose corrupt liues as is partly shewed thoughe not so larglye as mighte be do argue of what spirite they were and howe farre from Christian conuersation But if their fantasticall and superstitious decrees were ioyned hereunto where withall they loaded the Church and choaked the Gospell their doctrine would appeare to men of any iudgement as vnsauorye as their trade of life but it would be ouer tedious and pertayneth not so much to our purpose THE SEVENTH Booke contayninge the fift parte of the third sort of Romaine Popes in whom appeareth the wayninge of Antichrist and imparing of his vsurped estate wexing still weaker and weaker till the ende of the worlde accordinge to the Prophecye of S. Paule in the seconde Chapter of the seconde Epistle to the Thessalonians that Antichriste must be reueled before that Christe come IT appeareth by these former Popes how the Prophecies in the Reuelatiō of Iohn of Antichrist that he should be an Abadon which being an Hebrewe word signifyeth a Destroyer or Conquerour haue bin aboūdantlye and in perfit measure fulfilled verifyed in them In the rest that followeth may appeare the diminishing of that seat for so much as many people in their times haue do from daye to daye renounce the Popes auctoritye Many parsons first began in Germanye openlye to detect him as Luther Zuinglius Oecolampadius Melancthon with diuers other till in the ende the whole countryes forsooke him so that God be thancked at this daye a great parte of the worlde doth acknowledge him to be Antichriste and defyeth his doctrine as Englande Scotland Denmarke Sweden the dukes of Saxonie the duke of Brunswick the Palsgraue of Rhene the duke of VVittingberges the Lantgraue of Hessia the Marquesse of Brandenburg the Prince of Russia and all other