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england_n hold_v king_n realm_n 3,228 5 8.3003 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69298 A proclamation concernynge the Kynges style made the. XXIII. day of Ianuary, the XXXIII. yere of his maiesties most gracious reygne.; Proclamations. 1542-01-23 England and Wales. Sovereign (1509-1547 : Henry VIII) 1542 (1542) STC 7797; ESTC S108884 1,599 1

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❧ A PROCLAMATION concernyng the Kynges style made the. XXIII day of Ianuary the XXXIII yere of his maiesties moste gracious reygne WHERE VVE BE IVSTELY and rightfully kinge of out Realme of Irelande and ought to haue the title stile and name therof by righte of inheritaunce and the non vse therof in our style hath caused moche disobedience rebellion dyscention and sedition in our sayd realme to the great impouery shyng and peryl of distruction of the same if we had not for the redresse therof put to our kyngly hand as we haue done in such wyse as by reason therof our sayde realme thankes be to god is no we broughte and reduced to better order peace and ciuilitie than it hath ben many yeres past AND for as moche as our louynge subiectes of our sayd realme both the prelates nobles and commons do thynke and determyne that the good estate peace and tranquyllitie wherein our sayde realme nowe standeth shall the better and longer contynewe yf we wolde as we ought of ryghte accepte and take vppon vs the title and name of kynge of the same whiche to do all our sayde subiectes of our sayde realme by their mutual assentes by auctoritie of parlyament holden within the same haue agreed and assented vnto and moste instantly desyred vs that the sayde title and name of kynge of Irelande togyther with our sayde hole realme shuld be vnyted and annexed to our imperiall crowne of our realme of Englande To whiche their desyres and humble requestes for the better consecuation of the good peace of our sayde realme we haue assented and haue caused for that purpose our stile to be altered and reformed aswell in the latine as in the englyshe tungue as hereafter foloweth HENRICVS octauus dei gratia Angliç Franciae Hibernie rex fidei defensor in terra ecclesiae Anglicanae Hibernicae supremum caput HENRY the VIII by the grace of god kynge of Englande Fraunce and Irelande defendour of the saythe and of the churche of England and also of Ireland in erthe the supreme heed And to the intent that our sayd subiectes shuld not be ignoraunt of the alteration of our sayd in forme as is aforesayde we haue caused this present proclamation to be made and by the same wyll and commaunde all and synguler our officers instices and ministers and all other our subiectes and resiauntes within this our realme of Englande and elles where within any our domynyons that they shall accepte take and vse oure style in forme aboue wrytten in lyke forme as they vsed and accepted oure olde style before this alteration Neuer the lesse to the intente that noo dyscorde varyaunce occasyon trouble ympechemente or molestation shoulde be had or made to any our Iustyces offycers minysters and other oure subiectes or resyauntes before they maye haue conuenyent knowledge of the chaunge and alteration of our late stile we are therfore pleased contented that none of our sayde Iustices officers ministers subiectes or other resiantes within our realme of England the dominion of wales Calais and of theyles of Iersay Carnysay for omyttyng of our sayd title and name of kyng of Ireland in wryttes patentes proces or other writinges to be passed vnder any our seales or for non acceptation or mis acceptation therof or for any offence touching the same done or cōmitted or to be done or cōmitted before the last day of Apryl nexte comynge shall be vexed troubled impeched or by any wyse molested or troubled but that all wryttes patentes proces or other wrytynges that be passed or shall passe vnder any our seales before the sayde laste daye of Apryll wherin shall happen our sayde title and name of kyng of Irelande to be omytted shall be taken construed accepted and admytted to be of the same force strength qualitie and condition in all thynges as they were before the sayde title and name of kynge of Irelande was annexed to our stile And that the non acceptation or mysacceptation of our sayde title and name of kynge of Ireland or any actes or thynges done or that shall chaunce to be done before the sayd laste day of Apryll by any our subiectes or resiauntes towthynge or concernyng our sayd title or name of kynge of Irelande shall be construed and expounded any offence or occasion of trouble to any of our sayde subiectes or resiauntes any thynge conteyned in this proclamation or any thyng that shall be expressed in the same or any other thynge or thynges to the contrary therof in any wise not withstandynge ❧ GOD SAVE THE KYNGE ❧ Thomas Berthelet regius impressor excudebat Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum