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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16280 An epitome of the title that the Kynges Maiestie of Englande, hath to the souereigntie of Scotlande continued vpon the auncient writers of both nacions, from the beginnyng. Bodrugan, Nicholas. 1548 (1548) STC 3196; ESTC S102853 27,844 124

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lande and ceassed not his warre against them vntill their kyng people fled into the Isles W t whō at the last vpō their submission peace was made in this wise THE water of Fryth shalbe Marche betwene Scottes and Englishmen in the Est partes shalbe named the Scottishe sea THE water of Clide to Dū briton shalbee Marche in the West partes betwenethe Scottes and Britons this castle was before called Alclude and nowe Dunbriton that is to saie the castle of Britons so the Britons had all landes from Sterlyng to the Irelande seas and from the water of Fryth and Clide to Cumber with all the strengthes thereof The Englishemen had the landes betwene Sterlyng Nothūberland thus was Clide Marche betwene Scottes and Britons on the one side and the water of Fryth named the Scottishe sea Marche betwene theim and Englishemen on the other side Sterlyng cōmon March to thre people Britons English men Scottes Kyng Osbright had the castle of Sterlyng wher firste he caused to bee Coyned Sterlyng money The English men buylded a bridge of stone for passage ouer ▪ the Water of Frythe in the middes whereof thei made a crosse vnder whiche wer written these verses I am free Marche as passengers maie ken To Scotes to Britons and to Englishemen ABOVTE xvi yeres after this Hūger and Hubba Danes with a great nōbre of people arriued in Scotlande and slewe Constantine whom Osbright had before made kyng wherupon Edulffe or Ethelvvulph then Kyng of Englande assembled his power against Hunger and Hubba and in one battaill slewe theim both but suche of their people as would remain and become christians he suffered to tary the rest be banished or put to death THIS Ethelvvulph graunted the Peter pence to which albeeit Peter and Paule had litle mede and lesse right yet the paiment thereof continued in this realme euer after vntill now of late yeres but the Scottes euer since vnto this day haue and yet dooe paie it by reason of that graunt whiche proueth theim to be then vnder his obeisaunce Alurede or Alfrede succeded to the kyngdome of England he reigned peacebly ouer the whole Monarchie of great Briteigne He made Lawes that persones excomunicated should bee disabled to sewe or claime any propertie whiche Lawe Gregour whom this Alurede had made kyng of Scottes obeyed the same law aswel in Scotlād as in England is holden to this daie whiche also proueth hym to bee high lorde of Scotlande THIS Alurede constreined this Gregour Kyng of Scottes to breake is league with Fraūce for generally he concluded with hym and serued hym in all his warres aswell against Danes as others not reseruyng the former league with Fraunce THIS Alurede after y e death of Gregour had the like seruice and obeisaunce of Donald Kyng of Scottes with fiue thousande footemen and twoo thousande horsemen against one Gurmond a Dane that then infested this realme and this Donald died at this faithe and obeisaunce with Alurede This Alurede reigned in this state ouer thē .xviii. yeres Edvvard the first of that name called Lou●yll sonne of this Alurede succeded nexte kyng of Englād against whom with Citrike a Dane the Scottes conspired but thei wer subdued and Constantyne their kyng brought to obeisaūce and held the realme of Scotlande of this Kyng Edvvard this dooth Marion their awne countrey manne a S●cotte confesse this Edvvard reigned in this seigniorie ouer thē and thei in his obeisaunce .xxiii. yeres Athelstane soonne of this Edvvard was next kyng of Englād against whom Constantine kyng of Scottes beyng as their writers confesse corrupted with money sold his faith and falce hart together to the Danes and ayded theim against this kyng Athelstane but he met with al their vntruthes together at Bronyng feld in Scotlande where he discomfited the Danes and flewe Malcolme depute in that behalfe to the kyng of Scottes with .xx. thousande Scottes in whiche battaill the Scottes confesse to haue lost more people then were remembered in any age before this Athelstane folowed this his good lucke throughout al Scotland and wholy subdued it and beeyng in possession of it gaue lande there liyng in Annandale by his dede the copie wherof foloweth I kyng Athelstane geues vnto Paulan Oddam and R●ddam as good and as faire as euer thei mine vv●re and thereto vvitnes Maulde my vvife BY whiche course wordes not onely appereth the plain simplicitie of mennes doynges in those daies but also full proue that he was then seazed of Scotlande THIS Athelstane at the last receiued homage of this Malcolme king of Scottes but this Malcolme for y t he could not bee restored to his whole kyngdome entered into Religion and there shortly after died This Athelstane for his better assuraunce of that coūtrey there after thought best to haue two stringes to the bowe of their obedience therfore notonely cōstituted one Malcolme to bee their kyng but also appointed one Indulph sonne of Constantyne the third to be called prince of Scotlande to whō he gaue muche of Scotland This Malcolme did homage to Athelstane then did this Athelstane Reigne in this state ouer them .xxv. yeres Edmūd brother of Athelstane succeded next Kyng of England to whom this Indulph then king of Scottes not onely did homage but also serued hym with ten thousande Scottes for the expulsion of the Danes out of this realme this Edmūd reigned in this state .vii. yeres Edred or Eldred brother to this Edmunde succeded nexte kyng of Englande he not onely receiued y e homage of Irise then kyng of Scottes but also the homage of all the Barons of Scotland this Eldred reigned in this state .x. yeres Edgar the sonne of Edmund brother of Athelstane beyng now of ful age was next king of England he reigned onely ouer the whole Monarchie of great Briteigne he receiued homage of Keneth or Kynald kyng of Scotland for the kyngdome of Scotland and made Malcolme prince therof This Edgar gaue vnto the same Keneth the coūtrey of Louthian in Scotlande whiche was before seazed into the handes of Osbright kyng of England for their rebellion as is before declared This Edgar enioyned this Keneth there kyng ones in euery yere to repaire vnto him into England for the makyng of lawes whiche in those daies was by the noble men or piers accordyng to the order of Fraūce at this daie to whiche ende this Edgar gaue him a piece of grounde liyng beside the new palace of Westminster vpon whiche this Keneth builded a house whiche by him and his posteritie was enioyed vntill the reigne of kyng Henry the seconde in whose tyme vpon rebelliō by Willyam then kyng of Scottes it was resumed into the kyng of Englādes handes y e house is decayed but the ground where it stode is called Scotlād to this day This Edgar made this lawe that no mā should succede to his patrimony or inheritaunce holden by the seruice of a mā called knightes seruice vntil he accomplished the age of .xxi. yeres because
by intendement vnder that age he should be hable in person to serue his kyng countrey according to the tenour of his dede and the cōdicion of his purchase This lawe was receiued by the same Keneth in Scotlande and aswell there as in Englande is obserued to this daie whiche proueth also that Scotlande was then vnder his obeisaūce This Edgar reigned in this state xxvi yeres Edward the sonne of this Edgar was next kyng of England in whose tyme this Keneth kyng of Scottes caused Malcolme prince of Scotland to be treasonably poysoned whervpon this Edwarde made warre vpō him whiche ceassed not vntil this Keneth submitted himself offered to receiue prince of Scotlande whom king Edward would appoint where vpon this Edward proclaymed one Malcolme to be prince of Scotlande who immediatly came into England here did homage to the same Kyng Edwarde This Edwarde reigned in this state by some writers xii yeres and by some others but ii yeres Etheldred brother of this Edwarde succeded next king of Englande against whom Swayn kyng of Dēmarke cōspired with this last Malcolme then kyng of Scottes But shortly after this Malcolme sorowfully submitted himselfe into the defēce of Etheldred who consideryng that that whiche could not be amended must onely be repēted benignely receiued him by helpe of whose seruice at last Etheldred recouered his realme againe out of the hādes of Swayn reigned ouer y e whole Monarchy xxxviii yeres Edmund surnamed Ironside sonne of this Etheldred was next kyng of England in whose tyme Canut a Dane inuaded y e realme with warres but at last Canut maried with Eme somtyme wife of Etheldred and mother of this Edmund this Eme as arbitrice betwene her naturall loue to the one matrimoniall duetie to the other procured suche amitee betwene theim that Edmund was contented to deuide the realme with Canut kepyng to himselfe all England on thisside Humber gaue al the rest beyond Humber with the seignorie of Scotland to this Canut wherevpon Malcolme then kyng of Scottes after a litle customable resistence did homage to y e same Canut for the kyngdom of Scotlād this Canut held the same ouer of this Edmund kyng of Englande by the like seruices This Canut in memory of his victory glorye of his seignorie ouer the Scottes commaunded this Malcolme their kyng to builde a churche in Buchquhan in Scotlande where a fielde betwene him theim was fought to be dedicate to Olanus patron of Norway Denmarke which Churche was by the same Malcolme builded accordyngly Edward called the confessour soonne of Etheldred and brother to Edmund Ironside was nexte kyng of al England he receiued the homage of the same Malcolm kyng of Scottes for the kyngdome of Scotlande This Edwarde perused the olde lawes of the realme somewhat added to some of theim as to the law of Edgar for y e wardship of the landes vntil the heire should accōplishe the age of .xxi. yeres he added that the mariage of suche heire shuld also belong to the lord of whom the same lād should be holden Also that euery woman mariyng a freman should notwithstādyng she had no children by that husband enioy the third parte of his inheritaunce duryng her life with many other lawes whiche y e same Malcolme king of Scottes obeyed whiche aswell by theim in Scotlande as by vs in Englande be obserued to this daie whiche directly proueth y e whole to be then vnder his obeysaūce But here to make some digressiō though y e more parte of these Eldredes lawes be both godly politique yet this addicion to Edgars law touchyng the mariage of the heire except in cases of prīces in whose persons the commō weale of people and countreys depende among men either ciuil or politique semeth to depende more of lucre then godlynes for that thereby he to whose yeres nature doeth not geue discrecion to refuse must take that a wife and she peraduenture of the like age or vnder in whiche choise euery of them must iudge by another mans affeccion see with another mans iye say yea with another mans tong and finally cōsent with another mans heart for none of these senses be pertited to the parties in that minoritie and so the eleccion beyng vnfree and the yeres vnripe eche of thē almost of necessitee must hate other whom yet they haue had no iudgement to loue To declare what innumerable inconueniences deuorces yea and some murders haue of these vngodly mariages or rather no mariages at all proceded the present tyme sheweth so many examples as we may see sufficient cause to bewaile the tyme present ▪ but the greatest iniury is to God the redresse onely belongeth to a kyng in whom like as the same God hath caused more vertues to mete then in any other kyng or creature at those yeres so we doubt not but that his Godhed wyll vouchesafe to preserue his highnes with then crease of knowlege to y e godly redresse of these and all other enormities and abuses to the comfort and reioyse of vs his louyng and happye obedient subiectes But I wil returne to the Scot. By reason of this lawe Malcolme the sonne of Dunkayn next inheritor to the croune of Scotlande beyng within age was by the nobles of Scotlād deliuered as warde to the custodie of this kyng Edwarde duryng whose minoritie one Makebeth a Scot trayterously vsurped the croune of Scotlād against whom this kyng Edwarde made warre in whiche the same Makebeth was ouercome and slayne and therevpon this Malcolme was crouned kyng of Scottes at Stone in the .viii. yere of y e reigne of this kyng Edwarde This Malcolme by tenor of the sayd newe lawe of wardship was maried vnto Margaret by the disposicion of the same kyng Edwarde and at his ful age did homage to this kyng Edwarde for the kyngdome of Scotland This Edwarde hauyng no issue of his bodye mistrustyng that Harold y e sōne of Goodwyn discended of the doughter of Harold Harefoote the Dane would vsurp the croune if he should leaue it to his cosyn Edgar Edling beyng then within age and partly by y e peticiō of his subiectes who before had sworne neuer to receiue any kynges ouer theim of the Danes nacion did by his substanciall wyll in writyng deuise the croune of great Briteigne vnto Willyam then duke of Normandye and to his heires cōstitutyng him his heire testamentary Also there was proximitee in bloud betwene thē for Eme doughter of Richarde duke of Normādy was wife vnto Etheldred on whom he begat Alured and this Edward this Willyam was sonne of Robert sonne of Richarde brother of the whole bloud to the same Eme by this appeareth that this Willyā was heire by title and not by cōquest Albeit partely to extinguishe y e mistrust of other titles partely for the glory of his victory he chalēged y e name of a coqueror hath bene so written This kyng Willyam called the cōqueror to