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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14046 The huntyng & fyndyng out of the Romishe fox whiche more then seuen yeares hath bene hyd among the bisshoppes of Englong [sic] after that the Kynges hyghnes had comma[n]ded hym to be dryuen out of hys realme. Whosoeuer happeneth upon thys book, if he loue god beter than man, et the Kynges hyghnes better then the bysshopes fals hypocrisi, let hym gyue it to the Kyng, that he may rede it before the bysshopes condemn it. Turner, William, d. 1568.; Wraghton, William, pseud. aut 1543 (1543) STC 24353; ESTC S104959 47,430 90

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he is persewed after / and by thys hole i saw a great sort of lambes bones about the altare I saw certen prestes that wer almost ladē with lamb skinnes / with tales and peces of other bestes skin̄es also / I saw also myche gold syluer about the fox hole whiche thyng made me meruel the les when i heared afterward that the prestes so mantfully māteyned the fox Therfore i thynk uerely that the fox is in that hole / i dout not but that i shall ether find hym in the bisshoppes miters or ellis in thys hole or perchance in bothe After that i haue found out thys rauenyng and mākillynge fox i trust most victorios prince that ye will folow kyng Salomō in ponysshynh of hym / kyng Salomon took Ioab a murderer the capitane of of hys fathers warres / from the altare put hym to dethe suffered not the sāctuari to saue hym So i trust that if thys fox be foūd euē on the hye altare vnder the chalice in as myche as he is a murderer that ye will not suffer hym to haue any sāctuari or place of refuge and sukker theyr But now let us begin thys forsayde huntynge Hoo ye lordly byschoppes ye Clean fyngred gentle men of the clergi is not the fox of rome other wys called Papa among yow if ye say that theyr is non suche among yow / wher is the fox the pope whiche had wont to be among yow / ye cānot deny but that he was once among yow / tell me where is he now If ye say that he is dryuē out of Englōd / i will not be leue yow for i saw blode lately of hys sheddyng in London stretes / I saw lately many peces of skinnes about the hie altare in the quere / I here dayly both men and wymen cōplanyng that by thys bestis meanes theyr children and frendes ar put to dethe wherfore i reken for all your saynge / that he is not dryuen out of the realm / but that ye haue Deceyued the Kyng whych cōmanded yow to driue / hym out of the realm / and that ye haue changed and scraped out hys name so kepe hym still If ye thynk that thys be not true / tell me what was that foxes name in English that ye banisshed / was it the Pope ye cannot deni but he that ye shuld haue bannisshed was called the pope If i fynde not that same pope still among yow / that the Kynge commanded yow to bannishe out of Englond i shall gyue yow leue to call me the falsest man that euer spak with tong Frist to begyn with all what was the pop that the kyng cōmanded vow to dryue out of England whether was it the Popes person / or the Popes purse that had wout to receyue our mony in england / or it was the Popis doctrine whyche besyde all other deuelishe decrees holdeth the falsely vsurped pour ouer all Kynges kygndomes If ye say that the pope whyche the Kynge commanded yow to dryue out of England was the popes person / hys flesh blode and bones / depositis mitris mi lordes ye lie For what neded the Kyng to set men to dryue that mannes person out of hys realm that neuer Cam in it If ye say that the Pope that the Kyng commanded yow to dryue out of England was the Popes purse alon / I thynk that ye haue so bannisshed the pope as certayn vndersheriues and baliues take theues cast thē in prison Whyche if they catche a sely pore thefe that hathe but stollen an old nag not worthe xix pence cast hym in pryson lade hym withe yrones make hym be hanged But if they take a lusty thief lykly to bryng them mo prayes / with a budget or ij with a good purse / they take hys purse away from hym and hys budgettes and send hym furth to stele agayn do hym nomore harm but that they take hys purs frō hym / And if any men say to theym where is the tall felow that ye tok yisterday / they auswerwe took hym but of suspicion / he is suche a lordes seruāt ther fore we durst hold hym no louger / Haue ye not after thys manere dryuen away the pope tell me i pray yow If ye say that the popes purse was the pope that the kyng commanded vow to dryue out of Englond / or hys name alone / ye sklandre the Kyng and make hym be euel spokē of in all other realmes / And if ye say thes wordes / the pope that the kyng cōmanded us to preache against to dryue out of Englōd is nothyng ellis but hys name alone hys bottumles beggyng bagges / all they that haue red the kynges actes will say tyat ye be false liers Then the pope that the kyng cōmanded yow to dryue out of Englōd / was not the popis person whiche neuer cam in to Englōd / nether hys name a lone / nether hys purse alon / and the kyng cōmanded the pope to be dryuē out of Englōd / whether was it the popes doctrine learnyng or no / that the kyng cōmanded yow to dryue out of Englond If it be not hys learnyng what other thyng can it be If ye say that it was not the popes learnyng and ordinances ye run in daūger of treason / for in sayng so / ye say that the kyng wold not haue the popes falsly usurped pour bannisshede out of the realm / whiche a mong all other deulysh doctrine ordināces of the pope / is on pestilent popishe ordinance Ye be uery loth to graūt that the popes doctrine and traditiones was the pope that the kyng cōmanded yow to dryue out of Englond Howbeit ye must ether grant that / or elles say that the kyng commanded not at all the pope to be dryuen out of Englond For what other thyng is theyr left to be the pop that the kyng commauded yow to dryue out of Englond / sauyng hys doctrine seing it was not hys person / nether hys name alone / nether hys purs alon Then muste nedes the Pope / that the Kyng commanded yow to dryue out of Englonde be the Popes doctrine and traditiones Ye nede not to be ashamed to call the popes doctrine the pope For it is a receyued maner of spekyng in thes dayes among scolares and hathe bene receyued of long tyme bothe of hethen and holy writers / to call a mannes doctrin or book by the name of hyme that made it If ye ax a scolare of Cambrydge what is red in the Philosophi scholes he will answer / Aristotel If ye ax what is red in the humanite scoles he will answer and say Terence / meanyng by Aristotel and Terence the doctrin and bokes whiche Aristotel and Terenc made The prophane writers haue a prouerbe he hath not torn Aesop wherby they mean not Aesopes body but hys doctrine / and hys fables whiche he made /
The huntyng fyndyng out of the Romishe fox whiche more then seuen yeares hath bene hyd among the bisshoppes of Englong after that the Kynges Hyghnes had commāded hym to be dryuen out of hys realme Foxes haue holes and byrdes of the ayer haue nestes / but the son of man hath not Where he may rest hys hede in Whosoeuer happeneth upon thys book / if he loue god beter then man / et the Kynges Hyghnes better then the bysshoppes fals hypocrisi / let hym gyue it to the Kyng / that he may rede it before the bysshopes condemn it M.D.XLIII To the most excellent prince Kyng Henry the eight Kyng of England Frāce of Irland supreme gouerner in earth of thes hys realmes willm Wraghton Wisshethe helthe prosperite of bothe body soul ALL thoghe sence the tyme thari was a childe / i haue ben more broght up in learnyng then in huntyng / haue therfore no great skil or experience in huntyng / yit the loue that i bear unto my natural cuntrey compelleth me at thys tyme most excellent uictorious Prince to be a hunter / to hunt fynde out a certayn cruel beste / whych both hath don et dothe yit still mich harm in your reaml kyilleth both yong old all that he can cum by Thys beste hathe lost hys mame in englond but neuer a Dele of hys cruel conditiones Thys self beste haue ye ernestly gon about ●n Word Wrytyng Workyng as myche as one man is able to do to dryue out of your realme But the hundes that ye set to do thys dede Was and ar / of the same kynde linage that the wild best is of therfor they bark at hym for a face but they bite not They make a praetence as they wold worri hym / yit when he is in ieperdy of takyng they help to couer hym wyth tame bestes skinnes / that the prouerb may haue a place on dog will not eat of an other dogges fleshe nether will ō wolf eat of an other Thes houndes loue thys best so well that if they can catche any other hoūd persewyng hym whiche is / of an other kynde then they be of / that is to wit if he haue not a payr of prik eares standyng up / on before an other behynde / they will neuer rest til they se the other houndes harte blode they tēdre thys best so interly and wold so fayn haue hym vnknowen / for fere that your Hyghnes shuld kill hym if he were knowē / that they beare all men in hand that theyr is no such beste in all your realm ponyshe them with many kyndes of dethe that dare say that theyr is any suche best in engloud But if ye will of your Kyngly liberalite grant me licens to call all that the pope hath made / ordened / decreed / the popes traditiones ordinances and decrees / i shall so hunt out thys best et discouer hym that all your hole realme may spy hym and se hym and know hym what he is / what is hys name / and where he lurketh Thys once brought to pas it shall be more easy for your hyghnes to accomplish and bryng to pass your godly purpos / whych is and euer hathe ben senc ye knew hys conditiones / to dryue thys beast out of all places of your dominion I desyre also your kyngly hyghnes that ye wil not suffer thys my doyng to be cōdemned of the bisshoppes / till your oun lerned discretiō haue tryed it examined it with the word of god with the lyght of your reason and learnyng / and then if my huntyng be found contrari to the word of god / so soun as ye fynd it so / let my huntyng be forbydden / et not before i be seche yow for the loue of the kyng of heuen whyche / saue and kepe yow from all your enemies both bodely gostly Amen From basil the first day of may Anno domini 1543. THe cōmun sort of foxes knowyng that they cānot chuse but be persewed for theyr murder / that they dayly do intend to commit / haue holes ether in the ground or in great rokkes where as they thynk they may bein sefegard / wherto they may flye for sukker when they that haue the harme dō vnto them theyres do persew after them But thys fox that i folow after / hunt / at thys tyme / as he is of an other kinde of foxes thē the comon sort be / that is to wit a romish fox a man kyller / for feare that he shuld be digged out of the grond if he hyd hym self in the commū fox holes / now when certayn scol ares of Camhrygd and of Oxford euen streyght way after that he had kylled certayn of theyr felowes / folowed hym to haue catched hym / ran with all the spede that he myght / in to the chirche / and when the scolares wold haue folowed hym in to the chirche the bisshoppes and prestes bet them out agayn / and so cam the scolares bak agayn with blody pates / and durst no more seke the fox in the chirche For the bisshoppes the clergi set vp streght way on the chirche dore a letter wher in it was contened that from thence furth no man shuld seke the fox any more theyr that no mā shuld call that romish fox a fox but the kynges beste And yit the bisshoppes had the aduantage of the beste / as a certayn scoler had of a fox in Cambryge The scolare had a raine fox in hys Chambre where as he made him a hole be hynd a holow bēche / the fox went out on the nyhgt broght to the scolares chambre hennes / dukkes capones / wher with he hys felowes made oft tymes good chere And so do the bisshoppes prestes make myrre with it that thys fox bryngeth in to the chirche But in as mych as the kyng is a boue all the bisshoppes i haue axed hym leue to hunt the fox wher so euer i thynk that i can fynd hym / i will with the kynges leue hūt thys fox in the chirche for i gather bi certayn cōiectures that he is theyr For as it is a good cōiectur if a mā be in a wod se a great hole in the grōde to thynk that theyr hāuteth or hath hāuted a fox / and if theyr be / by thys hole many peces of lābes skynnes / many lambes bones and geswynges and chekynges fethers that at that praesent tyme ther is a fox hauntyng that hole / so i thynk that if i cōiecture that theyr is a romishe fox in the chirche / i shal not cōiecture amis / for i saw when i was in Englonde in a certayne chirche a great hole in the hie aultare which i could not tell for what purpos the gentle men of the chirche haue ordened it except it be to hyde theyr father the fox in / when