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A13030 A summarie of Englyshe chronicles conteynyng the true accompt of yeres, wherein euery kyng of this realme of England began theyr reigne, howe long they reigned: and what notable thynges hath bene doone durynge theyr reygnes. Wyth also the names and yeares of all the baylyffes, custos, maiors, and sheriffes of the citie of London, sens the Conqueste, dyligentely collected by Iohn Stovv citisen of London, in the yere of our Lorde God 1565. Whervnto is added a table in the end, conteynyng all the principall matters of this booke. Perused and allowed accordyng to the Quenes maiesties iniunctions.; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1565 (1565) STC 23319; ESTC S117862 206,452 546

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Symon and Iude syr Hugh Spēcer the father was put to death at Bristowe and after buried at Winchester and on saint Hughes day folowyng was syr Hugh his sonne drawen hanged and quartered at Herford and his head sent to London and sette emong other vpon the bridge After Robert Baldock the Chancellor was sent to London to Newgate where he dyed myserably The earle of Arundell was put to death at Herford and kynge Edward was by parliament deposed from his kingdom when he had reigned .xix. yere .6 monethes and .18 days and not longe after was murthered by syr Roger Mortimer and was buried at Glocester Edwarde the thirde Anno Regni .1 EDwarde the thyrde after the deposing of hys father was crowned king of Englād He begon his reign ouer this realme the .xxv. daye of Ianuarie in the yeare of our lord .1326 and deceased the 21. day of Iune in the yeare .1377 so he reigned .50 yere and .5 monethes lackyng .3 dais This man beside all other gyftes of nature was endued with passynge comely beautie and fauoure Of wytte prouident circumspecte and gentyll of nature doyng nothyng without great wysedom and consideration Hee was a man of excellent modestie temperance and aduanced suche persons to high dignities as dyd most passe other in integritie innocency of lyfe in feares of armes he was very expert as the noble enterprises by hym atchieued doo well declare Of his liberalitie and clemēcy he shewed many great examples Briefly in all princely vertues he was so excellent that few noble men before his tyme were to bee compared to hym At the beginnyng of hys reigne he was chiefly ordered by syr Roger Mortymer and hys mother Isabell. In this fyrst yeare of his reigne he confirmed the liberties of the citie of London and ordeined that the maior of the city of London should sytte in all places of iudgement within the liberties of the same for chiefe Iustice the Kynges person only excepted and that euery alderman that had ben Maior shold be iustice of peace in all London and Middlesex and euery Alderman that had not bene maior should be iustice of peace within his own ward Diuers other priuileges he graunted to the citie whiche ye may reade in Fabian The kynge went towarde Scotlande hauyng vnderstanding that the scottes were entred into England as farre as Stanhop parke He beset them rounde about hopynge to haue broughte them vnder hys subiection But when hee thought to be most sure of them by treason of some of his hoft the scottes escaped cleane and returned back into scotland About the .xxi. day of September Edward the second was murdered in y e castell of Barkley by sir Roger Mortymer was buried at Glocester Anno. 1. Richard Bretain M. Rich. Roting S. Roger Chācellor S. The kyng maried the lady Philip the erles doughter of Henawde in the cytie of Yorke The kynge helde his parliament at Northampton where through the counsaile of syr Roger Mortimer and the old Queene his mother hee made with the scotts and vnprofitable and dishonorable peace For why he restored to them all theyr writyngs charters and patents wherby the kynges of Scotlande hadde bounde them selues to be tributarye to the crowne of England with other like vnprofytable conditions Anno. 2. Hamonde Chikwell S. Henry Darcy S. Iohn Hawden S. Dauid the yong prince of Scotlād maried Iane the syster of kyng Edwarde whom the scots in dirision called Iane makepeace The scotts made many rymes against thenglishmē as saith Guido for the fond disquised apparell by thē at that time worne amongst the whiche this was one Long beardes hartlesse Paynted hoodes witlesse Gay cotes gracelesse Makes England thryftlesse Anno. 3. Iohn Ganthā M Symon Frācis S. Hēry Cōbmartē S. Edward erle of Kent vncle to kynge Edward of England beyng falsely accused of treason was by syr Roger Mortymer put to death at winchester Prince Edward was borne at Wodstocke Who in proces of tyme grew to a noble and famous man and was in his days counted the Flowre of chiualrie through out the world The .xvii. of October sir Roger Mortimer was taken in Notyngham castell and sente to the Tower of London Anno. 4. Symond Swalond S Richard Lazar S Richard Gisours S Syr Roger Mortimer was accused for diuers points of treason as that he murdered king Edward the second and that through hym the scots escaped at Stanhope parke for receiuynge summes of money of the Scottes for which accusations he was shortly after drawē and hanged at London Edward Baylell the sonne of Iohn Baylell late kyng of Scottes by licence purchased of kyng Edward entred into Scotlande clayminge the crowne by the right of hys father where he vanquished the Scottes and was crowned kyng at Stone Anno. 5. Symond Swaylon M. Robert Ely S. Tho. whorwod S. The kyng with a great armye went into Scotland and at Halidon hyll gaue the Scottes battayle wherin he obteined a triumphant victorie and slewe of them .viii. Erles .900 knightes of barons and esquires 400. and .32000 common souldiors he wonne Edenborow Barwicke and many other castels and gaue the gouernaunce of Scotlande to Edward Baylell betwene whome and the Scots was foughten many battels Anno. 6. Iohn Poūtney M. Iohn Mocking S Andrew Aubery S The king of France sent .x. shyps toward Scotland which were so wether driuen into Flanders that they were little worth after that tyme. Anno. 7. Iohn Preston M. Nicolas Pike S. Iohn Husbande S. King Edward went agayn into Scotland and laid siege to the castell of Kylbridge He wan it by strength and sette the countrey in quietnes and cam back to the castell of Tyne where shortly after Edward Baylell kynge of Scottes came and dyd hym homage and sware vnto hym fealtie and fidelitie and returned agayne into Scotlande Anno. 8. Iohn Poūtney M. Iohn Hamond S. Williā Hansard S. Embassadors were sent from Philyp de Ualoys kynge of France for to conclude vpon certain articles of variance betwene theyr lord and the kyng of England but it toke none effect Anno. 9. Reignold at cundyt M. Iohn Kyngston S. Walter Turke S. This yere kyng Edward sent ambassadors into Frāce to conclude a peace whiche likewyse toke none effect Anno. 10. Reignold at conduit M. walter mordon S. Richard Upton S. This yere kyng Edward made claim to the crowne of France and therfore proclaimed open warre betwene Englande and France Anno. 11. Iohn Poūtney M wil. brickelsworth S Iohn Northehall S In this yere as saith Fabian the king consyderyng the charge he hadde with warres in Scotlande and also that he intended to haue agaynst the Frenchemen for the obtainyng of his right gathered togither treasure by dyuers and sundry wayes wherof the maner is not expressed but such great plentie cam to his handes that money was very scant throughout the whole realme by reason of which
strong power came to London where they caused the kyng to cal a parliamēt whereof hearynge Alexander Neuyll Archbyshop of Yorke Syr Lionel Uere Marques of Deuelen syr Mychael de la Poole Chaūcellour erle of Suffolk fearyng punyshment fled the lande and died in straunge countreys The kynge by counsayle of the aboue named lordes duryng the parliament caused to be taken syr Robart Triuilian chiefe Iustice of Englande syr Nycholas Brembre late Maior of Londō syr Iohn Salysbury knyght of houshold syr Iohn Beauchampe Stewarde of the kyngs house syr Symon Burley syr Iames Bernes and syr Robert Belknappe knyghtes and a sergeaunt of armes named Iohn Uske the whiche by authoritie of the sayde parliament were conuict of treason and put to death at the towre hyll at Tyborne And Iohn Holt Iohn Locton Rychard Gray Wylliam Burgth and Robert Fuithorpe iustice with the other foresayde lordes which before had voyded the land were banished and exiled for euer Anno. 12. Sir Nych Twyford M. Tho. Austen S. Adam Gathill S. This yere the kyng kepte a great iustes in Smythfielde whiche continued xxiiii days This yere on the fifth day of August was the battayle of Ottyrborn where syr Henry Percy slewe the erle Douglas of Scotland and after was taken prisoner Anno. 13. Williā Uenour M. Iohn Walcot S. Iohn Loueney S. An esquier of Nauarre accused an englyshe esquire called Iohn Welshe of treason for the triall whereof a daye of fyght was betwene them taken to bee fought in the kyngs palais at westminster where they fought a strong fyght but Iohn Welshe was victor and constrayned the other to yelde Where he was dispoyled of his armour and drawē to Tyborn and hanged for his vntruth Anno. 14. Adam Bawme M. Iohn Francis S. Tho. Uiuent S. The duke of Lancaster vncle to king Richard sayled with a company of souldiours into Spayn to claym the realme of Cast●le for so muche as he had taken to wife the eldest daughter of kyng Peter that was expelled his kyngdom by Henry his bastard brother be conquered the countreye of Galice and made league with the kyng of Portugall but by great mortalitie whiche fell among his people he was fayne to dismysse his armye and shortly after loste all that euer he had wonne Anno. 15. Iohn Hind Draper M. Io. Chadworth S Henry Uamer S A bakers man bearynge a basket of horsebread in Fletestrete one of the bishop of Salisburies mē toke out a lofe y t baker requyryng his lofe the byshops man brake the bakers head whervpon folowed suche parties takyng that the Maior and Sheriffes and all the quyete people of the citie coulde not order the vnrulynes of the multitude there gathered togyther but that they woulde haue hym deliuered to them who brake the bakers heade or els to breake open the gates of the sayde byshops palaice who was the kynges high treasorer for the whyche the kynge seased the liberties of the Cytie and discharged the Maior and Sheriffes of the rule of the Citie and committed the gouernement therof to a knight of the court called sir Edward Dalingerige The citisens making great sute and labour to obtein the kynges fauoure coulde not thys yere obteyne it Anno. 16. William Stonden Grocer M. Gilbert Māfield S Tho. Newingtō S Thys yere by the great sute labour of doctor Grauesend then byshop of Lōdon the liberties were shortly restored in reward of whiche paynes he desyred the Maior wyth the citisens of London in their liueries to resort yerely on their ix pryncipall dayes to the Churche of Poules vnto the graue of the same byshop after his decease who lyeth in the myddle of the west end of the sayd churche and there to say De profundis c. As ye may reade in Robert Fabyan Anno. 17. Iohn Hadley Grocer M. Drew Barētin S. Rich. whittington S. A truce prolonged betwene France and Englande for .iiii. yeares Thys years dyed Quene Anne wyfe to kynge Rychard Anno. 18. Io. Frēche Mercer M Wil. Bramtō S. Tho. Knolles S. Aboute thys tyme was Wikliffe famous in England King Richard made a voiage into Ireland which was more chargeable then honorable And this yeare was greate tempest of wynde in England Anno. 19. Wil. More Uintener M Roger Elys S wil. Sheringhā S A truce for .xxx. yeares was made betwene England and France and kyng Richard toke to wife Isabell the daughter of Charles the Frenche kyng Anno. 20. Adā bame goldsmith M Tho. Wilford S. williā Parker S. The duke of Gloucester king Richardes vncle wyth the Earle of Arundell and other was put to cruel death for so muche as they rebuked the kyng in certayne matters ouer lyberally Anno. 21. Richard Whittingtō Mercer M. williā Askhā S. Io. wodcock S. Thys yeare deceased Iohn of Gaunt duke of Lancaster He was buryed in Poules Churche on the Northe syde of the quyer The Duke of Hereforde and also the Duke of Norffolke were bothe banyshed the lande Anno. 22. Drew Barētin Goldsmith M. Iohn wade S Io. warner S Kynge Rycharde lette the realme of Englande to ferme to syr Wyllyam Scrope Earle of Wyltshyre and to .iii. knyghtes Busshy Bagot and Grene. And then in Apryll he wente wyth an armye into Irelande leauynge for hys Lieuetenaunte in Englande syr Edmund of Langley hys vncle and Duke of Yorke Kynge Rycharde beyng occupyed in Irelande Henry Bolynbrooke Duke of Hereforde and of Lancaster whyche was banyshed into France beynge sente for of the Londoners came into Englande wyth a smalle power and landed in Holdernesse in Yorkeshyre to whome the Communes gathered in greate number whereof Kynge Rycharde hearynge aboute September he returned and landynge at Mylforde hauen he went to the Castell of Flynt in Wales where he rested hym entendynge to gather more strengthe In the whych tyme Henry Duke of Lancaster came vnto Brystowe where he tooke syr Willyam Scrope Ealre of Wylteshyre and Treasourer of Englande syr Iohn Bushy and syr Henry Greene. Syr Iohn Bagot was there taken but he escaped and fledde the other .iii. were iudged and put to execution Kynge Rycharde beyng in the castell of Flynte hys noble menne forsakynge hym was taken and by Henry duke of Lancaster sente to the tower of London where shortly after he yelded vp and resigned to the saide Henry all hys power and Kyngely tytle to the Crowne of Englande and Fraunce knowledgynge that he worthyly was deposed for his demerites and mysgouernyng of the Common weale King Henry the fourthe Anno Regni .1 HEnry the fourthe was ordeyned Kyng of Englande more by force as it appeared then by laufull succession or election Whyche thynge tourned hym to muche vnquyetnesse and caused often rebellyon in thys Realme of courage he was noble and valyaunt and after the Ciuile warres were appeased shewed hym selfe very gentill and louyng to hys subiectes He began hys reygne
Nortō S This yere in Smithfield was helde a great Iustes betwene the Henowayes and Englyshemen in the whiche were many feates of armes done Anno. 11. Richard Marlowe Ironmonger M. Iohn Lawe S wil. Chichley S Iohn Badley taylour was brente in Smithfielde for the Sacrament of the Aulter This yeare the market house called the Stockes in London was begon to be buylded Anno. 12. Tho. Knolles Grocer M. Io. Penne S. Tho. Pike S. This yeare a squier of Wales named Rice ap Dee which had longe tyme rebelled agaynst the Kyng was broughte to London and there drawen hanged and quartered This yeare was the Guyld Halle of London begon to be newe buylt and of an olde and lyttell cotage made into a fayre goodly house as it now apereth Anno. 13. Robert Chicheley Grocer M. Iohn Rainewel S Williā Cotton S This yeare the .xii. daye of October the Thames flowed thrise in one day And this yere the kyng caused a new coyne of nobles to be made which were of lesse value then the old by iiii.d in a noble Anno. 14. Williā waldren Mercer M Rafe Leuēhind S. williā Seuenoke S. This yeare after the great and fortunate chaunces happened to Kyng Henry beyng deliuered of all ciuile diuision and discētion he mynded to make a voiage agaynst the infidels and especially for the recouery of Ierusalem and for that cause prepared a greate army and gathered muche treasure entendyng to set forward in the same sprynge When he had thus prepared all thynges necessary for his voyage he was taken wyth an Apoplerie of the whiche he languyshed tyll his appoynted hower Duryng which sycknes as auctors write he caused his Crowne to be set on the pyllowe at hys beds head and sodeynly his pang so sore troubled hym that he laye as all hys vital spirites had ben departed such as had cure of hys body thynkyng hym to be deade couered his face with a lynnen cloathe The prince hys sonne beyng therof aduertysed entered into the Chamber and toke away with hym the crowne and departed the father beyng sodaynly reuyued out of his traunce quickely perceyued y e lacke of his crown and hauyng knowledge that the prynce had possessed it caused hym to repayre to his presence requirynge of hym for what cause he had so misused hym selfe The Prynce aunswered syr to my iudgement you semed dead wherfore I as your next heyre tooke it as myne and not as yours wel sonne sayd the kyng what ryght I had to it and howe I enioyed it God knoweth well quod the Prynce if you dye kynge I wyll haue the garlande and trust to kepe it with the sworde as ye haue done well sayde the kyng I commyt all to God and remember you to doo well and with that turned hym selfe and shortly after departed in a chamber of the Abbottes of Westmynster called Hierusalem the xx daye of Marche in the yere of our lorde .1412 When he had reigned .13 yeres syxe monethes and nyne dayes and was buried at Cauntorbury King Henry the fifth Anno Regni .1 HEnry y e fifte began his reigne the .xx. daye of Marche in the yere of our lorde .1412 and deceased the last day of August in the yere .1422 so he reigned .ix. yeres fyue monethes and tenne dayes He was a Prynce of great noblenes prowes of stature and personage talle and sclender of nature gentle and lyberall in dedes of armes expert and cunnyng wherby he conquered manfully his enemies and broughte Fraunce to his subiection before the death of his father he applied and gaue hym selfe to all vice and insolencie of lyfe and drewe vnto hym riotous and wildely disposed persones but whan he was admitted to the rule of the land sodaynly he became a newe man and turned all that rage of wyldnes into sober and wyse behauior and vice into vertue and that he myght not be agayne corrupted he charged all his olde companions that vpon payne of their lyues none of them should come within tenne myles of the place that he was lodged in He caused Iohn Lidgate monke of Bery to translate certayne verses of the psaltar into english myter whiche he vsed in his deuyne seruice This yere about haruest tyme was syr Iohn Olde castell knight appeached for an hereticke and committed to pryson but he brake out of the tower and went to Walis where he lyued .iiii. yeres after Anno. 1. Wil. Crowmer Draper M. Ioh. Suttō S. Iohn Mycol S. Certayne adherentes of the forenamed syr Iohn Oldecastel intending the destruction of this lande and subuersiō of the same assembled them in Thickettes fielde nere vnto saynt Gyles in great number whereof the kyng beyng informed toke the fyeld afore them and foke of them so many that all the prysons in and about London were filled The chiefe of them whiche were .xxix. were condempned by the Clergie of heresie and attaynted of hyghe treason as mouers of warre agaynst their kyng by the temporall lawe in the Guyldhall adiudged for treason to be drawen hāged and for heresy to be cōsumed w t fire whiche was executed accordingly in Ianuary folowyng The chiefe of these rebelles was syr Robert Acton knyght Iohn Browne Esquser and Iohn Beuerley priest as testyfieth Edward Hal. Anno. 2. Thomas Fauconer Mercer M. Iohn Michell S. Tho. Allyn S. This yere the kyng made great prouision to sayle into Fraunce with an army whyle he was shipping of his people syr Rychard erle of Cambrydge syr Rychard Scrope treasorer of England and syr Thomas Graye knyght were arrested for treason and so strayghtly examyned that it was cōfessed that they were purposed to haue slayne the kyng by the corrupting of the Frenche men wherfore they were all three adiudged to die and were headed at Hampton Then kyng Henry tooke shypping with a great power and sayled into Normādie toke the town of Harflewe where he was compassed about with a great hoste of french mē to y e nūber of .40000 He hauyng but .13000 footemen and 2000. speares He slewe of his enemies 10000. and toke prisoners nye as many This was called the battayle of Agyncourt of the whiche ye may reade more at large in Fabian and Hall Anno. 3. Nycholas Walton Draper M. Wil. Cābridge S Allein Euerard S This yere the Emperour Sigismōd came into Englād to entreate a meanes of peace betwene the kynges of England and Fraūce but al was in vayne for in the ende no peace could be concluded and kyng Henry went agayne into Fraunce Anno. 4. Henry Barton Skinner M. Ro. Wodyngtō S Iohn Couentree S This yere in Fraunce kynge Henry obteyned many victories and gotte all the townes and holdes in Normandy sauyng Roban whiche he strongly besieged This yere on Easter day was a great fraye in saynt Dunstones churche in the East the begynners thereof was the lorde Straunge and
the dead corps of kyng Richard was broughte to Leycester and there buried at the Gray friers churche King Henry the seuenth Anno Regni .1 HEnrie the seuenth began hys reigne ouer this realme of England the .22 day of August in the yeare of our Lorde .1485 and deceased in the yeare .1509 the .xxii. day of Apryll So he reigned .xxiii. yeares and .viii. monethes he was a prince of meruailous wysedome and polycie and of great iustice temperaunce and grauitie He so behaued hym in the time of his Reigne that not withstandynge manye and greate occasions of trouble vnquietnes and warre Hee kepte his Realme in ryghte good rule and order Wherfore he was greately estemed reuerenced of foreyne princes Anno. 1. Hugh Brice M. Goldsmyth M. Iohn Tate S Io. Swanne S This yeare maister Thomas Ilam Alderman of London and marchant of the Staple at Calaice newe made the great Cundite in Cheape of hys owne goodes The Kynge ordeyned a numbre of chosen Archers and other stronge and hardy persons to geue daily attendance on his person whom he named yeomen of his garde This yeare was the sweatyng sycknes of the whyche a wonderfull multitude dyed and in London besydes other there dyed .ii. Maiors within .viii. dayes and .vi. aldermen This yeare the beautyfull Crosse in Cheape was newe buylded and made Towarde the buyldyng wherof Thomas Fysher mercer gaue .vi. C. marks Anno. 2. Sir Henry Colet mercer M. Iohn Perciuall S. Hugh Clopto● S. This yere the king maried Elisabeth eldest daughter of Edward the fourth by whyche meanes the twoo famylyes of Yorke and Lancaster the whyche had long caused diuision was knytt together in one About this tyme Francis Louell and Humfrey Stafford rebelled in y e north with them was Martin Swart Which commotion was quieted by the policy of the Duke of Bedford but not without bloud shedde For there was slayne the Erle of Lyncoln the lord Louell Martyn Swart other aboue .iiii. thousand And this yeare was borne prince Arthure in the moneth of September Anno. 3. Williā Horne Salter M. Iohn Fenkyll S. williā Remingtō S. This yere was quene Elizabeth crowned at Westmynster vppon saynt Katherines daye Anno. 4. Robert Tate Mercer M. williā Isake S Rafe Tinley S This yere was a taske of the .x. peny of all mens goodes and landes through which the commons of the northe slew the Earle of Northumberlande wherfore Chamberlayne their capitayn with other was hanged at Yorke Anno. 5. Williā white Draper M. williā Capel S Iohn Broke S This yeare one Roger Shauelocke slewe hym self For whole goodes was muche busynes betwene the kyngs amner and the sheryffe Anuo .6 Iohn Mathewe mercer M. Hēry Coot S. Ro. Reuell S. Hugh Hēberton S. Syr Robert Chamberlain beheaded This yere the Kyng required a beneuolence which was to hym granted toward his iourney into France Thys yeare Creplegate of London was new buylded at the costes and charges of syr Edmūd Shaw goldsmith late Maior of the same citie In Iuly was Henry the kyngs second sonne borne at Grenewiche This yeare the beautifull Cundyte in Gracious strete was begon to be buylded The stone worke wherof was fynished in the yeare .1494 But the fyrst water ran out therof on the .xix. day of March in the yere .1503 the .xix. yere of Henry the .vii. and not before Whyche Cundyte was buylded at the costes and charges of sir Thomas Hyll grocer as it doth appeare by certaine verses writen on the same Cundyte as hereafter followeth Thomas Hill knight late Maior of this citie with his wife dame Elisabeth of their charity For the loue of God weale of the cōmonaltie Of their costs onely thys thyng dyd edyfie Out of the ground with all thyngs necessary Anno. 7. Hugh Clopton mercer M. Tho. Wood S. Wil. Brown S. This yere kyng Henry toke hys voyage into France with a greate army to aide the Britōs against the french king Anno. 8. Wil. Martin skinner M. Wil. Purchas S wil. Welbecke S This yere was a peace concluded betwene the kings of England France and kyng Henry returned agayne into England And this yere was a fraye or ryote made vppon the Easterlynges or Stilliard men by Mercers seruauntes and other For the whyche dyuers of them were sore punished and the chiefe aucthors were kept long in prison Anno. 9. Rafe ●stry fish monger M. Robert Fabiā S Iohn wynger S This yeare wheat was solde for vi.d the bushell and baye salte at iii.d ob the bushell Anno. 10. Rich. Chawry salter M. Nicol. Alwin S. Iohn warner S. This yeare was white hearyng sold at xl.d a barell beyng good Dyuers gentylmen in England were appeached of treason and for fauoryng the conspiracie of Parkyn Warbeck of whiche some were pardoned and some put to death Perkyn Warbecke whyche by the counsayle of Margarete of Burgoyne namyng hymselfe Rycharde of Yorke Kynge Edwardes seconde sonne arryued in Kente where hee was dryuen backe by the Uplandyshe menne and other of the inhabitauntes of the countreye wyth the losse of dyuers of hys men and shortely after were hanged an hundred and three score persones of the forenamed Rebelles in dyuerse and sundrye coastes of Englande The .v. captains were Mountford Corbet Whitebelt Quintin and Genyne Anno. 11. Syr Hēry Colet mercer M. Tho. Kneisworth S Henry Somer S The Scots brake into the north partes of England by the setting on of Perkyn Werbecke and dyd muche harme to the borderers Anno. 12. Iohn Tate mercer M. Iohn Shaw S Rich. Haddon S This Iohn Tate builded saint Anthonies in London a goodly foundation as shall hereafter be declared Where kynge Henry made preparation for warre into Scotland by means of a payment that was graunted to the Kyng by act of parliament a new commotion was made by the Commons of Cornewall whyche vnder the leadyng of the lorde Audeley wyth Mighell Ioseph the Black smyth and dyuers other came to Blacke heath where the kyng met with them and discomfited the rebells and toke theyr Captaines which were shortly after drawen hanged and quartered The lorde Audeley was beheaded at the tower hyll the .xxviii. day of Iune Kyng Henry sent an army into Scotlande under the guydyng of the Erle of Surrey and the lorde Neuell whyche made sharpe warre vpon the Scots A mariage concluded betwene prince Arthur and lady Katherine the kyngs daughter of Spayn Perkyn Werbecke landed agayne in Cornewall and assaulted the towne of Excetour and other places but finally he toke the saintuarie of Beaudly and was after pardoned his life Anno. 13. Williā purchase mercer M. Bartholo Rede S. Tho. windought S. A peace proclaimed betwene the kinges of Englande and Scotlande for the terme of both theyr lyues Perkyn Warbecke endeuoured to steale away secretly out of the land but he was taken
towards Rome ambassadours from the king quene councel The .xvi. daye of Marche a weaner which dwelled in Shorditche was burned in Smithfield The xiiii day of Aprill in Anno .1555 beyng Ester day a certain desperate person named Williā Flower with a wod knyfe wounded a priest as he was ministrynge the sacrament to the people in S. Margarets churche at Westminster for the whiche offence the said William Flower was burned at westmynster in saint Margarets church yarde the .xxiiii. day of Apryll In Maye the Lorde Cardynall Poole the lorde Chauncelloure of Englande the Earle of Arundell hygh steward of Englande and the lorde Paget wente ouer sea to Calyce and nere vnto Mark treated with the emperors and Frenche kynges Commyssioners for a peace to be had betwene the sayde princes Cardinall Poole beyng president there who returned agayne into Englande about the myddest of Iune without any agrement makyng On the tenthe daye of May a ladde called Wyllyam Fetherstone aboute the age of eyghtene yeares whoe named hym selfe to be kyng Edwarde the vi was taken about Eltham in Kente and conueyed to Hampton court there brought before the counsell who examined hym why he named hymselfe to bee kyng Edward he requirynge to be pardoned sayd he wist not what he did but as he was counsailed apperyng manyfestly to be a desperate foole and so was cōmitted to the marshalsey The .xxviii. day of May the aforesayd ladde was had out of the Marshalsey in a carte and so caryed throughe London to Westminster wyth a paper on hys head wherin was written that he named hym selfe kyng Edwarde And after that he had bene thus caryed round aboute Westmynster hall before all the Iudges and others he was then whipped about the sayde Hall and after set at lybertie The later ende of Iune was a certain muttering traiterously attempted about Wadehurst in Suffex but it was spedily perceyued and wyttyly repressed About the fyrste of Iuly Iohn Bradforde was burned in Smithfield This Bradforde was a man of very sober and honest lyfe and therefore the byshoppes woulde haue ben very glad to haue had hym recant and abiure his opinion The .xii. day of August the .3 yeare of quene Mary was a terrible fyght on the sea betwene the Duchemen and frenchmen nere vnto Romney marshe where as .xi. shyps were brent and sonke that is .vi. frenche shyppes and fyue greate hulkes and certayne hulkes taken by the Frenche men In the beginning of Septēber the king went ouer sea to Calice and so forthe to Brusselles in Brabant to visite the emperour his father The begynning of October fell suche rayne that for the space of vi days men mought row with boates in saint Georges field the water came into westminster hall and there stoode halfe a yarde depe Also into the palaice of westmynster and into Lambeth Churche that men mought row about the church with a whirrie The .xvi. day of October doctor Ridley and doctour Latymer were burned at Oxenforde Anno. M .3 P .2 wil. Garret haberdasher M Thomas Lee S. Iohn Machā S. In October and Nouember a parliamēt was holden in the which the quene beyng persuaded of the clergie that she could not prosper so long as she kepte in her handes the reuenues of the churche yelded vp vnto the spirituall menne the fyrste fruites and tenthes of all byshoprikes benefices and ecclesiasticall liuinges which in king Hēries time were by parliament annexed to the crowne before the ende of this parliamente dyed Stephen Gardener Chancellour of England on the .ix. day of Nouember and was buried at Wynchester and in hys place was appointed doctor Heath archbyshop of Yorke Philpot was burned the .xviii. daye of Nouembre Kyng Philyp beginnyng to gouerne the low countreys committed vnto him by his father about the .xviii. day of Ianuarie entred into Andwerpe and was receiued with great solemnitie The .iiii. day of Marche appered a blasyng sterre and continued the space of xii dayes William Fetherston who before had named hym selfe to be kyng Edward as you haue herd in the yere last past now said he had of late sene and spoken with kynge Edwarde for the whiche he was drawen to tyborne and there hanged quartered the .xiii. day of Marche The .xxi. day of Marche D. Cranmer archbyshop of Canterbery was burned at Oxford and the same daye the lorde Cardinall Poole song his fyrst masse at Grenewich in the friers church on sonday next folowynge he was consecrated archebyshop of of Caunterbury at the same friers churche with great solemnitie and on the .xxv. daye of Marche beyng the feast of the annunciation of our Ladye in the yeare .1556 he was stalled at Bowechurche in Cheape On Palmsonday euē being y e .28 of Marche part of the prison house of Newgate at Lōdon was burnt by casualtie of fire This yeare a certain conspiracie was made by certaine meane persons in England whose purpose was to haue robbed the quenes Escheker to this entent that they myghte bee able to mainteyne warre agaynste the quene This matter was vttered by one of the conspiracye whereby Udall Throgmorton Peckham Daniel and Stanton were apprehended for the same and dyuers other fled into France The .xxviii. day of Apryll Throgmorton and Richard Udall wer drawen to Tyborne and there hanged and quartered The .xix. of Maye Stanton was likewyse executed at Tyborne The .viii. daye of Iune one Rossy Dedyke and Bedle were also drawen to Tyborn and hanged quartered The .xxvii. daye of Iune were .xiii. persones brent at Stratforde the bowe for matters of religion The .viii. day of Iuly Henry Peckham and Iohn Daniel were hanged and headed at the tower hyll and theyr bodyes buried at Barkyng churche Anno. M .4 P .3 sir Tho. Offley marchāt taylour M. Wil. Harper S. Iohn white S. About this tyme began the hofe burnyng feuers and other strange diseases wherof died many olde persons so that in London there dyed frome the laste of Nouēber vnto the last of Decēber .vii. Aldermen whose names were Henry Herdson sir Richard Dobbes late maior sir Williā Larton late maior syr Henry Nublethorn late maior sir Iohn Chapneis blynde late maior sir Iohn Oliffe late sheriff sir Iohn Greshā late maior The .16 of December a smyth beyng a stranger borne was arraigned at Newgate for makynge counterfeated keyes wherwith to haue opened Newgate in the nyght and so to haue slayne the keper and lette foorth the prysoners at whyche tyme of his arraignement hauyng a knyfe about hym he thrust hym in who gaue witnesse agaynst hym so that he dyed therof for the whiche acte after that .xii. men had gyuen theyr verdict against him and iudgement passed he was immediatly takē from the barre and in the strete before the Iustice hall his hand beyng striken of his body was hanged on a new gybbet set vp for that purpose the same tyme the keeper of newgate was indicted for that the sayde
Wales and Irelande rebelled 1207 The fyrste Mayre of London 1208 Lōdon bridge bnylded of stone S. Mary Ouerys in Southwark buylded 1209 1210 A legate from Rome The kynge sworne to bee obedient to Rom●● 1211 The land released of the interdiccion 1212 Great discention betwene the kyng and his lordes Great fyre in Southwark and London The Kynge made a charter to his barons on Baramdowne 1213 The king forced to take y e ayde of strangers to defend him agaynste his barons Piers of Pōfret his son executed at Warham 1214 Kynge Iohn besieged the castell of Rochester and wan the same Reynold of Chester The Mayre of London discharged and an other serued the rest of the yeare A Legate frō Rome 1215 Reynold of Chester The death of Kyng Iohn VVilliam Caxton Polidorus Virgile Radulphus niger Houeden Mathevv Paris The abbey of Bewley builded The abbey of blacke monks in Winchester 1216 Kyng Henry crowned at Gloucester 1216 1217 1218 ii s. of euerye plough lande granted to the kyng The newe work of westminster abbey begon 1219 Spirites and fyry dragons All strangers banyshed thys land but such as came wyth marchandyse Kyng Henry crowned the second tyme at Westminster The castels of Chartley Beston the abbey of Delacresse builded 1220 One faynyng hym selfe to be Christ was crucified 1221 Execution 1222 Salisburye buylded 1223 The fyrste grant of wardes to y e king ●●24 1225 1226 Sheriffwike of London Midlesex Free wareyn Toll free 1227 The cities liberties ratified 1229 Thomas Couper 1229 No sheriffe in Lōdon past one yeare 1230 Great fyre in London 1231 Warre in England betwen the kynge and his lordes 1232 Saint Iohns without Oxēford begon Great tempestes 1233 1234 The statute of Merton establysht 1235 S Katherines by the tower builded 1236 1237 Kyng Henry the thyrd like to haue been slayn by treason 1238 1239 1240 The fyrst Aldermen in Lōdon 1241 1242 Griffith of Wales brake his necke in the tower of London 1243 Thomas Couper 1244 Geffrey of Monmouth 1245 The abbey of Hayles buylded 1246 An earthquake The kyng seised the franchise of the citie of Londō Coyne changed 1247 1248 Robert Fabian Iohn Bale 1249 The great wind 1250 1252 1251 The Maire of Londō sworn in the schequer 1252 The sea arose and drowned many vylages in Englande 1253 The liberties of London seased The kynges eldest sonne Prince of Wales 1254 The liberties of Londō seased by y e king Execution of the Iewes 1255 1256 The Maior of London diuers Aldermē and the Sherifes depriued The mad parliament holdē at Oxēford Twelue piers chosen in Englande 1257 Bakers punished on the tumbrell 1258. Thomas coper A Iew drowned in a prime marg 1259 A folke mote at Paules crosse An othe to the kyng 1260 Gylbart de Clare Earle of Gloucester 1261 A great frost The barons of Englande rose gainst the kyng 1262 Fyue hūdred Iewes slaine at London A battaill at Lewys 1263 The battayle of Euisham in Worcestershyre A parliament at winchester London lyke to haue bene vtterly spoyled The kynge gaue y e maior of London foure aldermē with all theyr lands goods to his sonne prince Edwarde 1264 The kynge gaue dyuers citizens of Lōdon with all their landes goodes to his houshold seruauntes Kenelworth castel besieged 1265 A parliament at Northamton 1266 Norwiche spoyled The statute for weyghtes and measures Iohn Ras●al The alteration of the coyns from iiii pence to xii pence 1267 The kyng besieged Londō Foure persons for roberies putte in sackes caste in y e Thames 1268 A great ryot in London Execution The Maior of London iiii Aldermē released out of Wynsor castell 1269 A great frost The Citie of London geuē to prince Edwarde 1270 The steple of Bowchurche blown down 1271 A great ryote in Norwiche Execution 1272 1272 1272 1273 Greate stryfe for chusyng y e Maior of Lōdon 1274 The castell of Flynte buylded 1275 Alienynge in Mortmayne Execution 1276 1277 The terme kept at Shrewesbury 1278 Great executiō of Iewes 1279 Halfpens and farthings first coyned 1280 Rebellion in Wales 1281 1282 Execution Thomas Couper Marton colledge buylded at Oxenford 1283 Execution A parliament at Shrowesbury Laurence Ducket hanged in Bowe churche The great cūdite in Chepe begon to bee buylded 1284 The liberties of London seised into the kyngs hande The newe work of westminster churche 1285 Parliamente at Glocester 1286 A hote sōmer and greatte cheape of corn other grayn 1287 1288 Execution for rebellion 1239 1290 The woll staple kepte at Sandwyche Iewes banyshed 1291 Quene Elianor deceased 1292 Execution 1293 Great tempeste 1294 Douer spoyled by French men 1295 Rebellion in Wales 1296 Kyng Edward wonne Barwyke 1297 The Tunne in Cornhyll is nowe the Cundyte The liberties of London granted again 1298 1299 1300 1301 A parliamēt at Cāturbery 1302 1303 Iohn Hardyng 1304 Execution at London 1305 1306 Kynge Edward the first deceased 1307 1307 1308 1309 The Rhodes won by christian men frō the Turkes The crouched friers came first into Englande 1310 A table with tressels all of golde conueighed out of Englande 1311 Execution in Gauerside 1312 1313 The battayle of Estriuelyn Guido de columna 1314 Iohn Hardyng A barkers son made clayme to the crowne of Englande in an opē parliament holdē at Oxenford Execution 1315 Iohn Hardyng Iohn Hardyng 1316 A greate famyne 1317 The whyte battaille 1318 1319 1320 Great execution 1321 The sonne appered as red as blood 1322 1323 1324 Kynge Edwarde hys Chancellor y e Spencers other taken prisoners 1325 Great execution Kyng Edward deposed 1326 The liberties of London cōfyrmed Kynge Edward the second murdred 1326 Parliamente at Northampton 1327 Scottyshe tauntes 1328 Execution 1329 Execution 1330 Barwicke wonne 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 Great cheape of vitaye 1337 1338 Southamptō robbed by Frenchmen 1339 A great subsedye Coyne changed The armes of Englande and Fraunce entermedled 1340 Iohn of Gaunt borne at Gaunt A battayle on the sea 1341 1342 1343 A new coyne 1344 The order of knyghtes of the garter 1345 1346 The kyng of Scotts taken 1347 Caleis yelded to Edwarde the third 1348 A great plage 1349 Alteration of coyn to a smaller value A great pestilence 1350 1351 1352 The dry sommer 1353 1354 The woll staples kepte at Westminster Chichester Lyncoln Bristow and Canturbery The frier Augustins churche in Lōdon buylded 1355 1356 A great Iustes in Smithfielde 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 The seconde pestilence 1362 A greate wynde 1363 1364 S. Stephēs chapel at westmynster begonne 1365 1366 1367 A Comet or blasing starre 1368 1369 The quenes Colledge in Oxford buylded The thyrd pestilence 1370 A cheste in Guyldehaule hauyng three lockes and neuer a peny therin 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 Edward the third deceased 1377 Iohn Gowre in his booke entituled vox clamantes whiche treateth of the infortunate time of Richarde the second 1377 1 Froysart Barwick taken by .xl. persons 1378 1379 Grauesende spoyled by
Robert Curthois duke of Normandy layd his dukedome to pawne to his brother Wyllyam of Englande for tenne thousand poundes This .vi. yeare as saith Guido Hugh Lupus Earle of Chester sente to Normandye for Anceime to buylde an abbey at Chester whyche he after buylded and then was made archebyshop of Canterburye and after was exiled by William Ruffus Anno. 7. Malcolyne kynge of Scottes for displeasure taken with the vnkyndnesse of William Ruffus inuaded the marches of Englande and in Northumberlande was slayne with his eldest soonne Edward by Robert Monbray which was erle of that prouince This yere was so great a pestilence that many men laye vnburied Anno. 8. Englande and Normandy were greued with exactions and murreyn of mē so sharply that tillage of the earth was layde asyde for .x. yeare wherby ensued great hunger and scarsitie the yeres folowyng And many strange vncouthe syghtes were sene as hostes of menne syghtynge in the skie fyery flames and suche other Anno. 10. The .x. yere was sene a blasyng sterre of great brightnes Anno. 11. About this tyme Wyllyam Ruffus buylded Westmynster Hall who mysliking the same for that it was to smal was determined to make a bygger and that it should serue for a chaumber Althogh Williā Ruffus builded Westminster Hall yet was it sens that tyme fynished or repaired by Richard the seconde who gaue the .iii. lyons with the flower de luce quarterly and the white hart for his cognisāce he was the first that gaue the white hart Anno. 12. The .xii. yere the ryuer of Thames rose so hye that it drowned many townes in England In England at a towne called Fynchauster in Barkeshire a well cast out blood as before it had done water and after by the space of .xv. days great flames of fyre were sene in the element Anno. 13. Wylliam Ruffus being at his disport of huntynge by glaunsyng of an arrow that Walter Tyrell a frenche knyghte dyd shoote was woūded to death in the newe forest in Hampshire on a Lammas day and buried at Wynchester Iohn Hardyng writeth that William Rufus to enlarge the same forest ouerturned .iiii. abbeyes .xvii. paryshe churches and all the towne to thē belōgyng King Henry the first called Beauclerke Anno Reg .1 HEnry the brother of Wylliam Ruffus and the first of that name for his lernyng called Beauclerk began hys dominion ouer this realme of England the fyrst day of August in the yeare of our Lord .1100 and reigned xxxv yeres .iiii. monethes and one day This Henry was a noble prince stronge aud myghty of body of hyghe stature blacke heared and had greate eyes a comely visage and a plesant and amiable countenance He greatly abhorred excesse of meates and drynkes In thre thynges he was excellent in witte eloquence and good fortune in battayle And for these there reigned in him thre notable vices couetousnes cruelty and lust of the body but yet he was not soo geuen to these vices but that he farre exceded in vertue At the beginnyng of his reigne hee restored the state of the clergie aswaged the greuous paymentes reduced agayn saint Edwardes lawes and amended them Anno. 2. Ranulphe byshop of Durham procured Robert Curthoise duke of Normandie which was now returned from Ierusalem to warre vppon his brother Henry for the crowne of England who assembled a strong armie and landed at Portismouth But by mediation peace was made on this condition that Henry should paye three thousande markes yerely to duke Robert Anno. 3. In this thirde yere of kynge Henry as sayth Fabian the churche and hospitall of saint Bartholomew in Smithfield was begun to be founded by a minstrell of the kynges named Rayer And after finished by good and wel disposed citisens of the citie of London and especially by Rychard Whittington Thys place of Smythfield was at that daye a laystowe of all ordure to fylthe and the place where felons and other transgressours of the kynges lawes were put to execution Anno. 4. Robert Duke of Normandye commynge into Englande by the entreatie of kynge Henry and his wyfe released to hym the tribute of three thousande markes Anno. 5. But it was not long ere that by meanes of yl reports great malice was kyndeled betwene the two brethren And shortly thervpon deadly warre sprang In the end wherof Robert was taken and kept in perpetual prison in Cardiff by his brother who immediatly seysed the duchye of Normandy and held it in hys possession Syr Robert le Fitzhā builded Teukesbury and there was buried Anno. 6. Robert Earle of Shrewsburye and Wyllyam of Cornewalle rebelled agaynst kyng Henry and were taken and condempned to perpetuall imprysonment Kyng Henry ordeined strayte lawes agaynst theues and other that vsed vnlaufull takyng of mens goodes in whiche was conteyned the losse of lyfe of eyes of stones and other membres of the parties transgressors accordyng as qualitie of the fact required Anno. 7. In England appered a blasing sterre betwene the south and the west and agaynst that in the east appered a greate beame as it were stretchyng towarde the sterre and shortly after were seene two moones the one in the Easte and thother in the weste Anno. 8. A certayne byshop of Fluentyne about this tyme taught that Antichriste was come beyng moued with the wonderfull straunge syghtes whiche were sene in those dayes Anno. 9. Henry the Emperor desyred to wife Maude the eldeste doughter of kyng● Henry of England beyng then but .v. yeares of age nor able to be maried Anno. 10. In the .10 yeare of his reygne the kyng maried Robert his bastard sonne to Mabel doughter and heire of Robert Fitzham and made hym the fyrst earle of Gloucester who after buylded the strong castell of Brystow And the priorie of saint Iames in the nor the syde of the same citie where his body was buryed And his sonne Erle William began the abbay of Euishame Debate fel betwene the kyng of Englande and Lewes of France for the castell of Gysours and homage whiche the sayd Lewes required to be done for the duchy of Normandie Anno. 13. At Shrewsbury in Englande was a greate earthe quake and the ryuer of Trent was so dryed that the space of one daye men went ouer dry●hoed And this yere the kyng buylded the abbay of Hyde without the walles of winchester that of olde tyme was wythin the walles A blasyng sterre appered sonne after and thervpon folowed a harde winter deathe of men scarsitie of victuals and morayne of beastes Anno. 15. Kyng Henry of Englande subdued the Welshmen whiche oftentymes rebelled and made them sweare to hym fealtie and allegeaunce and to delyuer pledges for the more certayn confirmation and suretie therof He also gaue hys doughter in mariage to the Emperour with great dower and made William his sonne Duke of Normandye
of Nouember was one Iohn Nycholson otherwyse Lambert a priest burnt in Smythfielde Also in Nouember were Henry Marques of Excester and erle of Deuōshire and syr Henry Pole knyghte the lorde Mountague and syr Edward Neuell brother to the lorde of Burganysent to the towre The two lordes were arraigned the last day of December at Westminster before the lord Audley of Walden lord Chaunceller highe stewarde of Englād there found gilty the third day after was arraigned sir Edwarde Neuell syr Geffray Pole two priestes called Croftes and Collyns one Holland a marriner and all attainted the ix daye of Decēber were the sayde two lordes and syr Edward Neuel beheaded at the tower hyll the two priesies Holland were drawen to tyborne and there hanged and quartered and syr Ieffray Pole was pardoned The .22 day of Decēber a priest Hēry Daunce a Brycklayer an Organ maker bare fagottes at Paules crosse On Ashwensday were Iohn Iohnes Iohn potter William Manering hāged in the princes lyueries because thei were the princes seruantes on the south side of Paules churchyard for killing of Roger Cholmeley Esquier in the same place of malyce pretended The thyrd daye of Marche was syr Nicholas Carewe of Bedingtō in Surrey knyght of the gartar and maister of the kynges horse beheaded at towre hil The thirde daye of Marche the kyng created at Westmynster syr Willyam Pawlet knyght treasorer of his housholde Lorde saynt Iohn and syr Iohn Russell comptroller of his housholde lorde Russell The same tyme the kynge caused all the hauens to be fortyfied and rode to Douer and sent cōmissioners through out all the Realme to haue his people muster and at the same season on Easter daye was there .ix. vnknowen ships liyng in the downes wherfore all Kent arose and mustered in harness the same daye The .xxviii. daye of Apryll beyng in the .xxxi. yere of Henry the eight began a parliament at Westmynster in the whiche Margaret Coūtesse of Salisbury Gertrude wyfe to the Marques of Excester Reinold Pole syr Adrian Foskewe and Thomas Dingley knyght of saynt Ihons and dyuers other were attaynted of treason Folkewe and Dingley were beheaded the .x. day of Iuly This yere the .viii. daye of May the citezins of London mustered at the Myles ende all in bryght harneys with coates of whyte sylke and cloth and chaines of golde in thre great battayls the number was .xv. thousande besyde wyffelers and other wayters who in goodly order passed through London to Westmynster and so through the sanctuary and round about the parke of S. Iames and so up through the fielde and came home through Holborne The .viii. daye of Iuly the Uicar of Wandsworth with his chaplayne and his seruaunt and fryer Wayre were all foure drawen from the Marshalsey vnto saint Thomas a Wateryngs and there hanged and quartered for treason In August the great Onele Odonele of Irelande inuaded the Englyshe pale and burned almost .xx. myles within the same wherfore the Lorde Graye beyng deputie there assembled a strong power and draue hym back The .xvi. daye of September Duke Frederick of Bauarie the Palsgraue of Rhine the Marshal of duke Iohn Frederick electour of Saxony with other came to London by whom the mariage was concluded betwene kyng Henry the lady Anne sister to Wyllyam the Duke of Cleue Anno. 31. Syr William Hollis Mercer M. Tho. Feyrie S. Th. Hūtlow S. This Thomas Huntlow shryue before named gaue to the company of the Habardashers certain tenementes for y t which they be bound to geue to .x. poore almes people of y e same cōpany euery one of thē .viii. d. euery fryday for euer And also at euery quarter diner to be kept by the masters of y e same cōpany to be genē to euery one of those .x. poore people before named a peny lose of bread a potle of ale a pece of bief worth .4 d. in a platter with porage and .4 d. in money The .14 day of Nouēber Hughe Feryngdon abbot of Reding .ii. priestes the one called Rug the other named Onion were attainted of high treason for deniyng y e kyng to be supreme head of the church were drawen hanged quartered at Redyng The same days was Richard Whiting abbot of Glastēbury lykewyse attainted hanged and quartered on towre hyll besyde his Monastery for the same cause The first day of Decēber was Iohn Beche abbot of Colchester put to execution for the lyke offence In Decēber were appointed to waite on the kynges highnes person .50 gentlemē called Pencioners or speres lyke as they were in the first yere of y e kyng The third daye of Ianuary was the lady Anne of Cleue receiued at Blacke heath and brought to Grenewych with great tryumphe and the syxt daye of the same moneth she was maried to kynge Henry The .18 daye of Apryl was Thomas lorde Cromwell created erle of Essex made great chamberlayne of England whiche euer the erles of Oxenforde had before that tyme. In A parliament whiche began the xviii daye of Apryll the relygion of S. Iohnes in Englande whiche of moste men was named the knyghtes of the Rhodes was dissolued wherof hearing syr Wyllyam Weston knyght prior of S. Ihones for thought dyed on the Assention day beyng the fifth day of May. In Maye the .xxxii. yere of his reigne was sent to the towre doctor Wilson doctor Samson bishop of Chichester for releuīg certain prisoners which denied the kings supremacy and for y e same offēce was one Richard Farmer Gro. of London a ryche and a welthy man and of good estimacion commytted to the Marshalsey and after in Westmynster hall was arraigned and attainted in the premunire and lost all his goodes The .ix. daye of Iuly Thomas lorde Cromwell late made Erle of Essex being in the counsayle chamber was sodaynly apprehended and committed to the tower of London The .xix. daye of the same moneth he was attainted by parliament and neuer came to his answere whiche lawe he was the autour of he was there attainted of heresie and hyghe treason And the .xxviii. daye of Iuly beheaded at the tower hyll with the lorde Hungerforde Kyng Henry by authoritie of parliament conuocatiō was dyuorsed from his pretensed mariage made with the lady Anne of Cleue and it was enacted that she shoulde bee taken no more as Queene but called the ladye Anne of Cleue The .xxx. daye of Iuly Robert Barnes Thomas Gerrard Wylliam Ierome priestes were burned in Smythfield The same daye Thomas Abell Edward Powell and Rychard Fetherstone were drawen hanged and quartered for denying the kynge to bee supreme head of the churche of England The fourth daye of August were drawen from the towre to tyborne syx persons one led betwene two sergeātes and there hanged and quartered one was the Priour of Dancaster an other a Monke of
one of the Sonne the .xxiiii. daye of Ianuary and three of the moone a straunge thyng and suche as had not happened since the tyme of Charles the great In the beginning of lent lorde Edward Seymer erle of Hertforde was made lieftenāt of the north partes and sent thether with an armie for y e defēce of that countrey The beginning of Marche Germine Gardyner Larke parson of Chelsey besyde London and Syngleton were executed at Tyborne for denying the kyng to be supreme head of the churche and shortly one Ashbee was lykewyse executed for the same The .xxii. daye of Marche the lorde Admirall with a great nauy departed from the port of Londō towardes Scotlande The fourth daye of Apryll a gonne poulder house called the black swanne standyng vpon east smythfielde was blowen vp with other houses nighe adioynyng and therein were burned fyue men a boye and a woman Upon Maie euen in the .36 yere of Henry the eyght died the lord Thomas Audeley hygh Chancellor of England After whome succeded lorde Thomas Writhesley Upon May daye the nauye sente by the Lord admirall which vntyll thys tyme had no good wynde tooke their voyage into Scotlande from Tynmouth wyth whom was the lorde Edwarde Seymor Erle of Hertford the kynges lieutenāt and generall captain of the army whiche the fourthe daye of May arriued at Lyth the hauen of Edenborough and toke the towne of Lyth and spoyled it after which they made toward Edenboroughe where at a certayne brydge the Scottes had layde theyr ordynance but by the pollicie and manhode of our captaines and souldiors the Scottes ordynance was won and discharged against them selues and thereby were put to flyght after thys the towne of Edenborough sente vnto the armye pretendynge to delyuer the towne vppon certayne condytions to the behofe of oure Kynge But when the armye entred they were inuaded by them for whiche cause the Towne was destroyed and cleane wasted Kyng Henry and the Emperoure agreed ioyntely to inuade the realme of France wyth two great powers About this tyme kyng Henry made great prouisiō for a voiage into France A proclamation made enhaunsynge the value of gold to the rate of xlviii.s and syluer to .iiii. shyllynges the ounce It is to be noted that at thys tyme the kynge caused to be coyned the base moneys whych was called down the fyfth yeare of Edwarde the .vi. and called in the seconde yere of Quene Elizabeth After the whytson holye dayes the Duke of Norffolke and the Lord pryuie seale with a great army tooke their voyage into Fraunce and besieged Mutterell where they laye vntyll the Kynge hadde wonne Boloygne Not longe after the Duke of Suffolke with many other noble men passed the seas and encamped before Boloigne on the East syde The xiiii daye of Iuly kyng Henry hym selfe wyth a goodly companye passed from Douer to Calaice and the .26 day encamped on the north syde of Boloygne after whose comyng the towne was so sore battered wyth gonneshott and certayne of theyr Towers beynge vndermyned soo shaken wyth force of gunne powder that after a monethes siege the captayne sente woorde to the kyng that he would yelde the towne to his behofe vpon condition that all whiche were within myght departe wyth bagge and baggage whiche conditions Kyng Henry mercyfully graunted and the Bulleynors departed one and other to the numbre of .4454 The .xxv. day of Septembre the kyng entred into hyghe Boloigne wyth the nobilitie of hys realme and the trompettes blowyng that it reioyced all the whole hoast to heare The fyrst daye of October kyng Henry departed frome Boloigne towarde Douer and at his goyng he dubbed .iiii. knyghtes at the water syde Ambassadours were sent both frome the Emperour and the french Kyng for peace to Kyng Henry but for so muche as he would not geue vp Boloigne nothyng was concluded The .ix. day of October in the night the frēch mē cam vnwares vpōth english mē in base Boloigne and slewe of theym a great number Howe beit they were shortly chased from thense and the base towne holden after in good quiete Anno. 36. Williā Laxton grocer Mai. Iohn Wilford S. Andrew Iudde S. This yere was taken by the Kynges shyps of the weste countrey and of the Englysh coast the numbre of .300 frenche shyppes and more The .xxvi. day of Ianuary there camped on the weste syde of Boloigne beyonde the hauen an army of Frenchemen to the number of .xviii. thousand and laye there ten days and the .vi. day of February they wer all put to flight by the Erle of Hertforde and the lorde admirall then beynge Lorde deputie of Boloigne The .vii. day of Iune in the .37 yere of kyng Henry the .viii. a great army of Frenchmen came nere to the hauen of Bulleyne and skirmished with the Englyshmen and thys armye beganne to buylde a fort whych before they departed they dyd accomplishe The French kyng prepared .ii. great armies agaynst the Englishmen one by sea an other by lande that vpon the sea was aboue .200 shyppes besyde galeys This nauye made shewe dyuers tymes to haue landed in the Isle of wyght at Portesmouth and other where but euer they perceyued suche prouysyon made by kynge Henry that nothynge was done woorthy memorye but that theyr sort by Boloine was in the meane tyme fynyshed Worde was brought that the french menne entended to lande in the Isle of Wyght Wherfore the kyng wente to Portesmouthe At whyche tyme of the kynges abode there a goodly shyppe of Englande called the Mary Rose wyth syr George Carewe the capitayne and many other gentylmen were drowned in the myddest of the hauen by greate negligence and folye Certayne frenche men landed in the Isle of Wyght but they were dryuen away with losse of theyr captaine and many souldiours In August the lorde Edwarde Seymor erle of Hertforde was sente by the Kyng into Scotland with an armye of xii thousande men where he destroyed dyuers towns and the middle marches and greatly endomaged the Scottes This yeare in Auguste dyed Charles duke of Suffolke a very noble gentylman and full of actiuitie This yeare the .xii. day of September the Churche of saynt Gyles without Creplegate was brent Anno. 37. sir Martin Bowes goldsmith M. George barnes S Rafe Alleyn S The .xxiiii. day of Nouember a parliament begon at Westminster where was graunted to the Kyng a Subsydie of ii.s viii.d of the pounde of mouable gooddes and .iiii. shyllynges the pounde in landes to be payde in twoo yeare and all Colleges Chauntryes and hospitalles were committed to the kynges order durynge hys lyfe to alter and transpose whyche hee promysed to doo to the glory of God and the common profyte of the realme Aboute thys tyme the Lorde admirall landed in Normandye and brente the suburbes of Traiport dyuers villages along the sea coast and destroyed and toke almost all the shyppes in the hauen which was a
in London had bene vsed at Mydsomer and of long tyme before had ben layde downe was nowe agayn vsed bothe on the euen of sainct Iohn at Mydsommer and on the euen of saincte Peter next folowyng in as beautyfull maner and in as good order as it hadde bene accustomed before tyme. The laste day of Iuly Stephen Gardyner byshop of Winchester was for a sermon made before kyng Edward and the Counsell wyth the nobilitie sent to the tower of London where he remained all this kynges reigne Thys yeare in London was greate mortalitie by the pestilence Wherfore a commauundemente was geuen to all Curates and other hauyng to doo therwyth that no corps shoulde bee buried before .vi. of the clocke in the morning nor after .vi. of the clocke at nyght and that there shoulde at the buryeng of enery corps bee ronge one belle at the leaste the space of three quarters of an hower Anno. 2. sir Henry Amcottes fishmōger M. Williā Locke S. Iohn Oliffe S. Sir Thomas Seimour hygh Admirall of Englande brother to the Lorde Protectour and the Kynges vncle had maryed Quene Katherine late wyfe to Kynge Henry she conceyuynge a stomacke agaynste the Lorde Protectors wyfe And there vppon also in the behalfe of theyr wyues dyspleasure and grudge beganne betweene the twoo brothers whyche at the lengthe brake out to the trouble of the whole realme and the confusion of theym bothe For the twenty day of Marche in the third yeare of Edwarde the syrt was the lord admyrall beheaded at Tower hyl And it was then sayde of many the fall of the one brother woulde bee the ruine of the other as afterwarde it happened This yeare about Whitsontide and so foorthe vntyll September the commons in most part of this realme mads sundry insurrections and commotions Amongest whome dyuers of the commons of Cornewall and Deuonshyre rose agaynst the nobles and gentilmen and in sundrye Campes besyeged the towne of Excester whyche was valyantly defended Also they of Norffolke and Suffolke encamped them selves in a wood called saynt Nycholas woode nere vnto Norwiche declaryng them selues to be grieued with parkes pastures and inclosures made by the gentilmē who required the same to be disparked set among the commons They of Deuonshyre dyd not only require that but also their olde relygion and the arte of syre articles to be restored Into Deuonshyre against Humfrey Arundell and his rebelles was sent the lorde Russell lorde preuye seale with a nūber of souldiours The lorde Graie was also sent with a number of straungers which were horsemē where in dyuers conflictes they slewe many people and spoiled that countrey Into Norfolk against captaine Kite a Tanner and his company syr Iohn Dudley erle of Warwycke went with an armie where both he hym selfe and a great number of gentlemen that were with hym metynge with the rebelles were in suche daunger as they had thought all to haue dyed in the place but God that confoundeth the purpose of rebelles brought it so to passe that as well there as in all other places they were partely by power constrayned partly by promis of their pardō perswaded to submitte them selues to their prynce and delyuered their chiefe capitaynes to punyshment but yet after the losse of many thousādes of Englishmē The kyng of Fraunce perceyuinge suche sedicion and trouble in England as is before mencioned and takyng greuously the losse of Bulleyne dyd not omitte the occasion but in y e meane time assaulted certayne holdes about y e town builded of the Englyshemen for the defence of the same and namely tooke the forte called newe hauen and thereby muche indamaged the Englyshe garryson that laye at Bulleyne The losse of this was layde to the lorde Protectour because he hauynge the chief gouernement of the Realme dyd not see those partes better furnyshed in conclusion the Erle of Warwycke as chiefe with the consent of other nobles of the Realme by open proclamatiō accused him of misgouernement as well in this as in dyuers other matters Wherefore when he fled with the yonge kynge to Wyndsour castell they caused hym to be set from thēce and brought as a traytour to the tower of London the .xiiii. daye of October Anno. 3. Syr Rouland Hill Mercer M. Iohn Yorke S. Rych Turke S. This syr Rouland hyll to the great prayse of his vocation and to the synguler comfort of the weale publyque of his countrey erected many notable monumentes and good dedes whiche here are not to be vnremembred so many at the least as be come to my knowledge to the intent that lyke as suche without doubte be immortalized in the euerlastyng worlde they may not also be forgotten in this transitory passage where they be vsed and practysed as well to the reliefe of the poore as to the great commoditie of trauelers and maintenaunce of learnyng whiche amonges other be these At his costes and charges he caused to be made a causye commonly called ouerlane pauement in the highe waye from Stone to Nantwiche in length .iiii. myles for horse and man safely to passe with also diuers lanes on bothe sydes the same causye he caused lykewyse a causye to bee made from Dunchurche to Bransen in Warwickshyre more then two myles of lengthe and gaue .xx. pounde in money towarde makynge of a brydge called Roytten brydge three myles from Couentree He made the hyghe waye to Kylborne nere vnto London he made foure brydges two of them of stone conteynynge xviii arches in them bothe the one of them ouer the ryuer of Seuerne called Acham bridge the other Terne bridge for that the water of Terne renneth vnder it y e other two of timbar at Stoke built new a good part of Stoke church Moreouer he buylded one notable free schole in Drayton in Shropshyre of cōtinuānce for euer with maister Ushar and sufficient stypendes for them bothe besydes conuenient lodgynges for the the same and one yerely rent to mayntayne and repayre the same schole house and other the roumes for euer For the maintenaunce whereof he hath assured landes to the parysh of Drayton of .22 pounde by the yere he also purchased a free fayre to the sayd towne with a free marked wekely and a free market for cattell euery .xiiii. dayes He gaue to the Hospital of Christes churche in Londō in his lyfe tyme fyue hundred pounde in ready money and one hundred pounds at his decease to the poore of the same cytie of London besyde the fyndynge of certayne scholers at the vniuersities of Oxenforde and Cambrydge and studentes in the Innes of courte c. Upon a sondaye beyng the .xix. daye of Ianuary were murdered in London betwene Newgate and Smythfielde two capitaines that had serued the king in his warres at Bulleyne and other where the one was called Gambo the other Filicirga both Spaniardes this murder was cōmitted by Charles Gauaro a Flēmyng who came in poste frō Barwyke to London
into the Hospitall at the gray friers called Christes Hospitall to the number of fower hundred In the sommer past the other yeare king Edward wēt in progresse into the west countrey where he had so muche exercise of haukynge and huntynge as was thought by some at that tyme to be daungerous vnto his health Towarde wynter he returned to London from thense to Grenewitche where all the Christmas season was passed with muche pleasauntnes and myrthe vntill at lengthe in Ianuarie he felle sycke of a cough whyche ended in a consumption of the lyghtes The sunday before Candelmas which was the .xxix. daye of Ianuarie in the vii yere of Edward the .vi. came a commission to the Churche wardens of all paryshes in London that all their lynnen as albes chesebels and surplices whiche were not occupied reseruynge necessarie linnen for the churche should bee geuen vnto the Hospitall aboue named The .xx. day of May by the encouragemēt of one Sebastian Gabota .iii. great shyppes well furnished were set foorthe for the aduenture of the vnknowen voiage to Moscouia and other easte partes by the northe seas And about the same tyme .ii. other shyps were sent foorth to seke aduentures southwardes In May whiles kyng Edwarde laye daungerously sycke Lorde Gylford the duke of Northumberlandes fourth son maryed lady Iane the Duke of Suffolkes daughter whose mother being then aliue was doughter to Mary king Henries sister whiche fyrste was maried to the frenche kynge and after to Charles duke of Suffolke In this tyme many were punyshed in Englande for talkynge rasshely that the Kyng shoulde be deade and dyuers also for sayenge that he was poysoned for that rumour was spred throughoute the Realme The .22 day of Iune a great thunder began about a .xi. of the clock and dured almoste the space of two houres and about .xii. of the clocke was a wonderfull terrible clap at which clappe the lyttell doore of saint Denyse church in London was driuen open and the locke thereof with a great parte of the lynyng of the same doore was torne awaye Kyng Edward beyng about the age of .xvi. yeres as is sayd before was long sick of a consumption of the lightes and the .vi. day of Iuly ended his life he was in this hys youthe a prince of suche towardnes in vertue learnynge and all goodly gyftes as Europe seldom tymes or neuer hath sene the like and therfore no meruaile considering the state of the realme if all true englyshe hartes dye muche lament soo vntymely death in so tender youthe and so toward a prince The .x. daye of Iuly beyng monday the deathe of Kyng Edwarde was publyshed The same daye in the after noone aboute fower of the clocke the Lady Iane doughter of the lady Frances the Duchesse of Suffolke whyche Lady Iane was maryed vnto the Lord Gyiford Dudley the fourthe sonne vnto the Duke of Northumberland was conueyed by water to the tower of London and betwene .vii. and .viii. of the clocke in the euening proclamation was made throughout the citie whereby was declared by sondry circumstāces that king Edwarde beyng deceased by his wylle had assigned the sayde lady Iane to bee quene and therevppon so proclaymed Quene of England Thys matter was very greuouslye taken of the commom people and a greate numbre of gentilmen for the loue they bare to Lady Mary and the ryghte of her title At thys tyme the state of this realme might wel seme moste myserable wherin the nobilitie and counsell on the one parte and the gentlemen and commons of the other appered to be fully bent to mayntayne two contrary titles For when it was heard that the lady Mary was fled to Framingham castell in Suffolk the people of the countrey almoste wholly resorted vnto her and in Oxenforde syr Iohn Williams in Buckinghamshire syr Edmunde Peckham and in dyuers other places many men of worshyp offryng them selues as guides to the common people gathered greate powers and with all spede made towarde Suffolke where ladye Mary was In thys meane tyme the .xiii. day of Iuly by appointment of the counsell the Duke of Northumberland the Erle of Huntingdon the lorde Grey of Wilton and dyuers other with a great numbre of men of armes went to fetche her by force and was on their way as farre as Bury but not long after the counsell partly moued with the right of her cause partly consideryng that the moste of the realme was wholly bent on her syde changed theyr myndes and assembled them selues at Baynardes castell and there commoned with the erle of Pembroke and immediatly came into Cheapeside with the kyng of heraldes where they proclaimed the lady Mary doughter to kyng Henry the .viii. and quene Katherine quene of Englande France and Irelande defendor of the faithe c. the xix day of Iuly kepyng as prisoners in the tower lady Iane lately proclaimed and Lorde Gylford her husband When this was heard in the dukes campe many of his souldiours forsoke hym and be returnynge to Cambridge proclaimed the Ladye Marye Quene and on the twenty day at nyght beyng apprehended of the garde he with other was brought to the Tower of London the fyue and twentye daye of Iuly Thus was the matter ended wythout bloudshedde whyche menne seared woulde haue brought the deathe of many thousandes Queene Mary Anno Regni 1. MArye the eldest daughter of king Henry the .viii. began her reigne ouer thys realme of England the vi day of Iuly in the yeare of our Lord .1553 deceased in the yere of our Lorde .1558 the .17 day of Nouember so she reigned .v. yeares .v. moneths .xi. days she was proclaimed Quene at London the .xix. day of Iuly and the .xx. day at the castel of Framingham and afterwarde beynge accompanied with a goodly bande of noble men gentylmen and commoners gathered out of all partes of the realme came to London and entred the tower the .iii. day of August In her fathers tyme and brothers tyme dyuers noble men byshops and other were caste into the tower somme for treason layde to their charge as the Duke of Norffolke and the Lord Courtney sonne to the Marques of Excester some for mainteinyng the Popes supremacie as D. Lonstall byshop of Durham and other whiche continued there prisoners at the Quenes commyng to the tower to all these and many other she graunted pardon and restored them to theyr former dignities Lykewise dyd she vnto doctour Gardener bishop of Winchester whom she dyd not only sette at libertie but also made hym hygh chauncellour of Englande For the greate fauour that she shewed to the lord Courtney whom she made Erle of Deuonshyre many men were in opinion that she purposed to haue maryed hym but in the end it proued otherwyse As all sortes of men almoste dyd reioyce that Quene Mary had recouered the crowne so many notwithstandyng muche feared alteration of religion by her For manyfest signification therof was geuen