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A77082 A bloody Irish almanack, or, Rebellious and bloody Ireland, discovered in some notes extracted out of an almanack, printed at Waterford in Ireland for this yeare 1646. Whereunto are annexed some astrologicall observations upon a conjunction of the two malignant planets Saturne and Mars in the midle of the signe Taurus the horroscope of Ireland, upon Friday the 12. of Juue [sic] this yeare 1646. with memorable prædictions and occurrences therein. By John Booker. Booker, John, 1603-1667. 1646 (1646) Wing B3723A; Thomason E328_14; ESTC R200676 44,634 69

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Saturn and Jupiter In the yeer 1584. there was fourteen Conjunctions of the Planets in Aries and the Sun and Moon Eclipsed ih Taurus In the yeer 1586. there will be thirteen Conjunctions of the Planets in Aries and one in Taurus of the Sun and Mercury and afterwards in the yeer 1588. twelve Conjunctions of the Planets in divers Signs without doubt after these Conjunctions will follow or succeed mischievous villanous and wicked Counsels and detestable Acts commotions or troubles seditions wars slaughters or killing in Cities Kingdoms and Provinces unknown or unheard of diseases the plague death of great Kings and Lords Infinite dissentions and new diversities of opinions in Religion and to conclude very great calamities in all the Countries of the world as many skilfull men in coelestiall matters suppose gathering these things from the events which are to follow these forepast Conjunctions now rehearsed I shall hereunto adde some particular predictions out of the same Rantzovius pag. 99. Friderici secundi imperatoris Astrologus ab eo interrogatus cur tantum honoris Rudolpho Haspurgensi Comiti pauperi in Aula sua tunc versanti exhiberet respondit mortuis tuis filiis quorum adhuc decem supersunt ipse posteri ejus ad tua Regna pervenient Author Albertus Argentinensis quod exitus ipse probavit Nam Anno Christi 1273. Calend. Octob. Rudolphus a Germanis principibus Francofurti in Regem Romanum eligetur cum Basiliam obsideret hodierno adhuc die videmus Rudolphi posteros Regnum Neopolitanum Ducatum Austriae Sueviae una cum Imperio Regno Neopolitano obtinere Modernus nam Imperator Rudolphus ab eo nomen ditiones haeditario jure accepit Philippus Hispaniae Rex ex eodem natus Regnum Siculum Neoplitanum nactus est That is The Astrologer of the Emperour Frederick the second being asked by him why he showed so much respect to Rudolph the poor Earl of Habspurg then frequenting his Court To whom the Astrologer answered Thy Sonnes being dead of whom ten are yet living He and his Posterity shall attaine to thy Kingdoms which the event proved for in the yeer of Christ 1273. the first of October Rudolph besieging of Basill was elected by the Princes of Germany at Frankeford to be King of the Romans and to this day we see the posterity of Rudolph to enjoy the Kingdom of Naples the Dukedoms of Austria and Suevia together with the Empire and Kingdom of Naples for the late Emperour Rudolphus by hereditary right received from him both his name dominions and Empire and Phillip King of Spain proceeding from him obtained the Kingdom of Scicily and Naples This Frederick the second was elected 1212. he raigned 38. yeers he dyed 1250. the Empire was void 22. yeers though Conrade his Son and Richard brother to Henry the third King of England who was Earl of Cornwall were elected in the interim and in the yeer 1273. this Rudolph was elected Emperour and so continued seventeen yeers nine moneths and sixteen dayes it being sixty yeeres before this prediction came to passe for ought I read to the contrary In pag. 97. in the same Rantzovius thus I find Magister Christianus Astrologus Pragensis Ladislaum Jagellonem Regem Poloniae per Sacerdotem praemonuit ut mortem sibi imminentem praecaveret quod multi Planetae conjungerentur fieret Eclipsis Lunae sub Terra mortuus autem nihil ominus est eo Anno qui fuit Annus Domini 1434. Anno Aetatis 49. That is Master Christian an Astrologer of Prague admonished Ladislaus Jagello King of Poland by his Priest that he should beware of imminent death for that many Planets were conjoyned this yeer and there would be an eclipse of the Moon under the earth notwithstanding that premonition he dyed that yeer of our Lord which was 1434. in the 49. yeer of his age In the same page the next adjoyning observation is thus Joannes Picus Mirandulae Comes edidit Librum adversus Astrologos hi inter quos fuerunt Bellantius Senensis Antonius Sirigatus Florentinus Angelus de Catastivis Carmelita ut Artem veram ostenderent illum annum aetatis 33. non transgressurum predixerunt ex directione Ascendentis ad Martem quemadmodum hinc inde editis constat that is Joannes Picus Earl of Mirandula published a Book against Astrologers These men that is to say the Astrologers amongst whom were Bellantius of Sena Antonius Sirigatus a Florentine and Angelus de Catastivis a Carmelite that they might shew it Astrology to be a true Art they foretold the said Picus that he should not escape the 33. yeer of his age by reason of the direction of the Ascendant to the body of Mars as it appears in the writings published upon this occasion I mention this the rather for that it is most appa●●nt these three men were Astrologers and by Astrology foretold to this Picus the time of his death who flattering himselfe with a false comfort as if he could wrangle away Death by writing against Astrology indeavouring to prove the Art vaine his death concurring exactly with the time predicted confirmed the same Art to be true and more actually confuted that which he had written against it then if all the world besides had conspired to answer him I have rehearsed these things and been the larger upon them though I could shew above one thousand examples of rare observations Astrologicall and many of my owne experiment to cure that Episcopomania or An examination of Sir Christopher Heydons Defence of Astrology For would any man but a man not well in his wits T. V.B. of D. publish and Print that the Astrologer foretelleth that is true by the helpe of Satan that Astrologicall predictions depend not upon naturall Causes that Astrologicall predictions stand not by learning but by some instinct that Astrology considereth the fortunes onely of Fooles and wicked men that the first Inventor of Astrology was the Divell that the Astrologer attaineth not to his intended end in a Prediction without the helpe of Magicke with many other absurd Tenents I will tell you a story of himself as he writes it in his Epistle Dedicatory where he says thus That those predictions doe not always fall out jump and true as they would bear us in hand but that either the Devil doth misse sometimes or that his Instrument doth mistake his informations this I am able to justifie and make good by a plain story of my self when I was a child and went to School at Carleil where I was born there came an odde fellow about the Country he was reputed a cunning man and so called for that he took upon him to tell fortunes the fellow was dumb or at least faigned himself speechlesse but certain it was he had an instinct or familiarity with some Spirit This fellow being on a time in my Fathers house there were some there more simply honest then religiously wise made signs unto him to shew what should be my
mirabiliter fieri traditur ut nulla venenata bestia ibi vivat Petrus Galasinius ex Beda lib. 1. cap. 1. Histor Angl. That is He was the first Bishop of Ireland and his Image is portrayed with Serpents cast under his feete for that by his divine vertue it wonderfully came to passe that no venemous Beasts can live there This is a miracle indeed if it be true Surely Panrick extracted all the Venome of Serpents Toades and such like odious creatures then in Ireland And by his preaching infused the same into the people There were before Patrick came such like creatures there and there be now in Ireland more Venemous and Serpentine people then the very creatures themselves can be in any other Countrey in the world which this late Horrid Rebellion doth sufficiently evince But I hope there will be a Reformation there as well as here more glorious preaching then that of Patrick or all Popish Bishops Priests Jesuites c. And the Faith Catholicke indeed not in a Popish sence Though I conceive this Manapian should have said since Ireland first received the Popish Catholicke faith c. This had beene to purpose and then I should not have excepted against it The next Chronologicall Observation is Since England first received the Catholicke Faith 1463 yeeres If he had said since England first received the Christian Catholicke Faith c. it had beene somewhat neere truth For King Lucius beginning his rule over the Brittaines hearing of divers miracles wrought by the Christians and amongst the rest of the plenty of Water in time of distresse and want thereof as of the great Victory obtained Anno Christi 173 for the Emperour Marcus over the Marcomanni Quadi by the prayers of the Christian Legion which he called Fulminatrix sent to Eleutherius then Pope of Rome to send him some learned men into Brittaine to instruct the people in the Faith whereupon he sent Damianus and Fugatius who Baptized King Lucius and his people He was the first Christian King of Brittaine and lived neere the time of Christian Religions Primitive purity when Popish Catholicke Religion was not heard of If any of the Popes were ought this Pope Elutherius was none of the worst He prohibited the superstitious refusall of eating any thing which was mans meate Et primus erat Episcoporum Romanorum qui non periit morte violenta King Lucius built Peters Church in Cornhill London about 430 yeeres before Pauls Church which was built by King Ethelbert who began his raigne Anno Christi 596. After follows since Henry the second arrived at this City of Waterford and the first Major of it 474. yeers This is neer an historicall truth for Anno Christi 1170. or thereabout at what time that ambitious turbulent fiery spirited Arch-bishop of Canterbury Thomas Becket was slain This King Henry the second had wars with Ireland and the next yeer he subdued it and I suppose King Henry the second at his comming to Waterford made it a Major Town and indeed as most men that have been there report it to be the second City in all Ireland and that the Kings of England have granted great priviledges to the same Who this Major was our Irish Chronologer doth not name I beleeve he was an English not an Irish man for I cannot conceive otherwise but they were then rebellious as now so that there is greater necessity of correcting their present rebellion by a new supply of valiant English men who if they land at Waterford the present Major may chance to be displaced and the Citizens lose their liberty The next is since the use of Guns invented in Germany and the first making of Powder by a Fryar Bartholdus Swartz 263. yeer This doth not much differ from the supposed time of their known use in Christendom although I have read that in the time of Charles the great who flourished about the yeer of Christ 800. Camoscus Frisiae Rex Slopeti ictu Hollandiae Comitem cum duobus filijs transuerberavit and Roger Bacan our famous Historian who flourished about the yeer or Christ 1280. makes mention of Gun-powder and I beleeve what Petrus Maffeus writes that Guns were of great antiquity and known in China many Centuries of yeers before they were used in Christendome However let us suppose that Bartholdus Niger vulgo Swartz Monachus Franciscanus Alchymista usum Bombardae vulgavit pro ut nunc est anno Christi 1380. as Alsteed sayes in his Chronologie Orig. var. pag. mihi 256. I think the Adage Turdus sibi malum cacat or as we in England have it he hath made a rod for his own breech will be exactly verefied this yeer Look to it all ye Irish Popish Fryars Monks Jesuits c. and the rest of that rabble of Locusts there are new Guns new Ordnances inventing preparing that will purge and cleer the three Kingdoms of all of you Now this Irish Chronologer Bellarmine like spets forth venome and rores out which since Lutheranism Calvinisme and such like heresies began in Germany 128. yeers he that would be throughly satisfied touching this worthy Doctor Martin Luther this Malleus Paparum Papistarum may be pleased to peruse the second Tome of Acts and Monuments or the Book of Martyrs written by that reverend and learned man Master John Fox p. 60 61. deinde of the last Impression 1641. he shall have his life and doctrine at large described he flourished in the yeer of Christ 1515. c. This is he of whom John Hus at the time of his Martyrdom prophesied 1415. Centum Revolutis annis Deo Respondebitis and Hierom of Prague 1416. at his Martyrdom who said Post Centum annos omnes vos Cito now 100. yeers after Martin Luther began first to write against the Pope which was exactly verified Reformation began in his time he opposed the Popes supremacy writ against his pardons Decrees Buls and so stoutly defended himself against them that he was excommunicated by the Pope and men hired to kill him nay the Devil the Pope the Emperour and almost all the Christian world were against him and by open force and secret fraud sought his destruction yet God miraculously preserved him for about thirty yeers space in despight of them all and at last he dyed in hia bed in peace at Islebia in Germany the 18. of Febr. 1546. from whence his body was removed to Wittenberg and there was buried the 22. of February 1546. it being just 100. yeers since this Febr. 1646. at what time I write this and now I may adde a third Prophesie or prediction to cite all Irish Priests and popish Fryars c. Quod post centum annos Luthero respondebitis this Chronologer most falsly accusing him of heresie whose sound doctrine hath so confuted the errours of those ignorant times that to this day the Papists could never answer him but most maliciously traduce him As for Master Calvin he was a most reverend orthodox man and
ruine and destruction to those great ones subversion of their ancient Families and ruine to their stately Buildings Cities Townes Towers and Castles That People shall be in most miserable and deplorable condition We see the Conjunction is in Taurus under which amongst other places Ireland is posited and that the signes Leo Scorpio and Aquary are sharers and must participate in this influence Famine Scarcity Plagues and terrible warfare shall happen to many places under those Signes If they expect ayd from Foraigne parts they will be frustrated Me thinkes I behold all the States of Europe involv'd in this Quarrell the French and Spaniard Matching the Hollander busie the POPE thundering his Bulls and Excommunications the Turke making great preparations so likewise the Germane Dane Swede Polonian Venetian nay what State in the Christian World is not disquieted If I should recount the Eclipses and great Conjunctions of the superior Planets in Signes to which most or all Countries in Europe are subjected and the events that have succeeded within these few yeares in these places I might rather make an History then a succinct discourse there were not long since two or three Eclipses of both the Luminaryes in the Signe Leo the effects of all which are strongly operating and for many yeares together will produce admirable and unexpected occurrences I believe the progresse of Saturne through the Signe Taurus out of which he will not fully free himselfe till the end of March 1648. will be very fatall to Ireland and most chiefely he will powre out his influence upon that place rather then any other For if we consider the present condition thereof since the Rebellion there broke forth The horrid Murthers and cruell slaughters by them committed upon many thousands of English Protestants whose bloud cryes for vengeance doe authorise me Astrologically to pronounce a fearefull doome of Fire Sword Plague and Famine to follow that bloudy Nation Let me tell the Spaniard French or what other Nation soever that is ayding or assisting them they must not escape the Divine vengeance which God by the Starres his Coelestiall Ministers doth menace them withall If the Pope send his Agents to prosecute their Designes he may chance loose his Triple Crowne in this unjust quarrell they have raised The Divell may rage for a season Sed si Deus nobiscum quis contra nos The fight from Heaven the Starre in their Courses fight against CaesAR Sisera I hope I shall speak truth if I tell the French Spaniard or any other friend the Irish or their Associates have that though they never made greater preparations yet with as like successe as that Invincible Armado in 88 had at what time fourescore of the Spanish Ships were lost with not so few as twenty thousand men The windes and Seas fighting at that time for England which was many yeares before threatned by the proud and insulting Spaniard This Armado consisted of 130 Ships nineteene thousand two hundred and ninty Souldiers eight thousand three hundred and fifty Mariners two thousand and fourescore Gally-slaves two thousand sixe hundred and thirty great Ordinance which Navy having been three yeares in preparing and at no small charge within one moneth was often beaten and at length put to flight and as I said 20000 of their men being slaine and not above one hundred of the English were missing the remainder of their Navy some in their slight were cast upon Scotland and some upon Ireland and those few that escaped returned with a great deale of dishonour into Spaine above 700 Souldiers and Seamen were cast upon the Scottish shore who were afterward sent over to the Low-Countries but those which by Tempest were driven upon Ireland found a harder measure for the wild Irish of their owne accord slew many of them I suppose their cruelty is not inferiour now to what it was then but suppose the French Spanish Irish Jesuite Popish Fryer Priest and the whole rabble of Antichristians in all the World were combined together against England let but an English man name 1588. or 1605. And without doubt the proudest and most cruellest of them all will be daunted and sink down with amazement so powerfull hath God showne himselfe in those times That in the first the King of Spaine himselfe acknowledged the misfortune that befell him to have been the handy worke of God and gave thanks to God and his Saints causing the like to be done throughout Spaine that it fell to be no worse And for that in 1605 certainly it was the eye of Gods Providence that discovered that horrid deed of darknesse the Gun-Powder Treason invented by the Divellish Papists to the destruction of the Parliament and so consequently to the whole Kingdome Let us looke back to the yeare 1587. In which yeare Mary Queene of Scots was beheaded for the position of Saturne and we shall finde that from the first of March that yeare to the middle of Aprill 1589 he walked through Taurus the Signe under which he now is c. under which Ireland is subjected as I said before In the moneth of August the 28 day was an ominous opposition of Mars from Scorpio to him in the 16 degree and if we observe this memorable yeare 1588. Upon the 28 of May Saturne and Mars were in Conjunction in the 19 degrees Taurus not farre from the place they now meete in not many dayes after which that Spanish Fleet was discovered on our English Coast If we examine our Chronicles we shall finde most Memorable Passages in divers parts of the World to have happened this yeare Was it not unusuall and strange that Polonia this yeare should have three Kings usurping the Title while the fourth viz. Stephen Battori was yet unburied Namely Sigismond the Sweden Maximilian the Emperours brother and Henry Valoys King of France of which three Maximilian in the beginning of this yeare was taken Prisoner his Army overthrowne by meanes thereof many thousands of men women and children carryed away Captives by the Tartars Thus saith Gallobelgicus and further that Suetia was all on fire with tumults and lost certain places of strength to the Muscovite The Muscovite himselfe ranne mad and lost his wits The King of Denmarke Frederick the second dyed In France the Barricados of Paris the flight of the King from thence The slaughter of the Duke of Guise and his brother the Cardinall of Lorrayne The death of the Queen Mother the poysoning of the Prince of Condee and the Overthrow which the King of Navarre gave unto Duke Mercury all which Les derniers troubles de Fraunce do testifie and gave that Kingdome sufficient cause to thinke that yeare 1588 to be an extraordinary yeere At the same time the Duke of Savoy prepared his Army and surprized Carmagmall the King of France his chiefe Magazine in Saluze The Turke suffered great overthrowes in Hungaria And in Constantinople by reason of false moneys wherewith the Jauizaryes were payd their wages they fell into a
and likewise in the time of Harvest that in the Northern parts Corn and alll manner of Grain and fruits were corrupted and putrified and for two yeers following was a great scarcity of all things and much famine and a great mortality amongst Sheep And in the yeer 1346. the 28. day of August was a most terrible battle fought between Phillip of Valoys King of France and Edward the second King of England at Cresse where the English with 10000. men overcame 60000. French the King of Bohemia was there slain together with 30000 men 11. Princes 89. Barons and 1200. Knights and in the yeer 1347. King Edward winneth Calice John Copland defeateth the Scots takes David King of Scotland prisoner who is sent to the Tower Copland was made a Banneret and rewarded with 500li. per annum and in the yeer 1348. was such a mortality and pestilence amongst men as scarce hath been known the like 50000 were buried in the Charter-house Church-yard and many strange matters happened in those times which our Histories and Chronicles mention to which I refer you So likewise I will remember that terrible Eclipse of the Sun which was on the second day of October 1605. about one of the clock in the afternoon in the 19. degree of ♎ Libra being the opposite Sign to ♈ Aries under which England is supposed to be subject What a horrible unheard of damnable treason of the Papists was discovered the 5. of November following I hope will never be forgotten in England If I should but remember the Eclipse of the Sun which happened on Friday the 29. of March 1633. in the 19. degree of ♈ Aries I should be over-tedious I will refer you to my Almanack for that yeer and some yeers following in which the tyranny of the Prelats in these times manifestly appearing I my selfe not escaping their fury So also that Eclipse of the Moon the 8. of Octo. 1641. in the 26. degree of Aries or that of the Moon likewise the 4. of April 1642. in 25. degrees of ♎ Libra and another of the Moon the 27. of September following in the 15. degrees of ♈ Aries or that of the Moon likewise the 17. of September 1643. in 4. degrees of ♈ Aries I should but rub the gold horse back and put your in mind of the sad and deplorable condition too fresh in our memory this poor Kingdom of England is in I will set down these following Tables wherein you may understand unto what Signes Astologers have placed out of continuall observation and experience many Countries and Cities that thereby you may see when any Eclipse of the Sun or Moon or notable Conjunction or Configuration of the superiour Planets happeneth what places are subject or likely to participiate of the influence of any such Coelestiall position under such Signes their ☍ opposite and □ Quadrate Aspects these Signs following Aries ♈ Taurus ♉ Gemini ♊ Cancer ♋ Virgo ♍ Is opposite to Libra ♎ Scorpio ♏ Sagitary ♐ Capricorn ♑ Aquary ♒ Pisces ♓ And this Aspect is an aspect of perfect enmity and hatred and this is six Signs asunder So likewise these Signs following doe behold one another though not so violently yet they doe disagree very much in Nature and disposition viz. by a Quadrate Aries ♈ Taurus ♉ Gemini ♊ Cancer ♋ Leo ♌ Virgo ♍ Hath a Quadrate Aspect to ♋ ♑ ♌ ♒ ♍ ♓ ♎ ♈ ♉ ♏ ♊ ♐ Thus Aries beholds Cancer and Capricorn by a Quadrate □ Taurus beholds Leo and Aquary Gemini beholds Virgo and Pisces Cancer beholds Libra and Aries Leo beholds Taurus and Scorpio and Virgo beholds Gemini and Sagittary by a Quadrate Aspect which is called an Aspect of imperfect emnity or faigned friendship or trecherous amity c. and this is three Signs asunder But there is another manner of the Signs beholding one another two wayes viz. by a Trine Aspect which is an Aspect of perfect amity and friendship and is when Signs of one Triplicity of Nature behold one another As ♈ ♌ ♐ are of the fiery Triplicity hot and dry ♉ ♍ ♑ are of the earthly Triplicicy cold and dry ♊ ♎ ♒ are of the aiery Triplicity hot and moist ♋ ♏ ♓ are of the watry Triplicity cold and moist Thus we see the fiery Trigonagrees with the earthly Triplicity in drinesse and with the Aery in heat and the earthly triplicity agrees with the watery triplicity in coldnesse and with the fiery triplicity in drinesse sic è converso These three Signes doe behold one another by a trine △ aspect and for the most part when any of the signes of one nature is well qualified or affected by a certain sympathy and agreement the other signes of the same qualitie participates of the same good or evlll influence and this Aspect is foure Signes asunder The other Aspect is called a ⚹ Sextile and is more imperfect then the Trine and the Signes doe thus behold one another viz. ♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ Hath a Sextile aspect to ♒ ♊ ♓ ♋ ♈ ♌ ♉ ♍ ♊ ♎ ♋ ♏ Here we see the fiery triplicity agrees with the Aerie in heat the Earthy with the Watery in coldnesse the Aery with the Fiery in heat and the Watery with the Earthy in coldnesse by a ⚹ Aspect and this is when Planets or Starres are two signes asunder Now I shall set downe the twelve Zodiacall Signs and such places Kingdomes Countries and Cities as have experimentally been found to have been subject to the said Signes and they are as followeth Vnder ♈ Aries these Countries England North and East part France Germany Suevia Silesia the higher part of Polonia Burgundie part of Denmark Basternia Syria Palestine Vnder ♈ Aries these Cities Naples Capua Ancona Ferrara Florence Verona Bergamo Lindaw Trajectum Padua Marseilles Epidaurum Crackow Augusta Caesarea Vincentia Vnder ♉ Taurus these Countries Russia Polonia the great the North part of Sweathland IRELAND Lorraigne Campania Helvetia Rhetia Franconia Parthia Persia the Islands Cyclades between Europe and Asia Cyprus the Sea towns of Asia the lesse Vnder ♉ Taurus these Cities Bononia Sena Mantua Tarentum Panorme in Sicily Perusium Parma Caput Histriae Brixia Tigure Lucerne Nantz Metis Herbipolis Carolstade Liepsig Posnania Gnesna Novagrade Vnder ♊ Gemini these Countries Sardinia part of Lumbardy South West part of England part of Flanders Brabant the Dukedome of Wittemberge Hircania Armenia Mariana Cyreniaca Marmarica Aegypt the Lower Vnder ♊ Gemini these Cities Carduba in Spaine Viterbiurn Coesena a City in Lumbardy Turin Vercelli Rhegium Lovaine Bruges in Flaunders LONDON Mentz Kitzing Hasford Bamberge Villacum Noremberge though Schoner and Cardan say it is under Sagitary yet Garcaeus proves it for many reasons to be under Gemini Vnder ♋ Cancer these Countries SCOTLAND Granado part of Burgundy HOLLAND Zeland Prussia Numidia Africa Bithynia Phrygia Colchis Carthage Vnder ♋ Cancer these Cities Constantinople Tunis VENICE Genoa Lucas Pisa Millain Vincentia Bern YORK Saint ANDREWES in SCOTLAND Lubeck Magdeburge