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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69259 The last East-Indian voyage Containing much varietie of the state of the seuerall kingdomes where they haue traded: with the letters of three seuerall Kings to the Kings Maiestie of England, begun by one of the voyage: since continued out of the faithfull obseruations of them that are come home. Middleton, Henry, Sir, 1570-1613, attrib. name. 1606 (1606) STC 7456; ESTC S111992 42,695 86

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one of our men leaped ouer-board hauing the Callenture and three more dyed of the Flixe their names were William Bellidine William Pooter Gedyon Marten and Robert Vennes the 26. day stering our course with a faire wind suspecting no danger vpon a sodaine wee saw the ground vnder the ship heauing ouer the lead wee had but 4 fadoms water this night dyed of the Flixe George Iohnes and Frances Buck-man and Gilbert Mesterson the 27. day in the morning wee stered away East and by South wee came into should water which lyeth to the south-ward of Ruinata so that we were faine to stand South and by West and South to get cleare of the shouldes till noone and then wee came into deepe water and so bearing vp we stered Est and by south and by by we were in fine fadomes so that we stood to the south-ward some three leages and then held on our former course this day dyed of the Flixe Robert Smith and Thomas Dawson the 28 day we fell with Selebis being high land and at 4. a clocke in the euening we came to an anchor in 26. fadome sandy ground foure leages from land the 29. in the morning we weyed steering Est along the land and the Generall went in our pinnesse alongst the land to seek for fresh water for that he greatly doubted it was the Bantam water that killed our men but hee lost his labour and returned without any for there was none to be found at night we ankered in 30. fadomes water this morning dyed William Paret of the flixe the 30. day we passed the straites of Selibis and shaped our course for the Iles of Beton the 31. in the morning we were faire by the land of Betton and all the night lay by the Lee. The first of Februarie we held on our course with a faire winde the second dyed of the flixe Henry Lambert the third day dyed of the flixe Edward Smith the 4. in the morning we had sight of Blewe and Barrow being two Hands this day dyed Henry Iames the fifth day Richard Miller dyed of the Flixe the sixt day we were faire by the land Blewe and our Generall went in the pinnesse to seeke for fresh water and went with the people of the Countrey and they brought him to a fine sandy Bay where there was very good water and there they tooke in three Baricoes and brought aboard and would spend no longer time there because it was towardes night and Amboyna so neere at hand the seuenth day wee had sight of Amboyna and of a ship which played off and on the land but would not come and speake with vs this afternoone we were faire by Amboyna and the winde very variable but it fell calme so that wee could not get in the eight day at ten a clocke came vp a gale of winde which brought vs to Amboyna shoare where we costed with our ship very nere but could not haue any groūd to anker in for that all the Ilands haue very deepe water hard aboard the shoare wee came to a Bay where we found sixtie fadomes water and thēre we ankered and the Indiaus brought vs some fruits to sell this after-noone we sawe two Hollanders pinnisses vnder the shoare of Verranula which came out from vnder the land to showe themselues to vs but did returne backe The people of Verranula be great enemies to the Portugals and had sent to Bantam to the Hollanders desiring their ayde to expell the Portugals out of these Ilands which if they performed they would become subiect to them and sell none of their Cloues to any other Nation but them This I knew to bee true for that the parties who were sent to Bantam I haue often spoken withall this day dyed of the Flixe our Master his mate Thomas Michell The ninth day wee waterred but could not come to the speech of any of the countrey people this after noone dyed Thomas Eldred of the Flixe The tenth day wee weyed anker and stood to the Easter ende of Amboyna and came to an anker in an hundred fadomes water fayre by the shoare fayre by a towne called Mamalla Before we came to an anker there came an Indian aboard of vs which spake good Portugese also there came a letter to our Generall from the Captaine of Amboyna but it was directed to the Generall of the Hollenders or any other Captaine of his fleete supposing vs to be Hollenders _____ The effect of his Letter was to desire them to certifie them of some newes of Portingale and to send an answere by any of his people of his letter who should bee verie welcome and should both safely come and goe The Generall went this day a land and deliuered a present to one they called their King and other great men and did desire to know whether wee might haue trade or no they made answere that they could not trade with vs without licence of the Fort this night dyed of the flixe Marke Taylor The 11 day our Generall sent a letter by Iohn Rogers to the captaine of the Fort and diners of the principall of the towne of Mamalla accompanied him thether to haue licence to trade with vs which they had granted them by the captaine the effect of our Generals letter was to certifie him of the death of our Queen peace between England and Spaine with other news of Christendome for better confirmatiō of truth he sent the captain of the sort our kings Maiefly the princes pictures with diuers of his Maiesties new coine in conclusiō as there was peace with our Princes and their subiects in Christendome he desired that the like might be between vs for that our cōming was to seeke trade with them and the Amboynians which he hoped he would not deny him The party which caried our Generals letter was very kindly entertained by the Captaine and Souldiers but that night permitted not him to come within the fort but lay in a good lodging without the walles where he was viseted by the principall of them This euening 5 sayles of Hollanders were entered into the mouth of the harbor and turnning vp for the fort The 12. the forenamed Hollanders came to an anker within musket shot of the fort the Portugals not offering to shoote at them this afternoone Iohn Rogers returned with an answere of the letter and their came in his company a Portugall Souldier which brought a warrant from the Captaine to the Gouernor of Manillia to trade with vs and like wise to giue Iohn Rogers for his pains a Bahar of cloues which was presently deliuered him before the comming away of Iohn Rogers the Portugals with a flagge of truce went a board the dutch Admerall to knowe wherefore they came thither if in friend shippe they should be welcome if otherwaies to giue them a direct answere the dutch Generall made answere that his comming thither was to haue that Castell from them and willed them to
could with protestation that both he and all his people were very sory for his departure finding we were good people and not such as the Hollanders did report vs to be which liued only by robbing and stealing During this communication the Holland ship which rid by vs shot off three peeces which the King hearing sent to know the cause word was brought the Hollanders Admirall was come from Tydore and gone aboord which the King hearing tooke a short farewell of our generall and went to his caracole shewing euidently his great feare to offend the Hollanders Before he could put off his boate from the side our ship was vnder sayle giuing him seuen peeces of ordinance and helde on our way beetweene Tarnata and Tydore About noone the 21. day we came to an anker at Taffasoa the Gouernour presently came to our Generall with a present of hennes and fruite telling him that he had been at Tydore and the King had giuen him order to surrender the towne vnto him if he came thither againe and the sort praying him to dispose thereof as his owne The Generall gaue him thankes telling him he had fewe men but if he had so many as he had when he came from Bantam he would leaue such a Garrison there as they should doubt neither the Hollanders nor the Tarnatanes but his weakenesse was such that hee could leaue no men there He answered he doubted not the keeping of the towne in dispite of all their enemies and although he could leaue no mē there yet had he order by his king to surrender his right and title to the King of England to whose vse he would keepe it desiring the surrender therof might be drawne and the Generall should haue the originall and he the copie Which done he caused the people to bring those Cloues they had so tooke his leaue and departed we directing our course for Selebis where wee had such water as the place afforded but it was brakish buyng some Cocus of the people who are like lauans Iuly the 24. we came to anker in Bantan road were Master Scot chiefe factor there certified our Generall of the mortallitie of men in the Hector and Ascention before they departed so that he was forced to hyer Chineses to helpe them home and that of 24 left there in their factorie 12. were dead where we continued till the sixt of October which day hauing taken leaue of M. Scot and the rest left there we set saile for England continuing in our course with variable weather till the 19. of December which day the winde scanting vpon vs we though to put into Saldania roade about 10. a clock in the morning we saw a sayle to leewards thinking it had been the Ascention whose company we lost 14. dayes before but contrary to our expectation it prooued the Hector which went in company of the Susan from Bantam aboue 9. months before in such lamentable distresse that had we not met with them that day they had purposed the next to haue run thēselues aground at Pengwin Iland hauing for that purpose fardled vp their apparrel such other things as were most necessary for them Our General caused our Pinnesse to be hoysted out and sent for Cap Keeling the Purser who related their extreme miseries hauing but 10. Englishmen and 4 Chineses aliue so supper being done with thankes giuen to God for their miraculous preseruation our General sent 12. men more to help thē into S●ldania road where we stayed repairing the ruines of the Hector prouiding other necessaries til the 16. of Ianuary following when we set sayle for Saint Helena where wee ariued the second of February following the eleuenth of February we departed from Saint Helena continuing at Sea with such varytie of weather as those that vse the sea are vsually accustomed vnto till the second of May following when we were of Plymoth and the sixt following at the Downes FINIS The King of Tarnata to the King of England Scotland France and IRELAND c. HEaring of the good report of your Maiestie by the comming of the great Captain Francis Drake in the time of my father which was about some 30. yeeres past by the which Captaine my Predecessor did send a Ring vnto the Queene of England as a token of remembrance betweene Vs which if the aforesaide Drake had beene liuing hee could haue informed your Maiestie of the great loue and friendship of either side he in the behalfe of the Queene my Father for him and his Successors Since which time of the departure of the aforesaid Captaine we haue dayly expected his returne my Father liuing many yeeres after and dayly expecting his returne and I after the death of my father haue liued in the same hope till I was father of eleuen-children in which time I haue beene informed that the English were men of so bad disposition that they came not as peaceable Merchants but to dispossesse them of there Countrey which by the comming of the bearer hereof wee haue found to the contrarie which greatly we reioyce at And after many yeeres of our expectation of some English forces by the promise of Captaine Drake Here arriued certaine ships which we well hoped had beene Englishmen but finding them contrary and being out of al hope of succour of the English Nation we were inforced to write to the Prince of Holland to craue ayde and succour against our auncient enemies the Portingals and according to our request hee hath sent hither his forces which hath expeld all the Portugales out of the fortes which they held at Amboyna and Tydore And whereas your Maiestie hath sent to me a most kinde and friendly Letter by your seruant Captaine Henry Middleton that doth not a litle reioyce vs. And whereas Captaine Henry Middelton was desirous to leaue a factory heare we were very willing therunto which the Captain of the Hollanders vnderstanding became to challenge me of a former promise which I had written to the Prince of Holland that if he would send me such succour as should expell the Portugales out of these parts that no other Nation should haue trade heare but they onely So that we were inforst against our liking to yeeld vnto the Hollanders Captaines request for this time whereof we craue pardon of your Highnesse and if any of your Nation come hereafter they shall be welcome And whereas the chiefe Captaine of the Hollanders doth sollicite vs not to hold any friendship with your Nation nor to giue eare to your Highnesse Letters yet for all their suite if you please to send hither againe you shall be welcome And in token of our friendship which we desire of your Maiestie we haue sent you a small remembrance of a Bahar of Cloues our Countrey being poore and yeelding no better commoditie which we pray your Highnesse to accept in good part TARNATA The King of Tydors Letter to the KINGS MAIESTIE OF ENGLAND THIS Writing of the King of Tydor to the King of England is to let your Highnesse vnderstand that the King of Holland hath sent hither into these partes a Fleet of shippes to ioyne with our ancient enemie the King of Tarnata and they ioyntly together haue ouer-runne and spoyled part of our Countrey and are determined to destroy both vs and our Subiects Nowe vnderstanding by the bearer hereof Captaine Henry Midaleton that your Highnesse is in frienship with the King of Spaine Wee desire your MAIESTIE that you would take pittie of Vs that wee may not be destroyed by the King of Holland and Tarnata to whom wee haue offered no wrong but they by forceable meanes seeke to bereaue Vs of our Kingdome And as great Kings vpon the earth are ordayned by God to succour all them that be wrongfully oppressed so I appeale vnto your MAIESTIE for succour against my enemies not doubting but to finde reliefe at your MAIESTIES hands And if your MAIESTIE send hither I humbly entreate that it may bee Captaine Henry Middleton or his Brother with whom I am well acquainted Thus We end praying God to enlarge your Kingdomes and blesse You and all your Counsels TYDOLR The King of Bantam to the King of ENGLAND A LETTER giuen from your friend the king of Bantam to the King of England Scotland France and Ireland desiring GOD to preserue your health and to exalt you more and more and all your Counsell And whereas your MAIESTIE hath sent a Generall Henry Middleton he came to me in health I did heare that your MAIESTIE was come to the Crowne of England which doth greatly reioyce my heart Now England and Bantam are both as one I haue also receiued a Present from your MAIESTIE the which I giue you many thankes for your kindnesse Idoe send your MAIESTIE two Beasar stones the one waying fourteene Masses the other three And so GOD haue you in his keeping Bantam