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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16612 A briefe censure vpon the Puritane pamphlet entituled, (humble motyves, for association to maintayne religion established.) Reprooving of it so many vntruthes, as there be leaues in the same. 1603 (1603) STC 3519; ESTC S116908 31,775 92

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the Queene How ridiculous is this man Is it not Premumre to deny that oath by lawe already enacted how many Catholickes knoweth this man to be in office in our Nation are not Catholickes bounde both to the good behauiour and depriued of their Armour and weapons And concerning the last punishment to pay the fourth part of their lands they only possesse a third part and her Maiesty or rather wicked persecutors enioy the rest and no rent at all is answered vnto her by such Tenants for those landes Therfore this Puritane abused her and his prophesie is false THE XI VNTRVTH FOR Reuerence to her Maiestie I passe ouer the holy blessings which he bestoweth vpon the Romane See sacred Priests grana Benedicta Agnus Dei hallowed thinges from thence And because this man is so methodicall in his diuisions for he which teacheth so wise a Princesse and Councell both in diuine ciuill and martiall affaires must needes be an Absolute Then I will giue him due in all his excellencies These be the wordes of his first diuision The power strength of any people or multitude is to bee augmented by one of these foure waies 1. By addition or number 2. By supplie of Necessaries 3. By aduantage of place 4. By order of gouernement Sr as I am no computing writer so I haue bestowed little labour in them which handle such employments And I thinke your selfe to bee as wise as the Orotor of Greece which so peremptorilie entreated such things before Hannibal that greatest Captaine in the worlde But I thinke if you had well committed to memory the warres and battailes of Abraham Gedeon Sampson Iosue Dauid and others recorded in Seriptures wherein you and yours bee so inspired or with ordinarily qualited Gentlemen of England taken but a superficiall Muster of the warres of Alexander with Darius Of the Christians against the Moores in Spayne The Spanyards against the Infidels in the Indies Or Henry the fifte and other English Kinges in France Or beene a little acquainted with Plato and Aristotle which you cite in the beginning of the first page of your Motyues you would haue beene mooued to adde other members to your diuision gyuing it as an instruction to so greate a Princesse But Souldiers shall giue you this Reprehension And I will in this point onely call to your remembrance that you displayed your Banner to farre for a Souldier of small experience and which neuer kept Centinell before may easelie discouer that according to your skill you labour to possesse your parte of all those meanes by which you thinke the power and strength of any people or multitude I vse your owne tearmes is to be augmented Your first fortification is by addition or number of this you would easely bee owners if you might teach Queene and Councell and haue such stratagems in vse which none but your holy fraternity doth allowe Your second embatailement is raysed by supplic of Necessaries of which you woulde also be Masters if all Armour and weapons were brought into your Armouries Of the third which is aduantage of place you would haue aduantage enough if none but of your allowance lowance might be admitted to place of Magistracie or be placed in any office or place of defence As for the fourth and last order of gouerument Pag. 41. insr you triumph al ready that most men of action and resolution be for you as also that in diuers respects for number you are ten to one And say in plaine tearmes Pag. 41. that it is not good in policy to prouoke the Puritanes in the declyning of her Maiesties age and raigne THE XII VNTRVTH THE next diuision he preferreth to no meaner personage thē our gratious Soueraigne her selfe in these teames Let me present vnto your Maiestie Pag. 11. the whol number of your Subiects diuided into 4. bands 1. Protestants of Religion 2. Protestants of State 3. Papists of State 4. Papists of Religion What Logicke followeth after this diuision is not to be sounde in Aristotle but so many Vntruthes bee manisestlie sounde in it that I might make vp more then my account in this place but I may not wholy neglect so many and learned lessons in the rest of this Association But cōcerning this hacking and cutting the Subiects of England into those 4. quarters I muste needes put this Isocrates in minde that he hath abused King Nicocles in this point For Religion especially with those which attribute so much to saith is principally subiected in the vnderstāding then according to Plato and Aristotle his own Authors it taketh specisication from such things as be taught and beleeued in Religion and diuersities of Religions must be named and diuided according to the diuersitie and multiplicity of thinges beleeued for as faculties are distinguished by their actes so these are diuided and singled by their obiects and not by the endes to which they be referred or for which they bee practized for this is the operation of the will and not any action of vnderstanding Then according to that which is prooned before if there be almost 300. kindes of Protestants in other cuntreis it is meruaile if only two had traficke into Englād Conuoc Lon. 1562. Parl. 5. Eliz. et 13. EliZ. Stow hist Sinod Lond. Artic. And to put him out of doubt the approoued booke of Articles and two Parlaments and our Protestant histories do tell him that in England among English Protestants there bee Vigilantians Nestorians Eutichians Arrians Eunomians Grecians Henricians Iouinians Donatists Wicklefists Berengarians Anabaptists Iulians Aerians Manichees Brownists Barrowists damned Crue and I knowe not how many Crues of most wiched Heresies himself remembreth some more Pag. 40. Therefore his by-membred diuision of necessitie is lame by many lims And if such a Tutor of Princes might haue a saculty by himselfe to renounce all other artes as his spirit condemneth all other Religions yet he shall finde many more endes then two of these which bee professors of Reuerence in this Nation And euery man which professeth not Religion for the loue of God is not of such dexterity of wit as this Puritane and his Associates be to make it a cloake to practise in State affaires Pag. 23. Thirdlye this princely pedagoge teacheth that her Marestie her selfe her Councell Lords Bishops Knights and Burgesses of Parlament be Papists then the seconde member of his chiefe diuision Protestants of State is taken away and he hath giuen himselfe the contradiction THE XIII VNTRVTH TO shew his cunning in conuersiōs Pag. 11. 12. he teacheth that Protestants of Religion which be Puritanes be first by order of generation as his wordes import and Papists of Religion last whose contrary is euident to al the world Yet let vs allow greater measure to this vntruth Next from Protestants of Religion proceed Protestants of state From these Papists of estate bee rngendered Lastlye from these is the discent of Papists of Religion And
sworne they may be discharged from your Inuectiues slanders and other hazardes And because you change opinions so often if any newe eonceite of scruple shall make you newly perplexed that they will not deale sincerely Let them be put to secure this with a seconde vvarrant of known and sufficient sureties And I do not doubt but both Iesuites Priests will as willingly accept and truely performe that oath and with as great contentment to all finde as ample and able pledges as Puritanes can doe either for their duties to Soueraigne or debts to Subiects which we trust the innocency of our behauiour and creditte in that cause with such as wil be taken for greater matters shall procure if the danger and disgrace to giue assurance for such persons in such a case be taken away And to put a perpetuall barre betweene you and all future feare of our forreigne Seminaries and dealings for other Princes if a man of your direction could and would procure vnto vs so much grace with our most gratious Queene to tollerate in this Kingdome but a fevve Schooles for the education of Students and to allowe but the least number of Catholicke Bishops to sacre the Priests of our Nation I am out of doubt you shall see that we will most willingly resigne all pensions stipends and allowances from strange Princes although out of so many hundreds of religious houses and thousands of spirituall liuings our ancient patrimony your beneuolence giueth vs nothing at all And if you haue confidence in your cause that your Religion is true let our Colledges be in your Vniuersities whose ancient constitutions we will obserue triall will sooner be made whether Puritanes or Papists defend the better wor shippe And if you dare not deale in that as I am secured you will not which we wil grant to you in Catholicke Schooles but you neuer durst grant the one or accept the other allotte our aboade to meaner and obscurer places By this meanes and such oathes as you maye tender and security offered all our traficke and suspecte of concourse with Spaine Spanish or any enemy will bee taken away And to put you in some hope of indeēpnity by such proceedings looke into Saxony and other countries where this is vsed and you shall perceaue a long continued vnity for many yeares past no suspicion at this present or danger for times to come O Sr doe you thinke any English Catholicke can beso vnnaturall or foolish if he hath but common wit which I hope you will allowe to our labours learning and trauailes to desire to liue vnder a forraigne Regimēt if he may liue at home though in dishonour our daily returning into England to your tortures from security abroad is testimony vnto our sincerity I take the whole court of heauen to witnesse I am and euer was farre from wishing and I thinke there is neither Iesuite nor Priest in England which desireth it It was an olde saying and prayer of my father when I was a childe that we might speake English still and shall euer bee the opinion of his sonne And if your Puritane factions be not greater hazard against it then any practise of Papist I trust we shall enioy it I haue bin more bolde to acquaint you with these things first because a great number of our English Priests Iesuites haue vndertaken those holy functions by occasion of your Puritane most vnholy dealings and persecutions against them euen to their exilement into those Nations Secondly because I loue to answere you with your owne Arguments in respect you graunt it a thing vniust Pag. 35. that Priests shoulde bee put to death or persecuted for affirming the Popes Supremacy recōciling to the Church of Rome which are parts of their Priestly function for if this security which is all you demande were giuen they coulde not bee dangerous to the State in ciuill consideration though wee appeale to your iudgement Thirdly because if wee shoulde graunt all your vntruthes and slanders againste Priests and Iesuites to be the highest verity yet in your whole Pamphlet you neuer charge any one Priest or Iesuite in particuler which is in England to bee guilty of any such conspiracy Pag. 33. Proclam 5. Nouemb. 1562. excepte perhaps Doctor Bagshawe whome with many others the late Proclamation of her Maiesty her selfe excuseth but you loade the shoulders of such as conuersed in other Nations Pag. 33. Pag. 27. 30. 33. as the late Cardinall Allen D. Bristowe D. Sanders Father Parsons and Father Walpoole to be the Agents in such busines neither can I or any man of equal sentence perceaue how a priuate Priest in Englande lining vnder such watchfull cies can carry the least suspicion to conspire with externe Princes Or what priuate Priest durst broach such an enterprise to any Iesuite Priest or Catholike in this Kingdome or who woulde harken vnto him if hee wereso desperate to attempt it And if you can name that Iesuite or Priest the Arch-priest Prouinciall of the Iesuites or any Priest of their obedience which haue delt in such conspiracies why are you silent only in that and so prodigall in all other kindes of accusall Good Sir vtter your owne name and that Iesuite or Priest in England whome you haue most confidence to accuse set downe the fact and offence against this present state in ciuil consideratiō and I doubt not but he wil acquit himself to your confusion shame Therefore if this lawe coulde bee enacted by yoru intercession our gratious Queene Councell and whole State might sleepe in securitie by your own sentence except the ruffling windes of your Puritane spirit should awake theē And if you should be yet perplexed that so small a number of Iesuites and Priests liuing in so disgraced conditions by their learning and example of regular life woulde win people from your great multitude of ten Puritanes to one Protestant and from your pleasant and libertine Religion to so Austere and penitentiall profession with so many dishonours as Catholicke worship should be in such tearmes Then Sir you may be secured by all rules of Religion and reason that Puritanisme is false and Catholicke Reuerence most holy And if the whole state of England it selfe her Maiestie our successor shoulde be moued by so many forcible and vndeniable true Motyues as this worshippe hath yet such common wealth men as you neede not to doubt but Englande then would be as mighty and able to defende it selfe against Spaine and all forreigners as England Puritanes would be Reckon all hundreds of yeares since the conquest examine the state of those dayes before the reuolt of Henry the eight and see whether I am deceaued or no. Your sect hath offended many but not defended or exalted any kingdome THE XXI VNTRVTH BVT howsoeuer obedient and dutifull Catholickes are this man proceedeth in his vsuall vaine and like astone descending by how much nearer center so much more violent And beginneth his Heralds