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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05269 The copie of a letter sent out of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza ambassadour in France for the King of Spaine declaring the state of England, contrary to the opinion of Don Bernardin, and of all his partizans Spaniardes and others. This letter, although it was sent to Don Bernardin Mendoza, yet, by good hap, the copies therof aswell in English as in French, were found in the chamber of one Richard Leigh a seminarie priest, who was lately executed for high treason committed in the time that the Spanish Armada was on the seas. Whereunto are adioyned certaine late aduertisements, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish nauie, aswell in fight with the English nauie in the narrow seas of England, as also by tempests, and contrarie winds, vpon the west, and north coasts of Ireland, in their returne from the northerne isles beyond Scotland. Burghley, William Cecil, Baron, 1520-1598.; Leigh, Richard, 1561?-1588, attributed name.; Mendoza, Bernardino de, 1540 or 41-1604. 1588 (1588) STC 15413; ESTC S108408 47,041 60

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of the Iesuites that more care and choice be had of such English men as are hereafter to be sent into England and not to send euery yong man that hath more boldnesse then learning and temperance for such a function In the former part of this my declaration to you of the vniuersall concurrence of all men of value wealth and strength in the body of the Realme to serue and defend the Quéene the Realme I forgot to report vnto you the great numbers of Ships of the subiectes of the Realme as of London and other port townes and cities that voluntarily this yeare were armed able to make a full Nauie of themselues for an armie all at the proper costes of the Burgesses for certain moneths with men victuall and munition which did ioyne with the Quéenes owne Nauie all this Sommer a thing neuer in any former age heard of otherwise then that such ships were alwayes hired waged victualled by the Kings of the Realme which argued to the griefe of me and some others a most vehement and vnaccustomed affection deuotion in the Cities and port townes such as they shewed them selues therein ready to fight as it had bene pro aris focis Of the number and strength of the Quéenes owne ships of warre I thinke you haue bene sufficiently enfourmed many times heretofore But yet I will make you a true report of the state of them this present Sommer what I haue credibly heard thereof because I haue bene very sory to heare how you others haue bene therein abused and that not onely in this matter of the Quéenes ships but in some other things also of late whereof some part hath bene here by very many maliciously and in common spéeches imputed to your owne inuention and publication whereof in a few wordes I will make some digression before I shall shewe the estate of the Quéenes Nauie In this Sommer past there was Printed in Paris by your direction as it was reported a notable vntruth which I did sée reade that the King of Scots had besieged Barwicke and had won it by assault and possessed it quietly whereof no part was true nor any cause to imagine the same though I wish it had so bene but not for any good will that I now beare to that King but for the trouble to this Quéene For in truth there is no good for vs to be hoped for from the King of Scots howsoeuer the Scottish Bishops in France haue sought to make you beléeue otherwise who is so rooted in the Caluinists Religion as there is neuer hope that he can be recouered to the church of Rome and so I thinke you are of late duely enfourmed and by his violent actions against diuers Catholiques against all that fauour the Spaniards may certainly appeare And likewise another great vntruth was lately Printed as your enemies say by your direction also in Paris that now in Iuly last when the Spanish Fléete and English had met and fought betwixt France and England the Spaniards had then a great victorie wherein they had sonke the Lord Admirall of England with sixtéene of the Quéenes great ships into the bottome of the Seas and that all the rest were driuen to flie with the Uice admirall Frances Drake Upon these two so notable vntruthes which the Aduersaries spitefully called Don Bernardin Mendozas mendacia many who honour you were right sory that you should giue so hastie credite to publish the same as your enemies say you did though I haue to my power for cléering of you honour giuen it out that these and such like haue procéeded of the lightnes of the Frēch who cōmonly Print more lies then truths in such doubtfull times and not of you whose honour and wisedome I thought would not be iustly touched with so great vntruthes and lies considering alwayes a small time will discouer things that are in facts reported vntruly and bringeth the Authours to discredit and infamy There hath béene a spéech also reported here to haue procéeded from you in France that hath caused a great misliking of you in Scotland which is that you should in open assembly and in a brauery say that the young King of Scots whom you called in your language a boy had deceiued the King your master but if the Kings Nauy might prosper against England the King of Scots should loose his Crowne and of this the King of Scots hath bene aduertised out of France and vseth very euill language of you which I will not report But now to leaue this digression and to returne to let you know the truth of the state of the Quéens Nauy this Sommer The same was in the beginning of the yeare when the brute was brought of the readines of the Kings Armada in Lisbone and of the Army by land vpon the Sea coasts in Flanders with their shipping deuided into thrée companies the greatest vnder the charge of Charles L. Haward high Admirall of England whose father grandfather vncles great vncles and others of his house being of the noble house of the Dukes of Norfolke had also bene high Admirals afore him wherof both France and Scotland haue had proofe An other company were appointed to remaine with the L. Henry Seymour second son to the Duke of Somerset that was Protector in King Edwards time brother to the now Earle of Hartfort and these companies for a time continued in the Narrow seas betwixt England and Flanders vnder the charge of the said high Admirall to attend on the Duke of Parmas Actions A third company were armed in the West part of England towards Spaine vnder the conduct of Sir Francis Drake a man by name and fame knowne too too well to all Spaine and to the Kings Indias and of great reputation in England and this was compounded partly of some of the Quéenes owne ships and partly of the ships of the West parts But after that it was certainely vnderstood that the great Nauy of Spaine was ready to come out from Lisbone and that the fame therof was blowne abroad in Christendome to be inuincible and so published by bookes in print the Quéene and all her Counsel I am sure whatsoeuer good countenance they made were not a little perplexed as looking certainely for a daungerous fight vpon the Seas and after that for a landing and Inuasion Whereupon the Lord Admirall was commaunded to saile with the greatest ships to the West of England towardes Spaine to ioyne with Drake whom he made Viceadmiral to continue in the seas betwixt France and England to stop the landing of the Nauy of Spaine And with the Lord Admirall went in certaine of the Quéens ships the Lord Thomas Haward second sonne to the last Duke of Norfolke and the Lord Sheffeld sonne to the Admirals sister who is wife to the Quéenes Ambassadour in France with a great number of Knights of great liuelode And at that time
THE COPIE OF A LETTER SENT OVT OF ENGLAND TO DON BERNARDIN MENDOZA AMBASSADOVR IN FRANCE FOR the King of Spaine declaring the state of England contrary to the opinion of Don Bernardin and of all his partizans Spaniardes and others This Letter although it was sent to Don Bernardin Mendoza yet by good hap the Copies therof aswell in English as in French were found in the chamber of one Richard Leigh a Seminarie Priest who was lately executed for high treason committed in the time that the Spanish Armada was on the seas Whereunto are adioyned certaine late Aduertisements concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish Nauie aswell in fight with the English Nauie in the narrow seas of England as also by tempests and contrarie winds vpon the West and North coasts of Ireland in their returne from the Northerne Isles beyond Scotland Imprinted at London by I. Vautrollier for Richard Field 1588. THE COPIE OF A LETTER SENT OVT OF ENGLAND TO DON BERNARDINE MENDOZA AMBASSADOVR IN FRANCE FOR THE KING OF SPAINE MY Lord Ambassadour though at the time of my last large writing to you of the state of this countrey of our long desired expectation of succours promised I did not thinke to haue had such a sorrowfull occasion of any second writing as nowe I haue of a lamentable change of matters of estate here yet I can not forbeare though it be with as many sighs as liues to aduertise you of the truth of our miserable condition as now to me others of our partie the same appeareth to be that by comparing of all things past in hope with the present nowe in despaire your L. who haue had the principall managing hitherto of all our causes of long time both here there in France betwixt the King Catholique assisted with the Potentates of the holy League all our countrimen which haue professed obedience to the Church of Rome may now fall into some new better consideration how our state both for our selues at home and our brethren abroade now at this present fallen as it were into vtter despaire may be reuiued restored to some new hope with better assurance of successe then hath happened hitherto For which purpose I haue thought it necessary to aduertise you in what termes this countrey now standeth farre otherwise then of late both we at home and others abroad did make accompt of You know how we haue depended in firme hope of a change of the state of this countrey by the meanes of the deuout and earnest incitations of the Popes holines and the King Catholique and of other Potentates of the holy League to take vpon them the Inuasion and conquest of this Realme and by your assurances and firme promises we were now of a long season past perswaded that the King Catholique had taken vpon him the same glorious Act and thereof from yeare to yeare we looked for the execution being continually fed and nourished from you to continue our hope and sundrie times solicited by your earnest requests and perswasions to encourage our partie at home not to wauer as many were disposed by sight of continuall delaies but to be ready to ioyne with the outward forces that should come for this Inuasion Neuerthelesse the delayes and prolongations of times appointed for the comming of the Kings forces specially by Sea haue bene so manie as vntill this last Spring we were in despaire at what time you aduertised vs with great assurance that al the Kings preparations which had bene in making readie these thrée or foure yeares together were now in full perfection and without faile would this Sommer come into our Seas with such mightie strength as no Nauie of England or of Christendome could resist or abide their force and for more suretie and for auoiding of all doubts to make the intended conquest sure the same should also haue ioyned to it the mightie Army which the Duke of Parma had made readie and kept in readinesse in the low countries all this yeare past wherewith he should land and so both by Sea and land this Realme should be inuaded and a spéedie conquest made thereof to the which were alwaies added sundry reasons whereupon was gathered that neither by sea nor by land there would be any great resistance found here but a strong party in this Realme to ioyne with the forreine force For otherwise then with such helps to be assuredly had from hence I know it was alwaies doubted that no forreine force could preuaile against this realme being as it is enuironed by sea and notably replenished with more mightie and stronger people then any country in Christendome But with the hope of the landing of these great Armies and our assistance in taking part we here continued all this yeare past in assured hope of a full victorie vntill this last moneth But alas and with a deadly sorrow we must all at home and abroad lament our sudden fall from an immeasurable high ioy to an vnmeasurable déepe despaire and that so hastilie fallen out as I may say we haue séene in the space of eight or nine dayes in this last moneth of Iuly which was from the apparance of the Catholique great Nauie vpon the coast of England vntill it was forced to flie from the coast of Flanders neare Callice towardes the vnknowen parts of the cold North all our hopes all our buildings as it now appeareth but vpon an imagined conquest vtterly ouerthrowen and as it were with an earthquake all our castles of comfort brought to the ground which now it séemeth were builded but in the aire or vpon waues of the sea for they are all perished all vanished away from our thoughtes And here with I am astonished what I may best thinke of such a worke so long time in framing to be so suddenly ouerthrown as by no reason could procéed of man or of any earthly power but only of God And if so it be as no body can otherwise impute this late change fall from our expected fortune but to God almighty then surely our case is either dangerous or doubtfull how to iudge thereof whether we haue bene these many yeares in the right or not For I do find and know that many good and wise men which of long time haue secretly continued in most earnest deuotion to the Popes authoritie begin now to stagger in their mindes and to conceiue that this way of reformation intended by the Popes holines is not allowable in the sight of God by leauing the auncient course of the Church by Excommunication which was the exercise of the spirituall sword and in place thereof to take the temporall sword and put it into a Monarches hand to inuade this realme with force and Armes yea to destroy the Quéene thereof and all her people addicted to her which are in very truth now féene by great proofe this yeare to be in a sort infinite and
London whereby they haue obserued the countrie and the people doe speake marueilously thereof counting the same inuincible otherwise then by treason of some great partie within the Realme But whether all these spéeches which are commonly reported of them procéede from their hartes or that they speake thus to please the English because they are well vsed by them who also are easily deceiued with flattery I know not but sure I am they do thus speake dayly with outward shewe of great passions against such as haue bene perswaders to the King for this iourney Diuers of them also which are of good iudgemēt haue heard of such of the English banished men as haue bene in Spaine haue knowen some of them there as of long time Sir Francis Englefield of late the Lord Paget his brother haue curiously inquired of what power they were credit here to haue a partie They also inquired of the Earle of Westmerland although of him they confesse he is a man but of small gouernement But our Aduersaries here haue so abased these all the rest to haue bene of no credit to cary any numbers of men but by the Quéenes authoritie when they were at their best as the prisoners wonder how the king could be so deceiued to giue them pentions otherwise then for charitie because of their religion But they confesse they haue often heard in Spaine how the King was once notably deceiued when one Thomas Stukeley a priuat Englishman who fled out of Ireland for debt other lewd Actions into Spaine not being worth one peny his debts being paied but the second sonne of a meane Gentleman pretended and was beléeued in Spaine by so intitling of him selfe to be a Duke a Marquis and an Earle of Ireland and so was a long time enterteined as a man that could do great seruice against the Quéene of England vntill at length the King vnderstood his falshood and banished him out of Spaine And after repairing to Rome was by the Pope also mainteined for a time vntill he was discouered euen by some good Catholiques that could not endure the Popes holines to be so grossely mocked of whom some of the prisoners vsing mery spéeches how both the Emperour Charles and afterward this King and the Pope were so notably deceiued by this Stukeley do conclude merely that they thinke some of these English that haue thus abused the King haue followed Stukeleys steppes And in very truth I and many others haue bene very often ashamed to heare so brode spéeches of the King and of the Pope yea of the Emperour Charles whom such a companion as Stukeley was could so notably deceiue and it was the more to be marueiled how he could deceiue the King Catholique considering he was knowen to many of his Counsell at the Kings being in England to haue bene but a vaunting beggar and a Ruffian and afterwards a Pirat against the Spaniards Now my Lord Ambassadour by these my large relations of the things euil past and of the opinions of such as I haue lately dealt withall with mine owne conceit also which I doe not vainely imagine your Lordship may sée in the first part our present calamitie and miserable estate in the second part the state of this Quéene her Realme her people their mindes their strength so far contrary to the expectation of the Popes holines the King Catholique and specially of you my Lord and all others that haue bene in hand these many yeares with this Actiō as I know not what course shal or may be thought méete to take séeing it is séene by experience that by force our cause cannot be reléeued Neither will any change amend the matter when this Quéene shall end her daies as all Princes are mortall For both the vniuersalitie of the people through the Realme are so firmely and desperately bent against our religion as nothing can preuaile against their vnited forces and whosoeuer shall by right sucéede to this Crowne after the Quéene who is likely to liue as long as any King in Christendome if the Crowne should come to the King of Scots or to any other of the blood Royall as there are very many within this Realme descended both of the Royall houses of York and Lancaster there is no accompt to be made but euery one of them that now liue at this day are knowen to be as vehemently disposed to withstand the authoritie of the Pope as any of the most earnest Protestant or Heretique in the world So as to conclude after all circumstances well considered for the present I know no other way but to commit the cause to Almightie God and to all the Saints in heauen without continuall prayers and in earth to the holy Counsels of the Pope and his Cardinals with our supplications to reléeue the afflicted number of our exiled brethren and to send into the Realme discrete holy and learned men that may only in secrete maner without intermedling in matters of estate by teaching vs confirme vs in our faith and gaine with charitable instruction others that are not rooted in heresie And for reliefe of such as are forced to pay yearely great sommes of money out of their reuenue because they forbeare to come to the Church it were to be charitably considered whether there might not be some dispensation from the Popes holines for some fewe yeares to tollerate their comming to the Church without changing of their faith considering a great number do stand therein not for any thing as they say vsed in this Church that is directly contrary to Gods law but for that the Rites and praiers though they are collected out of the body of the Scripture are not allowed by the Catholique Church and the head thereof which is the Popes holines and for that cause iustly al true Catholiques accompt this Church to be schismaticall By which remedie of tolleration a great number of such as will be perpetually Catholiques might enioy their liuings and libertie and in proces of time the Catholique religion by Gods goodnesse might with more suretie be increased to the honour of God then euer it can be by any force whatsoeuer For so did all Christian religion at the first begin and spread it selfe ouer the world not by force but only by teaching and example of holines in the teachers against all humane forces And so I will end my long Letters with the sentence which King Dauid vsed foure times in one of his Psalmes Et clamauerunt ad Dominum in tribulatione eorum de angustia eorum liberauit eos And so must we make that for our foundation to lay our hope vpon for all other hopes are vaine and false At London the of August 1588. AFter that I had made an end of this my letter which I found by perusall thereof to haue bene at more length then I looked for although the matters therein conteined did draw