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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A79571 An epitomy of history. Wherein is shewn how severall princes and nations, came to their particular countries and dominions; also many great affaires in Judea, Tartaria, Russsia, Poland, Swethland, Germany Italy, Piedmont, Scotland, England, and many other places throughout the world, from the birth of our Saviour to this present time. H. C. 1661 (1661) Wing C39; ESTC R223831 56,492 161

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of Rome Lotharius was anointed in St. Peter's Church by the Pope his Brothers fell out about their fathers lands which civill war so weakned the Nobility of France that the Danes and Normans entred and troubled them for many years Lodovicus the Second dying without Issue his brother Charles King of France by liberal gifts obtain'd to be Emperor but was poyson'd by his Physitian a Jew from the formerly great now small Empire of the East Michael Emperor of Constantinople slew his brother and thrust his Mother and sisters into a Monastery Carolus Crassus the Son of Lewis King of Germany was forc'd to yeild to the Normans who was very potent in France that place toward the Brittish Sea called Normandy the Emperor for negligence and ill government was deposed and Arnalphus his Nephew declared Emperor Arnalphus fought with the Duke of Spoleto who flying the Emperor besiegeth his Wife who hired some of the Emperors servants to poyson him Lodovicus the third in his time the Sarasens invaded Italy and the Hungers France the King of the Sarasens in besieging Consentia was killd by thunder and the rest returned to Affrick Conradus desired his brother to deliver after his death the Emperial Ornaments to the Duke of Saxony as most fit for it for wisdome it being a troubled State which desire of this Emperor his brother preferred before the Throne and performed his will Henry Duke of Saxony was busie a hunting when the news came of his being made Emperor he made Peace with the Hungers for nine years after obtain'd a victory over them and in thanks to God purged his Dominions of the sin of Simonie he fought also with the people of Dasmatia and Bohemians and made them tributaries he was called Pater Patriae Otho the first the former Son called a Councell deposed the Pope the Romans making a sedition he return'd and punisht them after ordered that none should be chose Pope without the consent of the Emperor he was buried in a Church himself built In the East Constantine had recover'd his Empire from the Romans again Otho the second prevails against the King of France recover'd Lorraigne but the Sarasens and Grecians with Constantine came to recover Apulia and overcame the Emperor who hardly escaped who after vented his wrath upon the Italians for deserting him Otho the third pardoned Crescensius twice who the Italians prefer'd to be Emperor but the third Rebellion of his he hang'd him the seditious Romans also advanc'd John 18 to be Pope rejecting Gregory the fifth made by the Emperor whith John had his eyes pluckt out and himself thrown headlong from the Capital this Emperor with the Pope now instituted seaven Electors of the Emperor the Bishop of Mentz Cullen and Tryes Count Palatine Duke of Saxony Marquess of Brandenburgh and in case of contrary opinions the King of Bohem'n this Emperors wire was the widdow of the rebell he hang'd who poysoned him with a pair of gloves From the East those Emperors lives was but short by reason of the continuing of the old barbarous course of making them away Henry the second Duke of Bavaria was chose Emperor by the Electors receiving the Crown from the Pope he subdued all his rebells expeled the Sarasens out of Italy the King of Denmark a savage Prince came into England to roote out the Christian profession one of the Saraseu Princes at this time destroyed some Temples in Jerusalem and massacred all the spiritual officers Conradus the second made a Law to punish with death the troublers of the peace in Germany about this time a war grew between the Christians and Sarasens but a peace was made in a short time after and liberty granted to rebuild the Christian Temples in Jerusalem Henry the Third In his time three Bishops contended for the Popedome but the Emperor plac'd Clemens the second at this time the estate of Christians was most lamentably afflicted by the Turks and Sarasens Henry the Fourth was a good wise Emperor but excommunicated twice by the Pope who stird up the Germans against him under the Duke of Sweve who being taken had his right arm cut off which he held up at his Oath of Allegiance and he acknowledged Gods hand Henry the Fifth the Pope would not Crown till he would give over his right of Election of the Pope and of investing of Bishops by Staffe Ring but the Emperor compel'd the Pope and Cardinalls to perfect his Coronation and confirme his priviledges which the Pope covenanted to by breaking a peece of the Hostie notwithstanding the Pope revoked and cursed the Emperor but before the Emperor as I told you forc'd the Pope the Pope being admired in the world call'd a Counsell of the Bishop of Mentz Trier and Worms to insite the Emperor to war with his own father Lotharius the second Duke of Swene was elected two contending for the Popedom he gave it to Innocent and coming to Rome with an Army made the other Pope Peter a Citizen and the Count of Sicilly his friend say nothing more Conradus Tertius subdued the Duke of Saxony and Bavaria Winsperg besieged the women begg'd leave to come out with what they could carry on their backs which granted they brought forth their husbands which the Emperor thought would have been Treasure but perform'd his promise This Emperor going against the Turks and wanting provisions accepted of some meale from the Emperor of Constantinople but it being mingled with Lime poysoned his Army upon which the King of France joyning with the King of Jerusalem besiedged Damascus but the Christians in Asia and Siria was so decayed that Turks and Infidells had almost got all Frederick the first coming to Coronation he alighted to salure the Pope and when the Pope mounted he held the Stirrup and mistaking the Stirrup angred the Pope the Pope incited him and the Duke of Bavaria to fight with the Duke of Apula for recovering his Terrtiories to the Chair of Rome the Pope also stir'd up the Emperor of Constantinople to drive Apula out of Italy the Duke begg'd on fair termes peace but the Pope rejected him the Duke overcoming the Emperor of Constantinople marches towards the Pope who then sued to him for Peace Frederick taking into consideration the Popes ambition prefixt his own name before the Popes and ordered there should be no appeal to Rome upon which the Pope stirred up the people of Germany and elsewhere against the Emperor and excommunicated him a flie entring the Popes throat choaked him the Emperor subdued Millan quickly two now contending for Popedome Alexander not meeting the Emperor at Counsell he chose Victor Pope upon which Alexander falls a cursing and warring and joyning with the Venetians took the Emperors son upon which the Emperor came to Alexander for absolution and kneeling down the Pope trod on his neck saying thou shalt tread upon the Adder and the Aspe c. I said the Emperor that 's to St. Peter I said the Pope to me and
to St. Peter The Kings of England and France goe now to the last help of the Christians about Jerusalem they took one place but falling out about honour returne home and the King of the Turks takes Jerusalem and other places possessed by the Christians Henry the sixth was the son of Frederick the Pope gave him in marriage one out of a Monastery and both Ciciles for a dowery the Emperor Pope and other Princes went to help the poor Christians in Palastina but the Emperor dying they returned doing nothing Philip the second by the help of the Saxons and Bavarians took upon himself to be Emperor but the Pope and Electors went to warrs with him but the people of Germany got them to agree the Emperor marries the Popes Nephew the Emperor was murthered in his Chamber by Count Palatine Now begun the Tartarian Kingdom they came from the Mountains of the Indies with wives and Children a fierce people against Christians and others they overrun the Meads Parthians Arminians Samaritan Asirians Persians and seated at Meotidis Paladis Otho the fourth refused to give gifts to the people at Coronation which bred commotions he invaded the Popes territories was excommunicated from the East the Venetians and French overcoming the Emperor they set up Baldwin of France Count of Flanders and when it descended to Robert his son he was crowned by the Pope as the German Emperors Frederick the second King of Cicile and Naples gave the Dukedome of Fundanus to the Church he yeilded to the Popes Canon of prescription to what the Pope would several made commotion against the Emperor the Pope joynes with them excommunicates the Emperor but the poor Christians in Asia desiring help the Emperor and Pope agree but the Emperor sending to the Pope news of his armies success against the Sarasens the Pope trampled upon his letter stirred up the Emperors son against his father to get some Dominions to the Church the Emperor returns subdues his enemies but gave a great sum of moneys before the Pope would absolve him the Emperor goes against Traytors in Italy the Pope writes to all Towns to stand out stirrs up the Venetians legats cursed him by a Bull deprived him of his dignities charg'd him with heresie the Emperor sends his Secretary to clear himself of those things the Bishops of Germany was true to him the Pope sent for a Counsel to depose the Emperor the Emperor took by Sea three Legats Monks soldiers and Treasure the Tartars come and destroy places adjacent and the Christians sent to the Emperor for help who wisht the Pope to consider Christendome but while the Emperor was ingaged for the Christians the Pope proceeded to depose him which put the Emperor to imploy his strength against him and he so brought him under that in anger and desparing the Pope died after the Emperor drove the Tartars out of Hungary but the next Pope forc'd the Emperor to more war in his own Dominions and two great parties there was the Emperors called the Gibilins and Popes the Guelts Conradus the fourth endeavouring to regain Apula his brother the Duke thereof got him poysoned the Pope sent two Armies to gain Cicily but he was beaten and died but the next Pope got Count Angow the King of France's brother to fight with the Duke of Apula that beat the former Pope and the Duke was overcome by Angow Young Conradus their sought to get his fathers Dominions was beaten by Angow and beheaded by the Popes advice So the Kingdome of Naples came into the hands of the French Radulph was chose at Frankford by the Electors he was affraid to goe to Rome for Coronation because of the Popes Tyranny it was seaven years after the former Emperor before he was chose he overthrew the King of Bohemia who in time of vacansie invaded Austridg and called himself Emperor these gave their daughters to each others son Adolph borrowed money of King Edward of England to fight against France but wanted it for his own house he sought to win Austridg but the Duke thereof slew him and raigned in his stead in the East a Christian Army of Germans Hungarians was overcome by the Sultane of Egypt who let in Sluces near Nilus upon them a second Army under Frederick regain'd Jerusalem made a Peace with the Sarasens which the King of Navor by the Popes consent broke but was beat back and the Savages regain'd Jerusalem put all Christians to death and spoyled the Sepulcher of Christ Another Army came under the King of France but a forward commander venturing upon the Sarasens and Sulton with a part of the Army was overcome and after the whole Army the King being taken who wanted assistance from the Emperor the Pope keeping him in war at home The King of Tartarian was baptised and he overcame Syria Persia and took Damascus from the Sarasens but this Kings son at his fathers death left a commander that apostatized and set fire on Sesaria the next Army was of the Kings of France and England the French took Carthage and in Cicily brought the Prince of Cicily to give way to the profession of Christian religion Prince Edward of England was wounded by a venom'd knife by a deceitful Sarasen pretending letters yet recovered but failing of fores from the Emperor the Pope stirring up the Duke of Angow to destroy Fredericks posterity he returu'd The last Army again the Sarasens was by the Emperor who the enemy circumvented as they was lading a great prey took the Christian general and after utterly destroyed in Asia their Towns and Holds but the Prince of Tartars restored Syria again but he returning home his commander revolted to the Sulton of Egypt because the Pope warring with France no succour came to him Albertus after ten years raign was kild by his brothers son now sprang up the first Othoman King of the Turks a couragious warrior that inriched himself with spoyles he subdued great part of Bithynia and other places Henry the seaventh was a Prince of excellent properties wise just and belov'd neither proud in prosperity or dejected in adversity a Monk mingling poyson with the bread of the Eucharist poyson'd him Lewis the fifth was next but some of the Electors chose Frederick who was subdued but yet being Duke of Austria vext the Burgesses of Vren Swits for helping the other Emperor which places others made a league among themselves and are called Switzers or Cantons or Pages of Helvetia the Pope being displeased with Lewis sent to the Electors to choose another which they did Charles the fourth In his time the Turks passed the Helespontus and took several Townes which was their Conquest over those regions in Europe they now possess Charls procured of the Electors that his son should be King of the Romans Vinseslaus was sluggish and given to voluptuousness and was deprived of his dignitie About this time Tamerlane Captain of the Tartars the Pr. of Og's son slaying 30000 in a
The Pope warrs with the Duke of Parma but being beaten layes it to a Marquess The French in fight took 6000 prisoners and 40 great guns and the Spaniards also yeelds Ipre the Tartars and Cossack over run Poland took 2000 in fight after destroyed 8000 Jews 20000 natives the Pole yeelds them the Ceremonies and demands they crave after quaraling againe was beaten The Venetian beating the Turks at Dardenel the Governor and three Bashaws was slain at Constantinple on pretence of cowardize or falsness In England the Parliament Voted a Common-wealth Government make Cromwel Deputy of Ireland the young King comes over Sea by agreement into Scotland is Crown'd by them Fairfax refus'd co goe against the Scots but Cromwel was Voted General who at Dunbar with a weake sickly Army overthrew the Scots took 15000 Armes Kings Bishops and banisht persons Lands was sold mony was Coined with the States Armes Edinburgh yeilded In Holland the Prince of Orange attempted to seize Amsterdam by horse and foot coming in the night but it was frustrated by Post letters giving knowledge and the Sluces let open A civil war overspread France by some Princes standing up for the servile people therein Cardinal Mazarine was banisht but after the stir he was admitted and Condie slited the Venetian in the haven of Fogio takes from the Turk 72 Oaregallies 18 other ships and 60 laden also a Bashaw and 7000 men all with the loss of 9 men upon which the Turk brings the Christians to whips and chains but by the French Orator apeased him but he stops English Ships comes again but the Venetian slew 1500 This year the Sulton had seaven sons in one moneth borne to him The King of Brittain gets a great Army in Scotland but some English landing at Queens Ferre beat a party of the Scots of about 4000 and took B●r●twood the King steered towards Worcester with about 15000 the Presbyterian joynd with the Northern Army and Love taken at a meeting in London was after beheaded by a high Court of Justice the King was Proclam'd King of great Brittain at Worcester Cromwell leaving Monck in Scotland hasted to Worcester where several forces met him after he had with a sharp conflict gain'd a pass over Severn and Powick bridge overthrew the Scots who fought stoutly then he run into the Towne killing in the streets and elsewhere about 3000 took ●000 Hambleton dying of his wounds the King got into an Oake in a wood 500 l. was offered to any that should detect him but cutting his hair and disguis'd in habit he with the assistance of a Lady got beyond Sea the Earle of Darby who had got about 1400 was routed by Lilburnes Regiment and after beheaded many of the Nobility in Scotland was apprehended the Parliament reward Cromwel make an Act of Navigation which enrageth the Dutch In France Condie armes could not be appeased who with the Parliament of Paris urg'd the Decree against Cardinal Mazarine the Cardinall with Armes opposeth him by the Kings order The English fight with the Dutch at Sea for refusing to strike the Topsail and to allow the tenth herring while an Ambassador from Holland and a Treaty was at London Trump came with 42 sail towards the Brittish Sea where he lost one and forty men by the English after which follow'd several more fights in one of which Trump was slaine above 20 men of War sunk 1000 prisoners About this time the French going to releive Dunkirk was by the English by reason of the brest men taking English Ships by the Kings Commission scatterd and Dunkirk yeelded to the Spaniard Cromwel dissolved the Parliament fearing their too long sitting declared a Counsell of State nominated a Parliament many of which being high for Tyhes and against toleration the other part incenst went out of the house with the Speaker delivering their receiv'd power into the hands of Cromwel who the Officers of the Army made Protector with a Council of 21 who made peace with the Dutch put the Papists in Ireland all to one Province Powel and Gerrard was executed for a plot to sease the guards he summons another Parliament agreeing with the Sheriffs that they should not alter the Government reserving liberty to Adjourn them at such a time after which he dissolved them broke with Spaine sent an Army to Hispaniola who grew faint when they landed and was easily repulsed but after seased Iamaica Island There was several risings now in Armes Penruduck and others was executed Cromwel appointed Major Generals in the Countries who took the tenth part of the Estates of those that assisted the King Cromwel makes a peace with the French that they exclude the King of England Condie for hatred of Cardinall Mazarine falls from the French Court and joynd with the Spaniard The Moscovite falls upon the Pole upon matter of honour the Pole desired the Swedes assistance upon which he would not lay any claime more to Swedeland the Queen of Swedeland resigned up her Crown to her Cousen and was by the Popes Nuntio in the Duke of Tyrolls Country upon her owning the Catholick Religion with a deal of Pomp and ceremonies absolv'd of all her sins At Cullen in Germany many was distraind for not strowing flowers on a Sacrament day Colonell Doylie wrote of the good condition of Iamaica the English hd surprised there 6000 Spaniards who had hid themselves In the Magulls Country there is a City calld Nagracus where there is a Chappell pav'd of Plate of pure gold where is plac'd an Idoll call'd Matta visited yearly by thousands of Indians who cut off part of their tongus to offer in sacrifice to it Also in the same Province they goe to Iallamack where out of cold springs and hard Rocks are daily seen uncessant eruptions of fire before which they fall downe and Worship In the year 1655. the Duke of Saxony condemn'd a man for stealing a Deer to be bound in chaines upon a Stagg his feet fast under the beasts belly with an Iron Chaine soldered and his hand also in the same manner chained to the hornes and so set loose to run away with him the Stagg having run near a hundred English miles upon a direct line in twenty six hours time coming near some waggoners who came out of Silesia fell downe wherefore the poor man sitting on his back told them the business and earnestly begged of them to shoot him to put him out of his pain but they durst not fearing the Duke in the mean time the Stagg getting up run away with all his might so the miseries that poor creatures undergone if the Stagg killed him not in running cannot be expressed In England the Protector calls another Parliament who would have made him King but he could not take it upon him The English Fleet much spoyl'd the Spanish Indian silver Fleet. Sir Henry Slingsby and Dr. Hewit was now beheaded for a conspiracy Cromwell according to agreement with the King of France sent over
into Flanders 6000 foot which did the French great service in taking Mountmedi St. Venant and the fort of Mardike Now the King of England had 2000 English Scots and Irish unimployed which the King of Spaine with consent sends with some others commanded by the Duke of York to assault Mardike but they after six houres conflict was forc'd to retire upon which the English and French straitly besieged Dunkirk to oppose them the Dukes of Austria and York and Condie assembled 16000 horse and foot 300 English foot gave the first onset who routing the Spanish foot the horse fled and the French pursued them till the Duke of York resisted but he was overpower'd and 2000 of the Spaniards fide was prisoners after which the Governor of Dunkirk the Marquess of Leda being slaine in a sallie Dunkirk was surrendred upon conditions and by the King of France and Cardinal in person put into the hands of the English About this time the Protestants of Piedmont was by their Duke of Savoy through the instigation of the Priests cruely forc'd into the woods the Protestants in many parts especially England contributed largely to them and at last Cromwell Protector of England got the King of France to mediate with the Duke for peace with them The Swede gathers a great Army having made a league with Brandenburgh comes into the Poles Country taking divers places as far as Wsee without a blow the Pole rendezvous 36 miles from Warsow had a hallowed sword sent him but the Swede giving him a great overthrow the King of Poland fled to Cracovia which yeelded to the Swede and the Pole fled towards Hungarie An Envoy came from the King of Polands Standardbarer in his name and other of the Nobility that seeing their King was fled out of his Country they submitted to the King of Swedeland as their Soveraign Elbin yeelded and the King of Swed made his Chancellor Governor of Prussia the Swede followed the King of Poland in Silesia beates him taking seaven Standards and sends to block up Danzick gives the Pole a great overthrow at Warsovia and now when the Pole in a manner lost all the Moscovite comes into Liesland against the Swede besieges Riga and the Emperor of Germany became the Swedes open enemy the Dane also came against him by Sea and Land and besieged Bremerverden from whence the Swede coming quickly drove him to Iutland the Swede goes then to Hulsten also takes Fredericks Ode after by the frost gets Funen Island the Poles now took Lisna destroyed many Protestants went into Prussia to Thorn the Swede and Dane make peace an Envoy came to the Swede from Cromwell Protector of England to assure him the Swedes enemies should be his enemies The pretended Lord Protector of England with fourteen daies sickness died the Ducth demanded of the Portugall the Isle of St. Thomas commerce with Brazeel The Turk demands double custome of the Christians at Ierusalem The French and some English enter Ostend on a surprise but are beaten out The Swede returne upon the Dane get into Zealand and besiege Copenhagen where was the King and Nobles of Denmark Corenburgh Caslte was yeelded to the Swede the Dane in a sally had 1500 disperst the Dutch fought for the Dane near Shoven where they lost eight Ships 100 men with Wittie Wittiens that died of his wounds the Swede only loosing two Ships but attempting to storm Copenhagen lost many valorous Officers and Soldiers in the tedious time of the Legure the King of Swedeland fell sick and died advising his Counsell to peace The K. of France marries the K. of Spains daughter concludes a peace who had been long enemies Embassadors come to the King of England from France Venice Holland to desire Amity Peace is supposed to be between England and Spaine war being made only by Cromwel The Turks with an Army of 80 thousand Tatrars now marches towards Germany subdues Transilvania places Soloni Gàber Prince carries away many thousand Christians Captives King Charles the Second of England his Restauration Richard Cromwell immediately after his Fathers death was by the Council Proclaimed the Lord Protector who not long after summond a Parliament which was very ready to settle the Government by a single person but in their proccedings being much for Tythes settling the Church and the Presbyterial Ministrie without the liberty others expected the Officers of the Army in consultation with some others resolve to bring again the Government to a Commonwealth which Richard Collonel Goff and others sought to oppose by drawing forces together who presently instead of fighting with run to Desboroughs and Lamberts party then the Officers of the Army put out the Parliament dethron'd Richard also the Soldiers in Ireland falling in with those in England Henry Cromwell is deprived of his Deputyship then the Army bring in the remaining part of the long Parliament of the year 41 excluding the secluded Members still who preently place all Officers for a Commonwealth put out others but people being now weary of the tossings of Government inclin'd to armes Sir George Booth appeard with an Army of above 6000 but the Parliament sent Lambert who subdued him he endeavouring to escape in womens apparrel was taken prisoner the Parliament upon Lamberts returne gave him 1000 pound not long after Lamberts and Desboroughs friends in the Army Petition to the Parliament for a general for which the Parl. percieving a single person againe aim'd at put out Lambert Desborough and seaven Officers of the Army more Colonell Morlie guarding the Parliament Lambert with a party stops their going to the house Morlie requires their admition they stood one against another with their guns cockt ready to fight but the Counsell of State perceiving that the Soldiers would all be of Lamberts side ordered the guards to goe home the Parliament sitting no more the Officers of the Army at Walingford house make Fleetwood General Lambert Lieftenant General Desborough Major-Generall of the horse and Monk of the foot and erected a Committee of Safety but upon dissatisfaction by letters Monck complain'd of their turning out the Parliament Lambert goes with an Army of 10000 against him Monk sent Commissioners to treat at London but on their returne being not satisfied with what his Commissioners had done he marching towards England desired another Treaty at Newcastle and call'd a convention in Scotland who assisted him in his motion Hazlerig and Morley sease on Portsmouth with whom many of the Soldiers joyn'd for the Parliament and the Navie also declare against Lambert the Soldiers about London fell in also for the Parliament the Parl. now sitting Lamberts Army deserted him Monk marches towards London the Counties and London by Commissioners hinted their desire privately to him the Parliament sent Commissioners to him who satisfied the Parliament in him he gave uncertain hopes by his carriage and letters to all but promis'd he would be for the Parliament and against Lambert the Parliament entertain
for the King of Ipyrus more Townes by his eloquence then the King himself by the sword The son of Craesus seeing one running at his father with a drawn sword through strong affection though dumb all his life before cried O kill not the King The rich Cardinal of Winchester that procured the death of the good Duke of Glocester King Henry the sixth being struck with an incurable disease cryed fie will not death be hired will money doe nothing An Earle that used commonly to say let me be drown'd in a privy if such a thing be not so was so drown'd at St. Peters Monastery at Erford Sila put to death all he could remember and caus'd it to be regestred that he had precribed and put to death 4700 Citizens of Rome Contentions was so great in Constantius time between the Bishops that they brought whole bundles of Petitions against one another to the Emperor who desirous of Peace burnt them without reading Cardinall Langi acknowledged that formation of the Masse was needful and liberty of meats convenient but that Lather should reform all that was not to be endured Catos Daughter being married to Brutus who conspiring against Julius Caesar being troubled in mind and not imparting it to his wife observing it she being grieved took a rasor and wounded her thigh and losing much blood fell into a Feaver and after at hearing of her husbands death killd her self The first Christian King in the world was Lusius of the Brittains The first Christian Emperor Constantine was borne in England England is called the Granery of the Western world the Pope formerly received yearly from hence more then Ten tuns of Gold Cleobis and Bilon brethren in Greece lov'd their mother so dearely as they harnessed themselves to draw her Coach when she was to goe to Junoes Temple Some Elephants the Magull keeps to execute Malefactors some they pash to death presently others they break their joynts by degrees as they are bid William the Conqueror gave a mannor and certain yard-lands in Buckingamshire to one upon this condition that the possessor thereof should find litter for the Kings Bed when he came that way Rubenius Celer would needs have it ingraven on his Tomb that he had lived with his wife Ennea fortie three years and yet they never fell out In a battel when the Persians was overthrown by the Turks many women was slain that being arm'd followd their husbands in the battel Cleopatra Queen of Egppt at a banquet drunk up a pearl dissolved worth fifty thousand pounds and one dish at second course was valued at two hundred and fifty peeces of gold When the bloody Danes raged in England they coming to a Nunnery at Coldington in Scotland Ebba the proresse with the rest of the Nuns cut off their own noses and lips chosing rather to preserve their virginity then their beauty yet the Danes burnt the Monastery and them in it Godfrie of Bulligne with his followers in four years conquered all the goodliest Provinces of Asia in one fight his men stood in blood to the anckles in another he slew a hundred thousand Turks or Infidells Two brothers followers of Phythagoras lov'd so intirely that Dionysius condemning one the other offered to dye in his stead which the Tyrant seeing desired to be a third in their affection Pericles was so patient as he dispatcht much business and after came softly to his house at night and ordered his man to light home a fellow that had been railing at him all the day Theomesticles by the strength of his memory could call all his soldiers by name King Romulus was first a Shepheard Priscus a banisht stranger and Servius a Bond slave as his name imports Calvin an eye witness testifies that when Geneva embrased the Gospell the Magistrates found by visiting the relicks that what was adored as the braine or St. Peter was a Pummis stone and Anthonies arm was the sinew of a Stag the parcell of wood in Europe which the Papists say are parts of Christs Crosse will load a ship though the Crosse was no more then a man could bare Boca di porco or Swinsmouth being chose Pope changed his name Sergius which president his successors follow if one be a Tyrant he is called Clemens if unjust Inosent Micypsa on his death-bed caused all his sons to write this sentence in golden letters by concord small things are increased by discord great things are overthrown Ten Noble virgins delivered by the Romans as hostages to Parsonna upon Peace with him being abroad without guard escapt home but Publica Consul to the Romans returned them again though his own Daughter was one of them De Thermes a French General knighted a soldier for first mounting a bulwark and an hour after hang'd him for doing it without command Henry the fourth K. of England when his eldest son Prince of Wales was committed by the Lord chief Justice for afronting him on the Bench thanked God he had a Judge so impartiall and a son so obedient to submit to Justice The Egyptians being releeved with Corne by King Apis and the Corn being done by the labor of the Ox they worshipt Apis under the form of a pide Ox. In Poland there was bred a stinking disease by reason of a vicious humor glewing together the haire of the head in the form of little Serpents full of nastiness yielding if pricked blood and the cutting of this haire at first would cause the humor to torter some other part of the body Erostratus a young man to make himself famous and to perpetuate his name set on fire Diana's Temple at Ephesus one of the Stateliest fabricks of the world Eunomius the heretick boasting he knew God Basil to convince him of his ignorance graveld him in twenty one questions about the pismire A Spanish Cobler lying on his death-bed laid a speciall charge upon his eldest son to retain the Majesty worthy his family The Mahomitans pray with a still voyce useing many words which set forth the omnipotency eternity and other atributes of God and acknowledge themselves burthens to the earth poyson to the Air dareing not to look to heaven but comfort themselves in Mahomet and pray five times a day at and 6. at night King Sapores straitly besieging Nisibis upon the prayer of a devout man God sent an Army of Gnatts and Flies that tormented away the Persians A Varlot betraying the Isle of Rhodes to the Turk to have his daughter was after told by the Turk that if he should be his son in law he must not be a Christian but a Musleman within and without and so fleyed off his baptised skin and put him in a bed strewed with salt to get a new skin killing him with shame and torment Judge Morgan Lord chief Justice of the Common pleas refusing any witness to speak or any other matter to be heard in favour of the adversary her Majesty being partie the Queen declared that her pleasure was that whatever