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A28831 The reduction of Ireland to the crown of England with the governours since the conquest by King Henry II, Anno MCLXXII, with some passages in their government : a brief account of the Rebellion, Anno Dom. MDCXLI ... Borlase, Edmund, d. 1682? 1675 (1675) Wing B3771; ESTC R2056 87,451 336

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following he was made Deputy holding a Parliament by several Prorogations at Dublin in the 7 of H. 8 And 1513. in August at Athy he fe● sick from whence he was carried t● Kildare where Sept. 3. he died Q●licet magnis difficultatibus diu conflictatus fuerit posteriora tamen tempora magna animi tranquillitate reb●semper ferè ad vota fluentibus transegit He was buried in Trinity Church Dublin in a Chappel erected by himself This Gerald Earl of Kildare had been at several times 3● years Lord Deputy of Ireland which had he not been a person o● sigular Parts he could never have ●een entrusted with 1513. His Son Gerald Earl of ●ildare was Senatus Regis assensu ●eing then Treasurer made Lord ●ustice A custom mos per vicissi●dines ab antiquo mansit in Hibernia ●● deinceps jam mansurus est in poste●m Anno enim 33 H. 8. Cap. 2. Li●irici sancitur ut vel moriente Re●i Praefecto seu Deputato vel ex oc●sione succedente Regis illic Consi●●rii Anglum elegant in Justiciarium ●● Gubernatorem Regni Regio beneplacito duraturum that had been ●●ng used on the death of the Principle Officer as is evident by an Act ●ntituled An Act for the Electing ●●e Lord Justice the 23 of H. 8. therein it is enacted that none should be elected but who is an English man born within the Realm of England being no spiritual person Afterwards by a Patent from England he was made Lord Deputy Who in the 7 year of H. 8. hel● a Parliament at Dublin begun February 25. 1515. June 13. Willam Preston Viscount Gormanston was declare● Lord Justice but forthwith put ou● and the said Earl of Kildare wa● continued Lord Deputy who going for England 1519. Leaves Regia licentia pri● impetrata Sir Thomas Fitz Maurice ●● Lackagh a Knight of his own Family Lord Justice 1520. A little before Whitsontide Thomas Howard Earl of Surrey elder Son of Thomas Duke of Norfolk Admiral of England Wales and Ireland Knight of the Garter was made Lord Lieutenant of Ireland magis ex od● Kildarium whom Wolsey hated quam ex amore erga Surreium sait● Polid. Virg. mentioned by Sir James Ware as in the later Ages and for mer too others have been advanced thither on the like Principles ●e held a Parliament at Dublin June 4. 1521. in the 13 of H. 8. by several Prorogations About Christmass following he went into England where having discharged the weightiest employment of his King with much integrity and honour as he had done here and in France Scotland and elsewhere being a great Master of Wisdom through long experience he fell at last into this Kings displeasure his son ingenio florenti eruditione magna traeditus being accused and afterwards beheaded for quartering King Idward the Confessors Arms with his though ex sententia faecialium for which our Lieutenant now Duke of Norfolk was also committed Prisoner to the Tower though he had saith the Lord Cherbury eis much merit of ancient Service to plead for him as any Subject of his time could pretend to He laya long time Prisoner there at last was sent against Wiat with an inconsiderable handful made up for the greatest part of the Kings Guards but not succeeding having been ever before prosperous laid it much to heart and being tossed to and fro betwixt the reciprocal Ebbs and Fluxes of Fortune died in Sept. 1554. in the 1 and 2 year of Philip and Mary at Keninghal in Norfolk When he went for England he left 1521. His intimate Friend Pierce Butler Earl of Ormond after Earl of Ossory a near Allie of Thomas who died in London and was buried in Mercers Chappel 1515. Quo subditum ditiorem si vera sint quae de eo traduntur Anglia eo tempore non vidit about Christmass was left Lord Deputy 1524. Gerald Earl of Kildare was made Lord Deputy about Midsummer who caused Maurice Cava●agh Arch-deacon of Leghlyn to be hung on a Gibbet and his bowels burnt for most wickedly killing his Dioecesan Maurice Doran at Glen-Reynold a man much praised for his excellent manners and elegance in preaching Kildare being sent for into England was by Cardinal Wolseys subtle means ordered to be beheaded in the Tower and the Execution had certainly been done had not the Lieutenant of the Tower favouring Kildare acquainted the King therewith who not only respited his death but returned him with honour into Ireland checking the Cardinals presumption Upon his being sent for into England he 1526. Left in his stead Thomas Fitz Gerard of Leixlip Lord Deputy The same year he going off Richard Nugent Baron of Delvin was in his stead left Lord Deputy He was taken Prisoner by O-Connor 1538. treacherously during a Pa●ley between them He descended of Gilbert Nugent to whom behaving himself valiantly Hugh Lacy gave Lands in Meath 1528. Pierce Butler then Earl of Ossory the Title of the Earl of Ormond which to that time he had born being descended of the Earls race was conferred on Thomas ●ullin Viscount Rochford who à Senatu Regio was chosen Lord Deputy in Delvins stead 1530. Sir William Skeffington Lord Deputy to Henry Fitz Roy Duke of Richmond and Sommerset base son of H. 8. L. Lieut. of Ireland 1532. Gerald Earl of Kildare Lord Deputy to the said Duke of Richmond c. L. Lieutenant and being sent for into England left in his stead his eldest son as one for whose doing he would answer ut pro cujus fidelitate ipse vellet fide jubere 1534. Thomas then scarce 21 years old his Deputy A Youth of a hot and active Brain who having intelligence though false that his Father was beheaded in England indeed he was imprisoned in the Tower immediately flung up the Insignia Regalia to Cromer Chancellor of Ireland bidding defiance to the King and his Ministers slaying in his fury Dr. John Allin Archbishop of Dublin near Clantarfe Febr. 28. in the 58 year of his age committing besides many outrages the Father Gerald E. of Kildare dies in the Tower oppressed with the news of his Sons inconsiderateness upon which 1534. Sir W. Skeffington L. Deputy arrived at Dublin Octob. 21. and died at Kilmainam about the end of Decem. and was honourably buried according to his dignity in St. Patricks Church though afterwards a Monument was erected for him at Skeffington in Leicestershire from whence he descended since demolished by the Impiety of the last Age. 1535. Leonard Lord Gray son of Thomas Gray Marquess Dor●t created Viscount of Garny in Ireland Jan. 1. was made Lord Deputy to Henry Duke of Richmond and Sommerset The Duke died at St. James's House beyond Charing Cross in the 16 year of his Age July 22. Anno 1535. and was buried at Thetford in Norfolk Our Deputy held a Parliament in the 28 of H. 8. by several Prorogations Wherein amongst other Acts Thomas late Earl of Kildare was with
Temerity to enforce them No sooner was Ireland subjugated to the Imperial Crown of England by a Colony of Welch under the conduct of Fitz-Stephen with Maurice Fitz-Gerard Maurice de Prendergast principally commanded by Strongbow Earl of Pembroke permitted by King Henry the second then in Aquitain to adventure their fortunes but they succeeding King Henry the Second the third Year after the Invasion viz. Anno 1172. armed with Pope Adrians and Alexanders Bulls lands on St. Luke● Eve at Croch near Waterford marching by easie steps to Dublin oppidu● super Crates so obtains a Kingdom though it hath since appeared that the Popes donation and the Irish submissions were but weak and fickle assurances to establish his Dominions Where having took the fealty o● the Subject Kings of the Country and Clergy who bear no little sway in most mutations he there evidenced the greatness of his mind in several Entertainments and gratious condescentions and having setled the Peace of the Kingdom and the Order of the Church according to England in a Synod at Cassel he on Easter-day following leaves Ireland under a Constituted Government which to this day continues in such an esteem as no Vice-Roy in Christendom Naples not excepted ever arrived at so signal a Grandeur little of the Power committed to the Governours being abated of their Sovereigns unless in the conferring of some Offices which if they be not at their bestowing are frequently consented to on their commending nay some of the Governours as the Earl of Essex and others had it in their Commissions to pardon even Treason it self That at this day we may look on the Governours of Ireland as armed with as ample Power as any Subject is capable of Parliaments being held under their Precedency with Statutes Ordinances and Acts passed Coram Justitiario Deputato or Locum tenente such or such an one as they were entituled by the King whom Camden in his Annals 1565. towards the end says until the time of Ed. 3. they were called Justices of Ireland and their Lieutenant Deputies though by his good leave I find they were sometimes called Custodes othertimes Generales Hiberniae Procuratores though when the King would seem to honour any with the greatest Titles he stiles them Lieutenants who have generally power to depute their Deputy Venia a Rege prius impetrata and yet then he that is so deputed is stiled the Kings Deputy as in the Irish Statutes the 28 of H. 8. Coram dilecto fideli suo Domino Leonardo Gray milite Domino GRAY DEPUTATO IPSIUS DOMINI REGIS ac praecharissimi dilectissimi consanguinei sui Henrici Ducis Richmond Somerset de prosapia sua orti Locum tenentis suae terrae Dominii sui Hiberniae And in elder Ages we do find that the same Condescension was also indulged Justiciario Regis as Prynn in his History of Edw. 1. where writing to the Bishop of Waterford he directs his Letters to him vel ejus Locum tenenti as also fol. 382. and many other places but whether the one or the other their power was for the most part of like authority and say others Synonima Magna certe nominum varietas sed quae olim aliquando cum nonnullis aliis ex Authorum praevaricatione in eundem competebant Magistratum ut in his spars●n vocibus depre●enderis Before whom all Ensigns of Honour as the Sword Mace c. are carried the service at the Table being sometimes on the Knee they have power also of Knighthood and the very Liturgy is not without a particular Collect answerable to their Titles for their Government and safety their Council is the Privy Council made up of some Bishops more Lords the principal Judges the Presidents of Connaught and Munster the Master of the Rolls the Vice-Treasurer Master of the Ordnance the Secretary of State and others as the King is pleased to summon them to the Board In emergencies or cases of more difficult nature Dr. Heylyn in his Cosmography writes they proceeded sometimes in an Arbitrary way without formalities of Law which hath been much decried by the Parliament begun at Dublin 1639. and complained of as a grievance in as much as an honourable person an eminent Instrument of State writing an History of the beginnings of the late Rebellion in Ireland worthy to be had in every mans eye there takes occasion to tell with what lenity the present Governours addressed themselves to the abrogating of exorbitances of Paper Petitions or Bills in civil Causes exhibited at the Council Board or before any other by their Authority sufficient to evidence its dislike And by the 13. Article of the Peace agreed on at the Castle of Kilkenny the 17 of January 1648. it was concluded that the Council Table should contain it self within its proper bounds c. and not intermeddle with common business that is within the cognizance of the ordinary Courts so sensible have all Times been of what might intrench on the known Laws and Priviledges But leaving this the Authority of the Governours without assuming Irregularities is great and that they may be known we shall here intrust their memory to Posterity The Chief Governours of Ireland under the Soveraignty of the Kings of England since the Conquest thereof by Henry the Second A. D. MCLXXII to the Year MDCLXXIV KIng Henry the Second having in his own Person setled Affairs in Ireland constituted at his departure thence for England 1172. Hugh Lacy Lord Justice who Dignitate omnes Regni Proceres potestate omnes superabat Magistratus A person endued with great vertue and prudence He continued in the Government till that 1173. Richard de Clare Earl of Pembroke and Strigil sirnamed Strongbow was sent over Lord Justice He died 1176. and lies buried in Christ Church Dublin where he hath a Monument for his Son cut off by the middle and himself with this Epitaph Nate ingrate mihi pugnanti terga dedisti Non mihised genti sed regno quoque terga dedisti He founded the Priory of Kilmainam about the Year 1174. whose endowing King Henry the Second confirmed upon whose death 1177. Reymund le Grose Governour of the Earls Family having married Basil the Earls sister was chosen Lord Justice by the consent of the surviving Council who on notice of the Kings pleasure surrenders 1177. To Audelm●r ●r Aldelm tanquam Senescallo a Re●e in Regnum transmisso the Kings ●ewer Taster or Dapifer Procuratori ●oyning with him John Curcy Ro●ert Fitz Stephen Miles de Cogan ●s Counsellors not Commissioners ●s is evident by Audelms Charter ●edeemed from the Rubbish Henricus Dei gratia Rex Angliae Dominus Hiberniae Dux Normanniae Aquitaniae Comes Andegaviae Archiepiscopis Episcopis Regibus Comitibus Baronibus omnibus fidelibus suis Hiberniae salutem Sciatis me Dei gratia sanum esse incolumem negotia mea bene honorifice procedere Ego vero quam cito potero vacabo
my Lord Coke in the 46. writes Rushw 1371 2. Sir Richard Pembridge alias Pembrugh a Baron was appointed Deputy of Ireland but he refused to go whereupon his Offices Fees and Lands which he held of the King for life being his Servant as Warden of the Cinque Ports c. were all seized on pro servitio impendendo yet he was no● upon that resolution committed t● Prison for that he being unwilling to go the Imployment was adjudged an Exile and no man by the Common Law is perdere patriam but by Authority of Parliament or in case of Abjuration fo● Felony 1374. Sir William de Windsor arrived at Waterford Lord Lieutenant April 18. and took his Oath for th● execution of his Place at Kilkenny May 4. following undertaking th● Custody of Ireland for 11213l 6s 8a but did no wonders He descende● of Sir James de Windsor Lord o● Stanwel in Middlesex as I understand from the present Lord Windsor 1376. James Butler Earl of Ormond succeeded in the Government Sub RICHARDO II. James Butler Earl of Ormond continued Lord Governour till that 1379. John de Bromwich was made Lord Justice to whom succeeded Edmund Mortimer Lord Lieutenant He died at Cork 1381. on St Stephens day in the Abbey of Dominicans and was buried at Wigmore 1381. John Colton Dean of S. Patricks by Dublin Lord Chancellor of Ireland afterwards Archbishop of Ardmagh was made Lord Justice He took his Oath at Cork in the Covent of the Preaching Friers Decemb. 27. He died the 5. of the Calends of May 1404. and was buried in Droghedagh in Saint Peters Church where sometime before his death he renounced his Prelacy 1383. Philip de Courtney Lord Lieutenant and then 1385. Robert Vere the ninth Earl of Oxford a great Favourite of the Kings was made Lord Lieutenant having been created Marquess of Dublin and Duke of Ireland the 10 of Richard 2. in which year the King furnished him with a great sum of Money that he might go into Ireland to get Dominium quod sibi Rex donaverat So Walsingham Sed novus iste insolitus umbratilis honor cito evanuit Brook in his Catalogue of Nobility saith more to whom I refer you He died in Lovania 1392. in great anguish of mind and penury leaving saith Camd. nothing but to his Tomb Titles and to the World matter of Talk He was buried at Colne in Essex in great Funeral State the King a Mourner After all his preparations and full Charter even to pass all things with his own Teste He as some others bore only the Title of Lieutenant never going into Ireland but deputed 1385. Sir John Stanley his Lieutenant 1387. Alexander de Balscot alias Petit Bishop of Meath who had been Treasurer and Chancellor of Ireland Lord Justice He died at Ardbracan a Village in Meath the 10 of November 1400. and was buried at Trim in St. Maries Monastery 1389. Sir John Stanley returning into Ireland took his Oath of Lord Justice Octob. 25. the Earl of Oxford nomine being Lord Lieutenant 1392. James Earl of Ormond Lord Justice during whose Government the Earl of Oxford under whom he was Justice died as we have said in Lovania yet he continued his Government his Patent being from the King not determining with the Earl of Oxfords death 1394. Thomas of Woodstock Duke of Glocester who afterwards was treacherously strangled going with an Army for Ireland cujus Insulae judum Rex creaverat eum Ducem was suddenly recalled and the same year King Richard 2. having been slighted by the Princes of Germany to whom by his Ambassadors he addressed himself to have been made Emperour arrived at Waterford October 2. with an Army of 4000 men at Arms and 30000 Archers the better to convince them of his Manhood But returned at Shrovetide being cheated by a feigned submission of the Irish And at his return he left Roger Mortimer Earl of March and Vlster Lord of Wigmore Trim Clare and Connaght Lord Lieutenant He was afterwards slain by O. Brien c. at Kenlis in Ossory July 20. 1398. on whose death 1398. Roger Gray was chosen Lord Justice in his stead The same year Thomas Holland Duke of Surrey Earl of Kent and Lord Wake half Brother to King R. 2. came to Dublin Lord Lieutenant October 7. He was in 1400. beheaded for conspiring to set up King Richard 2. after King Henry 4. had been established 1399. King Richard the second time came into Ireland to revenge Mortimers death and arrived at Waterford June 1. upon whose arrival all things succeeded prosperously for the Irish being divided into many Factions and they not being united the whole was sooner overcome But in the height of these proceedings Tidings came of Henry Duke of Lancasters preparations and proceedings in England Upon which the King quieted all things at a great uncertainty in Ireland and having there imprisoned in Trim Castle the sons of the Duke of Glocester and Lancaster he arrived in three nights at Milford-haven in Wales and thence marched forwards to his Ruine yielding himself up at Flint At his disserting of Ireland we find not who was left Governour But the time not being long betwixt Duke Henries being setled in the Throne and King Richard 2. coming out of Ireland we may probably conjecture who commanded the Army had also the Government of the Realm Sub HENRICO IV. 1399. Sir John Stanley was made Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Decemb. 10. Whilest he thus possessed the Government I find in Ware De Praes Hib. a Writ from H. 4. anno 1400. directed to Sir Thomas de Burgo Knight Justiciario suo in partibus Conaciae ordering him to restore the Temporalities to Thomas Bishop Alladensis And here that it might not be supposed that this Sir Thomas entituled Justice had thereby any other power then a Justiceship of Peace or at most as we now call it the Presidentship of Connaght I could not but take notice hereof not having met with the like president the usual Writs for the restoring of Temporalities being to the chief Governour only as Justiciario Regis of which in Prynns History of King John H. 3. Ed. 1. are many Presidents 1401. In May Sir John Stanley goes for England and leaves Sir William Stanley of Holton in Werral in Cheshire in his place 1401. August 23. Stephen Scroop of which Family there was the Lord Scroop of Bolton Castle in Richmondshire arrived in Ireland Deputy to Thomas of Lancaster the Kings Son He came into Ireland November 13. the same year who going for England about Novemb. 11. 1403. Left Stephen Scroop his Deputy and he going for England the first day of Lent the Noblemen of Ireland chose James Earl of Ormond Lord Justice who died at Gauran or Raligauran 1405. September 6. to whom succeeded 1405. Gerald Earl of Kildare 1406. After Michaelmass Stephen Scroop returned into Ireland Deputy to Thomas of Lancaster Lord Lieutenant He died at Tristle-Dermot
Jan. 16. 1408. 1407. Scroop going this Year into England James Butler Earl of Ormond son of the former Earl was elected by the Country Lord Justice 1408. Thomas of Lancaster the Kings Son lands at Carlingford in Ireland August 2. Lord Lieutenant The third of the Ides of March following he returned for England Afterwards viz. March 22. 1421. he was slain at the Battle of Bangy by the Duke of Alanson On his remove he left Thomas Butler Prior of Kilmainam his Deputy During his Government viz. in the tenth year of the King Hen. 4. gave the Sword to the City of Dublin formerly governed by a Provost as appears by their ancient Seal called Signum Praepositurae which in the 14 of Hen. 3. was governed by a Major with two Bailiffs which Bailiffs were changed into Sheriffs by Charter of Ed. 6. 1547. Since in the 17 year of King Charles 1. by a Patent dated July 29. at Westminster the Government was changed into a Lord Major though they took not up the Title till Michaelmass 1665. that Sir Daniel Bellingham Knight Goldsmith for the Year beginning at Michaelmass was made Lord Major 1665. John Desmynieres Merchant 1666. Mark Quinne Apothecary 1667. John Forrest Merchant and sometimes Chandler 1668. Lewis Desmynieres Merchant 1669. Enoch Reader Merchant 1670. John Tottie Merchant and sometimes Glover 1671. Robert Dery Shoemaker 1672. Joshua Allen Merchant 1673. Sub HENRICO V. 1413. The said Prior of Kilmainam continued Lord Justice till that 1413. October 7. Sir John Stanley landed at Clantarfe near Dublin Lord Lieutenant He died Jan. 6. following at Ardee He was the Son of John the Ancestor of the illustrious Family of the Stanleys first created Earl of Derby Anno 1 H. 7. The transactions of whose Affairs in Ireland were preserved with other evidences in the Eagle Tower at Lathum in Lancashire till the Ruines of that magnificent Seat fell a Sacrifice to the Insolencies of the late Times which the last Lord CHARLES a person of exemplary worth and humanity who died Decemb. 1. 1672. hath since raised up with advantage from its Loyal Rubbish 1671. Upon Sir John Stanleys death the 11. of February following Thomas Cranley Archbishop of Dublin twice Chancellour of Ireland was elected Lord Justice Of whom Ware writes that Vir fuit qui non modo ingenio verum etiam Calamo utpote bonis instructus Artibus plurimum valuit with which Elogie I may very well take up but being that he was buried in New Colledge Chappel in Oxford of which he had been the first Warden I may injure their Antiquities not to insert his Epitaph which so long they have admitted in their Sanctuary though truly it neither bespeaks his worth or the least ingenuity of those Times He was sometimes Chancellor of Oxford He died May 25. 1417. at Faringdon and on a fair Stone in New Colledge Chappel inlaid with Brass there is a Portraicture of a Bishop clothed in his sacred Vestments over whom there is placed the Arms of the See of Dublin and his own and under all this Inscription Incedens siste locus Aspice quod tenet iste Annis bis denis pater almus alumnus Egenis Pontificis gratum Develyn Corpus tumulatum Sedet Sacratus fungens vice pontificatus Transfuga quem Cernis dum vita vices variavit Spiritus eripitur non arte valens revocari Mors Carnis vivit sub Humo lectum sibi stravit Quaeso piis praecibus sibi viribus auxiliari This Inscription incompasses the sides of the Stone Flori Pontificum Thomae Cranley Deus istum Annuit optatum funer is esse locum Talem nutrivit locus is quem postea rexit Quo sibi quaesivit requiem cum lumina flexit M C junge quater I duples V numerater Invenies annum quo ruit iste Pater Aldelmi festo cursu migravit honesto Qui circumstatis praecibus sibi subveniatis 1414. Sir John Talbot Lord Furnival and Verdon lands at Dalkie in Ireland September 10. Lord Lieutenant Whilest he was Lieutenant of Ireland Anno sci 1418. the Earl of Kilmain with 1600 men armed after their fashion which you may read in the year 1578. Pelham being Justice came from Harflue where they landed and did excellent service as they were commanded to attend in the Forrest of Lions these were the first most considerable Forces drawn out of Ireland When he left Ireland he substituted his Brother 1419. Richard Talbot Archbishop of Dublin Lord Justice July 22. 1420. James Butler Earl of Ormond landed at Waterford April 4. Lord Lieutenant Sub HENRICO VI. 1422. The said Earl of Ormond continued Lord Lieutenant till that 1423. Edmund Mortimer Earl of March and Vlster was sent over Lord Lieutenant He died of the Plague in the Castle of Trim in Ireland 1424. the third year of King H. 6. and was buried at Stoke near Clare 1425. John Lord Talbot was made Lord Justice 1426. James Butler Earl of Ormond Lord Justice He died as it is conjectured at Ormond-Place near Garlick-Hithe London a noble seat of that Families and was certainly buried at St. Thomas of Acres called Mercers Chappel and Dame Joan his Countess 1428. 1427. Sir John de Gray Lord Lieutenant arrived at Houth the last of July and August 1. took his Oath Who afterwards going for England left 1428. Edward Dantsey Bishop of Meath for a time Treasurer of Ireland his Deputy He died Jan. 4. 1428. 1428. The Right Noble and Right Gracious Lord Sir John Sutton whether of Stourton Castle in Staffordshire or of the Family of Notingham is uncertain was made Lord Lieutenant before whom a Parliament was held at Dublin the Friday after the Feast of All-Saints in the 7 of this Kings Reign 1429. Sir Thomas Strange was made Deputy to Sir John Sutton probably this Strange came from Hunstanton in Norfolk 1432. Sir Thomas Stanley was made Lord Lieutenant He going for England constitutes 1432. Sir Christopher Plunket his Deputy a valiant and wise man who in right of his Wife heir of the Family of the Cusacks was afterwards made Baron of Killin and his second Son Baron of Dunsany 1435. Sir Thomas Stanley returns again Lord Lieutenant 1436. Richard Talbot Brother of John Earl of Shrewsbury Archbishop of Dublin was made Deputy to Sir Thomas Stanley Lord Lieutenant 1438. Lion Lord Wells Lord Lieutenant of Alford in Lincolnshire an ancient and Worthy Family 1440. Richard Talbot Archbishop of Dublin Lord Justice before whom a Parliament was held at Dublin in the 18 year of the Kings Reign The same Year James Earl of Ormond Lord Lieutenant and before the end of the year Lion Lord Wells again Lord Lieutenant This I conceive was that worthy person who not prevailing with his Son Sir Robert Wells to quit H. 6. Interests was beheaded by Edw. 4. 1470. 1441. James Earl of Ormond Deputy to the said Lion Lord Wells to whom as it seems by Sir James Ware de
dixerem saith Camd. After whose unfortunate decease a Noble Person engaged him in his service in England and Ireland which proving a rough and unhappy Scene he retired to his private Lair till by the importunate solicitations of Doctor Vsher late Lord Primate one who well knew how to judge of the merits of others by the immensity of worth in himself prevailed with him to accept of the Provostship which he did 1609. as an easie retreat out of the Noise and Troubles of the World He lived 17 years in the Provostship and finished his days there in the 72 year of his Age and lies buried under a fair Stone in the Chappel belonging to the Colledge immediately before the Provosts Seat leaving behind him many Children One at present an eminent person in the State of Ireland who hath divers Sons some that have happily discharged lately the most active and honourable imployment in the greatest and weighty affairs of State with the neighbouring Allies though he writes of himself that at present he is wholly useless to the Publique which may be his Repose not his Shame and others that attend his Majesties Service at home with singular reputation and advantage After his death V. The fifth Provost was Mr. William Bedel bred in Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge so designed May 29. 1627. on a Letter writ by Sir Henry Wotton to King Charles I. informing his Majesty that he hardly thought a fitter man for that charge could have been propounded in his whole Kingdom for singular Erudition Piety and Conformity to the Rites of the Church of England and zeal to advance the Cause of God wherein all his Travels abroad were not obscure in the time of the Venetians Excommunication no more then by his Letter of Controversie afterwards in the highest Points betwixt us and Rome with Wadsworth the Jesuite which shews him profoundly versed in the Fathers and Schoolmen Yet he was not sworn nor admitted till Aug. 16. following He was afterwards Bishop of Kilmore A person of very great worth and learning in the Latine Greek and Hebrew witness his intimacy with Padre Paulo whom he took into his very soul as well for his courage and constancy both signal in defence of the English and that interest during the late Rebellion when after he was fallen into the hands of the Irish and imprisoned at Claughouter Castle in the County of Caven near Kilmore where he died about the midst of March 1641. ob funesta ea tempora miserias quas pertulerat and according to his Opinion against burial in Churches being an admirer of Sir Henry Spelman de non temerandis Ecclesiis he was interred in the Churchyard at Kilmore There succeeded him on his Promotion to the Bishoprick of Kilmore VI. The sixth Provost Dr. Robert Vsher who was chosen in October 16. 29. and admitted Provost January 4. following on whom dying at Pantabirsley in Shropshire in Dudelstons Church Chancel there is this Epitaph Here lieth the Body of that constant and faithful Preacher of Gods Word the Right Reverend Father in God ROBERT Lord Bishop of Kildare Son of HENRY Lord Primate of all Ireland who died at Pantabirsley September 7. Anno Dom. 1642. On whose Promotion to the Bishoprick of Kildare the Provostship was void May 11. 1634. so as in the Register Book of the Colledge there was a wide Hiatus through the variety of subservient Governours till VII Master William Chappel B. D. bred up in Christ Colledge in Cambridge afterwards Dean of Cassels had the care of the Colledge committed to him by his Majesty but he was not actually sworn nor admitted till June 5. 1637. at which time new Statutes were introduced by the then Archbishop of Canterbury their Chancellor not so favourable as some thought to the Natives as the Piety of the first Founders intended them or so indulgent to the Fellows and former Visitors as at first was allowed the Provostship being made more Sovereign which some thought he made a sinister use of in as much as upon the Consequences thereon Mr. Robert Bysse an ingenious and solid Lawyer June 11. 1641. made an excellent Speech in the Upper House of Parliament at the delivery of divers Articles exhibited against him then Bishop of Cork and Ross by the Commons of the House of Parliament in Ireland to which our Provost made a Reply which some thought not satisfactory as the Scene then stood yet certainly the Exercises of the University were never stricter looked to or Discipline if it were not too Ceremonious better observed than in his time Only the Lecture which was set up for teaching Irish whether through Indulgence meerly or enjoyned by Statute I am uncertain was after his admission wholy waved to which whilest it was kept up some diligently resorted the better to improve themselves for their future Imployment in the Country that the Irish finding men speak in their own Tongue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 might be the sooner won over to the Truth no Nation being more tenacious or better affected to their Language than themselves And this Design had a good issue in as much as some of the English preaching constantly in Irish gained first an acceptance of their Persons then of their Doctrine Truly a pious fraud For though by an Act in the 28 of H. 8. it was Ordered That all who would knowledge themselves his Highness true and faithful Subjects should speak the English Tongue A policy commendable enough yet considering how stifly the Natives were espoused to their own Speech it could not seem otherwise than Mercy to find an Expedient which might inform them of the Truth Nor indeed was it below the Majesty of an University licet rumpantur Momi to cherish such a condescention since the communicating of Knowledge is the intent of Science Our Provost was a close Ramist a notable Disputant and one who in his middle Age favoured Mr. Perkins and that side He was once riding to Cork overtook by Sir William St. Leger President of Munster who had in his company the Pseudo-Dean of Cork with whom the President would needs have had Chappel to have disputed but as he was not forward so he would not deny the entertainment which the Pseudo-Dean understanding who Chappel was refused for that the said Chappel had been accustomed to kill his Respondent which he spake on an accident long before happening at a Commencement in Cambridge solemnized in the presence of King James where Doctor Roberts of Trinity Colledge being Respondent in St. Maries this Mr. Chappel opposed him so close and subtilely that the Doctor not being able to unloose the Arguments fell into a swounding in the Pulpit so as the King to hold up the Commencement undertook to maintain the Thesis which Mr. Chappel by his Syllogisms prest so home ut REX palam gratias ageret Deo quod Opponens E I fuisset ●●bditus non alteri alias potuisset in ●●spicionem adduci ne perinde Throno ●●●
magnis meis negotiis Hiberniae nunc autem ad vos mitto Willielmum filium Audelm Dapiferum meum cui commisi negotia mea tractanda agenda mei loco vice Quare vobis mando firmiter praecipio quod ei sicut mihime intendatis de agendis meis faciatis quicquid Ipse vobis dixerit e● parte mea sicut amorem meum desideratis per fidem quae mihi debetur Ego quoque ratum habeo firmum quicquid ipse fecerit tanquam egomet fecissem quicquid vos feceritis erga eum stabile habeo Test Galfrido Archidiacano Cantuariensi Richard● Archidiacono Pictaviae Richardo Constabulario apud Valon Audelm the next Year builds Vice mandato Regis St. Thomas Court near Dublin in expiation as it was thought of the murther of Thomas Becket Afterwards our Governour growing somewhat unquiet with his Equals his temper was disliked having done neither honour to his King or good to his Country And he was recalled into England when 1179. Hugh Lacy was again made Governour sub titulo Generalis Hiberniae Procuratoris Robert le Poer the Kings Marshal then Governour of Waterford and Weshford from whom immediately proceeded the Barons of Curraghmore who flourished near Dungavon a long time after the Conquest being joined as an Assistant to him 1181. John Constable of Cheshire Baron of Halton Castle and Richard de Peche Bishop of Chester or rather Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield Chester not being made a Bishops See till 1539. in the 30 Year of H. 8. who converted the Monastery of Monks there into a Cathedral about the Calends of May were sent over Governours of Ireland in Lacies room he having raised jealousies in the King by marrying the Daughter of Roderick King of Connaght without his Licence John Constable of Cheshire died 1190. at Tyre in Jerusalem in the Voyage to the Holy Land Richard Peche was son of Robert Peche Bishop of Coventry who succeeded his Father in the Bishoprick 1162. He was buried in St. Thomas Church near Stafford of which he was Founder Anno 1183. 1181. Hugh Lacy having given security to the King for his Allegiance was with Robert of Shrewsbury of Salisbury saith Hanmer a Clergy-man made Governour Lacy was a singular good Governour and established many Laws for the good of the Weal-publick He was murthered at an unawares with a Pickax Anno 1189. whose death the King was not sorry for being always jealous of his greatness His body was buried in the Monastery of Beckly and his head in S. Thomas Abbey at Dublin 1184. Philip of Worcester called by Hoved. Philip de Breos alias Brause Vir dapsilis militaris about the Calends of September Procurator in Hiberniam fuit missus with Horse and Foot the better to prepare the way for the Kings Son 1185. The King gave Ireland to his younger Son John afterwards King of England by the name of King John and made him King of Ireland writes Hoved. which as it is well observed by Sr. Peter Leceister in his Description of Ireland I take to be no more then constituit ●um Dominum Hiberniae which is King in effect the Supream Power being thereby imployed and from thence we see he assumed the Title of Dominus Hiberniae afterwards which was declared to be as much as in the future was comprehended in the Title of King 33 H. 8. Whence my Lord Coke in the third part of his Institutes writes That albeit the Kings of Ireland until the Statute before cited were stiled by the name of Lords of Ireland yet were they supream and absolute Domini and had a Royal dominion and authority else their Consorts could not have had Aurum Reginae And albeit there was such a grant to the Kings Son yet by the Law the King by his Letters Patents could not grant so Royal a Member of his Imperial stile which happily the King being sensible of takes with him into Normandy Octavianus a Subdeacon Cardinal of the Roman Church and Hugo de Nunant to whom Pope Vrban commisit Legatiam in Hiberniam ad Coronandum ibi Johannem filium Regis by which the King disappointed the Coronation and it is observable that the Seals fixed to many Charters at Dublin have only this Inscription Sigillum Johannis filii Regis Angliae Domini Hiberniae This Year Earl John went into Ireland but soon returned having built Tibrach Lismore and Archsinan alias Ardsivin Castles Constituting in his place 1185. John de Curcy whom we find every where spoken of with so much respect principle Governour and for ought I could yet discover in which circumstance I have been vigilant he did so continue till that Sir Hugh de Lacy the younger the Year is omitted in the History was sent over Lord Justice into Ireland with absolute command of the Realm and he continued his Government to the second Year of Richard the First if not so long afterwards as Hanmer would have him Curcy after having endeavoured fifteen times to go for Ireland was still beaten back as a judgment say the Historians for his impiety to Ardmagh Church and then went into France and there died He claimed a priviledge after his first obeisance to be forthwith covered in the Kings presence The like I find in Fullers Church History granted by H. 8. and confirmed by Act of Parliament to Francis Brown of Tollethorp in Rutlandshire Esq Ancestor of Robert Brown Head of the Brownists giving him leave to put on his Cap in the presence of the King or his Heirs And the present state of England p. 281. mentions the same priviledge to Henry Earl of Turrey Sub RICHARDO I. 1189. Sir Hugh de Lacy the younger Lord Justice 1191. William Petit Justicer William Marshall Lord Justice a Relation of the Earl Marshals of England Seneschal of Leinster supposed by some to decease at London and buried by his Father in the New Temple others think at Kilkenny 1231. in the Monastery there Militiae flos temporum Modernorum though I have some doubt whether this Elogie be intended for this person or others of his name 1197. Hamo de Valois aut de Valoniis vel Valoineis of an ancient Family in Suffolk Lord Justice acknowledged by Prynn in his History of King John as also by Ware De praesul Hib. Sub JOHANNE 1199. In the beginning of whose Reign I find that Hugo de Lacy was Governour but the certainty of his continuance is not specified and all agree that in this Year Miler Fitz Henry son of the base son of H. 1. was Lord Justice He died Anno 1220. on whom Glynn hath this Epitaph in the Abbey of Conal in the County of Kildare which Abbey he founded 1202. Conduntur tumulo Meyleri nobilis ossa Indomitus Domitor totius gentis Hibernae 1210. King John comes into Ireland
octavo Idus Junii and landed at Waterford with a potent Army the Country fearing his puissance flocked submissively to him except some from the remotest places of the greatest fastnesses the Reguli sware Fealty Occurrerunt ei plusquam viginti Reguli illius regionis qui omnes maximo timore perterriti Homagium fidelitatem ei fecerunt pauci tamen ex Regulis supersederunt qui ad regem venire contempserunt eo quod in locis inexpugnabilibus habitabant c. But Hugh de Lacy whom Hanmer calls Lord Justice fearing his presence fled into France yet afterwards the King was reconciled to him and in process of time he became after the decease of Curcy Earl of Vlster where at Knock fergus he founded a Monastery of Minors about the Year 1232. in the Church of which he was buried 1242. King John having the submissions of the chief of Ireland appoints in Leinster and Munster twelve English Shires viz. Dublin Kildare Meath Vriel Catherlogh Kilkenny Wexford Waterford Cork Limerick Kerry Tipperary with Sheriffs and other Officers after the custom of England and having coined money Denarium terrae illius ad pondus numismatis Angliae fecerat fabricari tam obolum quam quadrantem rotundam fieri praecepit currant in England as there he the 30 of August lands in England with much satisfaction having deputed 1210. In August John Gray Bishop of Norwich Lord Justice a man well seen in the Laws of the Realm and of great integrity He died near Poictiers in his return from Rome Nov. 1214. and was buried in his own Cathedral After that he had discharged his duty in Ireland singularly well he being summoned into England leaves 1213. The 23 of July Henry Loundres alias Londers Archbishop of Dublin Lord Justice and he quits it 1215. To Geoffery de Mariscis or de Marisco probably a Relation of Richard de Marisco Archdeacon of Northumberland and Chancellour of England in the 4 year of King John also in the 15. to the 17. as some write under the Title of Keeper of Ireland July the 6. and Sub HENRICO III. He continues Governour To whom the King sent Henry de London Archbishop of Dublin to reform the Church by his assistance commanding all his faithful Subjects and Barons to give obedience Quod ei in omnibus quae ad nos spectant ordinandis disponendis sitis intendentes una cum dilecto fideli nostro Galfrido de Marisco Justiciario nostro Hiberniae volumus etiam praecipimus quod omnia ad nos spectantia per ipsius Domini Archiepiscopi dispositionem una cum Justitiarii nostri vestro Juvamine consilio ordinentur in hujus rei testimonium has literas nostras patentes c. vobis mittimus Test Comite Apud Wintoniam 16. die Aprilis Anno regni nostri primo And in a following Writ very memorable he gives an account of King Johns death and of himself being crowned at Glocester certifying the fidelity sworn to him by the Barons and Prelates advising his Justice to take the same of the Nobles of Ireland Rex Galfrido de Mariscallo Justiciario suo Hiberniae salutem multiplices vobis referrimus gratiarum actiones de bono fideli servitio vestro foelicis memoriae Johan quondam Regis Angliae patri nostro exhibito c. Rogamus igitur dilectionem vestram quatenus etsi bonae memoriae Joh. patri nostro fideles extiteritis devoti tanto nobis fideliores existere curetis quanto scitis nos auxilio consilio vestro in hac teneritate nostra plurimum indigere capientes fidelitatem de singulis Hiberniae magnatibus aliis qui nobis ipsam facere tenentur retinuimus adhuc Radulphum de Norwicho ut de his aliis per ipsum voluntatem nostram plenius vobis significemus volentes ut eisdem vos et caeteri fideles nostri Hiberniae gaudeatis libertatibus quas fidelibus nostris de regno Angliae concessimus illas vobis concedemus confirmabimus Teste c. 1219. To Archbishop Loundres Qui munus ei commissum par quinquennium fideliter obivit during whose time I find a Writ directed to him from the King who having seized on the Temporalities of the Archbishoprick of Ardmagh for that the Archbishop was elected without his licence the King orders on an offer of 300 Marks of silver and 3 Marks of Gold that he had from the Monks Quod faciatis inde secundum statutum terrae nostrae secundum quod tempus se habet sicut nobis videritis expedire Et sciatis quod mandavimus Hugoni de Lacy quod faciat de terris praedictis id quod ei ex parte nostra dicetis Teste Domino P. Wint. Episcopo apud Cliton Aug. 30. Anno regni 8. Our Governour Bishop Loundres about the beginning of July 1228. died and was buried in Trinity Church Dublin Some doubt there seems in Chronologie who succeeded Loundres ●hether Geoffery de Marisco Qui ●●ices Justiciarii sub Rege in illis par●bus gerebat or others indeed one but Matthew Paris mentions ●im in this place And I do find ●at about this time a certain King of Connaght knowing the King of England and William Marescallus he great Marshal the Earl of Pemrokes son to be busily imployed in Marshal Affairs abroad gathered a ●opious Army Sperans saith my Author se posse omne genus Anglorum ab Hiberniae finibus exturbare ●ut the design was so well attended ●y Walter de Lacy and Richard de Burgo that the English prius●visu ●visu fuger at in Hibernienses a fronte ●evertens stragem iis miserabilem intu●erunt interfecti namque referuntur ex Hiberniensibus ad viginti milli virorum bellatorum rex eorum captus carcerali custodiae deputatus Then which they never had a greater proof of the English valour or their own courage Certain it is that 1227. Richard de Burgo was made Lord Justice March 10. At this time or near I also find that Hubert de Burgo constitutus est Justiciarius Hiberniae ad terminum vitae yet no● Record mentions his being there so as I conjecture this Richard d● Burgo might be of Huberts Family and his Substitute During whose time the King directs a Writ to Commissioners to examine the Archbishop of Dublins account concerning moneys raised out of the vacant Bishopricks in Ireland for the paying of debts due to him As also another Writ to examine what debts were due to the Bishop by Services for King John in the Court of Rome which Writs are both memorable We shall give you onely the later out of Prynn Rex Richardo de Burgo Sciatis quod in solutione Debiti quod debemus venerabili Patri H. Dublin Archiepiscopo pro mutuo quod fecit pro Domino Johan Rege patre nostro per praeceptum suum pro expensis suis factis per ipsum Archiepiscopum in
le Butler Lord Justice created by Edw. 2. in the 9. year of his Reign Earl of Carrick He received his Commission on Friday after St. Matthews day whilest he was Governour ann scil 1316. Edward Bruce brother of Robert King of Scots so prevailed as that he was Crowned King of Ireland reigning a year England at that time saith Davies not being able to send either men or money to save the Kingdom only Sir Roger de Mortimer made Justice arrived at Youghal in Easter Week cum 38. milit and 1317. The said Robert Mortimer Lord Justice fencing with what prudence he could at last the Lord John Burmingham was sent over General who with Vernon Stapleton and the Commons of Meath c. encountring him near Dundalk overthrew his Army and flew him Et sic per manus communis Populi et dextram Dei liberatur Populus Dei a servitute machinata et praecogitata Mortimer going for England made 1318. William fitz John Archbishop of Cassel Custodem Hiberniae so that at one time he was Justice Chanceller and Archbishop He died Septemb. 15. 1326. potens dives ac venerabilis in Populo et in Clero The same year to wit Octob. 7. Alexander Bicknor Archbishop of Dublin Lord Justice 1319. Sir Roger Mortimer returns out of England Lord Justice who 1320. Going into England Thomas Fitz John Earl of Kildare is substituted in his room This Year Dublin is made an University Papae Johannis XXII authoritate Alexander Bicknor Archbishop of Dublin much furthering so excellent a Design the publick place for whose exercise was St. Patricks Church allowed of to this day in their more solemn Commencements caeterum deficientibus facultatibus quibus alumni alerentur Academia ipsa paulatim defecit as others at Armagh and Ross-Carbery or Ross-Alithry had done before as since at Tradagh Anno 5 Edw. 4. graced with the same Priviledges as Oxford so Sir James Ware Though in the reign of H. 7. there remained some Tracts of this excellent Work an Annual Salary to several Lecturers in Divinity being duly paid by virtue of what had been ordered in a Provincial Council held at Dublin in Trinity Church before Walter Fitz Simons Archbishop of Dublin Since the University of Dublin of which in its own place we shall speak more hath been favourably restored by Queen Elizabeth March 3. anno MDXCI from whence there hath shot forth many useful Lights in the Common Firmament besides Dr. James Vsher Archbishop of Ardmagh one of the greatest magnitude for general Learning and Piety the last Ages can truly boast of who was the first of the Scholars admitted into the Queens Foundation gradually proceeding according to his years Yet though Ireland for the succession of some Ages was esteemed the School of Literature and the Mart of excellent manners It is observable that very few if any of the Natives ever flourished in England either in the Ecclesiastick or Civil State though many English increased in much honour and wealth there which Fuller in his Worthies p. 67. attributes to this That we love to live there where we may command and they care not to live where they must obey Certainly the defect rests much in themselves having been at all times indulged on their Addresses and are men of parts and capacities deep as others 'T is true There were some Acts made in Henry the 6. reign against Irish men inhabiting here in England in the Universities or being Heads or Governours of any Hall or House or to live in England without some previous considerations As it was decreed at a Council held at Cleonard in Ireland 1163. Gelacius Archbishop of Ardmagh being President Vt nullus deinceps ad Theologiam publice praelegendum admitteretur nisi qui Academiae Armachanae fuerit alumnus Yet I believe this was not the cause of those Statutes but some more pressing occasion since which Time and a friendlier Education hath long worn out so as by an Act in Ireland the 13 of King James there is a Repeal of divers Statutes concerning the Natives for as much as they and the Inhabitants without difference and distinction were taken into his Majesties gracious protection and do now live under one Law as dutiful Subjects of our Sovereign Lord and Monarch that nothing now incapacitates them to be as growing and acceptable here as we are there but a deficiency in their application 1321. John Birmingham Earl of Louth so created for his excellent service against Bruce near Dundalk Lord of Authenry was made Lord Justice He was treacherously murthered by Macgohegan and other Irish men 1329. with several of his Family at Balybragan 1322. Ralph de Gorges Lord Justice an ancient Family in Glocestershire 1323. Sir John Darcy Lord Justice arrived at Dublin Febr. 2. Sub EDWARDO III. 1327. Thomas Fitz John Earl of Kildare Lord Justice Obiit 1328. on Tuesday in Easter week at Maynoth 1328. Roger Outlaw Prior of Kilmainam succeeded Lord Justice He was Prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem and Chancellour of Ireland 1329. Sir John Darcy second time Lord Justice who going for England deputes 1330. Prior Roger Outlaw hi● Lieutenant Justice 1331. Sir Anthony Lucy not unlikely of Charle-cot in Warwick shire a person of great Authority in England was sent over Lord Justice June 3. who endeavoured by a severe course the Times requiring it to reduce the degenerate Nation to a more ready obedience But staying not long which some impute as a principal cause of the unhappiness of that Kingdom effected little as too frequent change o● Governours often subjects forme● Councils and proceedings to a disadvantage 1332. Sir John Darcy the third time Lord Justice arrived at Dubli● February 13. He went into Scotland out of Ireland with an Army 1333. And left in his stead as Lord Justice Thomas de Burgh a Clergy man then Treasurer of Ireland 1337. Sir John Charleton Miles ●● Baro came Lord Justice in Festo ●alixti Papae but not behaving himself as it was expected he was complained of by his Brother Tho●as Charleton Chancellour of Ireland and Bishop of Hereford who 1338. Was made Justice Custos or Guardian of the Realm He had been for a time Treasurer of England anno sci 1329. He died Jan. 11. 1343. and hath a reasonable fair Tomb in the North wall of the North cross Isle over against the Clock in Hereford Cathedral 1340. Roger Outlaw Prior of Kilmainam succeeded Charleton in the Government He died February 13. at Any in Comitatu Leinster a●● then the King by his Letters Pate●● in the 14 Year of his Reign ma●● John Darcy Justice for life 1341. Sir John Morris Dav●●● calls him Sir William oth●●● Sir John came into Ireland in M●● Lord Justice 1344. Sir Ralph Vfford prob●bly of Vfford in Suffolk a Relation of Sir Robert mentioned before a man of courage and severit● came into Ireland with his Conso●● the Countess of
Praes Hib. fol. 170. the Temporalities of the Bishoprick of Cassels on the death of Richard O-Hedian was ad firmam given for 10 years that See being so long vacant 1442. William Wells Esq Deputy to the said Lion Lord Wells 1443 James Earl of Ormond was made Lord Lieutenant of Ireland continuing till that 1446. John Earl of Shrewsbury came over Lord Lieutenant before whom a Parliament was held at Trim in 25 of H. 6. He was slain at Castilion upon Dordon near Burdeaux July 20. saith Vincent the Monument saith July 7. through the shot of a Harquebush in his thigh after that he had given testimonie of his valour 24. years Some would have him to be buried at Rhoan i● Normandy but certainly he was interred at Whitchurch in Shropshire with this Epitaph Orate pro anima Praenobilis Domini Domini JOHANNIS TALBOT quondam Comitis Salopiae Domini Furnival Domini Verdon Domini Strange de Black-Mere Mare scalli Franciae Qui obiit in Bello apud Burdews Julii 7● M. CCCC LIII At his return to England he accused the Earl of Ormond of High Treason before the Earl of Bedford Constable of England in his Marshals Court the King did abolish the Accusation 1447. Richard Talbot Archbishop of Dublin was appointed his Deputy under the title of Justice He writ many things but saith Sir J. Ware de Scriptoribus Hiberniae nothing is extant but what he writ De ●busu Regiminis Jacobi Comitis Ormo●iae dum Hiberniae esset Locum tenens Who by Thomas Fitz Thomas Prior of Kilmainam was appeached of Treason and appointed the Combat but took off as is before mentioned by the King He died Aug. 15. 1449. and lies buried in St. Patricks Church with this Epitaph Talbot Richardus latet hic sub marmore pressus Archi fuit Praesul hujus sedis Reverendae Parvos Canonicos qui fundavitque Choristas Anno Milleno C quater quater X quoque nono Quindeno Augusti mensis mundo va● ledixit Omnipotens Dominus cui propicietu● in aevum 1449. Richard Plantagenet Duke of York Chief of the Faction of the White Rose Son and heir of Richard of Conesbury Earl of Cambridge second Son of Edmund Langley Duke of York was made Lord Lieutenant of Ireland He arrived at Houth July 5. the Rebels being very insolent against whom he so behaved himself that he not only suppressed them but ever after purchased the affection of the Irish Nation firm and entire to him and having established Statutes and Ordinances in a great Council held at Dublin in the 28 Year of this Kings Reign as also afterwards in a Parliament at Drohedagh in the said 28 Year o● Hen. 6. He going for England 1450. Made James Earl of Ormond his Deputy who 1453. Being besides Earl of Ormond Earl of Wiltshire and Lord Treasurer of England in the 33 of ● 6. and also again about the 37. ●nd so continued till the 38 year ●as made Lord Lieutenant He was ●● the first year of Edward the 4. be●eaded at Newcastle 1461. which at●indor was taken off in a Parliament at Westminster begun in Nov. in the first year of H. 7. and Sir Th. Butler was invested in his Honours and Estate At his leaving Ireland the same year John Mey Archbishop of Armagh ●as constituted his Deputy He died ●456 1454. Thomas Fitz Maurice Earl of Kildare Lord Deputy 1454. Sir Eustace●night ●night was made Deputy to Richard Duke of York Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Before whom a Parliament was held in the 32 of H. 6. 1456. Thomas Fitz Maurice Earl of Kildare Deputy to the Duke o● York Lord Lieutenant before whom the 33 of H. 6. there was holden a Parliament at Dublin by several Prorogations at Naas and Dublin c. 1459. Richard Duke of York Lord Lieutenant came into Ireland having the Earldom of Vlster and the Lordship of Connaght and Meath by descent from Lionel Duke of Clarence He held a Parliament at Drogedagh the 38 of H. 6. the Conditions on which he took the Government were 1. That he should be the King Lieutenant of Ireland for te● years 2. That to support the charge o● that Country he should receiv● all the Kings Revenues there both certain and casual without accompt 3. That he should be supplied also with Treasure out of England in this manner He should have 4000 Marks for the first year whereof he should be imprested 2000 l. before hand and for the other nine years he should receive 2000 per annum 4. That he might let or farm any of the Kings Lands and place or displace all Officers at his pleasure 5. That he might Levie or Wage what numbers of men he thought fit 6. That he might make a Deputy and return at his pleasure All which he managed with so much advantage as he greatly gained upon the Nation erecting only in Louth Meath and Kildare some Castles to stop the Incursions of the Irishry At his remove from thence in pursuit of a Crown the greatest part of the Nobility and Gentry o● Meath passed over with him into England and were slain with him at Wakefield 1460. He was first buried at Pontfract and afterwards removed to Fotheringhay Sub EDWARDO IV. 1460. Thomas Fitz Maurice Ear● of Kildare Lord Justice 1462. Sir Rowland Fitz Eustace Knight Lord of Port Leicester Treasurer of England Deputy to George Duke of Clarence third son of Richard Duke of York and Brother to King Edw. 4. born in the Castle o● Dublin Lord Lieutenant before whom was held a Parliament at Dublin the 2 of Edw. 4. He died December 19. 1496. and was buried in the Covent of Minor Friers at Kilcullen New-Abbey whereof he had been Founder but erected for himself and his Lady a specious Monument in St. Audoenus Church in St. Maries Chappel in Dublin He had given him the Mannor of Port Leicester and the Honour of a Parliament Baron by Edw. 4. as also the Title of Viscount Baltinglass by H. 8. 1463. George Duke of Clarence was made Lord Lieutenant for life but as others held the Lieutenancy by substitutes as 1463. Thomas Earl of Desmond Deputy to the said Duke of Clarence held a Parliament at Weys in the 3 year of Edw. 4. as also at other places by Prorogations He lost his head at Drogedagh for the exactions of Coin and Livery 1467. John Lord Tiptoft and Powes Earl of Worcester Treasurer of England in the 31 and 32 years of H. 6. also in the 2 and 3 of Edw. 4. in whose Reign he was made Constable of England for life Lord Deputy of Ireland to the Duke of Clarence One of the most learned and eloquent men in Christendom Of whom I may say what Pliny writes of Aristonis Vt mihi non unus homo sed literae ipsae omnesque bonae artes in uno homine summum periculum adire videantur So that in him more learning was
to his choice of Governours whom neither the Nobility disdained nor the Inferiours were pressed to supply by violent courses 1551. Sir James Crofts of Cro●● Castle in Herefordshire whose he Herbert Crofts is the present Bishop of Hereford 1673. unus Nob●lium Secretioris Camerae Regis Apr● 29. was designed Deputy but coming to Dublin whilest St. Leger wa● in Munster he received not th● Sword till May 23. at Cork whe● St. Leger then was During his tim● even this year a King of Arms Herald named Vlster was first instituted for Ireland his Provinc● was all Ireland and the first tha● had it was Nicholas Narbon Th● Liturgy in English was also this yea● printed in Dublin and injoined b● Authority Many memorable Act● he did in Ireland He repaired th● Castle of Belfast and placed there ● Garrison Coming for England h● was certified by Sir Henry Knowls that Mary Dowager of Scotland had ●ent O-Connors son into Ireland to give encouragement to a new Insurrection which by his prudence deferring his Journey he prevented without noise and took Ship for England at Houth Decemb. 4. 1552. He was in the second year of Queen Mary accused of Wiats Conspiracy ●ut by the favour of the King and Queen set at liberty from the Tower and in Queen Eliz. Reign made a Privy Counsellor Governor of Berwick and Controller of the Queens Court and a Delegate at the Treaty of Bourbourg He died at Whitehall Camd. writes about the year 1590. His heir that now is says in the year 1595. or the year following and was buried in Westminster Abbey 1552. Sir Thomas Cusack of Cofington in Meath Lord Chancellor and Sir Gerald Ailmere Chief Justice of the Kings Bench Decemb. 4● were in Trinity Church Dublin ●● Proceribus Senatu Regio constituted Lords Justices Sub MARIA Regina 1553. The said Justices as the present Governours were writ to by the Council of England who July 29. certified the Lords Justices and Council of Ireland of the death o● King Edw. and the right of Q. Mary Whose Right in Dublin and other places they took care immediately to proclaim the Judges Places and the rest being speedily confirmed by new Patents 1553. Novemb. 11. Sir Anthony St. Leger landing at Dalkie came to Dublin where the 19 of the same Month he was the fifth time swor● in Trinity Church Dublin a Praede cessoribus suis Cusaco Ailmero Lord Deputy He died in Kent where he was born as I take it at Vlcomb the ancient Mansion of the Family de Sancto Leodegario corruptly Sent Leger Sellenger March 12. 1559. Vtriusque fortunae tam prosperae quam adversae particeps verissima rerum humanarum in hoc mundo Imago 1556. April 27. Thomas Radcliff Viscount Fitz Walter at Westm was nominated L. Deputy He arrived at Dublin on Whitsunday and two days after took the Oath of Deputy in Christ Church Dublin He held a Parliament annis 3 4 Phil. Mariae at which time Patre jam mortuo he was stiled Earl of Sussex passing many Acts to the benefit of the Nation and returned into England Decemb. 4. when 1557. Hugh Curwin of Westmoreland Doctor of the Civil Law Archbishop of Dublin Lord Chancellor and Sir Henry Sidney Treasurer Decemb. 5. à Stanleio Marescallo received the Sword as Justices On which occasion it may not be unseasonable to take notice of the eminent and honourable Office of Marshal as well as of this noble person to whom of all others this trust of delivering the Sword unto the Supream Officers was committed properly it is a Military office restraining as well the insolencies of Souldiers as of Rebels yet it hath power to try or determine all appeals made of things done out of the Realm as Piracy the justice of Generals to Souldiers c. also it hath conuzance of contracts of Deeds of Arms which cannot be determined by the Common Law but the Civil only secundum legem armorum of which after sentence there lies no forfeiture of Lands or corruption of Bloud By inheritance it was seated in the Barons of Morley anno 9. Reg. Joh. but how alienated I am not certain nor am I convinced that it is invested though it be great in Ireland as the Earls Marshals are honoured with in England a Title never given to that Officer till the 20 of R. 2. that Thomas Maubrey Duke of Norfolk had Earl affixed to his Title of Marshal Though we find the use of it of great consequence in Ireland never committed but to Persons of Honour under whom according to the occasions there is one or two Provost Marshals limited by instructions under the Great Seal of Ireland Archbishop Curwin was afterwards translated to Oxford where after one year he died at Swinbroch near Burford and there in the Parochial Church was buried Novemb. 1. 1568. 1557. Febr. 6. Sir Henry Sidney was sworn Lord Deputy in Christ Church Dublin and so continued till that 1558. Thomas Radcliff Earl of Sussex Viscount Fitz Walter April 27. returned out of England with 500 men and was sworn Lord Deputy on Sunday May 1. in Christ Church Dublin doing that Year excellent Service against the Scots in Vlster and Donald O-Brien in Thoomond in September He took Ship at Dalkie with the Forces he brought out of England and others raised at Dublin and went against Island Rachlin and the Islanders and left 1558. Sir Henry Sidney his Deputy who took the Oath of Lord Justice in Christ Church Dublin on Sunday September 18. the same year 1558. Thomas Radcliff Earl of Sussex returning from his Scottish Expedition was again sworn Lord Deputy in Trinity Church Dublin Novemb. 10. where he gave to the Chancellor Curwin a new Great Seal of Ireland as also particular new Seals to the principal Judges of other Courts Sub ELIZABETHA Regina 1558. The said Thomas Earl of Sussex who on the decease of Queen Mary was found Deputy was by a new Commission so continued who with a Garrison of 320 Horse and 1360 Foot had kept Ireland in a peaceable and quiet condition To whom succeeded 1559. Sir Henry Sidney Knight President of Wales Deputy During whose absence in Ireland Dr. John Whitgift Bishop of Worcester afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury was for two years and an half Quamdiu nimirum Sidnaeus Prorex Hiberniae praefuit Vice President of Wales Vir optimus eruditissimus writes Camden qui Justitia in Walliae propraefectura Doctrina in Ecclesiastica Angliae Politeia propugnanda singularem laudem consequutus quam fortitudine prudentia patientia indies adauxit Godw. de Praes Angliae Here by the way we may take notice of an Honour incident to the Clergy that besides this Reverend Prelate several others of his Function have been in this Office and the first President of Wales was William Smith Bishop of Lincoln who continued in the Government from the 17 of H. 7. to the 4 of H. 8. at which time he
died 1559. Thomas Earl of Sussex Kt. of the Garter arrived at Bullock August 27. Lord Lieutenant and was sworn in Christ Church Dublin August 30. having in charge strictly to look to the Irish who being a superstitious Nation may easily be seduced to Rebellion through the practices of the French then at difference with England under praetext of Religion before whom a Parliament was held at Dublin Jan. 12. 2. Eliz. wherein Acts of great consequences were past as the restoring to the Crown the ancient Jurisdiction of the State Ecclesiastical and Spiritual and abolishing all foreign Power repugnant to the same also for the Uniformity of the Common Prayer for Consecrating of Bishops and the Queens Title to the Imperial Crown of Ireland with many others After which he went for England and 1559. Sir William Fitz Williams Febr. 15. was sworn in Christ Church Dublin Lord Justice during whose Government viz. anno 1560. Q. Elizabeth amongst the most commendable Actions of her Government reduced Coin to its full value much debased through her Fathers excessive expence and stamped for Ireland Coin called Sterling of which the shilling in Ireland passed for 12 d. and in England 9 d. Yet though affairs were carried thus honourably to her advantage in the Year 1601. the Lord Buckhurst very skilful in Money matters got her to mingle Brass with the Money that she sent into Ireland by reason that the War in Ireland stood her Majesty yearly in 160000l sterl which the Souldiers suffered without mutiny having a true Reverence for that Lady though not without loss and in effect not much to her service the Reputation of a Prince being in nothing preserved more entire than in the just value of their Coin Hence it was that when the Earl of Leicester Anno 1585. was sent into Holland one of this excellent Princesses charges to him was to know by what Art they enhanced or put down the value of their Money in which Art they excelled all others lest the Souldier should receive that at a higher rate than they could put it off for And to this effect Sir George Carew in his Letter to the Council of England mentioned in Pacata Hibernia writes that it was impossible to prevent a confusion in the State if the People might not be put in some certain hope that upon the end of the War the now Standard should be abolished or eased 1561. Thomas Earl of Sussex Lord Lieutenant arrived at Dublin and was sworn in Christ Church Dublin June 25. 1561. Sir William Fitz Williams Lord Justice was sworn in Christ Church Jan. 22. 1562. Thomas Earl of Sussex July 24. Lord Lieutenant who amongst other things did excellent Service in reducing the Irish Countries into Shires and placing therein Sheriffs and other Ministers of the Law as Annaly in Leinster he made a Shire calling it the County of Longford and the Province of Connaght he divided into 6 Counties viz. Clare which contains all Thoomond Gallaway Sligo Mayo Roscommon and Leitrim He died at his house at Bermondsey in Southwark June 9. 1583 and was honourably buried at New-Hall in Essex July 9. following At his departure from Ireland having setled things in excellent order 1565. Sir Nicholas Arnold of the County of Gloucester Knight May 25. was made Lord Justice to whom was assigned only a Garrison of 1596 Souldiers with which he kept peace but gained nothing Being recalled into England surrenders his Government 1565. To Sir Henry Sidney who in the time of Queen Mary had been Judge and Treasurer of Ireland now President of Wales Jan. 20. Lord Deputy before whom a Parliament was held at Dublin Jan. 17. in the 11 of Eliz. many things being acted therein greatly to the advantage of the State and a Subsidy granted considering the infinite masses of Treasure able to purchase a Kingdom that her most noble Progenitors the famous Princes of England had exhausted for the Governments Defence and Preservation of them and her Majesties Realm of Ireland largely expressed in the Act. In which Parliament also which had several Prorogations Shane O-Neal was attainted and the name extinguished In which Act also the Kings ancient Titles to Ireland are recited Thus having setled Affairs he took Ship towards England at Houth Octob. 9. having with good success discomfited Shane O-Neal who after his return from England where the Queen 1563. had graciously received him into favour he most treacherously went into Rebellion and affected the Title of King of Vlster In the year of this Governours admittance he institutes Wareham St. Leger first President of Mounster with an Assessor two Lawyers and a Clerk the same Government he also constituted in Connaght 1567. Dr. Weston Lord Chancellor and Sir Will. Fitz-Williams Treasurer at War Octob. 14. Lord Justices Weston was thought a prudent and upright man for whom I find this Epitaph in St. Patricks Church Dublin on a Monument very stately erected principally in memory of the Relations of Richard Earl of Cork upon the uppermost seat of which ●s Dr. Westons Effigies with this Inscription Here lieth interred the Body of that Reverend and Honourable Gentleman Robert Weston Esq Doctor of the Civil and Canon Laws Grandfather to the Lady Katherine Countess of Cork ●●ing sometimes one ●f the Lord Justices ●● Ireland and for ●●x years Lord Chancellour of the Realm A small Coat of ARMS betwixt Who was so Learned Judicious and Vpright in the Court of Judicature all the time of that imployment He never made Order or Decree that was questioned or reversed He changed this mortal life for an eternal life May 20. 1573. whos 's honourable memory no time shall extinguish 1568. Sir Henry Sidney Octob. 20 Lord Deputy He took Ship for England from the Key at Dublin March 25. 1571. When Sir William Fitz Williams the April ensuing was swor● Lord Justice in St. Patricks Church Dublin and Jan. 13. eodem anno the said Sir William Fitz Williams was made Lord Deputy 1575. Sir Henry Sidney Septemb 18. returned into Ireland Lord Deputy where having pacified several Rebellions and that not with so much Rigor as excellent Conduct having at several times been 1● years Justice and Deputy of Ireland so as that Kingdom is much indebted to him for his Wisdom and Valour He Septemb. 12. 1578. took Boat a● the Wood Key in Dublin for England he died at Worcester May 5. 1586. and was buried amongst his Ancestors at Penshurst of whom Dr. Powel in his Epistle to the Reader in his History of Wales writes that his Disposition was rather to seek after the Antiquities and the Weal publick of those Countries He governed then to obtain Lands and Revenues within the same for I know not one foot of Land that he had either in Wales or Ireland cujus potentiam nemo sentit nisi aut Levatione periculi aut accessione Dignitatis justly applicable to him Vel. Pater f. 109. He caused the Irish Statutes to his
time to be printed sic ex umbra in solem eduxit And besides many other Monuments yet surviving his equal and just Government we must not let pass the Great Expence and Care which he bestowed upon the Castle of Dublin at first built Anno 1213. by John Comin Archbishop of Dublin a learned facetious and solid Person afterwards beautified and enlarged by Sir Henry Sidney in memory of whom Stanihurst that Venerable Historian hath left these to Posterity Gesta libri referunt multorum clara virorum Laudis in chartis stigmata fixa manent Verum Sidnaei laudes haec saxa loquuntur Nec jacet in Solis gloria tanta libris Si libri pereant homines remanere valebunt Si pereant homines ligna manere queant Ligna si pereant non ergo saxa peribunt Saxa si pereant tempore tempus erit Si pereat tempus minimè consumitur aevum Quod cum principio sed sine fine manet Dum libri florent homines dum vivere possunt Dum quoque cum lignis saxa manere valent Dum remanet tempus dum denique remanet aevum Laus tua Sidnaei digna perire nequit 1578. Sir William Drury born at Bausted in Suffolk of a Worshipful Family late Governour of Berwick a man of great experience and integrity who Septemb. 14. was sworn Lord Justice in Christ Church Dublin He advanced afterwards against Desmond but at Waterford 1579. he died A man of approved worth having been trained up from his Youth in the exercise of War in France Scotland and Ireland After whose decease 1579. Sir Will. Pelham of Laughton in Sussex was made Lord Justice the 11 of October during whose short Government he constrained the Baron of Lixnaw to yield and besieged Carrigfoil in Kerry kept by Jules an Italian and some Spaniards entering at length by force the Castle atchieving besides many other things to his honour He was afterwards General of the English Horse in the Low-Countries under whom besides his own Country-men there were Scots and Irish and that the manner of their fighting may be clear I shall not think to impose much on the Reader what incomparable Strada hath registred in this point Anno 1586. Erant h● Angli plerique Scoti quibus se addiderant ductore Hiberniae Prorege Pelham Hiberni 1400 è sylvestri omnes genere atque ferino medio tantum corpore subter umbilicum velati caetera nudi grallis seu pertiris quarum usus intrajiciendis amnibus alte impositi longe aliis superstabant arcubus sagittis Minaces 1580. Arthur Lord Gray Baron of Wilton Knight of the Garter arrived August 12. at Houth and took the Oath of Lord Deputy in St. Patricks Church September 14. till then William Pelham Lord Justice being not come up out of Munster to Dublin to surrender the Sword to his Successor Through the whole course of his Actions he manifested himself a famous Warriour In the Winter this year about 700 Italians and Spaniards landed through the favour of the Season at Smerwick in Kerry in Ireland unresisted commanded by San-Joseph an Italian authorized by the Pope and the King of Spain to propagate the Roman Religion where they erected a Fort at Smerwick naming it the Fort DEL-OR but were soon even in four days forced to cry for mercy through the vigilance and conduct of the Deputy who put the Strangers to the Sword the Irish he hanged Commanders of each side excepted for that there were no● in the English Army enough to keep every man a Prisoner and that the Deputy expected instantly to be assailed by the Rebels and that there were no Barques ready to Ship them immediately for Sea In this doing as Henry 5. was forced to after he would have saved the Bourbon Battalion at Agincourt for fear les● the King of Scicils appearing with new strength even more then the Conquerors had to guard their Prisoners he should have been surprized without remedy Which extremity the Deputy was sorry to use nor did his excuse easily please the Queen the Enemy having yielded on mercy He died 1593 in much honour and repute 1582. Adam Loftus Lord Archbishop of Dublin Lord Chancellor ●nd Sir Henry Wallop alias Well-hop Treasurer of the Army September 1. Lords Justices during whose Government Gerald Fitz Gerald the ●● of that Family Earl of Desmond ●ho had raised frequent Rebellions ●fter two years sculking in obscure ●laces was by a Common Souldier ●●rprized and his head sent into England where it was hung on a ●ole on London Bridge Sir Henry ●allop died in Dublin and was buried in St. Patricks Church in an ●bscure place under the Galleries upon the late removing of which on a plate of Brass was this Inscription found Near unto this place lieth that worthy Knight Sir HENRY WALLOP of Farly Wallop in the County of Southampton in the Realm of England who faithfully served Queen ELIZABETH in this Kingdom as Vice Treasurer and Treasurer ●● War by the space of 18 years and moneths and was Lord Justice with in this Realm jointly with th● Lord Chancellor of this Realm almost by the space of two years in th● years of our Lord God 1582 1583 1584. in which time the Wars ●● Desmond were ended and his hea●● sent into England besides many other weighty causes committed to hi● charge during his said service H● departed this life the 14 day of April 1599. He was Son and Heir ●● Sir Oliv. Wallop Brother and Hei● of Sir John Wallop Knight of th● most Honourable Order of Garter and Lieutenant of the Castle and County Gujienes in France Nephew and Heir of Sir Robert Wallop Knight 1584. Sir John Perrot Lord Deputy arrived at Dalkie June 9. and ●ook his Oath in St. Patricks Church June 21. He held a Parliament at Dublin April 26. in the 27. of Eliz. He advanced the Reformation in establishing the great Compositi●●n of Connaght in reducing Vlster●nto ●nto 7 Shires viz. Ardmagh Mona●an Tyrone Colerain Devegal Fer●annagh and Cavan And by vesting in the Crown the Lands of Desmond and his Adherents in Mun●●er which he that hath writ of his life thus comprehends Pacificavit Connaciam Relaxavit Mediam Subjugavit Vltoniam Fregit Lageniam Ligavit Mononiam Extirpavit Scotos Refraenavit Anglos Et his omnibus peraeque Vectigal acquisivit Reginae And after his Service in Ireland he was made a Privie Counsellor in England yet being it seems of somewhat too Resentive a nature was said to speak something dishonourable of the Queen and thereupon was tried and by a Jury of 12 men pronounced guilty of Treason yet being sick died in the Tower of London Septemb. 1592. when the Queens anger being qualified there was great hopes of his pardon though his Adversaries were of the subtilest as well as the most honourable He left the Character of a good Governour yet it is somewhat sharply imputed to him and his Successor Sir