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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A38489 The second part of the svrvey of the articles of the late reiected peace wherein the invaliditie and nvllitie of the said peace is proved, I. by the revocation of the Marques of Ormands commission before any peace was legally concluded &c., 2. by the defect by Walt Enos ... Enos, Walter. 1646 (1646) Wing E3130; ESTC R3649 90,779 124

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Church did positively recall all Commissions given to such Committees or Agents as the Clergy of Ireland hath done in this present peace How generall soever a Commission may be yet this exception is alwayes involved therein that nothing that is unlawfull may be done by vertue thereof mandatum si generale sit solum prohibet quae licita non sunt which the law exemplyfieth by this case if a Commission be given to elect any one in generall tearmes to any dignity office or benefice it is to be understood that a fit one be chosen Vnde mandatum de aliquo eligendo intelligitur de eligendo id●neo What could be done more unlawfull in the execution of any Commission than what hath beene done by our Committee of Treaty in the execu●ion of their commission they rejected the graces our Soveraigne granted unto us for gayning whereof they had a Commission and engaged the kingdome in matters of high concernment for which they had no commission Can that peace be a good peace wherein thereis no securitie for our Religion lives liberties or estates The limitation of our Committee of treaties Commission proved out of the Modell of government by which Magna Charta is to be maintayned and the Church livings granted to the Catholicke Clergy 39. In the very first Article of the Modell of Government I reade thus Inprimis That the Roman Catholicke Church in Ireland shall have and enioy its priviledges and immunities according t● the GREAT CHARTER enacted and declared within the Realme of England in the ninth yeare of the raigne of King Henry the second sometimes King of England and Lord of Ireland and ofterward enacted and confirmed in Ireland and that the common-law of England and all the statutes in force in this kingdome which are against the catholicke Roman Religion and liberties of the Natives Marke the resolution to procure the repeale of the penall lawes c and other subiects of this kingdow shal be observed c. That every branch of MAGNA CHARTA all other statutes confirming expounding or declaring the same shal be punctually observed Know yee saith the King in that Charter That we in the Honour of Almighty GOD the SALVATION of the SOVLES of our Progenitors and Successors Kings of England to the ADVANCEMENT of HOLY-CHVRCH and the amendment of our Realme of our meere and free-will have given and granted unto the Archbishps Abbots Pryors c. That the Churches of England shall be free and shall have all her whole rights and liberties inviolable Reserving to all Archbishops Abbots Pryors Templers Hospitlers Earles Barons and all persons aswell Spirituall as Temporall all their free liberties and free customes which they had-in times past and all these customes and liberties aforesaid which we have granted to be holden within this our Realme asmuch as pertayneth to us and our heires we shall observe And all men of this our Realme aswell Spirituall as Temporall asmuch as in them is shall observe the same against all persons in likewise This great Charter which contayneth the immunities of the Church and liberties of the Subject hath beene confirmed by thirty Parliaments in the succession of 18. Kings Edward the third in the 14. yeare of his raigne augmented the same by the addition of five speciall priviledges granted the Church and Clergy and in the 25. yeare of his raigne added a surplus of nine priviledges more And this is it which the Earle of Glamorgan hath in part granted unto us and which our Kings of England have sworne to maintayne unto us Henry the 8. indeed deprived us of the benefit thereof I wish our owne bosome friends at home had not too neerely imitated him In all the articles of peace there is not somuch as once mention made of this GREAT CHARTER though it be the first and prime article the kingdome resolved to insist upon 40. In the six and twentieth Article of the same Modell of Government It is ordered and established that the possessions of the Protestant Archbishops or Bishops Deanes Dignitaries and Pastors in the right of their respective Churches or their Tenants in the beginning of these troubles shall be deemed taken construed as the possessions of the Catholicke Archbishops Deanes Dignitaries Pastors and their Tenants respectively to all intents purposes and that those possessions are intended within the precedent order for setlement of possessions And this publicke order of the kingdome you see is conformable to MAGNA CHARTA for somuch and agreable to the publick Declarations of the kingdome and other acts of Assembly The like limitation of the same Commission is expressed in both our declarations made anno 1642. 41. In our Declaration printed in France 1642. we declared it to be a meanes to reduce Ireland to peace and quietnes among other things that by act of Parliament it be declared that the Parliament of Ireland hath no subordination to the Parliament of England that Poynings act the penall lawes be repealed That all Marks of nationall distrinction betweene English and Irish be taken away by act of Parliament That the Bishopricks Deaneries and all other spirituall promotions of this Kingdome and all Frieries and Nunneries may be restored to the Catholique owners and that Impropriations of ti●hes may be likewise restored and that the scity ambits and precincis of the Religious houses of the Mo●ks may be restored to thē but as to the residue of their temporall poss●ssions it is not desired to be taken from the present proprietareis but to be left to them untill that God shall otherwise encline their owne hearts That all Plantations made since a. 1610 may be avoyded by Parliament if the Parliament should hold this act ●ust and their possessions restored to those or their heires from whom the same was taken they neverthelesse answering to the Crowne the rents and services proportionably reserved upon the undertakers 42. In our Remonstrance delivered to His Majesties Commissioners at the towne of Trim 17. March 1642. among many other grievances we desired redresse against the penall lawes of 2. Eliz. imposing incapacities on the Catholiques in places of trust honour or profit both in Church and Commonwealth against false inquisitions taken upon feined titles of the Catholiques estates against many hundred yeares possession against the two impeached Iudges who illegally avoided 150. letters patents in one morning for securing the subjects lives liberties and estates for exempting the Parliament of Ireland from any dependency on the Parliam●nt of England and for the power and authoritie of the same Parliament of Ireland against the dismembred Parliament of Dublin against the Continuance of poynings ast the lawes and incapacitie to sit in the next Parliament While our Commissioners the Lord Viscount Gormanston Sir Luke Dillon Sir Robert Talbot and Iohn VValsh Esquire presented this Remonstrance to his Majesties commissioners at Trim 17. March 1642. with hopes of redresse for our grievances and a happy accommodation the Marques of
Ormond in his briefe of Concessions from which he shrunke in this peace limitteth this generall Commission vnto the penall lawes onely that concernes the exercise of our religion who is herein imitated by the Marques of Clanrichard or rather by the politike Contriuers of his engagment where a promise is made of a reuocation of any penaltie c imposed on vs for the free exercise of our riligion vnto what wofull dayes are we come when subjects doe presume not only to limitat theire kings commands as they please but also vtterlie to reiect them and by that disobedience to be the occasion of his present disasters and hazard of the losse of his kingdomes 29. By which letter and by these other two aboue mentioned the iudicious Reader may obserue what great confidencie his majestie reposeth in the aid and assistance of the Confederat Catholikes aswell at home as abroade in England and scotland by sea and by land and how earnestlie he presseth a speedie dispatch of the peace to that end Be it on them and theire posteritie that haue hindred the same Glamorgans articles do as yet further confirme aswell the kings confidence in our assistance as our alacritie willingnes and earnest desire to comply therein with his Majestie but the same authors who contemned the commands of his Majestie haue also laid obstacles to the assistance promised to his Majestie vpon the conclusion of Glamorgans peace It shal be euer verified what Iohn Dauies sometimes the kings Attutnie left written to posteritic that the Irish gladlie continue obedient subiects without defection or adhering to any other lord or king c and that there is noe nation or people vnder the sunne that doth loue equall and indifferent iustice better then the Irish and will better rest satisfied of the execution therof c farre different I wisse was the Censure of this well experienced lawyer and of many others whose testimonie for the present I omitt concerning the loyaltie of the Irish from the Censure of the present lord Chancellour of Ireland who hauing receiued in his Chamber in the Ins of Dublin from the Councell-table by the hands of a purseuant a printed booke setting forth the kings resolution to come for this kingdome said God forbid his maiestie should come vnto this kingdome for the Irish would massacre him as soone as any other wherunto his sonne sir Edward Bolton now chiefe Baron answered nay father I am confident if his Maiestie came hither that the Irish would lay downe theire armes at his feete and kisse the ground he went on The father admiring at the sonnes confidence in the fidelitie of the Irish the sonne confirmed his confidence by affirming he would lay his head at the stake if they would not doe it This dialoque past betweene the father and the sonne in the presence of the Lady Bolton Bently the Purseuant and R. S. a Cittizen of Dublin who is my author The sonne here proues the loyaltie of the Irish the father shewes his ingratitude towards the Irish that Nation that charitablie entertained him in his flight from England to shun the Censure of the Castle Chamber there who being raised from the lowest ebbe of fortune by Ireland now floateth in the highest spring of posteritie Qui reddit mala pro bonis non recedet malum a domo eius Such as repined at his Maiesties coming into Ireland repined at his happines and adhered in opinion and affection to the Parliament Histories recount and the present damnable Rebellion of England doth confirme more bloodie warres to haue beene raised in England by the English against theire naturall soueraignes and more horrid violence to haue beene offered to theire persons than euer hath beene raised in Ireland against them or offered by the Irish vnto them wherefore what the Chancellour affirmed of the Irish is more applicable to him and to his ill affected Contrymen wherin all Europe may be produced as witnesses who behould the present calamities wherunto the Rebellions Parliament haue reduced him what here might be more particularized concerning the ill-affected of that nation might be also particularized in the ill affected Scots Who are said to haue imbrued theire hands in the blood of many theire owne naturall Princes-from both I abstaine for the honour I beare vnto England the sister of Ireland and vnto Scotland the daughter of Ireland wishing with all the faculties of my soule the occasion of such recrimination among indeered fellow subjects were neuer giuen or being giuen might be totallie taken away Deus aeternetu scis quoniam falsum testimonium tulerunt contra Hibernos §. 7. The Marques of Ormonds Commission recalled as to somuch hy the Earle of Glamorgans Commission 30. Our Diuines and Canonists doe teach vs that the second mandat or Commission doth not indeed derogat vnto the first vnles it make mention therof yet that sometime the second preuaileth and not the first namely because the second is of a more strict obligation as tending to the publicke vtilitie and Commoditie wheras the first conduced to the priuat onely Ormonds Commission granted by his Majestie is in our case the first being giuen 24. Iunij 1644. Glamorgans is the second being giuen the 12. of March 1644. which was full eight months after In this later Commission mention is made of the first thus we giue you power to treate and conclude with the Confederat Roman Catholikes in our kingdome of Ireland if vpon necessitie any thing be to be condescended vnto wherein our lord lieutenant can not be so well seene as not fitt for vs at the present publickelie to owne c. loe mention made expresselie of the first Commissioner and implicitlie of his Commission and by consequence a reuocation as to so much at least of the Marques his Commission yea his Majestie did by his expresse letters signifie vnto the Marques of Ormond that he gaue vnto the Earle of Glamorgan this second Commission therein expressing the ends and causes wherefore he gaue the same and wherfore he would haue the matters and points committed to Glamorgans trust exempted from all other matters comprehended in the Marques of Ormonds Commission and these matters concerned the spiritualtie for example the free and publike exercise of our religion the securitie of our Churches the exemption of the Catholikes from the iurisdiction of the Protestant Clergie the repeal● of all penall lawes made against Catholikes c. This Commissio● being granted by his Majestie vpon the neglect of the Marques his obedience to his Majestiès Command requiring him to grant vnto vs the present taking away of the penall lawes and the suspension of Poynings act I admire how his Excellencie attempted to conclude a peace for these matters soe exempted out of his Commission and to referre those matters which were agreed and concluded by his Majesties speciall Commissioner namely the repeale of the penall lawes the free and publicke exercise of our religion c. vnto any new