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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A35228 An epitome of all the lives of the kings of France from Pharamond the First, to the now most Christian King Levvis the thirteenth : with a relation of the famous battailes of the two kings of England, who were the first victorious princes that conquered France / translated out of the French coppy by R.B. Esq. R. B., 1632?-1725?; Commynes, Philippe de, ca. 1447-1511.; Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673. 1639 (1639) Wing C7322A; ESTC S108602 91,960 364

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way for conquest as opinion of victory and learning is a great Engine in policy to bring about matters This King lost some reputation by his unchast Wife Elenor who following him to the Holy Land blotted her Fame with a sensuall imputation loving Saladin a Iester better than the King her Husband thereby shewing that lust is base and doth not regard either birth or honour Yet Lewis shewing the vertuousnesse of his minde and Noblenesse of disposition brought her backe in his owne Ship because he would not bee derided by any forraigne Prince but beeing safely landed he was much opprest with griefe in stead of casting her in the River which she had deserv'd he covered her shame and his owne by a divorce granted by a general counsell punishing her by shewing too much mercy while hee sought onely to be freed from the disgrace Philip 2. surnamed Augustus the 42. King of France Anno 1180. AFter the decease of Lewis 7 Philip 2. succeeded to the Kingdome Anno Domini 1180 out of which he chased the Jewes then there and by his prowesse and conquests acquired the name of Augustus and Conquerour He married Isabelle or Alice Daughter of Baldwin 4 Count of Flanders in favour of which Marriage hee resigned the County of Artois but afterwards taking upon him the cause of Lionor the Inheritrix of Elizabeth or Mabel Countesse of Flanders in the Counties of Vermandois and Valois against the Count Flamend who layd claime to the said Counties as being of the ancient stocke of Flanders hee tooke onely that of Vermandois leaving that of Valois to the said Flamend whereupon he being in an indignation went and performed homage to the King of Germany the eldest sonne of the Emperour for the County of Flanders Richard also Duke of Aquitaine second sonne of the King of England began to dis-acknowledge the King whereupon the King made warre against him and tooke some Townes from him but they were immediately accorded by the Popes Legate by whose perswasion they entred a League upon an expedition for the Holy-land But this agreement was incontinently broken upon new differences which happened betweene the Kings of England and France during which the King tooke into his possession the Counties of Mans and Tours whereupon King Henry of England tooke a conceite and dyed in the Castle of Chinon whereupon Richard his sonne undertaking the Kingdome marryed Adele Sister to King Philip and they both went to the Holy Land where arriving they tooke the Towne of Acre the twelfth of July 1191. After upon some jealousies conceived betweene them Philip returned into France leaving the charge of his Army to the Duke of Burgundy And because Philip Count of Flanders was deceased the King retained to himselfe the County of Artois which hee gave to Prince Lewis Whereupon England made warres against him which were ended by the death of Richard to whom John being substituted and losing the battaile at Bonnivel the King caused his sonne Lewis to be proclaimed King of England which hee afterwards left to Henry the sonne of John After that King Philip sent his sonne Lewis against the Albigeois and as the said Philip held a Parliament at Nantes he deceased of a Feaver in the 43. yeare of his Reigne in the Moneth of July Anno Domini 1223. This King being to joyne battaile with the Emperour Otho having caused a gilt Bowle to be filled with Wine and sopps of bread hee said Princes and Lords of France heere with me assembled let every one that is resolv'd to live and dye with me this day shew his resolution by taking a sop out of the Bowle of Wine and eating it as I have done which words being spoken the Cup was presently emptied and afterward the battell being joyned the King got the victory Being informed by his Courtiers that some Royall Jurisdictions belonging to the Crowne were usurped by the Clergy his answer was I had rather connive at some petty injuries than commence Suits against the Semitears of God and his Church This King having put away his Queen Gelberge the King of Denmarke complained to the Pope of this wrong done to his Sister and a day of hearing was appointed before the Popes Legate in the Bishops Hall at Paris Philips Case was well defended by his Advocates but when none appeared to plead for the Queene a young man unknown● steps forth of the presse and demands audience and having deliver'd the truth and pleaded against the King for the Queene and when his Speech was ended hee returned into the presse againe and was never seene more neither was it ever knowne from whence he came The amazed Judges remitted the Cause to the Councell and King Philip did ride presently to Bois de Vinennes where Gelberge was confined and having embrac'd her receiv'd her into favour and lived with her afterward in nuptiall love And heereby it may bee discerned that no man can bring Nature to any perfection for this worthy Prince was much troubled in minde and divided in his thoughts by loving this Gelberge whom he could not forsake for she had got such strong possession in his affection that he could not turne her remembrance out of his heart pass'd away to her by deed of gift Thus hee that could overcome his Enemies could not conquer his passions He reigned 44. yeares and by his vertue governed the State with such wisedome that all his troubles had a happy faire end from whence this conclusion may be drawne That a vertuous King is in the end happy howsoever hee bee compassed in with difficulties Lewis the 8. and 43. King of France Anno 1223. LEwis the eldest sonne of Philip succeeded to the Crowne Anno Domini 1223. Hee together with his wife Blanch sister to the King of Castile was Crowned at Rheimes the 6. of August to whom afterwards the Surname of Montpensier was given because he dyed there In the beginning of his reigne he renewed the ancient consideration and allyance which was betweene France and Almany and upon his returne he led his Army into Guienne where in a set battaile he overthrew the English whereof Savary of Maleon had the command by meanes whereof the French tooke the townes of Niot S. John D' Angely and Rochelle leaving nothing of the Countrey of Guienne on this side the River Garonne unreduced to the obedience of the King Insomuch that all the Lords as well of Pojctou as Lymosin and Perigort came to sweare him fealty and obedience Amanry also sonne to the Count of Montfort came to resigne into the hands of the King of France the right which his Father had left him in the Countries of Alby Languedoc Agenois Quer●y and the County of Tholouze whom in recompence he made his Constable knowing him to be a man capable of such a charge The yeare following Richard Brother to the King of England besieged Rochelle but hearing of the comming of the French Army he passed over Dardonne with his forces and so
Childrens quarrell invading one anothers Territories and maintaining hot warres But to conclude the memorable Warre undertaken to recover the Holy-land from the Saracens was now begun under the conduct of Godfrey of Bologne who being chosen King of Jerusalem refused the Diadem saying It is not fit for any Christian Prince to weare a Crowne of Gold since Jesus Christ the King of Kings did weare one made of Thornes Lewis the 6. the 40. King of France Anno 1109. THis Lewis the Grosse succeeded to the Crowne after Henry his Father and was solemnly Crowned at Orleans by Gislebert Arch-Bishop of Sens Anno Domini 1109 He first beganne to quell the pride an● power of the great Lords of France who countenanced by the King of England arose up against him but in the end he accomplished his designes In those times the Englishmen moved their first warres upon the French in the behalfe of Count Thibault of Campagne and Bloys But the King in revenge commanded William the sonne of Robert Duke of Normandy and sent him accompanyed with Baldwin Count of Flanders and Foulques Count of Aniou with an army to surprise them whereupon there was a peace made betweene them and the English to quit Cisors to William the sonne of Henry Baldwin Count of Flanders being wounded in the Conquest of Normandy went to end his life in Flanders who for want of issue instituted Charles son of Conutus King of Denmark to bee his heire In the meane time the King being advertised that the Emperour came in aide of the English prevented ●is designe and forced him to retreate I● forced also the Count of A●vergne and the Vicount of Polignac to give satisfaction to the Bishop of Clermon and at his returne he notified to William Duke of Aquitaine that onely Avergne but also Aquitaine were in tenure of the Crowne of France The County of Flanders was in question betweene Arnulph the Dane Baldwin Count of Haynaut and William of Ipres by the death of Charles who was slaine in S. Donatus in Bruges and by the King it was adjudged to Robert Duke of Normandy by right of consanguinity whereupon warres ensued After that the King caused his sonne Philip to be Crowned at Rheimes the fourteenth day of April 1129. the King of England being in presence but two yeares after hee dyed by meanes of a Hogge that came under his Horse feete and frighted the Horse that hee threw him on the ground Lewis his brother was Crowned in his place by Pope Jnnocent the five and twentieth of October 1131 Lewis the Grosse deceased at Paris Anno Dom. 1137. leaving sixe Children Baldwin Earle of Mons in Henault complaining unto Lewis the Grosse that he had wrongfully given the Earledom of Flanders which was his right unto Duke William of Normandy and desiring to have leave granted to maintaine his Title by Combate The King said You must combat then against me for the Seignory which you claime is my right and inheritance This King also in a Battaile being severed from his Souldiers was likely to be taken Prisoner by an English Knight who laying hold on the raines of his Horse cryed aloud The King is taken whereupon the King valiantly kild the Knight and as he fell downe said One man alone cannot in Chesse play give the King the Mate At a certaine siege being forsaken of his Souldiers in regard of the unseasonablenesse of the weather and constrained to retire hee said with a brave kind of anger That an honest and honourable death was better than a shamefull and dishonourable life The last action of his reigne was the marrying of his sonne unto the daughter and heire of William Duke of Normandy by this allyance to settle a more firme peace and make his sonne strong in friends while his younger sons were compelled to depend on the meere favour of their elder brother on whom the estate being setled they might therby bee instructed to shew unto him a willing obedience for equality breeds discord and grumbling but an acknowledged dependance on another procures respect for necessity makes brave minds glad to be oblieged Lewis the 7. the 41. King of France Surnamed Augustus Anno 1137. THis Lewis undertooke the government the same Moneth wherein his Father dyed and marryed Elianor the onely daughter of William Duke of Guienne and Poictou Afterwards hee made warre upon the Count of Vermendois because following the censures of the Pope hee repudiated Peronelle sister to Queene Elianor that he might re-entertaine his former wife whom before he had divorced And taking the Towne of Vitry in Parthois hee put to the sword and fire more than 3500 persons for the expiation of which fact St. Bernard advised him to make a voyage with his Army into the Holy Land for the succour of Palestine Whither hee arriving with his army he had but an ill trick put upon him by the Emperour of Greece Moreover perceiving his Army much affoibled by the assaults of the Turkes he saved himselfe in the towne of Attalia and came to Antioch where the King conceived a great distaste against his Wife who had accompanyed him all that v●age Afterwards he joyned forces with Conradus the Emperor for the beleaguering of Damietta But that siege tooke no effect through the envy of the old Christians there conceived against the new-commers which was a cause that the Emperour and the King ●etreated each to his owne home where the King was in danger to have bin surprised by the Emperour of Greece but he was rescued by George Lievtenant of the King of Sicily The King upon his returne divorced his Wife who married with Henry Count of Aniou and Normandy who should succeede to the Crowne of England bearing with him the Counties Poictou and Aquitaine Afterwards the King took to wife Constance the daughter of Alphonsus King of Castile who being deceased he tooke Adele or Ale alias Alice daughter of the Count of Champagne by whom An. Dom. 1165. he had a sonne named Philip and surnamed Deodoctus to whom the King growne aged resigned his Crowne notwithstanding hee was but 14. yeares of age and was Crowned at Rheimes An. Dom. 1179. King Lewis deceased the 19. or the 29. of September although some report upon the 29. of the same Moneth or August An. Dom. 1180. Hee lyes interred in the Abby of St. Barbeau which hee had formerly built In his reigne the Holy Land which the Christians had taken seemed to bee utterly conquered remaining under the Christians obedience untill the unhappy death of Godfrey of Bouillon for when the Commander was gone whose unspicious good fortune put life into this action the Warre did not prosper yet before his death he encountred an Army of sixe thousand men which the Turkes had brought into Palestine and came off with very good successe and had so proceeded if his Death had not prevented the good fortune of Christendome For the name of so great a Warrier conducting an Army prepares the
three precedent Kings succeeded to the Crowne by title of his favour excluding Lewis of Evreux his Vncle who at that time as it is thought was already dead and was confirmed by the States notwithstanding that Edward King of England pretended the Crowne by his Mothers right who was the onely daughter of Philip the Faire He recovered a faire battaile against the Flemings who had revolted against their Duke and enforced the King of England to doe homage for the Dutchy of Guienne and other lands which he held of the Crowne who in revenge thereof entertained Robert of Artois Count of Beaumont who was banished out of France through a false accusation by whose perswasion the King of England beeing allyed to all the Princes of the Empire whereof hee had already obtained the Vicariate beganne to warre against Philip in Nantonge Anno Domini 1336. Afterwards he caused the Flemings to revolt against their Duke by the means of one James Artivel an Artisan The French that were in the Towne of L'Isle and first discomfited the English and Flemings but afterwards they were shamefully overthrowne at the Sluce Port when they laboured to hinder the English from joyning with the Flemings And after this victory he encamped before Tournay where he continued during fifty dayes during which time the Mother of the Count of Hainault wrought a Truce between the Kings of England and France which continued not long because the warres were renued shortly after betweene them because the King of France caused Oliver de Clisson to bee executed for Treason In which warre the French lost the memorable battaile of Crecy neare Abeville wherein the greatest part of the Nobility and flower of all France was slaine and the Towne of Calais taken After this the King having marryed in a second wedlocke the Lady Blanche daughter of the late Philip King of Navarre and received the Danphinate of Humbert together with the City and Countrey of Montpelier for a purchase of the King of Maillorque he retired to Nogent there to conclude his daies the 23. or 28. of August 1350. leaving Iohn Duke of Normandy and Philip Duke of Orleans He was an ingenious wity Prince as appeareth by his justification of the Salique Law by these words of Scripture Consider the Lillies of the field how they doe grow and doe neither labour nor spinne intimating whose Armes are Lillies or Flower de Lyces should not fall to the Distaffe Also he taxed the unfaithfulnesse of King Edward of England in these two Verses by himselfe composed Anglicus Angelus est cui nunquam eredere fas est Dum tibi dicit Ave tanquam ab hoste cave The Englishman an Angell is which trusted will deceive thee Beware of him as of a Foe when he doth say God save thee After his marriage with Blanch daughter of Philip of Evreux he lived not long after he had tyed this knot this new wife being an unnecessary trouble in his old age so that sickning at Nogent advising his two sonnes to live in peace and bee carefull of the Realme which he resigned to the eldest he concluded his reigne and dyed He was a King in whom vertues and vices were equally mingled for he was valiant in danger and couragious in affliction just and loving to his subjects But his rash valour whereon hee presumed often engaged him and his subjects in many miseries Edward the third King of England Anno 1351. THis King comes here to be inserted amongst the Kings of France being the first that left the Title Hereditary to the Kings of England and first quartered the Armes of France with the English Armes giving thereby occasion and provocation of his succeeding Warres he obtained a gentle victory at Sluce upon Midsommer day in a sea sight Afterward he challenged Philip of Valois then King to a single combate by him not accepted afterwards makes a Truce with France their battailes being ready to joyne in Britagne in France then he declares the Truce with France broken He arrives afterward in France with bloody Colours with his hopefull son the Prince of Wales then about sixteen yeares old Afterward he got the Lawrell wreath of Conquest in the battaile of Cressey and his sonne was as victorious as his Father both sharing equally in honour purchased by valour But his sonne afterward whose veines were full of his Fathers Spirit and fortitude shewing that Nasci a Principibus est magnum obtained another triumphant victory against the French at Poictiers and by it confirmed his Fathers atchievements Then againe Henry invaded France besieges Paris concludes a peace King Iohn of France being taken prisoner and afterward ransomed hostages were also given and so the Clouds of warre were a while drawne away but suddainly againe France felt a new storme from England for the Earle of Blois slaine in Battaile by the English loseth the Dukedome of Britagne Then againe King Edward sends Iohn Duke of Lancaster to invade Prance and Sir Robert Knoles to the parts about Britagne and thus as he was famous for his many other Royall vertues expressed done at home and in the circumference of his owne Dominions so likewise he appeared in France like a flaming Comet which boded the effusion of much French blood But age sicknesse comming on hee was forc't to leave the world as the same did him before his breath left him but Nature could not hold out any longer and he was forced to resigne his life into the hands of his Creator at Shene now Richmond the one and twentieth day of Iune Anno Domini 1377. in the 64. yeare of his Age having reigned fifty yeares foure moneths and odde dayes in which time France felt the desolation which warre had made he carrying away the never dying Fame of a valiant Conquerour he lyeth buried at Westminster for as much of him as was Mortall but Multum sui vitabit Libitinam his soule and Fame are immortall in Heaven and on earth and was especially famous for Conquering France and writing himselfe Roy de Angle tèrre France King of England and France John 1. or the second of that name the 51. King of France Anno 1350. JOHN the first or second of that Name succeeded to the Crown and was consecrated at Rheims the 26. of Septem An Dom. 1350. In the beginning of his reigne hee caused the Lord Ralph of Nesle Cōstable of France to be beheaded for Treason and in his place hee justituted Charles of Spaine Count of Angolesme The Truce being broken betweene him and England he betooke him to S. John d' Angely and in his returne he instituted the Order of the Starre in the Noble and Royall House or S. Owen Afterwards Charles King of Navarre caused the Constable to be massacred upon a jealousie which hee had conceived against him on the sixt of Ianuary 1353 and the Lord Iames de Bourbon was substituted in his place In the meane time the King of Navarre whom the King of France had
about imposts having Malle●s as a token of their faction whereupon they were called Maillotins In the meane time Peter de Craon wounded Clisson Constable of France whereof the King intending a revenge fell into a frensie by reason whereof the kingdome was put into the hands of the Dukes of Berry and Burgundy who laying hands upon Clisson by an Act of Parlement caused him to be deprived of his estate and banished the kingdome The King of England marryed the Lady Isabell the eldest Daughter to Charles whereupon a Truce was concluded betweene the English and French for Thirty yeares But King Richard being afterward slaine shee was sent backe into France without a Dowry by reason whereof the Duke of Orleans presented a combate of seven French against seven English within the lists which combate the French gained Then also upon some rancors and dissentions ●etweene the houses of Burgundy and ●rleans for the government of the ●ingdome John the eldest sonne of ●e late Count of Burgundy caused the Duke of Orleans brother to the King to be slaine the 22. of November 1407 whereupon ensued all the subsequent disorders in France by meanes whereof the King of England gained the famous and memorable battaile of Agincourt and continued his warres for the space of 29. or 30. yeares during which he tooke Rouen and in a manner all Normandy In those times also the Duke of Burgundy was slaine at a Parlement upon the Bridge of Monte●●au Faux-yonne by those that accompanied the Dauphine who for that fact was by his Father Charles not yet in sense dis-inherited and in his place he instituted Henry King of England to whom upon a peace hee had given in marriage Katherine of France together with the government of France and Paris making warres against the Da●phin untill death which was followe● with that of the King who had befor● given consent to the Duke of Bedford to be Regent in France for young King Henry who was yet in his Cradle This Charles the 6. was of a magnanimous and Heroick soule full of the fire of true valour which upon any brave occasion broke forth in glorious actions which vertue was declared in his younger yeares by this answer to his Father Charles the fifth by whom 〈◊〉 Crowne of Gold enchased with precious Stones and a Helmet of Steele fairely guilt being propounded to his choise hee answered hee would rather chuse the Helmet than the Crowne Afterward being crowned King of France this Sonne of valour rising in the spheare of Majesty shined forth with early beames of valour for being shewed by his Officers his deceased Fathers rich Treasury and precious moveables and also his Armory full of warlicke Furniture and all sorts of Armes hee said ●e had rather have those Armes than 〈◊〉 Fathers Riches As this King and ●s Noblemen marched against the Duke of Britaine being entred the Forrest of Mans a man bare-headed and bare-legged attired in a Coate of white ●●ngge steps suddainly forth betwixt two Trees taking hold of the Raines of the Kings Horse and staying him ●nd unto him King ride no farther but ●eturne backe for thou art betrayed ●he King was amazed at this voice and the man being forced with blowes to leave the Raines of his Horse vanished Afterward it chanced that his Page being very sleepy let fall his Lance upon him which carryed the Helmet making a great noise like the rustling of Armes the King starts with amazement at this noise and seeing the Crimson Band●oll of the Lance having his spirits weakened with the former distemperatures transported with the imagination of this sound sleepy with labour and heate he imagins himselfe to be compassed in with many armed men which pursu'd him to the death Charles thus transported with this phrenzy layes hold on his Sword drawes it runnes violently after his Pages and calls them Traytors The Pages conceiving at first that hee had beene displeased for the disorder of the Lance flye from him The King follows after The Duke of Orleance runnes towards him to let him know the cause of his anger The King very violently layes at him not knowing him the Duke flyes and the King follows Thereupon all drawing neare unto him they take his Sword from him and his thick Velvet Jerkin and scarlet Cap and lay him on the ground Pope Vrban his Enemy triumphing and rejoycing at his misery said it was a just judgment of God for supporting and assisting his Competitor But the holy Scripture sayes O how happy is he that judgeth wisely of the afflicted representing an admirable example in Job who was accused by his friends that hee was an hypocrite good in shew but not in integrity of life Such is the judgment of the World accounting adversity a vice and prosperity a vertue measuring matters according to their passions and not with reason for GODS Judgments are just and righteous but the causes thereof are unknowne though GOD doth all well whatsoever he doth Henry the fifth King of England Anno 1412. THough it be more easie to succeed in victoryes than atchieve them yet this Henry maintained by the sword that Title of King of France which his Predecessor Edward the third had gained and as King Edward cut down the Flower of France in the Battaile of Cressey so Henry the fift exasperated by the Dolpins of France sending him a Tunne of Tennis Balls sent him backe such Iron Balls or Bullets that the French were neare brought to a great hazzard in this Tennis Court or field of Mars For hereby Henry wonne France teaching Princes that contempt addes a double courage when right is by contumelies fought with greater violence Afterward King Henry tooke Harflew and fought the memorable battaile of Agincourt wherein hee got a wonderfull and unexpected victory by a stratagem of erecting sharpe Stakes before the foote troopes whereupon the Horse issuing violently they were disranked and routed so that the earth blush't with blood to see the French so overtaken and also the Archers upon the nicke of this opportunity sent many showres of Arrowes whereby the whole Army on the French side was discomfited and the English Archers giving backe the French Horsemen ran themselves upon the sharpe poynted stakes At last the French maine Battaile was put to flight and then King Henry gave thankes unto God the giver of all victoryes This Battaile was famous triumphant and fortunate the successe whereof was celebrated with great joy at the Kings returne into England Princes being then most amiable as well as private men in the sight of their subjects when Fortune smiles on their attempts and Victories such as this was at Poictiers makes their vertues more apparant Afterward Truce being made with the French and by them broken hee invades France againe and takes the Towne of Harflew in Normandy and Cane Then proceeding in his Conquest of Normandy takes Fallais after a long siege and Articles of agreement confirmed by the King he besieges also Roane and
the Lady Katharines Picture was sent to King Henry to move him to pitty Roane Hee grants them peace and receives of the Burgesses of Roane 356000. Crownes of gold upon the sixteenth of June Anno Domini 1418. Afterward many Townes were surrendered to Henry At last a peace was concluded betweene King Henry and King Charles and the Duke of Burgogne Afterward Henry goes in person to Trois where he was met by Iohn King of France the Queene and the Lady Katharine to whom hee was contracted and by their marriage peace was established in France and the Crowne of France was entailed to England and the Subjects of France were sworne to duty of allegeance unto King Henry as also the two Crownes of England and France were united and confirmed to King Henry by his marrying the Lady Katherine for marryages have alwayes beene the happy conclusions of Tragicall Warres as may appeare by happy marriage Afterward the French growing rebellious King Henry besieges Paris and takes it Bicardy afterward sweares fealty and obedience to King Hen. Matters being setled all the Warres was concluded with joyfull Solemnities at the marriage of King Henry and the Lady Katharine with whom he returned afterward into England where every Subject exprest his love and loyalty to him each one contending who should be the forwardest for the entertaining of so Noble and victorious a Prince and his most Royall Consort Afterward King Henry being at the siege of Meaux his wife was delivered of Henry of Munmouth his last joy on earth for not long after sickning at at Melum and his malady encreasing at Bois De vincennois hee cheerefully rendred his Soule to GOD who received him to immortall joy where he remaines Crowned with Caelestiall glory while his body being conveyed into England was with all pompous Celebrity interred in the Church at Westminster where on his Tombe are ingraven these Verses Dux Normanorum verus Conquestor eorum Haeres Francorum decesset Hector corum Here Normans Duke so stil'd by Conquest just True heire of France great Hector lyes in Dust Charles 7. the 54. King of France Anno 1422. AFter the decease of Charles the 6 Charles 7. his sonne began to style himselfe King of France notwithstanding that his Father had dis-inherited him and given it to Henry King of England In the beginning of his Reigne having made Count Arthur brother to the Duke of Bretagne High Constable of France sent him against the English who in a manner were Masters of all France and had now beleaguered Orleans contrary to their promise made to their Duke who at that time was prisoner in England whereupon the King sent the Count of Dunois the Bastard of Orleans Pothon Hire all valiant Commanders to relieve it At that time the French lost the Battaile of Harens whereupon the King being enraged and not knowing which way best to betake himselfe was encouraged by Joane the Maid who miraculously drove the English from before Orleance and having recovered many lost Townes and gained the battaile neare Patay and conveyed the King to be crowned at Rheims but upon a Sally which she made out of Champagne upon the English she was taken and put to death at Rouen In the end a peace being made betweene the Duke of Burgundy and the King of France they first drove the English out of Paris nineteene yeares after their enjoying it into which the King made his entry the twelfth of November Anno Domini 1437 to equall which there presently ensued the Praguery Faction The quarrells also of the Houses of Orleance and Burgundy were extinguished by the Marriage of Charles Duke of Orleance with Mary of Cleue neare to the Duke of Burgundy The English also lived promiscuously with the French but the Truce being broken by an English Captaine who took in the Castle of Fougeres the King imployed his uttermost to quit France of all the English and thereupon hee to this designe appointed his Franc-archers or Boemen and began with Normandy which he reduced wholly to his obedience after that Guienne and the Citty of Bourdeaux insomuch that the English could retaine nothing on that side the Seas but Cales and the County of Guiennes The King enjoying this repose of peace was much troubled with the absence of the Dauphin who for sixe yeares had betaken himselfe to the Duke of Burgundy and thence into Brabant where hee remained till his Fathers decease which was the 22. of July Anno Dom. 1461. This King being unfortunate in his Warres grew so behind hand both in fame and estate that amongst other afflictions hee was burthened with reproach and poverty so that he dined in his Chamber attended on by his houshold servants where Pothon and la Hire comming to Chusteaudun to require succours found him at Table with a Rumpe of Mutton and two Chickens He was reproached for the love of faire Agnes but the History of St. Dennis reports that hee loved her onely for her pleasing behaviour eloquent speech and beauty and that he never used any lascivious action unto her nor never touched her beneath the chinne Joane a Virgin or rather Witch professing that she had a Revelation how to succour the King and chase the English from Orleance was brought by the Lord of Baudie Court Provost of Vancoleurs to Chinon attired like a man The King takes upon him the habite of a Countryman yet shee goes directly to the King although they told her shee was mistaken Shee had Armes and Horse given her with a Troope to enter the City accompanied by the Admirall and Martiall of France Shee comes to Orleance they rejoyce to behold the Maiden Warriour whereupon Joane sends threats to the English by Letter subscribed Vnderstand these Newes from God and from the Virgin Orleance was assaulted by her counsell The Virgin entred the Fort first crying Montjoy St. Dennis the Fort is wonne The English grew amazed at the Virgins exploits In memory whereof a Monument was erected King Charles the seventh armed and Joane the Virgin armed kneeling on their knees before a Crucifixe of Brasse which is still to bee seene upon the Bridge at Orleance Lewis the 11. and 55. King of France Anno 1461. LEwis the 11. departing out of Brabant being accompanyed with the Duke Philip of Burgundy and the Count of Charolois his sonne caused himselfe to be crowned King of France the fifteenth of August 1461. The Princes seeing themselves in contempt especially Mounsier Charles his brother who rose up in Armes against him under a pretensive colour for the common good giving him the famous battaile of Montl●bery the fifteenth of Iuly Anno Domini ●463 The King for the dissipating of their forces following the advise of the Duke of Milan gave Normandy to his brother which afterwards by subtilties he withdrew from him againe But in the end hee was enforced by the Duke of Burgundy to give unto his brother Mounsier Charles the Counties of Champagne and Brie which hee
the Dutchy of Milan into his power he went to besiege Pavia where he was taken and by the industrious treaty of Madric Anno Dom. 1525 hee was sent backe into France Afterwards Charles of Bourbon was slaine skaling the Walls of Rome which was taken by the Spaniards with the Pope Anno Dom. 1529. a Treaty of Cambray was concluded and the children of France were sent backe into France with Madame Elianor The King and the Pope by Embassies came to an agreement at Marsilles where the Marriage of Henry Duke of Orleance with the Countesse of Bologne the Popes Niece was solemnized After this the King sent the Lord of Montmorency against the Emperour who intended to come against Marsilles who enforced him to retire into Spaine and afterwards invaded France upon the Coast of Picardy and sent another Army to Piedmount against whom the King sent his forces which tooke Suse Villane and Montcalier which caused the truce of Nice for ten yeares during which the Emperour passed through France into Flanders In the meane time Caesar Fregose and Anthony Rineon the Kings Embassadours to the Turke were slaine by the Imperialists Whereupon the King according with the Duke of Cleve against the Emperour tooke Luxembourg Landrecy and other places Of which the Emperour being certified besieged Landrecy but in vaine On the other side the Lord of Anguyen the Kings Lievtenant in Piedmont having gained the battaile of Cerisolles tooke Carignan whereof the Emperour being advertised made a preparation against Paris but perceiving the French too powerfull in forces demanded a Peace which was published at Paris This being done the King intends a Warre against the English at Boulen with whom having made Peace hee went to pay his debt to Nature at Rambouillet the last of March 1547 and lyes interred at St. Denis To one that desired pardon for another that had used ill speeches of his Majesty this King said Let him for whom thou art a suiter learne to speake little and I will learne to pardon much At Paris in an Oration against Hereticks hee said If my arme were infected with that contagion I would cut it off from my body and cast it into the fire Hee said that hee was sorry that the Gentlemen of his Realme being most serviceable and ingenious were not qualified with Learning to be capable of Civill offices as well as Military since Vertue is the formall cause of Gentility which should exceed base low dispositions by an eminent exaltation of goodnesse deriving their pettigree from Heaven for Vera est Nobilitas quaedam cognatio Dijs True Nobility is a certaine affinity to the Gods A Treaty of peace being propounded and ready to bee concluded betweene the Emperour Charles the fift and this King Francis hee said Peace and amity betweene us cannot long endure for the Emperour cannot abide an Equall or Companion and I cannot endure a Master Henry the 2. and 59. King of France Anno 1547. HEnry the second succeeding to the Crowne on his birth day was consecreted at Rheimes in August 1547. Hee sent the Lord of Esse into Scotland for a defence of that Countrey and built a Fort over against that of Boullen immediately after the Commons of Guienne mutined upon taxations whilst the King was in Piedmont from whence being upon his returne into France he caused them to be punished by the Constable and made his enterance into Paris proclaimed open warres against England and renewed his allyance with the Swisses Pope Iulius the third being incensed against the King for the City of Parma solicited the Emperour to take up Armes against him and to beleaguer Parma and Mirandula whereupon the King made a prohibition of sending to the Court of Rome for matters of Benefices and in the meane time he tooke Quiers S. Damian and other places of Piedmont on the other side the Burgundions and Hannuyers over-runne the Countrey of Santois above Peronne but to requite them the King making an expedition into Almany by the policy of the Constable seezd of the Metz and the Countrey of Messin and tooke the Duke Dutchy of Loraine into his protection Afterwards hee joyned forces with Duke Maurice who falsifying his faith in his returne invaded the Dutchy of Luxembourg taking the Townes of Yvoy Montmedy Lumes and Civay In the meane time the Emperor marched to the siege of Metz whence he was forced to dis-encampe with the losse of 30000 men and threw himselfe upon Therouenne which he tooke with the Castle of Hedin The King on the other side tooke Mariembourg and other Townes in Piedmont After that the Emperour quitting the Empire retired himselfe into Spaine to live a solitary life and a peace for five yeares was concluded between the Emperour the Kings of England and France which continued not long For warres being renewed betweene the said Kings the day of St. Laurence to the losse of the French in revenge whereof the King tooke Cales Gnines Hames and the County of Oye Peace after being made by the marriage betweene King Philip and the Lady Elizabeth of France and of the Duke of Savoy with Madam Margarite sister to the King and in the continuance of the solemnity the King running at Tilt was hit in the eye of which hurt he dyed at Tournells the twentieth day of Iuly Anno Domini 1559. and lyes interred at St. Denis in France This King having the good inclination of his Nature confirmed by being well brought up under his Father ordained many good Lawes for the reforming apparrell providing for the poore maintenance of Justice and releeving his oppressed Subjects but especially hee made a Law against swearing and blaspheming and herein he did singularly well but he disgraced these good actions by permitting a bloody and fatall Combate betwixt Iarnac and Chastaignery Gentlemen upon the giving the lye performed at St. German in Lay on the sixeteenth of July before the King and divers Princes and Noblemen wherein Jarnac held the weaker got the better and gave the other many deadly wounds whereof he dyed whereupon the King did forbid all Combats Thus hee beganne his reigne with this Tragedy and ended it with his owne For at the marriage of Elizabeth of France the King having published a solemne running at the Tilt as is before mentioned the King would needes be one of the Challengers and the second day of the Tourny being perswaded by the Queene and the Duke of Savoy to retire out of the Lists he desired to runne once more against the Earle of Montgomery who first refused but afterward runne and upon the Kings Helmet broke his Lance and with a splinter thereof his Beaver being somewhat open strikes him so deepe in the eye so that he dyed in his house at Tournells in the 44. yeare of his age The day before his death he would have the Duke of Savoy and the Lady Margaret his sister marryed in his Chamber His heart was interred in the Celestines Church in the Duke of Orleans
succeeded after the Tragicall death of his Father when great troubles were like to follow but all those clouds were blowne away and this young Prince shined forth like the Sun in a cleare skie First of all hee went to the Parliament and made a Declaration that his Mother should be Queene Regent during his minority Afterward the Jesuites received his Fathers heart with great Ceremony being received into La Flech Here the Arraignment and cruell Execution of the Murtherer Ravilliac deserves to be drawne forth in blacke colours Imagine that Ravilliac was first arraign'd after he had beene put to the Rack then condemned afterward hee was brought out of the prison in his shirt with a Torch of two pound weight lighted in one hand and the knife wherewith he had murdered the King chained to the other then he was set upright in a Dung-cart now hee is doing pennance at our Ladies Church now imagine the raging people are ready to teare him in peeces but the Officers restraine them the Murderer came to the Scaffold he crosses himselfe in signe that he dyed a Papist hee was bound to a St. Andrews Crosse then his fatall hand with the knife chained to it smoaks in a Furnace of fire and brimstone it is consum'd yet hee will not confesse any thing but roare and cry like to a Soule in hell but yet unpitied and then his flesh was pulld off with hot Pincers and burnt then scalding Oyle Rozen pitch and brimstone melted together were powr'd into his wounds and on his navell a roundell of Clay was set into the which they powred molten Lead and then he roared but confessed nothing At last to conclude this Tragedy his body was torne in pieces with foure strong Horses which could not plucke them asunder being so firmely knit together untill the flesh under his armes and thighes was cut In this manner was this Paricide tormented and executed being the horrid picture of a Traytor suffering extreame tortures yet misery nor death could not enforce from him any confession And surely if Hells tortures might be felt on earth it was approved in this mans punishment yet he would reveale nothing but that he did it by the instigation of the Devil and his maine reason was because the King tollerated two Religions in his Kingdome Oh small occasion that for this cause one servile slave should thu quench the great light of France whose brightnesse glistred thorow Europe One thing this Villaine confessed that of all the severall torments that were invented and laid upon him none was more terrible to him than his losse of sleepe for sixe dayes and nights together for there were appointed severall officers by turnes to keepe him waking by thrusting red-hot bodkins into his breasts and sides so that if he did but offer to winke or give a nod then presently they awaked him with those Irons He was torne in peeces as I said before and his bones burnt the ashes whereof were scattered in the winde as being thought unworthy of the earths buriall This Ravaillac was borne at Angolesme and by profession a Lawyer and was perswaded as it is thought by the Jesuites to perpetrate this bloody act by murdering this Kings Father Henry the fourth the hope of Learning and the glory of Armes Afterward the Duke of Fener Embassadour from Spaine came to Paris and being brought into the Kings presence he said that he came from the King his Master to visite his Majesty This young Prince answered I thanke the King my brother for his good will I will remember him and you also Seeing he desires it he may expect from me all friendship and good intelligence such as hee had with the deceased King my Father Afterward the Lord Wotton Embassadour from England came to Paris and then Embassadours for confirmation of mutuall league being sent into Spaine England and to Rome the King was at Rheims with solemne pompe and great state crowned FINIS The Table of all the Names of the Kings of FRANCE which are contained in this Booke PHaramond the first King of France Anno Domini 429. page 1. Cloion or Clodion the second King of France Anno. Dom. 432. pag. 5 Merovaeus the third King of France An. Dom. 450. pag. 9 Chilperick or Hilperick the fourth King of France Anno 470. pag. 14 Clovis the fifth King of France and the first Christian King of that Nation Anno 485. pag. 18 Childebert the sixth King of France Anno 514. pag. 23 Clotharius the first of that Name and the seventh King of France An. 559. p. 28 Cherebert the eighth King of France Anno 564. pag. 32 Chilperic the ninth King of France Anno 577. pag. 36 Clotharius the second of that name and the 10. King of France Anno 586. p. 40 Dagobert the 11. King of France Anno 632. pag. 44. Clovis aliàs Lewis the second of that name the 12. King of France Anno 645. pag. 49 Clotharius the third of that name and the 13. King of that Nation Anno 666. pag. 53 Childeric 2. the 14. King of that Nation Anno 570. pag. 58 Theodorick the 15. King of that Nation Anno 680. pag. 62 Clovis the 3. the 16. King of that Nation Anno 689. pag. 67 Childebert the 2. the 17. king of that nation Anno 692. pag. 71 Dagobert the 2. the 18. king of that Nation Anno 710. pag. 75 Clotharius the 4. the 19. king of that nation Anno 719. pag. 79 Daniel alias Chilperick the 20. king of that Nation Anno 719. pag. 83 Theodorick the 2. the 21. king of that Nation Anno 720. pag. 87 Childerick the 3. the 22. king of that Nation Anno 740. pag. 91 Charles Martel Duke and Prince of the French Anno 788. pag. 95 Pepin surnamed the short the first of that name the 23. king of that Nation Anno 752. pag. 101 Charlemaine Emperour of Rome the 24 king of France An. 768. pag. 106 Lewis the Debonaire Emperor of Rome and the 25. king of France Anno 814. pag. 111 Charles the Bald Emperor of Rome the 26. king of France An. 840. pag. 115 Lewis and Charoloman or Carlon the 28. king of France An. 879. p. 128 Lewis the Lubber and Charles the grosse the 29. king of France An. 885. p. 126 Eudes or Odo the 30. king of France Anno 891. pag. 130 Charles surnamed the simple the 31. king of France An. 898. pag. 135 Rodulph or Raoul of Burgundy the 32 king of France pag. 139 Lewis the 4 the 33. king of that Nation Anno 939. pag. 144 Lotharius the 4 the 34. king of France Anno 954. pag. 150 Lewis the 5 the 35. king of France Anno 986. pag. 155 Hugh Capet the first of that name the 36. king of France Anno 987. pag. 158 Robert the 1 the 37. king of France Anno 997. pag. 163 Henry the 1 the 38. king of France Anno 1031. pag. 168 Philip the 1 the 39. king of France Anno 1060. pag. 173 Lewis the 6 the 40. king of France Anno 1109. pag. 178 Lewis the 7. was called Augustus being the 41. king of France An. 1131. p. 183 Philip the 2 who was surnamed Augustus the 42. king of France Anno 1180. pag. 188 Lewis the 8 the 43. king of France Anno 1223. pag. 194 Lewis the 9 the 44. king of France Anno 1226. pag. 199 Philip the 3 the 45. king of France Anno 1271. pag. 205 Philip the 4 the 46. king of France Anno 1286. pag. 211 Lewis the 10 who was surnamed Hutin the 47. king of France Anno 1315. pag. 216 Philip the 5 the 48. king of France Anno 1317. pag. 223 Charles the 4 surnamed the Faire the 49. king of France Anno 1322. pag. 228 Philip of Valois the sixt of that Name the 50. king of France Anno 1327. p. 232 A Relation of Edward the 3 King of England who was the first that quartered the Armes of France and made it subject to England Anno 1351. pag. 237 John the 1 the 51. king of France Anno 1350. pag. 241 Charles the 5 surnamed the Wise the 52 King of France Anno 1364. p. 246 Charles the 6 the 53 King of France Anno 1380. pag. 251 A Relation of Henry the 5 king of England who gave a great overthrow to the French at the Battaile of Cressay and still maintained the right left him by Edward the 3. of England Anno 1412. pag. 258 Charles the 7 the 54. king of France Anno 1422. pag. 264 Lewis the 11. the 55. king of France Anno 1461. pag. 269 Charles the 8 the 65. king of France Anno 1483. pag. 281 Lewis the 12 the 57. king of France Anno 1499. pag. 287 Francis of Valois the first of that Name was the 58. king of France An. 1515 pag. 294 Henry the 2 the 59. king of France Anno 1547. pag. 299 Francis the 2 the 60. king of France Anno 1559. pag. 305 Charles the 9 the 61. king of France Anno 1560. pag. 310 Henry the 3 the 62. king of France Anno 1574. pag. 315. Henry the 4 surnamed the Great the 63 king of France An. 1589. pag. 320 Lewis the 13 which now reigneth styled the most Christian king is the 64. King of France and began his Reigne in the yeare 1610. pag. 331 FINIS