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A65260 Memoires of the family of Stuarts and the remarkable providences of God towards them in an historical account of the lives of those His Majesty's progenitors of that name that were kings of Scotland. Watson, John, b. 1597? 1683 (1683) Wing W1081; ESTC R35236 83,515 202

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partake with many ghastly wounds the honour of the day the vanquished are killed on the place all to one who perceiving himself left alone and being without wounds he skippeth into the River by which means none of the surviving Victors being able to follow him by reason of their wounds he maketh a fair Escape with his Life thus the Heads and most turbulent of both Clans cut off their retainers are soon perswaded to Peace and for many Years after live quiet enough this Fight hapned in the Year 1396. In the Year 1398. King Robert Created his Son David at the Eighteenth Year of his Age Duke of Rothesay and his Brother Robert Duke of Albany the first Honour of this kind bestowed in that Kingdom The same Year he established his Son Robert Governour of the whole Kingdom preferring the quiet of a private Life to the daily Troubles which attend a publick Employment tho' sweetned with many honours and outward respects The Year following being the First Year of the Reign of Henry the Fourth of England some unhappy seeds of Jarrs between the two Kingdoms were scattered by George Dunbar Earl of Merse the Daughter of the said Earl being espoused to the Duke of Rothesay and a great part of her Dowry payed Archibald Earl of Dowglass Excepteth in Parliament against the Espousals as done without Consent of the Three Estates and propounded in Parliament the Marriage of his own Daughter and with her a greater Dowry the Parliament approveth well of the Match and Robert Duke of Albany prevaileth with the King to make void the first Espousal and to accept the tender made by the Earl of Dowglass both which being accordingly done the Marriage of the Earl Dowglass his Daughter to the Young Duke is Solemnised by consent of Parliament The Earl George resenteth this as a wrong done to his Family expostulateth the matter with the King and remanded his Daughters Dowry whereunto present Satisfaction not being made the Earl withdraweth from Court breathing out Revenge and immediately flyeth into England where he entereth into league with Earl Percy Dowglass his sworn Enemy and with some Force obtained from him he returneth into Scotland and spoileth all the Lands in the Meuse belonging to Earl Dowglass King Robert provoked with Indignation proclaimeth him Traitor and dispatcheth an Herald to King Henry the 4th of England to require the delivery up of the fugitive Earl to Justice King Henry pretendeth faith given to the Earl for Protection and upon that account refuseth King Robert his demand King Robert resenteth this as a breach of the Peace concluded for seven years in the days of King Richard not yet expired and accordingly his Council declareth it and for this and many outrages and detestations committed by Henry Percy the younger and by the fugitive Earl proclaimeth War against King Henry King Henry thinks it his wisest course to prevent him and forthwith marcheth into Scotland with a very potent Army of Horse and Foot entereth the City of Edenburgh and layeth Siege to the Castle Duke Robert then Governor of Scotland prepareth for its relief but so slowly that every man suspected him to have some sinister design in it King Henry finding the Castle impregnable being garrisoned with men of honour and integrity to whom the Macedonian Ass could have no access though some not long since could receive his leading raised his Siege and returned to England Henry Percy and the fugitive Earl continue their plundering incursions for repressing of whom several small Parties were sent to small purpose at last by the command of the Governor Archibald Earl of Dowglass Son to the late Earl of the same Name so much renowned marcheth in person against them accompanied with divers of the Nobility and advanceth with his Army to the very Gates of New-Castle Percy the younger and the fugitive Earl draw up their Army against him and give him battel nigh Hemeldon the Earl Dowglass after a most furious conflict is at last overthrown divers of the Scottish Nobility are slain many taken Prisoners and with them the Earl himself with the loss of one of his Eyes Percy persueth his Victory entereth Scotland and having done some spoyl in Tiviodale returneth to England and prepareth for a Rebellion against King Henry the Earl Dowglass is earnestly sollicited by him to joyn with him in his design with promise of freedom Dowglass embraceth the motion and with some others of the Scottish Prisoners performeth most gallant service at Shrewsbury battel contemning all others he bendeth himself against the person of the King only he dismounteth first one then another then a third and all in the habit of the King King Henry having clothed some gallant men in his own habit of purpose to encourage his Soldiers at the sight of their brave deportment Dowglass admiring from whence so many Kings should come rusheth himself into the midst of his enemies behaving himself with incredible bravery but at last the victory falling to the King Dowglass grievously wounded is taken Prisoner the King very nobly taketh care of him causeth his wounds to be cured by the best of his Chirurgions admitteth him to his presence highly commendeth his valour accepteth of his ransom and granteth him liberty to return to his Country where he was received with no small Joy This storm over Duke Robert wholly bends himself to make away the whole off-spring of his Brother the King of purpose to make way for his own to come to the Crown a fair opportunity offering it self to begin his work David the elder of the King's Sons giveth up himelfs wholly to his lusts ravishing both Virgins and others contemning all admonitions of his good Father would not be reclaimed The good King much afflicted by the dissolute life of his Son committeth him to the counsel and care of Duke Robert the Governor who very glad of the opportunity to commence his Traiterous design chearfully snatcheth his prey into his Clutches and resolving to take a short course to reform his manners by the ruine of the man carrieth him along with himself to St. Andrews from thence to Faulkland where he coops him up in a loathsom Dungeon with a design to destroy him by the cruel pinches of hunger which had been speedily done but that his miserable Life Was preserved for a Season by the compassion of two tender-hearted Women the one a Virgin Daughter to the Governor of the Castle who as she came into the Garden privately conveyed under the covert of her Apron some thin Oaten Cakes which she gave him through a Cranny the only conveyance of light into the Dungeon The other a poor neighbouring Woman who gave Suck and by her Breast-milk milked into his mouth refreshed him a little The Duke his merciless Uncle admiring that he heard no tidings of his death appointed a secret Watch about him the good Women are discovered apprehended and punished the poor Prince now left without all manner of relief or hope of
refreshment having eat much of his own Flesh and many of his Members miserably perished in the extremity of Hunger a great evidence indeed of God's anger against his Lustful youth but no less evidence of a cruel and barbarous heart in the merciless and inhuman Uncle This Cruelty is for a time concealed from the good King at last Time revealeth it not without some indignation of the Author The Duke is questioned but by a cowardly if not traiterous Jury pack'd by himself acquitted the poor distressed King praying to Heaven for a Vengeance upon them and all their Posterity who were guilty of that horrid Murther the Duke to gloss all the better draggeth some to Prison Flagitious men indeed but altogether innocent of this Crime condemneth and executeth them as Murtherers of the Prince palliating one wickedness with another as many other wicked men have done The good King solicitous for his onely Son now remaining resolveth for his greater safety to send him over to France to be educated in the Court of Charles the Sixth the French King and commendeth him to the safe conduct and oversight of Lord Henry Sinclare Earl of Orkney he setteth Sail from the Basse and passing by Flamborrowe-head a Storm ariseth and forceth the Ship into Harbour the Prince afflicted with Sea-sickness goeth on Shore is apprehended by the English and sent Prisoner to King Henry of England who notwithstanding of the Mournful Letters of the afflicted King his Father sent up of purpose some weeks before to prevent the obstruction of his Journey and contrary to the Advice of the most of his Council pleading for his Liberty detaineth him Prisoner This hard measure is in great measure recompenced by the liberal Education he gave him whereby he became the most Learned Prince of his time the sad news of his Imprisonment brought to his still afflicted Father for the loss of his eldest Son as he sat at Supper cut him to the Heart and oppressed with Grief he falleth down dead his Company about him in vain seeking to recover Life in him they carry him to his Chamber where his Spirits revive a little but abstaining from all manner of nourishment after three days abstinence he departeth this Life opprest with two cruel tyrants Hunger and Grief in the 16th Year of his Reign April the First 1406 A Prince of a very proper and proportionable Person a Good man and a Meek not furnished indeed with Austerity and such like qualities as might have rendered him more fit than in truth he was to Govern a People so unlike himself in Conditions THE LIFE OF JAMESI KIng Robert departed this Life his Son James Prisoner in England is Proclaimed King of Scotland and his Uncle Robert Duke of Albany continued by Act of Parliament in his Government at this time a sweet calm of Peace continued between the two Kingdoms above twelve years together a great blessing to both Nations In the mean while a black Cloud appeareth in the North of Scotland Donald Lord of the Isles pretending the recovery of his Lands in Ross which the Governor kept from him by a a trick of Law Invadeth Ross from thence marcheth into Murray from thence into Buchan and so to Aberdeen doing much Mischief all along as he went To stop this Current Alexander Earl of Marre and others of the Nobility advance against him with such Forces as could be raised on the sudden both Armies Encounter at Harlaw a fierce Battel continueth for many hours with such slaughter on both sides that at Night the darkness whereof was the first commander of Cessation each Army thought it self overcome no man appearing next day morning to claim the glory of the Victory onely the poor Village Harlaw where the Battel was is famous from it to this day This Rebellion over the Dauphine of France sendeth an Ambassadour to Scotland to demand Assistance against the English according to their ancient League then warring in France declaring with a sad Narrative that himself was disinherited and the English King Henry the 5th Married to his Sister the Lady Catharine declared Regent of France in present and Heir apparent to the Crown with whom likewise the Duke of Burgundy had joyned his whole Force this pitiful Letter soon quickened the Scottish Nobility dreading the effects of King Henry his Greatness an Army of 7000 resolute and stout men are sent immediately over into France under the Conduct of John Earl of Buchan Archibald Earl of Wigton Son to Archibald Earl Dowglas with whom were divers Persons of Quality all safely arrive and are immediately sent by the Dauphine towards Turon the Duke of Clarence Brother to the English King well high surpriseth them in their way they take the Alarm nigh Bergie and on Easter-Eve they give Battel to the English fought with great valour and various fortune on both sides at last the Duke of Clarence is dismounted his whole Army routed 2000 slain on the spot amongst whom were the Duke of Clarence the Earl of Kime the Lords Gray and Ross Many Prisoners likewise taken whereof divers Persons of Quality as the Earls of Huntington and Somerset and others The Earl of Salisbury a man of singular vertue and valour endeavoureth to repay this loss but could effect nothing save the recovery of the dead Body of the Duke of Clarence which he afterwards sent over into England After this Victory the Dauphine createth Buchan Constable of France one of the highest Preferments in that Kingdom In the same Year 1420 Robert Duke of Albany departed this Life and his Son Mordake established in his place Buchan returneth from France and is immediately recalled he arriveth at Rochett accompanied with Archibald Earl of Dowglas and Five thousand Auxiliary Foot the Dauphine much cheared up at their arrival receiveth them with ample Gratulation John Duke of Bedford is sent over from England much about the same time with 4000 Horse and 10000 Foot and soon after King Henry himself arriveth and with him James King of Scotland of purpose by his presence to withdraw the Scots from the Dauphine or at least to render them the more suspected to him but he is disappointed in both the Scots unanimously declaring that they could not render whilst a Prisoner the Obedience otherwise due to him Soon after both the French and English King depart this Life Henry the Sixth of England about Eights Months old is Proclaimed King of England and France John Duke of Bedford appointed Regent of France The Dauphine at the same time Proclaimed by his Adherents King of France by the Name of Charles the 7th The Regent advanceth against him with a powerful Army the Duke of Alenson encountereth him Charles himself is with general consent and unanimous request of all his Friends desired to withdraw and not to hazard his Person the miscarriage whereof was an apparent ruine of them all and giveth him Battel not far from Vornoil The Fight continued very fierce for some hours at
a little corrected an Epitome might be extracted not undelightful nor unuseful for the present Age Being an Age wherein great Attempts have been made against the Succession so long uninterrupted and the Rights and Prerogatives of the Crown though never so Sacred have all been disputed by Men of so loose and disloyal Principles that could they effect their Designs upon those Supports to an Hereditary Crown would not easily be persuaded to give over attempting till they have Extirpated not only the Royal Line but Royalty and Monarchy it self Nor can the most Christian Charity think otherwise when we see many of those very Men to be great Sticklers and all of their persuasion to be great Favourers of the Design who thought they had once effectually done it before and now by the Terrors of a guilty Conscience are Stimulated to repent the Wickedness not thinking themselves easie or safe under the protection of a Family which they have so Barbarously and so Inhumanly Affronted tho' perhaps the greatest instance of Royal Clemency and Mercy that History affords And certainly that single act of Barbarity committed against the Sacred Person of our late Martyr'd Sovereign were there nothing else in their whole practice is enough to sully the fairest Fucus to confute their best Arguments for the support of their pretended Zeal and to render their very Principles Odious and Abominable to all reasonable Men in future Ages The Perusal of these few Remarks or Historical Observations full of Loyalty and Impartiality together with a Reflection not only upon the Restauration of His Majesty to the Honours and Dignities of His Three Crowns but also upon those Deliverances which bear a later Date and are fresh Instances of Mens Disloyalty of our King 's great Wisdom and God's peculiar Providence over him These things I say taken into Serious Consideration may afford Men a Convincing prospect of the Folly as well as the Impiety of all Attempts against a Throne of Divine Establishment and that attested by so many miraculous Deliverances and Preservations All that the People do is but to imagine a vain Thing That God who hath set the Crown upon his Head will enable him to break all their Bonds asunder and to cast away their Cords from him Yea he that dwelleth in Heaven shall laugh them to scorn the Lord shall have them in derision THE PRAYER COntinue O gracious God to be thus Propitious to thine Anointed our Sovereign Lord King CHARLES the Second and grant that there may never want One of that Royal Family to set upon his Throne so long as the Sun and the Moon endure THE LIFE OF ROBERT II THE FIRST Of the Royal Family of Stuarts Kings of Scotland RObert the Second of that Name descended of Walter High Stewart of Scotland in the days of King Malcolme came in the Right of his Mother Sister to King David and Daughter to King Robert Bruce to Sway the Scottish Scepter and was the First of the Stuarts on whose head that unravished C●●●● was Set about the Year 1371. and the 55th of his Age. In the beginning of his Reign a French Ambassadour sent by Charks the Fifth of France arriveth in Scotland to Congratulate his coming to the Crown and to renew the Antient League between the two Crowns of France and Scotland and to invite the Scots in persuance of an Article in the same League to raise an Army against England of purpose to force home some or most of the English Forces then making War in France the Antient League is without scruple renewed and the Scots soon prevailed withal to raise an Army against the English being provoked by denyal of Justice on the Murtherer of a Scottish Gentleman contrary to the Laws Established for preservation of Peace amongst the Borderers and being much more incensed by divers depredations especially by the inroad made by the Earl Percy the Year immediately preceeding contrary to the Articles of Peace concluded for fourteen Years between the two Kingdoms To preface the Scottish Expedition into England Alexander Ramsey with forty choice Gentlemen surpriseth Berwick Castle Henry Percy Earl of Northumberland immediately Besiegeth them with 10000 well Armed men after some few days valiant defence the Castle is stormed the Garrison wholly put to the Sword Ramsey the Captain in Chief only preserved By this time the Scottish Army advanceth and under the Conduct of James Earl Dowglass entreth England by the way of Carlile they plunder Penreth in the Fair time and return very richly laden with Spoil and with their Spoil carry home with them the Plague of Pestilence which raged all the Kingdom over for two Years together more furiously than ever in that Nation before To avenge this mischief done Fifteen Thousand English under the Conduct of General Talbot are sent into Scotland they spoil and plunder at pleasure but returning laden with Booty and Encamping nigh the Borders in a strait Valley secure and expecting no Enemy are suddenly surprised by 500 Scottish Horse who giving them a Fierce Charge put all in Confusion some kill'd divers taken Prisoners the rest provide for their Safety by flight leaving their Spoil behind them The English finding the Wars against both Kingdoms of France and Scotland a Burden too heavie resolve if possible to make Peace with Scotland to which effect John Duke of Lancaster Uncle to the English King Richard the Second is sent Ambassadour to Scotland is honourably received and entertained by King Robert James Earl Dowglas is appointed Commissioner to Treat with him a Cessation of Arms is concluded for three Years which King Robert caused inviolably to be observed notwithstanding of a great Advantage given him by a dangerous Rebellion then broke out in England by the instigation of one Ball a Priest upon occasion of a four penny Poll imposed on the People King Robert Commandeth his Commissioner Earl Dowglass to tender a Noble Entertainment to the Duke the English Ambassadour if it pleased him to reside in Scotland during the said Rebellion or if it pleased him in such a dangerous Storm to return to England to tender to him the Service of a strong Guard of 2000 men then ready to attend him Dowglass tendereth both the Duke Acknowledging with all Thankfulness the Nobleness of the Scottish King refuseth both and sets out for England the Governour of Berwick I know not why denieth him Enterance the Duke returneth to Edenburgh resideth there and is very Honourably Entertained with frequent Expressions of far greater Civilities than could be expected The Three Years Truce determined in the Year 1384. Archibald Dowglass Earl of Galloway Accompanied with James Earl Dowglass George Earl of Merse or Marches besieges Maban Castle and after Nine Days Siege in the Cold of Winter the Castle is delivered the Earl of Dunbar likewise surpriseth a great Booty nigh Piggin which he conveyed to be secured in Roxborrow then in the hands of the English King Richard having Notice of the Scottish Stirs
done a Promise is made to assure him of Pardon Earl Dowglas passeth over into England craveth Assistance of Henry Earl of Northumberland which was no sooner asked than obtained Forces are raised and under the Conduct of the two Earls they make an Incursion into the Meuse in Scotland wasting and pillaging all the Earl of Angus is sent to give some Check to the violent Current which was done to good purpose being soundly beaten they are forced to retreat leaving their Spoil behind them King James not satisfied with this Victory resolveth to revenge the manifold Incursions made into Scotland by an Expedition into England provoked the more by the Entertainment and Assistance given to the Earl Dowglas a Proclaimed Traitor In the mean while Agents are sent to him by some of the English Nobility the Duke of York the Earls of Salisbury and Warwick and others then in Arms against King Henry to crave some Auxiliary Forces from his Majesty in recompence whereof they promise in case of Success the Rendition of all the Scottish Towns Forts and Castles in the English Possession King James though unwilling to meddle in this Quarrel yet being glad of an Opportunity to regain his Towns and having formerly concluded a War for reparation of Wrongs done declareth to the English Commissioners that he would hasten his Expedition into England which he doubted not would be much to the advantage of the Lords in Arms and therefore expected that in case of Success the Proposition now made touching his Towns should then be performed The English Commissioners return satisfied the Scottish Army forthwith advanceth which had not marched many Miles when behold an Impostor and with him a Cozening Monk presenteth himself to the King pretending himself to be the Pope's Legate but sent indeed by King Henry of England This Jugler informeth his Majesty that his Holiness intended to settle if possible a general Peace in Christendom in order to a War against the Turk the Enemy of Christians and therefore in his Holiness his Name he requireth his Majesty to retreat assuring him that in case of Disobedience he had Command given to him to denounce the Pope's Curse against him which in those days was so Dreadful that no Man durst be so desperate as to incur the danger thereof King James therefore obeycth retreateth and Disbandeth his Army This Cheat is soon discovered the King enraged recalleth his Army and forthwith advanceth and in his way Stormeth the Town of Roxburgh then Garrison'd by the English the Castle refusing to yield is closely Besieged in the interim Messengers come from the English Lords to give notice to his Majesty of King Henry his Overthrow and return him thanks for his Royal care of their Safety intreating him to desist from the Siege lest the English being provoked thereby send down an Army contrary to their minds against him King James much moved at this last Passage demandeth of the Messengers what Instructions they had from their Lords concerning the Promise of Surrendering into his hands all his Towns Forts and Castles in the English power they acknowledge none The King bids them tell their Lords That not their Words but their Swords must raise him from the Siege The Siege continueth and is reinforced by additional Forces under Earl Hantkey and Donald Lord of the Isles who to ingratiate himself the more to his Majesty tendereth himself and his Forces as a Forlorn Hope in what Design or Service soever it shall please his Majesty to command him In the midst of all this Preparation behold the Fatal hour approacheth the King being himself very skilful in discharging of great Ordnance draweth nigh to see the Cannoneer discharge a great Cannon called the Lion newly sent to him from beyond Sea the Cannon discharged flyeth in pieces a Wedge whereof pierceth the King's body and immediately he dyeth Such of his Courtiers and Commanders as were by though astonished at this sad Spectacle yet are so present in mind as to cover his Body from the view of the Souldiers lest all should turn to Confusion The Queen who that very morning came into the Camp with a chearful Countenance wisely consealing the great grief of her heart exhorteth the Nobility to go on with Resolution notwithstanding that sad disaster and for their further encouragement produceth her young Son the Prince a Child of seven Years old they salute him King and being much animated by this couragious Deportment of the Queen the Siege goeth on more furiously than before The English within spent with much labout and continual watchings Sound a Parley obtain Articles of Surrender march out honourably with freedom to Transport into England whatsoever belonged to the Garrison the Castle Surrendered is forthwith Demolished Thus Dyed James the Second about the 11th of September 1460 in the 22th Year of his Reign and the 29th of his Age he lived in a most desperate time and Rebellious Age but disposed with such a well composed Mind that Prosperity and Adversity were equally entertained by him the Death of Earl Dowglas the only instance of his Impotency a Man of singular Courage and no less Clemency munificent to his Friend and merciful to his Foe In a sad time he fell leaving Sorrow enough behind him and a sad People for so great a loss THE LIFE OF JAMES III. JAMES the Third entereth his Reign at Kelso the 7th Year of his Age Anno 1460. The Peers having done the Homage the King repaireth to Edenburgh-Castle to remain there under the Tuition of the Queen until a Parliament could conveniently be called for setling the Affairs of the King and Kingdom In the mean while King Henry the Sixth of England after various Fortune of War is at last after the fatal Blow he received at Towton nigh Ferrybridges where died 35091 English forced to fly with the Queen and Prince into Scotland for Relief where he is Honourably received and entertained the Scottish King's Sister Margaret is given in Marriage to his Son Prince Edward Some considerable Forces are raised for his Assistance to recover his Crown having delivered Berwick to King James as part or his Antient Inheritance before the days of King Edward the First King Henry marcheth with his Army into England and is overthrown in Battel by Edward the 4th nigh Hexham escapeth to Berwick Edward returneth to London Queen Margaret procures some Forces from France all Cast away in the Holy Island by distress of Weather such as escaped the Sea are either Slain or Imprisoned King Henry now desperate of Relief resolveth to try the Affections of his Friends in England and to that end putteth himself into a Disguise and coming Southward is discovered apprehended carried to London and laid up in the Tower By this time the Scots are at leisure to meet in Parliament great Contention there was into whose hands the Government should be committed during the King's Minority the Queen claimeth it Kennedie Arch-bishop of St. Andrews and George
Inricheth many and admitteth others into his most Secret Counsels But all this cannot serve his turn their Guilt they thought was greater than could be forgiven this Gangreen'd in their thoughts every day so deadly an enemy is Guilt and Fear being always companions and come to that height that the King's Life and their Safety cannot consist his Ruine is therefore contrived and resolved on the want of a Popular Leader is a main Rub in their way The Prince himself is thought the fittest to countenance this horrid Design His Keepers are corrupted The young and unwary Prince seduced and to their Proposition he must yeild otherwise they deal plainly with him to tell him that he and the Regal Power both must be delivered into the Hands of King Henry of England Thus the young Prince is frighted from all Duty and Loyalty to his Dearest Father to countenance as Commander in chief a most Traiterous Combination of perverse and seditious Men An Army is forthwith raised in pursuance of their Design The King prepareth for Defence useth all honourable means for Peace and by mediation of the Earl of Athol his Uncle soliciteth for it the Rebels return an Answer telling him That unless he resign his Crown to his Son and depart the Kingdom there could be no Peace This Answer the King dispatcheth to his Ambasladors in France and England requiring them to request the Assistance of both King 's in this common cause wherein all Kings are concerned who accordingly send their Ambassadors to the Scots declaring their proceedings against their King to be Wicked and Pernicious and not to be endured by Christian Princes so much concerned in such a dangerous Example The Pope is likewise sent to to interpose his Ghostly and Paternal Power who accordingly sendeth to his Legate Adrian de Castello an Italian the great Restorer of the Latine Tongue then in England forthwith to apply himself to Compose the Scottish troubles but all in vain as being too late the Rebels Army presseth towards the King's Incamped by Blackness and to make all sure they Assail him as well by Fraud as Force Some of his Council about him are corrupted so are likewise some of his Commanders in Martial Affairs especially the Governor of Sterlin the Key of the Kingdom the corrupt Council about him with fair pretences perswade him to appear on the head of his Army and to forsake the Castle of Edenburgh where he resolved to secure himself until he heard the result of Foreign Counsels assuring him that Sterlin then in the Rere of his Army and in the hands of Faithful Men was a place of no less security for his Person than was Edenburgh Castle and of far greater advantage to receive Recruits and all other accommodations for his Army having the benefit of the Countrey behind him and his Navy not far from him This Counsel was so fair and promising that even such as were faithful to him perswade him to it and according to this advice the King repaireth to Sterlin the Governor Sey perceiving the Rebels Army pressing after the King 's Traiterously refuseth Entrance to him The poor King is now in a Pound and with his small Army is forced to Fight his Majesty behaveth himself very gallantly and routeth the Van of his Enemies but their Reserve regains all the King's Army is overthrown himself dismounted and wounded privately flyeth into a Mill hoping to get into his Navy but the fatal hour approacheth some of the Rebels discovering him pursue after him and impiously Murther him and all the faithful remnant of his Servants about him Thus died King James the Third a good and peaceable Man every way well disposed but plagued by the Ambition of restless and unquiet Spirits who Traiterously sought and wrought his Ruine The Battel over and no news of the King the Rebels supposing that he had gained his Navy send to Sir Andrew Wood chief Captain of the Ships Seton and Fleming being left Hostages in the Navy Sir Andrew appeareth before the Chief of them called the Prince his Council being demanded whether his Majesty was aboard the Navy and what those Boats were that passed to and fro before and after the Battel Stoutly replyed that his Majesty was not aboard for which he was the more sorrowful and as to the Boats they transported himself and other faithful Subjects to the King's assistance conformable to the duty of their Allegeance whom alone they were resolved to serve were he alive to be benefited by their service but now being Slain in Battel by some barbarous Rebels they resolved to avenge his Death to the last drop of their Blood having sufficiently declaimed against the wickedness of that horrid Rebellion and all engaged in it he is remitted safely to his Navy by reason of the Hostages given in pledge for him The Rebels retreat to Edenburgh where notice is given to them of the King's death the news whereof pierces the heart and soul of the young Prince now when too late sensible of his Error and sadly resenting his great unhappiness and above that his deadly sin in being accessary to the misfortune of his dearest Father causeth a stately Funeral to be solemnized for him at Kammiskeneth an Abby nigh Sterlin where his Corps were Interred and for himself he prepared an Iron Chain with which he begirt himself wearing it all the days of his Life about his middle close to his Skin in testimony of the deep sense he had of his sin adding yearly one Ring thereunto not so much to enlarge it as to remember the sad occasion of it THE LIFE OF JAMES IV. JAMES the Third thus unhappily fallen under the hands of merciless Men his Son James Succeedeth and entreth his Reign Anno 1488 who sorrowful enough if in such a case any sorrow can be enough for his Father's Fall which could not be recovered laboureth to compose all Differences and to reunite the two grand Factions in order to a peaceable Reign to which end having the Castles of Edenburgh and Sterlin Surrendered to him a Messenger is sent to Sir Andrew Wood Captain of the Ships to call him to attend his Majesty's pleasure the publick Faith being pledged for his safety the Captain repaireth to Court the King with inexpressible sorrow and immoderate grief regretting what was past and representing the present dangers of the State by the unhappy Divisions of the Kingdom he prevaileth with the Captain to submit to him and to take Commission from him to reduce five English Ships roving and robbing all along the Coast which with small loss and trouble he performed assisted only with two Ships the English Ships are brought from Dunbar where the Conflict was to Leith and their Captain presented to King James who munificently rewarded Sir Andrew for this gallant piece of Service In the mean while the Nobility who were Loyal to the late King send their Messengers to their Friends adjuring all such as had any sense of their present
oppressions not to be so stupid as to endure the Usurped Power of those Men who breaking through all the Laws of God and Man Murthered the last King detaining upon the matter this present King under the bondage of their own Wills which tyranny was so much the rather not to be endured because they arrogated to themselves to be called the Restorers and Preservers of the Scottish Liberties when indeed they exercised a most cruel and unsupportable Tyranny keeping their fellow Subjects in Slavery and abusing the King's Authority to the final destruction of all those who were faithful to his Father and to inflame the affections of the People the more Alexander Forbese chief of that Family carrieth on the point of a Spear through Aberdeen and all the cheif Towns and Cities in the North the King's Shirt torn in divers pieces and all bloody by the Wounds his Majesty received inviting all Men who had any sense of Humanity or Religion to avenge that horrid Murther the Earl of Lennox bestirring himself on this side Forth to the same purpose an Army in this Popular fury rolleth together as in a moment marcheth to Sterlin where finding the Bridge Fortified resolve to Foard over some Miles above where they that night Encamped without Order or Watch or any persons designed for the exercise of Military Discipline This looseness is bewrayed to the Enemy who advanceth Surpriseth all Killeth many and Imprisoneth more some of whom were afterwards put to death Thus was this tumultuary Army as suddenly ruined as raised This Tumult over King Henry of England inraged at the disaster of his five Ships and looking upon it as a publick dishonour propoundeth great Rewards to all such as would undertake to bring to him Wood the Scotch Captain dead or alive Sir Stephen Bull undertaketh the Service and with three choice Ships of the English Navy setteth Sail casts Anchor at the May where he attends Captain Wood then returning from Holland in few days Wood appeareth the Ships draw up and give Fire Fighting bitterly all that day next day morning the Conflict is renewed they Grapple and fasten by Iron Hooks their Ships one to another fighting with that eagerness that none of them perceiving the motion of the Tide all are carried over to the Mouth of Tay where the Water being shallow and the English Ships great and in danger of the Sands the English are forced to yield the Ships are brought to Dundee 10. August 1490. Sir Stephen Bull and other the most eminent Officers and Gentlemen are brought to King James by whom they were Nobly entertained after much commendation of their Valour he grants them their Liberty desiring them to return with their Ships with a tender of his Royal Respects to their Master King Henry King Henry much pleased returneth thanks to King James declaring the great Esteem and honourable Respect he bare to him for his Royal and extraordinary Munificence By this time a Parliament is called in Edenburgh where his Majesty endeavoured by all possible means a Composure of the grand Divisions of the Kingdom some Laws are enacted for preservation of the Peace and the late unhappy Battel nigh Sterlin where the King was Slain is so hudled up that the business of that Day should never after be remembred to the Prejudice of either Parties a very strange Close considering that this Convention was composed most of such as opposed the former King The moderation and discretion of the young King not yet arrived at the Fifteenth Year of his Age was such that a Concord is made up far above all means hope or expectation every man had a dutiful regard to so hopeful a Prince Being thus setled the reflections of his Grace appear daily more evidently towards his Fathers Friends two of his own Cousins Daughters to his Aunt Mary he bestows in Marriage to two Eminent Men amongst them the one Daughter to the Lord Boyd to the Lord Forbese the other Daughter to Earl Hamilton to Mathew Earl of Lennox And to Manifest the deep sense he had of his Father's Fall he begirt himself with an Iron Chain as I have mentioned before which galled the hearts of the Rebellious Faction his pretended Friends more than it did his own Flesh though it made impressions therein deep enough insomuch that Fear more than Love restrained them from breaking out against him About this time a strange Monster was born in Scotland a Male Child which from the Navel downward differed nothing from the common form of other Men but from the Navel upward there were two distinct Truncks of the Body with Head Arms and all other Members as to two several individual Persons the Faces were one towards another what the one did was by the advice and consent of the other and if either transgress'd this Rule Strife arose between them and peradventure Blows oftentimes Scratching Nipping and Pricking one another if they received a Punch or Blow below the Navel both were sensible but if above where their Members were distinct only he was sensible whose parts were touched This Monster King James carefully educated and caused them to be instituted in the knowledg of Letters wherein they marvellously profited especially in the knowledge of diverse Tongues they were most exquisite in Musick and both admired for the sweetness of their voices they lived some twenty eight years the one died before the other some three or four Months by the smell of the defunct body the survivor was much annoyed and daily languished until the hour of his death And about the same time too a Monstrous Cheat came into Scotland and much cherished by the King too Peter Werbeck who pretending himself to be Son to King Edward the Fourth of England happily escaped from the cruel Claws of his Uncle Richard had admittance to King James his presence who behaved himself with a behaviour so beseeming his condition and in a most elocuent Oration did so pathetically deliver himself touching the distress of his Family and his own marvellous preservation that the King and most of his Council though not without the reluctancy of some of the wiser took compassion of him and resenting his condition as the common interest of all Princes with incredible in consideration promise him assistance towards the regaining of his just Rights provoked the rather as was pretended to satisfie such as opposed Peter's design by the breach of Truce made by the English Ships whilst Scotland was gasping under the confusion of a Civil War indeed the late horrid Rebellion in which James the Third perished Peter is highly honoured and exposed to the People by the Title of the Duke of York a most vertuous and beautiful Lady Katherine Daughter to Earl Huntley one of the chief Peers of that Nation is given to him in Marriage an Army is likewise levied and marcheth into England passeth quietly through Northumberland no adverse Army appearing nay nor any one Man coming in to own Peter the pretended
Prince King James admiring that no man would own him persuading himself that it was not only Love to their own rest and quiet but likewise dislike of his Claim and Title returneth home with his Army and Winter drawing on Disbandeth it This sudden change smites Peter's Soul with sorrow but such was his cunning that he pretends to be well pleased devoutly professing rather never to come to his Crown than to make his way through the blood of his People King Henry hearing of the Scots return resolveth for all that to avenge himself to which end he commandeth a powerful Army to be raised under the Conduct of the Lord Dawbeny The Spring drawing on and the Army ready to March a Rebellion breaketh out in Cornwall and diverteth all King Henry is forced to wave his Northern Expedition and to apply his Forces to Suppress the Western Insurrection The Scots hearing of an Army prepared against them forthwith roll together some considerable Forces and with an Army of some Thousands of Horse and Foot advance to the Borders of England but such was the Wisdom of Richard Fox Bishop of Durham and the Vigilance of the Earl of Surrey that the Scots soon return no great harm done the English follow soon after them take and demolish the Laird of Aton his House fome four Miles from Berwick and forthwith retreat King Henry sendeth the Spanish Ambassador Peter Hialus then lying at London to treat of a Marriage between a Daughter of Spain and Arthur Son to King Henry to Scotland to use his best endeavours to compose the Differences between the two Kingdoms King James yieldeth such a willing and ready ear to the Ambassador that he forthwith sendeth to King Henry to desire some English Commissioners to be sent down to expedite the Treaty so fairly begun the King commandeth the Bishop of Durham to joyn with the Ambassador the Commissioners on both sides meet at Jedburgh The English press the delivering of Werbeck to their King's Justice the Scots desire to be excused their Publick Faith being engaged for his Safety which in no case must be violated This blasts all hopes of Peace yet such was the Wisdom of the Commissioners that a Truce for some few Months was agreed on The Treaty dissolved King James fairly dismisseth his chargeable Guest Werbeck with a very plentiful Viaticum Werbeck Landeth in Ireland thence Wafteth himself over into England and joyneth with the Remnants of the Cornish Rebels is at last carch'd confesseth the whole Cheat and is Hanged his Wife is by all much pitied and honourably entertained by King Henry from whom she received such a liberal Pention as honourably maintained her all her Life New Stirs fall out between the Borders by reason of some Wrongs done by the English Garison at Norham King James complaineth and required satisfaction of King Henry who very fairly promised it to which end the Bishop of Durham is sent into Scotland who by his wisdom very speedily composeth all things At their Conferences which was at Melcoss King James makes known to the Bishop the earnest desire he had to have Margaret eldest Daughter to King Henry given him in Marriage as a Pledge to assure a mutual Peace between the two Kingdoms and craveth the Bishop's assistance in so good a work The Bishop cherishes his desires and chearfully promiseth his assistance To which purpose he presently posteth to London and acquainteth his Majesty of England with the desires of the Scotch King King Henry is well pleased with the proposition whereof the Bishop gives speedy notice to King James The Arch-Bishop of Glascow and the Earl Bothwell are dispatched Ambassadors to demand the Lady in Marriage to their King the Marriage is concluded in a very short time the Espousals published at Paul's Cross the Earl Bothwell Espoused her in the Name of King James Next summer the Lady is sent into Scotland attended by the Earls of Surrey and Northumberland King James received her attended by the cheif of his Nobility at St. Lambert's Church in Lamermoore in Scotland and the Year following Solemnly Married her at Edenburgh for some Years following enjoying a sweet calm of Peace they lived very happily The King buildeth divers fair Edifices as his Castle at Sterlin which if he had lived to finish it in proportion to its beginning had been a most stupendious work his Pallace at Falkeland and some others and divers Ships likewise he commanded to be built such and so great as in those days no Christian King had but amidst all this prosperity and joy the Iron Chain pincheth him and his Father 's untimely Death to which he ever thought himself accessary because by his Presence he countenanced and strengthned those Cruel hands which impiously Murdered him lyeth heavy upon his Spirit In this anguish of Spirit he resolveth according to the Superstition of those Days to Travel to Jerusalem there to Mourn away some part of his time and to do such Acts of Penance as might expiate his Crimes his Navy is prepared his Attendants appointed neighbouring Princes acquainted with his design for his more safe and free passage in the mean while Wars break out between Spain and France and by the earnest entreaty of the Spaniard the English King sends over an Army to Invade the Kingdom of France many other Princes likewise combine against the French King James perceiving such extraordinary stirs and not knowing what might be the issue of them is perswaded by his Council to lay aside his Journey for a season The French King in this strait earnestly solicites him according to their Ancient League to make a diversive War against England the Scottish Clergy put him on what may be but all in vain he resolves not to stir having indeed no just nor honourable Quarrel only with much ado he was at last wrought on to grant the sending out of his Navy for the guard of the French Seas which proved the ruine of those gallant Ships before mentioned James Hamilton Earl of Aran is sent Admiral in this Naval Expedition who willingly it should seem mistaking his way arriveth at Knock-Forgus in Ireland pillageth and burneth the Town and as if he had performed a gallant and acceptable piece of Service returneth to Aire in Scotland King James advertised of this exploit and of his return is highly inraged gives Commission to Arehibald Earl of Dowglas to take Command of the Navy and Summons Hamilton to answer for the unsufferable wrong done to his Friend and Ally who having notice of the King's wrath setteth Sail and arriveth in France disposing of his Tackling and all his War-like Instruments as seemed good to himself he layeth up his Navy in Brest where it consumed to nothing The restless Borderers soon weary of Peace fall to their old trade of Depredation mutual Inroads are made and mischief enough done on both sides and at this time two Scottish Merchants Ships are unhappily taken by the English Admiral The Scottish King is
much discontented which the French Ambassador Lamote layeth hold on as the fittest opportunity to work him into a War against the English his pernitious perswasions seconded with the daily solicitations of the Scottish Clergy especially Foreman Bishop of Murray his Ambassador then in France prevail too much and overcome him at last to denounce by his Herald War against King Henry then in France who answered the Herald with expressions of the greatest disdain that could be Arms are raised on both sides the Scots under the Command of their King the English under the Conduct of the Earl of Surrey Both Armies advance and at last joyn Battel at Flodden in Northumberland the Battel is exceedingly furious and continueth some hours within Night the darkness whereof commandeth at last a Cessation of Arms No man knowing on whose side the Victory lay each Army thinking it self worsted The Earl of Hume who traiterously refused to joyn in Battel with his Brigade enricheth himself with the Spoil of the Field and departeth by break of day at which instant the Lord Dacres came into Field and finding the Scotch Carriages without Guard and the Camp not wholly Pillaged dispatcheth a Messenger to the Earl of Surrey forthwith to Rally and to return which was with marvellous Expedition performed no Enemy appearing and now the Day being up the English Celebrate the Victory with great Joy This Overthrow is reckoned by the Scots the greatest that ever befel them not so much for the Number as the Quality of the Slain many of the Nobility and Gentry besides Five thousand common Souldiers were killed on the place King James himself never after appeared what to determine of him I know not the English contend that he was killed in the Battel his Body found and exposed to publick View the Scots assert that the Corps so exposed were the Relicts of Sir Alexander Elphinston in Habit Stature and Figure resembling their King as some others did that day the better to encourage the Army Some contend that he escaped into Scotland after the Battel and was traiterously Murdered by the Retainers of the Earl of Hume nigh Kelso to avoid his wrath for their Treachery on the day of Battel and some there are who are bold enough to assert that the King perceiving the huge Slaughter of the Nobility and Gentry privately withdrew himself and in an obscure habit travelled as a Pilgrim to Jerusalem to make good his former Vow where he spent the remnant of his days in Sorrow however it was certain it is That after the Battel he never appeared to the World A Prince of a most comely Person and of that moderation and temper that no provocation could force from him any the least intemperate word and yet a man of an undaunted and indeed too resolute a Spirit very much inclined to Mercy never executing Penal Justice without grief and sorrow of Heart I leave him with that Epitaph he had bestowed upon him for his wanting of a Tomb. Fama orbem replet mortem sors occulit at tu Desine scrutari quod tegit ossa solum Si mihi dent animo non impar fata sepulchrum Augusta est tumulo terra Britanna meo THE LIFE OF JAMES V. JAMES the Fourth thus lost his Son James a Child of two years of Age is Proclaimed King the Queen his Mother conformable to the last Will of the King published before his last Expedition towards England in which it was provided that the Queen should have the Supreme Power during the time of her Widowhood and the King his Minority hath the Supreme Government committed to her and as a tender Mother writeth with all earnestness to her Brother King Henry the Eighth of England imploring his Royal and Fraternal favour particularly that he would be pleased out of his tender regard to her and her young Son to abstain from War against the Scots King Henry very nobly returneth Answer that the Scots should be choosers of War or Peace this gladded the heart of the Scottish Queen who assuredly by her discreet Government had proved a Nursing Mother to that Nation but that within one year she was pleased to Marry herself to Archibald Dowglas Earl of Angus by which Marriage her Government determined and immediately Divisions break out amongst the Nobility touching the choice of a Vice-Roy The Dowglasses wholly for the Queen the Earl of Hume a Person then of great Power and Authority opposeth her contending for a free Choice to be made of one of the Nobility after much Debate it was at last concluded that the Duke of Albany John Son to Robert Brother to James the Third should be declared Vice-Roy which being done Letters are dispatched to him then an Exile in France The Duke accepteth the Honour and Charge and arriveth at Dunbarton about the 8th of May 1515 forthwith in Parliament is the Duke restored to his Patrimony and declared Vice-Roy The Vice-Roy beginneth his Government in a Progress all the Kingdom over endeavouring to establish Peace among all The Earl of Hume the great Instrument of the Vice-Roy his advancement finding himself much neglected repenteth him of his Service done to him and tenders the same to the Queen whom he formerly opposed suggesting to her the danger of the young King now in the hands of such a Vice-Roy whose Father for his traiterous Conspiring against the King and his ambitious aspiring the Crown was Exiled to his dying day the present Vice-Roy his Son born and brought up likewise in Exile appearing a man of no less Ambition than his Father the young King the only Rub in his way to the Crown must needs therefore be in great danger if some extraordinary Expedient be not found out for his Safety and in order hereunto he adviseth her to withdraw herself and her Son into England under the Protection of her Brother who so largely the other day declared his Royal affection and favour towards her All is soon and secretly bewrayed to the Vice-Roy who immediately surpriseth the King and his Mother the Queen in the Castle of Sterlin The Queen and all Dowglas his Faction are removed from the King the Tuition of whom he commits to the care of three Noble Men besides the Lord Areskin Governour of the Castle The Lord Hume and his Brother withdrew to England the Queen and the Earl of Angus her Husband soon follow after the Vice-Roy sendeth his Agents after them and complaineth of their Causeless departure All of them are by their Friends perswaded to return the Queen only being heavy with Child is advised to stay where soon after she was brought to Bed of a Daughter Named Margaret The Earl of Hume Summoned to appear before the Vice-Roy in a publick Convention is Condemned and his Estate confiscate because of non-appearance Ten thousand Horse and Foot are raised to reduce him which the Earl perceiving he casteth himself upon the Faith and Favour of the Vice-Roy by whose command Hume is committed to the
Custody of James Hammilton Earl of Aran engaging the Earl under pain of Treason for his Security Hume glad of so favourable a Keeper perswades Hammilton to withdraw with him and to take upon himself the Supreme Government as being equal in Propinquity of Blood to the King though by a Sister with the Vice-Roy himself Hammilton hearkneth to him the Earl of Lennox Hammilton his Nephew joyneth with them after a few Stirs they return next Spring to Court are pardoned and reconciled The Vice-Roy retireth to Faulkland and after some Months returneth to Edenburgh and thither inviteth Hume and his Brother who contrary to the advice of all his Friends obeyeth A Convention of his Peers is called Hume and his Brother without objection of any Crime not formerly pardoned are Condemned and Beheaded at Edenburgh their Heads likewise set up in the two most publick places of the City The Vice-Roy next Winter passeth over into France leaving his Charge in the hands of Angus Aran and Arguile the Arch-Bishops of St. Andrews and Glascow to whom he adjoyned Darsie Governour of Dunbar a Frenchman assigning to each of them his Province soon after Darsie is killed by the Humes having as they conceived a chief influence in the Death of the late Earl this Murther much troubled the rest intrusted with the publick Affairs a Messenger is dispatched to the Vice-Roy to desire his return After five Years absence and much Confusion all the Kingdom over by the Feuds especially of Dowglas and Hammilton the Vice-Roy returneth October 28th 1521 Dowglas is Banished to France an Army is raised to divert the English then Warring in France and marcheth towards the Borders of England the Nobility refuse to March out of Scotland the Vice-Roy much perplexed sendeth to the Lord Dacres Governour of the English Borders and desireth a Conference with him Dacres the publick Faith being ingaged for his Safety cometh into the Scots Camp and after some Debate a Truce for some Years is concluded The Vice-Roy goeth again to France King Henry notwithstanding of the Lord Dacres his Truce sendeth an Army into Scotland under the Conduct of Thomas Howard Earl of Surrey after some waste done in Merse and Tividale the Earl retreats for revenge whereof the Scotch Borderers make Inroads into England which provoketh the Earl to return into Scotland to set on Fire the Town of Jedburgh which done he retreats the second time without sight of an Enemy The Queen Mother now returned from England endeavours a Peace between the two Nations King Henry with a design to break off the Ancient League between the Scots and the French tendereth a fair proposition of Marriage of his Daughter Mary to James the King of Scots Some heartily embrace his Motion pleading for a solemn League and Covenant with England declaring the great Benefits which should redound from such an Union to both Nations some again strangely oppose it pretending that the League with France of the benefits whereof they have had so long experience could neither in Policy nor Honesty be Violated as for a Covenant with England though it be possible that some good may come of it Yet knowing that as Covenants ratified by solemn Oaths with hands lifted up to God are amongst good Men the strongest of all Obligations so by some others they are only made use on as Snares to entrap and Engines to catch the Credulous to their destruction which done then are Covenants laid aside as Almanacks out of date Therefore said they Let us not be so fond as to relinquish our experienced God for that which is in Hope only and may possibly ay and probably too deceive us By this time the Vice-Roy landeth in the West with Three thousand Foot and an Hundred Curasiers at Glascow divers new levied Forces Rendezvouz with them the Vice-Roy cometh himself to Edenburgh calleth a Council of the Nobility commendeth their Fidelity and Stability to the French assureth them of the reciprocal affection and constancy of the French to them and their Nation and in fine with all earnestness he inciteth them to an Expedition against England This last motion takes not well the Nobility attending him only to the English Borders protest against an Invasion the Vice-Roy is forced to abate of his vigour against England yet the French must be sent to try their valour against Wark Castle where being soundly banged they return with hast enough to the Scotch quarters King Henry vigilant enough towards his affairs raiseth an Army of Forty Thousand Horse and Foot marcheth towards Scotland the Scots retreat to Lawder a bitter Winter comes on huge storms of Snow fall all action intercepted and both Armies Disbanded Next Spring the Vice-Roy passeth again over into France the Queen the Earls of Aran Lennox Crafurd and some others take the opportunity of his absence and accompany the young King not yet come to Age to Holyrude House where a Council of the Peers being called by their advice the King takes the Government upon him the Nobility swear Fealty to him and all Officers of State receive new Commissions from him The Earl of Angus hearing of this Mutation returneth from France Lennox and Arguile neglected in the publick Administration receive him with much joy in hope of some Mutation of Affairs to the Queen now estranged from him in her affection his return is no way pleasing much less to Hammilton who then ruled all his deadly enemy the Devil of Division begins now to Reign the Queen and Hammilton abide at Edenburgh Castle as a place of greatest Safety the Discontented Faction assembleth at Glasow advanceth towards Edenburgh the Castle unprovided of all things needful for a Siege yieldeth it self they within have liberty to march whither they please the King only reserved and committed to the tuition of Angus Arguile and Lennox who were by course to attend him every man his four Months Angus Monopolizeth all Power into his own hands this produceth Envy and Emulation Arguile withdraweth refusing to meddle Lennox continueth at Court but medleth not neither both shew their dislike of Angus his Usurpation A design is forthwith set on foot by the King 's own desire to Rescue him out of the hands of the Dowglasses The Scots a powerful Family in the South attempt it to that end they appear at Melrose with some Forces a bitter Conflict falls out between them and Dowglas the King himself and Lennox Spectators of the Fight Dowglas had the Day the chief and most of the Scots killed on the place July 20. 1526. Dowglas perceiving now plainly that Lennox was his enemy by his indifferency in this Conflict thought it high time to reconcile himself to the Hammiltons the Agreement is made Hammilton shares with him in the Government Lennox repaireth to Sterlin sends to divers of the Nobility consulteth with them touching the Rescue of the King all resolve and unanimously Assistance is promised accordingly against a day appointed before the day comes Lennox thought it
necessary if possible to prevent the Conjunction of Dowglas and Hammilton to that end he advanceth to Linlithquo where the Hammiltons were drawn together Dowglas then at Edenburgh marcheth with all possible expedition bringing along with him to countenance his affairs the person of the King who all along retardeth the journey accounting Lennox more his Friend than those with him pretending indisposition of Body ever and anon dismounteth making shew to pay some necessary office to Nature Dowglas frets and in vain spending many entreaties for expedition at length George Dowglas Brother to the Earl is so peremptory with him as in most Rebellious terms to tell him That rather than their Enemies should get possession of his Person they would rend him in pieces and divide him in halves between them This Traiterous word made an indelible impression on the heart of the King though at present silence was his best and only return At last the Armies joyn Lennox and his Patty are put to the rout many slain the Earl himself killed bewailed of all Hammilton and Dowglas both mourn for him above all the King is afflicted the remnant of his Party with sorrow and grief enough submit and are all forced to compound for their Treasons as was pretended in bearing Arms against the King the Earl of Cassils refusing to submit was way-laid and killed by one Hugh Campbell Lennox his Death divulged maketh a very deep impression in the hearts of most men especially his own Retainers one of his Servants resolveth with himself to avenge his Lord's death on the Person of the Bastard Hammilton by whom Lennox was killed To that end he repairs to Edenburgh and on his way meeting with one of his Fellow-servants he asked him saying Didst thou see Hammilton the Bastard Yea said he I saw him and hast thou not killed him unthankful Wretch who murthered our Dear Lord and Master said the Fellow Go and be hang'd thou art not worthy to live and with these words he pass'd on in his way and came streight to Holyrude House where in the Pallace-Yard stood Two thousand Armed men all Retainers to Dowglas and Hammilton there the Fellow walks full of Revenge and waiting the opportunity to execute the desire of his heart Hammilton unawares comes in his way without Arms the Fellow falls upon him in the Penthouse under the Porters-Lodge and wounds him in six several places of his Body the Armed men are all presently in confusion and well nigh in one anothers blood The Hammiltons suspecting this bold attempt to be done by the Dowglasses newly only reconciled to them to avenge some old Quarrels The Fellow is at last apprehended who had opportunity fair enough had he attempted it to escape with his Sword in his hand still smoaking with Hammilton's blood he is forthwith hurried to Tolbnith boldly professing that what he did was to revenge the death of his Dear Lord declaring with inexpressible confidence that he was sorry for nothing but that he was disappointed of his design so bravely begun by him he is put to Torture for the discovery of such as animated him to that bold attempt his Flesh is seared with burning Irons which he endured with such courage and resolution as no man could spy either by his words or by his countenance or otherwise any the least sense of pain in him at last his Right Hand was cut off which he endured without shrinking calling out to such as stood by That unhappy Hand well deserved this punishment which executed not the design of a Resolute mind The Dowglasses think themselves now secure enough no man daring to oppose them in any thing But in the midst of their security the King makes an escape from Faulkland to Sterlin there the Nobility from most parts of the Kingdom fly to him by whose advice his Majesty issueth out an Edict inhibiting the Dowglasses any further medling in publick Affairs discharging them or any of their retainers under pain of Death to come within Twelve Miles of the Court this Edict being served on the Earl in his Journey towards Sterlin he retreats to Edenburgh and prepareth Forces for his defence A Proclamation issueth from the King to call a Parliament to Assemble November the 3d. in the interim his Army advanceth towards the City Dowlas withdraws The King peaceably entreth the City Terms of Peace are offered to the Dowlasses viz. That the Earl himself should confine himself on the North of Tay his Brother George and his Vncle Archibald to the Castle of Edenburgh The Conditions are refused they are Summoned to appear before the Parliament they disobey the Earl himself his Brother George his Uncle Archibald and his dear Friend Alexander Drumond of Carnock all by sentence of Parliament Banished all People charged under pain of Treason not to relieve them the Dowlasses break out into open Violence Arguile is sent to reduce them to order whose advance they prevented by flight into England The King spendeth some time with great care and charge in suppressing the Depredations then very great on the Borders which Expedition over he establisheth the Court of Sessions formerly indeed set on foot by the Vice-Roy the Duke of Albany Constituted of Fifteen Judges of the most learned of the Law impowred to hear and determine all Civil Causes a very grave Court continuing in great Honour and deserved Respect in that Nation to this day About this time King Henry of England prepareth for War against the Scots irritated thereunto by the Scotch Exiles and Refuges in England King James having Constituted the Earl of Murray his Vice-Roy prepareth for Defence by Mediation of the French then a common Friend to both Peace is concluded King James sends Ambassadors to France to treat concerning his Marriage to a Daughter of France The King of England to prevent it sends the Bishop of St. Davids and William Hrward Brother to the Duke of Norfolk Ambassadors into Scotland to invite King James to a Personal Conference with himself whereunto he is soon persuaded by the great Promises they made of Marriage to Mary the King 's eldest Daughter if all other things succeeded well in the Treaty The Scotch Council especially the Clergy fearing Innovations in Religion then set on foot by King Henry are much troubled that his Majesty had consented to this Conference they ply him with continual surmises of Ruine to Himself to the State to Religion should this Conference hold the King is over-ruled and observeth not the day appointed but forthwith Saileth into France and is immediately espoused to Magdalen Daughter to Francis King of France the Marriage solemnized on New-years Day 1537 and both arrive in Scotland about the end of May following within six Weeks after the young Queen Dyeth to the inexpressible grief of all the Nobles put on Mourning Apparel not before that time in use in that Kingdom Immediately after David Beton Cardinal and Robert Maxwel are sent to France to demand Mary of the
Family of the Guise Widdow of the late Duke of Longoville in Marriage to King James the Marriage is agreed to the Year following she arriveth in Scotland and the Marriage solemnized at St. Andrews 1538. This Year exemplary Justice was done upon divers Persons of Quality conspiring the Death of the King some the Year following were Burnt some Banished for embracing the Protestant Doctrine Preached in Germany by Luther and others James Hammilton the Bastard accused of High-Treason is sentenced to Death his Head and Quarters affixed to publick places in Edenburgh the King soon after thought in his Dream that Hammilton cut off first his right and then his left Arm threatning withal to appear again to take his own Life the King awaking is very much troubled with thoughts of this Dream and revolving with himself what might be the meaning of it a Messenger comes to him with the sad News of the Death of both his Sons at the same time the one at Sterlin the other at St. Andrews King Henry of England sendeth the second time to invite King James to a Conference at York the Scotch Clergy still oppose it and the Conference again refused King Henry in great Indignation against his Nephew for refusal of Conference with him resolveth to talk with him in harder Terms and to that end he raiseth an Army and sendeth it into Scotland and under the Command of the Duke of Norfolk The Scottish Ambassadors in vain intreating a Cessation King James prepares a considerable Army for defence the English enter into Scotland and after some mischief done at the approach of the Scotch Army they retreat the Lord Gordon marcheth before the main body with Ten thousand Men doing much hurt and annoyance to the Rear of the English Army King James with all earnestness presseth an Engagement with the English the Nobility peremptorily oppose him in it the King enraged upbraideth them with Cowardise unworthy to be owned as Sons of their Noble Ancestors vowing that though they should all desert him himself and his own Family alone should give the Enemy Battel The Lord Maxwell to pacify the King tendereth his Service to lead into Cumberland Ten thousand Men thereby to divert the Enemy The King accepteth his Service but being enraged against the whole Nobility he resolves that none of them should have the Honour of any thing done in that Expedition and for the cause giveth a Dormant Commission to Oliver Sinclare Brother to the Lord Roslin Having entred Cumberland and now in view of Five hundred English Horse Sinclare produceth his Commission it is read at the head of the Army Maxwell is thereby inraged the whole Army falleth in Mutiny and in such a confusion that they become a Prey to the Five hundred English Horse divers of the Nobility and the new General Sinclare are sent Prisoners to the Tower of London this dishonourable Disaster which hapned at Solway strikes the Valorous King with such grief and sorrow that he never after joyed but soon after departed this Life having first made Peace with King Henry at whose request he recalled Archibald Earl of Angus Thus dyed King James the Fifth a Prince of singular Endowments most patient of Cold Hunger and Travel sometimes setting on Horseback Twenty Four hours when the necessity of his affairs required it a great Justitiary and a person of singular Foresight and Wisdom THE LIFE OF QUEEN MARY QUeen Mary was the only Child James the Fifth her Father left to Inherit the Crown born to him not above eight days before his death James Hammilton Earl of Aran is therefore chosen Vice-Roy to whom King Henry of England sent his Ambassador Sir Radolph Sadler to procure Peace between the two Kingdoms and to demand Mary in Marriage to his Son by the influence of the late Prisoners in England especially the Exiled Dowglasses whom King Henry had wrought much to his Service by his Royal Favours whose Counsels were now very prevalent in the management of publick affairs both were assented the Contract of Marriage Signed and Pledges promised for better performance of all Conditions agreed upon notwithstanding of the Opposition of the Queen and Cardinal who fearing the Subversion of Popery still established in that Kingdom by this agreement endeavour what they can to cross all Tumults are stirred against the English Ambassador and daily Affronts put upon his Attendants in the Streets the Ambassador complaineth and demandeth the Pledges promised for confirmation of the Agreement lately made exemplary Justice is executed upon the chief movers in the Tumults in answer to this Complaint but the Cardinal by the influence of his power had so obstructed the matter of his demand that not one of the Nobility would yield up himself voluntarily a Pledge to the English and to such a business none could be compelled King Henry hereby provoked seiseth all the Scottish Ships in the English Havens and Harbours and proclaimeth War against the Scots in the mean while the Queen Mother sendeth to France to entreat the French King to send home Matthew Earl of Lennox to strengthen her against the English Faction otherwise Religion and the French League were like to come to nothing Lennox is sent home and forthwith levieth Four Thousand men and with this strong guard cometh to the Queen the Vice-Roy inferior in Power sends Commissions to treat for Peace by agreement the young Queen is committed to the Education of Four Indifferent Noble Men ingaged in neither Faction viz. the Lords Graham Areskin Lindsay and Leviston and accordingly they take charge of her at Sterlin where all the Nobility do Homage to her The Vice-Roy joyneth himself wholly to the Cardinal which Conjunction so inrageth Lennox that immediately he flyeth to Arms raiseth an Army marcheth to Leith and provoketh the Cardinal to Fight the Cardinal keeps himself close in Edenburgh Castle Lennox through want of Provisions is forced to withdraw and to put himself in a posture of Defence in and about Glascow King Henry hearing of these Stirs sends into Scotland to demand the custody of the young Queen until she came to years fit for Marriage The French Faction now prevailing his Demands are refused An Army is therefore forthwith sent into Scotland under the Conduct of the Earl of Hereford and a great Navy of Two hundred Sail under the Command of Viscount Lisle as Admiral The English enter the City of Edenburgh without resistance first they Pillage and then they Fire it and divers other Towns and Villages about it the like fate befel the Town of Leith and forthwith they return to England laden with Spoil The Queen Mother writeth to the French King and layeth all these mischiefs at Lennox his door as the only enemy of their Peace and Union by reason of his private Feud against the Vice-Roy for the death of his Father At her Request Lennox is recalled to France but finding the French King provoked against him he still keeps to his posture of Defence
The Vice-Roy marcheth against him and after some small bickerings Lennox retireth into England and is honourably entertained by King Henry to whom he tenders his Service in opposition to the French Faction then prevailing in Scotland of which his Majesty so well accepted that he gave to him in Marriage his Neice the Lady Margaret Dowglas Daughter to Margaret his own Sister and Wife to James the Fourth by her second Husband the Earl of Angus Lennox and his Friends most of them have their Estates confiscate The English re-enter Scotland Fire Jeeburgh and Kelso waste most of the Countrey thereabout and leaving a Garrison at Coldingham they return home with their Booty The Vice-Roy in the depth of Winter layeth Siege to Coldingham and all on the sudden retireth to Dunbar leaving his Army in which he durst not confide at the Siege by this unexpected desertion the Army falls into Confusion by the wisdom and valour of the Earl of Angus the Cannon and all other things belonging to the Army are safely brought off and carried to Dunbar Next Spring Thomas Duke of Norfolk is sent down with an Army to joyn with that on the Borders with a design to reduce all on this side forth to the Obedience of the English The Vice-Roy by the incouragement of Angus marcheth toward the Borders and at Ancram obtaineth a Victory over the English which Disaster much inraging the English King the Vice-Roy sends to France to crave assistance Three thousand Foot and Five hundred Horse are granted and sent under the Command of Sir James Montgomery by whose assistance the Vice-Roy marcheth in a Plundering Expedition within the English Borders and soon after Disbandeth his Army next Winter Montgommery returneth to France And now some Stirs begin by such as endeavoured some Mutations and Reformation of Religion George Wisheart having fallen away from Popery and embracing the Reformation begun in Germany is apprehended and at a Council of Bishops and some others held at St. Andrews is Condemned as guilty of Heresie The Cardinal sendeth to the Vice-Roy to desire the Law to be executed against him who wisheth the Cardinal not to be too hasty but to forbear a little which distasted the Cardinal not a little at whose command forthwith Execution is done upon him at Saint Andrews the Cardinal beholding the Tragedy from his Windows not without some Pomp which Wisheart perceiving said to the Governour of the Castle standing by him He who now insulteth over me shall in few days be tumbled over the same Window with more disgrace than now he setteth with state At the uttering of which words he is strangled to death and his Body burnt to ashes This fact of the Cardinal and the manner of his proceeding without the Authority of the Vice-Roy gave distast to many at last his Death is contrived and perpetrated by Norman Lisle Son to the Earl of Rothuse whose discontent arose from the refusal of a private grant which the Cardinal conceived not fit to be yielded to him Lisle calls some sixteen Consorts together to whom he discovered his intent craving their concurrence all was agreed unto the time and manner is appointed for execution over Night they come privately to St. Andrews and lodge severally in divers Inns to render themselves the less suspected next Day morning by break of day two of the Conspirators come to the Castle and being known Men the Porter openeth to them they enter and the rest follow streight the Porter is laid fast and all the Cardinal's Servants secured threatning them with Death if once they whispered which done they repair to the Cardinal his Chamber they knock the Cardinal admiring what this should mean that Strangers and none of his Servants should at such a season come to his Chamber-door refuseth to open Norman Lisle well known to him and a man much favoured by him protested they minded him no hurt at all but that they had a matter of great Importance to Communicate to him the dispatch of which required that their unseasonable coming to his Chamber the Cardinal trusting their Protestations openeth his Door they enter fall forthwith upon him and barbarously Murther him By this time News are carried into the City of the Surprisal of the Castle The Cardinal his Friends and Retainers immediately Arm beset the Castle threatning the death of all within if the Cardinal were not preserved alive the Murtherers told them it was too late and therewith cast his dead Body barbarously cut over the same Window from whence he beheld the Tragedy of the late mentioned Martyr George Wisheart which added not a little to the high Opinion the People had of Wisheart remembring the last words he spake concerning the Cardinal This Impious Murther highly provok'd the Court the Vice-Roy Summoneth the Murtherers to appear before him they refuse and are declared Traitors but they having seised the Cardinal his Treasure and having in their power the Vice-Roy his Son who then remained with the Cardinal and confiding in the strength of the Castle stand upon their guard The Vice-Roy layeth Siege to the Castle and after some four Months Siege in vain he withdraws his Force and returneth to Edenburgh to be present at Parliament then ready to Assemble and now behold the Judgment of God upon those Barbarous Murtherers they being formerly Men in all outward deportment not only Civil but Religious and reputed Men of tender Consciences give themselves now over to all manner of wickedness Murthers profane Swearing drinking to Excess and Whoring were things of course with them their wickedness came to this height The Vice-Roy too slow in avenging so much Wickedness layeth again Siege to the Castle assisted with some French Forces after much Battery they are content to deliver themselves to the French Admiral Monsieur Strozius upon Quarter for Life they are set on the French Shoar and disperse themselves all of them living ever after in great Misery are in their several turns pursued by the wrath of God to violent and untimely Ends. About this time the Duke of Sommerset now after the Death of King Henry the Lord Protector of England Invadeth Scotland with a powerful Army the Vice-Roy all on the sudden rolleth together Thirty thousand Horse and Foot to whom the English Protector sendeth a very fair Letter requiring their young Queen may be assured in Marriage to the young King of England according to former Agreement and for their better Security he demands the said Princess may be Educated not in any Foreign Country but at home until she come to such years as might inable her to make her own Choice Further desiring that in the interim there might be Peace between the two Nations and no treaty of Marriage admitted with any other Prince All which being granted the Protector promiseth not only to withdraw his Army but likewise to make reasonable satisfaction for all the hurt he had done to all which Proposals the Scottish Vice-Roy returns no Answer