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A51324 The historie of the pitifull life, and unfortunate death of Edward the Fifth, and the then Duke of Yorke, his brother with the troublesome and tyrannical government of usurping Richard the Third, and his miserable end / written by the Right Honorable Sir Thomas Moore ... More, Thomas, Sir, Saint, 1478-1535. 1641 (1641) Wing M2688; ESTC R5586 127,018 478

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win favour Hee was first upon the part of King Henry while that part was in wealth and neither left it nor forsooke it in woe but fled the Realme with the Queene and the Prince And while King Edward had King Henry in prison hee never returned but to the field at Barnet after which field lost and utterly subdued and all par-takings extinguished King Edward for his fast faith wisedome was not onely content to receive him but also wooed him to come and had him from thenceforth both in secret trust and speciall favour whom he never deceived For hee being after King Edwards death first taken by the tyrant for his truth to the King found the meanes to set the Duke in his toppe and joyned gentlemen together in aide of the Earle of Richmond which after was named King Henry the seven●h First devising the marriage betweene the Lady Elizabeth daughter to King Edward the fourth by the which his faithfull and true service declared to both his masters at once was an infinite benift to the Realme by the conjunction of the bloods of Lancaster and Yorke whose funerall titles had long unquieted the Realme This man afterwards escaped from the Duke and fled the Realme and never returned and went to Rome never minded to meddle with the world till King Henry the seventh sent for him and after made him Archbishop of Canterbury and Chancellor of England and after was made Cardinall and lived well to all mens judgements and died well But to returne to the former purpose he by the long and often alternate proofe as well of prosperity as adverse fortune had gotten by great experience the very mother and mistris of wisedome and deepe insight in politike and worldly drifts wherby perceiving now the Duke to commune with him fed him with faire words and many prayses and perceiving by the griefe of their communications the Dukes pride now and then to balke out a little brayd of envie towards the glory of the King and thereby feeling him easie to fall out if the matter were well handled hee craftily sought the waies to pricke him forward taking alwaies the occasion of his comming and also keeping himself close within his bands that he rather seemed to follow him then to leade him For when the Duke began first to praise and boast the King to shew how much profit the Realme should take by his reigne Bishop Morton answered surely my Lord folly it were for mee to lie for I am sure if I would sweare the contrary ye would not once beleeve mee but if the world would have begunne as I would have wished that King Henries sonne had had the Crowne and not King Edward then would I have beene his true and faithfull subject but after that God had ordained him to lose it and King Edward to raigne I was never so mad with a dead man to strive against the quicke so was I ever to King Edward a faithfull and true chaplin and glad would have beene that his children should have succeeded him howbeit if the secret judgement of God have otherwise provided I purpose not to spurne against the prick nor labour to set up that God pulleth downe And as for the late protector and now King and with that word hee left saving that he said that he had already medled too much with the world and would from that day meddle with his booke and beades and no further Then longed the Duke sore to heare what hee would have said because hee ended with the King and there so sodainely stopped and exhorted him familiarly betweene them both to be bold and to say whatsoever hee thought whereof he faithfully promised there should never come hurt and peradventure more good then hee would thinke And that hee himselfe intended to use his faithfull secret advice and counsaile which he said was the onely cause for the which hee procured of the King to have him in his custody where he might reckon himselfe at home or else hee had beene put in the hands of them with whom he should not have found like favour The Bishop right humbly thanked him and said in good faith my Lord I love not much to talke of P●inces as of a thing not all out of perill although the word bee without fault but yet it must be as it pleaseth the Prince to construe it And ever I thinke on Aesops talke that when the Lyon had proclamed that on paine of death there should no horned beasts come into the wood one beast that had a bunch of flesh growing out of his head fled a great pace the foxe that saw him flie with all the hast asked him whither he fled In faith quoth he I neither know nor care so I were once hence because of the proclamation made against horned beasts What foole quoth the foxe the Lyon never meant it by thee for that which thou hast is no horne in thy head No marry quoth hee I know that well enough but if hee say it is a horne where am I then The Duke laughed merrily at the tale and said my Lord I warrant you neither the Lyon nor the Bore shall picke any matter at any thing here spoken for it shall never come neere their eares In good faith sir said the Bishop if it did the thing that I was about to say taken as well as before God I meant it could deserve but thankes and yet taken as I thinke it would might happen to turne mee to little good and you to lesse Then longed the Duke much more to know what it was Whereupon the Bishop said In good faith my Lord as for the late Protector sith hee is now King in possession I purpose not to dispute his title but for the wealth of this realme wherof his grace hath now the governance and whereof I my selfe am a poore member I was about to wish that to those good abilities whereof hee hath already right many little needing my praise yet might it have pleased God for the better store to have given him some of such other excellent vertues meet for the rule of the Realme as our Lord hath planted in the person of your grace and there left off againe The Duke somewhat marvelling at his sodaine pauses as though they were but parentheses with a high countenance said my Lord I evidently perceive and no lesse note your often breathing and sudden stopping in your communication so that to my intelligence your words neither come to any direct or perfect sentence in conclusion whereby either I might perceive and have knowledge what your inward intent is now toward the King or what affectiō you beare toward me For the comparison of good qualities ascribed to us both for the which I my selfe knowledge and recognise to have none nor looke for no praise of any creature for the same maketh me not a little to muse thinking that you have some other privie Imagination by love or by grudge ingraved and
to them by the new usurper much lamented and pittied would never cease to barke if they cannot bite at the one side of me Likewise my cousin the Earle of Richmond his aides kinsfolke which be not of little power will surely attempt like a fierce grayhound either to bite or to pierce mee on the other side So that my life and rule should ever hang by a haire never in quiet but ever in doubt of death or deposition And if the said two linages of Yorke and Lancaster which so long have strived for the imperiall Diadem should joyne in one against mee then were I surely mated and the game gotten Wherefore I have clearely determined and with my selfe concluded utterly to relinquish all such fantasticall imaginations concerning the obtaining of the Crowne But all such plagues calamities and troubles which I feared and suspected might have chanced on me if I had taken the rule and regiment of this reale I shall with a reredemaine so make them rebound to our common enemie that calleth himselfe King that the best stopper that hee hath at tenice shall not well stop without a fault for as I told you before the Countesse of Richmond in my returne from the new named King meeting mee in the high way prayed me first for kindred sake secondly for the love I bare to my grandfather Duke Humphrey which was sworne brother to her father to move the King to bee good to her sonne Henry Earle of Richmond and to licence him with his favour to returne againe into England and if it were his pleasure so to doe shee promised that the Earle her sonne should marry one of King Edwards daughters at the appointment of the King without any thing to be taken or demanded for the said espousals but onely the Kings favour which request I soone overpassed and gave her faire words and so departed But after in my lodging when I called to memorie with a deliberate studie and did circumspctly ponder them I fully adjudged that the holy Ghost caused her to move a thing the end whereof she could not consider both for the security of the Realme as also for the preferment of her child and the destruction and finall confusion of the common enemy King Richard Which thing shee neither then thought I am sure as I by her words could make conjecture nor I my selfe cast not her desire to be so profitable to the Realme as I now doe perceive but such a Lord is God that with a little sparkle he kindleth a great fire and so finally to declare to you the very conclusion to the which I am both bent and set my mind is and my power and purpose shall helpe that the Earle of Richmond very heire of the house of Lancaster in the quarrell of the which linage both my father and grandfather lost their lives in battell shall take to wife Lady Elizabeth eldest daughter to K. Edward by the which marriage both the houses of Yorke and Lancaster may bee obtained and united in one to the cleare stablishment of the title to the Crowne of this noble Realme To the which conclusion if the mothers of both parties and especially the Earle himselfe and the Lady will agree I doubt not but the braging Bore which with his tuskes raseth every mans skinne shall not only be brought to confusion as he hath deserved but that this Empire shal ever be certain of an undubitate heire and then shall all civill and intestine war cease which hath so long continued to the parting of many mens Crownes this Realme shall bee reduced againe to quietnesse renoune and glory This invention of the Duke many men thought after that it was more imagined for the inward hatred that he beare to King Richard then for any favour that hee bare to the Earle of Richmond But of such doubtfull matters it is not best to judge for erring to farre from the minde and entent of the actour But whatsoever he intended this device once opened to King Richard was the very occasion that hee was rounded shorter by the whole head without attainder or judgement When the Duke had said the Bishop which ever favored the house of Lancaster was wonderous joyfull and much rejoyced to heare this device for now came the winde about even as hee would have it for all his imagination tended to this effect to have King Richard subdued and to have the lines of K. Edward and King Henry the sixt againe raised and advanced But Lord how hee rejoyced to thinke how that by this marriage the linages of Yorke and Lancaster should bee conjoyned in one to the very stead fastnesse of the publique wealth of this Realme And lest the Dukes courage should swage or his minde should againe alter as it did often before as you may easily perceive by his owne tale Hee thought to set up all the sailes hee had to the intent that the ship of his pretended purpose might come shortly to some sure port And said to the Duke my Lord sith by Gods high provision your incomparable wisedome and policie this noble conjunction was first moved now it is convenient yea and necessary to consider what personages and friends we shall first make privie of this high device and politicke conclusion By my truth quoth the Duke wee will begin with my Lady of Richmond the Earles mother which knoweth where he is either in captivitie or at large in Brytaine For I heard say that the Duke of Britaine restored him to liberty immediately after the death of King Edward by whose meanes hee was restrayned Sith you will begin that way said the Bishop I have an old friend with the Countesse a man sober secret and well witted called Reignold Bray whose prudent policie I have knowne to have compassed things of great importance for whom I shall secretly send if it bee your pleasure I doubt not he wil gladly come and with a good will So with a little diligence the Bishop wrote a letter to Reighnold Bray requiting him to come to Brecknock with speede for great and urgent causes touching his Mistresse and no other thing was declared in the letter So the messenger rode into Lancashire where Bray was with the Countesse and Lord Thomas Stanley her husband delivered the letter which when hee had read hee tooke it as a signe or presage of some good fortune to come and so with the messenger hee came to the Castle of Brecknocke where the Duke and the Bishop declared what thing was devised both to set the Realme in a quiet steadfastnesse and also for the high preferment of the Earle of Richmonds sonne to his Lady and Mistrisse Willing her first to compasse how to obtaine the good wil of Queene Elizabeth and also of her eldest daughter bearing the same name and after secretly to send to her son into Britaine to declare what high honour was prepared for him if he would sweare to marry the Lady Elizabeth assoone
worme of vengeance wavering in his head could not bee content with the death of divers gentlemen suspected of treason but also he must extend his bloudy fury against a poore gentleman called Collingborne for making a small Rime of three of his unfortunat Councellers which were the Lord Lovell sir Richard Radcliffe his mischievous minion and sir William Catesbey his secret seducer which meeter was The Rat the Cat and Lovell our dog Rule all England under the hog Meaning by the hog the dreadfull wild Bore which was the Kings cognisaunce but because the first line ended in dog the metrician could not observing the regiments of meeter end the second verse in Bore but called the Bore an hogge This poeticall Schoole-master corrector of breves and longs caused Collingborne to be abbreviated shorter by the head and to be divided into foure quarters King Richard being thus tormented and tossed in his owne conceipt and imagination calling to his remembrance that considerations amities and other honest bonds and pacts made concluded and appointed betweene Princes and politique governours are in the cause efficient especiall introduction that their Realmes and Countries are fortified and munited with a double power that is to say with their owne strength and the ayde of their friends devised with himselfe to practise a league and amitie with the King of Scotts which not long before had made diverse incursions and rodes into the Realme of England where although hee got little yet surely he lost not much and thereupon sued to have a truce or peace concluded which came even as King Richard had wished it Wherefore commissioners were assigned for both parts to meete at Notingham the seventh day next ensuing at which time came thither for the King of England Iohn Bishop of Lincolne Chancellor of England Richard Bishop of Saint Asse Iohn Duke of Norfolke Henry Earle of Northumb●rland Thomas Lord Stanley George Stanley Lord Strange Iohn Gray Lord Powes Richard Lord Fitzhngh Iohn Gunthorpe keeper of the Kings Privie Seale Thomas Barow Master of the Roules sir Thomas Bryan chiefe Justice of the Common Place sir Richard Ratcliffe Knight William Catesbey and Richard Salkeld Esquiers And for the King of Scots were deputed Colin Earle of Ergile Lord Camp●ell Lord Chancellour of Scotland William Bishop of Aberden Robert Lord Lyle Laurence Lord Oliphant Iohn Drummond of Stobhall Archibald Qwitelator Archdeacon of Lawdene and Secretarie to King Iames Lyon K. of Armes Duncane Dundas These Councellers diverse times met and after long debating demanding and denying in the end of September they fully concluded and made a determination the effect whereof followeth in Articles I. First It was appointed and concluded that a perfect Amitie and an Inviolable peace should be had and kept betweene the Realmes of England and Scotland for the space of three yeares to beginne at the Sunne rising the twentie ninth day of September in the yeere of our Lord One thousand foure hundred eighty foure and to continne to the setting of the sunne the twenty ninth day of September in the yeare of Christs incarnation one thousand foure hnndred eightie seven II. Item that during the said yeares none of both the Princes nor their ministers shall make war or invade the Realme or dominion of the other by sea or land or vexe perturbe or molest the subjects or vassalles of either of them nor shall give counsell excite or move any other person to make warre or invasion on the territories of any of the said Princes III. Item that the towne and Castle of Barwicke with all such bounds as were thereto belonging ●hich were in the English mens hands at the deliverance of the same towne by King Henry the sixt to the King of Scotts shall so peaceably remaine in the possession of the King of England dnring the said truce IIII. Item that all other Castles holdes and fortresses shall peaceably remaine in the hands of the possessor and owner without chalenge or demand during the said truce the Castle of Dumbar only excepted which was delivered into the English mens hands by the appointment of the Duke of Albany when he fled into France V. Item If the King of Scotts doe intimate and declare to the King of England within the space of fortie daies next ensuing the date hereof that hee will not suffer the said Castle of Dumbar to be possessed of the English nation above the terme of sixe moneths that then during the said sixe moneths neither the English men in the Garison of Dumbar nor the Scotts dwelling and inhabiting about the limits of the same shall doe any hurt prejudice or dammage to any of the sald parties the said terme conti●ning VI. Item If after the said sixe moneths any variance or warre shall arise betweene the said two Princes either for the recovering or defending the said Castle of Dumbarre yet the said truce leagne and amitie for all other rights and possessions shall stand in force and be effectuall and that it shall bee lawfull to each of the said Princes to doe what they shall thinke necessary both for the obtaining and defending the said Castle of Dumbarre any thing contained in the treaty of peace notwithstanding VII Item It is conclvded and appointed between the parties aforesaid that during the said truce none of both the Princes aforesaid shall receiue into his Realme territories or dominions any traitour or rebell of the other Prince nor shall maintaine favour aide or comfort any rebell or traytor which is already fled or shall hereafter fly into either the said Princes dominions nor there suffer him or them to tarry or make their abode VIII Item If any such rebell or traytour shall fortune hereafter to arrive in the Realme or territorie of any of the said Princes that th●n the said Prince in whose dominion the said traytour or rebell is so arrived at the instance and request of the other Prince to whom the offence and crime was committed shall bee bound incontinently to deliver the said rebell or traytour to the said demander withont fraud or male engine IX Item That all Scotchmen now inhabiting in England and sworne to the King of England shall and may there inhabite and tarry so that their names within sortie daies after the date of this league bee certified to the King of Scotts or to his Chancellour by the King of England or the warden of the Marches X. Item If during the said amity and peace it shall fortune any of the Wardeines of the said Princes without commandment assent or knowledge of his soveraigne Lord and Master to invade or raise an army in the dominion of the other Prince and there to slay burne or spoyle that then the said Prince to whom the said Wardeine is or shall be subject and vassaile shall within sixe daies next after the fact done and perpetrate declare the said Wardeine a traytour and rebell and thereof shall make certificate to the other Prince to whom the injury was
committed within twelve daies after the said declaration made and denounced XI Item That in every safe conduct to be granted by either of the said Princes this clause to bee added Provided alwaies that the obtainer of this safe conduct be no traytour or rebell XII Item If during this amity and truce any of the subjects of either Prince doe presume or attempt to aide helpe maintaine or serve any other Prince against any of the said contractors Then it shall be lawfull to the Prince and his subjects against whom he shewed himselfe enemy and adversarie to apprehend and attach the said subject going comming or tarrying any act article or clause in this league to the contrary comprehended notwithstanding XIII Item It is agreed apointed and accorded that in this traatie and amitie shall bee comprehended the friends obliged and confederates of both the Princes if they list to enter and accept the league and thereupon to declare their pleasures within sixe moneths next ensuing and specially for the King of Englands part were named for confederates The King of Castile and Lyon the King of Arragon the King of Portugall the Archduke of Austryche and Burgony and the Duke of Britaine On the part of the King of Scotts were named for confederates Charles the French King Iohn King of Denmarke and Norwey and the Duke of Geldres and Brittaine XIIII Item It is agreed and concluded betweene the parties aforesaid that the Lordship of Lorne in the Realme of Scotland nor the Island of Londay lying in the river of Severne in the Realme of England shall not be taken nor comprised within the league but to stand at large as they did before XV. Item That this concord peace and amity should be published proclaymed and divulged the first day of October next ensuing in the most noble and famous cities and townes of both the Realmes and Regions And conservatours were appointed for the sure observation of this league aud amitie on both parts whose names follow For the King of England Iohn Earle of Lincone Henry Earle of Northumberland Ralph Lord Nevell Ralph Lord Greystocke Richard Lord Fitz Hugh Iohn Lord Scrope Thomas Lord Scrope of Massam Sir Christopher Moresby William Clapton Esquier Humfrey Lord Daker Sir Richard Ratcliffe Sir Iohn Conyers Sir Edward Hastings Sir Robert Donstable Sir Hugh Hastings Sir William Evers Sir Iohn Huldeston William Musgrave Esquier Richard Salkeld Esquier For the King of Scotts David Earle of Crafford and Lord Linsey George Earle of Huntl●y Lord Gord●n and Badz●nath Iohn Lord Dornel●y Iohn Lord Kynedy Robert Lord Lile Patricke Lord Hales Lawrence Lord Oliphaunt William Lord Borthwike Sir Iohn Rosse of Halkehed Sir Gilbert Iohnson of Elphynstone Sir Iohn Lundy Sir Iames Ogilly of Arly Sir Robert Hamilton of Fingalt●n Sir William Balze of Lamington Sir Iohn Kinedy of Blarqhon Sir Iohn Wemes Sir William Rochewen Edward Crochton of Kirke Paty Iohn Dundas Iohn Rosse of Montgrenane these three last were Esquiers XVI Item It is further condesconded and agreed that these commissioners whose names ensue shall meete at Loughmabanstane the eighteenth day of November next ensuing aswell for redresse to bee had of certaine offences done on the Westmarches as also for declaring and publishing of the peace and amitie Commissioners of the English part The Lord Dacre The Lord Fitz Hugh Sir Richard Radcliffe Sir Christopher Moresby Sir Richard Salkeld or three of them Commissioners for the Scottish part The Lord Kenedy The Lord Mountgomory The Lord Lile Iohn Maxwell Stuarde of Annerd●le Robert Crechton of Sanquhane or three of them XVII Item The like Commissioners were assigned to meete at Raydon Borne for the East Marches the first day of December and also meete at Haldanstanke the fourth day of the said moneth for the midle Marches Commissioners for the King of England The Earle of Northumberland The Lord Greystorcke The Lord Scrope of Massam Sir William Gastoyn Sir Robert Constable Commissioners for the King of Scotts The Earle of Huntley The Earle of Angus The Earle of Ergile Chancellour of Scotland The Lord Wandale The Lord Seton The Lord Olyphaunt The Lord Stobhill XVIII Item It is agreed that the commessioners aforesaid shall depute and assigne certaine persons to view and declare the bounds and limits appertaining to the Towne of Berwicke according to the true meaning of the league XIX Item It is agreed and appointed that no person of England or Scotland shall during the said truce build eare or sow any lands or ground being within the bounds of the batable ground but to suffer the same to continue in the same condition that it now remaineth When this league and amitie was thus concluded finished and sealed with all due circumstances thereunto required although King Richard judged deemed himselfe somewhat the more strong and quiet by force of this new amitie and concluded confederacie yet to augement more the familiaritie begunne betweene the King of Scots and him and to have a double string for his bow hee entreated a new aliance and marriage to bee concluded betweene the Prince of Rothsay eldest son to the King of Scots and Lady Anne de la Poole daughter to Iohn Duke of Suffolke and Lady Anne sister to King Richard which sister he so much favored that he studying all the waies by the which hee might advance her off-spring and linage did not onely procure and seeke meanes how to make her daughter a Princesse and consequently a Queene but also after the death of his son he proclaimed Iohn Earle of Lincolne his Nephew her son heire apparent to the Crowne of England disinheriting King Edwards daughters whose brethren before you have heard he shamefully killed and murthered The King of Scots having neede of Friends but not so much neede as King Richard which was of necessitie compelled to seeke aiders and to entertaine fautours the one for favouring of flatterers and base borne persons and the other not only for tyranny and unnaturall homicide but also for the usurpation of the Crowne being of all the Realme detested and disdained gladly accepted and joyously consented to King Richards device and conjunction of amitie perfectly remembring that amongst all bonds and obligations of love and amitie that there is neither a surer nor a more perfect locke then the knot of conjunction in the Sacrament of Matrimonie which was in the very beginning of the first age of man ordained and instituted in the holy place of Paradice terrestiall by God himselfe by reason whereof the propagation and succession of the humane nature stablished upon the sure seate of lawfull Matrimonie betweene Princes may nourish peace concord and unity asswage breake the furious rage of truculent Mars and terrible battaile and encrease love favour and familiaritie Wherefore the said Princes sent their Embassadours and Councellors againe to the Towne of Nottingham where the said marriage was by writings and instruments covenanted condiscended and agreed and affiances made and taken by Procters and Deputies on
While the Earle was thus attendant in the French Court Iohn Vere Earle of Oxford which as you have heard before was by King Edward kept in prison within the Castle of Hammes so perswaded Iohn Blunt captaine of the same fortresse and sir Iohn Fortescewe porter of the towne of Caleys that he himselfe was not onely dismissed and set at liberty but they also abandoning and leaving their fruitfull offices condiscended to goe with him into France to the Earle of Richmond and to take his part But Iames Blunt like a wise captaine because he left his wife remaining in the Castle before his departure hee fortified the same both with new inventions and new souldiours When the Earle of Richmond saw the Earle of Oxford hee was ravished with an incredible gladnesse that hee being a man of so high nobilitie of such knowledge and practise in feates of warre and so constant trusty and assured which alwaies had studied for the maintenance preferment of the house of Lancaster was now by Gods provision delivered out of captivitie and imprisonment and in time so necessary and convenient come to his aide succour and advancement in whom more sure then any other he might put his trust and confidence and take lesse paine and travile in his owne person For it was not hid from him that such as had ever taken paines with King Edward before this time came to doe him service either for malice that they bare to K. Richard or else for feare to fall under his truculent rule and tempestuous governement But this man which so often times had personally fought in mortall battell in the quarrell of King Henry the Sixt hee judged by divine power and heavenly inspiration to be delivered out of captivitie and imprisonment for this onely purpose that hee should have a man of his owne faction and schoole to whom he might surely and faithfully communicate and credite all things as to his owne proper person and therefore being inflamed with an immortall joy for the Earles comming he beganne to have a good hope of the happie successe of all his pretensed enterprises Not long after the French King returned againe to Paris whom the Eale of Richmond followed intending there to solicite his matter to the conclusion Wherupon he besought King Charles to take upon him the whole tuition and defence of him and his cause so that he and his company being by his meanes aided and comforted should confesse and say their wealth victory and advancement to have flowed and budded forth of his bountifulnesse liberality which they would God willing shortly require In the meane season divers Englishmen which either fled out of England for feare or were at Paris to learne and studie good literature and vertuous doctrine came voluntarily and submitted themselves to the Earle of Richmond and vowed and sware to take his part Amonst whom was Richard Foxe a Priest a man of great wit and no lesse learning whom the Earle incontinent received into secret familiaritie and in briefe time erected and advanced him to high dignities and promotions and in conclusion he made him Bishop of Winchester In the mean season King Richard was credibly advertised what promises and oathes the Earle and his confederates had made and sworne together at Renes and how by the Earles meanes al the Englishmen were passed out of Britaine into France Wherefore being sore dismaid and in manner desperate because his crafty mischief tooke no effect in Britaine imagined and devised how to infringe and disturbe the Earles purpose by another meane so that by the marriage of Lady Elizabeth his neece hee should pretend no claime nor title to the Crowne For hee thought if that marriage failed the Earles chiefe combe had beene cleerely cut And because that he being blinded with the ambitious desire of rule before this time in obtaining the kingdome had perpetrate and done many flagitious acts and detestable tyrannies yet according to the old proverbe let him take the bull that stole away the calfe hee thought all facts by him committed in times past to be but of small moment and not to be regarded in comparison of that mischievous imagination which hee now newly beganne and attempted There came into his ungratious minde a thing not only detestable to bee spoken of in the remembrance of man but much more cruell and abominable to be put in execution For when hee revolved in his wavering minde how great a fountaine of mischiefe toward him should spring if the Earle of Richmond should be advanced to the marriage of his neece which thing hee heard say by the rumour of her people that no small number of wise and wittie personages enterprised to compasse and bring to conclusion He clearly determined to reconcile to his favour his Brother wife Queen Elizabeth eithers by faire words or liberall promises firmely beleeving her favour once obtained that shee would not stick to commit and lovingly credit to him the rule and governance both of her and her daughters and so by that meanes the Earle of Richmond of the affinity of his Neece should be utterly defrauded and beguiled And if no ingenuous remedy could be otherwise invented to save the innumerable mischiefes which were even at hand and like to fall if it should happen Queen Anne his wife to depart out of this present world then hee himselfe would rather take to wife his cousin and neece the Lady Elizabeth then for lacke of that affinity the whole Realm should runne to ruine as who said that if hee once fell from his estate and dignity the ruine of the Realme must needs shortly ensue and follow Wherefore he sent to the Queene being in Sanctuary divers and often Messengers which first should excuse and purge him of all things before against her attempted or procured and after should so largely promise promotions innumerable and benefits not onely to her but also to her sonne Lord Thomas Marquesse Dorset that they should bring her if it were possible into some wan hope or as men say into a fooles paradise The Messengers being men both of wit and gravitie so perswaded the Queene with great and pregnant reasons then with faire and large promises that she began somewhat to relent and to give to them no deafe eare insomuch that she faithfully promised to submit and yeeld her self fully and frankly to the Kings will and pleasure And so she putting in oblivion the murther of her innocent children the infamy and dishonour spoken by the King her husband the living in adultry layed to her charge bastarding of her daughters forgetting also the faithfull promise and open oath made to the Countesse of Richmond mother to the Earle Henry blinded by avaritious affection and seduced by flattering words first delivered into King Richards hands her five daughters as Lambes once againe committed to the custody of the ravenous Wolfe After shee sent Letters to the Marquesse her sonne being then at Paris with the Earle of Richmond
willing him in any wise to leave the Earle and without delay to repaire into England where for him were provided great honours and honourable promotions ascertaining him further that all offences in both parties were forgotten and forgiven and both he and she highly incorporate in the Kings heart Surely the inconstancie of this woman were much to bee marvelled at if all women had bin found constant but let men speake yet women of the very bond of Nature wil follow their owne kinde After that King Richard had thus with glorious promises and flattering words pleased and appeased the mutable mind of Queene Elizabeth which knew nothing lesse then that he most intended he caused all his brothers daughters to be conveighed into his Palace with solemne receiving as though with his new familiar and loving entertainment they should forget and in their mindes obliterate the old committed injury and late perpetrate tyranny Now nothing was contrarie and opposite to his pernicious purpose but that his Mansion was not void of his wife which thing he in any wise adjudged necessary to be done But there was one thing that so much feared and dragged him from committing this abominable murder because as you have heard before hee began to counterfeit the image of a good and well disposed person and therefore he was afraid lest the sudden and immature death of his wife once openly knowne hee should lose the good and credible opinion which the people had of him without desert conceived and reported But in conclusion evill counsell prevailed in a wit lately minded to mischiefe and turned from all goodnesse So that his ungratious desire overcame his honest feare And first to enter into the gates of his imagined enterprise hee abstayned both from the bed and company of his wife After hee complained to divers Noble men of the Realm of the unfortunate sterilitie and barrennesse o● his wife because she brought forth no fruit and generation of her body And in speciall hee accompted to Thomas Rotheram Arch-bishop of Yorke whom lately hee had delivered out of ward and captivity these impediments of his Queene and divers others thinking that hee would reveale and open to her all these things trusting the sequell hereof to take his effect that shee hearing this grudge of her husband and taking therefore an inward thought would not long live in this world Of this the Bishop gathered which well knew the complection and usage of the King that the Queenes dayes were short and that hee declared to certaine of his secret friends And thus he procured a common rumour but hee would not have the authour knowne to bee published and spread abro●d among the common people that the Q●eene was dead to the intent that shee taking some conceit of this strang fame should fall into some sudden sicknesse or grievous malady and to prove if afterwards shee sh●●ld fortune by that or any other waies to lose her life whether the people would impute her death to the thought or sicknes or therof would lay the blame to him When the Queene heard tell that so horrible a rumour of her death was sprung amongst the commonaltie shee sore suspected and judged the world to be almost at an end with her and in that sorrowfull agony shee with lamentable countenance and sorrowfull cheere repaired to the presence of the King her husband demanding of him what it should meane that he had judged her worthy to die The King answered her with faire words and with dissembling blandiments and flattering leasings comforted her bidding her to bee of good comfort for to his knowledge shee should have no other cause But howsoever it fortuned either by inward thought and pensivenesse of heart or by intoxication of poyson which is affirmed to bee most likely within a few dayes after the Queene departed out of this transitorie life was with due solemnitie buried in the church of S. Peter at Westminster This is the same Anne one of the daughters of the Earle of Warwicke which as you have heard before at the request of Lewes the French King was married to Prince Edward son to King Henry the Sixt. The King thus according to his long desire loosed out of the bonds of matrimony beganne to cast a foolish phantasie to Lady Elizabeth his neece making much suite to have her joyned with him in lawfull matrimony But because all men and the maiden her selfe most of all detested and abhorred this unlawfull and in a manner unnaturall copulation hee determined to prolong and d●fer the matter till he were in a more quietnesse For all that very season hee was oppressed with great weightie and urgent causes and businesses on every side considering that daily part of the nobilitie sailed into France to the Earle of Richmond other privily favoured and aided certaine of the conjuration so that of his short end few or none were in doubt And the common people for the most part were brought to such desperation that many of them had rather be reputed and taken of him in the number of his enemies then to abide the chance and hazard to have their goods taken as a spoyle of victorie by his enemies Amongst the noble men whom hee most mistrusted these were the principall Thomas Lord Stanley Sir William Stanley his brother Gilbert Talbot and six hundred other of whose purposes although King Richard were ignorant yet he gave neither confidence nor credence to any one of them and least of al to the Lord Stanley because hee was joyned in matrimony with the Lady Margaret mother to the Earle of Richmond as afterward apparently ye may perceive For when the said Lord Stanley would have departed into his Countrey to visite his familie and to recreate and refresh his spirits as he openly said but the truth was to the intent to be in a perfect readinesse to receive the Earle of Richmond at his first arrivall into England the King in no wise would suffer him to depart before he had left as an hostage in the Court George Stanley Lord Strange his first begotten son heire While King Richard was thus troubled and vexed with imaginations of the tumultuous time that was like to come Loe even suddenly hee heard newes that fire was sprung out of the smoake and the warre presently begun and that the Castle of Hammes was delivered into the hands of the Earle of Richmond by the meanes of the Earle of Oxford and that not onely hee but also Iames Blunt Captaine of the Castle were fled into France to aide the Earle Henry Wherefore he thinking it great policie to withstand the first brunt sent the most part of the garison of Calice to recover again by force the castle of Hammes They which were in the Castle perceiving their adversaries to approach prepared munitions and engins for their defence and sent also the Earle of Richmond to advertise him of their sodaine obsession requiring him of hasty ayde speedie succour The Earle slipping