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A17011 An apologicall epistle directed to the right honorable lords, and others of her Maiesties priuie counsell. Seruing aswell for a præface to a booke, entituled, A resolution of religion: as also, containing the authors most lawfull defence to all estates, for publishing the same. The argument of that worke is set downe in the page following. Broughton, Richard. 1601 (1601) STC 3893; ESTC S114315 71,209 122

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the more than miserable liues and deathes of Luther Oecolampadius Caluine Swinglius Cranmer and others of their Cleargy and speake only of Princes The first Protestant Duke of Saxony and Lantgraue of Hesse were dispossessed of their regiments and committed to prison The Prince of Condie in Fraunce and the Admirall there the one pittifully put to death the other like Iesabel cast downe headlong his legges broken his body cutte in peeces drawne like a dog through the streetes and hanged vppe for a spectacle at the place of common execution For Flaunders the Prince of Orange miserably slaine by a priuate man and in the time of his greatest triumph and ioyes For Scotland Iames the bastard dishonorably put to death In Denmarke Christine their king deposed of his kingdome enclosed in a caue with yron barres and consumed to death And least any manne may fondly perswade himselfe that the Kings and Rulers of England haue a Charter of immunitie from such vectigalles and impositions as God hath layed vpon those Princes I will recite all the Kings of our Nation that presently occurre to my memory that haue opposed themselues against it and what effect their opposition had In the beginning these Kings Ethelbertus Adelwaldus Kingilsus Edwine Peda Sigebertus and Redwalde opposed themselues against the faith and iurisdiction of that See and the doctrine of religious Monkes sent from thence but they were all conquered and subdued without any force of armes so submitted themselues that Kingilsus and Sigebertus became religious monasticall men king Ofricus and Eanfridus were apostataes from the Roman faith but they were miserably put to death And those three Kings whereof Saint Bede writeth for their apostacie besides other manifold temporall punishments were blotted out of the Genealogie and Catalogue of the Kings of England neuer remembred or numbred among them Such was the wonderful desolation of the disobedient Brittish Kings and their nation for their disobedience to the Roman See onely in the paschall obseruance and manner of shauing the crownes of Priests as Saint Bede doth witnesse prophecied against them by Saint Augustine and recorded by the same Saint Bede Galfridus Guilielmus Malmesburiensis Foxe and others that at one time eleuen thousand of their Monks defending that repugnance were slaine by the Pagan souldiers their whole nation distressed and depriued of all regiment in their owne countrey by their owne hired souldiers their kings dispoyled of principality to this day and made subiects to them whose Soueraignes they were King Edwine before the conquest opposed him selfe to som iuridical proceedings of the Popes of Rome and banished Saint Dunstane his Archbishop of Canterbury but he was deposed died miserablie with infamy and in his life his brother Edgar was chosen and crowned King William surnamed the Conqueror spoyled all the monasteries of England of their golde and siluer neither sparing Chalice nor Shrine and in his last voiage in Fraunce burned our Ladies Church in Meux two Anachorets which were enclosed therein but he encouraging his men to maintaine the fire was sodainely stricken with sicknesse his entralls were strangely broken and he died with misery and to him that had beene so great a conquerour in his life after his death a priuate gentleman drawing his sworde denied buriall in his owne Country and Towne Cane of Normandy and in the very house himselfe had founded and in his life there was such famine and dearth in England that men were enforced to eate horses cats dogs and that which nature abhorreth the flesh of men such outragious floudes and inundations destroyed the country that not onely townes were ouerflowne but the very high hills themselues were surrounded made soft and consumed And after him his next successor and sonne William called Rufus afflicted the Churches and Monasteries of England with grieuous oppression maketh a decree against some iurisdiction of Pope Vrbane in England and exiled Saint Anselme Archbishop of Canterbury for his defence thereof but hee was not left vnpunished his naturall brother Robert duke of Normandy and others his neerest kinsmen and Nohility raised and maintained wars against him the Welchmen inuaded and spoiled Glocester Shrewsbury and other parts of England and tooke the I le of Anglesey and the very insensible creatures rebelled against him and called for vengeance the earth at Fynchamsteed in Barkshire flowed forth with blood the winde in one tempest ouerthrewe sixe hundred and sixe houses in his chiefe Citty of London the sea surrounded and ouerwhelmed al the lands that belonged to his friend the earle of Goodwine and is called Goodwine sands to this day and that the death of such a Prince might be aunswerable to his life and deserts the morrow after the feast of Saint Peter in August whose successour Pope Vrbanus hee had so persecuted before hee was slaine by his seruant and friend sir Walter Tyrrell shooting at a Deere and being wounded in the breast fell downe dead neuer spake worde and his owne men and retinew presently forsooke him scarcely any remaining to take care of his body but it was layd vpon a Colliers cart and so drawne with one seely leane beast from that place of the forrest where he was slaine to Winchester Mention is made in the statutes of the supremacie of king Henry the eight King Edward the sixt and Queene Elizabeth that title to be the auntient right of the Kings of England and yet neuer any king or gouernor before king Henry the eight chalenged any such prerogatiue except in the inuesture of Bishoppes as Edmerus seemeth to insinuate of this king William Rufus and his next successor was enforced to reuoke as the same Authour dooth witnes Then that which was so strangely punished of God in the first challenger and refused by his whole posteritie let others Iudge whether it was a right or a wrong And his next successour and brother K. Henry the first so long as he perseuered in his brothers steps let those decrees of his to be in force was tossed and turmoyled with manifolde afflictions both of vnnaturall warres seditions and vnwonted punishments so that hee was conquered with the very prick of his owne conscience to make his submission and reuoke those former constitutions of his brother King William enacted and brought in against the Ecclesiasticall libertie and was neuer quiet either in body or minde vntill he had effected it Like was the case of king Henry the second challenging to himselfe iurisdiction in the criminal causes of the Cleargie contrary to the prerogatiue of the Constitutions of the Apostolicke See of Rome vnder whose time Saint Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury their earnest patrone was put to death and after the excommunication promulged against the king for those proceedings hee was most pittifully scourged and afflicted both with externall and vnnaturall domesticall warres and other miseries his owne naturall sonne taking Armes against him the father against the sonne and sonne
her royall Maiestie hath receiued life being hir crowne kingdome and diademe won and conuerted vnder Kings Ethelbertus Adelwaldus Kingylsus Edwine Peda or Wiferus Sygebertus and Redwalde her most noble and renowned christian catholike Predecessors Kings of England vnited by king Egbertus augmented and enlarged by so many Henries Edwards and others known Catholike Kings by whome so many immunities fauours and priuiledges were graunted to our religion So many altares churches chappels monasteries and places of professing Papistry as Protestants name it were founded and prouided in the first time of our conuersion from Idolatry and the very Primitiue dayes of christianitie in England The Churches of saint Paul in London of Canterbury Winchester Lincolne Westminster and others the common Schooles of Cambridge by king Sigebert the vniuersity of Oxford by king Alfrede the monastery of Gloucester by king Ofricus the monastery of Hetesey by king Oswye who assigned possssions for twelue more monasteries in Northumberland the monastery of Saint Martine in Douer by king Whitred the abbey of Lestingey by king Oswalde sonne to Saint Oswalde the abbey of Abington by king Cyssa the monastery of Ely by Queene Etheldred wife to king Elfride the monastery of Chertsey by king Edgar the abbey of Peterborow by king Ethelwalde the abby of Bardney by king Etheldredus Glastenbury by king I●a the monastery of Winchcombe by king Kenulfus the abbey of Saint Albons by king Offa the abbey of Ethelingsey and nunnery of Shaftersbury by king Alfrede and fortie monasteries by king Edgar all which were edified and founded in the time of our Primitiue Church and within two hundred yeeres of our first conuersion as Fox himselfe acknowledgeth What donations and free giftes were graunted to the English Clergy by those first christian kings the donations of king Ethelwulfe Ethelbalde and others were to be free in their lands and territories from secular seruices and payments tributes and taxations to Kings c. that all churches and monasteries should be absolued from al publike vectigales works and burdens that they might therby more diligently serue God by how much they were more alleuiated of those seruices Such likewise were the graunts of Kings Sigebertus Cissa Edgar Etheldredus Offa Aluredus for the praying to God and Saints for the soules of them and their posteritie So that no man can doubt of what faith they were except it bee a question whether hee that prayeth to Saints prayeth for the dead offereth sacrifice of Masse graunteth church liberties honoreth the See of Rome buildeth altares monasteries and nunneries for Monks and Nunnes and foundeth these things be a Papist or a Protestant And it is so manifest that these holy and sanctified kings were popish and moonkish men as they tearme them and of our religion that presently vpon their beleeuing in Christ the greatest care and study they had was to prouide ornaments and necessary furniture for that profession And among the Saxon Kings within the space of two hundred yeeres as Foxe himselfe with others reporteth in the English Primitiue church nine Kings at the least King Kingylsus Iue Colulfus Eadbertus Ethelredus Kenredus Offa Sebbi and Sigebertus voluntarily forsooke their kingdoms professed monasticall life and liued monkes in vow of pouertie chastity and obedience and for that most religious action as our ennemies themselues acknowledge were most highly honoured and commended of all historians and still to this day for that cause are more glorious both to themselues and our nation then the other of our Kings how honorable soeuer The wordes of that history which Foxe in his Monuments citeth to that end are these Religion did most clearely shine insomuch that Kings Queenes Princes and Dukes Consuls and Barons and rulers of Churches incensed with desire of the kingdome of Heauen labouring and striuing among themselues to enter into monasticall life into voluntary exile and solitary liuing forsooke all and followed God And no man can deny it to bee true all Historians report it all Monuments Antiquities auouch it Wherefore my assurance is that my gratious Soueraigne and prudent Princesse clayming all things by their title cannot be offended for defence of the faith of all her noble christian progenitors and ancestors vntill now Besides so many christian kings of the Brittons about thirty in number from Lucius the first to Cadwall ader and of the English or Saxon Danish and Norman nation a hundred and fiftie kings from the conuersion of Ethelbertus Adelwaldus or Ethelwaldus Kingilsus Edwine Peda or Weda or Wiferus Sigebertus and Redwalde the first christian Kings of rhe Saxonish Septarchie most wise prudent vertuous and triumphant Princes which both they themselues embraced and maintained with all zeale and deuotion and promulged and deliuered by al lawes and constitutions to their posteritie Kings and subiects to be beleeued Which her Maiesties father K. Henry the eight although denying the Romane iurisdiction obserued in all his life and of denying that iurisdiction at his death repented of king Edward the sixt an infant more needing to be taught than to teach I say nothing and my Soueraigne that is in the time of her sister Qu. Mary professed with much deuotion and after her death at and after her owne coronation in the fidelitie oth and promise of a Prince according to our antient lawes and titles of Kings of England hath obliged and indebted her selfe to protect and defend And for defence whereof as appeareth by the statute of Westminster the first and other authenticall Recordes all those regall and princely prerogatiues which were graunted by the free subiects of England to their Kings her Catholike predecessours and which she still enioyeth by that title were granted and confirmed as euery one may reade in the kings prerogatiues and statutes in the titles of such principalities as were then and for that reason and intent giuen vnto them as the priuiledges of alienations auowsons citations corporations escheats fooles forfeitures franchises deodands intrusions mort dauncestries partitions patēts primer seisins prouisions tenures wards seruices releefes wrecks and other preeminences Therefore this defence of those holy and euer most honorable kings can not be offensiue to my wise and prudent Princesse hauing clayming and pretending all tide and interest shee hath either to temporall or spirituall dignitie as heire and successor to their regall right and authoritie And to descend lower to those which haue bin benefited by those Princes you first my noble Patrons that possesse those honourable offices and dignities you enioy them by their institution they the first donors and founders of those preferments that life and beeing which you haue I meane not onely your honorable orderly and peāceable life and liuing in gouernement of their prouision but that very naturall life it selfe wherein you communicate with all other reasonable men in some sort you possesse by them for if those Princes had not aduaunced your auncestors to honours and nobility
against his father that as Edwardus liuing at that time dooth write all England did quake and tremble looking for nothing but extreame confusion and desolation for preuenting whereof no humane help either of wit or force could preuaile vntill the king admonished in a vision that no helpe was to be expected or had but to be reconciled to the Catholike Church which also his proued experience that had tasted all to no purpose taught him to bee true was enforced to humble himselfe reuoke his decrees seeke reconciliation vndergoe that penance which the See of Rome enioyned which euery man may reade in the history of Grafton a Protestant writer and such as such a Prince as Henry the second was would haue scorned to doe if any other remedy could haue preuailed And to giue euidence to all posteritie that these afflictions were layde vppon him of God for his disobedience to the Bishop of Rome vpon his submission reconcilement all his miseries had their end and ceased the very same day he was reconciled to the Church of Rome the earle of Flaunders which with an huge Army cum immenso exercitu had appoynted to inuade England presently strangely changed his minde and retired and the next day after the king of Scots that had made inuasion was taken prisoner in the field and put to raunsome King Henry his sonne for he had crowned him king before and his brethren were reconciled vnto him his subiects became obedient and he was restored to his pristine tranquilitie both of minde and body Like controuersie had K. Iohn with the See Apostolike but how he was punished of God euery man may know the Welch men tooke his castles destroyed his townes beheaded his souldiers his own barons made war against him his tresure was drownd the French men inuaded both Normandy and England hee was deposed and depriued of his crowne as Peter the Heremite had prophesied before he died miserably as all Historians write and was so odious after his death that his owne seruauntes spoyled him of his very clothes leaning his body starke naked and vnburied had not the Abbot of Croxton of charitie giuen it buriall His sonne king Henry the third opposed him selfe against Pope Innocentius the fourth but what plagues penuries and strange punishments hee and his country were oppressed with what prodigious and portenteous apparitions both by sea and land were seene what inundations of waters tempests of windes other torments were inflicted vpon him and his nation all Historians can witnes what rebellious warres and inuasions was he infested with how subdued by his owne Barons hee and his sonnes taken prisoners and brought in subiection to their owne subiects and hee that by his kingly office was to gouerne others enforced to bee a pupill to those he should haue ruled for twelue Rulers were assigned which were caled the douze peres to correct rule and gouerne and the king with his brethren were sworne to be obedient to that lawe It seemeth by some that king Edward the second medled too far against that See of Rome restraining the executing and exercise of the iurisdiction thereof in England but hee wanted not his punishments his people were afflicted with strange and extraordinary plagues his countries inuaded his barons subiects arose in armes against him such spoilers and theeues infested his nation that noble men with their force could not trauaile with securitie such famine and hunger raigned that horse flesh was accounted for delicates dogges were stollen to be eaten and the parents did eate their owne children the theeues that were in prisons pulled in peeces such malefactours as were newly committed and deuoured them to vse Stowes wordes halfe aliue Such diseases and death ensued that the liuing were not able to bury the dead his owne wife Queene Isabell and his owne sonne after king Edward the third and his naturall brother Edmund of Woodstocke made warre against him putte him to flight subdued him and by common consent of parliament deposed him and elected Edward his eldest sonne to gouerne Like was the case of King Richard the second enterposing himselfe too far in those causes although hee neuer challenged any title of supremacie as the statute of king Henry the eight and Queene Elizabeth seeme to insinuate For by expresse statute as is yet to be seene among our Lawes he decreed that Pope Vrbane was the supreame head of the Church and so to be obeyed in England yet because hee medled too much in Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction what a troublesome and vnquiet regiment did he finde What ciuill insurrections of base persons as Wat Tiler Iacke Strawe and others in diuerse Countries at sundry times what extraordinary and strange quakings tremblings of the earth Was he not so odious that his owne vncle Thomas duke of Gloucester and the Earles of Arundell Warwicke Darby and Nottingham raised an army of forty thousand men and brought him to some conformity and after was resisted vanquished taken prisoner and imprisoned in the Tower by Henry duke of Hereford afterwarde king Henry the fourth depriued of al kingly dignitie and miserably putte to death What hath bin the historie of these things which our Protestant Princes since the new title of supremacie brought in by K. Hen. the 8 what crosses the said king suffered after in his life at his death after his death what befell to king Edward the sixt though an infant yet not vniustly punished in his fathers fault and what is like to be the euent therof hereafter I had rather others should write and shew their coniecture which I for reuerence to my Soueraigne will here omit thogh our owne Protestant Historians haue already committed much to writing which many may remember and euery man know to be true And my hope is my prudent Princesse will rather in her latter dayes immitate the examples of her noble predecessors king Henry the first and king Henry the second in recalling that which they did in their inconsiderate times and liued and died with honor then any or all of them that still persisting in their former course were punished both in themselues and their countrey which they should haue tēdred equally or more then themselues in such order as I haue recounted All the title she claimeth in religious causes her statute of Supremacie pretendeth to be deriued from her former auncestors neither can any man imagine how she can challenge by any other what interest was in them what successe they had that euer aduaunced any wee haue heard it to be such that no Prince either in prudence or pollicie can follow their example being all that persisted therein both strangely punished of God and accursed of men in this life and by all arguments of reprobation perseuerance in sinne finall impenitencie obstinacie and the like after death damned in hell for euer SECT VIII His defence to the honourable Councell and all other men of
Nobles of England were Priestes and Bishops But most Honourable as by name place office and calling you are chiefe Councellors to our Prince Comites euen companions to Kings Barones Milites the bulwarke and patrons of our countrey whose principall pillers and members vnder our Queene you are so your honor and glory consisteth much in defence thereof And it might seeme more then a blemish in you to be defenders of that which is offensiue to that kingdome and common state wherein you are aduanced to Regiment Then seeing this matter must bee disputed betweene Protestants and vs so many hundred yeares of the flourishing estate of this Nation vnder our Religion in the dayes almost of two hundreed Kings when no other Religion was knowne among vs will pleade for our preeminence or if we must needes discend to particulars although my condition is not to entrouble my selfe with politicke affaires further then they are subordinate and belonging to that high faculty of diuinitie whereof I may be supposed a student yet if it may bee lawfull for me to take notice of that which the law of God the law of nature and the lawes of al nations and the word Respublica it selfe teacheth to euery man that it signifieth a publike and not a priuate wealth being a congregation of many and not one particular person to be ruled maintained defended and preserued and not be destroyed and if either the testimony of Catholikes or Protestants in their owne cause may be admitted and triall may be made by the opiniōs which be defended on either part or by the effect which haue proceeded from thence this question will be soone at end and your honours will be double honoured to be Patrons of that Religion whereof I professe defence And to beginne with him that was the first beginner of this innouation the holy polliticke and peaceable propositions of Martine Luther are these Their Protestants hands must bee embrued in blood it is the nature of the gospell to raise warres and seditions among Christians there is no magistrate no superiour it is to be entreated by many prayers that the countrymen obey not their Princes that they goe not on warrefare against the Turke no contribution must be giuen to Princes for their warres against him no law neither any sillable of a law can be imposed vpon Christians more then themselues will either of men or Angels there no hope of remedy vntill all humane lawes be taken away Which positions vtterly destroy all gouernments and common wealths yet such was not only the doctrine of Luther which exercised in act to his power what he taught in word as not onely all histories but the ruines of Germany are witnesse to this day but it was both the word and worke of Caluine Beza Othomanus Spiphanius and others in Switzerland and Fraunce which taking all authoritie from Kings and magistrates decreed in their conuenticles not only that all ancient and noble families but ciuill gouernment lawfull pollicie and iurisdiction must be taken away and kept a councell to destroy the King of Fraunce his wife the Queene his children Queene mother and all good magistrates in that Kingdome and not content with this the basest people as a Taylor and Cobler at Franckeforde instituted new Courts new Senators and other officers of the meanest conditioned men expelling and putting to death all ancient rulers Wherevpon ensued so many outrages and desolations in those countries the intollerable seditions rebellions disobediences and violence in deposing and expelling lawfull Princes abrogating lawes spoyling Innocents and other enormous crimes against a common wealth which haue bin practized by the Protestants of Denmarke Sweueland Scotland Flaunders are so famous they neede no recitall And lest English Protestāts which so much in words and little in deedes contend for a Common wealth should be exempted from this generall proposition who in England was so famous a Protestant in the beginning as Tindal their great apostle and who in the time of our Q. Elizabeth so great a writer and monumenter as Foxe and whose workes more generally applauded then his acts and monuments and yet Tindall taught and Foxe defendeth in his publikely allowed and approued bookes these propositions following It is vnpossible for vs to consent to the will of God the law requireth vnpossible things the law maketh to hate God euery man is Lord of other mens goods the children of faith are vnder noe law What common wealth can be where these doctrines are published and proposed to be true Did not their Protestants write a booke against the temporall regiment of women intituled Contra monstrosum regimen mulierum against the monstrous regiment of women What monstrous doctrine and pestiferous were this now in our nation What Common wealth men were those which were the greatest and chiefest promulgers of this Protestancy in England The Lord Thomas Cromwell so exalted by King Henry the eight Iohn duke of Northumberland father to the late Earle of Lecester Cranmer and others I referre to their deaths for treason against their Princes Who are chiefest actors in affaires of a Common wealth in England but the priuy councell of our Soueraignes and yet howe farre vnlike Common-wealth men did the councell of King Henry the eight onely the Lord Chauncellor Wriothesly excepted behaue themselues presently violating their King and masters last will in which they were also constituted executors Would not the Protestant councell of King Edward the sixt haue disinherited her Maiestie that is and Queene Mary The Protestants of England testifie that the Puritanes platforme tendeth to the ouerthrow of the whole state and gouernment of the common wealth the Puritanes affirme as much of their doctrine I will passe ouer so many Protestant positions which as they be al negatiue denying Religion and duty to God so in things concerning temporall gouernment subiect to Religion they must needs be repugnant to ciuill regiment I will onely craue leaue to exemplifie in three or foure questions it is a common opinion with this people that the lawes of magistrates do not binde in conscience and secret but onely in publike and open shew for auoyding scandall What treason and treacherie may not priuately be plotted practised and put in execution by this doctrine What Realme can be secure what Kingdome is not in hazarde to bee ouerthrowne where euery rebellious vassall shall bee made a iudge of his Princes lawes What other thing doth their approued doctrine of sole faith portend to the world but a desolation of all order obedience and regiment If a man is onely iustified by faith he cannot be vniustified and condemned but for wanting faith and so treason felony murther rapine periurie and all offences against a common wealth euen to take away the crowne and scepter of a prince may securely be put in action as not destroying the vertue of faith and so not able to condemne