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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A55720 The present state of Jamaica with the life of the great Columbus the first discoverer : to which is added an exact account of Sir Hen. Morgan's voyage to, and famous siege and taking of Panama from the Spaniards. 1683 (1683) Wing P3268; ESTC R1042 34,539 128

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marched for the City and further this Deponent saith not Sworn Coram this 3 day of April 1672. John Peeke Tho. Lynch A short account of the Life of Christopher Collumb or Collumbus the first Doscoverer of Jamaica COllumbus was born at Cugnero or as some say at Nervi in the Territory of Genoa he was a Mariner from a Child and traded into Syria and other parts of the East After this he became a Master in making Sea Carts and went to Portugal to Learn their Navigations on the Coast of Affrica The Spaniards who Envy the Honour of the Discovery of the New World to a stranger Report that a certain Caravel sailing in the Ocean by a strong East Wind long continuing was carryed to a Land unknow which was not expres'd in the Mapps and Cards it was much Longer in Returning than in Going and arriving had none left alive but the Pilot and three or four Marriners the Rest being Dead of Famine and other Extremeties of which also the Remnant perish'd in fews days leaving to Collumbus then the Pilots Host their papers and some grounds of this Discovery the time place Country and name of the man is Uncertain some Esteem this pilot an Andaluzian and that he traded at Madera when this befel some a Biscaine and that his traffick was in England and France and some a Portugal that traded at the Mina some say he arrived in Portugal others at Madera or at one of the Azores all agree that he Died in the house of Christopher Collumbus it is most Likely at Madera This Relation as it hath no witness to prove it the whole company being dead nor any good circumstances so the most look on it to be a fable and Spanish trick envying a foraigner and Italian that Glory to be the first Finder of the Indies and the most Juditious and sincere of the Spaniards themselves esteem but a tale as appears by the Testimony of Gorsalo Fernando De Omedo in his Summary and more fully in his General History of the Indies they shew and and so doth he which then Lived in the Court of Spain Peter Martir another Cause that mov'd Collumbus to this Discovery and not that Pilots paper or Reports for he being a Mariner used to Sea from his youth and sailing from Cales to Portugal observed that at certain seasons of the year the winds used to blow from the West which continued in that Manner a long time together and believing that they came from some Coast beyond the Sea he busied his mind so much therewith that he Resolved to make some tryal and proof thereof When he was now forty years old he propounded his purpose to the Senate of Genoa undertaking if they would lend him Ships he would find a way by the West unto the Island of Spices but they Rejected his proposals as Idle fancies Columbus frustrate of his hopes at Genoa yet leaves not his Resolution but goeth to Portugal and Communicates this Matter with Alphonsus King of Portugal but finding no Entertainment to his suit he sends his Brother Bartholomew Collumbus to King Henry the seventh of England to sollicit him in the Matter while himself passed into Spain to Implore the Aid of the Castillian herein Bartholomew in his Voyage to England unfortunately fell into the hands of Pirates which Robbed him and his company and forced him to sustain himself with making of Sea Cards and having gotten somewhat about him presents a Map of the World to King Henry with his Brothers offer of Discovery which the King Gladly accepted and sent for him into England But he had speed of his suit before in Spain and by that King and Queen was employ'd according to his Request for coming from Lisbon to Pallos di Moguer and then conferring with Martin Alonso Pinzon an expert Pilot and Frier Jo. Perez a good Cosmographer he was Counsel'd to aquaint these with his project the Duke De Medina Sidonia and of Medina Celi which yielding him not Credit the Frier Counsel'd him to go to Court and wrote in his Behalf to Fryer Fernandi Di Telavera the Queens Confessor Christopher Collumbus came to the Court of Castile Anno 1486. and found cold welcome to his suit at the hands of the King and Queen busied with Hot Wars in Granada whence they expel'd the Moores and thus remain'd he in Contempt as a Man meanly Cloathed without other patron then a poor Frier save that Alonso Di quintalignia gave him his Diet who also at the last procured him Audience of the Bishop of Toledo by whose Mediation he was brought before the King and Queen who gave him favourable Countenace and promis'd to Dispatch him when they had ended the wars of Granada which also they performed Thus Collumbus is set forth with three Caravals at the Kings charges who because his treasure was then spent in the Wars Borow'd 16000 Duckets of Lavis De Sanct Angelo and on Fryday the 3 of August in the year of our Lord 1492 in a Ship call'd the Gallega accompanied with the Pinta and Ninna in which the Pinzors Brethren went as pilots with the Number of 120 persons or thereabouts set sail for Gomera one of the Canary Islands and having there Refresh'd himself followed his Discovery after many Days he Incountered with an Herby Sea which looked like a green Field so thick that he could scarce see the water which not a little amazed the Spaniards and had caused their Return had not the sight of some Birds promis'd them Land not far of He taught the Spaniards to observe the Sun and Pole in their Navigation which till this voyage they had not used nor known But the Spaniard after three and thirty days sailing Desperate of success Mutined and threaten'd to cast Collumbus into the Sea disdaining much that a stranger a Genois had so Abused them but he pacified their Enraged fury with Mild Speeches and Gentle promise On the eleventh day of October one Rodrigo De Triana espied and cryed Land Land the best Musick that might be Especially to Columbus who to satisfie the Spaniards Importunitie had promis'd the day before that if no Land appear'd in 3 Days he would Return One the Night before had Descried fire which Kindled in him some hope of great Reward at the Kings Hand when he Returned into Spain But being herein frustate he Burn'd into such a flame as that it consumed Both Humanity and Christianity in him and in the Agony of Indignation made him Leave his Country and Faith and Revolt to the Moors But Collumbus how can I but Remember but Love but Admire sweetly may those Bones Rest Sometimes the pillars of that Temple where so Divine a spirit Resided which neither want of former Example nor publique Discouragements of Domestique and forreign states not private Insultation of proud Spaniards nor length of time which generally Devoureth the best Resolutions nor the unequal plains of Huge unknown Seas nor Grassy Fields in Neptunes Lap nor
are hereby protected until furthe Order of which the Provost Marshal is to take notice of at his peril C. Atkinson Cl. C. Sir Thomas Modyford Baronet Governour of His Majesties Island of Jamaica Commander in Chief of all His Majesties Forces within the said Island and in the Islands thereunto Adjacent Vice Admiral to his Royal Highness James Duke of York in the American Seas To Admiral Henry Morgan Esq Greeting WHereas the Queen Regent of Spain hath by her Royal Shadula dated at Madrid the 20th of Apr. 1670. Commanded her respective Governours in the Indies to publish and make open Wars against our Soveraign Lord the King in these Parts And whereas the Col. Pedro Baijonaii billa uneba Captain General of the Province of Paragnay and Governour of the City of St. Jago de Cuba and its Province hath executed the same and lately in a most Hostile and barbarous manner landed his men on the North side of this Island and entred a small way into the Country firing all the Houses they came at killing or taking Prisoners all the Inhabitants they could meet with and whereas the rest of the Governours in these Parts have granted Commissions for executing the like Hostility against us and are diligently gathering Forces together to be sent to St. Jago of Cuba their General Rendezvous and place of Magazine and from thence as the most opportune place to be transported for a thro Invasion and final Conquest as they hope of this Island for prevention of which their mischievous Intentions in discharge of that great trust which His Gracious Majesty hath placed in me I do by vertue of full Power and Authority in such Cases from his most Excellent Majesty and his Royal Highness James Duke of York His Majesties Lord High Admiral derived unto me and out of the great confidence I have in the good conduct courage and fidelity of you the said Henry Morgan as also of your great Experience you have in Marshal Affairs both by Land and Sea and by the advice and consent of His Majesties Council constitute and appoint you the said Henry Morgan to be Admiral and Commander in Chief of all the Ships Barques and other Vessels now fitted or hereafter shall be fitted for the publick Service and defence of this Island and also of the Officers Souldiers and Seamen which are or shall be put upon the same requiring you to use your best endeavours to get with the Vessels into one Body or Fleet and cause them to be well Man'd fitted arm'd and victualled and by the first opportunity wind and weather permitting to put to Sea for the Guard and Defence of the Coast of this Island and of all Vessels trading to or about the same and in order thereunto to use your best endeavours to surprize take sink disperse and destroy all the Enemies Ships or Vessels which shall come within your view and also for preventing the intended Invasion against this place You are hereby further Authorized and required in case you and yout Officers in your Judgment find it possible or feazable to Land and attain the said Town of St. Jago de Cuba or any other place belonging to the Enemies where you shall be informed the Magazine and Stores for this War are laid up or where any Rendezvous for their Forces to Imbody are appointed and there to use your best endeavour for the Seizing the said Stores and to take kill and disperse the said Forces And all Officers Souldiers and Seamen which are or shall be belonging to or Embarque upon the said Vessels are hereby strictly enjoyned both by Sea and Land to obey you as their Admiral and Commander in Chief in all things as becometh them and you your self are to observe and follow all such Orders as you shall from time to time receive from His most Excellent Majesty his Royal Highness or my self Given under my Hand and Seal of Arms this 22d of July and in the 22d year of our Soveragin Lord King Charles the Second Anno Dom. 1670. By Command of his Excellency Thomas Modyford Cary Helier Regist of the Admiralty Instructions for Admiral Henry Morgan Esq delivered him the 2d of July 1670. together with his Commission 1. YOU will with these Instructions receive my Commission which you are enjoyned with all Expedition to publish and put in due Execution according to the full extent and import of the same for the accomplishing whereof you shall have all the assistance this Island can give you 2. You are to make known unto me what strength you can possible make what your want may be that on a due Calculation of both we may supply you with all possible speed 3. You are to take notice and advise your Fleet and Souldiers that you are upon the old pleasing Account of no purchase no pay and therefore that all which is got shall be divided amongst them according to accustomed Rules 4. In case you shall find it prudential as by your Commission you are directed to attain St. Jago of Cuba and that God blessing you with Victory you are hereby directed in case you do it without any considerable hazards to keep and make good the place and Country thereabout until you have advised me of our success and received my farther Orders touching the same lest your sudden quitting and their as sudden returning beget us new work and put us on new charges and hazards for the second defeating 5. In order to this you are to proclaim mercy and enjoyment of Estates and liberty of Customs to all the Spaniards that will submit and give assurance of his Loyalty to His Majesty and Liberty to all the Slaves that will come in and to such as by any good service may deserve the same you are to give notice to their fugitive Masters Plantations to be divided amongst them as rewards for the same make them sufficient Grants in Writing both for their Liberties and Estates reserving to the Crown of England the fourth part of the produce to be yearly paid for the yearly maintenance of such Forces as shall defend these parts 6. In case you find that course to take approveable effect you are then as much as will stand with the same to preserve the Houses Sugar-works and Canes but if otherwise it appear to you that in reason you cannot make good the place for any long time and that the Spaniards and Slaves are deaf to your Proposals you are then with all Expedition to destroy or burn all Habitations and leave it as a Wilderness putting the Men-Slaves to the Sword and making the Women-slaves Prisoners to be brought hither and sold for account of your Fleet and Army such of the men also that cannot speak Spanish Or any new Negro you may preserve for the same account or if any Ships present to carry them for new-New-England or Virginia you may send them all on the same Account 7. You are to enquire what usage our Prisoners have had and