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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09846 A blowe for the Pope Touching the Popes prerogatiues. Extracted word for word out of the Booke of martyres.; Actes and monuments. Selections Foxe, John, 1516-1587. 1631 (1631) STC 20110; ESTC S105126 25,856 50

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Gregorius coram nobis and made him stand at my gate three dayes and three nights bare-footed and bare-legged with his wife and chyld in the deepe of winter both in frost and snow intreating for his absolution and after excommunicated him againe so that hee was twise excommunicated in my dayes 79. And did not I Paschalis after Gregorie set vp the son of the said Henricus against his father in warre to possesse the Empyre and to put downe his father and so hee did 80. Item did not I Pope Alexander bring vnto Henrie the second King of England for the death of Thomas Becket and to cause him goe bare-foooted to his tombe at Canturberrie with bleeding feet 81. Did not I Innocentius the third cause King Iohn to kneele downe at the feete of Pandulphus my Legate and offer vp his Crowne to his hands also to kisse the feete of Steven Langtoun Bishop of Canturberrie and besides that merced him a thousand merks by yeare 82. Did not I Vrbanus the second put downe Hugo Erle in Italie discharging his subjects from their oath and obedience to him 83. Did not I Paschalis excommunicate also his son Henry the fifth and gotte out of his hands all his right and title of elections and donations of spirituall promotions 84. Did not I Gelasius the second bring the Captaine Cnitius vnder vnto the kissing of my feete and after Gelasius 85. Did not I Calixtus quaile the foresaid Emperour Henricus and also bring in subjection Gregorie whom the said Emperour had set vp against mee to be Pope bringing him into Rome vpon a Camell his face to the horse taile making him to hold the horse taile in his hand in stead of a brydle 86. Further did not I Innocentius the second set vp and make Lotharius to bee Emperour for driving out Pope Anacletus out of Rome 87. Did not I the said Innocentius take the Dukedome of Sicilie from the Empyre and made Roger to bee King thereof whereby afterward the Kingdome became the patrimonie of S. Peter 88. Did not I Alexander the third suspend all the Realme and Churches of England for the Kings mariage 1159 88. But what doe I speake of Kings did not I the saide Alexander bring the valiant Emperour Frederick the first to Venice by reason of his son Otho their taken prisoner and there in S. Marks Church made him fall downe flat vpon the ground while I did set my feete vpon his necke saying the verse of the TSALME Super aspidem basiliscum ambulabis 89. Did not I Adrianus Pope an English man borne excommunicate William King of Cicile and refuse his peace which hee offered and had he not overcome me in plaine field I would haue shaken him out of his kingdome of Cicile and Dukedome of Apulia 90. Also did not I the said Adrianus controll and correct the foresaid Fredericus Emperour for holding the left stirruppe of my horse when hee should haue holden the right 91. And afterward did not I excommunicate curse him for that he was so sawsie to set his owne name in wrytting mine 92. And although a poore flie afterward overcame and strangled me yet I made Kings and Emperours to stoup 93. Did not I Innocentius 3. deject Philippus brother to Fredericus from the imperiall Crowne being elected without my leaue and after set him vp againe and also set vp Otho of Brounswick and after did excommunicate and also depose the same foure yeares setting vp the French King to warre against him 94. Then was Fredericus 2. by mee set vp and reigned thirtie seven yeares and yet fyue yeares before he died 95. Did not I Honorius interdict him for not restoring certaine to their possessions at my request 96. Whom also Gregorius 9. did excommunicate twyse together and raised vp the Venetians against him 97. And at length Innocentius spoyled him of his Empyre after that hee caused him to bee poysoned at length to bee strangled by one Manfredus and did excommunicate his sonne Conradus after him not onely depryving him of his right inheritance but also caused him with Frederick Duke of Austria to be beheaded 98. Thus then did not I excommunicate and depose all these Emperours in order Henricus 4. Henricus 5. Fredericus I. Philippus Otho Fredericus 2. and Conradus his sonne 99. Did not I interdict King Henrie the eight 100. And all his kingdome of England 101. And had not his prudence and power prevented my practise I had displaced him from his kingdome also briefly who is able to comprehend the greatnesse of my power and of my seate 102. For by mee only generall Councills take their force and confirmation 103. And the interpretation of the saids councils and of all other causes hard and doubtfull ought to bee referred and stand to my interpretation 104. By me the workes of all wrytters whatsoever they bee either bee reprooved or allowed 105. Then how much more ought my wryttings and decrees to bee preferred before all other 106. In so much that my letters and epistles decretall bee equivalent with the generall councils 107. And where GOD hath ordained al causes of men to bee judged by men hee hath onely reserved mee That is The Pope of Rome without all question of men vnto his owne judgement 108. And therefore where all other creatures bee vnder their judge onely I who in earth am the judge of all can bee judged of none neither Emperour nor the whole Clergie nor Kings nor of the people 109. For who hath power to judge vpon his judge 110. This judge am I and that alone without any other assistance of any counsell joyned to mee for I haue power vpon counsels counsels haue no power over mee But if the counsell determine amisse it is my aurhoritie alone to infring it or to condemne whō I list without any counsell 111. And all for the preheminene of my predecessor blessed S. Peter which by the voyce of the LORD hee receaved and ever shall retaine 112. Furthermore and whereas all other sentences and judgements both of counsels person or persons may and ought to bee examined 113. For that they may be corrupted foure wayes by feare by gifts by hatred by favour onely my sentence and judgement must stand 114. As given out of Heaven by the mouth of Peter him selfe which no man must 115. Breake nor retract 116. No man must dispute or doubt of 117. Yea if my judgment statute or yoke seeme scarcelie tolerable yet for remembrance of S. Peter it must bee humblie obeyed 118. Yea and moreover obedience is to bee given not onely to such decrees set foorth by mee in time of my Popedome but also to such as I doe foresee and commit to wrytting before I bee Pope 119. And although it bee thought by some wrytters to bee given to all men to erre and deccaved 120. Yet neither am I a poore man 121. And againe the sentence of my Apostolick seat is alwayes conceaved with such moderation is
and set vp Otho Duke of Saxon. But when the said Otho began to bee so saucie to dispossesse the Bishops of their cities and lands which they had incrotched into their bands they could not beare that but incontinent they put him besides the cusheon The like also fell vpon Otho the 4. that followed after Philip who was suffered no longer then foure yeares to reigne about the yeare of the LORD 1209. At this time Fredericus 2. the sonne of Fredericus Barbarossa was but young whom the Bishops of Rome supposing to finde more mortified and tamed to their hand advanced to bee Emperour after his father But that fell out much contrarie to their expectation for hee perceiving the immoderate pompe and pryde of the Romane Bishops which hee could in no case abyde so netled them and cut their combs and waxed so stout against them intending to extirpe their tyranie and to reduce their pompous riches to the state and condition of the primitiue Church againe putting some of them to flight and prisoning some of their Cardinals that of three Popes one after another hee was accursed circumvented by tieason at last deposed and after that poysoned and last forsaken and died After this Frederick followed his sonne Conradus whom the foresaid Bishops for his disobedience soone dispatched exciting against him in mortall warre the Lantgraue of Thuring whereby at length hee was driven into his Kingdome of Naples and there deceast This Conradus had a sonne called Conradinus Duke and Prince of Swevill where this Conradinus after the decease of his father came to enjoy the Kingdome of Naples The Bishops stirred vp against him Charles the French Kings brother in such sort that through craftie conveyance both Conradinus which descended of the blood of so many Emperours and also Frederik Duke of Austria were both taken and after much wretched handling in their miserable indurance vnseeming to their state at length were both brought vnder the axe by the Popes procurement and so both beheaded and thus ended the imperiall stocke of Frederik the first surnamed Barbarossa The like also happened to Frederik the Emperour had almost fallen vpon Philip the French King by Pope Boniface 8. who because hee could not haue his commodities and revenewes out of France after his will sent out his bils and letters patents to displace King Philip aforesaid and to possesse Albertus King of Romans in his rowme And this hitherto of forraine stories Now touching our countrie Princes heere in England so speake somewhat likewayes of them did not Pope Alexander the third presumptuously taking vpon him where hee had nothing to doe to intermeddle with the Kings subjects For the death of Becket the rebell albeit the King fusficiently cleared himselfe thereof yet notwithstanding did he not wrongfully bring the said King Henry 2. to such pennance as it pleased him to enjoyne and also violently constrained him to sweare obedience to the Sea of Rome The like also was shewed before in this storie to happen to King Iohn his sonne for when the said King like a valiant Prince had held out the tyrranie of those Bishops eleven yeares together was not all the Churches of England barred vp and his inheritance with all his dominions given away by Pope Innocent the 3. to Lodovicus the French King and he afterward compelled to submit both himselfe and to make his whole Realme fedetary to the Bishops of Rome and moreover the King himselfe driven also to surrander his Crowne to Pandulphus the Popes Legate and so continued a privat person 5 dayes standing at the Popes courtesie whether to receive it againe or not And when the Nobles of the Realme rose afterward against the King for the same was not hee then glad to seeke and sue to the foresaid Pope for succour as by his owne letter taken out of the publicke rolles may appeare King Iohns supplication to Pope Innocent the third REverendiss domino suo patri sanctiss Innocentio dei gratia Ioanni eadem gratia R. Angliae c. Cum comites Barones Angliae nobis devoti essent antequam nos nostram terram dominio vestro subjacere curassemus ex tunc in nos specialiter ob hoc sicut publicè dicunt violenter insurgunt Nos vero preter Deum vos specialem dominum patronum habentes defensionem nostram totius regni quod vestrum esse credimus vestrae paternitati commissam nos quantum in nobis est curam solicitudinem istam vestrae resignamus dominationi devotius supplicantes quatenus in negotijs nostris que vestra sunt consilium auxilium efficax apponatis prout melius videritis expedire latores praesentium c. Teste meipso apud Dour 18. Septemb. 6. And yet notwithstanding that the said King Iohn did so yeeld to the Pope he was both persewed by his Nobles and also in the end w as poysoned by asubject of the Popes ownereligion a Monke of Swinsted as I haue sufficiently to proue not onely by William Caxton but also haue testimonie of the most part of Chronicles for the same a few onely excepted as of Thomas Gray in his French Chronicle also of another French Chronicle in meeter of Ranulphus Cestrenses Thomas Rudburne also doth witnesse the same So doth Richard Rid in novo Chronico ad tempora Hen. 6. the like also doth the Chronicle called Eulogium Monachi Cant. The words of Walter Gisborne an ancient Historiographer bee plaine No lesse is to be found in Ioan. Major de gestis Scotorum lib. 4. cap. 3. fol. 56. where hee not onely maketh mention of the Monke and of the poyson but also of the Abbot of his absolution and of the 3. Monks everie day singing for the said Monks soule To these I could also annex dyvers other wrytters both English and Latin without name which witnesse that King Iohn was poysoned one beginning thus Heere beginneth a booke in the English tongue called Bruce Another beginneth Because this booke is made to tell what tyme any thing notable The thrid in English beginneth the reigne of Britaine that now is called England c. Of Latin bookes which haue no name one beginneth thus Britannia quae Anglia dicitur ae Bruto nomen est sortita Another hath this beginning Adam pater gener is humani Besides this King Henry 2 and King Iohn his sonne what Kings haue heere reigned in England since their time vntill the reigne of King Henry the 8 who althogh they were prudent Princes and did what they could against the proud dominion of those Bishops were forced at length sore against their wils for feare to subject themselues together with their subjects vnder their vsurped authoritie in so much as some of them as M att Paris wryteth by King Henry the third were faine to stoup and kisse their Legats knee The image of Antichrist exalting himselfe in the Temple of GOD aboue all that is named God out of his owne decrees