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A96291 A declaration to Great Britain and Ireland, shewing the downfall of their princes, and wherefore it is come upon them: because Christ is riding on his white horse, conquering his enemies till he have destroyed Antichrist, who hath made the nations drunk with the cup of her fornications: and till he have destroyed Mahomet, that great deceiver of the people. / Written and directed to Great Britain, and all other nations; by me Robert Wharton, wel-wisher to my countrymen, and to all the faithfull in Christ Jesus throughout the world. With an humble advice to the Army. This treatise is approved and commended, and thought worthy to be printed, by Master Hugh Peters. Wharton, Robert, fl. 1649. 1649 (1649) Wing W1575; Thomason E555_35; ESTC R204066 18,927 28

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as you have it in the Revelations Now when the Lord hath taken possession of all then shall that Prophesie be fulfilled which the Lord spake by the Prophet Esay And it shall come to passe in the latter days that the Lords house shall be prepared in the height of the Mountains and shall be higher then the highest or as may be said higher then the Kingdoms of the World for his power glory and beauty Then shall all Nations seeke unto him a multitude of people shall speak one to another Come let us ascend to the hill of the Lords house he will instruct us in his wayes and we will walke in his paths for out of Sion shall come a Law and the Word from Jerusalem yea and shall give sentence among the Nations yea and the multitude of the people shall breake their Swords into Mattocks and their spears into pruning hooks they shall not learn War any more nor lift up a weapon one against another then shall the high heads of men be brought low and the Lord only shall be exalted Esay 2. Then shall be fulfilled the word of the Lord concerning his people and his enemies saying Behold my servants that rejoyce for very quietnesse of heart but ye shall cry for sorrow of heart and complain for vexation of Spirit your name shall you leave for a curse among my chosen for the Lord shall slay you call his servants by another name Esay 45. Now to consider concerning this Prophesie that Esay spake of many things concerning Christs comming in the flesh for the redemption of man is accomplished which was the greatest worke of all works but for the accomplishing of his power in bringing his people from the bondage of their enemies is but now begun and when he hath done concerning his enemies and taken possession of all Kingly powers and authority then shall be brought to passe the Prophesie of Esay the Prophet Shall learn War no more which shall be fulfilled at the time the Lord hath appointed now the Lord hath appeared for his people and is going on his way conquering his enemies either goe on with him or goe out of his way of his fury lest you be found partakers with them in their sinfulnesse and so be partakers with them of their punishment then let us beware while it is called to day least if we come in the hardnesse of our hearts heaven be shut against us to all eternity and then too late to call for mercie therefore our Saviour Christ gives us warning saying Watch for ye know not when the master commeth whether at noonday or at midnight or at the cock crowing or at the dawning lest he come suddenly he finde you sleeping and what I say unto you I say unto all Watch Mark 13.35 36. Now I pray you in the feare of the Lord consider what the Lord hath done and what he is now a doing and the Lord enlighten your understanding that ye may see more and more of the Lords appearing for his people and be partakers with them of their happiness in Christ The Lord unite the Nations together that as we are but one people and language so we may be of one heart and minde which the Lord grant for Jesus Christ his sake AMEN Yours R.W. Errata To the Reader l. 5. for much r. long page 5. line 22. as for r. abhorr'd p. 9.18 r. when ye p. 10. l. 18. r. Essex from the Land service r. my Lord of from the Sea p. 11. l. 18. r. appeare ibid. l. 31. r. seem'd to frown on them p. 12. l. 1. for take r. lose ibid. l. 33. r. buried A Declaration to Great Britain TO all my loving country men whom I am bound to love I am desirous to impart a few lines concerning the great worke that God hath wrought for his Gospel in this latter age of the World especially in England where we are a Nation as first to consider how he worketh next what he hath brought to passe It pleased the Lord in King Henries dayes about the 9th year of his Reign that the Lord brought to light the Gospel here in England by the hand of Luther who sent it to this Nation where it was accepted among many people with great joy and comfort to their poor souls This being done it pleased the Lord to continue it till Queen Maries days then begun a great persecution to come againe by that red Dragon which is spoken of Revelations Chap. 12. concerning Michael and his Angels who fought with the Dragon and his Angels which was figured out plainly by Queen Mary who gave the red Dragon for her Arms and so plaid her part accordingly as you all know by the story but it pleased the Lord to shorten her days and set up a Governour who favoured the Gospel then was the power of the Devil brought down and whosoever rose up against the Gospel were brought to the block or the halter likewise the Spanish Navie who came to devoure up the Gospel how were they overthrown in the sea and their great General Don Pedro brought in to the mercy of the Queen after the Lord had removed her he set up the King of Scots to rule over us who before he came into England made a Covenant with his Ministers to purge the Church of England who came and was Crowned our King which being done and a Parliament called then did the Devil that red Dragon begin to set his own servants the Papists to work who thought when they had blown up the Parliament devised a project to have proclaimed that the Puritans had done it and so have raised the whole Countrey to out off the people of God most barbarously but the Lord who neither slumbers nor sleeps befooles them all and brought them miserably to their ends yet did not this great mercy put out King in minde how the Lord dealt lovingly with him in bringing him out of a poore Countrey into a glorious land where he had all the pleasures that might be afforded as we all know that he had delivered him and his Nobles from such a deadly blow and made him of a poor Scotch King a glorious English King which would make me think the more the Lord had honoured him the more he should have sought for to glorifie the Lord but he did not for concerning the Covenant he made with his Ministers in Scotland he neglected casting it behind his back which when the Ministers saw they came into England to White Hall where one of them made a Sermon before him putting him in minde how he had broke his Covenant with God and man and how the Lord would lay to his charge his Covenant he made concerning purging the Church of England he charg'd him deeply but he charged him so deeply with it that as soon as he had done his Sermon he was soundly checkt for it sent to the Tower where he lay a time but means being wrought for him he was
A DECLARATION To Great Britain and Ireland shewing the downfall of their Princes and wherefore it is come upon them Because CHRIST is riding on his white horse conquering his Enemies till he have destroyed Antichrist who hath made the Nations drunk with the Cup of her fornications and till he have destroyed Mahomet that great deceiver of the people REVEL 6.2 And I saw and behold a white horse and he that sate on him had a bow and a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to overcome Written and directed to Great Britain and all other Nations By me Robert Wharton wel-wisher to my Countrymen and to all the faithfull in Christ Jesus throughout the World With an humble advice to the Army This Treatise is approved and commended and thought worthy to be Printed by Master Hugh Peters LONDON Printed for R. L. 1649. TO THE READER Courteous Reader WHy should it seem strange to any that the Lord Christ is going forth like a mighty Conquerour to overcome his Enemies and to overturn those that stand in his way I pray consider how much the Church of Christ hath been in the Wilderness of the World like the Ark upon the Floud when the World was drowned and for sixteen hundred yeers hath that great Dragon cast out a floud of persecutions to devoure her by his wicked instruments whom he hath set at work yet hath the Lord mightily preserved it in all ages to this time and now the Lord is bringing her forth of her affliction and to make her a praise upon earth now are her enemies mad despising her and seeking to turn her back again but their surviving will be to their own destruction consider how have all those sped that have strove against her or but lent an hand against her since Queen Maries days both Kings Princes and the meaner sort of people and how have they been crost in all their designes and it hath been their confusion which hath fulfilled the words of our Saviour Christ Matth. 21.44 And whomsoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken to pieces but on whomsoever it shall fall it shall grind him to powder ye and he saith he will bruize them with an iron rod and break them in pieces like a potters vessell Psal 2.9 If this be his doing already in these latter years then is it high time for us to consider what we have to do and to be seeking for the right way not pleasing our own fancies but be like unto David he saith My soul is ravished with desire and never is at rest but seeks to know thy judgements high and what may please thee best so our Saviour Christ saith Ask and it shall be given you seek and ye shall finde knock and it shall be opened unto saith our Saviour every one that asketh receiveth and he that secketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened I pray see what glorious promises we have to build upon it is not upon a sandy foundation but upon that firme rock Christ himself who spake the words with his own mouth who never cast off any that came to him by faith as Saint Paul Heb. 11. Without faith it is impossible to please God For he that commeth to him must believe that God is and that he is a rewarder of all those that seek him diligently If it be so let us be earnest with the Lord that he will be pleased to enlighten our souls with strength from Heaven as Paul was who said Through Christ I can do all things but without Christ he can do nothing Philip. 4. if it be so that Christ must be our supporter while we live in this life of our pilgrimage and that all true holiness must proceed from him in whō dwels all the fulnes of the Godhead bodily that without him we can neverattain to heaven then let us seeke every moment of our lives for holinesse in this life and that will bring us to that haven of happinesse which will make us happy to all Eternity that never shall have end which if otherwise our mindes be set to crosse the Lords designes he hath in hand and turn enemies to him and his friends that live the lives of holinesse be you sure that your account at the last will be miserable as saith the Lord in the Proverbs 1.24 Because I have called and you have refused I have stretched out my hand and no man regarded but you have set all my Counsels at naught therefore will I laugh at your destruction and mock when the thing you feare commeth on you Then shall you call but I will not hear they shall seeke me early but shall not finde me because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord Then shall the Kings of the earth with the mighty men Captains bond and free hide themselves in the dens rocks and holes of the earth but all will not serve for if they cannot hide themselves from death who is the Lords messenger when the Lord comes himselfe they shall not be able to hide themselves from his fury if this be so that the Lords comming will be so terrible when he comes to revenge the cause of his beloved who hath been so long and many years in bondage and captivity nothing but fury and revenge will serve his turn upon them that stand in his way then let all those who are of such violent spirits be affraid and stand out no longer against this great work the Lord hath going on in the world but let them become friends rather then enemies Least they be torne in pieces and there be none to deliver Psal 50.22 Now let us consider since the Lord hath begun to shew the power of his comming in England since the last persecution in Queen Maries dayes how have they sped that lent a hand to Antichrist have they not been brought to the Block or to the Halter so when the Bishops with their wicked Counsell began to persecute how strangely were they defeated in all their purposes then the King and his Nobles they would revenge the Bishops cause and their own designes and how strongly were they overthrown and lost their lives for as most know their power was so strong that at euery field fight the King had he got the better at the beginning but before the battel was ended he lost all which did appear he had power and strength enough to overcome all had his cause been good But he being weighed in the Ballance and found too light could not stand against the work the Lord Christ had in hand Now consider the Lora is not shaking and pulling down the great pillars of this Land onely but he is shaking other Kingdoms as well as doth appear in France and other Kingdoms and thus will he doe among all Nations till he hath taken possession of all the Kingdoms of the World that they may become the Kingdoms of the Lord and his Christ