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A45227 A seasonable vindication of the supream authority and jurisdiction of Christian kings, lords, parliaments, as well over the possessions as persons of delinquent prelates and churchmen, or, An antient disputation of the famous Bohemian martyr John Hus, in justification of John Wickliffs 17 article proving by 43 arguments taken out of fathers, canonists, school-men, the supream authority and jurisidiction of princes, parliaments, temporal lords, and other lay-men, who have endowed the church with temporalities, to take away and alien the temporal lands and possessions of delinquent bishops, abbots and church-men, by way of medicine or punishment, without any sacrilege, impiety or injustice : transcribed out of the printed works of Iohn Hus, and Mr. Iohn Fox his acts and monuments printed London 1641, vol. I, p. 585, &c : with an additional appendix thereunto of proofs and domestick presidents in all ages, usefull for present and future times / by William Prynne ...; Determinatio de ablatione temporalium a clericis. English Hus, Jan, 1369?-1415.; Foxe, John, 1516-1587. Actes and monuments.; Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1660 (1660) Wing H3802; ESTC R8509 98,591 126

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If then it were neither Sac●iledge Impiety nor Injustice in these Parliaments and our Kings to take away sell alienate these Lands and Revenue of Priors Monks Monasteries and divert them from their primitive uses as our Bishops Dean and Chapters must grant as well as others or else renounce resign most of the Temporalties Rents Appropriations and Revenue they now enjoy originally belonging to Monasteries then by the self-same reason it can be no Sacriledge impiety or injustice for the King Lords Commons and Parliament upon the like grounds and considerations to take away sell alienate the temporal Land of Bishops Deans and Chapters if they offend or obstinately refuse to give the late Purchasers of them competent satisfaction for the Kingdoms Peace and Tranquility upon their commands and votes 9ly That is evident by our Histories Records Leager-books that all or most of the Manors Lands Tenements in England and Wales now in the possession of the King Queen Nobility Gentry and Commons of England have heretofore in some Age or other been solemnly consecrated devoted and given by their Ancestors to some Cathedral or Collegiate Church Abby P●io●y Nunnery Cell religious House or other or else by art fraud monyes vested in and setled on them in perpetuity as the Churches Patrimony Yet notwithstanding they have been alienated substracted or taken wholy from them in successive Ages and the inheritances of them setled in our Kings Nobles Gentry and Yeomanry without any scruple of Consciences or real or imported guilt of Sacriledge From whence it inevitably followeth That is the greatest part of all the Temporalties Lands and Revenues which our Archbishops Bishops Deans Chapters Prebends Abbots Priors Monks Templars Hospitallers and other Ecclesiastical or religious persons formerly enjoyed by as good right title in Law Conscience as those now or any of them yet enjoy them might be lawfully alienated or justly taken from them by our Kings Parliaments and Temporal Lords and may be still detained from them by the Purchasers of them their Heirs or Assigns without Sacriledge Impiety or Injustice Then by the self same reason the Lands and Temporalties they lately possessed or yet possess may upon any publick necessity or just occasion be alienated sold and taken from them by our Kings Parliaments Lords and Common without the guilt of Sacriledge or Impiety so as there be a competent maintenance left for the Evangelical Ministers Bishops and Pastors of Parochial Churches for the instruction edification and salvation of the Peoples souls committed to their charge There being the self-same reason of Sacriledge and no Sacrilege in alienating substracting selling detaining the major part of their Lands temporalties as of the Minor Or else if it be real Sacriledge to alienate sell detain any parcels of Lands or Temporalties formerly given by our antient Parliaments to others or vested in the Church or Church-men then all our Kings Parliaments Nobles Commons must be actually guilty of these sins and as far forth obliged in Justice Conscience to make full restitution of all Church-lands whatsoever formerly alienated or substracted as the late Purchasers of Bishops and Cathedral Lands and then the whole Kingdom or farre greatest part thereof must henceforth become the Churches and Church-mens Patrimony and our Kings Nobles Gentry Commonalty of all degrees their mere Homagers Vassals Farmers and Tenants at sufferance the antiquity of former alienations sales of Church-lands by our Ancestors if Sacrilegious and Impious rather aggravating than extenuating the Crime but no wayes justifying the Legality thereof it being a Maxime in our Law Quod ab initio non valet tractu temporis non convalescit and a Principle in Divinity that the older any sin is and the longer persevered in the more execrable and fit to be repented redressed and that Heirs Assignees and Successors are obliged to make restitution of sacrilegious Rapines as well as the immediate Authors of them 10ly That the Dispensation and Indulgence of Pope Iulius the 3d. himself Cardinal Pole Archbishop of Canterbury his Legate upon the Petition of all the Bishops and Clergy of England though Papists and the memorable Act of the whole Parliament of 1 2 Philip Mary c. 8. reciting them and confirming all alienations seisures sales of the Lands Manors Rents Revenues Goods as well of Archbishops Bishops Deans Chapters Prebends Cathedrals as of Abbots Priors Monks and other Religious Persons and Monasteries made by our Kings or Parliaments to the Crown and the Purchasers of all and every of them and their Heirs from the twentyeth year of King Henry the 8th till the first of Queen Mary during their revolt and pretended scisme from the Church of Rome and of all Ordinations Presentations Ecclesiastical Sentences and Proceedings for the publick peace benefit tranquility of the Church and Realm of England and satisfaction of Purchasors may for ever silence our Prelates and Cathedral mens loud cryes against the sacriledge of the late Sellers and Buyers of Bishops and other Cathedral mens Lands and enduce them to give the Purchasors of them full satisfaction by confirming their sales for a competent time For which end I shall transcribe so much of that memorable Act as concerns our present case and condition We the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled representing the whole body of this Realm reduced received by your Majesties intercession to the unity of Christs Church and the obedience of the Sea Apolike of Rome and the Popes holyness governing the same make most humble suite unto your Majesties to be likewise means and intercessours that all occassions of contention hatred grudge suspition and trouble both outwardly and inwardly in mens Consciences which might arise amongst us by reason of disobedience may by authority of the Popes holyness and by ministration of the same unto us by the most reverend Father in God the Lord Cardinal Poole by dispensation toleration or permission respectively as the case shall require be abolished and taken away and by authoritie sufficient these Articles following and generally all others when any occasion shall so require may be provided for and confirmed First that all Bishopricks Cathedral Churches Hospitals Colleges Schools and other such foundations now continuing made by authority of Parliament or otherwise established according to the order of the Laws of this Realm sithens this scisme may be confirmed and continued for ever Item that mariages made infra gradus prohibitos consanguinitatis affinitatis cognationis spiritualis or which might be made void propter impedimentum publicae bonestatis justitiae or for any other cause prohibited by the Canons only may be confirmed and children born of those mariages declared legittimate so as those mariages were made according to the Laws of the Realm for the time being and be not directly against the laws of God nor in such case as the Sea Apostolike hath not used to dispence withall That institutions of
Evangelical Bishops from our Saviours time had no Temporal Lands or Possessions till the year of our Lord 319. when the Emperor Constantine the Great first endowed Bishops and Church-men with them as Matthew Westminster and others record though his pretended Donation of Rome and other Temporalties to Popes their successions as St. Peters Patrimonie be a mere forgery as Laurentius Vall● Dr. Crakinthor●e and others quoted by them prove at large Now Iohannis Pa●●siensis Higden Wickliffe the Lord Co●●am Purvey Iohn Frith Nauclerus Bishop Iewel Thomas Beacon and others relate That when Constantine endowed the bishops and Church with Temporal Lands and Possessions the voyce of an Angel was heard in the ayre crying Hodie venenum infunditur in Ecclesiam This day is Poyson powred into the Church of God and from that time they observe because of the great Riches and Temporalties the Church and Bishops had they were made the more Secular and had more worldly business than Spiritual devotion and more outward Pomp and Splendor than inward Holyness the Daughter riches which the Church brought ●orth devouring her Mother Which if an experimental verity as sundry of our own and foreign Writers attest as I have elsewhere proved at large then it can be no Sacriledge or Impiety but wholsom physick for the King and Temporal Lords and Commons in Parliament for just causes to take away this poyson from Bishops and Cathedral Churches which hath so much poysoned corrupted them and to reduce them to the condition of the Primitive Bishops who by the Decrees of the 4th Councel of Carthage c. 14 and the Exceptions of ●g●●rt Archbishop of York Anno 750. c. 26. were only to enjoy mean Houshold-stuff course Food and HOSPITIOLVM a little Cottage near the Church not a Royal Palace or Lordly Manors which made them more Proud Lordly Secular Tyrannical Pompous Covetous than any Temporal Lords and to take precedence of them both in great Councils Parliaments and other publick Assemblies yea to intrude themselves into the greatest Temporal Offices to the great neglect of their Spiritual Functions they scorning to hold and follow the Plough of Christ after they became Lords and Barons of the Realm as Bishop Latymer proves at large in his 4th Sermon of the Plough and forgetting these Canons of the 4th Council of Carthage c. 19 20. Vt Episcopus pro rebus transitoriis non litiget provocatus Vt Episcopus nullam rei familiaris curam ad se revocet sed Lectioni et Orationi et ver●i Dei praedicationi tantummodo vacet as the primitive Bishops did which would gain our present Bishops more love respect reverence with God and all good men than all their Lordly Pomp Temporal Lands or Baronies which in all Ages have made Bishops and Cathedral-men more Secular than Spiritual more proud luxurious covetous vicious than religious or vertuous as Gregory Nazianzen Oratio 26. 35. Isiodor Pelusiota Epist. l. 2. Epist. 125. l. 3. Epist. 223. Gregorius Magnus lib. Pastoralis Curae part 2. c. 6. Moralium in Job l. 24. c. 29 30. Homil. 17. in Evangelia Gildas acris Correptio c'eri Britanniae St. Bernard Sermo 22 23 77. Cantica ad Clerum in Concilio Rhemensi de Consideratione ad Eugenium l. 1 2 3 4. Epist. 42. Henrico Senoniensium Archiepiscopo Johannis Sarisburiensis de Nugis Curialum l. 8. c. 17 23. Petrus Blesensis Archdeacon of Bath Tractatus de constitutione Episcopi Johanni Wigorniensi Episcopo Epistola 15 18 22 25 43 64. Robertus Holcot in lib. 5. Sapientiae Lect. 77. Alexander Frabricus Destructorium Vitiorum pars 4. c. 8 14 21 22. pars 5. c. 2. pars 6. c. 2. 26 40. John Wickliff Dialogorum l. 3. c. 14 17 23. Alvarus Pelagius de plancotu Ecclesiae l. 1. Artic. 70. D. l. 2. Artic. 1. to Artic. 17. Nicholaus de Clemangis de Corrupto Ecclesiae statu c. 17 18 19. Episcopus Chemnensis Onus Ecclesiae cap. 14 to 27. Joannes Aventinus Annal. Boyorum l. 5 6 7 8. Albertus magnus in Evangelium Johannis c. 10. Picus Mirandula Oratio ad Leonem 10. Petrus de Aliaco de reformatione Ecclesiae Abbas Uspergensis Paralip p. 164. Fasciculus Rerum expetendarum p. 173. Ma●s●l Patavinus Defensoris Pacis part 2. c. 11. Theodoricus à Niem l. 3. c. 41 45. l. 2. Nemore Unionis c. 19 Guicciarden Historiae Ital. l. 6. St. Brigets Revelationes passim Petrus de Vinels Epist. l. 1. c. 35. Illi●icus Catologus Testium Veritatis Peirce Plowman his complaint of the Abuses of the World Sir Geofry Chaucer in his Ploughmans tale Lucifer Prince of Darkness his Letters to the Prelates of England written as is supposed by William Suinderby a Martyr Dr. Barnes his Supplication his Articles p. 210 to 216. and Mr. William Tyndal his obedience of a Christian man and Practise of Popish Prelates Iohn Bale de Vitis Pontificum Centuriae Scriptorum Brit. and Image of both Churches on the Apocalypse Iohn Frith a Martyr in his Answer to Mr. M●res Preface Roderick M●rs his Supplication to King Henry the 8th and Parliament c. 23 24. Another Supplication to King Henry the 8th printed 1544. The Image of a very Christian Bishop and of a counterfeit Bishop printed Cum Privilegio Regali under King Henry the 8th William Wraghton his Hunting and Rescuing of the Rhomish Fox dedicated to King Henry the 8th Henry S●albridge his Exhortatory Epistle to his True Country-men of England against the pompous Popish Bishop thereof printed in H. the 8th his reign at Basil Martin Bu●er Regins Professor of Divinity in Cambridge D● Regno Christi dedicated to King Edward the 6th l. 2. c. 1 2 12. De vi usu sancti Ministerii The Image of both Pastors printed at London Cum Privilegio 1550. Bishop Hooper on the 8th Commandement p. 78 79. Bishop Latymer his 4. Sermon of the Plough Matthew Parker or Iocelin Antiquitates Ecclesiae Brittannicae p. 139 to 144. Thomas B●acon his Reports of certain men and in his Supplication vol. 3. Bishop Iewel in his Sermon on Haggai 1. p. 176. and on Matthew 9. p. 198. All which the Studious may elsewhere peruse at leasure and sundry others joyntly attest Upon which consideration not only Wickliff and Hus but several of our Martyrs as William Suinderby Walter Bruce Iohn Purvey Sir Iohn Oldcastle Lord Cobham Sir Iohn Borthick justified the lawfullness and necessity of taking away the Bishops abused Temporalties which were such poyson to them 3ly That many of our Kings by the Laws and Customs of the Realm and by vertue of their Royal Prerogative have kept our Archbishops and Bishops Temporalties in their hands and taken the profits of them as their Demesn rents keeping their Sees when void by death translation or resignation for sundry years together as all the Archbishops Bishops Abbots Priors
ordered to be banished the Realm his Temporalties seised his Lands and Goods forfeited Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury was committed Prisoner and impeached convicted of High Treason against Queen Mary for aiding the Usurper Queen Iane against her and his Goods and Temporalties seised Edmond Grindon Archbishop of Canterbury falling into Queen Elizabeths displeasure was suspended from his Archiepiscopacy by her order till his death Archbishop Abbot for killing his Keeper by Chance-medly in shooting at a Back was suspended from his Archiepiscopal Jurisdiction by King Charles the first for sundry years and his Archiepiscopal Jurisdiction power delegated to others And Will. Laud the last Archbishop of that See in the Parliament of 16 Caroli was impeached of sundry High Treasons and high Misdemeanours against the King and Kingdom by the Commons of England and Scots Commissioners for which he was upon full Tryal and Hearing imprisoned atttainted condemned and beheaded on Tower-hill his Goods and Temporalties sequestred seised sold by Judgment and Ordinances of both Houses of Parliament To these numerous Presidents of the Archbishops of Canterbury I shall annex some paralel ones of the Archbishops of York VVilfred Archbishop of York for his Treason in favouring and aiding the rebellious Danes and perswading Queen Ermenburga to desert her Husband the King was by King Egfreds prosecution twice condemned and deprived of his Archbishoprick in two several Councils his Temporalties and Goods seised his Person imprisoned his Archbishoprick divided into two or three more Bishopricks and himself exiled some write for ten others for eight years together till at last with much importunity many Letters from the Pope others he was restored to his See Wolstan Archbp. of York for his hamous Treason in deserting his natural Christian King Edgar against his Oath Allegiance Piety Function Christianity and adhering to the invading heathen Danes who wasted the Country and endeavoured to rout out the Christian Religion and for murdering divers Citizens of Hertford was deprived of his Bishoprick and imprisoned by the King for a year and at last murdered himself Turstan Archbishop of York for receiving his consecration from the Pope at the Council of Rhemes against King Henry the first his expresse command and his own Oath and Faith to the King was banish'd the Realm his Temporalties seised by the King for five years space and he hardly permitted to return into England after many mediations and menaces of the Pope in his behalf Geoffry Plantaginet Archbishop of York for breaking his Oath with King Richard the first was kept from his Temporalties and imprisoned by William Longchamp After this Anno 1194. upon several complaints against him in Parliament for hindering the Kings Officers to gather a Tax in his Diocesse and sundry contempts against King Iohn his Lands and Goods were seised and returned into the Kings Exchequer by the Sherift of York-shire by the Kings command for which he excommuniting the Sheriff was suspended his Bishoprick and forced to pay a Fine of 1000 l. for his restitution After which for excommunicating those who collected a Tax for the King he was banished the Realm and his Temporalties seised for above five years time the See being kept void above ten years space in the Kings hand when he was first made Archbishop Thomas Corbrig Archbishop of York for obeying and preferring the Popes commands before the Kings in admitting the Popes Clerk to the Chapel of St. Sepulchres in York and rejecting the Kings about the year 1300. had for this his contempt three Baronies antiently belonging and annexed to his Archbishoprick taken away and kept from him by King Edward the first during the Archbishops life without restitution Alexander Nevil Archbishop of York was attainted of High Treason in the Parliament of XI King Richard the second his Temporalties and Estate seised and his Person adjudged to perpetual imprisonment in Rochester Castle who flying the Realm Pope Vrban made him Archbishop of St. Andrews in Scotland but the Scots refusing to own his Papal Authority he was stripped of both Archbishopricks and forced to live a poor Parish-Priest in Lovain till his death Richard Scroop Archbishop of York was condemned and beheaded for High Treason against King Henry the fourth and all his Temporalties Monies Goods seised and consiscated to the King An. 1405. George Nevil Archbp. of York Brother to Henry Nevil the Great Earl of Warwick a perfideous Traytor both to King Edward the 6th and Edward the 4th in the year 1472. was arrested of High Treason at VVindsor by King Edward the 4th all his Plate Money and other movable Goods to the value of 20000 l. seised for the King together with a Miter of inestimable value by reason of the many rich stones adorning it which the King broke and made a Crown thereof for himself the profits temporalties of hi-Bishoprick were taken into the Kings hands for above 4. years space and himself long imprisoned at Calis Guisnes for his Treason against the King Cardinal Thomas Wolsie Archbishop of York a most insolent proud ambitious covetous Prelate for his manifold misdemeanours Oppressions and high crimes against the King kingdom people and Kings royal Prerogative was first attainted in a Praemunire An. 21 H. 8. whereupon the K. seised all his Goods and took away the Great Seal from him After which the Lords and Parliament exhibited sundry Articles of High Treason and other Misdemenours against him Upon which by the Kings command he was arrested at Cawood of High Treason by the Earl of Northumberland in November 1536. his Plate Goods and Temporalties seised himself caried Prisoner towards London with intent to bring him to the Tower to be further proceeded against to a void which infamy he poysoned himself with a strong Purgation whereof he died at Leycester Abby after which the King seised all his Lands and Manors though a Cardinal and Archbishop To these Presidents of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York I shall annex the like of some other inferiour Bishops William de sancta Maria Bishop of London for interdicting the whole Realm and excommunicating King Iohn together with Edward Bishop of Ely and Maugerus Bishop of VVorcester who concurred with him in this interdict and excommunication to gratifie the Pope had all their Goods and Temporalties seised upon by the King Anno 1201. their Castles demolished and themselves banished the Realm for five years space Fulco Basset Bishop of London a great Stickler for the Pope against King Henry the third whom he oft affronted ●●●●essed the King and Pope might take away his Bishoprick his Miter and Crosier but not his Helmet and Sword wherein he most gloried and consided Henry Sandwich Bishop of London against his corporal Oath of Fealty and Homage to King Henry the third was a prime Stickler in the Barons wars against this King and Promoter of the Articles of Oxford in the forty