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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17810 The historie of the life and reigne of that famous princesse Elizabeth containing a briefe memoriall of the chiefest affaires of state that haue passed in these kingdomes of England, Scotland, France or Ireland since the yeare of the fatall Spanish invasion to that of her sad and ever to be deplored dissolution : wherevnto also is annexed an appendix of animadversions vpon severall passages, corrections of sundry errours, and additions of some remarkable matters of this history never before imprinted.; Annales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha. English. 1634 Camden, William, 1551-1623.; Browne, Thomas, 1604?-1673. 1634 (1634) STC 4499; ESTC S2549 301,814 518

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gotten as farre as Saint Victors they esteemed the entrance of the mayne Citie as the last so the least part of the assault The French King whether out of feare of the disabilitie of his forces or of hope that shortly it would yeeld or perswasion that the Duke of Maine would not bid him battaile sounds presently a retreate from Paris and remoues to Estampes leauing the Lord Willoughbie and the English on the way to blocke vp the Leaguers passage till such time that both the Towne and Castle yeelded After this they took Vendosme the same place which with the whole country Henry the Fift of England had formerly giuen to Robert Willoughby Gouernour of Normandy as a sure argument of his loue and the others valour They reduced likewise to their due obedience Caën Alanzon Falais Loux and Honfleure After which time and trauell of aboue fiue hundred miles besides the wearinesse of their Irish service they that suruiu'd returned home to England The chiefe of note that died either by disease or battaile were one Captayne Hunning and Stubs who hauing formerly lost his right hand for writing against the mariage of the Queene with the Duke of Aniou heere lost his life and Sir William Drury one without doubt who had enioyed a longer life if reason could haue preuayled with his passion to haue preserued it For contending with Burroughs a Lords yonger sonne for the vpper ●and against the order of ranking Nobility in England he was slaine by him in a single combat The Queene intended not so speedy a returne of the English and the French King greeued at it hauing had intelligence that the Spaniard lay in wayt for the Kingdome of France for he already through the meanes of Morea Taxie and Bernardine Mendoza got it propounded in the Councell of the Leaguers that to recompence his charges which he had beene at for their assistance they should nominate him the Protectour of the Catholiques in France and confer vpon him the same Prerogatiues that he enioyes in the Kingdome of Naples and Sicily of bestowing by his Delegates all Offices whether Ecclesiasticall or Ciuill The loftinesse of this vndermining request intermingled with the eager promoting of it by Cardinall Caietan the Popes Nuntio came yet so short of their expectation of successe that it occasioned great discontentment in the French themselues whose riper iudgements prompted them to this caution by promoting their Religion not to lose their Reason And as the Queene imploied no small care in establishing Nauarre in the Kingdome of France so had she a long time sought opportunity to contriue a match betweene his sister Katharine and the King of Scotland wisely considering that both of them would stand her in great stead to refell the force of Catholiques and their plots against Protestants but the euent prooued not answerable by reason that her age was of the most and her meanes of the least her brother himselfe likewise being much impouerished by these neuer discontinuing warres The King of Scotland notwithstanding being still vnmarried ceased not very often to sollicite the Queen for her aduice in the choice of a wife who being more slow in answering him then the desire of the Scots although not then reason required gaue occasion to the Scots not only to suspect but euen to vent this suspitiō in open clamors that the English by their cunning trickes sought to depriue the King both of Honour and Issue thereby conceyting an impunity for the death of his mother and to exclude the Scottish race from succession in England This when the Queene vnderstood shee exhorted the King to choose himselfe a wife and such a one that might well please him not displease the people nor occasion the long amity betweene them to fall into suspition The King of Scots therefore hauing somewhat about a yeere before setled his affection on Anne the daughter of Fredericke the Second King of Denmarke who was also honoured with the Queenes ample commendations this yeere about Iuly contracted himselfe to her by his Proxie the Earle Marshall But shee being shipped for Scotland in the middest of her voyage was driuen backe by a tempest into Norway which so bruised her ships that shee could not in long time put to sea againe The King to the prayse of his Religion as well as his loue about October next passeth to Norway for the Sates of the Kingdome appointed and he himselfe sealed their resolution with a vowe to marry within the compasse of a yeare and there celebrated the marriage where both of them were compelled to stay till next May before their ships necessity and a seasonable opportunitie would licence their departure It was first the opinion of many but afterwards their faith that these tempests at sea were raysed by the execrable power of sorcerers and witches by reason of the violence of the waues and windes that were more turbulent and the stormes shorter and yet oftner than ordinarie whereupon they concluded some operati●e power besides nature partly by reason that euill spirits Princes of the Ayre may with better safety trade with the poore ignorant people in the Northerne clymate from whom partly their pouerty and want of other mens industry hath concealed the light of the Gospel but especially by reason of the open confessions of some Witches that were vpon some occasion apprehended who confessed that they raysed those stormes on purpose to keep● the Queene from Scotland and that likewise Bothwel had beene with them to know the Kings fortune This being denounced Treason amongst the Scots by a Law of Queene Marry co●t Bothwel a strict imprisonment yet it seemes not so strict but that shortly he brake out from that into worse troubles wherewith all Scotland was annoyed There died this yeere Frances the Countesse of Sussex widow of the Thomas Earle of Sussex and sister to Henry Sidney who hauing giuen many precepts of vertue in her life at her death taught it by example in erecting Sidney Sussex Colledge in Cambridge And Sir Walter Mildmay a man as full of variety of vertues as euer he was of offices yet was hee chosen by Henry the Eigth to bee ouersee● of the Court of Augmentation Knighted by King Edward the Sixt made a Priuy Counsellour by Queene Elizabeth Chancellour of the Exchequer and Subtreasurer He founded Emanuel Colledge at Cambridge in the yeere 1584. endowing it with meanes and reuenewes to mayntayne threescore and two Students and a President Him succeeded Sir Iohn Fortescue an excellent man and a good Grecian who was long time Tutor to the Queene and Master of her Wardrobe Likewise there died William Somerset Earle of Worcester the Sonne of Henry and Nephew of Charles whom his onely Sonne Edward succeeded a man so prosperous in his issue that he might reckon more sonnes and daughters then most Noble men in England There died also Iohn Lord Sturton the sonne of Charles whom Queene Mary
of the richest in all Friezland which neither could beare the seruile yoake of the Spaniard nor would admit of a subiection to the States made a motion vnto the Queene to receiue them into her protection which shee eagerly refused being vnwilling any way to benefit her selfe by the States discontentment At which time likewise shee was much offended with the Zelanders for ●husing the King of France their Patron and not acquainting the States of Holland with their purpose And publikely reprooued many of those Prouinces who vnder pretence of obedience and affection vnto her had occasioned many discontents and dissentions at home She was indeed somewhat larger in this reproofe then her ordinary displeasure would allow her because she was giuen to vnderstand that Richardot had been very importunate that pardon libertie of Religion should be granted to all Low-Countreymen who had fled out of their Prouinces if they would returne home againe which if he brought to passe she soone foresaw would be disaduantagious to the States by reason that such kinde of men formerly inhabited the emptiest Cities of Holland and would contribute much to the maintenance of war About which time also at the mediation of the Duke of Tuscany shee commanded some ships that had beene taken by the English to be restored to the Venetians and Florentines straitly commanding that none should offer violence to the Italian Venetian French Dane Low-Countrey-men or those of the Hanse Townes But the Spaniard as hee escaped the contents of this command so escaped hee not many onsets and affronts of the English some in the Atlantique Ocean and some at and about the Ilands of Azores where his Nauies from either Indies must necessarily come for refection and others by the Earle of Cumberland who surprised some of his ships demolished to the ground his Fort of Fayoll and brought from thence fifty eight great peeces of Ordnance and others by some more of the English who scouring the Gaditan Sea much endangered the ordinary safety of his vsuall Traffiques The glory of the Queene although it were farre spread and almost fearfull by reason of her prosperous successe in war yet was it more admirable and much better'd in report by a peace which shee obtained betweene the Great Turke and the Polonians euen at the brinke of a terrible battell and the Vayvode of Moldauia whom the Great Turke sorely perplexed also which courtesie of hers the Polonian and his Chancellour by their letters gratefully since acknowledged And now to confirme that inuiolable bond of amity betweene her and the King of Scots shee sent Edward Somerset Earle of Worcester to him to congratulate to him his happy mariage and his as happy returne home with some admonitions also that as her loue had lately beene manifested in honouring both him and the King of France with the order of S. George so his care should bee as circumspect to choake all popish practises euen in their birth The King most gently entertained both the loue and care of the Queene and to publish his desire of a continuation of amity with England and an vniuersall peace withall he sent Colonel Steward into Germany to treat with the King of Denmarke and the Embassadors of the other Princes about the renewing of a League betweene England Spaine and France France all this while was in a sore combustion which as the malice of the Leaguers first kindled so now their power as strongly fomented The Queene scanning all possibilities of quenching the same entred into many consultations and councells whether shee should ioyne her old English Souldiers that serued in the Low Countries with the forces that were a comming into France out of Germany or whether shee should leauy forces and send them ouer into the Low Countries to detaine still the Duke of Parma from entring into France But most of all shee controuerted this question how shee might keepe the Spaniard from the Sea coasts of France especially ●ince shee vnderstood that the Spaniard had seconded his violence by corrupt bribery to reduce New-hauen vnto his owne power and had also resolued to send a Nauy into low Britaine or Britania Armorica But before the varieties of consultations could be easily ripened to any resolution the D. of Parma entreth France For the Spaniard after his easie perswa●ion to it by the Leaguers who thirsted sore after some reuenge for their shamefull discomfiture at the Battle of Yurie straightly commanded the Duke this iourney by vertue of his Protectorship of the Catholikes and the comely glosse of charity to his neighbours The Duke hauing speedily runne quite thorow Picardy succoureth the fainting rebellion at Paris with variety of prouision and hauing ransack't Corbu●ile and Laygnay to store Paris with a larger plenty of prouision hee retyreth with his army which spake better of his skill in intrenching in and delaying of battell after the manner of the Romanes then of his warlike discipline which could not restraine the couetousnesse of his Souldiers from open and shamefull sacriledge On the otherside certaine Regiments of Spaniards vnder the conduct of Don Iuan d'Aquila hauing ariued at lower Britaine about the Autumnall Aequinox at Blawet assault and surprize Henebon a fortified towne by the Sea side by the meanes of Philip Emanuel Duke of Merceur one of the house of Lorraine who at that time when the Leaguers began to distribute and quarter France into their seueral portions sent for this troupe of Spaniards to seat him for his part in the Duchie of Britaine or in some part of it at least This thought he easie to accomplish by the helpe of the Spaniard and the right of his wife who was the onely daughter of Sebastian Martigne whose mother Caroletta was Duchesse of Britaine and Heire to I. Brosse Duke of Estampes This occasion the Spaniard without great importunity quick●y embraced being himselfe conceited also that Britaine by right belong'd to his Daughter being it was a Feminine fee and by reason that shee descended from Elizabeth of Valois the eldest daughter of Henry the second of France who by reason of the death of all her Vncles without Issue had right alsoo● succession to the whole Crowne of France did not the Salique Law cut that off And although hee could not be ignorant that in the reigne of Francis the first the Duchy of Britaine was incorporated to the Crowne of France yet would he not subscribe to the resolution of all the Lawyers in France concluding that Whatsoeuer is once annexed or incorporated to the Crowne of France can neuer be dismembred or seuered from it Presently after the ariuall of these Spaniards Henry Bourbon sonne to the Duke Montpensier and Prince D● Beare whom with La-Noue the King made Gouernour of Britaine requesteth ayde from England but it seemed good neithe● to the Queene nor her Councell to second this request with a grant because he was but a subiect the King being busied
indeed was the more willing to condiscend to these couenants by reason shee had heard that the Spaniard had admission into Paris the greatest city in France and that the Parisians vouchsafed their lawfull King no other title but the King of Bearne acknowledging the Spaniard as their Lord and King who hereupon conceiued no small hope of reducing France vnder his gouernment which conceit he not at all dissembled before Ianine the Leaguers Embassadour then in Spaine Likewise because she vnderstood that Pope Gregory the thirteenth of that name had leuied many forces in Italy and Switzerland vnder the Duke Mon●martin against the King of France whom hee had already by his Bull excommunicated which Bull notwithstanding the Parliament at Paris and the other at Tours condemned and causing it to be hung vpon a Gibbet by the Hangman set fire to it Hereupon came forth a strict Proclamation in England that no man vpon paine of treason into any parts or places belonging either to the Spaniard or Leaguers should transport corne munition or any kind of traffique And the same also was before set forth by the King of Scots About which time Sir Henry Palmer being sent forth with some few men of warre surprized thirteene of ●heir Ships at their returne from Noua Francia And Sir Roger Williams with some six hundred souldiers passed ouer to Diepe where the enemy lay roauing about hauing expresse Commission to recide in those quarters and Sir Iohn Norris presently after shipt ouer with the rest of the Souldiers into Britaine vnder whom were Sir Henry his brother and Sir Anthony Sherley worthy Commanders These hauing ioyned forces with the Kings and in vaine hauing assaulted Lamballe where that famous Warriour Fr. La-Noue died of a wound tooke Castili●n the vttermost of their glory in it being stretcht to a keeping vnder of the Spaniard and Leaguers not a remouing of them Sir Roger Williams with his forces and Chattre the Gouernour of Diepe hauing broken thorow the inclosures barricadoed with wine vessels at Cinquensanoe scattered all the Leaguers that infested the passage by ●remble-Court and Lounde and vanquished them being rewarded for his valour by a commendatory letter ' from the King to the Queene This remembrance of his commendations wrought him into such a forgetfulnesse of his Commission that he left Diepe accompanied the King to the suburbs of Paris and sent a Challenge to the Spaniards to hazard with him two hundred Pikes and a hundred Musketiers against so many English which being not performed he returned againe to Diepe but scarce had he bin come to it but the King sending speedily for him he posts with his Army presently to Noyon hauing no such warrant in his Commission where being too prodigall of others blood hee exposed many English to great danger in the assault the Queene not knowing of it and th●refore being the more angry At that time the French King sent Anthony Reaux to certifie the Queene that hee had resolued to bring Roan and New-Hauen vnder his subiection before the Duke of Parma should set foot into France too farre and to that effect hee craued of her foure thousand English to be sent ouer into Normandy intreating her to giue them pay for two months promising that if they continued a longer time hee would pay them and presently vpon their ariuall come and ioyne his forces with them But that in the meane time he would continue still at Picardy least otherwise those of Roan should haue some inkling of his resolution The Queene who desired nothing more than the remouall of the Enemy from the Sea coasts willingly condiscended so that the couenants were agreed vpon in the same fashion as before onely with this clause that they should bee confirmed and authorized by Act of Parliament within few daies after The number being compleat arriued at Diepe vnder the command of Robert Earle of Essex a worthy young man and in great fauour with the Queene Many Noblemen of note accompanied him amongst whom Thomas Leighton and Henry Killegrew were appointed to be of his counsell The Earle at his ariuall here in France vnderstood that the King was at Noyon hee saw not so much as any preparation for warre neither could any man instruct him what to doe with his forces insomuch that he greatly wondred at the King that hee should so sleightly esteeme of his promise After some small continuance there Sir Roger Williams posteth vnto him intreating him in the name of the King to make all possible speed to Noyon there to conferre about the manner of the war thither when the Earle came the King declared vnto him that of necessity hee must dispatch into Champagne to ioyne forces with the Germanes promising to send to him Marshall Byron and the Duke Montpe●sier to besiege Roan Hereupon the Earle returned to his owne forces who had now encamped at Arques where to win the hearts of warlike men hee knighted many thinking to adde courage by this addition of Honour but not without the enuy and anger of many that enioyed that title at home who tooke it ill to see him lauishly prostitute that title of so great credit with the English which the Queene was so thri●ty in bestowing euen vpon deseruing men Byron and Montpensier after so long expectation as yet appeare not the one being gone into Champagne to the mariage of the Vicount Turene with the daughter of the Duke of Balloigne and the other hauing turned out of his way to the vnnecessary besieging of Pierre-pont Castle The Queene hauing beene very vrgent by her Leagier Sir Henry Vmpton with the King for the siege of Roan ca●sed him to send Reaux ouer into England to certifie her the reasons why hee prolonged the siege Shee was likewise very earnest with him for the ratifying of his late Couenants by Act of Parliament but being a long time delayed was at last forced to a content with his bare Confirmation of them All this while lay the Earle of Essex idle although not without discontent of minde who afterwards to satisfie his thirsty minde with some difficult exploit approached Roan where hee lost Sir Walter his brother who was shot through with a bullet the Queene indeed checkt him both for his voyage to the King without her knowledge and for his incon●iderate approaching Ro●● but hee quickly made his peace with her by a smooth Letter and in the meane time behau'd himselfe brauely in the assault and taking of Go●rnay with the Marshall Byr●n About which time also the French King sent ouer Beauoir with Letters to the Queene to desire her to let the Earle of Essex passe into Champaigne with his forces as if he had not so much as thought of the besieging of Roan which the Queene tooke so ill at his hands that she began to expostulate with him concerning it obiecting also that now tw● moneths were expired since the couenant
many of their vnprouided ships This as soone as the Queene came to vnderstand shee set foorth her Proclamation forbidding any man hereafter to doe so vnder penalty of aiding an enemy against ones owne countrey withall commanding that they who worke in iron should make no greater peeces that the ordinary Mynions and none aboue sixteene thousand pound weight The Queene hauing gone on progresse this sommer tooke Oxford in her way where shee remained some few daies being entertained with Orations Plaies and Disputations and a costly banquet prouided by the Lord Buckhurst then Chancellour of Oxford At her departure shee gaue them a Latine speech wherein shee professed that shee more esteemed of their true hearty loues than of all other sports and pleasures neuer so delightfull for which she gaue them hearty thankes making a solemne vow and giuing them sound counsell her vow was that as she wished nothing more than the safety of the Kingdome the happinesse and glory thereof so shee wished also that especially the Vniuersity which is one of the eies of the Kingdome might grow famous and flourish for euer Her counsell was that they should worship God first of all not to sute themselues according to the curiosity of many but to the lawes of God and the Kingdome that they should follow the lawes and not goe before them that they should not dispute whether or no better lawes might be but keepe those that already were made that they should obey their Superiours and mutually loue each other This sommer as also last sommer there was such a great drought through England that not onely the fields but euen many fountaines were dried vp and many cattell were choked with thirst perished euery where vp and downe euen the Riuer of Thames the chiefest in all England nay one than whom Europe hath not a longer for it ebbes and flowes aboue threescore miles euery day was euen without water the fift day of September to the great admiration of all that beheld the same in so much that a horseman might easily passe ouer at London-bridge Whether or no this fell out by reason of the great drought or the fierce rage of the North-east winde which had blowne vpon the water two whole daies and either droue away the fresh water or hindred the flowing of the Sea I cannot tell especially the Moone being then in the increase descending to the South and the Aequinox being neere at hand at which times sea-men obserue greater flowing in the Thames than at any other There were those that searcht into the hidden secrets of Philosophy to shew that this accident fell out by a naturall cause and direction arguing that as a quartane Ague comes at her due time and as the Gout at certaine seasons and as a Purge if nothing hinder it keepes it's accustomed time for working and as a womans childe-bearing ordinarily comes within a months reckoning so the waters haue some secret place of respite whither they withdraw themselues and whence they streame out againe that some of them that are lesse may be the better noted that they that are greater are yet certainely so And what wonder should this bee to see Nature her selfe goe on by statutes and degrees The heat of the Sommer comes when the time is the alteration of the Spring and Autumne is when it is wont to be the Solstice and the Aequinox keepe their appointed seasons then let vs not thinke but there are lawes of nature vnder earth which may perchance be lesse knowne to vs but not lesse certaine in themselues Let vs beleeue to bee below whatsoeuer wee see is aboue vs. There died this yeere Anthony Browne Vicount Mou●tague sonne to Sir Anthony Browne master of the Horse and Standard-bearer of England whom Queene Mary had before giuen this title to because that his Grandmother was the Daughter and heire of Iohn Neuill Marquisse of Mountague Shee made him Knight of the Garter and sent him to Rome in the behalfe of the whole kingdome to yeeld obedience to that See Queene Elizabeth hauing had experience of this mans loyalty esteemed very well of him although he were a Romance Catholike shee came moreouer and visited him for shee well knew that he was borne and bred in that religion which hee professed and not embraced it as many did onely to further a faction and him Anthony Nephew to his sonne succeeded There died also Henry Lord Scroope of Bolton Knight of the Garter and President of the westerne parts of the Borders of Scotland hauing left Thomas his sonne by Marquisse Howard the sister of Thomas the la●● Duke of Norfolke his successor Neither to bee passed ouer in silence is the death of Christopher Wray Lord Chiefe Iustice of the Kings Bench a man of great wisdome and skill in the Law one of sincerity and as great constancy hee had much issue but more credit in Magdalene Colledge in Cambridge of which he well deserued whom ●op●am the Attourney a man of much noted seuerity succeeded THE SIXE and thirtieth Yeere OF HER REIGNE Anno Domini 1593. IN February this yeare the Peeres of the Kingdome assembled in Parliament at Westminster where they enacted lawes about the restraining of Schismaticks and Papists that would not goe to Church and also enticed others not to goe too also about possessions of Monasteries entailed vpon Henry the eight about relieuing Souldiers and Marriners and about not building within three miles of London and many other matters And when they had weightily considered for I speake out of the Acts of Parliament with what resolute malice the enemy raged against Englands ouerthrow and the Confederates in France to ceaze the Low Countries or Scotland or to surprize any conuenient place for inuading England they adiudged it fit to grant some Subsidies to repell these dangers Wherefore acknowledging and magnifying the heroicke princely minde of their Princesse together with her prouident care and especiall affection to her people that had so happily waged warre against her enemy and to that end she continually exhausted the wealth of her Treasure and neuer offered to burden the poore comminalty with taxations and that not onely in defence of her owne Kindgome but also in easing and relieuing her confederates according to these words and her promise The Clergie granted two entire Subsidies and the Laity three and six Fifteenes and Tenths to be paid at a time with a willing and obedient minde But yet with submission petitioning that since these things were so assigned ouer to Posterity in publike Records that in expresse words there should be this caution added that these so great and the like neuer before heard-of Subsidies being granted vnto so good a Princesse vpon so extraordinary occasions should neuer be made an example for hereafter The Queene being present the last day of the Parliament that by her consent she might giue life to these Lawes to make them of force
and that there shall be no peace betweene him and them without their mutuall consent thereunto Yet for all this is Britaine still neglected by the French King France in the very bowels thereof still labouring and neitheir yet could the Englishmen get so much as Pimpol or Breac a little Island for their retiring place but vpon extreame hard conditions to wit that they fortifie it not neither that they lodge either in the houses of Priests or Noblemen Yet for all this the States of Britaine humbly requested the Queene not to recall her forces which she had euen resolued on but euen ouer-entreated commanded them to stay and they dispersed and scattered vp and downe about the Country Villages and exposed both to the malice of the Heauen and their enemies were ●ain● to haue a lamentable wintering when Pimpol by reason it was so little could not containe them all Neither spared she her continuall admonitions to the King of France that he should consider how much it stood him vpon to protect and keepe in hold the Sea coasts which once being gotten into the power of the enemy opens a way for further losse and is not easily recouered againe she wished him by Sir Robert Sidney to protect in safety the professours of the reformed Religion He promised againe that as he had hitherto beene so he would alwaies be their Protector and Defendor although that euen the chiefest Nobles of them had already forsaken him But when Sidney would haue dealt with him about Brest for a retyring place for the English forces and a pawne for the monies he had already had which indeed the Queene greatly desired hee stopt his eares at that For truely the Frenchmen could not indure that the English should once set foot in any other possessions in France no not so much as in their Hauens no● being forgetfull how easily they a great while agoe hauing but once beene possessed of their Hauens victoriously ran ouer France and how hardly they resigned vp againe their possessions And thus miserably did the French turne the counsell of the Queene vpon her selfe and the English which she gaue them for a caution against the Spaniard The Queene that she might secure her own selfe from the Spaniard fortified the Islands of Silley in the British Ocean hauing erected a Fortresse in S. Mari●s Island which by reason of the fashion of a starre like to which it was made she called the Starre-Marie she fortified that also with a set Garrison Also she strengthened her Islands of Ga●nsey and Iersey opposite against France and other places besides with great cost and charges and as great courage and alacrity although the times then were very heauy For in that yeare Saturne running through the end of Cancer and the beginning of Leo as in the yeare 1563. the Pestilence or Plague miserably tormented the City of London insomuch that the rigour thereof in the whole course of one yeare mowed downe the people of the Citie and Suburbes to the number of 17890. besides Sir William Roe the Lord Major and three more Aldermen Bartholomew Faire was not kept that yeare in London and Michaelmas Terme at S. Albanes twenty miles from London At which Terme Richard Hesket was condemned and executed because he had perswaded Henry Earle of Darby whose Father Henry died not long before that he should claime the Crowne of England fetching his right from his great Grand-mother Mary the Daughter to Henry the seuenth largely promising moreouer assistance and money from the Spaniard withall threatning the Earles sudden destruction if hee kept it not secret and if he put it not in practise But the Earle fearing this to be a plot onely to bring him into danger betrayed his conspiratour who of his owne accord acknowledging his fault before the iudgement seat sorely cursed those that aduised him thereto and those also that hearkened to his aduise in it and indeed those curses fell vpon some body in all probability For the Earle within foure moneths after died of a miserable kinde of death as shall be spoken of shortly In this yeares space two famous Earles of England died both of the Order of the Garter Henry Stanley whom I now mentioned Earle of Darby the sonne of Edward by Dorothy the Daughter of Thomas Howard first Duke of Norfolke He got of Margaret the Daughter of Henry Clifford Earle of Cumberland of Elenor Brandon the Niece of Henry the eight by his Sister Mary two sonnes Ferdinand and William that in order succeded him The other Earle that died was Henry Ratcliffe Earle of Sussex Gouernour of Portsmouth hauing left onely one Sonne Robert which he had by Honor the Daughter of Anthony Pound At Portsmouth Charles Blunt afterwards Lord Montioy succeeded him Three Lords accompanied these Earles also into another life Arthur Grey of Wilton that famous Warriour and of the Order of the Garter to whom succeeded Thomas his sonne by Iane Sybill Morrison The second Henry Lord Cromwell the Nephew of that Thomas Earle of Essex so often spoken of that was the mocking-stocke of Fortune after him succeeded Edward his sonne by Mary the Daughter of Iohn Powlet Marquesse of Winchester The third Henry Lord Wentworth whom succeeded Thomas borne of Anne Hopton his sonne and heire Neither will we conceale the death of worthy Christopher Carlile whose warlike skill was sufficiently tried in the Low Countries France and Ireland and in America at Carthage and Santo Dominico in the yeare 1585. for he about this time accompanied the forenamed into a better life In Ireland O-Conor Dun Mac-Da●y and O-Brien Nobleman of Conaugh and others make complaints that they were vniustly gone to law withall about the possessions of the Mortimers Earles of March which they had no colour of pretence for but continuance of long time wherein they had onely vsurped the same Also about this time the Noblemen of the Prouince of Vlster who long before feared lest they should fal into a conformity to English lawes which they thought would be brought in vpon thē as they saw it done already in Monaghan and that they should loose much of their power thereby whereby sometimes they did euen tyra●●ize ouer the people begin now to bring to light that rebellion which before long had beene conceiued and first of all Hugh O-Donell on a sudden surpriseth Montrosse Castle Now there had beene a grudge long betweene the Earle of Tir-Oen and Henry Bagnall Marshall of the Irish forces whose Sister the Earle had stolne for his wife The Earle he made his complaint before the Lord Deputy of Ireland the Chancellour and others that whatsoeuer he had brought in obedience to the Queene at Vlster by his continuall labour and euen hazard of his bloud that redounded onely to the commodity of the Marshall and not to himselfe that yet the Marshall had falsly accused him of treason and to that purpose had suborned base
from Blanch the first-borne of the said Elenor and this both Rodericke Archbishop of Toledo booke nine chapt fiue And Pope Innocent who should better be beleeued that liued in the same time denie as false Fourthly Because she was descended of Beatrice the Daughter of Henrie the third King of England and in the meane time they forget that she had Brothers two Edward the first King of England and Edmund Earle of Lancaster from whom besides those of the Royall Family sprang a whole nation of Nobles in England Fiftly They deriue this right of the Infanta from the Portugall Familie as also from Philip the Daughter of Iohn of G●unt Duke of Lancaster whom they say was the first-borne by his former wife Blanch when as for all this Frossard that liued at the same time at Court in 169. page of the second part demonstrates vnto vs that Elizabeth married to Iohn Holland who was afterwards Duke of Ex●t●r was the first-borne But we haue sufficiently refelled these Genealogicall phantasies which were bred out of the vaporous crudities of treacherie wherewith that Booke much aboundeth But yet cannot but wonder that these men should be so vnmindfull of their owne profession scorning both the authority of the Councell of Trent concerning auoiding all secular affaires and occasions as also of the Toletan Councell and their own Lawes but the very last yeare at Rome newly reuiued onely to curry fauour with the Spaniard to abuse simple men to strew the way for tumultuous insurrections to prouid● Ladders for the ambitious though to their owne ruine and to offer violent ha●ds to the Truth making their Religion the cloake for all their ●reason Nay in the conceit of this new made Right of the Infanta some of them went so farre on that they compelled the English Priests in their Spanish Seminaries to subscribe to this Right of the said Infanta if we may euen beleeue themsel●es that related it These things whatsoeuer Parsons the lesuite thought they would effect yet after all failed and that Iames of Sc●tland was proclaimed King of England after the death of the Queene then hee stroue to excuse the matter in Letters to most of his Friends as if so be that those words in his Book against the right of the King of Scotland had not beene spoken of him out of any ill will or desire any way to hurt the King but onely out of an earnest desire he had to bring the King to the profession of the Roman Ca●holike Religion also he thought that it would serue well enough for his excuse that those iniuries hee offered the King were not preiudiciall to him because they tooke no effect But whilest these Turne-coats faine to themselues a false H●ire in Spaine God that laughed at their de●ises raised vp to Iames of Scotland the true Heire a Sonne that might also haue beene his heire For on the 19. of February was borne to him Henry Prince of Scotland the loue and delight of Britaine whom Queene Elizabeth in an ●onourable Embassage by Robert Earle of Sussex was Godmother to Now as the learned sort of our English 〈…〉 studied to enthroane the Spanish Infanta in the 〈◊〉 of Engl●nd by their writings So some of them tooke the nearer way of murther hauing sent ouer priuy murth●re●s to 〈◊〉 ● way the Queene The Spaniards on the other side they 〈◊〉 with poyson but much suspecting the truth of the English thinking the Nation affoorded none so cruell against ●is Princesse they made vse of Roderike Lopez a Iewish S●ctary and a Houshold Phisit●on ●o the Queenes Court and 〈…〉 of him but also of S●●phan F●rreira Gama and Emanuel Lowise Portugalls for at that time many Portugalls vnder the pretence of their banished Anthony crept here into England They hauing beene apprehended by reason of some of their Letters that were intercepted and being accused towards the latter end of February both confessed that they conspired to make away the Queene by poyson Lopez being of a well-tried honesty and neuer suspected confessed voluntarily that he was thereunto induced by Andrada a P●rtugall to doe so much seruice to the King of Spaine that also he had receaued from Don Christoph●ro de Moro one of his intimatest Counsellours a very pretious Iewell who as fast as he could learne any thing from him still enformed the Spaniard of it till at last the agreement was made and for 50000. Crownes he promised to poyson the Queene and that he had certified the Conde de Fuentes and Ibarra Secretary to the Spaniard in the Low Countries as much as that came too Stephano Ferreira confessed that the said C●nde de F●entes and I●arra had certified him indeed both by Letters and Colloquies that they were putting their counsell in practise of taking away the Queene by poyson that he himselfe wrote Letters as Lopez dictated them wherein he promise● to do it for 50000 Crownes he confessed also that Emmanuel Lowise was sent ouer from the said Conde de Fuentes to hasten Lopez to make an end of the matter Emmanuel confessed that hauing taken oath to conceale all his counsell Conde de Fuentes shewed him Letters which Andrada the Portugall had wrote in Lopez's name concerning the making of the Queene away also that now he was sent from him that he should deale with Ferreira and Lopez about the hastning the Queenes death also to promise both money to Lopez and preferment to all his children Lopez brought forth said but little but that Ferreira and 〈◊〉 were nothing but composed of deceit lying that he neuer thought any hurt against the Queene but alwaies hated the gift of that Spanish Tyrant that hee gaue to the Queene the Iewell sent him by the Spaniard that hee neuer intended more then to deceiue the Spaniard and cousen him of his money The rest said nothing for themselues but continually accused Lopez so that they were all three condemned and within three moneths after hanged at Tyburne Lopez still professing that hee loued the Queene as well as Christ Iesus which being spoken by a Iew as it was was but onely laughed at by the people The day after these were condemned one Patricke Culline an Irish Fencer also was condemned and one that being burdened with great promises and hauing money for his trauaile by the way giuen him by the turne-coats in the Low Countries promised to kill the Queene he his fault being in a manner knowne and proued by some tokens and signes being ready to die with fainting suffered the like punishment as those before Then also were apprehended Edmund Yorke and Richard Williams both hired to kill the Queene by Ibarra and suborned to that also by the turne-coates in the Low Countries and more incendiaries also to set the Queenes Nauie on fire with balles of wild-fire Thus did these miscreant English turne-coates as well Priests as others on the one side conspire the death of the Queene out of an vngodly
Ecclesiastical causes searching out all poore widows and Papists houses They took away almost by way of robbery al Vessels Chains Iewels or any thing that bare vpon it the picture of Christ or any of the Saints They seuerely exacted the allowance by the way due to Apparitors and cousened many poore silly fearefull people of their money that they might not appeare before the Magistrates Some of these being taken were compelled to restore againe what they had thus robbed men of and were set in the Pillory their eares clipped off and branded in the forehead as cheaters and couseners Yet for all this this seuerity could not keepe vnder this villany that had spred abroad vntill publique notice came that Apparitors should not demand their Viaticum before those that were cited did appeare and the Apparitors also with them before the Magistrate If that many were cited by the same Commission vpon one and the same day the Apparitors were also to be present If that any man that was cited suspected his Apparitor hee might warne him before the next Iustice of Peace to be examined that it may be knowne whether he be one or no. They who were cited vnder paine of excommunication were not to bribe the Apparitor that they might not appeare Also that the Apparitors take no such bribe vnlesse they would lose their places be imprisoned and lyable to seuere punishments This yeare returned Thomas Arundell of Wadour whom the Emperour created Earle of the Holy Empire and all and euery one of his Heires his Posterity and those that shall descend from him lawfully begotten of either sex Earles and Countesses of the Holy Empire for because the Queene in her Letters had commended him as her kinsman and because he had deserued so great an honour in his braue behauiour in the Hungary warre against the Turke This title whosoeuer is master of are said to enioy by vertue thereof these priuiledges that in all Imperiall Diets they haue both place and voyce they may purchase Land in the Empire they may muster vp Voluntaries and need not to appeare being cited to iudgement but onely in the Imperiall Chamber When he after his returne grew somewhat famous among the common people by reason of this Title there arose vpon it a question presently whether a Subiect ought to admit of any such Honour or Title from a forr●ine Prince his owne Prince being not acquainted with it There were indeed those that thought that such rewards for valour were to be allowed of from what Prince soeuer they were bestowed by reason that vertue growes lanke without her rewards of merit vrging the example of Henry the third King of England who very thankfully acknowledged Reginald Mohune made Earle of Somerset by the Apostolike authority of the Bishop of ●ome Also of Henry the eight who did so congratulate Robert Curson whom Maximilian the first Emperour had created Lord of the Holy Empire for his warlike valour that he reckoned him amongst his Lords of England and allowed him an annuall pension for the better maintenance of his dignity Besides they vrged some braue Scottish Souldiers as of Archibald Duglasse of Wigtone who receiued the Title of Duke of Tours from the French King and of Iohn Steward who was by the King of France made Earle D' Euereux that the Scottish kings esteemed this as an honour to the Nation But the Lords of England imagining that this would bereaue them and their Heires of some of their prerogatiues if so be they and their Heires were to giue place to such an vpstart Lord and his Heires for euer argued against it thus that such Titles of honour are neither to be receiued by the Subiect nor to be allowed of by the Prince That it is the property of the Prince for to conferre honours vpon his owne Subiects and not for any Forreiner to doe it according to the words of Valerian the Emperour LEt that be onely an Honour which is bestowed by our command Vrging that there is a great detraction both from the Maiesty of the Prince and the dutie of the Subiect if they may be tolerated to receiue Dignities from Forreiners For there must needs be a secret allegiance betweene him that is honoured and the party honouring That these kinde of Titles are nothing else but a cunning sleight to prefer men out of the obedience to their Prince to any strange Forreiner That there may be an action of theft against him that shall brand another mans sheepe with his marke Also that there may be an action of cousenage and deceit against him that shall spread abroad fodder to entice another mans sheep into his flocke And although mighty Princes are not bound to these Lawes yet are they by the equity of these Lawes and the Law of Nature As in the Citie and Common-wealth of Rome no man could be a Citizen of that and any other City whereupon Po●peius Attic●● refused to be reckoned as a Citizen of Athens lest he should lose his right in the Citie of Rome So in the Common-wealth both of Venice and Genua whosoeuer receiue a Spirituall diginity from the Pope or any Temporall one from any forreine or strange Prince is held suspected of his Loialty and suspended from the vndertaking of any office publike Concerning the obiections they answered that indeed it might come to passe that Henry the third out of his simplicity and the times iniquity might allow of Reginald Mohune thrust into an Earledome by the Pope when as his Father hauing beene excommunicated and threatned depriuation was compelled to acknowledge himself the tributary King of the Pope of Rome and yet it appeareth vpon Acts and Records of those times that Mohune was not accounted as Earle of Somerset Concerning Henry the eight they made answer that he therefore accounted Curson as one of his Lords that he might obscure that shadowy title of Lord of the Holy Empire but withall obseruing that hee allowed him no voyce in Parliament But as for the Scots that it was no wonder if they receiued and allowed of honour from the French when they shew themselues to bee vnder the tuition of the French Floure-de-luce by their Kings armes and the Floure-de-luce therein Many indeed esteemed an Earle of the sacred Empire of no better ranke then a publike Notary as they esteemed all the Counts and Viscounts of the Holy Palace at Lateran created by the Pope or the Kings Physitians Lawyers Grammarians or Rhetoricians who hauing professed 20. yeares boasted themselues with the title of Count Palatines but we know that the Count Palatine is an honoured title and hath Princely iurisdiction in it's owne courts in Fees and fading heredities THe Queenes censure was that as a woman should not follow any man but her husband so a Subiect should not receiue any thing but from his owne Prince I would not sheepe my should be branded with anothers marke neither would I haue them to
England Grant it that the Spaniard treatied not for a peace at Bourburgh which would not seeme honourable for his affaires yet would it not hurt vs although we are ready to fight to treate now about it That peace was alwaies kept with Heretiques by Popish Princes excepting onely the Pope ancient examples sufficiently testifie as of Charles the fifth and his successour in the Empire who alwaies kept their words with the excommunicated Protestants of Germany although they esteemed them as Heretiques Of Francis the first King of France who performed Fu●erall rites for Henry the eight of England at Paris although before he had beene excommunicated by the Pope Also of Henry the fourth now King of France who hauing beene reconciled to the Pope and surnamed the eldest sonne of the Church and his dearest Sonne yet he entred into both an Offensiue and Defensiue League with the Queene of England That the Spaniards heat of reuenge will be quickly cooled when his strength and forces shall faile him That the Queene might iustly forsake the States being she onely bound her self to aide them till such times as the Spaniard would propose equall conditions and a reasonable peace for their liberty which conditons if they refuse she is not bound to aide them That it is not fit for to giue to them againe those Townes which are pawned to her which they in reason cannot require And that once if there were a peace concluded there would be a speedy course taken for recouery of her monies That the States could not be so easily reduced vnder the Spaniard againe being that in tract of time many things fall out vnexpectedly and if so be they were peaceably reduced they could take no better care for themselues then that except they would resist their best commodity and profit But howsoeuer whatsoeuer became of them England and France conioyned in a solide and firme league would easily poise Spaine between them Lastly they deriued their reasons for peace from the very Law of Nature which chiefly intends the conseruation of it selfe and from the Law of Nations which commandeth the highest Law to be the safety of the people and lastly from the piety of true Christianity that they might spare bloud and confirme the Christian affaires against the Infidels The reasons for the warre against this peace were deduced onely from humane policy to driue away dangers farther off which indeed were better to be left to Gods disposing who would direct their counsels and consultations alwaies to the publike good by meanes which might be vsed with a good conscience and not by warres which are neuer commendable but when they are necessary And thus haue wee heard the matter on both sides largely enough discussed Burghley Lord Treasurer weighing well what wee haue said enclined to the peace by reason he knew the hazard of warre to be doubtfull and yet of infinite charges he knew the Treasure of the Exchequer was much impaired also that the disposition of the English were very prone to sedition if so be they were once taxed a little more then ordinarily he knew also the in-bred malic of the Commonalty against some of the Nobility and the poore hopes that were from Holland that our Neighbours were suspitious to trust to on euery side and that our owne people were hardly loyall enough at home also that the wealth of the Spaniard was inexhaustible wherefore he concluded that by this warre there could redound nothing to England but the turning away of euill which was but the smallest good that could be Essex on the other side being bred vp in Military affaires not allowing talke of this peace argues for the warre resolutely vrging it out of the cunning sleights of the Spaniard his desire of the vniuersall Monarchy and his in●eterate hate against the Queene and all England the diuersitie of his religion and the Axiome that Faith is not to be kept with Heretiques the power of the Pope to dispence with him if he breake the peace with many the like reasons insomuch that Burghley said he nothing but breathed warre and out of a strange presaging minde giuing him the Psalme booke secretly light vpon this verse Bloud-thirsty men shall not liue out halfe their daies Yet were there many that honoured much the spirit of Essex as one that greatly aimed at the honour and securitie of his Country But on the other side many also that whispered it to be for nothing but to fulfill his ambition and serue his owne turne But Essex hauing vnderstood of these calumnies writes his Apologie wherein he amplifies himself in this matter and besides shewes that Anthony Rolsto●●n English run-away had bin lately sent ouer by the Spanish ●●ction and Creswell a Iesuite vnder the colour of reconciliation and peace but in truth and deed as hee did confesse himselfe to espie what prouision there was for war to confirme the Papists and both by monies and promises to seduce from their loyalty any of the Nobility and the Earle of Essex by name Concerning this businesse of peace and the choosing of one fit to looke into the affaires of Ireland there was a great contention betweene Essex and the Queene no man being present but the Admirall Cecill the Secretary and Wi●deba●cke Keeper of the Seale The Queene she adiudged William Knolles Vncle to the Earle of Essex most fit to be ●ent into Ireland Essex to remoue him from the Court very stoutly affirmed that George Carew was farre fitter Which when he could not effect or perswade the Queene to being too much vnmindfull of his duety very vnciuilly as out of contempt he turnes his backe to the Queene in a manner scoffing at her The Queene growne very impatient thereupon gaue him a box on the eare and bid him be gone with a vengeance He forthwith layes his hand vpon his pummell the Admirall stepping into him he vowed and swore that he would not put vp so great an indignity nay that he could not euen at Henry the 8 ths hand forthwith in a chafe flew from the Court. And afterwards being admonished by the Lord Keeper of the great Seale in very graue Letters that he would supplicate to the Queenes mercie and giue place to time that he would remember that of Seneca That if the Law punish a man iustly he must giue way to Iustice if vniustly he must giue way to his Fortune That if hee had iustly done wrong to his Prince he could not giue her any satisfaction and if the Prince had done him any wrong that both his discretion duety and religion would command him to submit himself to so good a Queene seeing that betweene a Prince and a Subiect there is no proportion Essex answered all this at length very stomackfully his answer being afterwards aduisedly diuulged about by his followers appealing from the Queene to God Almighty riuetting into his discourse these and the like sentences THat no tempest rageth more then the
to the Romane Religion 〈◊〉 Honour and profit too For certainely there was at this time a great hope nurst vp at Rome that it would come to passe that they in England would deal● more fauourably with the professours of Poperie who now might returne home againe and both preserue their Religion and also disperse and sow it abroad also with lesse danger then before Also he esteemed that a conclusion of this peace would be no lesse glorious to him then the discouery of a new world was to his ancestors That the inferiour Princes now should be more obser●eable in all respects towards him if once he were not incumbred with any warre and so hee might set an Arbi●ator ouer all the world The profit that thereby hee expected was that the States of Holland and Zealand would presently then be brought to reasonable conditions That hee should saue the charges of maintaining his warres there and of con●eighing home his Nauie from the Indies yeerely That they returning safe euery yeere would shortly infinitely inrich 〈◊〉 That the English by degrees would neglect their Nauigations when once they in●rea●ed 〈◊〉 their esta●es with the Spaniards wealth and so that at length being rockt in a long peace disaccustomed to warre either by sea or land they might the easier be inuaded on a sudden Although the Queene was not ignorant of these things yet after mature deliberation adiudging this Peace commodious and honourable both to England and her credit hauing been lately importuned to it by the French King left it to his disposing that he should appoint both the time and place of meeting The King of France appointed May the time and Bolonia a sea co●st of France anciently called Bononia the place But when it was foreseene that likely there would arise a contention or question about prioritie of place in sitting or going betweene England and Spaine some men were selected that should make enquiry into that matter They obserued out of the booke of Ceremonies of the Court of Rome which as the Canons say like a Ladie Mother and Mistresse directs others that among the Kings Temporall the first place was due to the King of France the second to the King of England and the third to the King of Casteell That the English quietly enioyed that place in the Generall Councells of Pisa at Constance and at Basil too although the Embassadour of Casteell somewhat vnmannerly opposed himselfe in the last Besides that Casteell which Title the Spaniard preferreth before all his other to bee the King of is but lately a Monarchie in respect of England and that it had neither Earles nor Kings before the yeere of Grace 1017. and that those Kings are not anointed Moreouer they found that the King of England is reckoned the third amongst those Kings that are titled Most Illustrious and the Spaniard is reckoned the fourth Also that Pope Iulius the third Bishop of Rome gaue sentence for Henry the seuenth of England against Ferdinand King of Casteele Also that the Queene of England is more ancient both in yeeres and Reigne and therfore before the Spaniard by their owne argument at the Councell at Basil vsed by the Spaniard against Henry the sixt King of England Lastly the Lawyers with one accord generally pronounced that that Precedencie whose Originall exceeds the memory of man is to bee reckoned as constituted and so ordained by Right Besides they obserued that in the first Session of the Councell of Trent vnder Pope Paul the third when there was one and the same Embassadour of Charles the fi●t Emperour who was also King of Spaine and that that Embassadour tooke place of the French by reason of the Emperors right that since the Spaniards haue arrogated to themselues the prioritie not onely by the vertue of the Emperour but as they are Kings of Spaine because none euer contradicted it And at that time the English found great want of discretion in the French Embassadour because hee contradicted them not and made no publike contesting with the Emperours Legate if so be he had made as he tooke place of him in right of the Spaniard and not the Emperour Besides they noted that the Spaniard by reason of his large vast dominions spread far and neere by reason of his power ouer other Princes and his Merits from the Church of Rome of whom hee well deserues and by reason of prioritie before the French stolne in the Councell of Trent would challenge his higher place to himselfe But let vs omit this On the day appointed at Bolonia came for the Queene Henry Neuill the Leager in France Iohn Herbert newly made one of the Secretaries Robert ●eale Secretary to the Northren Councell and Thomas Edmunds the Queenes French Secretary For the Spaniard came Balthasar Ds. de Z●niga Fonseca one of the priuie Councell and Embassadour in the Low-Countries Ferdinand Carill of the order of S. Iames and Counsellour to the King at Casteele For the Arch-Duke came Iohn Richardot President of the Councell and Lodouike Verre-Kei●e chiefe Secretary The Instructions of the English were that before all thing● they would haue great care to the kingdome and the Queenes honour safetie and profit As concerning the Honor that in no case they giue the more Honourable place to the Spaniard but directly modestly and from the foresaid arguments challenge it themselues If so bee the Spaniard would not condescend that then the English should not altogether preferre Honour before Profit but propose some meane and equall debatement as this to cast lots for the prioritie of going or sitting first Then as concerning the safety and profit of England and the Queen that they should haue a care that no cosenage or deceit be put vpon England or the Low-countries in their trafficks That the English may haue libertie to trade at the Indies by reason that was granted before in the Treatie 1541. in all the dominions of Charles the fift but especially in those places where the Spaniards are themselues seated and peopled also to trade with all the Indian Princes that are vnder the Spaniards gouernment That first the Spaniard should propound their Conditions because they inuited the English thither to a Treatie That they should not speake a word of the Rebels and Run-awayes who according to the ancient Leagues made with the Burgundians were to be driuen out on both sides and restored againe to those with the French But if so be they should propose that that they should tell them that there are no Low-countrey men in England besides the Merchants and handy-crafts-man but that in the Low-countries the English are hired with Pensions to breed stirres and commotions The Copies of their Delegation being on both sides exhibited to each other the Spaniards tooke exception at that of the Queenes against the Epithite Most Illustrious in the title of the Arch-Duke who being as they said descended from Sacred Emperours and was both sonne in law
and brother to the King of Spaine and was also the husband and head of the most Puissant Princesse Isabella Infanta eldest daughter to the Spaniard was well worthy to bee honoured by all Princes with the title of most Puissant The English answered that an Arch-Duke ought not to bee equalled in Honourable Titles with a King besides that hee was no otherway titled then Most Illustrious in the ancient treaties betweene Philip the Arch-Duke the father of Charles the fift and Henry the eight The Spaniards answered that it was no wonder if that title onely were giuen to him when the very same and no greater was also giuen to Henry the eight himselfe On the other side the English found these faults in their King that the forme of their subdelegation was wanting that it was much obscured by the intermingling of other Commissaries that it was sealed but with a Priuate Seale when the Queenes was sealed with the Broad Seale of England Lastly that this clause was wanting that the King should ratifie whatsoeuer was concluded vpon They answered that their formall subdelegation was comprehended in those words Par trattar y hazar trattar That there is no such name in Spaine as the Broad Seale and the Priuate but that this was their Kings owne hand-writing in the presence of the Secretary and signed with the publike Seale of the King and Kingdome and that lastly by these words Estar y passar y estare y passare all was Ratified Within some few dayes after the English desired that they should meet for as yet they had onely dealt with the Arch-Dukes Delegates by writing also demanding the prioritie of the place for the Queene the Spaniards being angry somewhat with that that the English should first challenge the first place as if in such affaires Le premier demaundeur estoit le vaincueuer They answered that it was newes for the Kings or Queenes of England to stand vpon the tearmes of Equalitie with the Catholike King but that it was vnheard of to speake of Prioritie The English answered that the Precedencie of the Kingdome of England was very well knowne to all the world and strengthened with good and sound reasons and that besides the Embassadour Resident for the Queene hauing a double power ought to be preferred before him that comes onely with the bare title of a Delegate Edmonds was very earnest and assured them that before hand hee had informed Richardot that the Queene would not lose her Prioritie and when hee vrged him to answere he indeed denied it not but said that he would answere him when they met together and that hee did not thinke that the Treatie should haue broke off for that matter After this there were inuitations on both sides to their priuate houses vnder the pretence of familiaritie and talke together but indeed to worke them out of the conceit of the Prioritie But this effect was well enough shunned on both sides although the Low-Countrey men had enough to doe to mollifie the Spaniards a little who would not endure to heare that the Catholike King should once acknowledge the Queene for his Equall for because that thereby he must necessarily acknowledge the French his Superiour being it is on all sides confessed that England yeelds prioritie to France The English still doe continue strong in their resolution defending their ancient priuiledges saying that the Spaniard hath no cause to bee angrie thereat For he that vseth onely his owne Right not a whit preiudices another mans and that there was no reason why the Spaniard should not acknowledge the Queene as his Equall since shee is as Absolute a Monarch as hee is and hath as ample if not more ample Iurisdiction in her Maiesties Kingdomes Afterwards Edmonds was sent ouer into England returned with these Instructions to their Demands If there bee any equalitie in the Prerogatiue of honour that is not deceitfull or preiudiciall to the Queene let it be admitted and that they should not so strictly stand vpon their first Instructions That the Peace should be perpetuall both to the partie now contracting as also the further Succession for euer That there would be no mention of T●uces That traffiques and trading should be recalled to the state wherein it was in 1567. That there should be a Couenant made that no ships be stayed without the consent of that Prince whose subiects those ships are That they should no way admit of that the Spanish men of warre should come into any Hauens of the Queenes That if the traffique into Indie were denied they should not stand vpon it but passe it ouer as the French did at the Treatie of Cambray and at Ve●uins and so euery man should venter thither on his owne perill for by admitting of any Restriction or Limitation the voyages of many thither might much bee preiudiced That as the French did in the Treatie at Bloys and Veruins they should hold their tongue in the matter of Rebels and Run-awayes That they should promise that the English Garrisons in the townes pawned to her should onely defend the said townes and not warre against the Spaniard And that they should enforme them that the Queene had fully resolued that her Subiects might haue free ●rading in the Arch-Dukes Prouinces and that the English seruing now the States should not be recalled againe Lastly that they should fit themselues to Time and Place and to businesses accordingly which sometimes giues better counsell to the men then the men can to them also that they should carefully obserue to what end this Treatie tended whither or no it were to keepe the Queene in suspence whilest they either inuaded England or Ireland or whether it were not to draw to themselues the Vnited Prouinces and dis●oyne them from England In the meane while the Arch-Duke being somewhat molested with his great warres in Flanders complaines that succour and Subsidie was sent by the Queene to the States and that ships were rigging for the Indies The Delegates made answere that they knew not of any such matter but if it were true that this was no Innouation of new stirres but a continuation of those things that were begun before the Treatie and that therefore they must bee borne withall patiently till such time as the peace be concluded Blaming the Spaniards againe that publikely they had furnished the Rebels in Ireland with prouision and money that hee had receiued of them Hostages and promised his succour that these things were to be seene extant in the very letters themselues of the Spaniards which were sent ouer to curry fauour from the Queene to the Rebels and could presently be produced Besides that that was a plaine innouation For his Father neuer assisted them but secretly if he did that Whilest these things were in controuersie and suspition on either side daily increased that the peace indeed is propounded but a worse thing treacherously intended The Spaniards declare that their Master the
Nations To let passe many words the Queene required the whole matter should be referred either to Delegates on both sides or to the Elector of Brandenburgh the Kings Father in Law the Duke of Mekelburgh Henry Iulius the D. of Brunswicke Vncle to the Kings Sister But when neither Stephen Leisiere nor Ferrar nor Nicholas Crage a learned man the one sent into England the other into Denmarke could compose the matter at length it was agreed on that Delegates should be sent to Embda thither the Queene sent Embassadours Richard Bancroft Bishop of London Christopher Perkins and Iohn Swale who might parley with the Delegates of Denmarke But when they came not at the appointed day whether hindered by the winde or some other errour the Danes alleaging that the time of their Delegates was out went home or as some thought because they wanted victuals for the Danes giue to their Embassadours Captaine victuals not mony as other Princes neither could endure to heare that they should require the prolongation of that authority Hence the English complained of the Danes as men proposing nothing else to themselues then that things should remaine as they were to wit that they might exact new tribute daily in the Oresund Sea that by new decrees they might confiscate their ships and merchandize that they might hold their fishng in the Northerne Sea and then saying through the same into Moscouia notwithstanding about these times for the better furtherance of Nauigation the Trades increase and the Kingdomes honour the Queene instituted the Company of East Indie Merchants giuing to them great priuiledges they sent thither with three ships Iames Lancaster of whom we before haue spoken that in the yeare 1594. he ouer came Fernambucke in Brasil Since that time and not vnluckily they sent euery yeare a small Nauy and to their Kingdomes honour erected Markets in Lurat the great Maguls Country in Mossolupatan Bantan Patane Siam Sagad Mecassar also in Iapan crushing by happy victories aswell the insolent enemy as the Turkish falsnesse but whether so great a summe of money daily transported hence and so many Marriners wasted be for the common good let wise men i●dge and posterity perceiue While the Queene thus prouides for her Subiects inrichment Clement the eight Pope vnderstanding her to be well in yeares for the better restoring of the Roman Religion to its former height in England sent thither two Breues one to the Clergy the other to the Laity in which hee admonished that they should admit no one to the Scepter after her decase how neere a kinne soeuer vnlesse he were one who would not onely grant a toleration of the Romish Religion but also with his best indeuour further it To the doing of which he must binde himselfe by an oath after the manner of his predecessours but the contents of these were as sparingly reuealed as they themselues closely sent notwithstanding hence was the originall of the monstrous powder-plot and as these Breues were sent from Rome to England for the easier excluding of King Iames from his inheriting England so at the same time was prepared in Scotland a deadly Sword by the Rethuens Brothers who in reuenge of the lawfull punishment inflicted on the E. of Gowry their Brother in the Kings minoritie appointed the same good King to die treacherously seducing him to their house and they had not come short in the performing of this designe had not the Protectour of Kings by these instruments the Kings fortitude the loyall endeauour of Iohn Ramsey and Thomas Areskins made themselues the authours of destruction on themselues for they were made aswell partners in death as in that plot and by decree of the State their goods confiscate their house made leuell with the ground themselues quartered and the Quarters hung on stakes through the Cities and as many as had to their surname Rethuen were commanded to leaue it for the better obliterating both of name and memory let it not be accounted fraud in me to relate their punishment since other Writers in this matter haue beene profuse about this Prince through England arose great complaint of the scarcity of victuals which also increased by reason of the moist constitution in the heauens at the end of the former yeare the vernall cold of this and the priuate auarice of some who by the abuse of an obtained licence transported great store into other Nations Hence the people moued no lesse with opinion then if they had had more rationall proofes by Libels railed on Buckhurst the Treasurer as if he had granted the licence but hee not lightly regarding these things repaires to the Queene from whom by Proclamation his innocence was testified a fault transferred on the Hucsters of Corne the Libellers apprehended and punished But such is the querulous enuy of the people that they complained the more and lashed him by priuate backe-bitings as if he had acknowledged it And now Essex hauing beene vnder the Lord Keeper of the great Seales custody this halfe yeare began mooued thereto by his naturall inclination to goodnesse and by this physicall affliction and many of his friends especially Henry Howard began I say to come to a better minde also determining to send away far from him those turbulent spirits that suggested him to all that was naught Gill Mericke and Cuffe he himselfe putting on such piety patience and modest humility that all his friends hoped well of him againe and his enemies enuied thereat The Queene in short time being pacified with his humble and submissue Letters commanded him to keepe onely his owne house vnder the free custody of Richard Barckly withall protesting that these her punishments were not entended for his ouerthrow but for his amendment But the common people altogether pleading for his innocency thinking him shrewdly wronged it seemed good to the Queene to eschew all kinde of seuerity iniustice or preiudice to her or her Councel that his cause should be heard yet not in the Starre Chamber lest he were too seuerely punished but onely priuately in the Lord Keepers house the Iudges thereof were allotted the Councell-table of the Queene foure Earles two Lords and foure Iudges that thereby he might onely be censured alike but with no marke of treachery or treason The summe of his accusation was that hauing no such authority in his Commission he made Southampton leader of the Horse that he knighted many that he drew his forces from Tir-Oen whom he should haue prosecuted into Mounster that he had priuate conference with Tir-Oen to the violation of the Maiesty of the Queene and the honor of the the Deputy himselfe and that this conference was the more suspected because it was priuate and secret These things the Lawyers sorely aggrauated bringing in also abrupt sentences of his out of Letters writ by himselfe some two yeres before the Copies whereof were dispersed by his followers vp and downe England such as these THat there is
might be sent with whom he might deale about it Mounson was the man was sent to whom these conditions were propounded That all that were in the Caracke for there were 300. of the Nobler sort that had met there to defend her should be forthwith dismissed with their weapons that their Colours should not be taken downe that the ship and Ordnance should come to the King of Spaine againe but all the Merchandize to the English Mounson condescended that within three daies all should be dismissed that Spanish Colours should be displayed in the sight of the English but onely at the Poope of the ship but for granting the Ship and Ordnance backe to the King of Spaine that he would not heare of Afterwards it came to this agreement that within two dayes the Portugals there should be dismisse● hauing their Matches put out their Colours should be laid downe that the Ship Ordnance and Merchandize should be safely deliuered vp to the English and that in the meane time there should be no shooting from the Castle out vpon or against the English The same night all were dismissed out of the Caracke except the Master and some few more that were set a shoare early in the morning And the very same day the English put forth with the Caracke hauing a good winde brought home a lusty prey hauing not lost aboue fiue of their Marriners the prey being valued by the Portugals at 1000000. Crownes After their returne Mounson being sent backe againe towards the coasts of Spaine continued thereabouts till the middest of Winter to hinder any attempt vpon Ireland While hee launcheth out into the deepe towards Spaine Fredericke Spinola with six Gallies that had gotten out safe at the skirmish comming along by the French shore came at last to the British Ocean on the 23. of September with intent to enter at some Hauen or other in Flanders Sir Robert Mansell ley in wait for him with one or two of the Queenes ships and foure Hollanders that were dispersed here and there They resolued to set on two Gallies first espied by the Hollanders but hauing espied one of the Queeenes ships aloofe off they turne them onely the other way so to spend the day and by the benefit of the night put into Hauen Sir Robert Mansell persued them from eight of the clock● in the morning till Sun set besides two Hollanders with him but the Gallies vpon the approaching of night taking their course towards England came so neere that some of their Gallie sl●ues that were chained to their Oares hauing shooke off their Fetters and leaping forth swoome to the land the Gallies vnawares came to a place where one of the Qu●●nes ships and some Hollanders lay at anchor Hereupon 〈◊〉 being sure to light vpon them the b●tter to come to them he turnes saile on purpose t● put himselfe betweene the shore of Flanders and the Gallies But they light vpon one of the Queenes ships called the Answere Broadgate Master of the ship who by reason of the noyse of the Ordnance he heard a farre off had prepared himselfe for battaile gaue them 38. shot and the Hollanders forthwith thundered vpon them too The Gallies hauing not answered one piece of Ordnance as speedily as they could escaped away and fainting in a most ●empestuous night one of them chanced to light vpon Mansell he dischargeth all his Ordnance against it feld the Mast and ●earing a lamentable noise comming neere by an Interpreter he offered them mercy But fiue other Gallies comming in to helpe he turned his broad side and discharged all his Ordnance amongst them What slaughter hee made a●though ●he night were a cleare one cannot be told neither after that was heard the noyse of a piece of Ordnance till such time as a Hollander fastening vpon one of the Gallies so scoured her Sterne that presently after she ●●ncke with all her passengers Another Hollander by chance driuen vpon one of the Gallies sorely battered it and almost was split it selfe Another of the Gallies by the negligence of the Marriners whilest it made hast to get to Calis was cast away Two of them recouered Newport Spinola in the Admirall with great store of wealth escaped into Dunkerke but the next yeare bei●g wounded with a great piece of Ordnance in a Sea fight against the Hollanders died with great praise We haue heretofore said that the Voyage of the Bishop of London Christopher Perkins and I. Swall Doct. of the Law whom the Queene had delegated at Embden in 1600. to treat with the Danes Delegates was to no purpose And now againe are sent to Bremen by the Queene concerning the same matter Ralph Lord Euers Sir Iohn Herbert secondary Secretary Daniel Dun Doctor of the Law and Master of Requests Stephen Leisiure adioyned Assistant The King of Denmarke delegated Ma●derope Persberge Arnold Whitfield Chancellour of the Realme and Ionas Charise Doctor of the Law The English complained that their free sayling to M●sco●y through the Northerne Sea and their fishing about the shore and the Islands was denied them and that there was too great an exaction of tribute and tolls onely for their passage of the Sound They required that the ancient Leagues betweene Henry 7. King of England and Iohn King of Denmarke in the yeare one thousand foure hundred and ninety also that that betweene Henry 8 of England and Christierne of Denmarke in 1523. should be reuiewed againe and applied to these times that this manifolde exaction of new tolls should either be taken away o● lessened and that the set rate should bee in a booke with a certaine reason of confiscation of goods that then the ships should not be detained at Sea longer then was fitting that the complaints of priuate men should be quickly composed After this arose a disputation whether or no it be lawfull for a Prince against ancient Leagues to encrease his toll and tribute according to his good pleasure Whether or no it be not against equity a●though it be vsuall since that custome ought to waite vpon truth and equity Whether or no those things that haue been ordained by graue councell and for a while tolerated can be abrogated without iniury to the Princes authority Then whether or no those tolls that were imposed vpon all forreigne traders in the Raigne of Queene Mary for bringing in or carrying o●t of Merchandize were not more iust then those that the Da●es require for a passage onely in the Sea who for charges to secure their sayling exact a Rose-Noble for euery ship and one piece of money for euery hundred besides Lastage Whether or no tolls ought to bee exacted for passage which elsewhere are not payed but onely for landing and selling of merchandize Whether or no it be not free for the E●glish to fish in the North Sea and the Islands thereabouts or to saile to Moscouy since the Sea is free for all men since
2. He subscribes to Blanckes sent ouer to the King of Spaine 65. He is prosecuted by the King of Scots 80 Arthington a Disciple of Hackets 50. His prophesies dedicated to a Nobleman 5● He is willed to annoint Hacket with the holy Ghost 52. He runs about the streets ibid. He is apprehended 53. He begins to repent and sets forth a a Booke to declare his follies and true conuersion from them 54 The Earle of Arundell arraigned at Westminster 3. The heads of his Inditement 4. His obseruation that none could be an absolute Papist but must needs be a Traitour 6. His answer for himselfe 7. He is found guilty 10. His life pardoned by the Queene ibid. His death afterwards in the Tower 140 The Admirall of Aragon taken prisoner at the battell of Newport 281 D'Aumale wounded at the same battell ibid. The Earle of Argile sent out against some Scottish Earles 99 Ashton a Minister and Chaplaine to the Earle of Essex requested to be still with him in the time of his imprisonment 321. He comes along with the Earle to the scaffold 324 Auerley a Riuer in Ireland 353 D'Aumont not yet come into Britaine 85. He deceiueth the English of their promise concerning Morlay 107. which the Queene taketh very ill 109. He is sent ouer with Marshall Birone into England 344. and honourably entertained at Basing ibid. B BAbington a Priest his confession vrged against the Earle of Arundell 6. The Queene of Scots commends the Earle of Arundell to him as the chiefe head of all the English Catholikes 7 Bagnall Marshall of the Irish Forces 93. Grudges betwixt him and Tir●Oen ibid. The reasons about the marriage of his Sister ibid. He accuseth Tir-Oen and preferreth articles against him 118 Ballemure the House of Feagh-Mac-Hugh 119. from whence the Lord Deputy driues him ibid. Baltimore lately possessed by the Spaniard at the arriuell of Iohn D' Aquila surrendred againe vnto the English 358 Bancroft Bishop of London sent by the Queene to Embden about a Treaty with the Danes 284. He effecteth nothing 285 Banton a place whether the English Merchants trauell 285 Bantre in Ireland rendred vp to the English 361 Sir Francis Barcley subdueth Glanemire in Ireland 269 Sir R. Barclay made keeper to the Earle of Essex 287 Sir Iohn Barclay Campe-Master in Ireland 356. He is slaine with a Bullet at Moher-lecow Fort. 376 Bainham one of the Earle of Essex complices arraigned 321. His plea of ignorance 322. His life bought for money of Sir Walter Rawleigh ibid. Bacons proceedings in the arraignment of the Earle of Essex 316 Barlow Doctor of Diuinity sent to the Earle of Essex the same morning that ●e suffered 324 Barneuelts Oration in the behalfe of the Low Countries 205 Barowes a Secretary hanged 79 Basing a place where the Queene vsed to lye in the Summer time 344 Sir Thomas Baskeruill made Colonell of the Forces that went into France 23 Beare in Ireland forsaken and left to the English 361 Bennet a Priest one of the witnesses against the Earle of Arundell 9 Bere-hauen that was lately gotten by the Spaniard surrendred againe vnto the English 358 Bertrand à Castro sets vpon Hawkins 111. Hawkins yeeldeth to him on conditions ibid. His honestie in endeauouring to haue him set at liberty ibid. Bingham President of Conaught 41. He vanquished Brian Ororke ibid. He was sent for ouer into England vpon the complaints of some of his Prouinces and committed 235. but afterwards sent thither againe with greater honour where he died presently after his arriuall ibid. Birone appointed by the King of France to helpe at the siege of Roan 47. He appeares not as expected ibid. He scoffes at the Earle of Essex for his religious manner of dying 325. He 's sent ouer to the Queene 344. His plots against the King ibid. He is beheaded 371 Blackwater assaulted and taken by Tir-Oen 142. He is remoued againe from it 348 Blackwell the Arch-Priest in England 368. The Secular Priests detract from his authority ibid. Bloise the King is compelled to retire from Paris thither 19. He causeth Guise then to be slaine 20 Sir Charles Blunt made Gouernour of Portsmouth 92. Afterwards Lord Montioy 117. He is thought vpon by the Queene as a fit man for to be Lord Deputy of Ireland 237. Essex puts him by it ibid. After Essex he is made Deputy of Ireland 255. See Montioy Sir Christopher Blunt disswades the Earle of Essex from comming ouer from Ireland with his Army 244. He admonisheth him to make his way to the Queene 296. His Office allotted him in assaulting the Court 301. Hee is arraigned 327. He requesteth to be beheaded 332. He suffereth vpon Tower-hill 334. His confession 335 Sir Thomas Bodley destinated by Essex for the Queenes Secretary 168. He is put by by Cecill ibid. His care in the affaires of the Low Countries 224. He restores the publike library at Oxford ibid. Sir Iosias Bodley his proceedings in Ireland 357 Bullen the place appointed by the King of France for a Treaty betwixt England and Spaine 263. The proceedings therein 265 c. It is dissolued 277 Cardinall Bourbon committed to prison 20. He is proclaimed King of France 22 Henry Bourbon Prince of Dumbare requesteth aide from England 35 Sir Iohn Borough Colonell of the English in France 23. He stayeth Sir William Drewry in a single combat 24. Hee persueth a Spanish Caracke 72 The Lord Borough sent Embassadour into Scotland 81. He is made Lord Deputy of Ireland in the roome of Russell 197 He dyeth shortly after 199 Bothwell an agent in the rebellion of Scotland 2. He assaults the Kings Court 63. His second assault 66. Hee lurketh in England 80. He is demanded of the Queene 82. Hee returnes and is pardoned 83. He rebelleth againe 97. His protestation published 98. He is put to flight 99 Sir Henry Bromley conueyed by boat to the Tower 309 Sir Calisthenes Brookes a commander in Ireland 232 I. Brose Duke of Estampes 35 Broughton slaine at the Battle at Ostend 343 Browne Viscount Montague his death 76 Buckhurst Delegate in the case of Sir Iohn Perot 67. He is made Lord high Steward of England for the hearing of the case of the Earle of Essex 311. Chancellour of Oxford 74 Bulles of the Pope sent into Scotland one to the Clergie and another to the Laity 285. Another sent into Ireland to encourage the Rebells and the forme of it 256 ●ulloine accused by Birone at the time of his execution 371. The King sends for him ibid. He refuseth to come 8. Appealeth to the Chamber at Castres ibid. The King complaines of him to the Queene ibid. Her answer 372. The French Kings reply 373 Burgesse a Priest Letters sent by him to Cardinall Allen 4. He confesseth the Earle of Arundell of his sinnes 6 Burghley one of the ●eeres of the Earle of Arundell 4. Deputed to the keeping of the great Seale 61. He lamenteth the cause of Sir Iohn Perot 68. He would not entertaine Don Antonio
and new deuices 100 The pretended right of the Infanta to the Crowne of England 101 Parsons the Iesuite excuseth his Booke of Dolman 103 Prince Henry borne ibid. Treason against the Queene conspired by Lopez and others ibid. Their seuerall confessions 104 The Traitors condemned ibid. Cullin executed 105 Yorke and Williams apprehended ibid. The Queene informeth the Spaniard of treason 106 Antonio Perez lurketh in England ibid. The strength of the Leaguers much impaired 107 Norris sent ouer into Britaine ibid. Morley taken ibid. Quinpercorentine taken 108 Crodon assaulted ibid. It is taken 109 Fourbisher slaine ibid. Norris recalled ibid. Hawkins his Nauigations 110 He reacheth the 〈◊〉 Streights 110 He is assaulted 111 He yeeldeth vpon condi●●on 〈…〉 set at liberty ibid. Lancasters voyage 112 Honour conferred by a forreigne Prince 〈…〉 at home ibid. The death of Cardinall Allen. 113 And of Doctor Piers Archbishop of Yorke 114 And of the Earle of Darby ibid. Contention about the Isle of Man 115 The death of the Lord 〈◊〉 116 And of the Lord E●ers and of the Lord Chandoys and the Lord Montioy 117 Sir William Russell made Lord Dep●●y of Ireland ibid. Tir-Oen submitteth to him ibid. He is accused by Marshall Bagnall 118 Bu● for all that is dismissed ibid. The Lord Deputy prosecuteth the Rebells ●●9 Tir-Oen bewrayeth his rebellious 〈◊〉 ibid. Anno M. D.XC.V THe King of Scotland 〈…〉 Spaniard Page 121 Yorke and Williams hanged 122 Warre pro●laimed in France against the Spaniard 123 The warre 〈…〉 Luxenborough and ●iccardy ibid. Ayde required from England 124 The Queene prouides against the sp●●●ard ibid. More ayde required 〈◊〉 England 125 The Queene acquitteth her selfe of 〈◊〉 imputations about the taking of Cambra 125 The King of France perswaded to and disswaded from a peace with the Spaniard 127 Conditions proposed to the King of France by the Pope and 〈…〉 128 Co●nwall inuaded by the Spaniard ibid. Rawleighs voyage to Guiana 12● Sir Iohn Hawki●● and Sir Francis Drakes expedition into America 130 The voiage to Porto-Rico 131 〈◊〉 de-la-Hach fired and 〈…〉 132 〈…〉 ibid. The death of Sir Francis Drake ibid. 〈…〉 ibid. ● distast betweene the Queene 〈…〉 Low Countries the reason of 〈◊〉 ●●3 Sir Thomas Bodly sent ouer ibid. His message ibid. The answer of the 〈◊〉 134 Some monies offered in part of paiment ibid. 〈…〉 ibid. Great debating about the matter 135 Conditions proposed by the States to the Queene what they are 136 The Queene accepteth of them 137 〈…〉 ibid. The Queenes answere thereunto ibid. The death of the Earle of Arundell and of the Lord 〈◊〉 and Sir Thomas 〈◊〉 and of D. Whitaker 14● Sir Iohn Norris sent into Ireland 141 Tir-Oen taketh Blackwater 14● He is proclaimed Traitour ibid. The strength of the Rebells 〈…〉 Ireland 143 Norris sets forward toward Tir-Oen 143 And the Lord Deputy ioyneth with him ibid. Tir-Oen lurketh ibid. Captaine Norris seemeth too much to 〈◊〉 Tir-Oen 1●● He entertaineth a parley with Tir-Oen 1●● Tir-Oens counterfeit submission to Norris ibid. And of O-donells and Feagh-Mac-Hugh● 1●● A truce made and the danger of it ibid. Anno M. D.XC.VI SIr Henry Wallop and Sir Robert Gardner sent to parley with Tir-Oen O-donell and the rest of the Rebels and to heare their grieuances Page 147 The complaints of Tir-Oen of O donell 148 Of Shan-Mac-Brian Mac-Phelim and O-Neale and 〈◊〉 others 149 Propositions proposed to the Rebels they flight 〈◊〉 reiect them 150 The manner of the truce c●ncluded betweene them ibid. The Queenes opinion of the 〈◊〉 151 Tir-Oen dealeth vnder-hand with the Spaniard ibid. Tir-Oen sendeth Letters of the Spaniards to the Lord Deputy 152 He deludeth Captaine Norris and 〈…〉 from them a writ of pardon ibid. The Lord Deputy redu●eth O-Maden ibid. Tir-Oens dissimulation layd open 154 The Lord Deputy pursueth Pheagh-Ma●h-Hugh 155 He is slaine by 〈…〉 ibid. His head is sent to 〈◊〉 and the head of Iames 〈◊〉 ib. Callis assaulted by the Arch-Duke of A●stria and 〈◊〉 156 The Queene prepareth a Nauie of 140. ships ibid. The Earle of Essex and Lord H●●ard equall Generals of the Forces 157 The Prayer of Queene Elizabeth for the Nauie 158 The Nauy sets forward to Cadiz 159 Where it arriues the 20. of Iune 160 Certaine Gallies of the Spaniards withdraw themselues into the open Sea 161 The English Souldiers are set on shoare ibid. They breake downe Suaco Bridge ibid. They take the towne 162 They set fire on some Spanish ships 163 No man of note lost in this expedition but Captaine Wingfield ibid. The names of those that were knighted 164 The English consult what to doe 165 They come to the towne Pharo ibid. From thence to the 〈◊〉 166 They returne home ibid. How glorious this victory was to the English how profitable to them and how hurtfull to the Spaniard 167 Sir Francis Vere made Gouernour of Brill 168 Which the Earle of Essex taketh very ill but worse the choice of Sir Robert Cecill to be the Queenes Secretary he hauing appointed Sir Tho. Bodley for that place ibid. The Spaniard prouides a new Fleet. ibid. The greatest part whereof cast away 169 Queene Elizabeth fortifies the shoare she entreth into a new League with the French King ibid. Which they both sweare to 170 The King of France made Knight of the Garter 171 Counterfeit Pur●euants and Apparators punished ibid. Thomas Arundell Count of the sacred Empire 172 The question discussed whether a Subiect be to admit of the honour which is conferred on him by a forreigne Prince ibid. Such honours not to be admitted 173 Counts and Viscounts such as some Officers in the Court of Rome 174 Count-Palatines and who boasted themselues so to be ibid. The Queenes iudgement on that question ibid. The death of Sir Iohn Puckering and of Richard Fletcher Bishop of London and of the Lord Hunsdon and Sir Francis Knolles 175 The death of the Earle of Huntington and of the Countesse of Darby 176 Anno M. D.XC.VII THe battle of Tournhalt in Brabant Page 177 The Queene furnisheth a Nauy to surprize the Spanish Nauy at Azores returning from the Indies 178 Sir Walter Rawleigh lands at Faiall 181 He takes the towne 182 The Earle of Essex angry for his landing ibid. Rawleigh defendeth himselfe and at last is receiued into fauour againe 183 The Islands Gratiosa and Flores yeeld to the Earle of Essex ibid. Villa Franca taken 185 An Indian Caracke burnt ibid. The English Fleet returneth ibid. The Spanish Nauy dispersed 186 Grudges betweene the Earle of Essex and Sir Walter Rawleigh and betwixt the Earle of Essex and Sir Robert Cecill ibid. Essex discontented at the Titles giuen to the Lord Admirall whereupon the Queene makes him Earle Marshall of England 187 Pa●l●s D'l'ali●e sent Embassadour from the King of Poland 187 His Oration to the Queene full of contempt The Queenes sodaine answer made him in Latine 188 The Queene le●●es him and answereth him by her Councellors afterwards 189 The Merchant Aduenturers are
perswaded them into a strong mutiny The drift and scope of their purpose was that hauing surprised the King they might make way for some forreigne forces to restore the decaying Romish Religion to its former perfection and then to assayle England in reuenge of the death of the Queene of Scots The pretences whereby they drew the facil disposition of the comminalty into a fauouring and following of the businesse were That the king was against his will constrayned to the custody of Maitland the Chancellour and some others of the English faction That the English men flesht as it were with the safe and vnreuenged death of the Queene of Scots had now made themselues ready euen to roote out the whole Scottish nobility and that they at the request of the King himselfe had put themselues thus in armes to rescue Him from the strictnesse of his custody and the Realme from ruine The King hauing beene gone a hunting and certified by many messengers vpon one and the same day that on the one side Bothwell was neere at hand with a troope of Borderers and that Huntley and the rest came marching towards him from the Northerne quarters with a compleat army by his Proclamation to and for the same purpose declares them all Traytors and sendeth out a presse amongst his loyall Subiects excepting none but those whom eyther by reason of defect of sixteene yeeres or excesse aboue threescore not his clemency so much as Nature exempted from seruice Heereupon Bothwell discomfited for the very feare of an ouerthrow forsakes his courage as his complices did him and betakes himselfe to his places of retire But the Earle of Huntely still keepeth on his march and by the way surpriseth Glamise an old enemy of his and Captaine of the Kings Guard The Queene of Englands discretion entertayning a iealous thought that her owne Kingdome would share in the dolefull effects of those mischiefes that Scotland hatched left nothing vnattempted which the forcible argument eyther of money or reason could effect to spurre on the King of Scots to an immature crushing of this Spanish policy which notwithstanding the ripenesse of his owne iudgement had already prompted him to For being as wary to preuent as skilfull to foreknow the storme that might follow hee presently sets forward towards Huntley But he whether out of a guilty feare of Maiesty imprinted in the heart of rebellion or out of some politique distrust of his owne or his complices ability hauing marched on as farre as Dee-bridge no sooner vnderstood of the approach of the Kings forces but dismissing Glamise he betakes himselfe to the deceitfull security of his owne dwellings amongst the ragged hilles at Strathbolgie Thither when the King more eager of the chase then carefull either of his age or Person vnacquainted with labour want and such course entertainment as those sharpe climates affoorded had narrowly pursued him first the Earle tendred a submission vpon the condition of safety both of life and goods but afterwards hee wholly and absolutely yeelded vp himselfe to the pleasure of the King who at the first indeed vouchsafing him not so much as the curtesie of conference straightway committed him to prison but not long after released him both from his punishment and his offence neither only pardoned he him but extended the same mercy to euery one of his complices whose sober discretion could so farre dispense with their proud ambition as to petition for it The same moneth that these affayres went thus harshly with the Spaniards fauorites in Scotland was Philip Howard Earle of Arundel now after three yeeres imprisonment in the Tower for suspition of too good affection to the Spaniard arraigned at Westminster Hall before Henry Earle of Darby appointed Lord High Steward of England for this matter and the rest of his Peeres William Cecil Lord Burgheley High Treasurer of England William Marquesse of Winchester Edward Earle of Oxford Lord High Chamberlayne of England Henry Earle of Kent Henry Earle of Sussex Henry Earle of Pembrooke Edward Earle of Hartford Henry Earle of Lincolne The Lord Hunsdon The Lord Willoughby of Eresby The Lord Morley The Lord Cobham The Lord Gray The Lord Darcy of the North The Lord Sands The Lord Wentworth The Lord Rich The Lord Willoughby of Parrham The Lord North The Lord Saint-Iohns of Bletso The Lord Buckhurst The Lord La-ware and the Lord Norrice The Earle being commanded to lift vp his hand lift vp both that and his voyce in these words Beh●ld a hand cleare and a minde syncere The principall heads whereof hee was accused were First that he was of too intimate acquaintance with Cardinall Allan Parsons the Iesuite and other Traytors who lay in continuall wayt for the destruction both of Prince and people and who by exciting both Forrayners abroad and Naturall Subiects at home plotted the reducement of the Romish Religion to its ancient vigour Secondly that in letters sent by Weston otherwise Burges a Priest he had ingaged his promise to the sayd Cardinall for the promotion of the Catholique cause and to that intent would secretly haue conueyed himselfe out of the Realme Thirdly that he was priuy to the Bull of Sixtus Quintus Bishop of Rome whereby the Queene her selfe was deposed and her kingdomes bequeathed to the inuasion of the Spaniard Fourthly that in the time of his imprisonment in the Tower of London he caused Masse to be sayd for the prosperous successe of the Spanish Fleet and that hee himselfe had vsed diuers peculiar prayers to the same purpose Then being demanded whether he were guilty or not he requires his fourefold ac●usation with a fourefold interrogation of the Iudges as First wh●ther it were l●wfull to wrap and knead vp so many particular offences in one Inditement To whom they answered it lawfull Secondly whether Coniecturall Arguments were of force or no to convince a truth To whom they answered it lawfull for him to interpose exception against them Thirdly whether they could lustly accuse him of things that were made treason in the thirteenth yeare of the Queene now after the time alotted in the very law To whom they promised no proceeding against but out of the old law for treason enacted by King Edward the third Lastly he demanded whether that were a formall Inditement which erred both in time and place To whom they returned the thing what and not so much the time when or the place where to be chiefely to be considered Then being demanded againe whether he were guiltie or no he pleaded not guiltie submitting his cause to God and the iudgement of his Peeres requesting withall that the weakenesse of his memorie much impayred by the great indisposition of his bodie and the long time of his imprisonment might occasion no harme or disaduantage vnto him ●f he should by chance falter in such multiplicitie of matter Sergeant Puckering dilating vpon the former part of the Inditement declares vnto them how that Cardinall
hauing professed her loue to all her people first protested that all her care onely watched to this entent that the glory of God and the Common-wealth might be enlarged and that she would spend onely to that end all whatsoeuer they should bestow vpon her After that with her flowing ●loquence quickly and liuely she runnes through how farre she alwaies hath beene from a s●●ggish want of courage how that trusting still to God and the buckler of her good conscience she neuer knew how to feare nay not her greatest and her most potent enemies Lastly to put courage into their hearts she discoursed very accurately of the valour of the English and among other things that euen our enemies themselues could not but acknowledge that the English out of a naturall inbred valour were alwayes prompt to vndergoe any dangers and that they found so much indeed by experience too although they dissembled it that they should yet try it more fully if so be that the English slept not too much in security or be not fallen vpon being vnprouided then concluding with hearty thankes for Subsidie monies she promised to dedicate all her thoughts to God and the good of the Common-wealth And indeed how she performed this promise towards God let the Ecclesiasticall Writers tell what punishment she inflicted vpon Henry Barowe and his Sectaries who by the seed-plot of dangerous opinions condemning the Church of England derogating from the Queenes authority in spirituall matters had not a little distempered the peace of the Church But as concerning her promise towards the good of the Common-wealth certainly she amply also fulfilled that in employing all her greatest care to weaken the strength of the Spaniard to hinder all his proceedings and possibly to remoue his forces out of Britaine And as she did this so likewise bestowed she little lesse care and paines to keepe them from Scotland instly fearing lest that a troublesome confusion of affaires which we haue said was in Scotland might open a doore for the Spaniard to both Kingdomes destruction For she had most certainly vnderstood that the Popish Nobility of Scotland bad by the tricks and plots of the Priests conspired to bring in the Spaniard into Scotland to alter the Religion there and to set vpon England on that side and that one Creicton a Iesuit whom she had lately set at liberty hauing passed his faith that he would neuer combine against the good of England had vnder this pretence passed ouer often into the Low Countries and into Spaine She wisely foresaw that the Comminalty of Scotland especially those in the west parts would be easily corrupted with Spanish gold also she weighed how full of Hauens the Scottish shores were how warlike the Nation it selfe was and how well furnished in Horsemen how easily then they might enter England as at a backe-doore Besides all this considering of what an vnstable loyalty the English themselues were that are neighbours ot Scotland most of them being Papists and euery one desirous of innouations who had their meanes and their hopes in their own hands And lastly that there is alwaies more courage in them that doe oppugne then in them that defend who as it were onely cast dice for their owne lot Wherefore she gaue the King of Scotland to vnderstand these things admonishing him to keepe vnder his Nobility betimes and willing him to exercise his Regall power ouer such seditious persons that hee might not seeme to reigne at their pleasure And truely he did that of his owne accord by instituting seuere Lawes against the Papists and the Abettors of them as in that he punished Dauid Graham Fentrey for being secret to the conspirators as also in that he persecuted the Earles of Anguise Hu●tl●y and Aroll whom he easily scattered a sunder Bothwell in the meane time hauing laine lurking in England collogued with the Queene by his flattering letters promising that if the King of Scotland would but enter him into his fauour againe he would faithfully serue and obey him and much weaken the Spanish faction withall entreating her to intercede with the King for his pardon But the Queene assoone as she vnderstood that the King of Scotland tooke it but very i●l that Bothwell had beene entertained here in England she detesting his impious rashnesse that he durst offer violence to his Prince the expresse ●igne and Type of God himselfe and put him into so great feares sent the Lord Borough on an Embassie into Scotland that he might truely informe the King that Bothwell was not harboured here but that he secretly crept in and that she would seuerely punish those that had entertained him withall she incensed the King against the Spanish faction wishing him to procure a new Association of Protestants to keepe himselfe in safety and to defend Religion against all outward seditions with hearts and hands knit together and this was shortly after effected The Lord Borough hauing expected the Kings returne out of the Northerne quarters of Scotland demanded these things in writing from him That he would certifie the Queene of all the Spanish enterprises against England that he heard of That by his iustice he would defend his Regall authority and if that he could not execute iustice vpon the bodies of such Traitours that hee would haue their goods confiscated That he would chause into his Councell men of pure and well-tried trust That all these things he would certifie the Queene of by his owne hand that both she and also all other Princes of the same religion might easily vnderstand with what a prouident care he resisted the enemies thereof Lastly that he would take order for a peace in the Borders of both Kingdomes Adding withall That if these things were done she would not be wanting in any thing as she lately was not in seuerely mulcting those Englishmen that had entertained Bothwell To these things distinctly the King answered that he had certified her of all the machinations of the Spaniard as soone as he found them out that as speedily as hee could hee had persecuted all the Rebels punishing some with losse of goods and others with life That he had appointed Lieutenants in their Dominions and that he would haue all of them banished by act of Parliament and after their banishment their goods should be confiscated That he would admit to Councell onely men of sound iudgment of purity in Religion and loue to their Countrey and that he would witnesse all this to the Queene with his owne hand-writing that he would also take order about the Borderers But then that it was meet that the Queene should furnish him with monyes to bring this to passe both to resist the Spaniard and his owne Rebels that were of great wealth and strength Last of all hee required that She would punish those that fauoured Bothwell and since hee was a fellow of vnexpiable villany detestable before all Princes euen to example that shee would
ambitious mindes at this time Sir Nicholas Clifford and Sir Anthony Shirley deserued so well in the warres of France at the Kings hands that hauing giuen them their oath he made them Knights of St. Michael which when they somewhat gloried too much of in their owne Countrey the Queene being discontented that they had taken such honour from a forreigne Prince without notice giuen to her as if they had beene not hers but his Subiects committed them both to prison But yet out of her mercy she would not let the Law passe vpon them both out of a respect to their youthfull folly and her good will to the King of France that bestowed it But shee commanded them both to resigne them vp againe and send backe their honour againe Which when the French King heard of he was reported to haue merrily sayd That the Queene may be euen with me I wish the would make some of my ambitious subiects with her Knights of King Arthurs round table For as that Order hath beene worne away long since in Ballades so hath this of S. Michael degenerated into a contempt Insomuch that a Noble French man sayd that the chayne of S. Michael was once a badge of Noblemen but now a collar for all creatures About this time Cardinall Alan died at Rome commonly called the Cardinall of England He was borne in the County of Lancaster of a good family which in some of the kindred conteyned some of the nobler sort Hee was brought vp in Oriall Colledge in Oxford where in the time of Queene Mary he was Proctour of the Vniuersity and afterwards made one of the Canons of the Church of Yorke Assoone as the alteration in Religion began hee changes his country for Doway in Flanders where the Vniuersity beginning in the yeere of Grace 1562. hee professing of Diuinity was made one of the Canons Regular of the Church of Cambray He tooke order that a Seminary should bee prouided for the English at Doway and afterwards another at Rhemes where also he was made Canon Hee ordeyned a third at Rome for the English besides two more in Spaine to preserue the Roman Religion in England out of zeale to which he had put off both his loue to his country and his obedience to his Prince he incensed the Spaniard and the Pope of Rome to assault England And to that purpose adioyned himselfe to all pernitious con●ultations about that matter after that Pope Sixtu● Q●intus had bestowed on him the title of Cardinall of S. ●●rti● in Montibus and the 〈◊〉 gaue him an Abbacy in the Kingdome of Naples and nominated him Archbishop of Machline When the Bull of excommunication against the Queene at that time that the great Nauy was prouided for England came forth hee brought it into the Low Countries caused it to be printed in English Withall he wrote an Admonition to the Englishmen that they should sticke to the Pope and Spaniard But being deceiued of all his hopes he returned againe backe to Rome where being wearied with the discords hatreds and dissentions of the English Run●awayes both Schollers and Nobles at l●st he dyed being of the age 63. yeares He was buried in the English Church called by the name of the Trinity In his time hee wrote in Latine a Booke concerning the Eucharist and in English an Apology for Seminaries and another for English Catholikes another for William Stanley who had betrayed 〈◊〉 to the Spaniard besides the admonition we spake of and a book● about Purga●ory neither haue I seene any other About this time too died Iohn Piers Archbishop of Yorke a great Diuine and yet a modest one who was long time Almoner to the Queene Matthew Hutton being remoued from the Bishopricke of Durham succeeded him Ferdinand Stanley Earle of Derby he whom we spake of before in the last yeare euen vpon the beginning of this yeare died in the prime of his youth but not without suspition of poyson ●auing beene miserably afflicted with cruell paines and casting vp stuffe like the colour of rusty Iron In his chamber was found a little Image made of Waxe with the belly of it thrust through with haires iust of the colour of those of his head which was layd there as the wiser the● thought to remoue the suspition of po●soning him away and father his death vpon the art of Wi●chcraft That which in his sicknesse he cast vp by vomiting so distayned his fee● with a 〈◊〉 colour that they would neuer be 〈…〉 were wrapt vp in Seare-cloth and couered with Lead did so flow with corrupted and stinking humours that no man in a long time durst come neere his buriall place There fell no small suspition of his death vpon his Horse-keeper for assoone as the Earle was once dead he fled away with one of his best Horses William his Brother succeeded him in the County of Darby betweene whom and the three daughters of the deceased Earle when there arose a contention to whom the Dominon of the Isle of Man belonged the Queene well considering that the English run-awayes and the Spaniard did still cast an eie towards that Island committed the gouernment thereof to Sir Thoma● Gerard both by reason of his approued honesty and proximity But whilest the new Earle and the three Sisters were at law about the Right to that Island the Queenes Lawyers being of a most quicke-sighted craftinesse found out of their points of the law that the Right of that Island belonged to the Queene and that the Stanleys and the Earles of Derby had without any iust right possessed the said right of that Island this two hundred yeares By reason that they alleaged that we may heare all from the beginning that assoone as Henry the fourth had seized vpon this Kingdome William Scroope then Lord of the Isle of Man being banished Henry the fourth gaue the same to Henry Percy Earle of Northumberland This Henry some six yeares after fell into a rebellion Hereupon the yeare then following the King granted it by Letters Patents to Iohn Stanley for his life time before the Earle o● Northumberland had beene banished by act of Parliament of his goods confiscated to the King Within a moneth the King and the same Stanley agree that those former Letters Patents for his life time and other things granted to him by the King should be restored againe and cancelled and the Island againe granted to him and his heires vnder this forme We for and in consideration that the said Iohn Stanley hath restored to Vs againe Our Letters Patents into the Chancery to be cancelled haue granted vnto the foresaid Iohn the foresaid Island c. Out of these words and well obseruing the circumstances of time that those former Letters Patents were granted for his life before that the Earle was banished the Lawyers pronounced that the King could not giue the Island away for his life because as yet it was not attributed or iudged fa●ne into the hands of
Indian Caracke comming with full saile which when by reason of shot out of a Hollander she perceiued her enemies were neere about her violently put on shore where hauing vnladen very rich Merchandise and taken fire instead thereof she burnt two dayes Thus enuious fortune in this voyage thwarted the English designes And although chances fall no where more then at Sea yet these errours in them seemed to be willingly committed and the frustrated enterprizes proceeded from the enuious emulation whereby one would striue to steale credit from the other On the ninth of October wherein the Sea was very full of daily tempests Essex hauing giuen notice commanded that they should waigh anchor and turne home all for England But within a day or two after there arose a great tempest out of the North which scattered all the ships vpon the Sea euen the Spanish Nauie with all her prouision against England that lay at Feroll but so that neither the English nor Spanish Nauie euer came in sight of one another Not one of the English Nauie perished in this tempest but many of the Spanish as they re●ort one of them tumbled and tossed from place to place by the tempest at last was driuen vpon Dartmouth the Souldiers and Marriners almost starued with hunger These informed vs that the Spaniard had 〈◊〉 to s●aze vpon some Port in Cornwall whose scituation might be fittest for receiuing aide from Spaine that thereby they thought to keepe the English from warre as also to hinder their voyages into the East Indies and Spaine it selfe But so did the diuine powers that decide such controuersies of warre part the fierce quarrels betweene both Na●ions that for this time both their expectations were very much frustrated At length towards the end of October came Essex home safe to England but his ships very weary and weather-beaten but with a spoile of sufficient value Then concerning this Voyage many men seuerally spent their opinions some out of loue to Essex some out of ill will to Rawleigh and the loue of the Queene whereof both of them were very well experienced by a strange effect encreased the ill will of the people towards the one which indeed a sinister opinion of his impiety much encreased and the loue of them towards the other by reason of his affablenes●e and the great conceipt of vertue and valour that was in him Certainly none could finde a want either of valour in danger or of wisedome in consultations in either of them but happy successes to either none could assure himselfe of since they depend vpon the prouidence of the Almighty But certainly the enmity betweene Rawleigh and Essex euery day grew vp higher whilest one cast the misfortunes of the voyage vpon the others negligence Besides Essex was much grieued to see Robert Cecill the last yeare that was made Secretary to the Queene for all his opposition against him now in his absence to be made Chancello●r of the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 to whom hee alwayes opposed himselfe as emulous of his wisdome and too great a fauourite of Rawleigh But he was further grieued to heare Charles Howard Admirall made Earle of Nottingham with this Testimoniall in his letters of Honour THat he secured England from all danger of the Spanish inuasion hauing gotten a bra●e victory in eighty eight That ioyntly with our deare kinsman Robert Earle of Essex he had valiantly and magnanimously by open violence taken the Island and City of Cadiz that was strongly fortified That he had wholly vanquished and ouerthrowne an entire Nauie of the King of Spaine that stood ready in the said Hauen to assault the Kingdome of England These things Essex who had challenged to himselfe all the glory thereof before now construed them as done in disgrace to him and great preiudice to his valour especially considering that the Admirall who being a Lord was behinde him in honour now by being made an Earle should haue the prerogatiue of superiority ouer him For it was established in the times of K. Henry the eight that the Lord High Chamberlaine of England High Constable the Marshall Admirall and Lord High Steward and Chamberlaine should haue preheminence about ●ll that were but of the same degree But yet the Queene which was alwaies a fauourer and an enlarger of the dignities and honours of Essex to qualifie his distast and so set him before ●im againe made him Earle Marshall of England an office which had ●aine a sleepe euer since the death of the Earle of Shrewesburie This yeare came Paulus Dzialinus Embassadour from Sigismond King of Poland a man of greater a●●●city then ordinarily the disposition of that Nation atta●nes vnto from whom when the Queen expected great acknowledgment of her Fauours and thanksgiuing for the peace wrought by her from Amurath Emperor of the Turks He after he had deliuered his Letters to the Queene sitting in her Chaire of state which the Nobles about her she began to reade them in a very vnseemly vnusuall manner in England descends to the lower part of the Priuy Chamber and there in a lowd tone began in a Latine Oration to complaine that the priuiledges Prutenick and of the Polonians were not onely much enf●inged but euen violated contrary to the Law of Nations in that their traffique with the Spaniard was made vnlawfull and prohibited by the Queene and that vnder colour of that that the Polonian goods were forfeited to the Queenes Exchequer Vrging that his Master could not beare with this without complaint in respect of the great damage which he hath sustained as also the affinity of him and the Spaniard and the House of Austria Wherefore that 〈◊〉 required of the Queene that these things that had been ●●ken away should be restored againe and that he might h●●● free traffique with the Spaniard Which if she granted not that his Master would take some order to prouide for the safety of his Subjects and his owne estate and it may 〈◊〉 make those repent it that were the occasion of the first 〈◊〉 offered him The Queene somewhat amazed at the bold speech of 〈◊〉 Embassadour in a sober rebuking Rhetoricall answer ●●ded him these words LOrd how was I deceiued I expected an Embassadour I found an Herold I neuer heard such an Oration all the daies of my life Neither can I sufficiently wonder at so great 〈◊〉 rashuesse If that your King euer willed you to these speech●s which I much doubt of I doe therefore thin● he did it because being a young man and not chos●● according to the vsuall succession of bloud but by election he doth not vnderstand the affaires of Traffique or those businesses that haue been passed through by Vs and his Pr●decessours For your part you seeme to Vs to be well read in many book●● but yet to be very shallow in Policy or matters belonging thereto For for asmuch as you haue so often vsed the Law of Nations in
your speech you ought to haue knowne that two Kings being at warre one against another it is lawfull for one side to seaze and surprize all aide and succour that is sent to the other side because he is bound to prouide that no damage from thence come to his kingdome and Common-wealth This we say is agreeable to the Law of Nations which we not onely do but euen the Kings of Poland Sweden haue done the like in the warres against the Muscouians As concerning the neere affinity which you boast of betweene your Master and the house of Austria you might also well remember that some of that Family of Austria were so neere your Master that they would haue got into his roome and got the Kingdome from him For other matters you shall vnderstand what Our will and pleasure is by our Counsellours And hauing spoke thus she betooke herselfe into her Closet The Embassadour in conference with some of the Queenes Councell that he might excuse himselfe shewed vnto them his Speech written which he said was made by others and deliuered to him by Thelitiskius Chancellor of Sweden Zamoske being absent and not knowing of it Shortly after the Queene sent Burghley Lord Treasurer the Admirall Robert Cecill and Fortescue of her Prluy Counsell willing them to certifie him these things That the priuiledges which haue beene heretofore granted to those Cities in Poland as also to the Hans-Townes in Germany were abrogated in the time of Edward the ●ixt yet that the Queene permitted them to traffique with the English vpon equall termes the like right But that she could not giue thē leaue to traffique by a better right vnlesse that like a wicked mother she should neglect her owne Children and make more of strangers That to surprize aide that goes to her enemies is not against the Law of Nations since Nature her selfe allowes that liberty that euery man should defend himselfe as well as he can and that that Law is not written but borne and bred in vs. Besides that in the mentioned priuiledges there was a Prouiso that those Cities should not furnish the enemies of England with any prouision as appeares in expresse words IT shall be lawfull for the foresaid Merchants to carry their Merchandise whither they will either within Our Realme of England or without prouided alwaies that they carrie them not to the Lands and Kingdomes of our manifest and notorious enemies Besides all this he was giuen to vnderstand that but lately which was fresh in their memories the Kings of Poland and Sweden surprized and con●iscated certain English ships and Merchandize onely vpon suspition that they had aided the Muscouian with prouision The Embassadour being demanded what he could say to these things made answer that he had no command to answer any thing but to deliuer his message and returne an answere and shortly after he was very courteously dismissed to returne home By this time the importunate supplications of the Hans-Townes to the Emperour of Germany had so farre preuailed that by Proclamation the society of Merchant Aduenturers were forbidden all traffique in Germany by reason that they traffiqued onely according to the Lawes of England in the Empire and not according to the Lawes of the Empire So that when the Queene had long time dealt with the Emperour by Sir Iohn Wroth and with the Princes of the Empire by Stephen Lesure for the suspention or delaying of this Proclamation and all was in vaine the very same day that the English Merchants were warned to depart Germany she banished all the Hans-Townes men and Merchandizes out of London commanding the Lord Major to take possession of the houses they had in the Citie of London which we call the Stiliard And hereupon they assembled all of the Hans-Townes at Lubecke on purpose to hinder the traffique of the English in Poland and Germany by all meanes The Queene that she might nu●lifie these malicious practises sent Sir George Carew Master of the Chancery into Prussia to enforme the King and States of Polonia and the Prutenic Cities those things which she answered to Dzialine the last Embassadour as also to certifie them that the Queene will willingly permit them to trade into Spaine with Corne and all kinde of Merchandize onely except warlike Munition although both by the Ciuill law and the law of Nations she might surprize any thing that is sent to her enemy Also that she was contented that the Hans-Townes should enioy their ancient priuiledges in England vpon condition that they should acknowledge them as her meere fauours and not as couenants lawfully and rigorously to be demanded for those priuiledges which are granted to Subiects by Princes much more to strangers and forreiners may be suspended reuoked and quite abrogated according to the diuersity of times the good of Common-wealths or other the like causes Withall that the Hans-Townes had had experience thereof in Denmarke and Sweden and in England in the time of Edward the sixt Philip and Queene Mary Besides that the case is not all one with Cities and Kingdomes and that Princes ought more to haue a care to protect and patronize their owne honour and Maiesty then the co●etousnesse of some Merchants C●rew so effectually dealt with them that they promised not to send any of there Embassadours to Lubecke or to conioyne them with the Hans-Townes in Germany Which hauing effected he passed ouer into Sweden where hee met the King of Poland at Steckburge brought into very narrow streights by his Vnckle Charles but he wrought but little with him by reason as the King himselfe court●ously answered that alwaies it is prouided by the Lawes of the Realme that the King alone shall neuer enter into couenants or any bargaines or conditions with any Forreiner Hauing had other Le●ters deliuered to him by the Vice-Chancellour ready sealed he refused to take them the title of his 〈◊〉 the Queene being not absolutely perfect and compleat on all sides lest thereby he should seeme to derogate from her Honour and that is indeed the ob●ect of an Embassadours greatest care although in the smallest matters as this was onely in the superscription From thence he passed vnto Elbing where he composed and ended many quarrels and contentions between the English and the Citizens thereof but this was in the next yeare yet I thought it fit to forestall the narration of it rather then to rent his owne voyage and the readers patience into a distraction This yeare also came Arnold Whitfield Chancellour of Denmarke from Christian the fourth King of Denmarke and with him Christian Bernick who restored againe the Carter of the Order of St. George wherewith the Queene had honoured Fredericke the Kings Father He requested the renewing of the ancient League betweene England and Denmarke also that the Danish goods might not be surprized by the English at Sea He pretended that the English vsed Fishing at Norway and the Islands
indignation of a weake Prince That the heart of the Queene is hardened I know what I haue to doe as I am a Subiect and what as I am an Earle and Marshall of England I cannot liue like a seruant and a bond-slaue If I should confesse my selfe guilty I should both iniure truth and God the authour of truth I haue receiued a dart in my whole body It is absolutely a sinne to serue after the receipt of so great a disgrace Cannot Princes erre cannot they iniure their Subiects Is their earthly power infinite T is the foole in Solomon that being strucke laughes They that receiue benefit by the errors of Princes let them beare the iniuries of Princes Let them thinke the Queenes power infinite who beleeued that God is not omnipotent As for my part I being rent in peeces with iniuries haue long e●ough within my brest endured the bitternesse thereof But yet for all this a little while after being more submisse hee was pardoned and receiued into fauour by the Queene whose greatest anger at any offence could neuer be stretched to a iust hatred except onely of the offence Bu● here his Friends and Fauourers greatly began to feare a r●ine who haue obserued that Fortune very seldome in reconciled with one whom she hath cast out of her care and that Princes are a great deale seldomer especially to those whom they themselues haue beene thought to haue offended and iniured About this time died William Cecill Lord Burghley Treasurer of England who being sorely troubled with griefe of minde and the Gout too sent his Letters to the Queene earnestly beseeching her that he might lay aside the burthen of his Offices The Queene presently vpon it came and visited him and comforted him very much but within few daies after hauing liued long enough to Nature and famous enough to Glory but onely not long enough to his Country he so quietly gaue vp the ghost that his greatest enemy could confesse that he hated nothing more or enuied any thing like to such a death in so great honour seeing that ordinarily the ends and Catastrophes of the Administratours of such great affaires as he did are both sad and sometimes sodaine Certainly he was an excellent man whom besides his venerable countenance and comely visage nature made and learning perfected to a great fame of honesty grauity temperance industry and iustice Besides these he was a wondrous well-spoken man in his curious language which neither was any way affected but plaine and easie His wisedome was strengthened by long experience and seasoned with great moderation His faith and loyalty well approued and his religious piety aboue all most to be commended To speake all in a word the Queene was most happy in such a Counsellour and England will be beholding to his counsell for euer If at any time it shall concerne posterity to know his birth he was borne at Burne in Lincolne shire in 1521. His Father was Richard Cecill Master of the Wardrope to Henry the eight his Mother Iane the Heire to the Family of Ekinton and the Walcots He when he was a young man was student in St. Iohns College at Cambridge where at the age of twenty yeares he tooke to wife Marie the Sister of Iohn Cheeke a very learned man who within one or two yeares after died Afterwards hauing beene a Student at Law in Graies Inne at London hee married Mildred a good Graecian and Latinist the Daughter of Anthony Coke Informer to Edward the sixth Hauing got into the house of the Duke of Somerset Protector of the Realme he was vnder him made Master of Requests being the first in England as I haue heard of himselfe that euer vsed that Title Afterwards he became Secretary to Edward the sixt and by him knighted He found some fauour with Queene Mary but greater with Cardinall Poole Tunstall and William Petra for his wisedome the resson of his fauour with Mary was in that although he with the rest subscribed hee most opposed that counterfeited pretence to Edwards kingdome whereby both Mary and Elizabeth were excluded from any right thereto But yet afterwards being a very religious Protestant although hee serued the times a little when he perceiued that his religion lay as a blocke in his way to all promotion he betooke himselfe to the seruice of Elizabeth she vsed his paines much in her affaires whatsoeuer Afterwards she made him one of her Priuy Councell and in the third yeare of her Rai●ne after the death of Sir Thomas Parry made him Master of the Wards which Office he so well performed prouidently to the good of the Orphans moderately to his owne good and liberally to the good of his Friends Kindred and followers without any iniuries that the Queene admiring his discretion committed the gouernment of all vnto him in a manner But as his power and fauour with the Queene encreased with him so did hatred and enuy in many of the Nobility against him but yet so that as he was wont to say he ouer came it with patience more then frowardnesse Afterwards the Queene hauing well approued his wisdome and loialty this thirteen yeares bestowed on him the title of Lord Burghley and Lord high Treasurer of England In which Office alwaies hating those base trickes of heaping money together as hee encreased the publike good so also his own priuate estate by his paines and parsimonie He was very vnwilling to haue any thing spent vnlesse for the honour of the Queene the defence of the Kingdome or the aide of our Neighbours He narrowly looked into although not with the eies of security yet of equity the affaires of the Custome-house and the Tole takers that belong thereto He would professe that hee neuer liked that the Exchequer should like the Spleene encrease continually and the rest of the members wither and fade away and truely hee strongly endeuoured that the Prince might not grow rich by the peoples misery of taxation but that both the one and the other might want nothing Hee would often say that nothing was profitable to the Prince that was not honourable for her also to doe and hereupon he would not suffer the Reuenews of her Lands to be encreased or the old Tenants remoued or Farmers put out As for his priuate estate he so well managed it that neither he euer went to Law with any man or any man with him Of his former wife Mary Cheeke begot hee Thomas now Earle of Exeter very fruitfull in his issue Of his second wife Mildred Coke he begat Robert Earle of Salisbury his successour in the greatest Offices of the Kingdome with the like happinesse besides two Daughters that died before himself Anne Countesse of Oxford who had three Daughters Elizabeth married to William Earle of Darby Bridget married to the Lord Norris and Susan to the Earle of Mountgomery and Elizabeth the wife of William Wentworth that died without issue The Ouerseers
Cormac Mac-Gennys Mac-Guir Euere Mac-Cowley Henry Ouington and O-Quin shewes himselfe at the Foord Essex the Deputie with the Earle of Southampton George Bourchiere Warham S. Leger Henry Danuerse Edward Wingfield and William Constable Knights comes down vnto them The Earle salutes euery one of them very courteously and not many words being on all sides spent it pleased them that the next day there should be some delegated that should treat concerning a peace Amongst those delegates it was agreed vpon that there should be a truce from that day for sixe weekes and then so againe for the next sixe But yet so that on either side hauing giuen fourteene dayes wa●ning they might haue leaue and libertie to renue the warre againe And if so be any of the Earle Tir-Oens confederates shall not agree thereunto that it should be lawfull for the Deputie to prosecute him as it shall please him Whilest these things are doing Henry Cuffe brings those last letters we spake of to the Queene whereby when she vnderstood that Essex with so great an armie in so long time and at so great charges had done nothing as yet and sent her word that he could doe nothing this yeare she was greatly moued thereat accusing all his consultations and actions headlong vnhappy and contemptible Nay she doubted not to say but vpon what iealous suspition I know not to some there that he endeauoured in Ireland some what more then the good of his Prince and Countrey Neither would she recall her opinion after great perswasion alwayes esteeming it the greatest folly that can be to stirre vp one that is ready armed whom once he had stirred before and since armed But yet she sent her letters backe to him and the Counsellours of Ireland wherein she expressed her great admiration that the Deputie should lose so much time and imbrace all kind of occasions of delay that he should spoyle many faire opportunities of good successe against the Rebels when as he himselfe in England thought nothing fitter then onely to prosecute and pursue Tir-Oen which also in his letters since he had largely promised She also expostulated with him about his expedition into Mounster and Affalle against his own sober iudgement and against her knowledge for had he made her acquainted with his intent she would haue hindred that hurtfull expedition If now the army be weake and feeble why did he not follow the enemy when it was not so If the Spring time were not fit for his warre in Vlster why did he neglect the Summer and Autumne was not any time fitting enough for that warre she did now well see that England must be consumed more then needs and by this vnhappy successe suffer the note of infamy of all forraine nations Nay that they that hereafter shall write the History of these times will instruct posteritie that she neuer did any thing in the preseruing of Ireland and that he neuer omitted any thing that might tend to the losse of it except he would take some better order with his warres Wherefore she admonished both him and the Councell that with better aduice they would prouide for the good of the Common-wealth and not be led aside by euill suggested councels As also that they should write backe to her to what passe they haue brought the State of Ireland and also to take care against the further damage thereof The Deputy being much mooued with these letters and discontented that among other things the Queene had chid him too that hee remooued not the Earle of Southampton from his office which he lately bestowed vpon him for the Queene was displeased with Southampton because against her knowledge as the Nobles vse not to doe he had married Elizabeth Vernon borne of the Aunt of the Earle of Essex secretly But most of all being discontented at the preferment of his enemie Cecil to his place of the Master of the Wards hee began to cast himself into darke and cloudie stormes of melancholy he secretly thought some vndirect course to take in hand as to returne againe into England with his choisest Bands and so to bring vnder his power by force those his great enemies being perswaded that great store of concourse out of loue to him and desire of innouations would easily and quickely flocke vnto him But Southampton and Sir Christopher Blunt that had married his mother frighted him from this dangerous wicked and hatefull enterprize Whither or no the Queene had inckling of this matter I know not but at the very same time by reason of vncertaine rumours of a Spanish inuasion that was willingly beleeued there was mustred vp 6000. of the choycest and most experienced footmen of all London 3000. whereof lay at watch and ward about the Queene the rest commanded to be in readinesse vpon any occasion and besides these a great number was also mustered out of all the places neere abouts Of all these Charles Howard Earle of Nottingham Lord Admirall of England was made Commander with authoritie both against enemies abroad and rebels at home But within few dayes after this armie was dissolued againe Within a moneth after Essex sooner then the least opinion of any one comes ouer into England in all hast with some of his choicest friends Southampton who now was put by his office the Lord Dunkelline Christopher S. Laurence the sonne of the Lord Houth Henry Danuerso who yet had notwithstanding recouered himselfe of a dangerous wound Henry Doc●ray and other Commanders and many others who at his arriuall in England went away seuerall wayes Essex accompanied onely with sixe comes to None-Such where the Queene then lay to enforme her of the affaires of Ireland In his way the Lord Grey of Wilton one of his greatest enemies ouer rode him and not once saluted or spake to him The Earle fearing lest he should doe him hurt at the Court and Sir Thomas Gerard ouertaking him and although in vaine requesting him that hee would doe him no ill office there Christopher S. Larence offered his seruice to the Earle of Essex to kill the Lord Grey in the way and the Secretary at the Court But the Earle hating such wickednesse from his heart would not yeeld thereto but made such hast to the Court that on the morning betimes he came and fell on his knees before the Queene that not so much as thought of him as shee was in the Priuie chamber The Queene entertained him with a short speech but not with that fauour she was wont and bid him go to his chamber and continue there For now to his other offences he added this that without her leaue or against her will he had left Ireland and for that he had made such a truce that euery fourteene dayes was violable when as it had beene in his power by his authoritie to haue ended the matters with the Rebels and pardoned their treasons Being asked of the Councell why he made such couenants
condiscended vnto that now durst euen boast vp and downe that he would come into England shortly and here also get himselfe possessions The Lord Buckhurst that was made Lord Treasurer after Burghley deceased much inueighing against the Penmen of those infamous Pamphlets declared also what great armies and what great prouision was sent into Ireland that euery moneth the pay was sent for three moneths together and that the Queene had in this warre within six moneths spent three hundred thousand pounds and the E. of Essex could not deny this The Earle of Nottingham he shewed how the Queene had assembled her wisest Counsellours best insighted into the affaires of Ireland to a consultation about this Irish rebellion and that all or most of them adiudged it fittest first to reduce Vlster to obedience That Essex also was of the same mind who oftentimes had reiterated these words that not the boughes of rebellion but the root must be taken off But that he was very sorry that he had done otherwise withall affirming that fiue of the Queenes ships with others ready to be vsed in warre had beene sent ouer to Vlster and there lay six whole moneths without any vse Secretary Cecill first declares the singular care of the Queene in her defending England and Ireland by remouing renowne and glory of her Maiesty and which was worst of all would puffe vp the proud mindes of the Rebels as appeares by that of the arch-Rebell Tir-Oen who the next day after the Earle of Essex came to the English Court could not containe himselfe but he must breake into the like speeches as these That he did not doubt but shortly to see a greater change and alteration of things then euer yet had beene in former ages that he would shew himselfe there shortly and challenge some part of it for himselfe but professing that he could not imagine by what diuination or cunning he could hope of these things or know within so few howers what was become of Essex Thus farre went Cecill and it will be needlesse to repeat what euery one said since all came to the same effect and conclusion And now let vs leaue the Earle of Essex vnder custody with the Lord Keeper who being onely deuoted to godlinesse and diuinemeditations seemed to haue beene past beyond all the vanities of this world he sent such godly Letters seasoned with such a religious contempt of worldly affaires to all his Friends and Familiars And now in the meane time Andrew of Austria the son of Cardinall Ferdinand the Arch-Duke brother to Maximilian the Emperour who in the absence of Cardinall Albert of Austria at the marriage in Spaine was made Gouernour of the Low Countries very diligently dealt with Charles Lanfrance and Hierom Coeman about a peace betweene the Spanish King Philip the third and the Queene of England Neither did the Queene shew her selfe very strange from the matter if so be the Spaniard had delegated on him sufficient authority to treat about the peace and if so be they would take good order for the States of the vnited Prouinces For to forsake those or to doe any thing that might be disgraceful to her or deceitful to them she thought it vnexpiable But yet this mention of peace did cause seuerall suspitions distrusts both in the Queene and the States seeing that at the very same time there was a very constant rumour that there was a Na●y prouiding in Spaine But the Hollanders Nauy that had now taken the Canary Island and the Castle and layd wast Saint Thomas Island was thought to haue turned out of the way Neither is this a bare rumour for there were some Gallies prouided in Spaine by the appointment of Fredericke Spinula of Genoa who being exceeding rich aboue ordinary hauing beene a Souldier in the Low Countries perswaded the Spaniard to send out some Gallies into Flanders And those Gallies being sent out vnder his conduct passing by the French shore came to the Hauen Scluse in Flanders not being espied either by the English or Hollanders ships that tarried for them For being carried farre to the North in the British Ocean either by the tide or ignorance of the places by all aduentures they escaped the English and Ho●landers that waited for them These Gallies first of all caused great admiration to the English and Hollanders who in the yeare 1545. had found the British Ocean swelling and raging with stormes altogether impatient of such plaine Vessels when some of them were sent from the Mediterranean Sea against England But now they did great hurt about where they went for being made by skilfull Ship wrights according to that fashion of those that 1593. went as farre as the Islands of Azores they scorned the anger of our Seas and in a calme being rowed with Oares they would doe great harme when ships built at great charges being destitute of winde lay at rode closly and exposed to their hurt Much about the same time Charles by the grace of God Hereditary Prince of the Kingdomes of Swecia the Gothes and Vandalls for these are his titles sent Hill an Englishman ouer to the Queene that he might acquit him of calumnies before the Queene he being traduced out of affectation of innouation for to haue wrought to himselfe the Kingdome against Sigismund his Nephew King of Poland entreated the Queene that she would not beleeue these calumniators and also to aide him with councell and helpe for to defend and propugne the sincere Religion grounded on the word of God The Queene publikely heard him and answered him wishing him to wish his Master to keepe his word better with his Nephew the King of Poland and not to ●inne against Iustice Nature and the lawes of Affinity In this yeare there died too many in that one Richard Hooker borne in Deuonsh●re and bred in Corp●s Christi College in Oxford a Diuine v●ry modera●e tempe●●te meek and vertuous euen to the best imitation and besides very famous for his learned Workes as his Bookes of Ecclesiasticall Policy set forth in English but worthy to speake Latine doe testifie of him THE THREE and Fortieth Yeere OF HER REIGNE Anno Domini 1600. IN the beginning of this yeare the 〈◊〉 being daily busied with the affaires of the Kingdome that she might the better prouide for mony amongst her so great cost and charges in the Irish warre delegated some who hauing receiued their monies might confirme to them that Crowne-land which the law had called into question Also she caused the ancient lawes of Edward the 4 Richard the 2 Henry the 4 to be obserued concerning the transportation of gold or sil●er coy●ed or ●ot coyned out of England which she proclaimed vnlawfull And she became more intent then euer shee had beene towards the affaires of Ireland for Tir-Oen after the returne of Essex from Ireland being pu●t vp with the ioy of his happy mischiefes accounted himselfe Monarch
of warre They I say tooke it very heinously as if the King suspected their loyalty and hereupon being also mooued with other suggestions thinking themselues to haue deserued better they began for to conspire to 〈◊〉 their Offices hereditary to them and their heires and whe● they could wring out that which they would they became ●iercer then the very enemies Of this number were they whom the King in his Letter●●o the Queene was not ashamed 〈◊〉 defame very sharpely not onely as vngratefull but of a faint courage not hauing euer ouercome the enemy by any warlike valour but reconciled them rather by pay and promises But the Queene being very desirous of the safety of the King pittying the often and neadlesse reuolts of the French neuer gaue ouer celebrating him as the only preseruer of the fading French Monarchy These things I haue weaued into my discourse that posterity may hereafter iudge of the wisedome of the Queene in councelling the King and of her constant good will to her ancient friend and Professour of the same Religion Also at this time the Queene succoured Geneua the Seminary of the Reformed Religion which was now assaulted by trickes and open Armes by the Duke of Sauoy and great store of money was gathered to that intent throughout all England which was liberally bestowed both by the Clergy and Commonalty of the Land This yeare in February Alexander Nowell Doctor of Diuinity and Deane of Pauls surrendred his soule to God In the dayes of Queene Mary hee was banished into Germany for the truth of the Gospell which afterwards both in his laborious Sermons and his learned workes he strongly did maintaine He bestowed vpon Brasen-nose College in Oxford where he was brought vp 200. pounds yearely to maintaine therein 13. Fellowships seconding this his godly example with a religious life and conuersation 〈◊〉 Ouerall succeeded him professour of Diuinity in Cambridge a generall learned Scholler preferred to this Deanery by the commendations to the Queene of Sir Fulke G●euill his Patron And now Ireland recalls me to an account of what hath passed there this yeare For after that the Spaniards were driuen out of Ireland Tir-Oen in a fearefull affright retires himselfe as fast as he could into his lurking holes in Vlster nimbly posting through the Desarts belonging thereunto but he lost many of his company whom the Riuers encreased with the Winters raine swallowed vp And yet for all that could he not rest in quiet without great care but worthily oppressed with the iniqui●y of his conscience hee distrusted euery man insomuch that he still changed holes and sought for new The Deputy to refresh his Army that was wearied hauing setl●d his affaires in Munster returned to Dublin and after the hard time of the yeare was past ouer he returned backe againe by small iourneyes with a puissant Army vnto Vlster with intent as before he had resolued to gir● the Rebels in their Forts by placing Garrisons about them He bringeth ouer his Army at Blackewater ouer the Floats and at the first the Foord being vnknowne hauing found an old Fortresse a little below there he erects a Bulwarke which according to his owne Christian name hee called Charlemont Hereupon Tir-Oen being ●orely affrighted fired his owne house at Dunganon and lest it should be ransacked he burnt it The Deputy still marcheth forwards and assoon as Sir Henry Docwray with his Forces had come from Logh Fo●l he distributed Souldiers into all quarters who burnt vp the Corne set fire on the Houses and Villages driuing home preyes daily Presently after the Forts in Logh-Carew Logh-Reah and Moherlecow where S. Iohn Barclay was shot through with a Bullet were yeelded vp to the Deputy who placed a Fort at Logh-Eaugh or Logh Sidney which after his name of Honour he called Montioy-Fort making Sir Arthur Chichester a man worthy to succeed him in his Office Gouernour thereof He sends backe Sir Henry Docwray to Diry who receiueth to mercy O-Chanan after great part of his Dominions had fell to the Queene onely vpon condition that by her Letters Patents he might quietly possesse the rest After that at the Deputies command he ouer-runs Omie with a miserable slaughter he driues away the Cattle of Cormac-Baron although with some danger And after that being sent for by the Deputy and Agar Castle being taken he sends him and Sir Henry Folliot home First making Folliot of authority vnder him and shortly after beyond all expectation making him absolute President of Ballashanon to the wonder of the English that he should be preferred before Docwray who by his great paines and industry had recouered Ballashanon And at the same time to the much admiration of the Irish receiues into protection Rodoricke O-d●●ell a most famous Rebell as yet neglecting O● Neale Gar●e a faithfull friend to the English Insomuch as that O-Neale tooke it so heinously that he assumed to himselfe the title of O-donell and exercised tyranny ouer the people compelling them to sweare fealty to him and not to the Queene Now towards the end of the yeare Sir Arthur Chichester and Docwray determined to set vpon Tir-Oen on this side and on that side in the Vallies where he lay lurking But all their on-sets were so frustrated with the boggish grounds with the vncertainty of the weather and the perfidiousnesse of the spies that they were faine to giue ouer their enterprise But in a word the Garrisons disposed so by the Deputy on euery side with great Military skill and greater courage so vexed the Rebels with often onsets and crosse expeditions on this side and that side that at last seeing themselues begirt and all things harder and harder euery day and that now they must lurke like wilde Beasts in the Desarts many of them changed their loyalty to Tir-Oen with their fortune and secretly submitted themselues to the Deputy muttering speeches that Tir-Oen had exposed the whole Nation to ruine onely vpon his priuate hatred and that all this warre was onel● necessary for him alone but hur●full and lamentable to all the rest And truely the Deputy somewhat respected these yeelders more then was looked for neglecting those against his owne promise that had faithfully stucke to the Queene but it is likely he fauoured them so out of his Iudgement rather then affection knowing that it was better for the Kingdome being so wounded to be at rest then to haue those wounds greene againe with a seuere cure This yeelding daily encreased so much that Tir-Oen easily perceiued that by reason of his ill successes the loyalty and force of his Army much diminished wherefore being weary of his miseries he now resolued to preuent more vpon hope of life which euen will discourage the valiantest mindes that are Wherefore he sent most humble Letters both to the Queene and the Deputy both with teares and prayers crauing pardon for his offence bearing so great signes of sorrow before him
banisheth all the Hanse-Townes men out of London 191 Haruey knighted at Gadez 164. he lands with Rawleigh at Fayall 181 Hatton L. Chancellor of Engl. 60. the Papists commend him ibid. his death education parentage and preferment ibid. Harington receiueth an ouerthrow from the Rebels in Ireland 250 Hawkins his Nauigation to America 110. he r●acheth the streights of Magellan ibid. he is taken prisoner and sent into Spaine 111. his second expedition 130. his death 131 Hay a Iesuite his practises in Scotland 1 Haywards booke of the life of Henry the fourth call'd in 332. exceptions taken at some words in the dedication ibid. he is imprisoned ibid. Heneage Chancellour of the Dutchy of Lancaster dieth 140. his daughter married to the Finches ibid. Henebon a Sea-town in France seized on by the Spaniard 35 Henry the third of France slaine by a Monke 21. Henry the fourth proclaimed King 22. the Queene aides him 23. conditions betweene them 44. he is reconciled to the Church of Rome 86. the Articles proposed to him by the Pope and his Conclaue of Cardinals 128. he rec●uereth Amiens againe from the Spaniard 194 Henry la Tour Duke of Bouillon 170 Henry Prince of Scotland borne 103. christened by Queene Elizabeth ibid. Herbert sonne of the Earle of Worcester 162. afterwards knighted 164. Sir Iohn Herbert Secretary 365 Hesket condemned and executed for perswading the Earle of Darby to claime the Crowne of England 91 Heidon followeth Essex towards the Towne of Gadiz 162 Hill an Englishman sent ouer from the King of Swethland to excuse him to the Queene 252 Hobby Ancient at Cadiz 162 Holland Duke of Exeter 102 Holcot an English fugitiue and Iesuite 106 Holcroft a Commander in the battle at Newport 281 Ho●t a Iesuite promiseth forty thousand Crownes to kill the Queene 122 Honfleare reduced to obedience to the K. of France 24 Honorius the Emperour his obseruation 68 Honour conferred by a forreign Prince not to be admitted of at home 172. and 113 Howard would faine rescue Greenuill 57. made with Essex Generall of the Fleet for Gadiz 157. William sonne to the Admirall knighted 164. Howard of Walden called to the Parliament 197. Charles Howard Earle of Nottinghams declaration against the Earle of Essex in the Starre-Chamber 249 Horatio Pallauicine lends money to the Queene 30. it is demanded of the States to whom it was lent 133 Hulkes threescore taken by the English 16 Dauid Humes slaine by Bothwell 65 Humes remooued from the Court and the Lord Humes 83 Hunsdon delegated in the cause of Sir Iohn Perot 67. delegated betweene the French and the Queene 44. his death 175 Huntingdon Henry Hastings E. of Huntingdon dieth 17● Huntley rebelleth in Scotland 2. the King persues him 3. makes him yeeld and pardons him ibid. he assaults the E. of Murray in his house 66. the E. of Murray is slaine and Huntley thereupon imprisoned ibid. he subscribes to Blanks sent ouer to the King of Spaine 67. is prosecuted by the K. of Scots 80. he flies ouer into France 100 Hutton remoued from the Bishopricke of Durham succeedeth Piers in the Archbishopricke of Yorke 114. he is made President of the Councell in the North. 176 Hugh Boy possesseth the Inheritance of S. Iohn Odogherty's sonne by the Deputies appointment 349 Hugh Roe-Mac-Mahon apprehended and hanged by the Lord Deputy Fitzwilliams 41. the reason ibid. Hugh Odonell escapeth out of prison 62. hee surprizeth Mont-Rosse Castle 93. he submitteth and giueth in Hostages 146. his complaints 148 Humphrey Duke of Gloucester first founder of the publique Library in Oxford 224 Hurst by the Sea side fortified 169 I IAckson a Commander ●laine in the assault of Crodon 108 Iames of Scotland the sixt writes his Booke of Basilicon-Doron 231. he marrieth Anne of Denmarke 25. ●he proclaimeth Bothwell traitor 64. his answer to the Queenes Embassadours 97. he prosecuteth the Papists 99. he is accused by Valentine Thomas at the time of his execution 228. Bookes written on his behalfe 229 Ibarra his treason against the Queene 104 Iersey Island fortified by the Queene 91 Iesuites banished by Proclamation and Secular Priests 370 Indy voyage by Lancaster 58 Infanta her right to the Crowne prooued by a Booke of Parsons the Iesuite 101 Ingratitude a sinne against the holy Ghost 207 Inglefield a Doctor had a hand in setting out Doleman 101 Ineskelline neere the lake Erne beset and taken by Dowdall 94. the English Garrison in it besieged by Mac-Guire and the English that came to helpe them vanquished 117. it is freed by the Deputy and a Garrison placed in it 119 Iohn Don Aquila arriueth with the Spaniards Forces at Blawet in France 35. he is made Gouernour of the Spanish Forces and arriues with them at Kinsale Hauen in Ireland 352. he desires a parley 357. Articles concerning yeelding to the English 358 Isabella Daughter to Philip King of Spaine espoused to the Cardinall of Austria 225 Iulians Fort well fortified with Ordnance 15 Iurisdiction of the Queene in spirituall matters impugned 54 maintained by her Lawyers 55 K KAkaze sent ouer by the King of Swethland to the Queene 84. his Embassie 85 Kerry Doctor of Law prepares to leaue Scotland 66. hee is stayed by the Scottish Ministers 67 Kildare an Irish Earle dyeth 199 Killegrew of Counsell to the Earle of Essex in France 46 Kinlosse sent an Embassadour to the Queene of England 337 Kinsale Hauen in Ireland possest by the Spaniards 352. yeelded againe by the Spaniards to the Deputy 358 Kerry the rebellion allaied there 360 Knight of Kirry sorely persecuted by Sir Charles Wilmot 360 Knolles the Lord Francis dyeth 175 L LAigny assaulted and ransackt by the D. of Parma 34 Lamballe in vaine assaulted by the English 45 Lambard Gouernour of the Garrison at Brenny 268 Lancaster his voyage to the East Indies 58 Lancerata taken by the Earle of Cumberland 226 Lanfranc a Mediatour for a peace between Spaine and England 251 Lasso taken in the battle at Newport 281 Latham a Commander helpes to assault Crodon 109 La ware restored to his ancient place in Parliament 196 Latware Doctor of Diuinity slaine 2●9 Holy League in France 19. the summe of it ibid. Leaguers they cause a new Seale to be made 20. they are seconded by faire Parliaments 21. they are defeated at Arques 23 Lee apprehended about the priuy Chamber doore 310. hanged at Tiburne ibid. Lecalle the Mac-Genises expelled thence 348 Leicester a hinderer of Caermardine in the businesse of the Custome-house 31. the first that preferred Essex to the Queene 326 Leighton of Councell to the Earle of Essex in France 46 Leuison sent forth with eight of the Queenes●ships 361. he assaults a Caracke in Cezimbra Hauen 362. it yeelds vnto him 363 Libels made the case of Balenger about them 6 more against the Queene in Germany 84 Liffer Castle seized on by Sir Henry Docwray 268 Listwill Castle taken 269 Littleton one of the confederates of the E. of Essex 301. he is arraigned 321. he dieth
abolishing of all barbarous customes contrary to the Lawes being the seeds of all inciuility and for the clearing of all difficult passages and places which are the Nurseries of Rebellion wherein I will employ the labours of the people of my Country in such sort and in such places as I shall be directed by her Maiestie or the Lord Deputy or Councell in her Name and will endeauour for my selfe and the people of my Countrey to erect ciuill habitations and such as shall be of great effect to preserue vs against theeues and any force but the power of the State by the which we must rest assured to be preserued as long as we continue in our duties And thus ended this long and tedious warre the very charges whereof within these foure last yeares and a halfe amounted to no lesse then 1198717 pounds 9 shil and a penny besides great Concordatums Munition and other extraordinaries which happened FINIS An. Dom. 1589. The practises of the Spaniard in Scotland against England A mutinie in Scotland Allayed by the Queene The Earle of Arundel arraigned Hi● Peeres The heads of his accusation or inditement His demands of the Iudges The Earles Answer He is condemned His life pardoned Drakes expedition The Groyn is assaulted The Base Towne taken The High Town assaulted but in vaine Preparation from the Spaniard The Spaniards driuen backe The English depart and embarque for Portugall Peniche taken Lisbon assaulted The Spaniards sally foorth vpon the English But are forced home to their very gates The English depart Drake blamed Cascayes yeelded Threescore Hulcks taken Vigo burnt The English returne The English subiect to diseases in Spaine * The number of the dead doth farre exceed the computation which Speed Hollinshed both make in the Reigne of Richard the second for they reckon not aboue a thousand that died by this disease and cite Fros●ard for their authority The Hanse-townes complaint The Queenes Answer The Queen● aydes the King of Nauarre The Holy League in France The Barricadoes at Paris The Duke of Guyse slaine Henry 3d. of France slaine Contention about the election of a new King The Cardinall of Bourbon proclaymed king The Queene aydes the French king The English arriue in France The English returne The Spaniard affecteth the Kingdome of France The Queene propoundeth a marriage to the King of Scots He is betrothed to Anne of Denmarke He passeth ●uer to Norway Tempest● raised in his voyage by Witches Bothwel accused by them The Countesse of Sussex dieth And Sir Walter Mildmay And the Earle of Worcester And the Lord St●rton And the Lord Compton And the Lord Paget And Doctor Humfrey 1590 Sundry hauens fortified Charges for the Nauy Money lent to the French King The rates of the Custome-house raised The Queenes care of the States She restoreth Ships to the Venetians She procureth peace from the Turke for the Polonians and Moldauians Shee congratulateth the marriage of the King of Scots Her care of France Parma entreth France French hauens taken by the Spaniard His pretence of right to the Duchie of Britaine Aide from England requested The Queene prouides for Britaine And for all France Wherefore she hearkeneth not to the ill sugge●tions of some both English and Frenchmen Her obseruation The Earle of Warwicke di●th And Sir Francis Walsingham And Sir Thomas Randolph And Sir Iames Croft And the Earle of Shropshire And the Lord Wentworth Tyrone strangleth Gaueloc Tyr Oen pardoned O-rorkes rebellion 1591 The Queenes care of the French King Her ayde The conditions agreed vpon between them A proclamation against the French Leaguers Sir Iohn Norris sent into France La-Noue slaine Sir Roger Williams behaues himselfe brauely Reaux sent ouer to the Queene Demandeth ayde E●●le of Essex sent ●●er Sent for to the King to Noyon He knighteth many Is deceiued by the French Looseth his brother Sir Walter Is dispatched ●●to Champaigne The French King breaketh his promis● Mor● a●de required H●●ket his education and behauiour His reuelations His confed●rates 1590 They seek● to accuse the Archbishop and the Chancellour Hackets hatred to the Queene His disciples sent abroad They are apprehended Hacket condemned His blasphemy at the time of execution Coping●r steru'd himselfe Arthington recants The Queenes iurisdiction in spirituall matters impugned It is defended and maintained Captaine Gree●●ile in the Reare Admirall called the Reuenge Is assailed Sorely wounded Greenuill y●●lded vpon condition The Reuenge sunke Are●●itall for her losse The East Indy voyage 〈…〉 Their ret●rne Cauendish his voyage to the Magellan● straights A Proclamation against transportation of prouision into Spaine The death of Sir Christopher Hatton Brian O-rorke ●●raigned 1592 Bothwell is proclaimed traitor His g●ods entailed vpon his sonne The Earle of Essex ret●rnes from France Rauleigh's expedition to America frustrated A Portugall Caracke pursued by Borrough The English assault a great Caracke The spoile taken The couetousnesse of some English Merchants A Proclamation about making of Ordnance The Queene goeth on progresse Visiteth the Vniuersity of Oxford The Thames dryed vp Vicount Mountague dieth And the L. Scroope And Sir Christopher Wray 1593 A Parliament ass●mbled Subsidies granted The s●mme of the Queen● speech Barowe a Sectary hanged Her care of Scotland The admonition to the king of Scotland Lord Borough sent Embassadour into Scotland The Queens demands The King● answer Bothwell demanded of the Queene He returneth secretly into Scotland His insolent behauiour She procureth peace betweene the Turke and the Tran●il●anian and betweene the K. of Swed●n and Musco●ia Norris his proceeding in Britaine The King of France vnited to the Church of Rome The reason of his conuersion The Queens letter to the K. of France She translateth a booke of Boëtius Boëtius de consolatione The F. Kings excuse of not keeping pr●mise Agreements betweene the Queene and the F. King The Queens care for the Protestants in France The Queene fortifies her Islands of Garnsey and Gersey and other places A great plague in London Hesket hanged Henry Earle of Darby dieth And Henry Earle of Sussex And the L. Grey The Lord Cromwell The Lord Wentworth And S. Christopher Carlile Complaints of the Irish. Grudges betweene Tir-Oen and Marshall Bagnall Mac-Guir rebelleth Ineskelline taken Tir-Oen vsurpeth the title of O-Neale Shan O-Neales sonnes surprised by Tir-Oen 1594 The Lord Zouch sent Embassadour into Scotland The answer of the King of Scots Bothwell againe rebelleth The pretence and cloake of his rebellion Bothwell put to flight The Scotch Papists banished the Realme Their plots and new deuices The pretended Right of the Infanta to the Crowne of England Parsons the Iesuit excuseth his booke of Dolman Prince Henry borne Treason against the Queene conspired Lopez and others Their seueral Confessions The Traitors condemned Cullin executed Yorke and Williams apprehended She informeth the Spaniard of those Treasons Antonio Perez lurketh in England The strength of the Leaguers much impaired Norris sent ouer into Britaine Morlay taken Quinpercorentine taken Crodon as●aulted Is taken