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A01395 The glory of England, or A true description of many excellent prerogatiues and remarkeable blessings, whereby she triumpheth ouer all the nations of the world vvith a iustifiable comparison betweene the eminent kingdomes of the earth, and herselfe: plainely manifesting the defects of them all in regard of her sufficiencie and fulnesse of happinesse. By T.G. Gainsford, Thomas, d. 1624? 1618 (1618) STC 11517; ESTC S102803 192,041 344

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by the hand of amasement to magnifie and extoll the heroicke spirits of our nation Againe in the 38. yeere of the King the French King the King of Cyprus and the King of Scots came all into England and made pleasure proude that it had good occasion to welcome them Besides 1367. Peter King of Spaine was disseised by his bastard brother Henry but comming into England made such impression in the compassionate soule of EDW. the blacke Prince that he assisted him in person and re-established him in his kingdome Shall I remember you of that glorious celebration of Himmeneus triumphs when Duke Tussus and many Princes of Boheme and Hungary brought that magnificent Lady ANNE daughter to the King of Bohemia and married her to King RICHARD the 2. of England during whose life such was the royaltie of our Court and State that in the 8. yeare the King of Armenia came into England for coadiutement against the Turkes In the 12. yeare the Earle of Saint Paul and many Princes out of France and other Countries came to a Iusts in Smithfield and made a iust estimation of our vnualuable glory In the 16. yeare the greatest Lords of Scotland came to our triumphes in England and checked their owne presumption for confronting vs with a supposition of equality In the 20. yeare the Dukes of Burbon and Barre brought ouer Isabell of Fraunce to be a Queene in England and glad was that Prince of Europe that had beene an eye-witnesse of our glory yea that magnificent workemanshippe concerning the exornation of the Hall of his Pallace now Westminster and by community and disparaged alteration vnregarded was as it were a magnes to draw ouer the seas thousands of people and hundreds of Princes and Noble lords to looke vpon the wonder of the world In the 4. yeare of HENRY 4. King of England the Emperour of Constantinople came of purpose as the Queene of Sheba to Salomon to set report on the touchstone of truth and see whether custome had enlarged our fame or no and here he was entertained with all the sumptuous and attractiue showes and delights that Arte and expences could deuise to satiate the minde of man But when Dame IANE Dutches of Britaine came ouer to marry our King HENRY I hope our enemies will imagine her traine and Attendants to bee much augmented with the company of many forraine Princes and Potentates And if you steppe forward to the 8. yeare of his raigne the Earle of Marre and the great lords of Scotland came to solace themselues and made their triumphes both at Tilt and Turney acceptable to the beholders The like was performed the 10. yeare when the Seneschall of Hennault with all those Princes reputed the Court of England a very Schoole of chiualry and put in practise accordingly all the braueries of marshall discipline But when the Lady LVCIA the Dukes sister of Millane came to marry EDMVND Earle of Kent both citie and pallace was so furnished with strangers and the concurses of people so well ordered that inferiours were amased at so extraordinary attraction and the better sort gaue a plaudite to our glory If you ouer-looke the time of Henr 5. surnamed the Champion of Honor though it was lamentable for the breuitie yet was it vnmatchable for the royalty For after his coronation he was scarse three yeeres in his own Kingdome and yet in the third of his raigne he welcommed the Emperor of Almaine and King of Rome and presently after graced the daughter of France and all her retinue with many forreine Princes who would not returne till they saw their Lady Katherine Queene of England To which if you adde the entertainment of the Duke of Holland and many Princes of those countries especially Freesland you cannot chuse but make vp a plentifull breuiary of Heroicke Maiesty and worthy princelines About the yeere of Grace 1502. and the 17. yeere of the raigne of Henry 7. the expectable Prince Arthur maried Katherin daughter to Ferdinando King of Spaine and his eldest sister Margaret was affianced vnto Iames King of Scots at whose inaugu●…tion the concurse of strangers and amongst them of the choisest Princes was so great that all other adioyning Kings as much magnified our royalty as feared our power insomuch that the very report of our Kingdomes brauery draue Philip King of Castile and his wife into England About the end of August 1546. Flawd high Admirall of France was so royally entertained in England that the King lying at Hampton-Court the Prince of Wales met him comming to haue audience with a 1000 horse whereof 500 were in one liuery the coates of veluet halfe embrodered with gold and one sleeue of cloth of gold let other Princes acknowledge this magnificence Holinshed saith 2000 horse In the beginning of Henry the 8. Lewis the 12. of France maried Mary the Kings yongest sister and 1520 the great Emperor Charles the 5. came into England to visit his Aunt and within two yeere after made a second returne to view London and bee acquainted with our country from whose example Christiern King of Denmarke and his wife about the 15 yeere arriued in England and was welcommed to the pleasures of our country and variety of our pastimes The Prince of Salerne and diuers of Naples about the 30. c. Shall I name you King Philips mariage with Queene Mary I hope then I must trouble you with a tedious solemnitie and tell you that many strangers knew not the way home againe into their owne countries a long time and if the peace of their soules as they vainely imagined might haue bin added to the delight of their bodies the happines of England had bin the subiect of their tongues and the obiect of their eyes In the second yeere of her raigne Ecmondine a Prince of Germany and other Embassadors were sent from the Emperor In the third yeere Emmanuel Prince of Piemont with other Lords came into England and the next moneth the Prince of Orange landed at London But let mee passe forward to the mirror of all times Queene Elizabeth how proud was the Prince of Sweden that he was graced in England with so glorious entertainment at the beginning of her raigne Not long after 1565 Christopher Prince and Marquesse of Baden came of purpose to haue his childe borne amongst vs and reioyce in the fortune of such a godmother About the 11. yeere of her raigne anno 1568 Mary Queene of Scots though shee was surprized in her flight to France and defeated in her maine proiects yet for a long time misliked not her imprisonment and was glad to confesse the prerogatiues of her natiue soile and country In the 14. yeere Francis Duke of Memorancy and Betrawde de Saligniers Knights of the order of St Michael came both into England with other great Princes to gratulate her Maiestie and acknowledge her worthines In the 21. of her raigne 1578. Cassimirus Count Palatine and Duke of Bauaria was entertained the better
beholding to peace and prosperitie that he tempred his warlike spirit from affecting either forreine or domesticke dissention yet did he consecrate many famous workes to the memory of his quietnes and out of a swelling of princely greatnes thought Westminster Hall the wonder of the world for a roome in a house too litle for so great a Maiestie Robert of Normandy went in person to Ierusalem and for his Heroicke successe and exploits might haue bin rewarded with the Diadem howeuer he was diuerted to returne home againe into the fields of peace Henry the first was setled in the loue of his people tamed the French pacified Normandy looked after Ireland terrified his foes corroborated his friends loued learning and was a Maecenas of all worthy conditions either in himselfe or others and howeuer the ielousie of soueraigne points intercepted the amitie of the brethren yet was his worth many waies expatiated and diuers particulars of estimation extracted from his gouernment Henry the second obtained the dominion of Ireland brought to happy period many conflicts in France stopped the breath of gaping hostilitie in England lashed the sides of his vnruly children with stripes of discomfiture and liued in great honor and estimation insomuch that he neuer exacted imposition of his people nor wanted in his warres yet left a treasure of aboue 200000 pound in ready coine besides iewels and plate which was much in those daies What thinke you of Richard the first Were not his voyages conquests titles and surname of Cuer de Lyon for his valour and exceeding courage markes of true honor Would not his life make a memorable story Shall not his actions be registred in the court of eternitie Did he not proue a worthy champion of renowme Ciprus was wonne Acon conquered Ierusalem established the confederate Princes ielous of his glory and all the countrey full of his memory so that considering his tedious iourneyes the perill of his person the successe of his actions and the noble end of his atchieuements let the proudest of the Othoman race be compared and spare not The troubles of King Iohn the Barons warres the plantation and buildings in Ireland the discouerie of the Clergies corruption the calling in of Lewis the dismissing the French backe againe and the turbulency of those times may ranke themselues with the fame of very proud Monarks Henry the third subdued the Welchmen made sundry voiages into France had many conflicts with his owne Barons set forward a notable expedition to Hierusalem shewed diuers effects of an heroicke and magnanimous spirit raigned gloriously 56 yeeres and in the interims of his peace brought many ostentous buildings to perfection Edward the first went diuers times into Scotland disposed of that Crowne as he thought good subiected them to England conquered the Welchmen appeased them with a Prince of his owne sonne borne in Carnaruan setled his estate and ended a famous life with a glorious death to which when renowne and victorie was added the applause rang through the world Edward the third and the blacke Prince haue engrossed the fame and renowne of the vniuersall earth and many memorable actions are aduanced vp as trophees of their vnimitable glory so that they may march to the palace of maiestie with the proudest Emperors For what worthy atchieuements so euer haue bin perpetuated in England Wales Scotland Almaigne and Flanders in their owne persons they haue brought to passe as if they had bin borne to shew some wonder of nature and exposed as rare examples to succeeding times And for his other sonnes step into the proudest house of Austria and tell me who can match them Iohn of Gaunt went twise into Spaine and conquered Castile in the right of his wife Lionell Duke of Clarence passed the Alpes into Italy maried the daughter of Millane reuelled in those parts with extraordinary cost pompe and attendants and wrought both a reuerence and loue toward his person from forreine people Edmond of Langley Duke of Yorke was so wise and reposed that the gouernment of England kept it selfe warme vnder the ouer-spreading of his embraces Thomas of Woodstocke Duke of Glocester was so true a louer of his country and champion of honor that he contested with Maiestie for degenerating from her owne properties and durst tell his nephew King wherein he wandred from his paternall renowne Henry the fourth when he was but Earle of Hertford went into Africke bare his father company into Spaine and obtained the diadem through popular loue and respect of the people And although King Richard the second was an vnfortunate Prince yet did he surpasse both auncestors and successors for brauery in apparell costly expences sumptuous fare glorious courtship noble company princely reuels and magnificent estimation For all the while Queene Anne of Bohemia liued the fame of England was dispersed ouer the world and the King had 8 or 10000 continually in his Court whereby his pompe and port surpassed other Princes But would you wonder indeed Then looke into the 9 yeeres of Henry the fift and you shall see such a vnitie of vertues consent of graces entertainment of valour perfection of industry militarie brauery and fulnes of generous designes that his very enemies gaue way to the report of his worthy life and France in his death was left as a comfortles widow or desolate orphan I might recite the fame of Edward the fourth for reuenging his fathers death many conflicts before and after he was King his voiages into France his distastings against Burgundy his troubles at home and other princely dispositions I could also bring into your good opinion the valour of Henry the seuenth his miraculous deliuery his noble establishment his buildings and sumptuous monuments his riches and wealth his wisdome and politicke contriuing of affaires the stately disposing of his Palace and many other remarkable actions but I am affraid that I am too weakly furnished to enter into the lists with iudicious censurers nor shall be able to wrastle with opinion and seuere examination which will rather condemne me for slight extenuation in the attempt than entertaine the discourse as a befitting subiect or adapted explication of princelines Henry the eight wan Turwin and Turnay entertained the Emperor Maximilian welcommed Charles the fift compounded at his pleasure with France made voiage after voiage conquered Bulloigne had almost obtained the Empire was maiesticall in all things and died as it were in the armes of kingly reputation Queene Elizabeth deserues a whole story of her life maiestie and gouernment For the very Heathen and Mahumetans the Persians and Idolaters the Aethiopians and Muscouite doe name her with reuerence CHAP. XXII An other excellencie of ENGLAND casting vp an account of her antiquitie in one vnited Monarchy before other Nations AS no country in Europe did euer aduance vp so many excellent parts together toward the building the frame of perfection so is it apparant in nothing more liuely than in Englands antiquitie in one vnited
not himselfe set furie on worke to the killing of his enemie nay to the murthering of his Competitor whether for loue or displeasure But if you will truly consider the admirable composition of Commonwealths and extraordinary glorie of Kingdomes it consisteth in sedation of troubles and in the enriching of priuate men yea euen Salomons greatnesse was raised to a stupendous mountaine of amasement from the effects of a well compacted peace in which his Temple was built his Pallaces were finished his Cities disposed of his Souldiers maintained and his glory spred abroad with sufficient fulnesse For horses were brought him out of Arabia fine linnen from Aegipt perfumes and odours from Aethiopia spices from India precious stones from the Ilands gold from Ophir beasts and strange fowle from Affricke and many other things both for exornation and pleasure from the remotest parts of the earth But how by the industry of Merchants and worthy endeauours of men disposed to honour their Countrey and aduance themselues As for corruptions of life couetousnesse vaine-glory ambition pride emulation cunning and infinite of this kinde they are not to be named by way of Character or personating any particular condition of man whatsoeuer For from a Prince to a Peasant no body liues but may be traduced in the selfe same kinde that you would lay imputation on the shoulders of the Merchant therefore I will absolutely conclude that the true Merchant-aduenturer as he is one way the supporter of politicall States by commerce conuersation and bringing in of wealth so is he another way the Atlas of honour and magnificent maiesty by his customes filling the store-houses of a Court supplying the wants of a pallace pleasing the desires of nouelty cooling the heates of pride and satiating the vanitie of wishes nay if you would and the Ilands explored Virginia Norrembega Guiana and other coasts and made a trade with these Indians for diuers commodities so that from one place or other of our Countrey we haue not so few as a 1000. sailes of shippes abroad nor so small a number as a 100000. persons disperced vnder this acceptable title of Marchant For so I must tell you that except you aduise with your selfe for this denomination in many places of the world the excuse of curiositie will not serue your turne For you shall be taken for a Spie and a dangerous Hypocrite such is the iealousie of Kingdomes toward wanton Trauellers and the necessitie of entertainment for well imploied men And thus much for some speciall excellencies wherein England excelleth all other Nations CHAP. XXVII Another excellency of ENGLAND may be drawne from this obseruation that we haue had more glorious persons and famous Kings and Princes to visit our Countrey then any other Nation c. AMongst other spreading boughes of prerogatiues drawing sappe from the tree of Englands glory I may not leaue out this obseruation that wee haue had since the Conquest more seuerall magnificent entertainments of forraine Princes and voluntary progresses of famous Kings and Emperors some for pleasant iournies others for necessary imploiment then any Nation of Europe not that I meane to trouble you with vaine or tedious repetitions of Embassadors Legats Cardinalls or other ordinary Liegers as is customarie in all Princes Courts and concurses of State but meerely of extraordinary solemnities and occasion of resplendant showes triumphs and festiuall inuitations to delight and contentment No sooner had the Normane setled his Conquests and established his sonne William Rufus in the throne of greatnesse as well appeared by his ambitious desires to fill all Europe with the report of his exaltation especially after his returne out of Normandy and that he found fault with the smalnesse of Westminster-hall being yet the remarkeablest roome for State greatnesse and capacity in the world But Malcolme King of Scots and the two Princes of Wales came to doe homage vnto him about the third yeere of his raigne yea Robert Duke of Normandy with many Princes of France acknowledged his eminent glory and maiesticall Kingdome although the said Robert was his elder Brother and made way to his peace and amitie This likewise continued toward Henry the first and for addition the Kings his adioyned neighbours assumed nothing to themselues but what stood with the good liking of the King of ENGLAND for which purpose they many times came in person to gratifie him To which if you vnite the aduantagious marriage of Henry Emperour of Rome to his daughter I hope it may passe for a reasonable beginning and giue life to after hopes for the augmentation of our credits and exaltation of our prerogatiues Anno 1184. about the 31. of Henry 2. Heraclius Patriarch of Hierusalem came into our Countrey to desire aide against the Turke 1201. and the 3. of King Iohn at a solemne entertainement in Lincolne William King of Scots and diuers of his Nobles did homage vnto him in person to which if you adde his marrying of Lady IANE his bastard daughter to Leuelin Prince of Wales who was in those times a turbulent and ambitious man you may easily iudge what reputation our Countrey had got in the world when the Pope was more affrighted at the starting aside of little ENGLAND then if whole Spaine had at that time falne quite away from his supportation or if you will Antichristian vsurpation Anno 1224. about the 8. yeere of the raigne of Henry 3. Iohn de Brennes King of Hierusalem came into England for aide and assistance against the Saracens and from that vnimitable example of Richard 1. called in those times the flower of chiualry that wunne Cyprus and Acon in person well hoped to finde the other branches of that kingly off-spring full of the sappe of the same roialtie but when I remember how the chiefest Potentates of Europe came to elect Richard Earle of Cornwall his brother Emperour and King of the Romans I am more then satisfied for maintaining this vnanswerable position of our excellency in this kinde If you ouerlooke the life of Edward 1. you shall finde it a very mappe of honour and be able to tell the world that besides many forraine Potentates the Prince of Wales and his brother Dauid reioiced in his acceptation of them and Iohn Baliol King of Scots was glad to be named and established by him But come a little forward and at the naming of Edward the 3. me thinkes all English hearts should leape for ioy For 1334. Edward Baliol King of Scots did him homage the Prince of Wales was glad to kisse his hands and the Electors of Germany 1348. inuited him to the chaire of the Empire nay such was our royaltie that Henry Pichard Vintner and Maior of London feasted EDW. of England IOHN King of France the King of Cyprus comming to see our worthinesse DAVID King of Scots EDW. Prince of Wales Duke of Aquitane Guien and Cornwall all in one day Besides at diuers triumphes and Iusts these forraine Princes were led as it were