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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10493 The famous and wonderfull recoverie of a ship of Bristoll, called the Exchange, from the Turkish Pirates of Argier With the vnmatchable attempts and good successe of Iohn Rawlins, pilot in her, and other slaues; who in the end with the slaughter of about 40. of the Turkes and Moores, brought the ship into Plimouth the 13. of February last; with the captaine a renegado, and 5. Turkes more, besides the redemption of 24. men, and one boy, from Turkish slauerie. Rawlins, John. 1622 (1622) STC 20769; ESTC S102577 19,518 40

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ship hauing three decks wee that did belong to the Gunner roome should be all there breake vp the lower decke The English slaues who alwaies lay in the middle decke should doe the like and watch the scuttels Rawlins himselfe preuailed with the Gunner for so much powder as should prime the peeces and so told them all there was no better watchword nor meanes to begin then vpon the report of the peece to make a crie and skrich for God and King Iames and Saint George for England When all things were prepared and euery man resolued as knowing what he had to doe and the houre when it should happen to be two in the after noone Rawlins aduised the Master Gunner to speake to the Captaine that the soldiers might attend on the Poope which would bring the ship after to which the Captaine was very willing and vpon the Gunners information the soldiers gat themselues to the Poope to the number of twenty and 5. or 6. went into the Captaines Cabbin where alwaies lay diuers Curtleaxes and some targets and so we fell to worke to pumpe the water and caried the matter fairely till the next day which was spent as the former being the ninth of February and as God must haue the praise the triumph of our victory For by that time all things were prepared and the soldiers got vpon the Poope as the day before to auoide suspition all that did belong to the Gunner roome went downe and the slaues in the middle decke attended their businesse so that wee may cast vp our account in this manner First nine English slaues besides Iohn Rawlins fiue of the Torbay men and one boy foure English Renegadoes and two Dutch foure Hollanders in all 24. and a boy so that lifting vp our hearts and hands to God for the successe of the businesse wee were wonderfully incouraged and setled our selues till the report of the peece gaue vs warning of the enterprise Now you must consider that in this company were two of Rawlins men Iames Roe and Iohn Dauies whom hee brought out of England and whom the fortune of the sea brought into the same predicament with their Master These were imployed about noone being as I said the ninth of February to prepare their matches while all the Turkes or at least most of them stood on the Poope to weigh downe the shippe as it were to bring the water forward to the Pumpe the one brought his match lighted betweene 2. spoones the other brought his in a little peece of a Can and so in the name of God the Turkes and Moores being placed as you haue heard and 45 in number and Rawlins hauing proined the Tuch-holes Iames Roe gaue fire to one of the peeces about two of the clocke in the after noone and the confederates vpon the warning shouted most cheerefully the report of the peece did teare and breake downe all the Bitickell and compasses and the noise of the slaues made all the soldiers amased at the matter till seeing the quarter of the ship rent and feeling the whole body to shake vnder them till vnderstanding the ship was surprised and the attempt tended to their vtter destruction neuer Beare robbed of her whelpes was so fell and madde For they not only cald vs dogs and cried out Vsance de Lamair which is as much as to say the Fortune of the wars but attempted to teare vp the planckes setting a worke hammers hatchets kniues the oares of the Boate the Boate hooke their curtleaxes and what else came to hand besides stones and brickes in the Cooke roome all which they threw amongst vs attempting still and still to breake and rip vp the hatches and boordes of the steering not desisting from their former execrations and horrible blasphemies and reuilings When Iohn Rawlins perceiued them so violent and vnderstood how the slaues had cleared the decks of all the Turkes and Moores beneath he set a guard vpon the Powder and charged their owne Muskets against them killing them from diuers scoutholes both before and behinde and so lessned their number to the ioy of all our hearts whereupon they cried out and called for the Pilot and so Rawlins with some to guard him went to them and vnderstood them by their kneeling that they cried for mercy and to haue their liues saued and they would come downe which he bad them doe and so they were taken one by one and bound yea killed with their owne Curtleaxes which when the rest perceiued they called vs English dogs and reuiled vs with many opprobrious tearmes some leaping ouerboord crying it was the chance of warre some were manacled and so throwne ouerboord and some were slaine and mangled with the Curtlaxes till the ship was wel cleered and our selues assured of the victory At the first report of our peece and hurliburly in the decks the Captaine was a writing in his Cabbin and hearing the noise thought it some strange accident and so came out with his Curtleaxe in his hand presuming by his authority to pacifie the mischiefe But when he cast his eies vpon vs and saw that wee were like to surprise the ship hee threw downe his Curtleaxe and begged vs to saue his life intimating vnto Rawlins how he had redeemed him from Villa Rise and euer since admitted him to place of command in the ship beside honest vsage in the whole course of the voyage All which Rawlins confessed but withall added the fearefulnesse of his Apostasie from Christianity the vniustifiable course of Piracy the extreame cruelty of the Turkes in generall the fearefull proceedings of Argier against vs in particular the horrible abuses of the Moores to Christians and the execrable blasphemies they vse both against God and men I will not dwell on his reply nor on the circumstances of attonement onely I am sure Rawlins at last condescended to mercy and brought the Captaine fiue more into England The Captaine was called Ramtham Rise but his Christen name Henry Chandler and as they say a Chandlers sonne in Southwarck Iohn Goodale was also an English Turke Richard Clarke in Turkish Iafar George Cooke Ramdam Iohn Browne Mamme William Winter Mustapha besides all the slaues and Hollanders with other Renegadoes who were willing to bee reconciled to their true Sauiour as being formerly seduced with the hope of riches honour preferment and such like deuillish baits to catch the soules of mortall men and entangle frailty in the tarriers of horrible abuses and imposturing deceit When all was done and the ship cleared of the dead bodies Iohn Rawlins assembled his men together and with one consent gaue the praise vnto God vsing the accustomed seruice on shipboord and for want of bookes lifted vp their voyces to God as hee put into their hearts or renewed their memories then did they sing a Psalme and last of all embraced one another for playing the men in such a deliuerance whereby our feare was turned into ioy and trembling hearts exhillirated that wee