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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A81279 The case of Mainwaring, Hawes, Payne, and others, concerning a depredation made by the Spanish-West-India fleete upon the ship Elizabeth. Restitution sought in Spayne, justice denied, and thereupon, according to lawe, iustice petitioned of the Honorable Houses of Parliament. In which is prayed that (out of 50000 l. deposited in the Parliaments hands, in lieu of plate and merchandize by them formerly arrested) satisfaction may bee made. Mainwaring, Randall.; Hawes, Nathaniel.; Payne, George.; England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. 1646 (1646) Wing C939; Thomason E355_17; ESTC R4352 11,585 19

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points I take to be sufficiently testified with this That the Lord Aston then Lord Ambassador for his Majesty in Spaine was then made privie to all the premises and interposed his utmost endeavour in the behalfe of the Petitioners whose Lordship is best able to informe our Honours upon what grounds the Spanish fleete did surprize the Petitioners and the State there avow the proceeding and deny any restitution to the English March 15. 1638. H. Martin Their Lordships Letter into Spayne AFter our very hearty Commendations to your Lordship We send you inclosed a Petition presented to this Board in the name of the Merchants and passengers of the ship called the Elizabeth of London together with two Certificates concerning the same The one from the Lord Aston his Majesties late Embassador resident there The other from Sir Henry Martin Knight Judge of the Admiralty Whereby you will perceive with what violence and outrage the said ship the Elizabeth was heretofore taken from the Petitioners by eleven sayle of the Spanish Plate-fleete and what proceedings have been since had for the recovery of the same Whereof We have taken consideration and being desirous to protect his Ma ies subjects from wrongs and injuries have thought good thereby in especiall manner to recommend it to your Care to imploy your best meanes and endeavors on the Petitioners behalfe in representing the great damage and losse which they have susteined thereby and pressing the same with all such Arguments and reasons as you in your discretion shall think fit according to the nature of the Case to the end a speedy and full restitution may be made unto the Petitioners and such satisfaction given them for the damage and charge which they have hitherto susteined as to Justice doth apperteine and as may be expected towards his Majesties Subjects from his Friends and Allies Whereupon in case such just restitution as aforesaid be eyther denied to the Petitioners or that such delayes be used therein as may be construed and deemed a deniall you are forthwith to represent the same to this Board in expresse termes that such further course may be taken for the Petitioners reparation and reliefe as to his Majesty and this Board shall be found just And so We bid your Lordship very heartily farewell From White-hall the last day of April 1639. Your loving Friends Signed by the Lo. Arch. B. of Cant. Lo. Cottington Lo. Keeper Lo. Newburge Lo. Treasurer Mr. Comptroller Lo. Privy Seale Mr. Sec. Windebank The English Ambassadors Answere out of Spaine Right Honorable THE Bearer hereof Benjamin Woolnoe was Master of the ship called the Elizabeth which in his voyage towards Virginia was on the eleventh of October 1637 seized on by the Squadra of Nova Espania and brought to Cades with all her lading and passengers For restitution of which ship and for satisfaction for the losses and damages it seeemes my Lord Aston in the time of his service in this Court used all fit diligences the effect whereof was a promise that the ship and goods deposited at Cadiz should be forthwith restored But in the execution thereof were interposed some delayes which continued untill the Master and his Company resolved on returning to their Country and so nothing was executed at that time nor before my Lord Aston returned for England Whereupon the Master and the parties interressed in the said ship and goods petitioned his Matie and the Board for some course to be taken for their satisfaction and accordingly the Lords having consulted with my Lord Aston and with Sir Honry Martin Judge of the Admiralty were pleased to direct unto me their Lordships letter bearing date the last day of April 1639. which came to my hands on the 10 20 of August of the same yeare Commanding me to use all due meanes for the obteining full and speedy satisfaction for the said losse And in case the same should be deteined or that such delaies should be used therein as might be construed or deemed a deniall then to represent the same in expresse termes to the Board In humble obedience to which Order I have from the said 10 20 of August spared no diligence to the effect above mentioned having spoken to the King and delivered him a paper conteining the whole matter as well in manifestation of the disorder as in demand of due satisfaction according to reason and justice And I have severall times spoken to and solicited a Resolution therein with the Conde Duque as a Minister of generall Care and Power and with the Conde de Castrillo President of the Councell of the Judges to whose charge the dispatch of this businesse doth particularly belong And although I have received many faire hopes and promises from all sides and from time to time yet untill the day of the date hereof being the 20 30 of May in the yeare 1640. I have been able to get no Resolution nor are the likely hoods thereof greater now then they were the first day And the Bearer hereof Benjamin Woolnoe being no longer able to suffer the charge of this expensive place hath desired me to give my Certificate according to the present state of this businesse which I have done as above said leaving a construction upon the delay and want of Answere hitherto to your Honours and their Lordships better judgements to whom your Honors may please to give an accompt hereof as you shall thinke fit and I doe humbly desire Humbly representing herewithall that if any other businesse remitted to me by their Lordships or your Honors concerning his Majesties Subjects I have failed to give eyther you or them the Answere that may be expected It is because I can get none which is the ordinary course of this Court where the doing Justice is prejudiciall to the Kings Revenues though in other matters their dispatch be not to be complained of I shall trouble your Honors no more but humbly rest Your Honors most humble servant ARTH. HOPTON Madritt 2● 30 Articles of the Treaty 18 Aug. 1604. I. FIRST It is concluded and accorded that from this day forward there shall be a good sincere true firme and perfect Amitie League Peace to endure for ever and inviolably to be observed and kept as well by Land as Sea and fresh Waters betwixt the most renowned king of England Scotland France and Ireland c. And the most renowned king of Spaine c. And the most renowned Archdukes of Austrice Dukes of Burgundie c. and their Heires and Successors whomsoever their Kingdomes Countries Dominions Lands Peoples Liegemen and Subjects now being or which hereafter shall be of whatsoever condition state or degree they are or may be so as the sayd Vassalls and Subjects from henceforth are each of them to favour other and to use one another with all kind and friendly offices II. AND each party shall hereafter abstaine from all depradations offences and spoyles as well by Sea as Land and fresh waters in whatsoever the Kingdomes
Dominions Places or Governments of the other neither shall the aforesayd Princes consent that any of the grievances before mentioned be done by any of their Vassals Inhabitants or Subjects and they shall also cause restitution to be made of all depradations and spoyles which hereafter shall be committed and of the damages growing by meanes thereof VI. AND whosoever shall doe any thing to the contrary he shall be punished not only criminally according to the merit of his offence but shall also be compelled to make restitution and satisfaction for the losses to the parties damnified requiring the same Branches of Statutes An. XXVII Ed. 3. c. 17. ITEM That no Marchant Stranger be impeached for anothers Trespasse or anothers Debt whereof he is not Debtor Pledge nor Mainpernor Provided alwaies that if our liege people Merchants or other be indamaged by any Lords of strange Lands or their subjects and the said Lords duely required faile of right to our said subjects we shall haue the law of Merque and of taking them againe as hath bene used in time past without fraud or male-engine An. II. Hen. 5. c. 7. THE King willing as well in this case as in other to provide the imdempnity of his liege and faithfull subjects hath declared in this present Parliament that of all the attempts made by his enemies upon any of his faithfull liege people against the tenor of any truce taken before this time wherein is no expresse mention made that all Marques and Reprisals shall cease the same our Soueraign Lord the King will grant Marque to all them that feele themselves in this case grieued in due forme And our said Soueraigne Lord the King shall make reparaile to all his liege people that feele them grieued against the tenor of any truce which betwixt him and any of his enemies shall be newly taken hereafter And to the greater comfort of his said faithfull liege peopl to the intent that they may the more readily and without long delay have re-made in this case the same our Soueraigne Lord the King wil that if he or they that feele them grieued against the tenor and forme of such truce within the realm of England out of the said marches of Scotland or upon the Sea or in the parts beyond the Sea shall complaine to the Keeper of the priuy Seale which for the time shall be who after such complaint heard and perceiued thereof shall make the party complainant if he the same require Letters of Request under the Privie Seale in a due forme and if after such Request made the party required doe not make within a convenient time due restitution and satisfaction to the partie grieved then the Chanceller of England for the time being shall doe to be made to such partie grieved if he that demand Letters of Marque under the great Seale in a due forme c. Proclamation 1. Car. for encouragement of Trade to Virginia THAT the Territories of Virginia New-England and the Summer-Islands c. Are part of his Royall Empire discended upon him and that he holds himselfe bound by his Regall Office to Protect Maintaine and support the same and so is resolved to doe as well as any other his Dominions c. Presidents of forraigne practice toward the English GIVE us leave therefore to minde your Honors of the practice of other kingdomes and states in Amitie with the Crown of England who make it matter of State to releive their Subjects pretending injuries done them by any of the English out of any of their goods which come within their jurisdiction as will appeare by these ensuing Presidents of which we could have eited many more but that we feare to offend your Patience Captaine Jones Captain of one of the Parliaments ships in the moneth of April 1644. seized upon a French ship belonging to one Peter Le Duke of Saint Mallowes called the Saint Julian Peter Michelot Master the ship was laden with Corne Gunpowder and other goods Captaine Jones takes out the Gunpowder and some small trifles more and sends up the ship and her lading to London as a Prize where within foure moneth after she was freed in the Admiralty Immediatly upon her first takeing about 21. Apr. 1644. Peter Le Duke obtained a Decree from the Councell of State to arrest the Goods or Ships of any of the English Subjects in obedience to the Parliament by virtue whereof he obteined from the Judge of the Admiralty in Saint Mallowes a Warrant to breake open the Counting-house of Daniel Searles Factor to English Merchants and by Letters and Bookes there found that in the Anne of London of which Giles Symmes was Master there was goods to the value of 1100. l belonging to Master William Barkley of London and Company Merchants the said Officers unladed all her goods as well Master Barckleys as others and kept them in their custody untill the ship was released here and untill full satisfaction was made to Le Duke for the Gunpowder and other goods taken forth of the Saint Julian and to the Master for Saylors wages fraight of the Ship and other charges for the time they were stayed which cost Master Barckley and Company 350. l here and about 400. l in France in suites of Lawe and other charges there These goods thus freed from Le Dukes Arrest and reladen into another Ship for the Merchants of London had been againe arrested upon a second pretence by another partie for dammages pretended to be done him by the English had not the Master in which they were re-laden defended himselfe and by force carried them away Whereupon the second pretenders met with another Barke in which was 600. l worth of goods of the said Master Barckleys arrested them by a Warrant from the Judge and the greatest part of them are there to this day and no satisfaction can be obtained There are divers other presidents of seizures made both by Land and Sea frequently by the French of the goods of Englishmen for injuries pretended to be done to them which is done by virtue of Warrants from the immediate Judges and not by Letters of Reprizall for no other cause but upon a pretence that some other Englishman had done them an injury as in the Case of Martin De Lawney which hath been in agitation above twentie yeares for Goods pretended to be taken formerly by a Pirate William Berkley The Treatie 1644. between the King of Denmarke and the Parliaments Commissioners was upon this Cause IN the beginning of August 1643. The Parliaments Ships tooke the Ship called the Christian Arke belonging to the King of Denmarke laden with Armes and Amunition entring Tinmouth Bay and bound for Newcastle brought her up to London and by Order of the House of Commons disposed of the Armes and Ammunition returning only the Ship Hereupon his Majesty of Denmarke 23. of the same Moneth seized a Ship belonging to the Merchants Adventurers passing Gluckstadt upon the River Elne and bound for Hamburgh