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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A54806 The arrainment of Christendom containing a revelation of the rys, growth & fulnes of the great whôr, man of sin or mistery of iniquity, with the comsumtion, ruin & utter destruction of the dragon's, beast's & fals profet's power, with the waters on which the whôr sits, & the sea out of which the beast arôs in Christendom. ... Being the trumpet of the Lord sounded forth which giveth a most sûr & certain sound to Leopold the present Roman Emperor, & to the present Pop of Rôm, ... I John, the servant of the most hy God, ... being a prisoner, (with my companions in travel) at a plâs caled Great Gomara, on a certain ysland in Hungaria, ... The living, eternal, & pur power of God moved in me, & revealed unto me that I should wryt, ... Philly, John.; N. Y. Corrector to the reader, concerning the orthografy or spel-ing herein us'd. aut 1664 (1664) Wing P2127; ESTC R220433 104,628 110

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and cruel adversarys and to aveng al the oppressions crueltys and Innocent bloud of his harmles lambs and Saints on them that dwel upon the Erth fro the least to the greatest of them even upon this present age and generation And heer it may be noted how this old Serpent vvhich goeth upon its belly hath throuh ages generations in thos cald Priests Levits spiritual men and the Clergy conformed and transformed it self unto any thing and into any form and lyknes except the lyf and Povver of godlynes in to which it can never com provyded they myt hav the nations and Rulers of the Erth as beasts and asses for them to ryd on and their tresurs and fruits of their labors to be at their command to feed pamper their bellys The World is the Who the Spirit of truth in throuh the Holy Men of God Profets Christ Apostels said wer grievos Wolvs such as mâd their their God making again of the flok would stil so ar its Ministers the sam they ever wer so many receiv the sam nams now from the sam Spirit exercysed in covetos practises going in long Robs loving to be cald of men Master and to hav the greetings in the market plas the uppermost Rooms at Feasts such as did say not do teaching for Doctrin the tradiditions of Men Hipocryts whyted wals painted sepulkers such as teach for hyr and Devyn for mony greedy dumb dogs that cannot bark loving every on his gain from his quarter preparing war against such as put not into their mouths filthy Dreamers that defyl the flesh runnng greedily in the error of Balaam for gifts rewards spots in their Feasts of charity feeding themselvs without fear clouds without Water carried about with Wynds trees whos fruit withereth twys Ded and plucked up by the Roots Raging wavs of the Sea foaming out their own sham wandering stars to whom the blaknes of darknes is reserved for ever When Israel of old in the wildernes turned their Baks upon the God of their saluation this spirit in Aaron and thos confederat with him complys with them and maks A Calfs and they said thes be thy Gods o Israel vvhich brouht thee out of the land of Egipt and built an Altar to it and yet proclaiming and pretending to mak A feast to the Lord siting dovvn to feed and pamper their bellys together and rysing up to play and vvhen Israel in the laind of Canaan revolted from the Lord to serv the Idol Gods of the heathen this old Serpent in the Priests Levits conforms ther unto Exercysing the several forms Manners of Idolatros worship to the several sorts of Ydols and Images provyded they may nat sail of provision for their bellys when Micah gat à Reliv a Teraphim an Ephod A graven Molten Imag to erect an Idolatros way of worship in his own family he wants not à Levit to excercys à worship ther unto provyded he may hav ten shekels by the year Asuit of Apparel provision for his Belly and when Ieroboam mad Calvs sit them up in Dan Bethel he wanted not enuf to be Priests to exercijs a form of vvorship to them provyded they may not fail of provision for their bellys and vvhen ydol Tempels Images wer Erected for the worship of Baal if Achab and Iesabel wil hav eight hundred fisty Priests to exercys à vvorship therun to they redyly Conform provyded they may dayly eat Drink at Iesabels tabel when Israel took up an Imagination of A Queen of heven they want not enuf of thos cald Priests spiritual men devyners to Exercys a worship to her provyded they may hav the Cáks Meat Drink offerings which ar baked offered to her to feed pamper their bellys And when the spirit of Apostacy took hold on the gentils Or Romans turning their ears away from truth unto fabels this old Serpentyn spirit provyded them heaps of fals teachers provyded they may màk a gain of them get filthy luker by them exercys Lord ship Dominion over their Persons estats faith conscienses whos Practis hath bin for ages and generations Past throuh the Apostacy to this day to prepar war against such as put not into their mouths to spoyl the goods whip Banish Tortur Burn and hang the Persons of the Innocent who in the spirit Power of the Lord hav born testimony against their ways of Idolatry deceit covetos Practises Proud and Bloudthusty spirits And when Henry the Eigth of that nam so caled King of England mád a breach upon that cursed Idolatros sea of the Roman ecclesiastical Power threw of the Pops supremacy they in words and outward profession cast it of also lyk unnatural children cal'd their Mother the Whor of Róm swearing Allegians Supremacy to the King receiving their inductions into their Spiritualy wiked Plases Orders Proffits from him his Substituts teling their God in their Prayers that in al Cases over al Persons as wel Ecclesiastical as temporal the King is supream hed Governor he confirming them in their Church gleab lands tyths yearly Stypends Revenus to feed pamper their Bellys And when Mary his next Successor cam into the Thrón turned al as it wer bak again then they fased quyt about with the Dog to their own vomit submiting conforming to that which they had in word profession outward Practis denyed cast of viz. the Póps supremacy persecuting burning such as Heritics who for Consciens sak towards God could not conform therunto She securing to them their yearly Incoms to feed serv pamper their God which was their Bellys And when Elizabeth her next Successor aros then they turned quyt about again disgorging the vomit which befor they had re-eaten swearing allegians Supremacy unto her teling their God in their Prayers that shee the Queen was in al cases and over al persons as wel Ecclesiastical as Civil supream hed Governor He securing confirming to them their provision for their Bellys And when the Parliament which was in the Reyn of Charls the first of that Nam so caled King of England mád a defensyv War against the said King The said Parliament making provision for their Bellys erecting a Commitee to provyd augmentations yearly Stypends som of 50 som of 100 pound or mor and laying 2 or 3 Parishes somtyms together that they myt hav wher with to maintain them in pryd eas pamper their Bellys they in words outward Profession and Practis cast of not only the Tóp his Supremacy but also submit to lay asyd the ûs of their Servis-book of Common Prayers Organ Pyps and other Music Singing Men and Boys Gowns Flat-Caps Surplises Tippets and ras even their King also out of their Prayers stiring up the Peepel to go forth to war against him as to the help of the Lord
Patient constant faithful lamb lyk sufferings vvhich ar the spirit water bloud of the lamb vvith vvhich they over com and stand in Pur Dominion over al their enemys both in them and vvithout them the great Erth quak ther to wit in England Scotland Yrland is wel ny over the tenth Part of the city neer hand fallen the seven thousand men of Nàm Rul authority in the Dragons Beasts fals profets spirit Power neer hand slayn in the Erth quak and that which Remains to be don and fulfiled on the Dragon's Beast's fals Proset's Power spirit and on the great sea out of which the Beast aros the many waters on which the skarlet whor sits is now in hand and shal dayly mor and mor be carryed on til it be finished fully don and accomplished The Battel of the great day of God almyty is in mesur com shal dayly mor and mor appear he is even com and coming as a thief in the Nyht blesed is he that watcheth he is gathering them together for the Battel the Kingdom of the great skarlet coulored beast in thee o Christendom whos present chief hed art thou O Leopold is now weihed numbered found to lyt 666. is determined by the Lord God for the finishing puting an end therunto The lamb is now standing on mount Syon the hundred forty four thousand ar in mesur gathered dayly gathering into him having his Fathers Nam in their for heds The new hevens ar in mesur opened the whyt hors him that siteth ther on in mesur appeareth in his sanctifyed ôn vvho is caled the word of God and in ryteosnes doth he judg and mak war is cloathed in a gartment diped diping in bloud whos nam is caled faithful tru the armys which ar in heven ar following of him out of his mouth goeth as harp sword with vvhich he in mesur alredy hath dayly mor mor shal smyt the nations rul them with a Rod of Iron having on his vestur on his thyh a nam written King of Kings Lord of Lords the fouls which fly in the midst of heven at caled caling to the super of the great God they in mesur alredy hav dayly mor and mor shal eat the flesh of Kings the flesh of Captains the flesh of myty Men the flesh of Horses them that sit on them of al men both free bond smal great And the Beast fals Profet already in mesur hath been dayly mor mor shal be taken a lyv cast into the Lâk of fyr burning with brimston al the fouls filed with their flesh in thee o Christendom Great Babylon is novv com into Remembrans befor God the gre at City is novv divyded into three parts viz Catholiks Lutherans Calvinists in the Roman Imperial Dominions vvith this Heds Hornt But in England Scotland Yrland under the nâms of Papists Episcopacy Presbytery And as for her suburbs thôs other Nâms Sects to the hyest of them under the Comand Government teachings of Man thô they be got A step in form profession beyond the other yet being gon from the mesur of the Spirit of grâs in them which drew them forth in mesur to seperat in form lyf practis from the other they ar novv becom ôn in natur ground practis with the great whor of Rôm And being found Partakers with her in her sins thy must also unavoydably receiv of her Plagu's which great City is in mesur falen faling as shee hath don must novv be dôn unto her yea doubel according to her vvorks In the cup vvhich shee hath filed must novv be filed to her doubel And according to that heiht in vvhich she hath glorifyed her self living delitiosly so much torment and sorrovv must novv be given unto her The ten Horns on the Beast's Hed in mesur do and dayly mor and mor shal hât the vvhor mak her desolat and naked eat her flesh and burn her vvith fyr The was betvvixt Michael his Angels the Dragon his Angels is begun and shal dayly mor and mor appear and be carryed on til it be fully finished The Lamb the Saints in mesur hav and dayly mor and mor shal hav pur Victory and Dominion over al his their enemys from the greatest to the least he that hath led into Captivity must now go into Captivity And that Spirit in Man which hath kiled with the sword must now be kiled by the sword even the sword of the mouth And the Hevens even the Spirit of the Holy Profets Aposlels in his Peepel of this present Ag●● generation shal rejoys over her thus with vyolens shal that great City Spiritual Babylon Sodom Egypt be thrown down as agreat Milston into the Sea be found no mor at al for ever for in her is found the Bloud not only of the Profets Saints but of al that hav bin slain upon the Erth This Generation shal not pas away until it be fulfiled thes ar the tru sayings of God he that hath an ear to hear let him hear But for the sak of the burdened oppressed slain Seed of God in thee O Leopold thee O Póp of Rôm al the Kings Prinses Rulers Governors with al in Authority under you of what degree rank or order soever Whether Civil Military or Spiritual and Ecclesiastical so caled with al Peepel by and low rich and poor bond and free smal and great mâl and femâl of what Nation Kindred Tougu or Peepel soever under the Command government and teachings of Man in the bowels of dear tender lov for the sâk of the slain Seed of God in thee O Christendom to the end that he who is in mesur already risen may dayly mor and mor arys to Judgment in thee to sav â al the meek of the Erth that the Sea Deth hel in thee may mor and mor deliver up the Ded incorrup●ibel in them and be judged every ôn according to their works and that the oppresed groaning creation in thee may mor mor be delivered from the bondag of corruption into the glorios liberty of the Sons of God which is the first Resurrection in which the Jews shal be visited in which al ar blesed who hav their parts for on such the second Deth shal hav no Power but the shal be Priests of God of Christ and Rein with him a thousand Yeers which with the Lord is but as ôn day in the end of which the seven thunders shal utter their voys the effects wherof ar of a larger Extent then Christendom containing in them the se●ching out to the bottom the hiden things of Esau and the laying of his mountain also utterly wast and desolat the compleat deliverans of the whol creation from the bondag of corruption the