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A22993 Anno primo et secu[n]do Philippi & MariƦ actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster, the xij day of Noue[m]ber, in the fyrst and second year of the reigne of Our Soueraigne Lorde and Lady, Philippe and Marye by the grace of God, Kinge and Quene of England, Fraunce, Naples, Jerusalem, and Irelande, defendours of the faith, princes of Spayne & Sicile, archdukes of Austria, dukes of Millaine, Burgondie and Brabant, counties of Haspurge, Flaunders, and Tyrol, and there continued and kepte vntyll the dissolution of the same, beinge the xvj daye of January then next ensuing, were enacted as foloweth.; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; Mary I, Queen of England, 1516-1558.; Philip II, King of Spain, 1527-1598. 1555 (1555) STC 9448.3; ESTC S113142 63,051 69

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.xxiiii. daye of Apryll in the xxvii yere of his raigne one act was made concerninge restrayntes of paymentes of annaties and firste fruites of archebyshopryckes and byshopryckes of the Sea of Rome And where at a Session of the sayde parlyament holden in the .xxv. yeare of the raygne of the sayde late kyng there was also one acte made intituled the submission of the clergye to the kynges matestyes and one other art entituled one acte restraynynge the sayde paymentes of annaces or lyrste frutes to the byshop of Rome and of the electyng and cousecratyng of the arch byshoppes and byshoppes wythin thys reaime And one other act was then and there made entituled an act concernyng the exoneration of the kynges subiectes from exactyons impos●●tons before that time payed to the Sea of Rome and for hauing licences and dispensations within this realme withoute suynge further for the same Be it enacted by thauctoritie of this present parliamente that the sayde seuerall actes made for the restraynt of paymente of the fayde annates and fyrste fruites and all other the sayde actes made in the sayd .xxiiii. and .xxv. yeres of the raygne of the sayde late kynge and euery of them and al and euery braunch article matter and sentēce in them and euerye of them conteyned shal be by auctorytye of thys present parliament from hence forth vtterly voyde made frustrate and repealed to al intentes constructions and purposes And be it further enacted by thauctority of thys presente parliament that al and euery these actes folowynge That is to saye one act made at the session of the sayd parliament holden vpon prorogation at West in the .xxvi. yeare of the raygne of the sayde late kynge Henry theyght entituled an acte concerning the kinges highnes to be supreme head of the church of Englande and to haue auctorytye to reforme and redresse al errours heresies and abuses in the same And one other acte made in the same session of the same parliamente entituled an acte for nomination and consecration of Suffraganes within this realme And one other acte made in the .xxvii. yeare of the raigne of the sayd late kyng Henry the eighte entituled an acte wherby the kynge shoulde haue power to nominate .xxxii. persones of his Clergy and Laye fee for the makynge of Ecclesticall lawes An also one other act made at the parliamente holden at Westminster in the .xxviii. yere of the raygne of the sayd late kynge Henry the eyghte entituled an acte extinguishinge the auctorytye of the Bysshop of Rome And one other act made in the same parlyament entituled an acte for the release of suche as then had obteyned pretended licences and dispensations from the Sea of Rome And also all that parte of the acte made in the sayde .xxviii. yeare of the sayde kynge entituled an acte for the establishemente of the Succession of the imperiall crowne of the realme that concerneth a prohibition to marry within the degrees expressed in the sayde acte And also one other acte made at the parliamente holden at Westminster in the xxxi yeare of the raygue of the sayde late kynge Henrye the eyghte entituled an acte auctorysynge the kynges hyghnes to make bysshoppes by his letters patentes And one other acte made in the session of the same parliament begon in the sayd .xxx. yeare holden vpō prorogation the .xxxii. yeare of the reigne of the sayde kynge Henry the eyghte entituled and acte concerninge precontractes of martyages and touching degrees of consangumitie And one other act made in the parliament holden at Westminster in the .xxxv. yeare of the reygne of the sayd late king Henry theyght entituled an acte for the ratificatyon of the kings maiesties stile shal henceforth be repealed made frustrate voyde and of none effect And where also at the fayd parlyamēt holden at Westminster in the .xxxv. yere of the raigne of the sayd late kyng Henry theyght one othere act was made entyteled an act concernyng the stablishment of the succession of the sayd king in the imperiall crowne of this realme In the which act there is a forme of a corporall othe deuised and sete furth that euerye subiect of this realme should be bounde to take agaynst the power auctoritie and iurisdictyon of the sea of Rome Be it enacted by thaucthoritie of this prefent parlyament that so muche of the sayde acte as toucheth the sayde oth against the supremacy and al othes therevpon had made geuen shal be from henceforth vtterly voyde repealed and of none effect And wher also one other act was made in the xxxvii yere of the raigne of the sayde late king Henrye theyght entytuled an act that doctours of the cyuyl law being maried might exrecise ecclesiastical iurisdiction Be it enacted by thauctoritie of this present parlyament that the sayde act last before mentioned and all and euerye braunche article sentence and matter conceyned in the same shal from henseforth be repealed and vtterly made voyd and of none effecte And where one other act was made at the fyrst yere of the parliament holden at Westminster in the fyrst yere of the rayne of kyng Edwarde the syxt entituled an act for the repeale of certayne Statutes concerning treasons fellonies c In the which act amongest other thyngs ther is conteyned certeyne prouysyons paynes penal tyes and forfeytures for and agaynst suche as should by open preachynges expres wordes sayinges wrytynge pryntynge ouert dede oracte affirme or set furth that the kyng of thys realme for tyme beyng is not or ought not to be supreame head in earth of the churches of England and Ireland ne of anye of them or that the byshoppe of Rome or any other personne or persons other then the kyng of England for the tyme beyng is or ought to be supreame heade of the same churches or any of them as in the same act last before rehearsed and at large is conteyned and maye appeare Be it enacted by auctority of this present parlyament that these clauses before rehearsed and other of the sayde act conceruyng the supremacy and all and euerye braunche artycle wordes and sentence in the same soūdyng or tendyng to the derogatyon of the supremacy of the popes holynes or the sea of Rome and al paynes penalties forfeytures made agaynst them that should by any meanes set furth or extol the sayd supremacy shal be from henceforth vtterly voyde and of none effect And be it further enacted by thauctoryty aforesayd that al clanses sentences and articles of euerye other statute or acte of Parlyment made sithence the sayde .xx. yeare of the raygne of kyng Henry theyght agaynste the supreame auctoritie of the Popes holynes or Sea apostolike of Rome or conteining any other matter of the same affect only that is repealed in any of the Statutes aforesayde shal be also by auctoritie hereof from henceforth vtterly voyd frustrate and of none effecte And where we your most humble subiectes the lordes spyrytual and temporall and commons in this present parliamente assembled
and ecclesiastical houses and places or any of them or in anyewise concerning any manuours landes tenementes proffites commodities hereditamentes or other the thynges before specified to the said kinge Henrye theyght or kynge Edwarde the syxte or either of them or anye other person or persones or body politike or corporate and euerye of them and all and euery writing dede and instrument concernynge the assuraunce of anye the same shall stande remayne and be in as good force effect and strength and shal be pleaded and taken aduauntage of to al intentes constructions and purposes as the same shoulde myght or coulde haue bene by the lawes and statutes of thys realme in case this present acte had neuer bene had ne made And that al fe offamentes fynes surrenders forfaytures assuraunces conueyaunces estates and interestes in any wyse conueied had or made to our sayd late soucraygne lord kinge Henrye theyght or to our said late soueraigne Lorde kinge Edwarde the sixte or eyther of them or to any other person or persōes bodies polityke or corporate or to any of them by dede or dedes act or actes of Parlyamente or otherwise of any the scites mannours landes tenementes possessions profites commodites or hereditamentes of anye the sayde Archebysshoprikes Byshoprikes late monasteryes priories nonneries commaundries deaneries houses of fryars colleges chaunteryes hospitalles prebendes fre chappels or of any mannours landes tenementes reuertions seruices tithes pentyons portyons annuities or of any other hereditamentes of by or from any ecclesiastycall or spirituall person or persons or by or frō any spiritual or ecclesiasticall corporation or body politike shal be as good auailable in the lawe to al intentes constructions and purposes as they were by the lawes statutes of this realme standing in force before the first daye of this present parliament And that the same may and shal be pleaded aleged taken aduauntage of in such sorte and to such effect as they shoulde could or might haue ben by the lawes and statutes of thys Realme standing in force before the said fyrst day of this present Parliament And that all and euery clause and article of sauinge conteined in all and euery the sayd actes and statutes shall stand remayne and be in such force strength and effecte as they were before the sayde fyrste day of this present parliament Any thing conteined in this presente acte to the concrary in any wyse notwithstandyng And that it maye be in like maner enacted by aucthoritie aforesaid that whosoeuer shal by any processe obteined out of any ecclesiasticall court within this realme or without or by pretence of any spyrytuail iurisdiction or other wyse contrary to the lawes of this realme inqui et or molest any person or persons or bodye politike for any of the said manours landes tenementes hereditamentes or thynges aboue speryfyed contrary to the wordes sentences and meanynge of this acte shall incurre the daunger of the act of preminere made in the xvi yere of kyng Richarde the seconde and shall suffer and ineurre the forfeytures and paynes conteined in the same Prouyded alway that it shall and may be leafull to anye person or persons body politike and corporate to sue in any competente ecclesiasticall or spiritual court within this realme for tythes ryghtes and dueties that they or any of them shall pretende to haue of or oute of any the sayd manours landes tenementes and other the premysses and to haue full and perfect remedy for the fame in suche maner and fourme as they or any of them mighte or oughte to haue done or had by the lawes and Statutes of this realme before the makinge of this Acte and as though this act had neuer ben had or made And that it may be further prouyded and enacted by thauetoritie aforesayd that albeit the title or stile of supremacye or supreame hed of the churche of England and of Irelande or eyther of them neuer was ne coulde be iustly or lawefully attributed or knowledged to any kynge or Soueraygne gouernoure of thys realme nor in anye wyse could or might rightfully iustly or lawfully by any king or soueraign gouernour of this realm be claimed chalēged or vsed Yet forasmuch as the sayde tytle and style sythens the thyrde daye of Nouember in the .xxvi. yeare of the raygne of the sayde kynge Henrye the eyghte hath bene vsed and is mentioned and conteyned in dyuers and sondrye wrytes letters patentes recordes exemplyfycatyons coute rolles charters dedes instrumentes euydences bokes and wrytynges It shal be lawefull aswell to and for youre Maiestyes and your Soueraygne ladies heyres and Successoures as to and for euerye other person and persones and bodies politike and corporate ▪ as altime and times here after to haue retayne and kepe the sayd wrytes letters patentes recordes exemplifications courte rolles Charters dedes instrumentes euidences bokes and vorytynges and them to shewe exhibite vse alledge and pleade in all tymes and places requpsyte or nedeful without any daunger penaltye losse for feyture trouble vexation or impeachment for the same anye thynge in thys acte or in any other acte or actes to the contrary thereof in anye wyse notwithstandynge And wher your highnes Soueraygne Lady synce your comming to the crowne of this realme of a good and Christē conscience omytted to write the saide Style of Supremacye specyfyed in one Acte made in the parliament holden at Westminster by prorogation in the xxxv yeare of the raygne of your late father kynge Henrye theyghte aswell in gyftes grauntes letters patentes as in commyssyons and other wrytynges and also other haue in theyr wrytynges done the same aswell in your tyme as before And forasmuche as notwithstandyng any lawe made concernynge the sayde Style of Supremacye it was in the free choyse libertye and pleasure of the kynge of thys realme and of your hyghnes whether ye woulde expresse the same in the sayd Style or not Be it therefore declared and enacted by aucthoritie of this presente parlyament that all grauntes letters patentes commissions indytementes recordes and wrytinges made in youre oure Soueraygne Ladies name or in the names of yours Soueraygne Lorde and Lady or any other wherein the said Style of Supremacye is omytted is and shal be to all intentes and purposes as good and effectuall as yf the same had bene therein expressed may be deteined kepte pleaded and alleged without any daunger paine penaltie or forfayture to ensue to any person or persones or body politike for or concerninge the omission of the same Style or any parte thereof in any such wrytinges that no person ne persons shal be impeached molested or dāp nyfyed for or by reason of any such omyssyon And where in an acte of parliament made since the sayde .xx. yeare of kynge Henrye theyghte all Bulles dispensations and wrytynges which were before that tyme optained fyom the Sea of Rome should be voyde avolyshed and extinguished with a clause neuertheles that the matter of them by vertue of letters patentes from