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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15395 An antilogie or counterplea to An apologicall (he should haue said) apologeticall epistle published by a fauorite of the Romane separation, and (as is supposed) one of the Ignatian faction wherein two hundred vntruths and slaunders are discouered, and many politicke obiections of the Romaines answered. Dedicated to the Kings most excellent Maiestie by Andrevv Willet, Professor of Diuinitie. Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621. 1603 (1603) STC 25672; ESTC S120023 237,352 310

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against them First for Sybils Oracles they do euidently describe the Pope of Rome calling him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one that should haue a manifold that is a triple crowne and his name should come neere to Ponti so is he called Pontifex that all the world should visit his foote that he should gather together huge heapes of gold and siluer be skilfull in Magick arte And afterward in the same booke Sybill speaketh of the vtter ruine and desolation of Rome Concerning the Rabbines neither do they witnes for the Romanes but did rather by the scriptures gather that they should be enemies to the Church for so they vnderstand that prophesie of Balaam that Cittim shall afflict Heber of the power of Italy and Rome so Onkelos Iarchi Ezra Sadaiah Isaac Bochai as they are cited by that learned man in his Concent whose name as I haue heard this opponent beareth but neither his wit nor learning Is not this now a braue lad that would make vs belieue that these speake for him that are vtterlie against him But whereas he challengeth beside that Mahometanes Iewes Paganes Infidels Heretikes Schismatikes Deuils damned soules soules in Purgatorie do witnesse with them We willinglie yeeld them all these they are fit Iurie men to bring in such a verdite onely I take exception against two of this empanelled enquest the soules in Purgatorie which is no where and therfore it is a vaine proofe and the damned soules who if they might vtter their complaint from hell they would cry out against their popish instructors which by their idolatrie doctrine of freewill merits pilgrimages inuocation of Saints blind traditions and by many other grosse errors and blind ignorance condemned them to hell 8 He saith further That the Queene by her new taken prerogatiue proceedeth in spirituall causes without Parliament Here are two vntruths couched together 1 Her Maiestie did while she liued exercise no authoritie in those causes which the statutes of this realme haue not yeelded vnto her and therefore without Parliament she proceeded not that authoritie in spirituall matters being restored to the Crowne by acte of Parliament 2 False also it is that this prerogatiue is new taken vp that the Prince should be the supreme gouernor ouer all persons and in all causes as well ecclesiasticall as temporall for her Maiestie did not challenge any authoritie and power of ministerie of deuine offices in the Church as the Papists do falsely slaunder the state but only she was acknowledged during her princely life and raigne to be supreame gouernor of the Church in her realme to prescribe lawes for the same by the word of God and to see them executed and no otherwise This prerogatiue is auncient neuer denied to Christian Princes Dauid Solomon Iehosaphat Hezekiah Iosias reformed religion deposed idolatrous priests made ecclesiasticall orders and lawes Eleutherius calleth King Lucius Gods vicar in his kingdome and saith it is his dutie to call his people to the faith and law of Christ. Pope Leo thus decreed Res humanae c. Humane matters can not otherwise be safe nisi quae ad diuinam confessionē pertinent regia sacerdotalis defendat dignitas vnlesse those things which belong to the deuine profession both the kinglie and priestlie authoritie defend And among other offices of the Kings of England this is one Vt regat ecclesiam That he gouerne the Church Yea the popish Clergie were the first that recognized King Henry the 8. to be the supreame head of the Church of England 9 Where he saith The definition of the Pope in such cases is impossible to be false by all morall iudgement You should haue said moriall or a fooles iudgement for it is notoriouslie knowne that diuers Popes haue been heretikes Marcellinus was a Montanist Liberius an Arrian Honorius was condemned for an Heretike Anastasius and Celestinus were Nestorians Yea it is also manifest that the Bishops of Rome haue erred in their definitions and decrees Nicolaus 1. alloweth baptisme made onely in the name of Christ Decret 1. de baptis Platina saith Post Stephanum c. After Stephen this custome was obserued Vt acta priorū pontificum sequentes aut infringerent aut omnino tollerent That the Popes which succeeded did infringe the acts of their predecessors or cleane take them away The former then or the latter must needs erre in their decrees Erasmus saith Ioannes 22. Nicolaus totis decretis intra se pugnant idque in his quae videntur ad fidei negotium pertinere Iohn 22. and Nicolas in all their decrees do fight one with another and in such things as belong vnto faith But if you waigh not the credit of this testimonie heare one of your Popes confession Quid si criminosus papa contraria fidei praedicet haereticisque dogmatib imbuat subditos What if a bad Pope do preach contrarie to the faith and corrupt his subiects with hereticall opinions It is possible then for a Pope not only to erre himselfe but to preach publish and enioyne it to others What an heape of lyes hath this fabulous Frier told vs and all within the compasse of one page I may say to him as Diogenes to Plato who requesting of him three rootes out of his garden sent him a bushell euen so saith he when you are asked you answere many things But this vnskilfull gardener vnasked hath cast vs out of his garden stinking weeds by lumps serued vs with a bushell of lyes Cyprianes saying may very well be applied to such ouer-reaching Romanists Romani cum sua mendaciorum merce nauigant quasi veritas post eos nauigare non posset The Romanists hoise vp saile to carrie their merchandise of lyes as though the truth could not saile after them so this nimble Cursitor trips away with his false footing as though no man could trace his wide footsteps and ouertake him The fourth Perswasion 1 I Defend a religion which hath confuted all aduersaries Atheists Epicures Iewes Paganes Mahumetanes Magicians Philosophers 2 Which hath conquered aboue 400. sects of internall and domesticall heretikes subdued all nations 3 Not a religion builded vpon vaine coniecture c. wherein so many heads so many religions deniers of scriptures deceitfull false translators corrupters and forgers of holie euidence deuisers of doctrines for pleasure sake c. 4 But a religion founded vpon the most certaine and infallible word of God c. The Disswasion 1 HOw well popish religion confuteth Atheists Epicures Iewes Pagans Mahometanes I haue shewed before that poperie boroweth from all these that diuers of their Popes haue been Atheists Gregor 7. Siluester 2. Paulus 3. Benedict 9. Ioann 13. Leo. 10. Alexander 6. with other Iewes and Turkes are tolerated vnder the Popes nose onely the Protestants are persecuted vnto death And for Magicians Platina sheweth that
great many of other diseases Christ and his Apostles were but bunglers in working miracles to these if they may haue their saying Origen to Celsus who counted it as a fable that Christ raised some from the dead maketh this answere Si fabulosa haec essent multos resurrexisse finxisset If these things were fabulous they would haue fained more to haue risen whereas now three onely are said to haue been raised We may therefore worthily doubt of these straunge reports of miracles wherein they haue no measure bringing foorth such a beadrole of them Thirdly we haue the aduersaries owne confession who themselues suspect the credit of these tales therefore Alexander the 3. forbiddeth a certaine Popish saint to bee worshipped although miracles were done by him without the authoritie of the Church of Rome Innocentius 3. also decreeth that Prelates should not suffer those which come to their Churches to be deceiued varijs figmentis aut falsis documentis with diuers figments and cousening trickes The Abbot of Clumack testifieth that he noted foure and twentie lies in the song of Benedict as he sung it in the Church Espencaeus a learned Papist holdeth that to be but a fable reported by Christianus Massaeus lib. 8. Chronic. of Trophimus that hauing buried his wife in a rocke dying in trauell with the childe sucking at her breasts two yeere after sailing that way found her aliue and the childe sucking Many fables are current among the Ignatian Fathers of the straunge visions which their founder Ignatius Layola had As how he was rapt into heauen where hee saw the Trinitie in three persons and one essence how the tooles and paterne were shewed vnto him whereby God made the world how at the eleuation of the hoast he saw Iesus Christ in it in bodie and flesh iust as he was vpon the earth c. The like stuffe they haue vented of Xauiere one of the Ignatian sect who wrought great wonders among the Indians how he raised sixe dead men to life how sending a little child with a crosse to one possessed with diuels they went out fretting at this most of all quod per puerū pellebantur because they were cast out by a child as saith the fabulous author How a diuell being cast foorth scratched him by the back and bellie as he prayed to the Virgine Mary that he was constrained to keepe his bed till the skin was healed How when he was dead a blind man by rubbing his hand vpon his eies receiued his sight how with his whip wherewith he vsed to beate himselfe and a piece of his girdle an infinite number of diseases were cured All these tales though magnified by Bellarmine who is readie to take any occasion to grace his own order yet by other Papists not so light of credit are reiected as meere fables and old wiues tales as they well deserue Fourthly many of these Monkish miracles and Frierlie fables are ridiculous and not beseeming the grauitie of right holie men such is that of Dunstanes holding the diuell by the nose with a paire of tongs and of the diuell scratching Xauiere by the backe Are not these very worthie matters thinke you to bee registred Such tooles Hierome calleth Prandiorum coenarumque fabulas table talke and mimum Philistionis vel Marilli stropham he compareth them to Philistions iests who made verses to moue laughter and died of laughing or Marillus toyes Fiftly the end of these Popish miracles is to be considered which is not to perswade faith in Iesus Christ or to stirre vp to godlines of life which was intended by our Sauiour Christ and his Apostles in their miracles But this was the drift of them to confirme their owne superstitious deuises in the adoration of Images inuocation of Saints visiting the tombes of the dead worshipping their reliques and such like This difference Origen well obserued betweene the miracles of the Christians and the Pagans Magorum nemo per ea quae facit sicut Iesus ex rebus quas factitârit mirandis ad morū imitationem inuitat None of the Magicians by their miraculous workes as Christ did by his doe moue men to amendment of their manners May we not now iustly wonder that any are so simple to giue credit to such grosse fables but that it is a iust iudgement of God vpon those that will not receiue the truth to beleeue lies These false teachers as Ambrose saith Per ea quae placida sunt suadent foeda By pleasing tales perswade beastly stuffe And their blind schollers as Hierome sayth sub martyris nomine bibunt de aureo calice Babylonis vnder the colour of martyrs and of their miracles do drinke of the whore of Babylons golden cup but like as Satyrus the Sauian his friends are said to haue stopped his eare with waxe that he should not heare the rayling speech of his aduersaries so men had more neede to stop their eares against these flattering and pleasing tales as against the Syrene songs But I haue stayed too long in raking in this channell and stirring in this dunghill of popish legends The seauenth Perswasion 1 I Defend not a religion tossed and tennised vp and downe with so many bounds and rebounds both in head and members contayning so many falsities by their owne proceedings 2 So many contradictions in essentiall things as there be essentiall questions 3 Neither do what it could hauing the temporall sword hath hitherto condemned vs. 4 But a religion which in the space almost of 1600. yeares neuer changed one point of doctrine neuer admitted error in faith or the least contradiction therein either in decree of Pope or confirmed Councell The Disswasion 1 ANd I defend that religion which hath not beene tossed vp and downe chopped or changed in head or members as this alogisticall discourser sclandereth the Gospell but hath continued one and the same for these 60. yeares since the first abolishing of the Masse in England all which time the profession of the Protestants in England in the substantiall points of faith hath not altered hitherto neyther I trust shall hereafter The Communion booke hath been but once altered among vs all this while whereas the forme of the Masse in the Romane profession hath beene often chopped and changed patched and pieced by adding to it and taking from it which was for the space of 700. yeares in fining and refining before it came to that deformed perfection which now it hath Reade Platina and Polidore Virgil there shall you finde how and by whome and in what processe of time euery part of the Masse was deuised 2 Which conteyneth neither falsities nor contradictions in any essentiall points as poperie doth neither shall this trifler be able to shew any such falsitie or cōtrarietie who herein and euery where almost would haue vs take his owne word as though he were the