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A14012 A letter written by Cutbert Tunstall late Byshop of Duresme, and Iohn Stokesley sometime Byshop of London sente vnto Reginalde Pole, Cardinall, then beynge at Rome, and late byshop of Canterbury. Tunstall, Cuthbert, 1474-1559.; Stokesley, John, 1475?-1539. aut; Pole, Reginald, 1500-1558. 1560 (1560) STC 24321; ESTC S111452 16,182 66

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be called ether by God or by the Kynge And those Kinges that so do chiefelye do execute well their office So that the kinges highnes taking vpon him as Supreame heade of the Churche of Englande to see that aswell spirituall men as temporall do their dueties doth nether make innouacion in the Churche nor yet trowble the ordre thereof But dothe as the chiefe and the best of the Kynges of Israell did and as all goode christiane kinges oughte to doe Whiche office goode Christiane emperours alwayes toke vpon them in callinge the vniuersall counseles of all Countryes in one place and at one tyme to assemble to the entent all heresies troubling the church might be there extyrped calling and cōmaundinge aswell the byshope of Rome as other Patriarches and all Primates aswell of the east as of the west of the southe and of the northe to come to the saide Counceiles As Marlianus themperoure did in callinge the greate councell of Calcedon one of the iiii chiefe and firste generall councelles commaunding Leo then Byshope of Rome to come therto And albeit Leo nether lyked the tyme whyche he would for a season shoulde haue bene differred nor yet the place whiche he would haue had in Italie wher the Emperour by his owne commaundement had called it to Calchis in Asia yet he answered themperoure that he would gladly obey his commaūdemente and sente thither his agentes to appere ther for him as doth appere in y e Epistles of Leo to Martiane the Emperoure xli xlvii xlviii and in the. xlix epistle to Pulcheria Empresse And lykewyse desyreth Theodosius themperour to cōmaunde a concell of Byshops to be called in Italy for taking awaye suche contencions and troubles as at that tyme troubled the quietnes of the churches And in many mo epistles of the same Leo it dothe manyfestly appeare that themperours alwayes assembled generall councelles by their commaundementes And in the syxe Councell general it appereth very plainely that at that tyme the byshops of Rome made no claim nor vsed tyttle to call theim selfe heddes vniuersal ouer all the catholyke churche as there dothe appere In subscriptione seu salutati one synodica suggestionis antedictae Whiche is thus ad verbum Pijssimis dominis sereniss victoribus triumphatoribus dilectis filijs dei dn̄i nostri Iesu Christi Constantino Magno imparotori Heraclio Tiberio Augustis Agatho episcopus seruus seruorum dei cum vniuersis sy nodis subia cētibus cōcili● apostolicae sedis In y e superscriptiōor salutaciō of y e foresaid sinodical preāble which is thus worde for worde To the moste godly Lordes and most noble victors and conquerours y e welbeloued chyldren of god of our Lord Iesu Christ to Constantine the great Emperoure to Eraclius and Tiberius Cesars Byshop Agatho the seruaunte of the seruauntes of god withall the conuocations subiect to the councell of the sea Apostolique sendeth greetinges And sayth expressing what countryes he reckened and comprehended in that superscription or salutaciō It foloweth that these were vnder his assembly whiche were in the Northe and Easte partes So that at that time the Byshop of Rome made no such pretence to bee ouer and aboue all as hee nowe dothe by vsurpation vendicatinge to him selfe the spirituall kyngedome of Chryste by whyche he raygneth in the heartes of all faythfull people and then chaungeth it to a temporall kyngedome ouer and aboue all kynges to depose theim for hys pleasure preachynge thereby Carnem pro spiritu terrenum regnum pro coelesti in damnationē nisi resipiscat suam The fleshe for the spirit and an earthely kingdom for an heauenly to his owne damnacion yf he repente not Where he oughte to obeye hys Prynce by the doctrine of Saint Peter in hys fyrst epistle saying Subiecti estote omni humanae creaturae propter deum siue regi quasi praecellenti siue ducibus tanquam ab eo missis ad vindictam malefactorum laudem verô bonorum Be ye subiecte to euerye mans ordinaunce for the Lordes sake whether to the kinge as to the chiefe whether to the dukes as sente of him to the punishment of the euil doers to the praise of the good Againe S. Paule Omnis omnia potestantibus sublimioribus sub dita sit with other thinges before alleged So that this his pretensed vsurpacion to be aboue all kynges is directly againste the scriptures geuen to the churche by the apostles whose doctrine whosoeuer ouerturneth can be nether Caput nor Infimum membrum ecclesiae Wherfore albeit ye haue heretofore stycked to the said wrongfully vsurped power moued thereto as ye wryte by your conscience yet sythens now ye see further yf ye luste regarde the mere truth and suche auncient authours as you haue bene writen to of in tymes paste we would exhort you for the wealth of your soule to surrender into the Byshop of Romes handes your red hat bi which he seduced you trustinge to haue of you beynge come of a noble bloode an instrument to aduaūce his vaine glorye whereof by the sayd hat he made you participante to allure you thereby the more to hys purpose In whiche doynge ye shall retourne to the truth from whiche ye haue erred Do youre duety to your soueraigne Lord from whome ye haue declyned And please thereby almyghtye GOD whose lawes ye haue transgressed And in not so doynge ye shall remayne in erroure offendynge bothe almyghtye GOD and youre naturall soueraygne Lorde whom chiefly ye oughte to searche to please Whiche thinge for the good mynde that we heretofore haue borne you wee praye almightie God of his infinite mercy that you do not Amen FINIS Imprynted at London in Paules churche yearde at the the signe of the Brasen serpente by Reginalde Woulfe Anno Domini M. D. L X. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum Luke 15. Mat. 18. 1. Cor. 3. Luke 22. 1. Petri. 5. Act. 20. De simplicitate clericorum Contra Io●inianum Cap. 1. super Titū Lib. 3. cap. 21. Lib. 5. cap. 6. Lib. 3. cap. 23. Lib. 4. ca. 23. Epistola 16. 2. Vide duas Epistolas ad bonifacium pp. 1. ot conciliorum Fol. 307. 308. Dist. 16. Viginti Hist. tript Lib. 4. cap. 16. Apoca. 21. Mat. 28 Esd. 2. 1. Reg. 15. Eze. 3. Mat. 18. Mat. 28. August epist. 162. Rom. 13. ● Par. 28. 2. Par. 16. 2. Par. 19. 2. Par. 16. Epist. 81. Actione 4. 1. Pet. 2. Rom. 13.
A letter written by Cutbert Tunstall late Byshop of Duresme and Iohn Stokesley somtime Byshop of London sente vnto Reginalde Pole Cardinall then beynge at Rome and late byshop of Canterbury A letter written by Cutbert Tunstall late Bishop of Duresine and Iohn Stokesley sometime Byshop of London so acknowledged and confessed by the said Cutbert about 14 daies before his departure out of this his naturall lyfe in presence of the moste Reuerende father in God MATTHEW Archebyshop of Canterbury and others whiche letter was sent by the same two Byshops to Reginalde Pole Cardinall being then at Rome and of late Archebyshop of Canterburye FOr the good will that wee haue borne vnto you in times paste as longe as you contynued the kynges true Subiecte we can not a little lament and mourne that ye neither regardinge the in estimable kyndenes of the kinges highnes heretofore shewed vnto youe in your brynging vppe nor the honoure of the house that ye be come of nor the wealthe of the Countrye that ye be borne in should so decline from your duetye to your prynce that ye shulde be seduced by fayre woordes and vayne promyses of the Byshope of Rome to winde w t him going aboute by almeanes to him possible to pull downe and put vnder foote your naturall Prynce and Master to the destruction of the Country y t haue brought you vp And for a vayne glory of a redde hat to make your selfe an instrumente to sette foorth his malice who hathe styrred by all meanes that he coulde all such Christian Prynces as woulde giue eares vnto hym to depose the Kynges highenes from his kyngedome and to offer it as a praye to them that shoulde execute his malice to stirre if he coulde his Subiectes against him in styrringe noryshynge rebellyons in his realme wher the office and duetye of all good Christian menne namely of vs that be Priestes should be to bring al commocion to tranquylytye all trouble to quyetnes al discorde to concord and in doing the contrarye wee shewe oure selues to be but the ministers of Satan and not of Christ who ordeined all vs that be priestes to vse in al places the legacion of peace and not of dyscorde But syns that can not bee vndone that is done second it is to make amendes and to folowe the doing of the prodigall sonne spoken of in the gospell who retourned home to his father and was well accepted as no doubt ye myght be if ye will saye as he said in knowledging your foly do as he did in retourning home againe from youre wanderyng abrode in seruice of them who litle care what come of you so y t their purpose by you be seruede And if you be moued by your cōscience that you cannot take the king oure master as Supreame heade of y e Church of Englande because the Byshoppe of Rome hath heretofore many yeares vsurped that name vniuersallye ouer all the Churche vnder pretence of the gospel of Matthew sainge Tues Petrus super hanc petram aedificabo Ecclesiam meam Thou arte Peter and vpon thys rocke I wil builde my Churche Surelye that texte many of the moste holy and auncient expositours wholly do take to be ment of the faithe then fyrste confessed by the mouth of Peter vpō whyche faith confessing Christe to be the sonne of God the Church is builded Christ being the veri lowest foundation stone whe rupō bothe the Apostles them selues also the whole faith of y e Churche of Christe by them preached thorowe the worlde is founded and buylded and other foundation none canne be but that onely as Saint Paule saieth Fundamentum aliud c. No other foundation can any man laye besydes y e whiche is Christe Iesus And where ye thynke that the gospell of Luke proueth the same authoritie of the Byshop of Rome saying Rogaui pro te Petre ut non deficiat fides tua t●aliquando cōuersus confirma fratres tuos Peter I haue praide for thee that thy fayth shoulde not sayle and thou being ones conuerted confirme thy brothers Surely that speaketh of the falle of Peter knowē to Christ by his godly prescience whereof he gaue him an ynkeling that after the time of his falle he should not dispayre but returne agayne confirme his brethren as he euer being most feruent of them was wont to do The place doth plainely open it selfe that it can not be otherwise taken but this to bee the very meaninge of it not to be spokē but to Peter For els his successors must fyrst fayle in the fayth and then conuerte and so confirme their brethren And whereas ye thynke that thys place of the gospell of Iohn Pasce oues meas Feede my shepe was spoken onely to Peter whiche woordes make hym sheperde ouer all and aboue all S. Peter himselfe testifieth the contrary in his Canonical epistle where hee saieth to all priestes Pascite qui in vobis est gregem Christi fede the flocke of Christ which is amonge you which he had thē do by the aucthoritie that Christ had put them in as foloweth Et cum apparuer it princeps pastorum percipietis immarcessibilem aeternae gloriae coronam And whē y e chiefe Shepperde shal appeare ye shal receiue the incorruptible croune of eternall glory The same likewise Saint Paule in the Actes testifieth saying Attendite vobis vniuerso gregi in quo vos posuit spiritus sanctus regere Ecclesiam Dei Geue heede to your selfe to the whole flocke wherein y e holy ghoste hathe set you to gouerne the Churche of God Where in the orygynall texte the woorde signifyinge Regere to gouerne 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 y e same worde that was spoken to Peter Pasce fede for it signifieth bothe in the scripture And that by these woordes hee was not made cōstitute Sheperde ouer all it is very playne by y e facte of Sainte Peter whiche durst not enterprise much cōuersation amongst y e Gentiles but eschewed it as a thynge vnlawefull and muche rather prohibitede then commaunded by Godes lawe vntyll he was admonyshed by the reuelacion of the shete full of dyuers viandes mentioned in the Actes of the Apostles wher if Christe by these wordes Pasce oues meas Fede my shepe had geuen such an vniuersall gouernaunce to Peter then Peter beinge more feruent then other of the Apostles to execute Christes cōmaundement would of his owne corage haue gone w t out any such newe admonicion to Cornelius excepte peraduenture you woulde saye that Peter dyd not vnderstande the sayde woordes of Christe for lacke of the lyght which these latter men haue obtained to perceaue and thereby vnderstand the wordes of Christe to Peter better then Peter hymselfe dyd And straūge also it wer to condemne Peter as an highe traitor of his Master after his Ascention as he in dede were worthye if hys Master had signified vnto hym that the Byshopes
the name of Supreame head vnder Christ geuen attributed to the Kinges maiestie maketh an innouation in the Church and perturbation of the ordre of the same it canne not be any Innouation or trouble to the Churche to vse the roume that God hath called him to whiche good Christian Prynces dyd vse in the begynninge when fay the was moste pure as Saint Augustine ad Glorium Eleusium sayeth Ait enim quidam Non debuit Episcopus pro cōsulari iudicio purgari quasiverò ipse sibi hoc comparauerit ac non Imperator ita quaeri iusserit ad cuius curam de qua rationem Deo redditurus esset res illa maxime pertinebat One there is whiche sayeth that a Bishop ought not to haue bene put to his purgacion before the iudgemente seate of y e deputye as thoughe he him self procured it and not rather the Emperour him selfe caused this inquirye to be made to whose iurisdiction for the whiche he must answere to God that cause did especially pertaine Chrisostome writeth of that Imperiall authoritie thus Laesus est qui non habet parem vllū super terram summitas caput est omnium hominum super terram He is offēded that hath no peere at al vpon the earth for he is the highest potentate and the heade of all men vpon earth And Tertullianus ad Scapulam sayth Colimus ergo imperatorem sic quo modo nobis licet ipsi expedit vt hominem â deo secundum quicquid est à deo consequutum so lo deo minorē hoc enim ipse volet sic enim omnibus maior est dum solo verò Deo minor est Idem in Apologetico de Imperatoribus capite 30. loquens ait Sciunt quis illis dederit imperium sciunt qui homines qui animas sentiunt eum Deum esse solum in cuius solius potestate sunt à quo sunt secundi post quem primi ante omnes super omnes Deos. We so honoure and reuerence the emperoure in suche wyse as is lawefull to vs and expedient to him that is to saye as a man nexte and the second to god of whome is deriued al the power he hathe but yet inferioure to god alone for so is yt his pleasure to haue it For thus is he greater then all men while he is inferioure but to God alonely And the saide Tertullianus in his booke Apologeticall speaking of Emperoures They know who hathe geuen to them theyr gouernemente they knowe what men they be them selfe and vnderstandinge they haue of mans soules but so that thei perceaue that God is hee alone vnder whose onely power they bee and take them selfe as seconde to God after whome they bee the chiefe before other and aboue all the goddes Theophylacttus ad Romanos super illud Omnis anima potestatibus sublimioribus subdita sit Ait Apostolū hic vniuersos erudire siue sacerdos sit ille siue monachus siue apostolus ut se principibus subdat Let euery soule be subiecte to the hygher powers Hoc est Etiam si Apostolus sis ▪ etiam si Euangelista tiam sie Propheta aut quisquis postre mo fueris Non enim subuertit pie tatem haec subiectio Et non simplicirer Pareat inquit sed Subdita sit That is Althoughe thou arte an Apostle although an Euangelist although a prophete or what soeuer thou art be subiect for this subiectiō ouerthroweth no godlynes And he sayth not only let him obey but let him be subiect And yf y e apostles be subiecte to Princes muche more al byshops and patriarches yea the byshops of Rome and all other And it is written in the Cronycles Dixit Dauid Salomoni Ecce diuisiones sacer dotum Leuitarum in omne ministerium domus domini assistēt tibi parati erunt Et Dauid consti tuit principem ad confitendum domino Asaph fratres eius Et Constituit Iosaphat in Ierusalem Le uitas sacerdotes et principes familiarum ex Israēl vt Iudicium causam dūī iudicarēt habitatoribus eius praecepitque eis dicens Sic agetis in timore domini fideliter corde perfecto c. Dauid saith to Salomon Beholde the priestes and Leuites diuided in companies to do all maner of seruice that perteyneth to the house of God shall assiste thee and be ready And in the. xvi Chapter Dauid dyd appoynte chiefly to thanke the Lorde Asaph and hys brethren c. And Iosophat the kinge did constitute Leuites priestes and the aunciente heades of Israell that they shoulde iudge the iudgemente and the causes of the Lord towardes al the inhabitauntes of the earth And he charged theim sayinge Thus shall ye do in the feare of y e Lorde saythfullye and in a perfecte herte Rex constituit turmas sacerdotales Leuiticas vnum quemque in officio suo Et sequitur Ezechias praecepit populo vt darent partes sacerdotibus qui dedit consequenter decimas Et sequitur quod ad regem cum Azaria sacerdote pertinet omnis dispensatio domus dn̄i eorū qui ad eam attinent Et in fine Fecit ergo Ezechias vniuersa que diximus in omni Iuda operatusque est bonum rectum verum cor●̄ domino deo suo in vniuersa cultura ministerij Domus Domini iuxta legem caeremonias volens requirere deum suum in toto corde suo fecitque prosperatus est Iosias quoque cōstituit sacerdotes in officijs suis man dauitque plurima c. Furthermore Ezechias did apoynt the priestes and the Leuytes in their order to wayte by course euery mā accordinge to his office whether priest or Leuyte for the burnte offerynges and peace offerynges and to minister and to thanke and to praye in the gates of the lodge of the lorde And Ezechias gaue commaundemente to the people dwellinge in Ierusalem that they shoulde geue their portions to the Priestes Leuites that thei mighte attende on the lawe of the Lorde And that by the precept of Ezechias the king and of Azarias the byshop of the house of the Lorde all thinges were done to whome pertayned all the dispensacion of the house of the lorde And in the ende it is sayde Ezechias dyd all those thinges in all Iurye he wrought that which was good right and true before his Lorde god in al y e furniture of the ministerte of the house of the lorde according to y e lawe cerimonies desierous to seke his lor god wal his heart as he dyd and prospered therein Iosias also did ordeyne priestes in their offices commaunded many thynges By all whiche yt may appeare y t Christian Kinges be soueraignes ouer the prestes as ouer all other their subiectes and may commaund the priestes to do their offices aswel as thei do other And oughte by theyr Supreame office to see y t all men of all degrees do their duetyes whereunto they