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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10541 The pathvvay to knowledg containing the first principles of geometrie, as they may moste aptly be applied vnto practise, bothe for vse of instrumentes geometricall, and astronomicall and also for proiection of plattes in euerye kinde, and therefore much necessary for all sortes of men. Record, Robert, 1510?-1558. 1551 (1551) STC 20812; ESTC S115664 86,278 175

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The pathway to KNOWLEDG CONTAINING THE FIRST PRINciples of Geometrie as they may moste aptly be applied vnto practise bothe for vse of instrumentes Geometricall and astronomicall and also for proiection of plattes in euerye kinde and therfore much necessary for all sortes of men Geometries verdicte All fresshe fine wittes by me are filed All grosse dull wittes wishe me exiled Thoughe no mannes witte reiect will I Yet as they be I wyll them trye The argumentes of the foure bookes The first booke declareth the definitions of the termes and names vsed in Geometry with certaine of the chiefe grounds whereon the arte is founded And then teacheth those conclusions which may serue diuersely in al workes Geometricall The second booke doth sette forth the Theoremes whiche maye be called approued truthes seruinge for the due knowledge and sure proofe of all conclusions and workes in Geometrye The third booke intreateth of diuers formes and sondry protractions thereto belonging with the vse of certain conclusions The fourth booke teacheth the right order of measuringe all platte formes and bodies also by reson Geometricall TO THE GENTLE READER EXCVSE ME GENTLE REder if oughte be amisse straung paths ar not trodē al truly at the first the way muste needes be comberous wher none hathe gone before where no man hathe geuen light lighte is it to offend but when the light is shewed ones light is it to amende If my light may so light some other to espie and marke my faultes I wish it may so lighten thē that they may voide offence Of staggeringe and stomblinge and vnconstaunt turmoilinge often offending and seldome amending such vices to eschewe and their fine wittes to shew that they may winne the praise and I to hold the candle whilest they their glorious works with eloquence sette forth so cunningly inuented so finely indited that my bokes maie seme worthie to occupie no roome For neither is mi wit so finelie filed nother mi learning so largly lettred nother yet mi laiser so quiet and vncōbered that I maie perform iustlie so learned a laboure or accordinglie to accomplishe so haulte an enforcement yet maie I thinke thus This candle did I light this lighte haue I kindeled that learned men maie se to practise their pennes their eloquence to aduance to register their names in the booke of memorie I drew the platte rudelie whereon thei maie builde whom god hath indued with learning and liuelihod For liuing by laboure doth learning so hinder that learning serueth liuinge whiche is a peruers trade Yet as carefull familie shall cease hir cruell callinge and suffre anie laiser to learninge to repaire I will not cease from trauaile the pathe so to trade that finer wittes maie fashion them selues with such glimsinge dull light a more complete woorke at laiser to finisshe with inuencion agreable and aptnes of eloquence And this gentle reader I hartelie protest where erroure hathe happened I wisshe it redrest TO THE MOST NOble and puissaunt prince Edwarde the sixte by the grace of God of England Fraunce and Ireland kynge defendour of the faithe and of the Churche of England and Irelande in earth the supreme head IT IS NOT VNKNOwen to youre maiestie moste soueraigne lorde what great disceptacion hath been amongest the wyttie men of all nacions for the exacte knoweledge of true felicitie bothe what it is and wherin it consisteth touchynge whiche thyng their opinions almoste were as many in numbre as were the persons of them that either disputed or wrote therof But and if the diuersitie of opinions in the vulgar sort for placyng of their felicitie shall be considered also the varietie shall be found so great and the opinions so dissonant yea plainly monsterouse that no honest witte would vouchesafe to lose time in hearyng thē or rather as I may saie no witte is of so exact remembrance that can consider together the monsterouse multitude of them all And yet not withstādyng this repugnant diuersitie in two thynges do they all agree First all do agre that felicitie is and ought to be the stop and end of all their doynges so that he that hath a full desire to any thyng how so euer it be estemed of other mē yet he estemeth him self happie if he maie obtain it and contrary waies vnhappie if he can not attaine it And therfore do all men put their whole studie to gette that thyng wherein they haue perswaded them self that felicitie doth consist Wherfore some whiche put their felicitie in fedyng their bellies thinke no pain to be hard nor no dede to be vnhonest that may be a meanes to fill that foule pauche Other which put their felicitie in play and ydle pastimes iudge no time euill spent that is employed therabout nor no fraude vnlawfull that may further their winning If I should particularly ouerrūne but the common sortes of men which put their felicitie in their desires it wold make a great boke of it self Therfore wyl I let them al go and conclude as I began That all men employ their whole endeuour to that thing wherin thei thinke felicitie to stand whiche thyng who so listeth to mark exactly shall be able to espie and iudge the natures of al men whose conuersaciō he doth know though thei vse great dissimulacion to colour their desires especially whē they perceiue other men to mislyke that which thei so much desire For no mā wold gladly haue his appetite improued And herof cōmeth that secōnde thing wherin al agree that euery man would most gladly win all other men to his sect and to make thē of his opinion and as far as he dare will dispraise all other mens iudgemētes and praise his own waies only onles it be when he dissimuleth and that for the furtherāce of his own purpose And this propertie also doth geue great light to the full knowledge of mens natures which as all men ought to obserue so princes aboue other haue most cause to mark for sundrie occasions which may lye them on wherof I shall not nede to speke any farther consideryng not only the greatnes of wit and exactnes of iudgement whiche god hath lent vnto your highnes person but also the most graue wisdom and profoūd knowledge of your maiesties most honorable coūcel by whō your highnes may so sufficiently vnderstād all thinges conuenient that lesse shal it nede to vnderstand by priuate readyng but yet not vtterly to refuse to read as often as occasion may serue for bokes dare speake when men feare to displease But to returne agayne to my firste matter if none other good thing maie be lerned at their maners which so wrōgfully place their felicity in so miserable a cōditiō that while they thinke them selfes happy their felicitie must nedes seme vnluckie to be by them so euill placed yet this may men learn at them by those .ij. spectacles to espye the secrete natures and dispositions of others whiche thyng vnto a wise man is muche auailable And thus will I omit