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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09897 Depopulation arraigned, convicted and condemned, by the lawes of God and man a treatise necessary in these times; by R.P. of Wells, one of the Societie of New Inne. Powell, Robert, fl. 1636-1652.; England and Wales. Proceedings. 1631. Nov. 23. Court of Star Chamber. 1636 (1636) STC 20160; ESTC S101175 44,216 152

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or modus decimandi must presently be set on foot a prohibition speedily had and the litigious Countrymans next labour is to provide for a tryall at the assizes and to prepare as the too common proverbe is horresco referens good swearers that may cleave a pinne and so by horrid perjury outstrip God and his Ministers of their just dues It is lamentable to see what perplexed swearing and counterswearing do often happen upon such tryalls Qui rem Sacram legit He that robs Churches or Chappels or other holy places and takes any ornaments out of them feloniously is to suffer death by the Law without benefit of Clergy I will not terme the Depopulator Sacrilegus Sacred things which are stollen a way may be possibly found and had againe But I shall call him sacrivorus such a devouring Leviathan that swallowes Steeples Churches and whole fields and makes a non entitie and takes away the very being of sacred things appoynted and designed for the glory of God and the maintenance of religigion Hee adnuls that sacred rule honour God with thy substance and with the first fruits of all thine increase Pro. 2.9 The Prophet brandeth such men with a just accusation of robbery will a man rob God yet yee have robbed mee But ye say wherein have we robbed thee in tithes and offerings ye are cursed with a curse for yee have robbed mee Malac. 3.8 Therefore just was the complaint of the Parliament 4 He. 7. ca. 19. That Churches were destroyed and the service of God withdrawne by diminution of Church living decay of tithes and the like and Patrons of Churches and Curats Gods Ministers were wronged Patitur respublica Sect. 39 In whatsoever the King doth suffer the Publike-weale hath a share if the Head be grieved the whole Body will sympathize The Common-Weale of England is a Society or common doing of Freemen collected together and united by common accord and governed by the administation of lawes as well in peace as in warre under the Princely rule and protection of an absolute Monarch who under God is supreme head both of Church and State and acknowledgeth no other Superiour It is called the Common-weale quia respicit communem utilitatem because it respecteth the common good The Depopulator strikes at the verie structure and frame of a Common-weale by dispeopling of Societies in Townes Parishes and Hamlets He brings in Idlenesse the ground and foundation of all mischiefes accompanied with luxury ebrietie unlawfull games and all other lewd practices and conditions of life He is the common inhanser of the prizes of all manner of Corne Graine and Victuall and of all the old rents of ancient Farmes and Possessions Hee makes the kingdome beholding to forraigne Countries for importation of Corne in times of scarcitie By his unconscionable inclosures the Kings high wayes are streightned and impaired and commonly foundred to the hinderance and impediment of common mercature and travaile to and fro There is not one good qualitie in him for the common good Sect. 40 Patitur pauper The poore suffers for whereas by tillage and husbandrie the greater part of the subjects are preserved from extreme povertie in a competent estate of maintenance and meanes to live now by the decay of it multitudes of people not able to provide necessarie victuals and cloathing for themselves and their families are so discouraged with miserie and povertie that they daily fall to theft robberie and other inconveniences and either die by the hand of Iustice or perish and starve in a Gaole It is woefull to see that those places are now more pestered with poore prisoners than heretofore they were As it doth depauperate able men so for want of almes and gleanings it is a meanes to starve and famish them when they are made poore for the poore labourer who like the painfull Ant was wont in harvest time to glean and lease up so much corne as would thriftily maintaine him a good part of the winter is now for want of tillage destituted of that benefit Sect. 41 But now God and the wisdome of our great Soveraigne by him inspired be blessed Passurus est depopulator you have heard him discovered described arraigned convicted ere long you shall heare his sentence His crime is no lesse than crimen laesae majestatis high Treason against the sacred Trinity of heaven in compassing about the violating cancelling of that great Charter or magna Charta of terram dedit filiis hominum ut operarentur and indeavouring to overthrow Gods institution of husbandrie primum opus impositum and in stead of operari to bring in otiari in stead of many labourers in the harvest to maintaine onely a shepheard and his Curre Sect. 42 The Charter of confirmation of the liberties of England and the forrests made 10. Octo. 25. Edw. 1.1297 doth provide cap. 4. that all Archbishops and Bishops should pronounce the sentence of excommunication against all those that by word deed or counsell doe contrary to the said Charters or that in any point breake or undoe them and that the said Curses should be twice a yeare denounced and published by the Prelats aforesaid The sentence of excommunication is extant stiled sententia lata super confirmatione Chartarum whereby Robert Winchesly then Archbishop of Canterbury did excomunicate all the violaters of those Charters from the body of our Lord Iesus Christ from all the company of heaven and from all the Sacraments of holy Church for ever fiat fiat Amen Though neither the Anathema of that time being now expired nor any of this time doe meet with them yet let them expect my charity interdicts the word Curse but little blessing from heaven Sure I am the sacred Scripture pronounceth many a Vae many woes against the severall qualities and species of that grand offence One they have heard already a Vae qui abscondit c. Sect. 43 A covetous man is described that his eye is neither satisfied with riches neither saith he For whom doe I labour and bereave my soule of good Eccle. 4.8 and presently followes vers 10. a Vae soli woe to him that is alene The Depopulator may take up this woe who will be alone in his habitation without the comfort of neighberhood alone in his actions without any participation with other and he shall bee alone in his punishment Vae soli Woe to him that is alone when he falleth for hee hath not another to helpe him He that offends all generally may have the prayers of many to convert him but scarce the prayers of any to helpe him Solitudinem faciunt habent shall be the Motto of such persons Qui neminem miseretur à nemine miserebitur He that pittieth none shall bee pittied of none There is a Vae qui conjungitis domum ad domum Isai 5.8 Wo unto them that joyne house to house that lay field to field till there bee no place that they may bee placed in the midst of