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A08425 A reproufe, written by Alexander Nowell, of a booke entituled, A proufe of certayne articles in religion denied by M. Iuell, set furth by Thomas Dorman, Bachiler of Diuinitie: and imprinted at Antvverpe by Iohn Latius. Anno. 1564. Set foorth and allowed, according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions; Reproufe of a booke entituled, A proufe of certayne articles in religion denied by M. Juell Nowell, Alexander, 1507?-1602.; Dorman, Thomas, d. 1577? Proufe of certeyne articles in religion, denied by M. Juell. 1565 (1565) STC 18741; ESTC S113385 180,927 268

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noted are those who be subiect to no Prelate And vpon the other part againe let M. Dorman conclude as wel against all kingdomes cōmon wealthes in Christendome that they be liue monsters as hauing many heades for that they haue God in heauen to their head and their seuerall Princes in earth to their heades and gouernours as he for like cause concludeth our particular churches to be liue monsters And I doubt not but M. Dorman so reasoninge shall playnely appéere though not to all men that haue heades yet to all that haue reason in their heades to reason more like a trūke than a man who though he haue an head vpon his shoulders yet dooth he by such monstrous and vnreasonable reasoning showe himselfe to haue but small wit and lesse learning in his head Al this adoo hath M. Dorman made now by the space of more than thrée leaues to deface the scripture as no fitte iudge in cōtrouersies to perswade vs that the Pope like an other Pythagoras by his onely bare woorde may and ought to satisfie all mē heretikes others that it shal be sufficiēt for him onely to say without reason or scripture why he so sayeth sauing this reason onely Papae est pro ratione voluntas With the Pope will standeth for reason as is mentioned in the booke of his owne Canon lawe To this ende all his examples of the Suenkfeldians Arrians Anabaptistes matters moste impertinent to his proposed mater doo tende This is the conclusion of all that you shrinking frō the scripture should not shrinke from the Romaine chaire but stick to the Popes theron sitting by vvhom all haeretikes haue been and these shall be to their vtter confusion vanquished For vvhat one haeretike are they hable to recon ouerthrovven by the scripture VVas Arrius vvere the Anabaptistes ouerthrovven by the scriptures nay that vvere they not These be M. Dormans owne woordes But for that I am not so certaine of the certaintie of the Popes iudgement as M. Dorman is I will be so bolde after his example to demaunde of him certaine shorte questions touching the Pope as iudge as he hath made of the scripture as no iudge What if there be twoo or three Popes at once as often hath been for Dnuphrius reckeneth 26. schismes in in the church of Rome of which some one hath dured about 40. yeres together in euery of the whiche schismes were at the leaste twoo Popes at once when there be I saye two or moe Popes at once one cursing an other one breakyng and disanulling the decrees made by an other one persecuting and killynge an other is it not to be doubted whiche of them shall be this certaine iudge in controuersies And whether in this case the popishe churche be not in daunger to be a liue monster as hauing many heades And on the contrarie part what if we haue neuer a Pope at all for so hath it happened many times for one or twoo yeres together as after Pope Gregorie the. 7. the sée of Rome was vacant one yere after Coelestine the. 4. one yere and. 8. monethes After Clement the. 4. twoo yeres 9. monethes after Nicolas the. 4. twoo yeres and thrée monethes After Clement the. 5. twoo yeres thrée monethes And after Iohn the. 23. it was vacant twoo yeres and fiue monethes shal al our doubtes lie for that time vndiscussed for lacke of a iudge and your popish church so long lie as a dead truncke for lacke of an head Or els whether shall Peters chayre though emptie bee both iudge head too good enough for y e popishe church and suche a bodie as it is What if the Pope sitte not at Rome in Italie which is Peters sée and chayre but at Auinion in Fraunce as Popes did for the space of 70. yeres together may we not doubte of the certaintie of the iudge not sittyng in the chayre whereof he hath all his certaintie or els dooeth he carie his chayre about into all countreis for y t the whole world is his diocesse as in his Canon lawe is mentioned What if the Pope doo erre as all the Canonistes Gratian Gerson Caietane and many others thinke he may What if he bee an heretike as Athanasius S. Hierome Gratian Erasmus the generall Coūcelles the sixt the Councell of Constance and Basill testifie that diuers Popes haue been must he yet néedes be iudge and his iudgement certaine also What if his election be vncertaine or vnlaufull he enteryng in by force ambition symonie periurie as Platina testifieth many of them haue entered and in whiche case not onely Gerson Gratian Caietane and all the Canonistes but also Pope Nicolas the seconde hymselfe doo affirme that he is to be deposed as no lawfull Pope and not Apostolicus but Apostaticus not Apostolike but an Apostata must he yet be the moste certaine and onely iudge What if we haue a shée Pope suche as was Pope Iohane otherwise Iohn the eight must the iudgementes and woorde of our woman Pope be certayne and the iudgementes and woorde of God vncertaine What if the Popes successours dooe disanull their predecessours Popes decrees and make decrées most contrary to them pull them out of their graues whan they be dead and disgrade them is here no incertaintie which Popes and Papall decrees are to be folowed whiche to be reiected Nowe if the matter be the Popes owne case as is this of his supremacie he must be both partie and iudge too whiche his own Canon lawe forbiddeth These doubtes with a great manie moe whereof you shall also shortely heare more at large god wylling haue I good M. Dorman about the Pope as the onely certaine iudge in all controuersies and I desire to be resolued at your handes who are so certaine of the certaintie of his Papall iudgements that you are author to vs to flie from the scriptures as vncertaine to them as moste certaine and infallible For séeynge the spirite of God doth so oft call the scriptures Iudicia iudgementes yea ● Iudicia iusticiae Dei the iudgementes of the iustice of God and viam veritatis the way of truthe for the certaintie of their iudgement as I take it vntill you haue resolued me of these doubtes and many other about the Pope your Romaine iudge and his consistorie you shall hardly perswade me and as I thinke many moe to beleue that the scripture that is to saye the woorde of God should be vncertain and the Popes that is to say mans and sometime womans woorde to be most certain And besides this text Deus verax omnis autem homo mendax I thinke you shall not finde many moe for your purpose Dorman fol. 14 Aske of them vvith vvhat face they coulde so many yeres together call king Henry the eight supreame head of the churche of England immediatly vnder God and novv our gracious soueraigne lady his daughter supreme gouernour in all
ecclesiastical thinges and causes ouer the same vvhiche hovv so euer they please themselues vvith fine fetches and coloured deuises is vvith the other title in effect al one if this reason of theirs vvere good Christ is head of the churche therefore there is no other head therof vnder him And hovve vvas king Henry then If they saye that their meaning is that no man can because Christ is head of the vniuersall churche be vnder him head of the vvhole but may vvell be of some particuler churche as king Henry vvas and the Quenes maiestie novve is Then demaunde of them vvhat reason they haue to leade them to say that a particuler membre of the churche as the churche of Englande can bee no more maie haue an other head beside Christe and the whole bodie maie not and whye one member maie haue twoo heades more then one bodie Nowell Now after his long digressions and declamations against the Suenkfeldians against the Arrians and Anabaptistes and against the conferēce of scriptures the manne remembryng hymself retourneth sodainlie to his matter by a question And in deede he taketh on with his Herotemata and other rollyng Rhetoricall figures exceadynglie now that he draweth towarde a conclusion Flie those sticke to those saieth M. Dorman Shrinke not from those Tell those you are at a poincte with them Saie to them as saincte Hierome saied Tell them bouldlie with sainct Augustine Aske of them with what face then demaunde of them againe with what reason with many other Rhetoricall floures wherewith he hath geuen a faire floorishe to his finall conclusion Magno conatu magnas nugas agens as thei saie makyng greate adooe aboute greate trifles as I doubte not but all wise menne will iudge Aske of them saieth maister Dorman with what face thei could call Kyng Henrie the eight so many yeres supreame heade of the Churche of Englande c. As though the man had so proued the contrarie that none durste shewe his face to gainesaie hym whereas all he hath saied is not woorthe one rushe Aske of them ꝙ he with what face Naie aske of your forsworne fathers the old Papistes for some of them are yet liuyng who gaue hym that title firste with what face thei did geue it hym did sweare it to hym and so long tyme cōtinued so callyng hym if thei did not so thinke as thei saied and had sworne but dissembled deepelie aske of them with what face thei plaied so false dissemblyng hypocrites to saie but soberlie with so noble a prince their soueraigne Lorde Aske of them what maner of subiectes thei were all that while feignyng in face in countenaunce in woorde and writyng also yea and takyng a solemne othe to be with their prince therein and beyng in harte and déede on the Pope his sworne enemie his side Whiche passeth hauyng of twoo faces vnder one hoode But if thei thought in deede as thei pretended in woordes then aske of thē with what face thei did chaunge their copie forsweare the same and themselues with all so easilie afterwarde yea and compelled al other to be forsworne with them for companie If it will please you to resorte to the recordes of the .xxij. and .xxiiij. yeres of king Henry the eight there shall you finde who thei were that first offered this title to the saied kyng there shall you finde that all Abbottes and other religious all the Bishops Deanes Archedeacons and Cleargie of bothe the houses of the Conuocation then liuyng gaue hym that title Emōgest whom if you finde one protestante I can for hym finde one score of papistes to speake with the least and peraduenture one hundreth too And those protestantes who gaue hym that title dealed simplie and plainly with their Prince as becomed true subiectes as the sequele declared But there shall you finde an huge number of Papistes who by their writyng not onelie saiyng by their othe not woorde onely reiected all that false vsurped supremacie of the Pope whiche you and thei as many of them as yet bee liuyng without all face or with a shamelesse face dooe now maintaine there shall you finde who gaue to Kyng Henrie the supremacie ouer the cleargie as well as the laitie within his owne dominions there shall you finde who thei were that so falsely dissembled and that so many yeres together with their soueraigne lorde There shall you finde who thei were that chaunged their copie and turned with the wind as the wethercocke there shall you finde who thei were that so falsely sware resware triesware forsware themselues and not content therewith did so cruelly by all moste terrible tormentes and dreadfull deathes compell others to periurie with thē S●ing therefore thus standeth the case with what face soeuer M. Dorman moueth suche demaundes and vexeth vs with suche leude questions to bee enquired otherwhere surelie he dooeth it without all forehead or shamefastnesse Now to the matter by what right wée geue the Quéenes maiestie the title of the supreme gouernour in Ecclesiasticall matters as well as temporall and with what face we so call her is to be answered in the second parte of M. Dormans diuision where he affirmeth that priestes onely and not princes ought to haue the gouernemēt of the churche wherin I doubt nothyng to aduouche and that shortly the princes due authoritie in the churche of God within their own dominions with better face authoritie reason and conscience then you haue dooen or shalbée able to dooe in the mainteinaunce of the Popes foraine false vsurped supremacie Where M. Dorman requireth a reason why a particuler church maie haue one head gouernor vnder Christ in earth and the whole church maie not why one member maie and the whole bodie maie not haue any head I truste the reason is not to seeke in the good readers memorie seyng it hath been so ofte declared before Yet will I answere M. Dormā his question by an other questiō Why maie one kingdom haue one head in earth vnder God as daily experiēce teacheth the whole worlde can not haue one onely head in earth vnder God that Monarchie being reserued to himself alone and why in this case the member maie haue an earthly heade besides God and the whole bodie maie not If M. Dorman saie the questions bee not like I aske with what face he can so saie seing that in the beginnyng of this his treatie he brought the example of ciuill gouernemente in the whiche euery kyngdome hath his Kyng euery countrey citie and companie haue their seuerall gouernours c. to prooue that the churche ought likewise to haue one head But I wotte what maister Dorman and other Papistes would saie to my question if the tymes serued them Thei would quickelie aunswere that the whole worlde hath and ought to haue one onely head in earth vnder God and therefore the Churche in like wise oughte to haue one onely head in earth vnder Christe And if thei were demaunded who is or should be that
Popes supremacie as dooeth his maister D. Hardyng who hath these woordes It is not good saieth Homere to haue many rulers lette one bee ruler It is true that Homere saieth it is not good to haue many equal rulers ouer one countrey or nation but this maketh nothyng to proue that there should bee one heade ouer all the Churche throughout the worlde excepte D. Hardyng can proue that Agamemnon was kyng of all the worlde or at the least that Homere meant he should so bee but he meante nothyng lesse for he speaketh of the gouernemente of the armie of the Greekes onely And so I graunt it is good likewise that one bishop doo gouerne one diocesse as it was good in Homers iudgemente that one graunde capitaine should gouerne the Greeke armie And thus muche by the waie to D. Hardyng his Poeticall argumente for the Popes supremacie Now seyng it pleased doctor Hardyng to make mention of Aristotle who misliketh not Aristocratie that is to saie the gouernyng of the beste and wisest men beyng a competente number and seyng further that many cities haue been and bee farre better gouerned in Democratie by many rulers chosen of the people then euer was the whole churche by one Pope It is presumptuouslie doen by M. Dorman bothe against his maister doctor Hardyng and against Aristotle so noble a philosopher and to zelously for one Pope to safe thei be all blinde that can not see the necessitie of one onely head gouernour euery where And it maie seme to some that suche kinde of speache doeth not so muche spryng out of absurditie of the matter as out of the disposition of M. Dormans drousie head and dimme sight Let vs in Englande bee in that poincte of the best iudgement and in the beste case as we be in déede vnder so moderate a Monarchie and yet let them withall who haue of long tyme been vnder the quiete gouernemente of many reasonable rulers neither bee starke blind neither though not in so happie a state as are we yet in no vnhappy case as it semeth M. Dormā would place them But let euery nation citie thinke it self moste happie in that state of regiment that God hath placed it in And concernyng the gouernement of the vniuersall Churche seyng it standeth of so many or rather innumerable thousandes of menne and women of al countries nations and languages throughout the whole worlde so that it can not possiblie be ruled and gouerned by one neither was it by God appoincted to bee by one gouerned no more then the whole worlde it self the seuerall kyngdomes countries thereof being appoincted by God to seuerall kynges and gouernours Yet if it must nedes be gouerned by popes seyng it nedeth many gouernours I would we had many Popes were thei good gouernours but beyng as thei are false vsurpers and cruell tyrauntes one Pope is to many by one Concernyng the auoydyng and quietyng of Schismes and troubles in the Churche we saie that as the seuerall kynges of euery kyngdome the seuerall gouernours of euery countrie and citie c. are able to ouersee their seuerall charges and to kepe their people in ciuill order and peace so are the seuerall Bishoppes of euery diocesse and the seuerall chief prelates of euery prouince able to auoide or to appeace if thei rise all schismes and troubles ecclesiasticall as saincte Cyprian out of whom this reason is borowed and falslie wrested by thē to an other purpose dooeth moste plainlie teache saiyng thus Cum statutum sit omnibus nobis c. Whereas an order saieth saincte Cyprian is taken emongest vs all and it is right and reasonable that euery mannes cause be there heard where the fault was cōmitted and wheras euery Bishoppe hath a part of the flocke assigned to hym whiche he ought to rule and gouerne and for the whiche he muste g●ue an accompte vnto the Lorde it is not conuenient that suche as bee vnder their gouernaunce should runne from one Bishoppe to an other but there to make answere in their causes where thei maie haue accusers and witnesses of their crimes Excepte suche desperate persones thinke the authoritie of Bishoppes in Afrike to bée lesse then is the authoritie of other Bishoppes Thus farre saincte Cyprian with muche more in the same place expresly affirmyng that it is right and reason that seuerall Bishoppes haue the gouernemente of seu●rall diocesses euen for the same cause for the whiche you doo vntruely alledge the necessitie of one heade and declaryng the commoditie of pacifiyng of heresies Schismes and dissentions for of them he speaketh in that place and of correctiō of vices by euery suche seuerall Bishoppe in his owne charge mosie directlie against D. Hardyng and M. Dormans doctrine of pacifiyng of schismes by one onelie head of the vniuersall Churche affirming all suche appellations from a Bishoppe of one countrey to a Bishoppe of an other countrey to be vnlawfull for that all Bishoppes of all countries be of like authoritie and that none but naughtie and desperate menne doo thinke the authoritie of some bishoppes to be inferiour to the authoritie of other And further folowyng D. Hardyng and M. Dormans owne groundes wee saie that as God is the one heauenlie kyng ouer all the worlde and yet hath not appoincted any one man to bee his onelie deputie in earth ouer all the Kyngdomes of the worlde but that the whole worlde is gouerned by his prouidence as the onelie kyng thereof and by the ministerie of many seuerall kynges and rulers whom he hath seuerally appoincted ouer euery nation as his deputies as is expreslie declared in the scripture so in like wise is Christe the onelie heauenlie heade of his Churche and neither neadeth nor hath appoincted any one persone in earth to bee his deputie or vicar generall ouer all the churche throughout the worlde but by his prouidence and the ministerie of many Bishoppes his seuerall vicars in euery diocesse bothe hath and dooth well gouerne his Churche and that as it is impossible that there should bee one onelie earthlie kyng ouer all the worlde as by the state of the worlde from the beginnyng hitherto is moste manifest and in case there were one yet were it impossible for that one to ouersée his charge and to keepe all the worlde in Ciuill order seyng the wisest kinges that be haue of one particular kyngdome their handfull as thei saie so in like maner is it impossible that there should be one generall head in earth ouer the vniuersall Churche or all Churches dispersed throughout all the world conteinyng so many nations so diuerse languages and natures of men or that suche an head could ouersee his charge keepe all Churches from Schismes and troubles and pacifie them when thei were risen This as a thyng tried by the state of the worlde at this daie and euer sith the first beginnyng thereof I leaue to thy reasonable consideration good reader to determine betwixte vs. Dorman Fol. 5. And because good