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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05808 The manuall of prayers, or the prymer in Englyshe set out at lengthe, whose contentes the reader by the prologe next after the kalendar, shal sone perceaue and there in shal se brefly the order of the whole boke. Set forth by Ihon late bysshope of Rochester at the co[m]aundement the ryght honorable Lorde Thomas Cro[m]wel, Lorde Priuie seale Uicegerent to the Kynges hyghnes.; Book of hours (Salisbury). English Church of England.; Hilsey, John, d. 1539. aut 1539 (1539) STC 16010; ESTC S105269 116,690 240

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he sayd vnto his mother Woman behold thy sonne Thā said he to the disciple Beholde thy mother And from the houre the disciple toke her for his owne After that whā Iesus perceyued that al thynges were performed that the scriptur myght be fulfylled he sayd I thyrst There stode a vessell full of vynegre by And they fylled a sponge wyth vynegre woūde it about with ysope put it to his mouth Assone as Iesus had receyued of the vynegre he said It is fynyshed And bowed his head gaue vp the goost The Iewes thā because it was the Sabboth euen the the body shuld not remayne vpō the crosse on the Sabboth daye for that Sabboth day was an hyghe day besought Pylate that theyr legges myght be broken that they myght be takē downe Thā came the souldyers brake the legges of the fyrste and of the other which was crucifyed wyth Iesus But whan they came to Iesus saw that he was dead already they brake not his legges but one of the souldyers with a speare thruste hym into the syde and forthwyth came out bloud water And he that sawe it bare recorde his recorde is true And he knoweth that he sayth true that ye myght beleue also These thynges were done that the scripture myght be fulfylled ye shall not breake a bone of hym And agayne an other scripture sayeth They shall loke on hym whom they pearsed After that Ioseph of Aramathia which was a disciple of Iesus but secretly for feare of the Iewes besought Pylate that he myght take downe the body of Iesus And Pilate gaue hym lycence And ther came also Nicodemus whiche at the begynnynge came to Iesus by nyght and brought of myrre aloes myngled together aboute an hundred pounde wayght Thā toke they the body of Iesu woūde it in lynnen clothes wyth the odoures as the maner of the Iewes is to bury And in the place wher Iesus was crucyfyed was a garden and in the garden a new sepulchre wherin was neuer mā layde There layde they Iesus because of the Iewes Saboth euen for the sepulchre was nyghe at hande ¶ The versycle ¶ Thou that suffredest for vs. ¶ The answere ¶ Lorde haue mercye on vs. ¶ A prayer O Lorde whyche hast displayed thyne handes and fete and all thy body on a crosse for oure synnes suffredest the Iewes to set a crowne of thorne on thy heade in despyte of thy moost holy name And for vs synners dyddeste sufire fyue greuous woūdes gyue vs this daye and euer the vse of lyght sence and vnderstandyng of penaūce abstinence paciens humilite and chastite and a pure conscience euermore By the Iesu Christ sauyoure of the worlde whyche lyuest and reygnest wyth the father and the holy goost God Worlde wythout ende O Lorde for thy greate mercy and grace Helpe thy people that so fayne wolde haue Thy holy Gospell preached in euery place And that thou thy flocke maye saue From the daunger of eternall fyre For whyche all Christen people praye and desyre So be it ¶ A lesson of the Gospell of Saynte Luke mencionynge the resurrection of Christ Luc. ●●iii● BVt vpon one of the Sabbothes very early in the mornynge they came vnto the Sepulchre and brought the spices which they had prepared and certayne women with thē Neuerthelesse they founde the stone rolled awaye frome the sepulchre and wente in and foūde not the body of the Lorde Iesu And it happened as they were amased therat beholde there stode by them two men in shynynge garmentes And they were afrayed and caste downe theyr faces to the earth Then sayde they vnto thē What seke ye the lyuynge amonge the deade he is not here he is rysen vp Remembre how that he told you when he was yet in Galyle and sayde The sonne of man must be delyuered into the handes of synners and be crucyfyed and the thyrde daye ryse agayne And they remembred his wordes wente from the sepulchre and tolde all thys vnto the eleuen and to all the other It was Mary Magdalene and Iohanna and Mary Iames the other wyth them that tolde this vnto the Apostles And theyr wordes semed vnto thē as though they had bene but fables and they beleued them not But Peter arose and ranne to the sepulchre stouped in and sawe the lynnen clothes layd by thē selues and departed And he wondred wythin hymselfe at that which had happened ¶ Thankes be to God ¶ A lesson of the Gospell of Saynt Marke mencyonynge the ascenscion of Christ Mar. xvi AT the last as the eleuē sat at the table he shewed hymselfe vnto them and rebuked theyr vnbelefe the hardnes of their hert because they beleued not them whych had sene hym rysen And he sayd vnto thē Go ye your waye into all the worlde and preache the Gospell vnto all creatures Who so beleueth and is baptysed shall be saued But who so beleueth not shal be damned As for the tokens whiche shall follow thē that beleue these are they In my name shall they cast out deuels Speake with new tonges dryue awaye serpentes And yf they drynke any deadlye thynge it shal not hurte thē They shal laye theyr handes vpon the sycke and they shal recouer And the Lorde after that he had spoken vnto thē was taken vp into heauen and sytteth at the ryghte hande of God And they wente out and preached euery where And the Lorde wrought wyth thē confyrmed the worde with tokens followynge ¶ The secōde parte of thys Manuall called prayer ¶ An order and forme of byddynge of the bedes by the kynges commaundement YE shall praye for the whole Congregacion of Christes Church and specyally for this church of Englande wherin fyrste I commende to your deuout prayers the kynges moost excellent maiestye supreme heade immediatly vnder God of the spiritualty and temporaltie of the same churche and for the prosperite of the noble Prince Edwarde hys sonne ¶ Secondely ye shall praye for the clergye the Lordes temporall and commons of this realme be sechynge almyghty God to gyue euery one of thē in hys degre grace to vse themselues in such wyse as maye be to hys contentation the kynges honoure and the weale of the realme ¶ Thyrdly ye shall praye for the soules that be departed abydynge the mercy of almyghty god that it maye please hym rather at the contemplacion of our prayers to graunte them the fruycion of hys presence ¶ The seuen peticions of the Pater noster ¶ The fyrst peticion OVre father whych arte in heauen hallowed be thy name ¶ The seconde peticion Thy kyngdome come ¶ The thyrde peticion Thy wyll be done in earth as it is in heauen ¶ The fourth peticion Gyue vs thys daye oure dayly breade ¶ The fyfte peticion And forgyue vs our trespasses as we forgyue thē that trespace agaynst vs. ¶ The syxte peticion And let vs not be led into temptacion ¶ The seuenth peticion But delyuer vs from euyll Amen