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A69004 Two little workes defensiue of our redemption that our Lord went through the veile of his flesh into heaven, to appeare before God for vs. Which iourney a Talmudist, as the Gospell, would terme, a going vp to Paradise: but heathen Greeke, a going downe to Hades, and Latin, descendere ad inferos. Wherein the vnlearned barbarous, anger God and man, saying, that Iesus descended to Hell: and yeelde vnto the blasphemous Iewes by sure consequence vpon their words, that he should not be the Holy one of God. By Hugh Broughton. Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612. 1604 (1604) STC 3892; ESTC S113871 5,914 10

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the King but being taught how he was caught in his owne syllogisme thus The place which our Lordes soule went to hence telleth what Hades his HELL meaneth in the Creede But Paradise is the place which our Lord went to hence Therefore Paradise is the HELL of the Creed being taught how he was caught he sent his Chaplayne M. Greffrey King obteyning the Queenes hand for his leaue to agree with his adversarie and he vpon agreement returned presently saying that he should be sent againe but presently after he came home hee would write Conditions were not kept The libell was still solde and Machmadisme was in it and a contumelious mockage of Christ and all Christians Iewes when he said Ruben the Iewe his Ebrew Epistle was forged whereby he hindred the defence of Christianitie and deserved rooting out Besides that after the King was ours Paules sold the treason of the libel For not stāding to his covenant three Greeke Orations plaid vpon him and one dedicated to the King and Brettish nation in Queene Elizabets dayes And after all this Epistle At the first sight he laid the blame on Bar Lo that vsurped his auctoritie as being guiltles yet when at the Court a Duke shewed what he had done he fell as dead soone died The party greeued was much greeued at his death because he had protested he never spake against him Yet as Ely so he by softnes paid for others blame while he repressed not bad soules And his Gentlemen wished Bar Lo vnborne as more griefe to the Archbishop then all that ever were his adversaries not only for his libel against the Scottish mist full of most deadly treason and full of blaspemy and lying against God and man But also for his Satanean declamation at Paules against the best Nobilitie and the best bent for the good of the State against whom the Iscariot railed and raged whereby the Nobilitie iustly terme him The vilest that is this day vnder the cope of heaven as bent against God the King the Nobilitie and all humanitie So Bar Lo will be his notation To the aged Sir IOHN of Canterb. Archbishop grace and truth MAISTER Francis Hall told that your G. depriued M. Pickaerd and him of their benefices and gaue both to Bar Lo whom he described after his name a babe most bad for defending your Gehenna which haeresie of yours was vsed for a barr that you were not fit to confirme others who so erred your selfe against all the Bible all Greekes and Hebrewes That the children whiche you would haue confirmed and you together may be truly firmed herein behold your owne graunt in D. Bilson to whom in Bar Lo his booke your grace wisedome referreth the vnlearned for a learned defence of your minde which held that the Creed telleth whether our Lordes soule went hence And this is your Proposition myne too and you will aduenture your eternall state vpon it and I myne This it is The Place into which our Lordes soule went hence is Hades or Hell of the Creede This position is built vpon a rocke that no storme windes nor waues can shake it And if we agree to what place our Lord his soule went hence we agree what Hades or your Hell is in the Creede Nowe to your Proposition this assumption D. Bilson layeth downe fol●o 219. Paradise is the place to which our Lord went hence Therefore by your owne graūt Hades or Hell in the Creede is Paradise Seeing then the whole tenour of Moses and the Gospell cannot mooue you seeing the vniversall iudgement of the Hebrewes for their owne tongue can not mooue you seeing 3000. yeares heathen Greeke cannot mooue you and Eulogines Patriarcha 1200. yeres old with all other Christian Greekes which doe place Abraham in Hades can not mooue you and seeing the Zurick confession which sayth per Inferos intelligimus non locum supplicij designatum impijs sed defunctos fideles sinum Abrahae can not mooue you let your owne confession mooue you and publish it in print that the simple deceaued by you may know how you led them to deny that our Lorde went through the vaile of his flesh into the most holy Which they that will denie may as well denie all religion and trueth of God You haue most highly iniuried the Maiestie of God pretendinge that Sheol Psal 16. was the Devils lodge which no Ebrew euer thought neither suffreth Moses to thinke contemning the Gospell for the hand of God receaving the holy soule of our Lord pervertinge sorowes of death into the second death Act. 2. to befooll all Christianitie turning Saint Paul to Gehennean darknes where he purposelie speaketh of the Gospells brightnes in these three iniuries you staine all the Bible while you make some iarr from all the rest and befoole the most holy Writers This your sinne is haynous So your despising of Ebrew DD. For their owne tongue wil be holden of the Scottish mist and Brettish nation and all nations a brutish parte and no lesse the reiecting of Heathen Greeke for the Creede penned for heathen and your restrayning of Greeke only to Poets and your teaching as generall that Hades in them is vgly this your learning wil be holden babish Also where D. Bilson reiecteth the world of soules as checking all Iewes in their owne tongue his wrangling was senseles that he knew no place where soules were togeather Hath he euer seene in this world all bodyes togeather other saw them not yet the speach this world is currant with all men And for Hades Macedones call it Heaven Portus Dictionarie would haue taught you so much though you sought no deeper Graetians And in Clemens Alexandrinus Hades is Iuppiter To your blame for denying the lxx in Psal 110. a warrant for the New Test Greeke you say nothing as damned And D. Bilson saith the Greeke Fathers vnderstood not Josephs Haden Such owles you bring to Athens and make your Witgifte a scoph to all learned Also you answer nothing to your blame for saying that it were better the trueth of Daniel were hid then antiquitie should be disgraced for missing Others thought it a gracelesse speach So when you condemne Saint Paul for cursing Ananias which thing he was bound to doe by expresse lawes for stryking treacherouslie and misleading the blind you check Christ that promised a mouth that no adversarie could resist and befoole Moses for making a defence for an open impudent iudge The blind the deafe the officers may not lightly be cursed but in open wilfulnes they be cursed as Saul of Dauid and Sedechias of Ezechiel and the Pharises Mat. 23. Herein you stand at the mercy of God Moreover touching Abraham Ruben the Iew you haue iniuried Christ our Lord all Christians most wickedly If he had not bene answered all Christians had bene worse thought of Now he all the Iewes in the Empire speak better of Christianity And some by that haue bene baptized and one D. told that he would be baptized and come to Englande he is the man that prefaced to Aruc So a rare learned Iew to whō at Basil one gaue Rubens epistle and shewed the apostles Thalmudicall rare skil he made request to the Professours when the party was gone to desire him to returne to instruct him more fully but the party could not and afore requested his teacher to translate into Ebrew as he spake to him the new Testament This deserued better then your language You say the party feigned that whiche is written of his praise and scoph his skil in Ebrew and Greeke and terme him an asse and offre all disgrace For all Christians Iewes should thinke you vnworthy to haue the benefit of Christian policie And as you know you haue the Anathema maran Atha giuen you It returneth to the giuer if you deserue it not If your desert be doubtles you are surely miserable as in your perpetual vntruthes and misvsing of the Realmes authoritie to Satans slavery So when you scophed the hope in the Scottish mist and the Brittish nation what meant you but to endeuor to set millions to kill one another Six yeres Beza noised a Testament bent badly and Geneua meant to kill one for leaning on the Scottish mist as three Scottes there then tolde the party and Beza wrote much alike to your old head Yet the party boldly printed the Scottish mist then to be his King And now with what face can you looke for any good subiect who knowes the blessing of the Scottish mist turned to a shyning sunne ever to wish you well after your so great endevour to overthrow your owne nation The Brettish nation would as Davids 37. worthies haue layde their life in their hands for their lefull Prince then and now most deare King And wisheth you after pardon to be an harty subiect Great cause you haue To the Reader AS Britanie conteyning England with Scotland a Scott is not born in England because he is borne in Britanie So Hades conteyning Heauen and HEL our L. his holy soule going to Hades to his holy ioy can not be sayd to goe to HEL because his went to Hades But the barbarous translation should be lothed of al wise such as would not descend to HEL to their eternall woe ●●t ●o sim●●● euer ●●inke that ●ell as men ●●mmonly ●●ak is hea●●n But if 〈◊〉 foole put ●●ll by his ●●gue where ●●auen is in●eed a foole ●●●not by vn●●rnedship ●●rne heaven 〈◊〉 Hell The ●arbarous ●●anslation ●f the Greek ●reede wt●●ceaved D. ●●●on i● bla●ed not the ●●e Creede