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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A73958 By the King. A proclamation to represse all piracies and depredations vpon the sea; Proclamations.1603-09-30 England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) 1603 (1603) STC 8334; ESTC S123936 2,504 4

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¶ By the King ❧ A Proclamation to represse all Piracies and Depredations vpon the Sea THe Kings MAIESTIE being certeinly enformed through the manifold and dayly complaints made to his Highnesse aswell by his owne Subiects as others of the continuall Depredations and Piracies committed on the Seas by certaine lewd and ill disposed persons and finding that the ordinary proceedings held of late times for the suppressing of these enormities and offences haue wrought lesse reformation then was expected In his Princely care to preserue Iustice as one of the maine pillars of his Estate and for the speedier suppressing of all such Piracies and Depredacious crimes most hatefull to his minde and scandalous to his peaceable gouernment and for the better continuance of Amitie with all other Princes and States Hath with the aduise of his Priuie Counsell for the speedy preuention or seuere punishment hereafter of such fowle crimes and Piracies Set downe certaine Articles hereunto annexed which his Highnesse commandeth all his Officers whom it may concerne of what degree soeuer to see duely executed Wherein if any maner of person shal be found culpable or wilfully negligent contemptuous or disobedient His Maiestie declareth hereby that punishment shal be inflicted vpon him or them with such seueritie as the example thereof shall terrifie all others from committing any so odious crimes or contemptuous offences FIrst that no man of Warre be furnished or set out to Sea by any of his Maiesties Subiects vnder paine of Death and confiscation of Lands and Goods not onely to the Captaines and Mariners but also to the Owners and Victuallers if the Company of the saide Ship shall commit any Piracie Depredation or murther at the Sea vpon any of his Maiesties Friends Item that if any person whatsoeuer shall vpon the Seas take any Ship that doeth belong to any of his Maiesties Friends and Allies or to any of their Subiects or shall take out of it by force any Goods of what nature or qualitie soeuer he or they so offending shall suffer Death with confiscation of Lands and Goods according to the Law in that case prouided Item that all Admirall causes except the causes now depending before the Commissioners for causes of Depredations shal be summarily heard by the Iudge of the high Court of the Admiraltie without admitting any vnnecessary delay Item that no appeale from him be admitted to the Defendant or Defendants in causes of Depredation either against the Offenders or their Accessaries before or after the offence committed or those in whose possession the Goods spoiled are found Vnlesse first by way of prouision the summe adiudged be payd to the Plaintife vpon Sureties to repay it if the Sentence shal be reuersed Item that no Prohibition in such cases of Spoile and their accessaries or dependances be granted hereafter Item that no Ship or Goods taken from any his Maiesties friends shall be deliuered by any other order then vpon proofe made in the sayd Court of the Admiralty before the sayd Iudge or his Deputie to the end that a Record may be kept of all such Restitutions made to strangers to serue when occasion shall require Item that euery Viceadmirall is enioyned by this Proclamation whereof hee shall take notice at his perill to certifie into the said Court of the Admiralty euery quarter of the yeere what man of Warre hath gone to the Sea or returned home within that time with any goods taken at Sea or the procedue thereof vpon paine to lose to his Maiestie by way of Fine for euery such default fortie pounds of currant money of England to be answered into his Maiesties Receipt of the Exchequer by Certificate from the said Iudge of the Admiralty vnder the great Seale of that Office to bee directed to the Lord Treasurer and the Barons of the Exchequer Item that al the Kings Subiects shal forbeare from ayding or receiuing of any Pirat or Sea-Rouer or any person not being a knowen Merchant by contracting buying selling or exchanging with them or by victualling of them or any of their company whereby they or any of them shal be the more enabled to goe or returne to the Seas to commit any Piracie or disorder vpon paine for so doing to be punished presently as the principal offendors and Pirats ought to be Item that the Viceadmirals Customers and the other Officers of the Ports shal not suffer any Ship to goe to the Seas before such time as they respectiuely in their seuerall Ports haue duely searched and visited the same to the intent to stay such persons as apparantly shall bee furnished for the Warres and not for Merchandize or Fishing And if there shall be any maner of suspicion that the sayd person though he shall pretend to trade for Merchandize or Fishing hath or may haue an intent by his prouisions or furniture otherwise then to vse the trade of Merchandize or Fishing that in such case of suspicion the Officers of the Ports shall stay and in no wise suffer the same to passe to the Seas without good bonds by sufficient sureties first had to vse nothing but a lawfull trade of Merchandize or Fishing And if the sayd Officers shall suffer any person otherwise to repayre to the Seas then aboue is mentioned they shall not onely answere for any Piracies which any such person shall chance hereafter to doe vpon the Seas but shall suffer imprisonment vntill the offendors may be apprehended if they shall be liuing And generally his Maiestie declareth and denounceth all such Pirats and Rouers vpon the Seas to be out of his Maiesties Protection and lawfully to bee by any person taken punished and suppressed with extremitie And whereas diuers great and enormous spoyles and Piracies haue been of late time committed within the Straits of Gyblaltar by Captaine Thomas Tomkins Gentleman Edmond Bonham Walter Ianuerin Mariners and diuers other English Pirats and the Goods Moneyes and Merchandizes brought into England by them haue bene scattered sold and disposed of most lewdly and prodigally by the means of their Receiuers Comforters and Abettors to the exceeding preiudice of his Maiesties good friends the Venetians whom they haue robbed and to the great displeasure of God and dishonour of this State His Maiestie doth expresly commaund all Lieutenants Deputy Lieutenants Admirals Viceadmirals and their Deputies and all other Officers of the Admiralty and all Iustices of the Peace Maiors Shiriffes Bailiffes Constables and all other his Officers and Ministers whatsoeuer to vse all care and diligence in the inquiring searching for and apprehending of all such Pirats their Receiuers Comforters and Abettors And if they shall by their trauailes and cares finde any of them to send them presently vnder safe custodie to the common Gaoles of Hampshire or Dorsetshire there to remaine without Bayle or Mainprise till the Lord high Admirall of England or his Lieutenant the Iudge of the high Court of the Admiralty shall dispose of them according to the Lawes in that case prouided Giuen at his Maiesties Citie of Winchester the xxx day of September 1603. in the first yeere of his Highnes Reigne of England France and Ireland and of Scotland the seuen and thirtieth God saue the King ¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker Printer to the Kings most excellent Maiestie ANNO DOM. 1603.