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england_n great_a say_a seal_n 3,251 5 8.3376 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22881 Anno regni Regis Henrici VIII quinto statuta ...; Laws, etc. England and Wales. 1515 (1515) STC 9362.3; ESTC S409 11,396 14

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Anno regni Regis Henrici .viii. Quinto Statuta ¶ The kynge our souerreyne lorde Henry the .viii. after the conquest by the grace of god kyng of Englande and of Fraunce / and lorde of Irlande / at his Patlyamēt holdē at westmester / the .xxiii. daye of Ianuarii after the last Porrogacion In the .v. yere of his most noble Reygne to the honoure of god holy Churche / and for the Cōmon welth profyte of this his Royalme / by the assente of the Lordes spirituall temporall the Cōmons in this present Parlyamēt assembled and by auctoryte of the same hath do to be ordeyned made and enacted certayne Statutes / and ordynaunces in maner fourme folowynge Hec rosa virtutis de celo missa sereno Eternū florens regia sceptra feret Anno regni Regis Henrici .viii. Quinto An act concernynge Mynystracyon of Iustyce to the kynges subiectis of his Cytie of Turney Capitulo Primo WHere as the Kynge oure Soueraygne Lorde greatly desirynge to recouere the Realme of Fraūce his very trewe Patrymonye and inherytaunce to reduce the same to his obeysaunce And for the same purpose and entēt lately made Preparations of great Royall Armyes as well by see as by lande to his right great and merueylous costes and charge / And sythen that by his great wisdome and singuler polyce hath now reduced the Cities and townes of Tyrrewyn / and Turney to dewe obeysaunce by reason wherof nowe shall folowe ensue great Amyte Famylyarite entercours in byeng sellyng of marchaūdyses wares otherwyse bytwene the Cytezēs inhabytaūtꝭ of the sayd cyties Townes and Precinctꝭ of the same / and the kynges Naturall subiectis inhabytaunces in this hys Realme of Englāde / Therfore the kynge our souereygne lorde wyllynge and entendynge that trewe indyfferent Iustyce shal be mynystred in al maters and causes aswell to Cytezens and inhabytauntes dwellynge and inhabytynge in the same Cyties / Townes / the precinctꝭ of the same / As to his naturall subiectis dwellynge within this his Realme of Englande / And to the same entent the kynge our souereygne Lorde hath deputed and ordeyned in the sayd Cytie and towne of turney and in the Bayllywyke and precincte of the same dyuerse offycers and Mynysters / amonge other two of them called Notaryes otherwyse called Graffers to accepte take and recorde the knolege of all contractes bargaynes conuencyons pactis and agrementes made and to be made within the sayde Cytie and towne of Turney bayllywyke and precincte of the same by all maner of ꝑsones that wyll and shall resorte and come before them to make knowlege of the same / whiche Notaryes or Graffers shall present and deliuer in wrytyng all suche knolege as shal be so taken vnder theyr Notarye sygnes vnto an other offycer of the same Cytie and towne / whiche our sayd soueraygne Lorde hathe there made and deputed to accepte and take of them the same whiche offycer for the more affyrmaūce therof shall sette therto the Seale of our souereygne lorde made and lefte in the kepynge of the same Offycer for the same entēte The kynge our soueragne Lorde by thassent of his lordes Spūall temporall / and the Cōmons in this present Parlyament assembled and by Auctoryte of the same hath ordeyned and enacted that vpon euery wrytynge oblygatorie knowlege to be made of all contractꝭ bargaynes conuētions pactꝭ and agrementꝭ / sygned and Sealed in forme aboue rehersed / by any of the kynges subiectes inhabyted in this Realme of Englande to any Cytezen or inhabytaunte within the sayd Cytie and towne of Turney Bayllywyke or precyncte of the same or by any Cytezen or inhabytaunt within the same Cytye / Towne / Bayllywyke or precincte to an other of the same or ells by any cytezen or inhabytaunte of the same Cytie / Towne Bayllywyke or precincte to any of the kyngꝭ subiectꝭ Inhabyted within the Realme of Englande / or by any of the kynges subiectes inhabyted in the Realme of Englande / to another of the same subiectis shewed and exhybyted to the Chaunceller of Englande / for the tyme beynge the same Chaunceller haue full auctoryte and powre vpon the syght of the same to sēde a Sargeaunte of Armes or another offycer to the ꝑsone so bounden to requyre and cōmaunde the parsone so bounden to ꝑfourms the contentes of euery suche wrytynge oblygatorye and knowlege / and if the same ꝑsones so bounden denye so to do and obiecte or alege any cause why he shulde not so doo / then the same Sergeaūt or offycer immedyatly shall brynge the same parsone so bounden before the Chaūceller of Englande to answere to the premysses And if the ꝑson so bounden and brought before the sayd Chaunceller obiecte or alege any mater or cause resonable why he shulde not ꝑfourme the Contentꝭ of the same wrytynge oblygatorye and knowlege that then he shal be adiuged to brynge in suffycyent Gage plegge to the verye value of the contentes of the same wrytynge obligatorye into the kynges Courte of Chauncerye or ellys to remayne in warde / And then the sayd Chaūceller by his wysdome and discrecion shall prefixe and assigne vnto hym a conuenyent ꝑemptorie daye to proue his obieccion and aligacion / and if the ꝑtie so bounden proue not his obieccion and allegacion before the sayd Chaūceller to be trewe before or at the sayd daye prefixed / that then the sayd ꝑtie so bounden without delay shall ꝑfourme the Contentꝭ of the sayd oblygacyon and knowlege then not perfourmed or ellys to forfayte the sayd Gages and plegges to the partie to whom that sayd oblygacyon or knowlege was made / And in lykewyse vpon all recognysaunces to be made before the kynge in his Chauncery or in his Benche or in any other the kynges Courte of recorde within the Realme of Englande / And also vpon all wrytynges oblygatorye to be made and knoleged before the Mayre of the Staple of calyce of all debtꝭ contractes and bargaynes by any of the sayd Cytizens or inhabytauntes of the sayd Cytie or towne of Turney or Baylywyke or precincte of the same to any of the kynges subiectes / and the same knolege or wrytynge obligatorie be then certified to the Baylyff of the same Cytie Towne by the Chaūceller of Englande vnder the kyngꝭ great Seale of Englande / that then the Baylye of the same Cytie and Towne for the tyme beynge or his deputie haue full auctoryte and power to sēde and shall sende a Sergeaūt or other offycer of the same Cytie and Towne to the ꝑsone so boundem to requyre and cōmaunde the same ꝑsone so bounden to parfourme the Contentes of the same knolege and wrytynge oblygatorye / And if the ꝑtie so bounden denye so to do and obiecte and alege any cause why he shulde not so doo That then the sayde Sergeaunt or offycer immedyatly shall brynge the ꝑsone so bounden before the Baylye of the sayde Cytie and Towne for the