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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22210 By the King a proclamation concerning the viewing and distinguishing of tobacco in England and Ireland, the dominion of Wales, and towne of Barwicke. England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I); James I, King of England, 1566-1625. 1619 (1619) STC 8617; ESTC S124160 2,928 2

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❧ By the King ❧ A Proclamation concerning the viewing and distinguishing of Tobacco in England and Ireland the Dominion of VVales and Towne of Barwicke WHereas diuers good and necessarie prouisions haue beene heretofore made aswell by Act of Parliament as otherwise for the well garbling of Spices and Drugges to the intent the Subiects of this Our Realme should not bee occasioned to vse any vnwholsome Spices or Drugges to the impayring of their health or to buy the bad instead of the good to the impairing of their substance And for as much as the Drugge called Tobacco being of late yeeres growne frequent in this Our Realme other Our Dominions is daily sold vngarbled whereby more inconuenience groweth and ariseth to Our louing Subiects then by any other Drugge whatsoeuer And for that also by the manie and sundrie abuses practised and committed by Merchants Masters of Ships and others in concealing and vttering the said Tobacco without paying any Impost or Custome for the same great losse and dammage accrueth to Us notwithstanding any Lawes Statutes or other course heretofore taken for preuenting thereof For remedie of all which Inconueniences Wee by our Letters Patents vnder our great Seale of England bearing Date at Westmynster the fiue and twentieth day of May now last past did prohibite and forbid That no person or persons should at any time after the day of the Date of our said Letters patents within Our Realme of England the Dominion of Wales and Port and Towne of Barwicke or any of them or within Our Realme of Ireland or any part of them or any of them by himselfe or themselues or his or their seruants or factours or any others directly or indirectly sell or put to sale or attempt presume or goe about any manner of way to sell or put to sale either in grosse or by retaile any Tobacco of what sort kind or growth soeuer before the Custome and Impost thereof due were paid and the same Tobacco were viewed distinguished and sealed by the Officer or Officers of Us Our Heires and Successours in that behalfe to be constituted and appointed For whose labour trauell charges and expences in that behalfe to be sustained and taken in the execution of the said Office Wee did by the said Letters Patents constitute and appoint That they should and might from time to time demand take and receiue to their owne vse of euery person and persons whose Tobacco they should so garble viewe and seale the summe of foure pence of currant English money for euery pound weight thereof so viewed and sealed And Wee did also by Our said Letters Patents for the considerations therein mentioned giue and grant the said Office with the powers fees and authorities before mentioned to Our welbeloued Subiects Francis Nichols Iasper Leake and Philip Eden Gentlemen to be executed by them or their Deputies or Assignes for thirtie and one yeeres next ensuing the Date of the said Letters Patents And Wee did further by Our said Letters for Us Our Heires and Successours giue and grant vnto the said Francis Nichols Iasper Leake and Philip Eden and their Assignes and to all and euery person and persons which by them or any of them by writing vnder their or any of their hands and Seales should bee in that behalfe deputed and assigned full power and authoritie during the terme aforesaide aswell to bee present and to haue place in all manner of Custome-houses Ports Hauens Creeks and places of lading or vnlading of any manner of Goods Wares or Merchandizes into or out of the said Realmes and Dominions As also to be present with all and euery the Customers Collecters Searchers Surueyers Waiters and other Officers and Ministers hauing charge for or concerning the lading or vnlading of any Goods Wares or Merchandizes for their better executing of all and euery thing and things thereby appointed and for their better receiuing and enioying of the benefit of Our said Grant at all times and places where the said Officers and Ministers or any of them should by reason of their said seuerall Offices haue cause or occasion to be And also in all and euery place or places aswell in Ships arriued with Tobacco and riding in any Port Roade or Riuer as on the Land to make and appoint such and so many Watchmen Waiters and Officers and to prouide and vse such reasonable waies orders and meanes as they the said Francis Nichols Iasper Leake and Philip Eden and their Assignes and Deputies should and might be iust and truely informed of all parcels and quantities of Tobacco as should at any time or times during the said Grant be brought into any Port or place or be planted or growing in any place or places of the said Realmes and Dominions or any of them And also that it should and might be lawfull to and for the said Francis Nichols Iasper Leake and Philip Eden and their Assignes and their and euery of their Deputies and Substitutes at all and euery time and times during the terme aforesaid in lawfull and conuenient maner with a Constable or other Officer of the place aswell to goe on board view and suruay all Shippes Uessels or Bottmes riding or lying within any of the Ports Hauens Creekes and places of lading or vnlading within Our saide Realme of England Dominion of Wales Port or Towne of Barwicke or Realme of Ireland or any the members or places thereunto belonging as to goe into any House Celler Uault Warehouse Shop or other place within the said Realmes and Dominion and Port or Towne of Barwicke or any part of them or any of them to search and view if there be any Tobacco vttered sold or put to sale or offered to be sold or put to sale before the same be viewed distinguished and sealed contrary to the true meaning of the said Letters patents And We did also by the said Letters for Us Our Heires and Successors require charge and Command all and singular Maiors Shiriffes Iustices of Peace Bailiffes Constables Headboroughes Customers Comptrollers Searchers Surueyors Waiters and all other Officers Ministers and Subiects whatsoeuer of Us Our Heires and Successors aswell of the said Realme of England Dominion of Wales and Port and Towne of Barwicke as of the said Realme of Ireland That they and euery of them should from time to time during the continuance of that Our graunt be aiding and assisting to the said Francis Nichols Iasper Leake and Philip Eden and their Assignes and to euery of them their and euery of their Deputie and Deputies Substitute and Substitutes in the due Execution of all and euery the powers and authorities expressed in the said Letters Patents vpon paine of the displeasure of Us Our Heires and Successors and as they would answere the contrary at their perils as by the said Letters Patents more at large appeareth Wee now to the intent Our will and pleasure in the premisses may be the better knowne to all Our louing Subiects whom it may concerne Doe hereby notifie publish and declare the same Our pleasure willing and commanding that all and euery the premisses be from time to time in euery respect duely performed executed and obserued according to the true intent and meaning of the same Our Letters Patents And that no person or persons doe attempt or presume to violate or infringe Our Command hereby or by Our said Letters Patents declared or expressed vpon the paines and penalties therein contained And We doe also hereby Charge and Command aswell all and singular Merchants and other person and persons whatsoeuer which shall import any Tobacco of what sort soeuer That they cause the same to be duely entred in the Custome house belonging to the Port or place where it shall bee landed in the name or names onely of the true proprietor or owner proprietors or owners thereof and not in the name or names of any other person or persons which is not the true owner thereof As also all Our Customers and other Officers whatsoeuer That they take speciall care and regard to the due performance of the same as they tender Our pleasure and will auoide the contrary Giuen at Theobalds the tenth day of Nouember in the seuenteenth yeere of Our Reigne of Great Brittaine France and Ireland God saue the King ❧ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and IOHN BILL Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie ANNO MDC.XIX