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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22140 Iames by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith &c. to the master and keepers, or warden and comminaltie of the mysterie and art of stationers of the citie of London ... England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I); James I, King of England, 1566-1625. 1617 (1617) STC 8548; ESTC S3813 2,558 1

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IAMES by the Grace of GOD King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. To the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Comminaltie of the mysterie and Art of Stationers of the Citie of LONDON and to all Booke-sellers and Printers whatsoeuer and to all others to whom these presents shall appertaine Greeting WHEREAS Our late sister Elizabeth late Queene of England by her Highnesse Letters Pattents vnder the Great Seale of England bearing date at Westminster the eight day of August in the one and thirtieth yeere of her Raigne reciting as therein is recited did of her especiall Grace certaine knowledge and meere motion for herselfe her Heires and Successors giue and grant vnto her welbeloued Subiect Robert Barker sonne of Christopher Barker the Office of her Printer of all and singular Statutes Bookes little Books Acts of Parliament Proclamations Iniunctions and Bibles and New-Testaments whatsoeuer in the English tongue or Language of any Translation whatsoeuer with Notes or without Notes at any time then before or at any time afterwards Printed or to be Printed by Commandement Priuiledge or Authoritie of the said Queene her Heires or Successors and of all other Bookes whatsoeuer which the said late Queene or her Successors had or should command to be vsed for the Seruice of GOD in the Churches or Chappels of this Realme of England and of all other Volumes and things whatsoeuer aswell in the English tongue or Language alone as also in any other Tongue or Language mixed with or translated into the English by whatsoeuer name terme title or sence names termes titles or sences they or any of them then were or from thenceforth should be called knowne or vnderstood which by the Authoritie of the Parliament of the said Realme of England either then was or from thenceforth should be made Printed or published except onely the rudiments of Grammer and the Institutions in the Latine tongue And of all and singular the premisses the said late Queene by the said Letters Pattents made ordeined and appointed the said Robert Barker to be her Printer To haue enioy occupy and exercise the said Office together with all profits commodities aduantages preheminences and priuiledges to the same Office in any wise belonging or appertayning vnto the said Robert Barker and his Assignes by himselfe or his sufficient Deputie or Deputies immediatly after the death or decease of the said Christopher Barker for and during the natural life of the said Robert Barker which said Christopher Barker is sithence dead as We are giuen to vnderstand And furthermore the said late Queene did by her said Letters Pattents giue and grant vnto the said Robert Barker during his naturall life authority priuiledge and faculty of Printing all and all maner of Abridgements of all and singular Statutes and Acts of Parliament whatsoeuer thentofore made or from thenceforth to be made As by the said Letters Pattents more at large appeareth Which said Office so granted by the said late Queene by her said Letters Pattents as aforesaid to the said Robert Barker and all and euery thing and things therein conteined We by Our Letters Pattents vnder the great Seale of England bearing date the ix day of Iuly In the first yeere of Our Raigne of England France and Ireland haue for Vs Our heires and Successors confirmed vnto the said Robert Barker during his naturall life And whereas you the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Comminaltie of the mysterie or Art of Stationers of the City of London and Booke-sellers Printers and Booke-binders do from time to time as we are giuen to vnderstand intrude vpon the Office of Our said Printer contrary to the true intent and meaning of the aboue mentioned Letters Pattents and do daily practise and goe about to defeat the said Robert Barker and his Deputies or Assignes of the benefit aduantage commoditie and profit of his said Grant or of a great part of the same by printing part of the Booke of Common Prayer and by Printing of other the Bookes and things expressed mentioned conteined and intended in the aboue mentioned Letters Pattents vnder colour of some small alterations either in leauing out part or adding some Notes or other things thereto or with some other small enlargement alteration or abridgement thereof NOW forasmuch as it was Our true intent and meaning at the time of the making or granting of the said confirmation That the said Robert Barker and his Deputies and Assignes should and might fully and in ample maner without any question or opposition haue and enioy the sole Printing of all and euery Bookes and things and of euery part of the same Bookes mentioned and intended in the said Letters Pattents according to the true intent and purport thereof in all maner of Volumes whatsoeuer Notwithstanding the leauing out of any part of the said Bookes or things or any of them or making any Quotations or marginall notes vpon them or any of them And to the end that neither the said Robert Barker nor his Deputies nor Assignes may not in any wise be defeated or impeached thereof by any colourable or indirect courses Therefore We doe by these presents for Vs Our Heires and Successors straightly charge require forbid prohibite and inhibite you and euery of you and all other Our Subiects whatsoeuer That neither you or they nor any of you or them during the terme of the naturall life of the said Robert Barker shall directly or indirectly by any wayes colour or meanes Imprint binde or sell or cause to be Imprinted bound or sold in any place or places whatsoeuer within Our Realmes or Dominions any Volume or Volumes Booke or bookes worke or workes or any part or parcell of them whereof the Imprinting is or are granted or mentioned or intended to be granted as aforesaid to the said Robert Barker by the aboue recited Letters Pattents although there be or shall be Additions Notes or Quotations to or vpon the same or any Abridgement or Abstract of the same or of any part therof vpon paine of forfeiture of all and euery such Booke or bookes and Worke or works so to be Imprinted contrary to the tenour of this Our Royall commandement The same to be seized to the vse of Vs Our Heires and Successors by the said Robert Barker his Deputies of Assignes And also vpon paine of Our further displeasure and heauie indignation Willing and hereby straightly charging and commanding all and singular Maiors Sheriffes Iustices of Peace Bailiffes Constables and all other Our Officers Ministers and Subiects whatsoeuer to be ayding and assisting vnto the said Robert Barker his Deputies and Assignes in the execution of this Our Royall pleasure and commandement as they and euery of them will answere to the contrary at their vttermost perils Prouided alwayes neuerthelesse and it is Our true intent and meaning not to inhibite you or your Successors from time to time by these presents to Imprint or cause to be Imprinted binde or sell or cause to be bound or sold all euery or any the Bookes which We by any Our Letters Pattents by expresse words or termes therein mentioned haue granted to you and your successors Giuen vnder Our Priuie Seale at Our Pallace of Westminster the sixe and twentieth day of Ianuary in the fourteenth yere of Our Raigne of England France and Ireland and of Scotland the fiftieth God saue the King Ia. Mylles dep Fra. Mylles