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england_n great_a lord_n realm_n 2,628 5 7.7717 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B12670 Forasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God to call to his mercy out of this transitory life our soueraigne lady, the high and mighty prince, Elizabeth late Queene of England, France, and Ireland ... England and Wales. Privy Council. 1603 (1603) STC 8298; Interim Tract Supplement Guide 506.h.10[1] 1,677 2

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FOrasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God to call to his mercy out of this transitory life our Soueraigne Lady the High and Mighty Prince Elizabeth late Queene of England France and Ireland by whose death and dissolution the Imperiall Crowne of these Realmes aforesaid are now absolutely wholly and solely come to the High and Mightie Prince Iames the sixt King of Scotland who is lineally and lawfully descended from the body of Margaret daughter to the high and Renowmed Prince Henry the seuenth King of England France and Ireland his great Grandfather the said Lady Margaret being lawfully begotten of the bodie of Elizabeth daughter to King Edward the fourth by which happy coniunction both the houses of Yorke and Lancaster were vnited to the ioy vnspeakeable of this Kingdome formerly rent torne by the long dissention of bloody and Ciuill warres the same Lady Margaret being also the eldest sister of Henry the eight of famous memorie King of England as aforesaid We therefore the Lords Spirituall and Temporall of this Realme being here assembled vnited and assisted with those of her late Maiesties Priuie Counsell and with great numbers of other principall Gentlemen of qualitie in the Kingdome with the Lorde Maior Aldermen and Citizens of London and a multitude of other good Subiects and Commons of this Realme thirsting now after nothing so much as to make it knowen to all persons who it is that by Law by Lineall succession and vndoubted Right is now become the onely Soueraigne Lord and King of these Imperiall Crownes to the intent that by vertue of his Power Wisedome and Godly Courage all things may be prouided for and executed which may preuent or resist either forrein attempts or popular disorder tending to the breach of the present Peace or to the preiudice of his Maiesties future quiet doe nowe hereby with one full Voyce and Consent of Tongue and Heart publish and proclaime That the High and Mightie Prince Iames the sixt King of Scotland is now by the death of our late Soueraigne Queene of England of famous memorie become also our Onely Lawfull Lineall and Rightfull Liege Lord Iames the first King of England France and Ireland defender of the faith to whome as to our onely iust Prince adorned besides his vndoubted Right with all the rarest gifts of minde and bodie to the infinite comfort of all his people and Subiects that shall liue vnder him We doe acknowledge all faith and constant obedience with all heartie and humble affections both during our naturall liues for our selues and in the behalfe of our posteritie Hereby protesting and denouncing to all persons whatsoeuer that in this iust and lawfull Acte of ours we are resolued by the fauour of Gods holy assistance and in the zeale of our own Conscience warranted by certaine knowledge of his manifest and vndoubted Right as hath beene sayd before to maintaine and vphold his Maiesties person and Estate as our onely vndoubted Soueraigne Lord and King with the Sacrifice of our Liues Lands Goods Friends and Adherents against all power force or practise that shall goe about by word or deed to interrupt contradict or impugne his iust Claymes his entry into this Kingdome or any part thereof at his good pleasure or disobey such Royall directions as shall come from him To all which wee are resolued onely to yeeld our selues vntill the last drop of our bloods bee spent for his seruice Hereby willing and commanding in the name of our Soueraigne Lord Iames the first King of al the foresaid kingdoms all the late Lieutenants deputy Lieutenants Sheriffes Iustices all Maiors Bailiffes Constables Headboroughes and all other Officers and Ministers whatsoeuer that they bee ayding and assisting from time to time in all things that are or shal be necessary for the preuenting resisting and suppressing of any disorderly assemblies or other vnlawfull Acte or Attempt either in word or deede against the publique peace of the Realme or any way preiudiciall to the Right Honour State or Person of our only vndoubted and deere Lord and Soueraigne that now is Iames the first King of all the said Kingdomes as they will auoyd the perill of his Maiesties heauie indignation and their owne vtter ruine and confusion Beseeching God to blesse his Maiestie and his Royall posteritie with long and happy yeeres to raigne ouer vs. God saue King Iames. Robert Lee Maior Io. Cantuar. Tho. Egerton C.S. Tho. Buckhurst Th. E. Oxford Nottingham Northumberland Gilbert Shrewsbury W. Derby E. Worcester G. Cumberland R. Sussex Pembrok H. Lincolne Clanricard Ri. London Rob. Hereford Io. Norwich Tho. Lawarre Morley H. Cobham Gray Wilt. Scroope Lomley Ed. Cromwell Rob. Rich. George Hunsdon G. Chandoys W. Compton Norreys L. Howard of Waldon W. Knollys Ed. Wotton Io. Stanhop Rob. Cecill Ioh. Fortescue Jo. Popham ❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker Printer to our late Soueraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth March 24. Anno Domini 1602.