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A56157 The doome of cowardisze [sic] and treachery or, A looking-glasse for cowardly or corrupt governours, and souldiers, who through pusillanimity or bribery, betray their trusts, to the publick prejudice Containing certaine domestick lawes, heretofore, lately made, and judgements given against such timorous and treacherous persons; fit to be known in these unhappy times of warre. By William Prynne, utter barrester of Lincolnes-Inne. Imprimatur Iohn White, Octob. 23. 1643. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1643 (1643) Wing P3947A; ESTC R212960 27,332 24

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the King as before is said And moreover the said Chancellour said in the behalfe of the King Sir Bishop although the King our Lord might clearly handle and judge you as a temporall person of his Realme because you have behaved and carried your selfe a● a temporall person for you expressely oblieged your selfe to the King our Lord by your Indentures to be a Souldier of the King to governe the Christian people after the terme of your Crossado ended and you used commonly to have your Sword carried before you and you did many other such like thing● every day publiquely as a Lord temporall against the common custome of the estate of a Prelate of England Notwithstanding by reason of your estate the King our Lord of his grace will forbeare for the present to lay his hands upon your body But for as much as he is informed that you your selfe have complained to many Lords of the Realme that wrong hath beene lately done you on the last day affirming by your words that that which was done passed not at all by assent or knowledge of your Peeres of the Realme this is greatly to be marvelled of you and of these your words seeing the ill successe toucheth nothing at all your Peralty but onely certaine misprisions which you have made and perpetrated as a Souldier of the King against the forme of your Indentures and Covenants which you have made with the King our Lord to the great dammage of the King as before is said whereof the conisance and punishment of common right and ancient custome of the Realm of England onely a●d totally appertaineth to ou● Lord the King and to no other And true it is that you have not at all by this your last answer any whit amended your matter in excuse of your selfe upon the things surmised against you but as it seemes have more greatly impaired the same Wherefore by the assent of the Earles Barons and other Lords temporall present in this Parliament it is assented and accorded that you shall be in the mercy of the King● and put to a fine and ransome for your misdoing according to the quality and quantity thereof And to doe this yo● shall be compelled and constrained by the seisure of the temporalties of the Bishopricke of Norwich And the King commands you that from henceforth you shall not cause nor suffer any sword to be carried before you as it hath been done under the perill which shall follow And it is expresly accorded in this Parliament that whatsoever hath be●● expended on your use of the said Franks of gold you shall make full payment thereof in the Treasury of our Lord the King without delay or difficulty * Upon this Judgement the Temporalties of this Bishop were immediately seised into the Kings hands and detained in them a long time for this his surrender of Graveling a●Walsingham Holinshed Grafton Speed Trussel in their Histories and Godwin in the life of this Bishop attest who had lost his life had he beene a Lay-man onely for the surrender of Burburgh and Graveling which were manfully defended against a great power of the French till aid was sent for into England and Letters received from the King but the aid not comming so speedily as was expected to him he compounded with the French to rase Graveling to the ground and to depart whether he would with his bag baggage and men And yet for all this he was thus censured in Parliament because he held not ou● the Towne to the uttermost though the enemy gained it not and himselfe had formerly won it from them In this very Parliament of 7. R. 2. as I read in * Walsingham and in Holinshed Speed Grafton Trussell out of him newes came from the Northerne parts that the Castle of Berwicke was taken by the Scots whose custody Henry Percy Earle of Northumberland then possessed by ancient right the Scots for money fraudulently getting entrance into the said Castle by one who had the custody of it at the second hand under the Earle Hereupon by Duke Iohns procurement as was reported the said Earle on the fourth of December for the losse of the said Royall Castle by the Judgement of the Lords and of the King then present in the said Parliament had a sentence of condemnation publikely pronounced against him notwithstanding that the said Earle had beene summoned to the said Parliament by the Kings Writ and would rather have tarried at home for the defence of his Country But the execution of the said sentence was soone after released by the King and the Earle by his indulgence restored to his life and possessions which he was adjudged to lose Whereupon he posted into the North and calling his Forces and friends together strongly besieged the said Castle and in few dayes took it by composition he giving the besieged their lives moveables and two thousand markes to surrender i● And thus hee was taught to keep his Forts more wisely for the future and to commit the custody of them to more trusty and valiant persons The Lord * Wentworth Governour of Calleys delivering up that Towne to the French after they had taken the Castle by force made a breach in the Towne walls and slaine above fourscore of the Garrison at one assault when they tooke the Castle together with Sir Anthony Ager Marshall of the Towne and his sonne and heire and that upon dishonourable termes not without some suspition of treachery he was thereupon endicted in Queene Maries dayes for his cowardly and treacherous surrender of this Town contrary to his trust and after that was arraigned at Westminster in the first yeere of Queene Elizabeth the Marquesse of Northampton bei●g his Judge and Lord chiefe Steward of England for that day But that noble man so nobly defended himselfe that hee was acquitted by his Peeres and wan a most honourable opinion for his many and faithfull former ●●rvices otherwise he had lost his life Anno 27. H. 6. Caen being besieged by the French * the Duke of Sommerset Governour of Normandy then in it being more pitious then hardy moved with the dolour and love of his wife and children called a Councell of warre and would have surrendred it to the enemy upon composition But Sir David Hall being Captaine of the Towne under the Duke of Yorke owner of the Towne by the Kings gift would not consent thereto without the Duke of Yorkes assent though the Duke alleadged he was the Kings Deputy there representing his person and might doe what he pleased according to his discretion it being committed to his immediately trust To give you some few Domesticke Examples of the punishment of treacherous surrenders of Fo●ts and penalties inflicted for the same * Anno 1312. being the twelfth yeere of Ed. the 2. his reigne Peter Spalding to whom this King had intrusted the Towne of Berwicke treacherously sold and betrayed the same of the Scots for money But Spalding after the Treason
the souldiers which he had with him at Drinkham none would there continu● with him upon the safe guard of the said Castle but onely 5 persons in all by reason of which great necessity he was forced in safeguard of his owne person and his people to make a Treaty with the enemies for to deliver up the said Fort and thereupon he did it and not for any other cause nor in any other manner but onely by constraint of the power of the said enemy as aforesaid And further he saith that he never received any thing from the said enemies by way of gift or in any other manner whereupon he conceiveth that no man ought to impute any manner of blame nor of reproach unto his person But if it shall be thought that he hath done ill in any manner he puts himselfe most humbly into the grace of his Liegelord And because that this excuse seemed not at all to be sufficient● though a better then many now can make for themselves he was committed to prison there to remaine untill the King our Lord had otherwise declared his pleasure concerning him In the same Parliament of 7 R. ● Num. 22. The Bishop of Norwich generall of the Forces sent over into Flaunders having 4 Articles exhibited against him in this Parliament touching that expedition and the surrendering of Graveling to the enemy to which he had given some former answer see Num. 15.17 20 21. upon his second Arraignment had this proceding At which day the said Bishop rehearsing the 4 Articles surmised against him formerly in Parliament and in presence of the King himselfe gave the●e his answers such almost as before concerning all the things aforesaid adjoyning thereunto that the time when he heard the newes that the vantguard of the host of France was entered the County of Flaunders and that thereupon the said siege of Ipre was thereby removed he tooke a resolution to have encountered the vantguard for to have fought with them which purpose of his he could not performe by reason that the Captaines of his Host would not a●sent thereunto but those Captaines and others of his h●st contraried him in so much that of necessity and for doubt of the enemies they ought to depart and betake themselves to their Fortresses and thereupon the said● Bishop returned to the Town of Graveling the same would he have held out well enough against all men and did hold out untill the other Captaines had rendered their Forts to the French and after that untill that s●me English might com● unto him incontinently although there were well-nigh about 6 or 7 thousand English lying upon the sands neere Calyce who were made to come out of the said Forts rendered to their great mischiefe and prejudice because they had not wherewith to live neither could they have entrance into the Towne of Galeys And for as much as the Truce made before that time ought to cease within two or three daies then next ensuing the French had a purpose to run upon them and slay them all as soon as the said truce was ended which slaughter if it had beene made would principally have turned upon the said Bishop and after on the other Captaines to farre greater villany and mischiefe then any other thing could bring the Bishop was thereupon required and charged on the behalfe of the King himselfe that he should render the Towne to the enemies or else demolish it and goe his way to succour the said people and after that towards England in salvation of himselfe and others of his host for they said that if any thing else but good had hapned to the said people lying on the sands they would have truely called the said Bishop to an account before the King himselfe Whereupon it * behoved him the said Bishop to abate and voyd the said Towne of Gravelynge as it was lawfull for him to doe at his pleasure being gained by his proper conqu●st from the enemy And for this and for the other reasons formerly alleaged by him as also because that a Letter from our Lord the King came to him before commanding him that if there were great want of victuals in the said Towne as in verity there was that then in salvation of himselfe and of the said people he should voyd the Towne and succour the said people and after returne into England it seemes to him that he ought to be well ex●used of what ever is surmised against him * To which the said Chancellour replyed and said Master Bishop as to this your last reason it is true that you had sufficient victuall when this Letter came unto you and besides this the King sent your other victuals in great plenty and also with it other good Letters containing how he had appointed his unkle of Spaine to come speedily to you for your ayd and succour and all this notwithstanding you departed thence leaving the said Towne to the enemies against the forme of your indenture by the which the King hath given and granted you whatever you might conquer not at all to render sell or leave the same to the enemy but to hold and possesse And also to that which you have said in your f●●st answer that by your said voyage Truce● had been agreed between the Realmes and happy offers of peace made by the adversaries of France which you say shall be an introduction to a good and finall peace which God grant it containes no truth at all For true it is that the newes spread in the Army of France of the comming of our Lord the King and of Mounsieur of Lancaster who was at the Sea side ready to passe for your succour was the principall cause of the Truce and profers aforesaid and of the T●eaty to be commenced for it is no probable thing at all nor in any wise agreeable to reason that you who were with your people chased by force of the enemies out of the field and afterwards besieged by them within your Fortresses should be the cause of the said Treaty by any way And so as to this nor yet as to any other of the reasons before alleaged nor for the rebellion of your Captaines or others of your retinue nor any other defaults which you have or may surmise unto them considering that you had them all of your proper choosing and election and not at all by the denomination of our Lord the King or of his Councell you neither can nor ought to be at all excused of the dammages deceits villanies contempts and the other losses and misprisions surmised to you nor in especiall of the Treaty made with the enemies upon the deliverance of the said Fortresses of which there are certaine Indentures made and drawne betweene you and your Captaines on the one part and the enemies of the King on the other part sealed with their seales and the seales of the other Captains without the authority or consent of the sayd our Lord