Selected quad for the lemma: england_n

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england_n great_a lord_n realm_n 2,628 5 7.7717 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06213 By the mayre for as much as in dyuerse good & auncient lawes and statutes of this our most drad soueraygne lord the Kynges realme of England, amongest dyuerse and sondry other thynges, forstalynge and regratynge, as two capitall and chefe euell myschefes ... City of London (England). Lord Mayor. 1550 (1550) STC 16704.1; ESTC S2213 2,535 1

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By the Mayre FOr as much as in dyuerse good auncient lawes and statutes of this our most drad soueraygne lord the kynges realme of England amongest dyuerse and sondry other thynges forstalynge and regratynge as two capitall and chefe euell myschefes and hynderaunces of the comon and publike welth of our sayd soueraygne lordes realme haue ben prohibyted and restrayned vpon great and strayte paynes in the same estatutes mencyoned and declared That is to saye that euery suche offender for his fyrst offence shulde be greuously amercyd and to forfayt and loose their thynges so bought For his second offence to be set on the pyllery For hys thyrde offence to be commytted to warde ther to remayne vntyl he haue payd hys fyne and raunsome And for hys fourth lyke offence to abiure the cytie borough or towne where he doeth dwell 〈…〉 statūte made in the .xxv. yere of the raygne of the ryght noble and famous prynce Edwarde the thyrde playnlye 〈…〉 〈…〉 ed Syus whych tyme also dyuerse and many other paynes and penaltyes haue bene ordeyned and prouy●●● 〈…〉 ayd souerayne lorde and hys moost noble progenitours by dyuerse and sondry other godly holsome lawes 〈…〉 made set forth for the due punyshment of the sayde offenders as by the same estatures more playnly it dothe 〈…〉 whych good and reasonable lawes and statutes the paynes therin conteyned notwythstandynge dyuerse 〈…〉 ●f our sayd souerygne lordes subiectes neyther regardyng or remembrynge theyr dutye and conscience towar●●… 〈…〉 and theyr neyghbours nor yet theyr bounden dutye of obedience towardes our sayde soueraygne lorde and his 〈…〉 of theyr vngodly couetous and gredy myndes haue now of late by such craft and meanes forstalled and regrated both all kyndes of vytayles and namely wylde foule pultrie wares and vytaylles herafter wrytten ▪ that the sayde wyldfoule pultrie wares and vytaylles be not onely brought to excessyue and vnreasonable pryses as 〈◊〉 dayes they haue bene but also to great lacke and scarcitie to the great dyspleasure of our sayde soueraygne lorde and the hynderance of the comon welth of his graces louynge subiectes For reformation wherof the ryghte honourable lord Mayre of the cytie of Londo his worshypful brethren the Aldermē of the same cytie straytly charge commaūde on our sayde soueraygne lorde the kynges behalfe ▪ That no maner of persone or persons of what so euer est●te condicyon or degre he or they be of be so hardy or so bolde at any tyme hereafter to forstall or regrate any maner or kynde of vytayles and namel● wylde foules an● 〈…〉 e wares or sell or vtter by retayle any maner of wyldefoule or pultrie wares neyther wythin the sayd cytie o● the surburbes 〈…〉 ●ame nor without brought or to be brought and conueyed to the same cytie or suburbes therof to be solde eyther by hygh wayes lanes chābres innes or any other secrete place bu● that they euery of them permytte and suffre all the sayd wylde foule and pultrie wares other vytailes to be brought into the open markettes holdē wythin the sayd cytie at the dayes and houres there accustomed for the same there to be put to sale ordered in euery poynt accordynge to the tenoure of thys proclamacion So that our sayd soueraygne lord the kynge hys nobles others hys louynge subiectes repayryng resortynge to the sayd cytie also the cytesyns inhabytantes wythin the same maye be the more redelyer better at the more reasonable competent pryses serued frō hensforwarde spedde of the same And that no maner of persone or persounes at any time frō hence forth neyther fre mā of the same cytie nor foreyne pytch or offer to sale any maner of wyld foule 〈◊〉 ware or other kynde of vytayle herafter mentioned and expresse in any other place or places in the sayde cytye or suurbes of the same but onely in the open market places there That is to say Ledenhall Chepsyde and Newgate markét the same pultrie wares and other vytailes there to stande seyl and remayne v●●yll suche tyme as our sayde sourraygne lorde the kinges maiesties prouision for his most honorable houshold shalbe therof by his graces pu●ueyours in that behalfe assigned appointed fully taken furnished and serued according to their iust proportion therof to thē made and deliuered which proportion shalbe shewed to the lorde Mayre or his deputie when and as often as it shalbe required whiche proportion and prouision for our sayde soueraygne lordes houshold so furnished and serued ●he hole resydue of all the sayde wyldfoule pultry wares and vytayles to be solde in euery of the sayde market places duryng the tyme of the sayde markets and not els where within the sayde citie or the suburbes of the same and that at and for suche rates and prises as ben herafter rated taxed and assessed by the sayd lorde Mayre and Aid ratifyed alowed and confirmed by oure sayd soueraygne lorde the kinges moste honorable counsayle That is to saye no citizen or fre man of the sayde citie sell or cause to be solde the best Swanne aboue v. s. The best Crane bustard or Storke aboue iiii s. Herenshoes Shouelardes and bytternes of the beste the pece xviii d Pecockes olde of the best the pece ii s. Pechyckens of the best the pece xiiii d. Capons of grece the best the pece xx d. Capons good the pece xiiii d Capons kent of the best the pece viii d Hennes of grece the pece of the best vii d Brewes and Egrettes of the best the pece x 〈…〉 Byttors of the best the pece xii d. 〈…〉 of the best the pece xi●● 〈…〉 the pece vi d. Grene Gese fatte from easter to mydsomer the pece vii d Gese great from mydsomer tyll shrouetyde of the best the pece viii d. Goodwyttes fatte the pece xii d ●ottrels of the best the dosen iii iiii d. 〈…〉 ayles of the best the dosen iiii ● ●parowes the dosen iii. d. ●●geons or the best the dosen viii d. Rabets souckets far the dosen xviii d. Conyes from Easte● to Hallontyde of the best y e dosē ii s that is for a pece ii d. Wynter ●onyes from Hallontyde tyll shrouetyde the dosen ii ● vi d that is for the pece ii d. ob The Coney of grese al couered from Hallontyde tyl shrouety●● iiii d. 〈…〉 des the dosen of the best iiii s. that is for one alone iiii d Teales of the best the dosen ii s. that is for one alone ii d. Wegions fat the dosen iii. s. that is for the pece iii. d. ●odcockes of the best the pece iiii d. Plouers grene of the best the dosen iii. s. Bastarde Plouers fatte the dosen ii s. vi d Marlez of the best the dosen xviii d Hennesnytes of the best the dosen xviii d. Larkes of the best the dosen vi d. Buntynges of the best the dosen iii. d. Great byrdes of the best the dosen vi d. Egges v. for a peny Butter swete from Easter to Hallontyde the pounde ii d. Butter swete from Hallontyde to Easter the pounde iii. d.