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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04372 A briefe discouery of the damages that happen to this realme by disordered and vnlawfull diet The benefites and commodities that otherwaies might ensue. With a perswasion of the people: for a better maintenance to the nauie. Brieflie compiled, by Edward Ieninges. Jeninges, Edward. 1590 (1590) STC 14486; ESTC S109137 18,878 31

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A briefe discouery of the damages that happen to this Realme by disordered and vnlawfull diet THE BENEFITES AND COMMODIties that otherwaies might ensue With a perswasion of the people for a better maintenance to the Nauie Brieflie compiled by Edward Ieninges ROMANS XIIII Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not And let not him which eateth not iudge him that eateth For the kingdome of God is not meate nor drinke but righteousnesse and peace and ioy in the holy Ghost Imprinted at London by Roger Ward dwelling vpon Lambart Hill neere old Fish-streete 1590. TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE SIR Charles Haward Lord high admirall of England knight of the moste honourable order of the Garter and one of her highnesse priuy Counsel Edward Ienings wisheth long and prosperous health with increase of all happinesse RIght honourable and my good Lord after long consideration had of the sundrie and great discommodities that happeneth to this Realme by the misdemeanour of diuers disordered persons contrarie to manie good commendable lawes carefully ordayned heaping harmes on our own heades thorow wilfull disobedience As a poore mēber amongst the rest lamenting this carelesse contempt I pondred earnestly in my minde what way to imploy my labour and small skill for some redresse herein to the benefit of my countrie and considering amongest manie other thinges the great harmes that happen to this realme sundrie waies by the contempt of fish and inordinate or vnlawfull expence of fleshe growing as may be supposed through want of true vnderstanding to what end the law in that behalfe made is ordained as one amongest manie muche vnable effectually to discharge so great a worke of a zealous minde I haue compiled this small treatise for the persvvasion of such as herein will be persvvaded And aduenturing to proceede with all humblenesse I haue made bold for the better publishing thereof to shroud my selfe for defence vnder the protection and fauour of your good honour as a speciall and carefull magistrate for such things as concerne the common-vvealth of this realme ordained of God vnder her Maiestie to haue the ouersight and gouernement in these affaires which concerneth moste chiefly a maintenance to her highnesse Nauie besides the sundrie and great commodities othervvaies grovving to the vvhole common-wealth Not onely needfull to be published but moste carefully also considered and remembred as by the discourse follovving shall manifestly appeare But the common sorte of people to auoyd the ceremonicall abuse heretofore vsed by obseruation of fish daies notvvithstanding the paines and penalties by the lavv threatned not onely neglecteth but vtterly contemneth the same nothing remembring the harmes that to them thereby may happen And some reason is for that no matter hath heretofore bin shewed so largely explained to persvvade them as in this my small vvorke is rudely compiled Most humbly crauing your honours fauourable patience in considering the contents thereof not respecting the rude still but my affectioned heart and minde for the benefite and safetie of my Prince and country then as vnvvorthie of such acceptation I shall finde my selfe for this small paines most bountifullie satisfied and according to dutie pray for your honorable and prosperous estate long to continue To the gentle Reader Gentle Reader haue patience to peruse The rude contentes which in me are contained My authours faultes very faine I would excuse But that they are so manifestly explayned Iudge therefore the best let rigor be restrayned Accept his heart his hand and willing minde Then all is well what fault soeuer you finde For well he meant and well he hopes t'will proue Well to perswade such as well will be content But those that well nor ill their affection can remoue My author forceth little he doth him not repent Of anie thing here done which he hath said or meant Hoping the wise of his willing minde will conceaue To whose iudgementes he that his small workes doth leaue Much more there might by argumentes be aleag'd Then are here set downe for proofe sundrie waies But by fewe thinges the wise will be perswaded Considering the contentes he seeketh no further praise But good acceptation graunt therefore no denayes And his small paine and trauell he hath spent He will right well accept and finde himselfe content FINIS CONCERNING OBEDIENCE TO THE polliticke lawes ordained by Princes Their care for the commoditie of the people The disobedient are to be punished some lavves are more earnestlier to be cared for then other some AS it hath pleased almightie God to ordaine Princes to rule and gouerne So hath hee also commanded that the subiectes should obey For confirmation whereof S. Paule in his 13. chap. to the Romanes saith Let euerie soule be subiect to the higher powers for there is no power but of God The powers saith hee that be are ordained of God Whosoeuer therefore resisteth that power resisteth the ordinance of God Hee saith further that Princes are not feared for good workes but for eu●ill If therefore thou wilt be without feare doe well so shalt thou haue praise of the same for he is the minister of God for thy wealth But if thou doe euill feare for hee beareth not the sword for naught but is the minister of God to take vengeance on them that do euill Further he saith obey your Magistrates not for feare of vengeance onely but for conscience sake If this lessen of S. Paule were perfectly remembred there should be little cause to put so manie pennall statutes in execution as at this day there be But wee consider not besides this good lesson of S. Paule what great care studie and labour our Prince and Magistrates accompanied with the most learned of the land not onely hath but dayly doth by their earnest labour practise and deuise by sundry godly and polliticke lawes for the maintenance preseruation and continuance of y e whole common-wealth like as carefull parentes cease not to studie and labour for the education or bringing vp of their children Gently admonishing and earnestly commaunding to obserue and keepe the said good lawes and ordinances which for our owne benefites by them are so made and ordained But we like carelesse children little regarding the carefull trauell that herein by them for vs is taken looke onely to the time present satisfieng our sensuall lust and desire not remembring the dangers and damages that thereby may vnto vs afterwardes insue and so runne headlong negligently and thorow disobedienee into our owne decay contemning the princes commaundement which is Gods ordinance Wherefore diuers pennalties and punishmentes are by vertue of those lawes appointed to be laid vpon the disobedient which being executed seeme grieuous and painefull and the informer greatly abhorred and euill thought on whereas in trueth such as giue information to the magistrate of offences with an earnest desire of reformation and not only for couetousnesse ought of good men rather to be loued and commended for the life of the law is execution Therefore
a lawe made and not executed lieth dead small auaileth to the intēt for which it was made And as all pennall lawes at this day inforce appeare verie needefull to be obserued yet are some of them more requisite to be looked into for the vniuersall benefite of a common-wealth then some other for that by proofe they import matters of greater waight yet the effect not considered of they seeme of little valew Amongest which there is one a most necessarie and polliticke lawe not so much esteemed as the effect doth importe for diuers benefites that thereby may growe vnto the realme ordaine moste specially for better maintenance of the Nauie a thing earnestly to be regarded which concerneth the expence of fish and sparing of flesh And the same not onely ordayned for the sparing of flesh whereof thorow the great goodnesse of almightie God we are sufficiently furnished But for diuers and sundrie discommodities dangers and damages which thorow neglecting the times and seasons for expence of fishe not onely hath but dayly doth and will bring vpon our realme and the whole common wealth thereof except earnest reformation be had and vsed amongest the common people for whose commoditie the said law was made with a great penaltie vpon the offender And for that the greatest number of people doth not perfectly vnderstand the commodities that may grow vnto them by obseruation heereof nor the discommodities that may happen by neglecting the same neyther yet the certaine cause wherefore this lawe of abstinence is ordained For the better instruction and pesrwasion of such persons hereafter followeth certaine argumentes which concerne a reason and cause that this law amongst others ought most carefully to be obserued That although feare of the penaltie will not force them or forgetfulnes of dutiful obedience hath caused a neglegence or y e ceremonicall abuse which in times past thereby was vsed doth perswade a contempt yet a consideration had of the commodities that may therby growe the discommodities that may happen wil happily perswade such persons as beare a christian and brotherly loue to their countrie after the counsell of Saint Paul to obey euen for conscience sake considering the same doth concerne not onely their owne benefite but the benefite of their children that shall come after them Great numbers of shippes haue bene maintained by the certaine expence of fish The cause of their decay A remedie sought to repaire them againe TO this realme of England in times past belonged a strong nauie of shippes maintained chiefly by fishing wherewith the Prince and countrie were compassed for their defence as with a forcible wall the repaire whereof was very well supplied by the certaine vtterance and expence of such fishe as was taken and prouided which grewe by the obseruation of suche daies as was appointed for the abstinence from fleshe and eating of fish and thus was this wall or nauie kept in a sufficient repaire as a redye defence for the Prince and this Realme agaynst all forraine assaultes whensoeuer or howsoeuer the same shoulde happen vntill the superstitious abuse thereby vsed caused some fewe to omit the obseruation of fishe daies according to the accustomed order which at the first appeared no harme Then some moe did the like and yet little harme appeared But in continuance of time in maner the whole multitude by ensample of others did breake that order some in part and some in the whole whereby the accustomed buying and expence of fish whereupon the continuall maintenance of the sayde Nauie grewe became so small that there appeared a great decay in the Nauie neuerthelesse euerie man proceeded from time to time in breache of the said accustomed order which before was certainely obserued and so in fewe yeares the Nauie was abated from fiue shippes to two in diuers partes of this realme whereupon the force thereof touching that matter was weakened much to the great perill of this realme and incouragement of the enemie In auoiding whereof with earnest consideration had by the nobles and commons of the whole realme considering the danger that thereby might ensue it was by them thought necessarie to deuise some meanes how the nauie might be repaired againe being assembled in the parliament holden at Westminster the fift yeare of the Queenes highnesse most gratious raigne a law was there made and ordained that the accustomed order for fish daies should be obserued in abstaining from flesh that fish might be the more plentifullier spent Which law for a time of great numbers was obserued but from thence grewe not sufficient contribution to repaire and maintaine the Nauie for that the vniuersall multitude had litle regard thereunto whose ensample diuers other followed and so manie of the greater sort ioyning with the lesser sort became more carelesse for want of due execution then anie time before they had bin And thus the trade of fishing and prouision of fish out of which exceeding great maintenance grew vnto y e Nauy was brought frō great to greater decay which decay increseth For which cause her Maiestie with the nobles and commons of the realme considering the disordered behauior concerning breach of y e said lawe most commonly vsed in many common Iunes tauerns tabling-houses cookes houses and other cōmon vitlers in which place a wonderful nūber of fish might be spent if the said law by them were duely obserued In a parliament holden at Westminster the 27. yeere of her most gratious raigne a law for the better obseruation of the said dayes and times was further ordayned against them with a greater penaltie then before had bin set downe for the other that reformation therein might be had if by anie meanes it were possible But thereof in like case so little care of obedience is vsed that the offence in most places rather increaseth then decreaseth to the wonderfull great damage of this realme as by the argumentes following may well be considered Certain arguments concerning vnlawful diet Reasons alleaged for the expence of flesh with the answers to thē The Nauy may be maintained by other trades then fishing but not without perill the commoditie of fishing IF the realme in defence thereof be furnished with fiue hundred ships and that we should suffer the enemie by pollicie or open force to consume or destroy three hundred of them were it not a great and a reprooueable negligence But if the naturall subiectes of this realme by their negligent maners shall consume or destroy three hundred of them is not their so doing worthy grieuous punishment But if they shall obstinately or wilfully doe the same what punishment such ought to haue I leaue to the iudgement of those that haue a wisedome to consider thereof In asmuch therefore as by our dyet we abate the Nauie by proportion from fiue ships to two is it not to bee accompted great negligence and worthie of punishment But after we haue espied this negligence wee doe wilfully continue the the same can it bee