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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A91794 The necessity of toleration in matters of religion, or, Certain questions propounded to the Synod, tending to prove that corporall punishments ought not to be inflicted upon such as hold errors in religion, and that in matters of religion, men ought not to be compelled, but have liberty and freedome. Here is also the copy of the edict of the Emperours Constantinus and Licinius, and containing the reasons that inforced them to grant unto all men liberty to choose, and follow what religion they thought best. Also here is the faith of the Assembly of Divines, as it was taken out of the exactest copy of their practise, with the non-conformists answer why they cannot receive and submit to the said faith. / By Samuel Richardson. Richardson, Samuel, fl. 1643-1658.; Constantine I, Emperor of Rome, d. 337.; Westminster Assembly (1643-1652) 1647 (1647) Wing R1409; Thomason E407_18; Thomason E407_19; ESTC R203392 10,835 16

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may become true worshippers as they that are strangers may become Gods people 18. Whether to convert an heretick and to cast out uncleane spirits be done any other way then by the finger of God by the mighty power of the Spirit in the word 19. Whether he that is not conformable to Christ may not at the same time be a good subject to the State and as profitable to it 20. Whether men that differ in Religion may not be tollerated seeing Abraham abode among the Canaanites along time yet contrary to them in religion Genes 13. 7. 16. 13. and he sojourned in Gezer and King Abimelech gave him leave to abide in his land Gen. 20. 21 23 24. And Isaac dwelt in the same land yet contrary in Religion Gen. 31. The people of Israel were about 430. yeers in Egypt and afterwards in Babylon all which time they differed in Religion from the State Exod. 12. 2 Chron. 36. Christ and his Disciples differed from the common Religion of the State Acts 19. 20. and when the enemies of the truth raised up any tumults the wisdom of the Magistrate most wisely appeased them Acts 18. 14 and 19. 15. 21. Whether it be not better for us that a patent were granted to monopolize all the corne and cloth and to have it measured out unto us at their price pleasure which yet were intollerable as for some men to appoint and measure out unto us what and how much we shall believe and practice in matters of Religion 22. Whether there be not the same reason that they should be appointed by us what they shall believe and practice in Religion as for them to do so to us seeing we can give as good grounds for what what we believe and practice as they can do for what they would have if not better 23. Whether men heretofore have not in zeale for Religion persecuted the Son of God in stead of the son of perdition 24. Whether it is not a burden great enough for the Magistrate to governe and judge in civill causes to preserve the subjects rights peace and safety 25. If the Magistrate must judge and punish in matters of Religion the Magistrate must evet be troubled with such persons and such causes and if after his conscience be convinced he had no such power or see that it was truth he punished what horrors of conscience is he like to possesse 26. Whether he is fit to appoint punishments that is not fit to judge 27. If the Magistrate must punish errors in Religion whether it doth not impose a necessity that the Magistrate is to have a certainty of knowledge in all intricate cases and whether God calls such to that place whom he hath not furnished with abilities for that place And if a Magistrate be in darkenesse and spiritually blinde and dead be fit to judge of light of truth and error and whether such be fit for the place of the Magistracy then whether it be not a scruple to a tender conscience to submit to such in civill causes because not appointed to that place by God whereas if the Magistrates power be onely civill the doubt is resolved because such as may be fit for Magistrates and men ought in conscience in civill things to submit unto them so fit as their commands are good Rom. 13. 28. Whether there be any Scripture that saith that any mans Conscience is to be constrained and whether the Magistrate can reach mens consciences and whether he be fit to make a law to conscience who cannot know when conscience keepes it and that cannot reward conscience for keeping it nor punish the conscience for the breaking of it 29. Whether it be not in vaine for us to have Bibles in English if contrary to our understanding of them we must believe as the Church believes whether it be right or wrong 30. Whether the Magistrate be not wronged to give him the Title of Civill Magistrate onely if his power be spirituall 31. Whether lawes made meerly concerning spirituall things be not spirituall also 32. Whether if no civill Law be broken the civill peace be hurt or no 33. Whether in compulsion for conscience not onely the guilty but the innocent suffer also As if the husband be an Heritick his sufferings may cause the innocent wife and children shall suffer also 34. Whether such as are spiritually dead be capable to be spiritually infected 35. Whether God will accept of a painted Sepulchre a shadow a meer complement of obedience when the heart is dead and rotten and hates God and all that is good God hath no need of hypocrites much lesse of forced ones God will have those to worship him as can worship him in spirit truth Iohn 4. 36. Whether the Scriptures appoint any other punishment to be inflicted upon Heriticks then rejection and excommunication Tit. 3. 10. 37. Whether freedome of conscience would not joyne all sorts of persons to the Magistrate because each shared in the benefit 38. Whether those States as the Low-Countries who grant such liberty do not live quietly and flourish in great prosperity 39. Whether persecution for conscience do not harden men in their way and make them cry out of oppression tyranny 40. Whether some Corporall punishments would not make thousands in England face about to Popery as it did in Queene Maries time 41. Whether lawes made concerning Religion have not alwayes catched the most holy men witnesse Daniel and the three Children the rest will be of what Religion you will 42. Whether the Saints crave the help of the powers of this world to bring Christ to them or feare their powers to keepe him from them 43. If no Religion is to be practised but that which the Common-wealth shall approve on what if they will approve of no Religion shall men have no Religion at all 44. Whether the Saints ought not to continue their Assemblies of their worship of God without or against the consent of the Magistrates they being commanded to do so Mal. 28. 18 19 20. Heb. 10. 25. By an Angel from God Acts 5. 20. It was the Apostles practice who were not rebellious nor seditious Acts 4. 18 19 20 23. and 5. 22. 28. 45. Whether Vniformity in Religion in the State do not oppresse millions of soules and impoverish the Saints bodies 46. Whether Gods people have not disputed and taught a Religion new and worship contrary to the State they lived in and spread it in travelling and open places as appeares Act. 17. 2. 17. and 18. 48. yet no origancy and impetuousnesse Yea contrary to publike authority in the Nations Vniformity in false worship Dan. 3. the three Children so the Apostle Act. 4. 5. The Saints have openly witnessed that in matters spirituall Jesus was King Act. 17. 7. and for this Christ suffered as appeares by his accusation Iohn 9. 19. Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jewes Psal 2. 6. Act. 2. 36. Gods people have seemed the disturbers of the
civill State upon the Apostles preaching there followed uprores and Tumults and uprores at Iconium at Ephesus at Ierusalem Act. 14. 4. 19. 29. 40. Act. 21. 30 31. 47. Whether Jesus Christ appointed any materiall Prisons for Blasphemers of him Whether notwithstanding the confidence of the truth they have to which they would force others whether the Bishops their Fathers have not been as deeply mistaken for now they see and say they are Antichristian 48. Whether it be not a naturall Law for every man that liveth to worship that which he thinketh is God and as he thinketh he ought to worship and to force otherwise will be concluded an oppression of those persons so forced 49. And whether it be best for us to put out our eyes and see by the eyes of others who are as dim-sighted In my judgement your judgment is a lye will ye compell me to believe a lye compell ye a man to be present at a worship which he loathes or will ye force my tongue to speake that which my hears cannot affect 50. Whether it be in the power of any man to believe what he will and as he will the minde of man being perswaded with great reasons is captivated will he nill he I am fully perswaded of the truth of the Religion I profes if I should follow your Religion I should deceive men and go contrary to my conscience but I cannot deceive God 51. Whether the Ordinance against preaching is not the onely way to insnare the choysest men but it cannot catch the worst who shall judge what is error and what is truth I answer if our enemies must judge we must alwayes be persecuted and abused by the worst of men for they will judge it fit to persecute us they will call fruth error and error truth and sometimes truth shall be esteemed no lesse then blasphemy and that which one man shall do as his duty in conscience to Gods Command may be called obstinacy though unjustly so that if any demand who is the most orthodox and sound man and freest from errors the answer is now if you will put it to the vote it s the major voice the strongest side that side that hath the authority to back it so that we must follow a multitude Once a King being sick it was demanded of him who should succeed him in the Crown he answered he that had the longest Sword so it is now and if truth hath but a few followers it must be esteemed error and rejected 52. If the Magistrate as a Magistrate have a power from Christ to punish such as he is perswaded in his conscience are erroneous and hereticall or because he differs in Religion from the Magistrate then Queen Mary and her Parliament did well in burying the Martyrs for differing from her established Religion they being as contrary to her R●ligion as any are now in the Magistrates eyes 53. Either the Civill or the spirituall State must be supream which of these must judge the other in spirituall matters if the Magistrate then he is above the Church and so the head of the Church and he hath his power from the People to govern the Church whether it will not follow that the People as a People have originally as men a power to governe the Church to see her do her duty to reforme and correct her and so the Spouse of Christ the wife of Christ must be corrected according to the pleasure of the world who lie in wickednesse 1 Iohn 5. 54. Whether every man doth not venter his Soule upon the truth of his Religion which in his conscience he is perswaded of the truth of it 55. Whether this Kingdome have any sufficient ground to believe they shall injoy their outward rights and liberties so long as any one Religion is set up and men forced under great penalties to be subject to it 56. Whether it be not a horrible thing that a free division of England may not have so much liberty as is permitted to a Turk in this Kingdom who although he denies Christ yet he can live quietly amongst us here and is it not a great ingratitude of this Kingdom to deny this liberty to such as are friends and have been a meanes in their persons and estates to save this Kingdome from distruction and desolation Oh England England Oh that thou wert wise to know the things that belongs to thy prosperity and peace before it be too late the hand of God is against the how have we slaine one another and who knowes but this is come upon us for troubling undoing dispising banishing the people of God into so many Wildernesses 57. Whether men are bound in Conscience to be persecuted when they can help it for omitting of that they judge sinfull and whether a man may not take that which is his right or use meanes to take it by force in case they who should give it denie it and he cannot have it otherwise thus I would keep my Estate my liberty my life by force if I can and cannot keep it otherwise 58. Whether there be any man that judgeth his own judgement erroneous 59. Whether if any man will take upon him to punish men for errors it be not fit he shew his authority from God to warrant his practice and if one man is to be punished for error must it not of necessity follow that all men are to be punished because all men have errors no man is free from them and therefore all men are to be punished with corporall punishments for their errors either more or lesse so that if Luther and Calvin and other good men were now amongst us they should be punished for the errors they held as well as others are for the truth 60. Whether the Priests of England in assuming to themselves to be Christs Ministers and the Apostles successors and a godly reformed Presbytery be not a cunning trick and a meer chea●e to deceive the simple 61. Whether the Priests practice be not contrary to the Apostles practice take one instance the Apostles diped viz. baptized persons after they believed and confessed their faith whereas they sprinkled persons before they believe yea before they can speak they baptized persons in a River Asts 2. and 8. Mat. 3. these sprinkle water upon their faces yet if you will believe them they are the successors of the Apostles and follow their step 62. Wherefore do the Priests of England assume to themselves the title of Divine is it because they are exercised in Divine truthes or because they partake of the Divine nature or both if so then many Tradesmen may as well have the title of Divine given them as well as they because they partake of the Divine nature and are as much exercised in matters Divine as the most of them but it is a question whether the title Divine is to be given to any man but onely to God whose being is onely Divine 63. Whether the name of setling Religion be not a fine pretence to establish error and tyranny we desire not liberty of conscience of any man let us injoy our right our liberty of persons and Estates we will give them leave to hang our Religion and consciences too if they can they desire not our Religion nor can they see nor reach our conscience as Ques 28. and I am perswaded that the hand of God and man will be against England and Scotland till they cease troubling of men for matters of Religion 64. Whether ever any that are contrary to the Synod did ever sue the Parliament to have the Presbyters punished for any of their errors though in them they abound and whether some of them do not tend to the destruction of the State if they might have their willes 65. Whether it be not a great error to slight and disgrace the holy Scriptures and whether the Synod are not guilty of this error in that they do not make the Scriptures the ground and rule of what they do and this appeares 1. in that what they affirme in not in the Scrirtures 2. in that they keepe not the forme of sound words as the Scriptures require we cannot read it in the Scripture what they impose upon others nor can wee finde the substance of that they impose upon others in the whole Scriptures 3. neither do they alleadge the words nor texts of Scripture to prove what they maintaine as appeares by their Directory what is their authority above the Scriptures if they think so it is no small error 66. Whe●her it doth not appeare that the Priesthood for the most part do hate and dispise the suffering Saints of Christ and this appeares 1. because they speake not for them but 2. speak against them 3. they preach against them 4. they persecute them and cause others to persecute them 5. when they are in prison they do not vifit them 6. nor allow them any meanes when they are in want to maintaine them 67. Whether it doth appeare that the Priests oppose errors and Sects out of conscience or out of bye and selfe ends it appeares to be the later because they write and preach and bend their strength against those truthes that oppose their profit honour ease as tithes false ministery and cousoning of people but as for errors indeed as to deny the Resurrection of the body the truth of the Scriptures to deny Christ to be God and the like which of them hath written on sheet against any of these errors notwithstanding they have wrote volume against good men for doing that Christ commanded them 68. Whether those Priests are not false Priests in prophesying in their Pulpits that London should be plundered and their wives c. ravished when Sir Thomas his Army came into London you see apparantly they prophesie the vision of their owne hearts so they say thus saith the Lord when he hath nor spoken unto them Whether the Priests were not the cause of the burning of the booke entituled the Bloudy Tenant because it was against persecution and whether their consciences would not have dispensed with the burning of the author of it which I wish they would seriously consider Dells Booke of Right Reformation 70. Whether mens eyes are not so opened the Priests deeds so manifest that it is but in vaine for them to think that ever all men will be led by them more