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A38834 Encouragement for seamen and mariners in two parts : being a proposed method for the more speedy and effectual furnishing Their Majesties' Royal Navy with able seamen and mariners, and for saving those immense sums of money, yearly expended in attending the sea-press : in order to prevent those many mischiefs and abuses daily committed (by disorderly press-masters) both at sea and land, to the great prejudice of Their Majesties, and injury of the subject / by George Everett, Shipwright. Everett, George, Shipwright. 1695 (1695) Wing E3546; ESTC R21074 10,664 26

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ENCOURAGEMENT FOR Seamen Mariners In Two Parts Being a proposed Method for the more speedy and effectual furnishing their Majesties Royal Navy with able Seamen and Mariners And for saving those immense Sums of Money yearly expended in attending the Sea-press In order to prevent those many Mischiefs and Abuses daily committed by disorderly Press-masters both at Sea and Land to the great Prejudice of their Majesties and Injury of the Subject By GEORGE EVERETT Shipwright London Printed in the Year MDCXCV TO THE Right Honourable THE Lords Spiritual and Temporal AND COMMONS of England Assembled in Parliament With Submission IN humble Respect to his Majesties most gracious Speech I do most humbly offer these following Proposals for the encouraging of Seamen in order to furnish their Majesties Royal Navy on all Occasions Wherein is briefly set forth the great Hardships and Sufferings of those imployed in Sea-Service together with proper Remedies to prevent the same whereby their Majesties and the Publick may save those immense Sums of Money yearly expended on such Occasions the Seamen be happy and easy in such Service the Merchants enjoy a free Trade without Interruption the whole Nation be happy under the present Influence of a War many Grievances attending thereon be redress'd Vice punish'd Vertue promoted our Enemies terrified and our selves encouraged by the Blessing of the Almighty to prosecute this so great and glorious Vndertaking and thereby regain our former Honour of being Master of the British Seas to the Glory of their Majesties the Peace and Happiness of the whole Nation Most humbly begging your Honours to pardon this my Vndertaking to pass by my Errors with Patience and to correct all that is amiss with Prudence and to consider my former Proposals humbly offered for the saving 100000l per Annum in building and repairing the Royal Navy which by his Majesty's Order of the 22d of March last was referred to the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty and at the writing hereof is yet lying under their Lordships Consideration All which out of a hearty and zealous Inclination of serving their Majesties and the Publick I do most humbly recommend to your Honours Consideration as the only Physicians under God from whom a Redress of all our Grievances are desired and expected in Hopes of your favourable Acceptance and Encouragement thereof for the Service of their Majesties the Benefit of the Subject and the Good and Welfare of the whole Nation most humbly praying that a Committee may be appointed to examine and consider the same and that I may be admitted to give Reasons and answer to all Objections I humbly submit my self Your Honours most faithful and obedient Servant GEO. EVERETT PROPOSALS Consisting of two Parts Most humbly offered for the Encouragement of Seamen and for supplying their Majesties Royal Navy with able Seamen and Mariners on all Occasions Part the First FOrasmuch as it is altogether needless to give an Account of the particular Charge of the Nation in impressing of Seamen for their Majesties Service that being already performed by others and it being well known that after all the Charge and Trouble therein many of the most able and fittest for Sea-Service do lie lurking and conceal'd taking an Opportunity to make a Voyage or two to Newcastle or otherwise as theysee most convenient for their own Advantage to the great Hindrance of their Majesties Service the Discouragement of others belonging to the Fleet and great Prejudice of many who being unfit for Sea-Service are forced to supply in such Case Proposal 1. For Remedy thereof upon the especial Approbation of the Honourable Admiral Russel and several other eminent Persons of known Experience in Maritime Affairs it is humbly proposed That in every Seaport-Town according to the Greatness thereof an Office and Officers being Persons of known Integrity and good Repute may be erected and settled for taking and keeping a Register of Seamen and Mariners And to that end the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of every Parish within ten Miles of any Sea-Coast or navigable River within this Kingdom shall within fourteen Days after Notice given by Proclamation be sworn duly to enquire and take a List of all Seamen and Mariners inhabiting and residing within their respective Parishes being between the Age of 16 and 60 whether at home or abroad and shall deliver the same under their Hands to the Sheriff of the County to which they do belong which said Sheriff shall within twelve Days after the Receipt thereof transmit a Copy of the same to the next Port-Office where the same shall be carefully entered Alphabetically for every Parish and County distinctly in a Book or Books for that purpose to be provided ☞ This cannot be accounted any great Trouble there being in every Parish four or six such Officers at least who dividing themselves with their Beadle who is generally acquainted with all the Parishioners may perform the same effectually in one Day ☞ Neither can it be accounted troublesom to the Sheriffs it being not expected to be more than once a Year at most and may by their Directions be perform'd by their Servants And being a National Concern ought to have a National Assistance which will partly be effected by such Officers changing Places every Year Prop. 2. And that all Masters of Ships and other Vessels using the Sea or trading from Port to Port Coast-wise except such Vessels as are or shall be employed in the home Trade of Fishery for supplying the several Markets of this Kingdom shall at the Beginning of their Voyage and before they depart the first Port give into that Port-Office a true List of the Names of all Seamen and Mariners retained to serve on Board their said Ships or Vessels together with their Age and what outward Marks may be found as also their Place of Residence or Habitation if any such they have which being performed the said Masters if not restrained by Imbargo or other Order may with their Company have Liberty to proceed on their intended Voyage both out and home without Danger of being impress'd one of the said Officers first giving a Certificate under his Hand and Seal as a Protection for the Use of each Seaman thereunto belonging being between the Age of 16 and 60 Years as aforesaid and also a Duplicate thereof to the Master for which he shall pay unto the said Officer if a Coaster 2s and 6d and if a Trader to foreign Parts 5s per Head for every Person therein nominated which said Monies may be allowed for and towards the Maintenance and Encouragement of such Officers ☞ By the aforesaid Means it may be possible to obtain a full Register of all the Seamen of England and thereby know who is in Service and who is not whereby the Royal Navy upon all Occasions may be ready manned with able Seamen and no Hiding-place left for Deserters or others And the Head-Money proposed will be gladly paid to avoid those
having by long Custom gotten the Ascendant on board the Fleet be forthwith suppress'd and abolished and all Offenders being Officers may be displaced and others receive such Punishment as may be appointed by Authority of Parliament Prop. 6. And that no Seaman or Mariner that hath served twelve Months in any of their Majesties Ships shall be turn'd over to serve on board any other of their Majesties Ships before he be paid all Wages due to that time Prop. 7. That when and so often as their Majesties by their Royal Proclamation shall require the Service of such Seamen on board the Royal Navy by such a Day or Time prefix'd that all able Seamen who shall in obedience thereunto voluntarily enter themselves by applying to the next Port-Officer or Officers shall be allowed during the whole Voyage 28s per Month according to the Course of the Navy and that so often as any of their Majesties Ships shall arrive into any Harbour to lay up for any time that then the Seamen and Mariners thereunto belonging shall be forthwith discharged and that all Wages to them then due for such Service be fully paid not in Tickets but in Money And if the Voyage be long that then their Wives or Friends having a lawful Power to receive the same may be paid six Months Wages out of every nine Months that such Ship shall be abroad Prop. 8. That all such Sea-men now belonging to the Royal Navy as shall be continued on board the Fleet at such time as the Service of others shall be required by Proclamation as aforesaid may have and receive the full Benefit of such as shall then enter themselves as Volunteers Prop. 8. That there be one Clerk at the Navy-Office to attend all accidental Business that may happen touching the Premises and that he be allowed by their Majesties l. per annum to answer and receive Money for all such Persons as shall employ him on such Occasion and that he may be allowed 6d or 12d per Pound as shall be thought fit for all such Money as he shall so receive and the said Clerk making Default therein to be displaced and suffer such Fine or other Punishment as the Parliament shall think fit ☞ By such Payments as aforesaid Seamen may be enabled to provide for themselves and Families and to pay their Debts which is one Means to make Money plenty throughout the Nation and will encourage them when occasion shall require freely and gladly to enter themselves into their Majesties Service without the Charge of being pressed or continued in Pay for the whole Year And being certain of such Provision made for the Maintenance of themselves and Families it will make them bold and daring not being afraid to look Death in the very Face of their Enemies ☞ It is to be observed that for want of such Payment as aforesaid the Seamen are greatly injured and discouraged first especially when instead of Money they are put off with Tickets whilst many of them and their Families wanting Food and Rayment are compelled to sell such Tickets at one third parr and sometimes one half Loss so that thereby the Seamens Pay is very small and insignificant who after having exposed themselves to the greatest Dangers are so cut off being but as Slaves and Drudges to the common Ticket-Buyers and their Upholders who for supplying them so with Money do carry away the greatest part of their Labour when many of their poor Families are ready to perish Secondly The paying such their Wages on board the Fleet at such time as they are ready to sail is very injurious both to Seamen and others for by such Means they have not the Opportunity to serve themselves or Families but are obliged to buy all their Necessaries on board the Common Higlers or Boomboats and they not many who making it their Business to attend the Fleet do by their Extortion bring away the greatest part of the Seamens Wages So that a great part of the Treasure of the Nation which ought to be divided amongst all falls into the Hands of a few private Persons whereas if such Payment were to be made on shore as aforesaid they may have the Benefit to buy all they want at the best Hand to pay their Debts and relieve their Families And by this Means all such Money would as from a Fountain pleasantly distil it self into so many Silver Streams until it returns again to its first Rise which would be a great Encouragement to Seamen and all other their Majesties good Subjects who being now obliged to give them and their Families Credit are forc'd to sit down by Loss which is one great Cause of the Decay and Detriment of Trade ☞ If it should be objected that paying the Seamen their Wages on shore upon the Discharge of their Service as aforesaid will cause them to desert their Majesties Service 't is humbly answered that there being in England a sufficient Number to serve both their Majesties Royal Navy and Merchants Ships at one time as by sufficient Testimony did appear this last Summer it is impossible to believe the Royal Fleet should ever want Seamen if good Payment was to be made and Encouragement given as aforesaid for these Reasons following First They being in such Service are more secure from the Enemy than in Merchants Ships Secondly Being allowed thirteen Months to the Year without After-claps or paying Damages which in Merchants Ships often cuts off one Months Pay in three Thirdly If a Ship of their Majesties happen to be lost the Seamens Wages stand good Fourthly Being out of all Danger of being impress'd during the whole Voyage by Means whereof in Merchants Ships they often lose both their Wages and Adventure Fifthly Having a Prospect in making Advantage by taking of Prizes Sixthly If Loss of Members happen Smart-Money is allowed with a yearly Pension during Life Seventhly If killed in Fight a considerable Bounty-Gift is bestowed on their Families according to the Greatness thereof when Seamen in Merchants Ships running all Risques as aforesaid fall far short of these so great Advantages Prop. 9. Furthermore it is proposed that if any Difference should happen within the Term of the said Voyage between the Master of such Merchant's Ship or Vessel and any of the Seamen belonging thereunto for or by reason of any Wages due or Goods damaged by Leekage of the Ship or Vessel such Differences may be determined by such Officer as aforesaid who may be impowered to call to his Assistance two three or more honest and indifferent Men being sufficient House-keepers who may have Power to hear and determine all such Differences as aforesaid which would be of great Advantage to poor Seamen who by reason of Poverty and the Press being not in a Capacity to maintain or attend a Suit of Law are often ruined and undone ☞ If it should be objected that this may prove prejudicial to the Government it is humbly answered That the Seamen in general by such