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A03350 A quartron of reasons of Catholike religion, with as many briefe reasons of refusall: By Tho. Hill Hill, Edmund Thomas, ca. 1563-1644. 1600 (1600) STC 13470; ESTC S113265 68,569 200

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done Satisfaction for his sinnes In artic Smalcal dic in artic 3. fal paenit papist that he is therby iust before God without Christ or faith which is a lye no lesse shamefull than the other For the Catholikes teache that no Iustice is had no sinne forgiuen no good thing obtained but by the Passion of our Sauiour Christ 6. They affirme that the Papists doe worship Saints in steed of Christ doe honour them as Gods which is a grose impudent lye as euery mā knoweth Hadd cont Osorium 7. They are not ashamed to write that Religion was not changed in England but by the cōsent of the Bishops that the landes goods of Abbies Religious houses were distributed to Godly vses as to Schooles Vniuersities Hospitals And that the Pope for an ordinary tribute to him yeerely paide giueth free leaue vnder his great seale to Priestes to keepe concubines openly without controlement And the like lies they lay vpon the auncient Fathers as Melancthon said of S. Austen In Apol. tit de pec orig that he taught Originall sinne to be taken awaye in Baptisme not that it was not any more but that it was not imputed Whereas S. Austen spoke not there of Originall sin but of concpiscence So they say S. Bernard recāted monachisme at his later ende Luth. tom 5. Ien. ger fol. 457. Teleman Heshus l. 1. de vera ec p. 60. that most of auncient writers Fathers retracted reuoked before they died the Doctrine which they had written or else that they thought otherwise than they wrote spoke By this meanes to defend their newe doctrine to shift off the auncient Fathers which are altogether plainly against it they are constrained to lay two notable lies vpō the said fathers the one that they recalled their doctrine before their death the other that they wrote spoke one thing but thought another And no maruell though they slaunder wrong in this Atheistical manner the Holy Fathers when as some of them spare not the Apostles themselues If the three Apostles Peter Paul Barnabas Tom. 3. Ien. Ger. fol. 261. saith Luther had not held their tackle about Faith without works al the multitude had failed therin Iames stūbled in it But of this kind of stuffe I wil not here alleadge any more he who desireth to hear moe of their lies slaūders may find thē aboundantly set down by diuerse sundry authors at this day but yet take with you this saying of your M. Luther He who once lieth Tom. 1. Germ. fol. 423. saith he certainly is not of God is worthily suspected in all things And as for reuiling railing I thinke that Lucifer himselfe coulde little haue exceeded the Protestants therein especially their first Apostle the saide Martine Luther who with filthy beastly scuruy opprobrious speeches so be daubeth the Catholike church the magistrats therof as euery one may see what spirite possessed his heart the same out of all doubt which delighteth in filthinesse scurrility And to the end you may haue some aime what kinde of fellowe this Arche-apostle of your protestantisme was I wil here brieflie set downe a few words of his filthie mouth Hee calleth the Archbiship of Ments being a Prince Elector descended of the Princely Electorall familie of Brandeburge Tom 3. Germ. fol. 533. a. b. f. 326. 360. col mens f. 342. 343. a fraudulent a most shamefull lyar a shifting Bishop a filthie shitten Priest an hellish Cardinall a great a notable Epicure an impudent and euill worme a damned and lost man a craftie scoffer the greatest knaue that euer was except Nero Caligula c. Hee reuileth the Princes of the Empire Tom. 5. Germ. in glossa super edictū imperat which did meete at the Diet at Angusta Anno. 1530. calling them traitours wicked men the diuels seruantes knaues madde hogges great and grosse asses Hee calleth the Princes of Germanie fooles Tom. 3. fol. 195. b. fol. 200 190. Tom. 2. scales and bubles of the Pope Gods Isbeers and hangemen Germane beasts the diuels puppies c. Hee braggeth that he esteemed the King of England and other Catholike Princes as miserable beggers dizzards and fooles vvhich make him pastime and as new n●ttes which he would haue to glorie and to sing in this manner Here wee nits doe sit vpon the head of the noblest beast in the earth in his haire wee are of a base lynage lice are our Parents those great Giants which killed euen Scilla the Romane Emperour Tom. 3. Iē Ger. f. 331. f. 334 a. and many others What haue wee to doe with Luther a begger it is true you are nits but yet you are not lice And in his infamous libell against the said King of England hee hath great store of oprobrious titles and names as Henrie by the inclemencie of God King of England King of lyes c. So dealt hee vvith that moste famous Prince George Duke of Saxonie Tom. 2. Ger. fol. 206. a. Tom. 6. f. 6. calling him a Tyrant freneticall mad possessed corporally of the diuell the diuels Apostle c. And in his infamous libell entituled Wider hans worst hee calleth Henry Duke of Brunswicke a grosse asse a stocke a tronke an impudent liar a mad man lunatike damned the theefe on the left hand asse of all asses in Wolfenbutell a pudding a sausage an house-firer who stuffeth him-selfe not by drinking wine but by deuouring and drinking Diuelles a fearefull fugitiue knaue a doting eunuch Prince of cut throats a broudy dogge by a thousand such like names But against the Catholike diuines yea and against his own of-spring the Sacramētaries Iesu what terms vseth he where he hath so often that malepert interiection Trotz Swinglius setting forth the said Luther in his colours bringeth him in this maner reuiling In resp a. v. a. Swe●mer a knaue a diuell a theefe an hypocrite Trotz Botz Plotz Plitz tonitru po pu pa plump c. And when he had put the word Sola of his own braine into the text Rom. 3. beeing admonished by some of it he braied out said Tom. 5. Germ. fol. 141. fol. 144. Doctor Martine Luther will so affirmeth that a Papist and an asse are all one I wil haue it so I commaund it so againe Luther will so saith that he is a doctor aboue all the doctors in the Papacy Yea afterward it repented him that he had not corrupted the text of the Apostle worse in putting in more of his owne head and that he had not made the Apostle to say We suppose a man to be iustified by faith only without all works of al Lawes And many moe such like outrages I could here set down of his but I hope these maye suffice to make you to knowe what a milde and modest man this reformer of the christian worlde
hath yet a far greater sway in the world then any other religion euer had or hath And worthie it is to be noted that in no land nor countrie vnder Heauen euer was or is any persecution of any moment against Papists as you terme them or against the Priests of that religion in regard that they be Papists or Priests made by authoritie from the Sea of Rome but only in England And in verie deede the vvhole world doth wonder that little England dare and is not ashamed to doe that which neuer was seene in the world before for let a Seminary priest as they cal him keepe him out of England and hee is safe enough in any region vnder heauen This I say by the way for that it greeueth me at the very hart to heare that my deare country doth persecute that religion which all the world hath ioifully embraced or at the least doth willingly tolerate as though she were wiser then all the world besides is or euer hath beene or then al her Elders Or as though Englishe Protestantes knewe and sawe more than all the whole Learned men of Christendome haue done for so many ages together And I pray you tell me if an hearbe should be presented to you to eat that al learned Physitions for a thowsand yeeres together haue iudged to bee rācke poison only some one or two of later yeeres haue begun to teache the contrary without actuall experience whether it be so or no but onlie by discourse and newe arguments of their owne braine would you abstaine to eate it or no Or if an action should be offered you there in England which by all old Lawyers iudgement of former times hath beene taken for high-treason Ipso facto consequently losse of life and lands though some newer lawyers were of contrary opinion that nowe it is not woulde you not looke twise before you would leape except you were out of your wittes But in this other case although all auncient Diuines and Doctours for aboue a thowsand yeres together haue taught the Catholike Romane Religion to be true indeede and only Friar Luther a loose Apostata and Sir Iohn Caluin a seare-backt Priest for Sodomy haue begun in our daies to teache the contrary for feare of beeing punished by the Magistrates of the said Catholike Religion for wicked and badde life yet will they Protestants rushe out cast at all and will hazarde Hell and all Eternity of tormentes thereon depending Who will denie this to bee headlong and hare-braine dealing Surely this vniuersal consent of Christendome against two or three so contemptible authors of nouelties are more than sufficient to induce anye man of reason to looke about him and to consider what hee doth and whether he may aduenture his soule vpon such inequality of testimonies as this is betweene two or three Nouellants and twenty millions of holy graue auncientes and no doubt in Westminster hall this difference of witnesses woulde preuaile with anye equall and discreet iudge or iurie Neither may the Protestantes nowe at length glory in their great number as some of them haue donne for that their Religion is there in England in Scotlande and some thereof in Irelande Apol. Eccles Ang. and in the Lowe-countries in some parts of Germany and a fewe of them in Fraunce for they neuer yet passed into Asia nor into Affrica nor into Greece nor into many places of Europe much lesse into the Indies But indeed if you rightly scanne their Doctrine you shall finde that your Religion Protestantine of Englande is no where in the worlde else that Englishe seruice contained in your boke of Common praier is vnknowen condemned of all other Nations and people vnder the cope of Heauen So that in very deed the doctrine of your Protestantes is taught or receaued no where but in Englande and the Puritane Doctrine of Scotlande the contrarietie thereof duelye considered is no where but in Scotlande the Lutherane Doctrine taught in Denmarke is no where but in Denmarke and in a fewe places of Germany the libertine Doctrine taught in the Low-countries is no where but in the Low-countries and the like may be said of other sectes Lastly I doe heere consider with my selfe if I should refuse the Catholike Romane Religion so vniuersallie taught receaued professed through out all the worlde so many ages together and embrace any of these newe silly sectes aduenturing my soul therupon what all my progenitours ancestours if they were here againe and sawe me doe so would say vnto me I gesse they would vse such speeches as these what doest thou condemne all our iudgementes and doings Doest thou maligne that Religion which we so highly esteemed and sought to aduaunce Doest thou sende vs al to hel and damnation Wilt thou iudge thy selfe wiser and more in Gods fauour than any of vs were And many such like speeches I thinke they would vse THE SIXT REASON Miracles True miracles were neuer wrought but by them who were of true religion for that they are donne only by the power of God Now it is so manifest that there hath beene almost an infinite number of myracles wrought by those who were of the Catholike Romane Religion and neuer any by them who were not of that Church since Christes time as he who shal deny it may be proued no lesse impudent and shamelesse than he who shal denie that euer there was any Masse saide in times past in England or that euer there were any warres betweene Turkes and Christians or that ther be any such countries as the East West Indies Which things if a man should deny would he not of all men be deemed not only impudent but madde drunken or a foole And surely the one is no lesse knowne by al approued writers and eie witnesses than the other For as in the Gospell and in the Actes the holy Scriptures witnesse that miracles were wrought by Christ and his Apostles so doe most approued authors of euery age vntil this day testifie and recorde the continuance of the working thereof in the Catholike Romane Church the which Authors for the most part were eie-witnesses of the saide miracles as for exāple In the second age were wrought those wonderful miracles by the Christian Souldiers in the armie of M. Antonius Tert. in lib ad Scap. in apol c. 5 Euseb lib. 5. hist c. 5. Oros lib. 7. hist c. 15 which Tertullian Eusebius Orosius the Emperoor himselfe haue recorded In the third age were the miracles of Gregorius Thaumaturgus witnesses S. Basil lib. de spiritu sancto Cap. 29. Gregory Nyssen in vita eius Hierom de viris illustrib Ruffinus lib. 7. hist cap. 25. In the fourth of S. Anthony Hilarion Martine Nicolas and of others In the fifte those which S. Augustine setteth downe lib. 22. de ciuit Cap. 8. In the sixt those which S. Gregory maketh mention of lib. 3. dial Cap. 2. 3. In the seauenth those
amongst what company or congregation soeuer there is not generally any piety deuotion mortification or holinesse of life but contrary-wise impiety irreligiosity carnallity and losenesse of life vniuersally to be seene and that necessarily issuing out of the bowelles of their doctrine that there possibly can be no true Religion For that the spirit of God who guideth directeth and as it were informeth true Religion will not suffer it to be vniuersally fruitlesse and of no efficasie For otherwise it should be frustrated of it end which is to make the embracers thereof Holy good And besides it was foretolde by the Prophet Esa cap. 11 that CHRIST his Doctrine should alter mens conditions and natures so as such as were most fierce sauage and wicked before should by it become most humble kind gentle which can no way be applied to the Protestants as their bloody tragedies raised in Fraunce Flaunders Scotland Switzerland and in other partes of Germany sufficiently doe witnesse where were slaine aboue an hundred thowsande people within one yeere by the rebellion and wars of the countriemē against their Lords for the controuersie of Religion such humility Sledan obedience and meekenesse of hart this new Doctrine imprinted presentlye as it came And albeit externall holinesse doth not as is aforesaide necessarilie inferre true religion yet doth it giue a great presumption thereof especially if there be inwarde zeale and aboue all Charity Nowe it cannot be but most plaine to euery one who knoweth both that the liues of Catholikes in all landes and that in all ages and namely of our auncestours and predecessours there in Englande were are of those who now be for the most part most Holy most Innocent most Religious and most Godly and the liues of the Protestantes ordinarilye most lewde loose and voide of piety And first if you take a viewe of the Cleargie of the Religious-men weomen of the Catholike church you shal finde infinit numbers to haue lead Celestiall and Angelicall liues heere on earth free from all worldly carnall earthly desires with contempt of all humane transitory things as S. Paul the first Eremite S. Anthony S. Hilarion S. Greg. S. Ier. S. Aug. S. Bern. S. Fraun S. Dom. S Bened. S. Thom. Aquinas S. Bonauenture with innumerable others such-like whose liues were most heauenly togeather with millions of professed Virgins vowed Widdowes poore by wil and promise persons of both sexes dedicated to God by renouncing the vvorlde with the delightes thereof some liuing in Deserts or Caues of the earth some in Cloysters in communitie vnder obedience with infinite numbers of secular Priestes most godlie and deuoute And although I will not denie but that some there were among the Cleargie and Religious people in this latter age which liued not according to theyr Orders Rules but scandalized the Church of God yet may I truelie say that they who did so vvere not the hundreth part so many as the Protestantes most falsely make them But the trueth is that among a great number for there were of Priestes and Religious men at the least fiue times so many as there be now ministers a few were bad and now the ministers being but fewe in respect of them are all naught And no meruaile for the Catholike Cleargie and Religious persons were by theyr Orders bound to sundrie diuers houres of prayer as to seauen in the day night the religious to rise euery night at midnight to pray sing laudes to God when others sleep two or three houres togeather besides other Exercises Contemplations and Meditations in the day time and neuer to haue so much as one vvhole houre voyde of some godlie employmentes I would you did but see the manner of the liues of the blessed Capucynes which here to recount would be so long and hardlie could I reckon vp all theyr holy Exercises of mortifications or of the happie Fathers of the Societie of Iesus or of others such like Oh what Fasting what Prayer vvhat Meditation what Contemplation what wearing of Haire-cloth what whiping of themselues what watching what visiting of the sicke what teaching of the ignoraunt vvhat rebuking of Sinners vvhat comforting of the afflicted shoulde you beholde These pray whilest your ministers playe These taste whilest they feaste These meditate the Contempt of the World whilest they beat their braines to compasse worldly commodities These Watche sing Praises to God in the Night whilest they in a warme bedde hugge their Sweete heart in their armes Who is he amongest you which seeth not and is not ashamed of the liues of your ministers Are not some of them almost in euery circuite hanged for robberies for rapes imprisoned for Zodomie for hauing diuers wiues at once for debt and for other knaueries The law bindeth them to haue but one Wife at once and shee must bee vewed by two Iustices of Peace to see that shee be a maide for sooth But doe they not now then take their wiues from Colmans hedge Frō thence had the vicar of wearam his trul by his own confession and some other common strumpets and doe not theyr wiues proue thereafter An hundred examples I could here alleadge to prooue these thinges but I will not pollute my paper at this time with such filthie matter Looke into the Laitie of the Protestants and tell mee weather there euer was such Pride especially in apparell Did not all these new-fashioned attyres come in with your new religion Your loose Gownes your Traines your Verdingales your Borders your Peringles your Coronets your Wyres your Ruffes starched white blew c. your Shew me whome this Ghospell hath made of a rauenous glutton a sober abstainer of cruell gentle of couetous liberall of a slaunderer a good reporter of an vnchaste sinner a vertuous liuer I will shew thee many that haue bin made worse then them-selues Thus far Erasmus And no meruaile though the followers be such when as theyr verie first Apostle Ringleader and Reformer of all who first broake the ice was indeed the Authour and founder of theyr Religion led a most brutishe life for was he not a leacherous Friar tooke he not a Nunne to Wife if so I may tearme it An act not onlie forbidden by holie writ but by the Ciuil Lawes L. Si quis non dicā cap. de Epist Cop. cleric and by Iouinian the Emperour aboue a thousand yeres agoe and that vnder the paine of death Surpassed he not all other in Pride Confesseth hee not that hee had conference with the diuell about the Masse Was not Enuie and Couetousnes the causes of his reuolt Read his life and see whether hee was a man fit to Reforme the Christian Worlde or rather sent to shame all his followers Good Lord that men can be so blinde and so bewitched as to thinke that the trueth from Heauen should be reuealed to such a one or that such should haue grace to know the trueth
to be Antichrist the catholike church to be the Synagogue and stewes of Sathan yet stayed he himselfe not so but stil plaied the Proteus euen vnto his end for at Wormes before the Emperour although he professed himself an enimy to the Church yet he maintained the sacrifice of the Masse said it stil himselfe as also prayer to Saintes for the dead Purgatory Communion vnder one kind many such like Catholike points all which 9. yeares after before the same Emperour he vtterly denied The same inconstancy was in his Disciples Melanchton Caluin Bucer and in them of Wittenberge in the Anabaptistes and in such like as also in your Protestantes there in England And I pray you vvhat a chaunging and turning in and out was there of your COMMVNION Booke For first the deuisers thereof highly commended it and affirmed it to be agreeable to Christs institution to the seruice of the Primitiue Church and a while after they vtterly misliked it and disauthorising it they set foorth another in principall pointes quite contrary to the former yet they affirmed that also to be according to Christs institution iump as the vse was in the Primitiue Church And yet how this is approued liked of your Preachers ministers you cānot but know who see behold such carping and finding fault thereat and such contempt therof as that the Minister who doth obserue duely the order thereof is accounted a temporizer or a cold Protestant I might say an Atheist for his labour And he who can most contemne it and can wed burie baptize minister the Communion and doe such like after some other new fashion of his owne inuenting is accounted a iollie fellow a man of zeale What stirre is there I pray you in euerie sheire yea almost in euerie parish about the Ministers obseruing the order of this theyr booke of COMMON PRAYER What holde and tye is there betweene the Parishioners and theyr Curate What a doe is there and hath beene from the beginning about the Communion One vvhile it must be done in cōmon leauened Bread by and by not so but in vnleauened Bread after in loafe Bread althogh your cup euer had wine in it till now of late that som do begin to take insteed therof good nappy ale the like inconstancie you might see in placing the cōmunion table for first it must be placed in the middle of the quire then in the bodie of the church after in the chācel again as the altar was one while the minister must turne his face towards the south another while towards the north and another while towards the east wherby al wise men may see that thē your religion first began and neuer was in the vvorld before for if euer it had bin before you might surely haue had some president by which you might haue ordered these things And to speake plainelie what I obserue I finde a great cause of your inconstancie in Doctrine to be aduantage and disaduantage for your religion is framed only to serue turnes times for when they were but few in number by wresting the Scriptures they taught that Christes flocke vvas but little Iewell in Apol. and therefore they gloried much in theyr small number but after that their opinions were spreade through Germanie Fraunce Englande Scotland and in other Countries they vaunted much and argued that theyr Doctrine must needs be true because it was spread so largely When it serued their turne they stoutly defended with tooth and nayle Goodman Knoxe that a woman might not lawfully gouerne a realme no not in ciuill or temporall matters but within a while after when it fitted their purpose they taught as they yet doe that a woman may rule a realme not only in temporall thinges but the Church also in spiritual causes Whē it serued their turne Luth. tom 3. Ger. Iē fol. 115. they taught that it was a horible thing to put me to death for Religion and expresly against the word of god but when they had gotten the sword they cried out in sermōs on the contrary side neuer left off vntil it was decred by publike authority that those who wer not of their religiō shuld suffer death therfore Whē it fitted their purpose Tom. 5. I● Ger. f. 157. a f. 444. 159. 491. Tom. 1. Germ. fol. 537. Colloq Mens f 4. in fine lib. ses 3. b they taught that none ought to preach but he who was allowed and licensed by the Magistrate afterwarde vpon other occasion they wrote that a Christian man may without leaue of any person take vpō him that function One while they taught that the BIBLE was the plainest and the most easiest booke in the worlde to bee vnderstoode anotherwhile they wrote vpō aduantage that it was vnpossible for any man to vnderstande throughly any one worde in the Bible for that it was so obscure profound One while they taught that no Commentaries of SCRIPTVRES written by men Melancth in Loc. cō ann 1524. must be receiued yea that they must be shunned as a plague or pestilence anotherwhile they themselues set forth Commentaries and Postilles and obtruded them to the people To. 2. Ger. fol. 255. a f. 404. a One while they teache that all men ought to be iudges of doctrine religion another-while they teache that no man no not an Angel must iudge thereof And a thowsand such like contradictions proofes of vnconstancy and chaunge maye you find in their doctrine which here further to account would be ouer tedious I vvill therefore end with the saying of Gregorie Duke of Saxonie We doe know what these fellowes doe teach this yeare but what they will teach the next yeare we cannot gesse THE XVIII REASON False Prophets and Teachers THe Prophets Apostles Christ himselfe fore-tolde that in the latter dayes there should come false Prophets and to the end wee should take heed of them they painted them foorth in their colours whereby they might easilie be knowne Now it can not be denyed but that wee be in the latter dayes and therefore we must be verie vigilant and watchfull to discerne to know these seducers when they come And conferring the Preachers afore-saide with the manners of these Protestants we doe plainly se● that they be the verie same vvhich were foretold and as it were pointed at by the finger of God for first they come vnsent Ierm 13. as Ieremie fore-tolde in these wordes I did not sende them and they did runne for certaine it is that they neyther haue orders as they ought to haue nor any Consecration or right calling for they were not sent by the Catholike Church as is manifest but vtterly condemned for Heretikes and when any of them is conuerted to the Romane Religion they plainely see that they haue no more to doe with any spirituall function thē other laymen haue But on the contrarie side if any Priest of
mariage they permit no tapers nor lights in their churches they speak against worshiping of Saints and despise holie reliques of blessed Martyrs with Vigilantiu they take away the oblatiō of the sacrifice the hallowing of Chrisme with Eutyches Leo Epist 75. Aug. here 's 88. de pec merit lib. 3. cap. 5. loa Shut● lib. 50. causarum cap. 18. they teach that childrē may be saued without baptisme therefore that it is not of necessitie with the Pelagians they bragge with the Donatistes that all the world hath swarued from the right faith and they onely are the true Church And all the rest of theyr doctrine in a maner is borrowed thus of old heretiks which here particularly to set downe my breuity will not permit The like cobaerence agreement they haue with the old heretikes in deeds maners for I haue found by experience that the Protestant preachers expect Euseb l. 7. Hist c. 26. and desire great applause of their hearers as Paulus Samosatenus did of his followers they ouerthrow Aultars Opt. lib. 6 contr Do. abuse the blessed Sacrament handle despitefullie Holie Chrisme as the Donatistes did they faigne causes and come excuses why they will not goe to Generall Councels Aug. lib. 3. con Crescon Gram mat ca. 45. hist trip lib. 5. c. 34. as the saide Donatistes Macedonius and Dioscorus did The Donatistes also fained that diuers Bishops vvho were absent and that one who was dead did take theyr part against Catholickes therby to make theyr nūber to seeme greater and there in England vvhen not somuch as one Catholicke Bishop could be induced by any perswations promises gifts or honours to consent to their Protestancy yet were not the Protestantes ashamed to abuse the Queenes Highnesse vvith this fained Supplication Anno. 1. Reginae Elizabethae Most humblie beseech your most excellent Maiestie your faithfull and obedient Subiects the Lordes spirituall and temporall c. The same Donatistes did torment moste cruellie Catholicke Priests plucking out the eyes of some Aug. Pon. com Epist 50. and of one Bishoppe they cut out the tongue and hand and murdered manie And the Protestantes of late in Fraunce did the like to Catholicke Priests and besides tying haulters about their neckes they drewe them dispiteouslie after theyr horses that done they cut off theyr eares noses priuie partes they ware their eares in their hats insteed of brooches and finally they either hanged vp their carcasses Claud. de Sanctis in lib. du Sacramēt des eglyses or else shot them through with Pistolles of others they hackled and mangled their faces of othersome to trie force strength they did cleaue in two at one stroke their heades and of an old Religious man at Mans they first cut off his priuie parts then they fried them after they forced him to swallow them downe and last of all they did rip his stomake being yet aliue and see what was become thereof At S. Macharius they buried the Catholikes quicke they cut Infants in two they ripped the bellies of Priests and drew out their intrals by little little winding them about a sticke or tree At Patte a village some 6. leages from Orleaunce they burned Catholiks threw infants into the fire there to perish with the rest And manie other like outrages and barbarous cruelties they cōmittd which who so desireth to know Victor de persec vā l. 1. cap. 3. l 1. cap. de offic praef praetor lib. 3 Episc Egipti Epist ad Marcum Papaem may find them set downe by Claudius de Saintes in his booke noted before i● the margent The Arriā heretikes troadeth B. Sacrament vnder their feet they ouerthrew the churches in Africa made of thē stables for their horses of Altars clothes vestments they made shirts and breeches they burned the bookes and carried the ornaments of the Churches away And how the Protestants haue abused the B. Sacrament spoiled churches burned bookes and haue not onlie made breeches shirts cushions but euen coats for players dizzardes of holy vestments Aultar clothes you cannot but know Theod. lib 1. cap. 6 Iulian that wicked Aapostata robbed Churches spoiled the Cleargy of their priuiledges banished the Priestes ouerthrew Aultars caused the sacrifice to cease reproued the Christians for doing reuerence to the Crosse Cyrill lib. 6. contra Iulian. l. 10 coa eundem and for making the signe thereof in their foreheades for painting it vpon the dores of theyr houses and for worshipping the Reliques of Mattyrs for visiting their tombes for praying to them at theyr graues Zozom li. 5. cap 12. and Sepulchres and termed them deadmē hee ouerthrew destroyed the images pictures of Christ he brake open the sh●ne wherein the bones of S. Iohn Baptist vvere religiouslie kept Theod. lib 5. cap. 6. burned them dispersed abroad the ashes Now whether the Protestants haue iumped iust into the steps of this wicked Apostata in doing the like or no I leaue to your iudgement knowledge consideration Zozom li. 5. cap 21 Athan. lib. de passion imag Chr. The Panims or heathē men brake the image of christ the Iewes crucified it as theyr Elders had done Christ himselfe the Iew in in whose house it was foūd was troubled for it brought before the high priest for that he seemed by keeping that picture that hee was a Christian And doe not the Protestants euen as the Heathens and Iewes did The Iew was thought to be a fauourer of Christ because he kept his picture in his house and why should not Catholikes by the like reason be iudged fauourers and louers of Christ for hauing his Image in theyr Churches houses and chambers Or why should not Protestantes be deemed aduersaries and enimies to Christ as the Iews and Heathens were seeing they can no more endure his Picture or Crosse then they could The old Heretikes as Nestorius Socrat. lib. 7. hist cap. 23. Eus lib 6. cap. 55. lib. 7. c. 24. Nicephor lib. 6 cap. 30. Theodor. lib. 1. cap. 4 Nouatus Paulus Samosatenus the Arrians others were out of measure proud arrogant and wonderfullie conceited of themselues contemning the Doctours of the Church which had writttn before them and preferring them-selues before all others whatsoeuer the verie same doe the Protestants in a most proude and arrogant manner and the ringleader and Father of them all is not ashamed to breake out into these speeches Lutherus col mens I haue Excommunicated Origine long agoe there is nothing singuler in Athanasius fol. 474. 460. 932. 476 477. 17. Tertullian is very superstitious I make no count of Chrisostome for he is but a pratler Basil plainely is nothing worth hee is altogether a Monke Cyprian the Martyr is a weake Diuiner Hierome ought not to be numbred amongst the Doctours of the Church for he was an Heretike amongst all the