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england_n great_a king_n scot_n 9,204 5 9.7215 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A76756 A brief relation of the beginning and ending of the troubles of the Barbados, with the true causes thereof. / Set forth by A.B. a diligent observor of the times. A. B. 1653 (1653) Wing B3; Thomason E708_5; ESTC R207130 7,007 12

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and their Regiments advanced against the old Governor at the Bridge who suddenly awakened by an Alarum had then by chance got Force enough to take the elder Walrond and Byam Prisoners but so inconsiderable were the Governors Forces and so weak his Counsels that he was forced to send the said Walrond to Shelly for a Parley which was soon granted and the next day plausible Articles drawn up such as the elder Walrond pleased and such as he thought would best cloak his design from Shelly Read and other his abused Accomplices But the poor old Governor now though too late saw throw the inside of his mischievous intentions and therfore Commanded Col. Modyford whom he had formerly forbidden to Raise the Windward Regiment for his Restauration to that Authority which he was so easily fool'd out of who immediatly issued his Orders to Leivt Col. Burch for that purpose which was by his activity effected in one night so that Lievt Col. Burch was upon his March with fifteen hundred Foot and one hundred and twenty Horse and became very terrible to the Walronds and would undoubtedly have turned the Scale had not the elder Walrond by commanding tears to wait upon his deceitful professions of Zeal Faith and Honesty to the Governor prevailed with him to send a Warrant to Command Lievt Col. Burch to Disband his Forces and forthwith to repair to the Governor to attend his further pleasure This point so easily gained made all men afraid to Act for the Governor that would upon the perswasions of his Enemies be induced to Disarm himself and his freinds and made the Walronds look on themselves as absolute Princes taking upon them in a very Kingly way To give Orders raise Horse grant Commissions and like Princes indeed To forget the Articles made keeping only such as were for their advantage impudently alleadging That no other Promises ought to be kept by Persons in their Condition Whilest all men began now to yeeld them a true or feigned Obedience the Lord Willoughby who had been some while in the Road gives notice to the Governor of it and that he had Authority from the King and the Earl of Carlisle to be Governor and according to his Commission desired to be received This new Pageant gave a mortal wound to the ill-got Principallity of the Brothers for this man they could not Oppose without going against their declared Principles of Loyalty to their Kingly stalking-horse And yet they were so impudent as first privately with particular men they endeavoured to raise a Dislike of him saying That he was once a Roundhead and might be again and that as things stood it was easie to obtain any thing from the King And after did in publick oppose his Reception and truly their former influence coupled with their present industry prevailed so far as though not to Refuse yet to suspend his Lordships Authority for three Months in which time they made no doubt but either to gain him to their devotion or send him to Antigoa during this time They Proclaimed their King forced the innocent Delinquents from their Estates and Families set heavy Fines upon them and after made themselves a Committee for Sequestrations of all they had and then tryed the Affections of every man how they stood either to Them or the Lord Willoughby To some that were poor and Covetous they promised shares of the Roundheads Estates To others that were blindfold Cavaliers they pressed the danger of Willoughby To others who most regarded their Liberty they prest the setting up of a Popular Government which they did not stick to say was their intentions from the beginning and that they loved it above all other Formes In fine to compass their ill begun designs they observed every mans Affections and applyed themselves to entertain them accordingly These practices were as well observed as feared by the Lord Willoughby who was now to Countermine or be lost and saw plainly he must be enforced to juggle as his Enemies did and therefore to the Cavalier he was all King and to the Moderate party he professed a Dislike of the present Proceedings and finding them the greatest Enemies Walrond had he made no scrupl privatly to unfold himself to one of the eminentest of them therefore sending for Col. Modyford he assured him That all his Counsels should be imployed in Composing the present Distractions here and preventing the future Differences which may happen betwixt England and this Place for which purpose Capt. George Martin was sent into England with Instructions to gain him a Commission from the Parliament which he averred above all things to desire The Moderate party verily beleeving his heart and words to agree gave him Courage to take from the elder Walrond his Regiment and from both of them all Power and Authority in this Island caused the Acts of Sequestrations to be Repealed and an Act of Indemnity to be made bestowed many marks of Favor upon the former Sufferers and their remaining Families in so much That all men generally looked on him as a blessing sent from God to preserve them against the Tyranny of the two Brothers About this time Col. John Colliton came to this Island to whom likewise his Lordship unfolded his thoughts and desired him to Write to the Merchants of London to procure a Commission from the State of England for him and did assure both him Col. Modyford and Col. Burch of his constant Resolutions to persevere in Moderating and Composing all things and wished them to assure all well-affected Persons of it This honest clearness in all his Actions lasted until March 1651. when a Passenger from England brought him Letters of the great strength the King of Scots had and of the violent proceedings of some of the Planters against him that Martin was like to be Hanged for speaking for him and in fine That the Inhabitants were to expect nothing but Fire and Sword no Terms to be granted and the great preparations of Force to subdue this place Then and not till then he began to change his Game and openly professed Defiance and every day carressed and assured himself more and more of the violent Party and yet cunningly promised the Moderate That if ever good terms were offered he would accept of them This made most men joyn cheerfully in the putting the Island in a Posture of Defence the most Moderate like true English-men resolving to sell themselves at a dear Rate by chusing to die rather then to live less Free then any of their Country-men Suddenly after this the Lord Willoughby growing still surer of the violent Party caused new Sequestrations to be laid on the banished mens Estates killed and destroyed their Cattel and Stock and did what mischief he could unto them all without distinction At length the Fleet arriving after Summons and Refusal had past Leivt Col. Allen and Mr. Francis Raynes applyed themselves by Letter to Col. Modyford therein tendring all things of Fairness and Civility which the