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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A75267 The Dutch bloudy almanack, conteyning the exact astrologicall predictions, for the yeare of our Lord 1653 divided into these particulars. 1 The predictions of the bloudy war between England and Holland, with the success and events of severall fights by sea and land, and the joyning together of the greatest part of Europe against England. 2 The breaking forth of open wars with Denmark, and the bloudy attempt of the King of Scots, and James Duke of York in prosecution of that designe. 3 Severall mutenys and insurr-ctions [sic] in England, with some astrologlcal [sic] observations thereupon. 4 Some generull calculations concerning the warres in France, Spain and Portugale, with every moneths observations of the revolutions in England. 1652 (1652) Wing A2895A; Thomason E678_15; ESTC R206799 5,614 8

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THE DUTCH Bloudy Almanack Conteyning The exact Astrologicall Predictions for the yeare of our Lord 1653 Divided into these particulars 1 The Predictions of the Bloudy War between England and Holland with the success and events of severall Fights by Sea and Land and the Joyning together of the greatest part of Europe against England 2 The breaking forth of open Wars with Denmark and the Bloudy attempt of the King of Scots and James Duke of York in prosecution of that designe 3. Severall Mutenys and Insurr●ctions in England with some Astrologlcal observations thereupon 4 Some generull Calculations concerning the Warres in France Spain and Portugale with every Moneths observations of the Revolutions in England London printed by John Clowse 1653. Octob. 19. 1652 January The great God direct us in his Truth THis moneth begines with the Sun or Sol in Capricornus the Moone or Luna in Jeminie and there is a Triue of Salturn and Venus which brings danger to women and children but the Conjunction of Sol Jupiter doth a little metigate that aspect and the effects seeme to hav the chiefest opperation upon Judges and Lawyers and where there happeneth a scarcity of them the Influence will be found upon Jewes and Brokers in all parts except in Turkey where a Dutch-man came to a Jew or Broker and desired him to help him to buy a bargain of silke and he would give him satisfaction for his paines the Jew thereupon goes with him to a Turke which had of that commodity that liked the Dutch-man and treating about the price thereof the Turke came to make a price under which he would not go But the Dutch-man thinking that the Turks had been like himselfe and stood not upon bis word or promise swore Persacramentum Jesum c. that he would not give so much The Turke not understanding the Language enquired of the Jew what it was he said The Jew answered that he swore by his God the Turke replyed that he would not have further to doe with him that set his God at so low a rate and layd by his commodity for which the Dutch-man would afterwards have given the price but could not regaine the sight hereof HO● most horied newes from sea arives at the Hague if the differences are not now composed betwixt the English and the Hollander a sqadron of Dewitts will be indanger about this time some black designes are probably discovered against the English Commone wealth and Holland hath cause to cleave to some ●ure friends in alliance the Planets seem not to favour the French with abillity to assist them in time of danger It is an ill wind blowes no body good but the constellations of the heavens bring it not to thee great news expected from the Dutch Ambassadors in Denmark The Sould●ers swell with fury Citizens minds rise high and most mens spirits are elevated and the heavens decrees are immutable and I cannot find any good aspects or French French Now is the time for Kings to lose all or win all and if that King hath not by this time setled a peace with the Princes the Princes may be glad to offer another Treaty for fear of an other Designe to be suddenly put in execution and their minds are in miserable perplexity that are trubled with what is like to happen hereafter The Sun in Cancer and Saturn in a Quarden is as bad or worse then the former yet doth guesse this aspect will not be of any great forces in Holland or in England the worst I can find unto them is the death of some of those that sit at the helm unlamented many pyracies committed by Sea great blooshed in France if the Spaniard have a fight with the French about this time he is likely ot prevail some great remoraes of an eminency sound abroad beyond our horizon what it shovld be I guesse not unlesse it should be of some great Fleet at Sea it may be onely a report of new Levies for the Scots King in Denmark or Scotland or both yet of any place let not the Scots think to thrive this year Saturn and Mars c. are transcendent with them and before summer is ended their Royal Black coats will not dare to shew their teeth and Saturn being passing through a Quadrat presageth fear terror and treachery in that Nation but the Aspect is yet better in Holland if they trouble not the water or love to fish in such they may live at quiet but if otherwise they must smart as well as the rest February Sol is this moneth in Piscs but begins in Aquarus which presageth good fortune unto Souldiers if they can have there pay Jupiter and Mercury sit in conjunction and let all deceivers of the People t●ke heed for oppressors begin to feele their owne downefall what shall the Jewes at Amsterdam and else where have a M●ss●care nuder the Sea of Rome when they may find protection else where All Europ is poss●ss●d with a madness they meete and consu●t but the greatest part of them know not for what and yet in such meetings every one cryes out great is Appolo and great is Diana though they see their Temples pulled downe and that the name of St. Paul himsel●e cannot helpe it Po●…onia sas●ages wax deere in Holland many mutenyes are thereatned and a stand in councell for want of men of trust no marvell when such men should be scarce amongst those that have deceived all the world It is well for England in respect of the Influence that the Sea divedes them Yet when I consider that Jupiter is Lord of the 2d house and thereby dispositor of Sol and in his revolution Lord also in the 2 house for Pisces is intercepted and dispositor of Venus Lady of the 4th both in this and the former figurs she being in the ●d in Pisces her own exaltation I must needs say of these positions amonae copiam o they denote plenty of corn fruitfulness of the earth and g●eat abundance and plenty in this year if the effects of that great eclipse of the sun on the 9. of March do not by their violence hinder these good things that are premised by this revolution from falling on our heads but as commerce and trade shall increase so shall wickedness and deceit for Mercury by his weak condition being both in his fall and detriment in the 2d significat bnod c. men shall give themselves to ignominious and dishonest gain and shall observe very little faithfulnesse among one another and indeed this position of Mercuty doth also signifie anguish sorow and increase of taxes for our troubls though they are turned into quietness and peace at home yet we shall have war abord for that opposition of Sat●rn and significat bellum apparere no lesse then much fighting and bloodshed but though Saturn our enemy being malicious and the more by reason of his being in the 2. house for auget in octava masevel●s suam malitium yet
because Jupiter Lord of our ascendant is much elevated above him significations c. signifies that we shall overcome all our enemies Haly tells indeed that this opposition of Jupiter and Saturn signifies quod eaunt c. it signifie there shall be many quarrellings between men and nations one shall be stired up against the other and men of low degree shall quarrel with one another go to law c and indeed it is plain by the late separation of Luna from conjuction of Mars that we were ingaged in brous before the beginning of this revolution and the position of Mars threatens their continuacne but his strength in the scheam promises protection qund genus c. March THis Spring begins with Sol and the ninth of this moneth there happens an Eclips of the Sun 3 minits past f●ure of the clock in the afternoon this happeneth on a Wensday and if the English Merlin can but tell certenly that the fabrick of Heaven will be cloudy he would Christen it Black Wednsday as his Brother Booker did Munday the last yeare but for that you will have a blind excuse thus Now I shall proceed to the effects of this Eclips and it maketh no great matter where I begin seing they afford so litittle good either to man or b●ast The Lords of this Eclipss are Mars and Mercury of which Mars of the two is strongest by odds and being upon the ●usp of the tenth House it is so much the worse neither is it ever the better because it is in a malevolent and venomous Sign Mercury takes nature of that Star to which he is aspected which very unluckily here is Mars both of them being in watry Signs signifie terrible the hasty furious doings violent furious tempestuous destructive ve●ment winds the Sea will be so dangerous men can scarce pass it by heeason of shipwrack and Piracies and judg you what the Land is like to suff●r when a couple of such theeving Planets are Lords of an Eclipse Besides all this the Earth suffers by Thunder and Lightning vehement and violent Storms Earthquake● and great gapings of the Earth M●n take such thinges as are none of their own which formerly was called Theft and so t is now if poor men do it but when rich men do it then 't is pillaging plundering and seizing on Malignants goods it inclines men to rapine theft lying depopulation the Lawes changed and the Priests are mad the Priesthood it self dyes and then farewel gentle Clergy the bodies of men are perplexed with hot and dry Diseases Coughs ann Consumption of the Lungs Vomittings shortness of breath and Quotidiam Agues Aprill About the very beginning of march the king of France is marching to his own destruction thou art invaded by a Neighbor-Nation thou shalt to thy Sorrow when it comes know who it is Neither is the Troubles that is in France to be heeded but the Microcosm bears part of it also the King of France his Soul and Body cannot agree and the contention is so sharp it is shrewdly to be feared they will part about the letter end of March. or beginning of April A wilde Boar in a blue J●cket is in the Vineyards and crops up three flower-deluces at a mouthful and then farewell thy Monarchy of France to Eternity Alas● what will the poor Colledg of Sorban do when the most Christian King is eaten up with lice I when the Lord took away the Cardinal of richilieu the glory of France was gone Ae●sops Frogs refused the Beam because he was patient but when the Stork came he eat them up I have little else to say to France but only God bless all the honest there and send them their liberties and something else too God bl●ss honest people from the Pistilence this next Summer which I shrewdly suspect will so rage throughout the Dominiions there which shall force the Colledg of Physicians of Paris to pay the tears they owe to the Tomb of their banishad Overcitanus May. A strange diaster about this time or perhaps in the forgoing Moneth is threatned There be some men that nothing can satisfie who would think that such as have already and if acc●sion be will again joyned in one against the Common Enemy should not agree amongst themselves but either invigh because other men are in greater places then themselves or some other self-ends are repining yea and it may be impeaching one another many piracyes are daily heard of to be committed at Sea A great battle is likely to be fought in France where some King or great parson is like to fal Something may naturally be calculated from the in influence of the Celestial bodyes of som further misfortune to the Scots King either by a fall or a shot from his horse The two Eclips●s in one Moneth viz one of the Sun and another of the Moon in March last affoard very much matter to work upon and invites the English to a reconciliation in judgement very strange intelligence comes from severall parts This is the time that wisemen will do nothing but for themselves and say that there is no reason that wisdom should put them selves in danger for fools June and July SOL enters Scorpio and and an opposition with Saturn certainly this will be a time of great consultation in England and Holland yet a Quadrat for many dayes with Mars signifies much blood shed in France Ireland and some other places some strivings amongst great persons consequently follows about the nullifying of some thing formerly decreed or had been long in use by this time much may be done in order to the equall administration of Justice in severall places where it hath in prat been neglected then happy are the people that live under such a Government yea thrice happy are they if that a dissembling flatterer or insinuating Parasite the worst vermine in a Common wealth hath not an office himself of trust or at least some honest man in great power to speak for him It s an ill wind blows no body good but the influence of the heavens seems to be very sparing where to bestow All men will not be of one mind either in Holland Spain Italy France Germany England or Scotland although the Sun goes round all the world over England England thou art now at peace but let him that standeth take heed lest he fall there may be another punishement besides the Sword coming Call to mind what God hath done for thee and then consider what a sad thing it is to offend so good a GOD. August and September The Lord defend this people from pestelentious Ayrs many cross Sea fights Pyracies much bloud Charles Stuart looks for great matters by reason of Denmark and James Duke of York will not care if he looseth his deerest bloud to be revenged against the English and what if the people shoul● muteny in many places at last we have intelligence from the West which rather invites to thanks then mourning October and November The Winds blow high and a little affrightens and we are in travell both from Scotland Ireland France Flanders Partugale and Denma●● we hope it will not increase the murmurings in England or give way to the landing of any forces in England the City Perquesits are still contended for yet it matters not to me who is Lord Major of London December O Mars when wilt thou leave thy cruelty It s a time causeth many to lament and curse War and its attendants Rapine Murder and Robery Strang divisions and in discontents will end the year therefore the people stand fully resolved to proceed one step higher unto a further Election divisions highten our discords Bell and the Dragon are still fighting Righteousness prevails not The Governors peradventure may be taxed for unjustice yet are they very seriously and prudently carefull for the well ordering the Common-wealth and thereupon they seeme to incline to do Acts of Grace The Portugale hath many good Omens of the keeping and enjoying his Kingdome though not without labour and travell In the figure of his Coronotion the almost degree of the first appearance in the year 1618. the vniversall observation is that two and twenty years after the apperition of that Planet Portugale regained its liberty and upon conclusion of the Coments effects the Eng Common wealth became a free State All the Angels of the figure fixed and Saturn who of all the Planets is most slow being Patron of this R●novation and fixed in Aquarius ●n the Ascendant his own house Jupiter being Lord of Sagitarus and so Patron of Spain in his fall and i● the twelf House From whence it is concluded that the Spaniard shall never regain Portugale yet many dangerous years will befall that State And now we shall conclude with a word of caution to France For we find in the Nativity of Cardinall Mazerine that he is likely to be 〈◊〉 Thorn in thy sides and if he outlive 1659 the Constellations promise him to enjoy greater honour then he hath at present and in the end he is like to dye like a Noble-man either of a Surfet or a Feaver Gloria Deo FINIS