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A67926 Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 2, part 1] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587. 1583 (1583) STC 11225; ESTC S122167 3,159,793 882

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when he sawe and discerned all this For as I vnderstand Copes D●alogues suspected not to be his owne M. Cope being yet at this present scarse come to the age of xl yeares he could not be then aboue nine yeare olde the other suffering ann 1535. in the which age in my minde M. Cope had small discretion to iudge either of any such angelical proportion of mans personage or of his diuine qualities and heroical celsitude of his mind as yet he remembreth in his Dialogues Which thing among many other probabilities maketh me vehemently to suspect y t these Dialogues printed in A●twerp ann 1566. were brought ouer by M. Cope there to be printed but were penned framed by an other Pseudocopus whatsoeuer or in what Fleete so euer he was vnlesse my marks do greatly faile me But as the case is of no great weight so I let it passe returning to other matters of more importance Shortly after the ouerthrow of the Pope consequently began by litle and litle to follow the ruine of Abbeyes religious houses in Englande in a right order methode by Gods diuine prouidence For neither coulde the fall of Monasteries haue followed after vnlesse that suppression of the Pope had gone before neither could any true reformation of the church haue bene attempted vnles y e subuersion of those superstitious houses had ben ioyned withal Whereupon the same yere in the moneth of October the king hauing then Tho. Cromwell of his Counsel Suppression of Abbeyes first beginneth in England sent Doct. Lee to visite the Abbeys Priories and Nunryes in all England to set at libertie all such religious persons as desired to be tree all other that were vnder the age of 24. yeares Prouiding withal y t such Monkes Chanons Fryers as were dimissed Religious men vnder age let out of monasteryes should haue giuen thē by the Abbot or Prior in steede of their habite a secular Priestes gowne and xl shillings of money likewise the Nunnes to haue such apparel as secular women did then cōmonly vse and suffered to goe where they would At which time also from the sayde Abbeyes and Monasteries were taken their chiefe iewels and reliques The king first beginneth with the i●els of Abbeyes WHen the king had thus established his supremacie all things were well quieted within the Realme he like a wise prince Anno. 1536. hauing wise counsaile about him forecasting with himselfe what forreine daungers might fall vnto him by other countries about whiche all were yet in subiection to the Bishoppe of Rome saue onely a fewe Germane princes and misdouting the malice of the pope to prouide therefore by time for perilles that might ensue thought good to keepe in by all meanes possible with other Princes And first to entertaine the fauour of the French king who had ben sicke a litle before A solemne procession in Londō for ioy of the French kings health and now was lately recouered to health in signification of publique ioy and frendship the king cōmanded a solemne and famous procession to be ordeined through the city of London with the Waits and children of Grammer schooles with the maisters and vshers in their array Then folowed the orders of the friers and Chanons and the Priours with their pompe of Copes Crosses Candlestickes and vergers before them After these folowed the next pagean of Clerkes priestes of London all in Copes likewise Then the monkes of Westminster and other Abeys with their glorious gardeuiance of Crosses Candlestickes and Uergers before them in like sort Last of all came the queere of Pauls with their residensaries the Bishop of London and the Abbots folowing after in their Pontificalibus After these courses of the Clergie went the companies of the citie with y e lord Maior Aldermē in their best apparel after their degrees And least it might be thought this Procession of the church of Lōdon to make but a small or beggerly shewe the furniture of the gay Copes there worne was counted to the number of 714. Moreouer to fill vp the ioy of this procession and for the more high seruice to almightie God beside the singing queeres chaunting of the priestes there lacked no minstrels withal to pipe at the processions Briefly here lacked nothing els but only y e ordināce to shoot of also A pyping procession But because that is vsed in the Processions at Rome therefore for difference sake the same is reserued onely for the Popes owne Processions and for none other in the moneth of October This grand processon was appointed for a triumphe or a thankes giuing for the late recouerye of the Frenche kinges health as is aforesayd Ouer and besides this the king to nourish and reteine amitie with kings and princes Ambassadours sent to sundry kinges least the Pope being exiled now out of England should incite them to warre against him directed sundry Ambassadours and messengers with letters and instructions To the Emperour was sent syr Tho. Wyat to the French king syr Fraunces Brian and Doct. Edw. Foxe who was also sent to the Princes of Germanie to the Scottes king was sent sir Raffe Sadler gentleman of the kinges priuie chamber In Scotlande the same time were cast abroade diuers railing ballets and slaunderous rimes against the king of England for casting of the Ladye Dowager and for abolishing the Pope Syr Raffe Sadler ambassadour to the Scottes king for the which cause the foresaid Sir Raffe Sadler being sent into Scotland with lessons and instructions howe to addresse himselfe accordingly after he had obteyned accesse vnto the king and audience to be hearde first declareth the effectuous harty cōmendations from the kinges maiestie his graces vncle and withal deliuered his letters of credence Which done after a fewe wordes of courtly entertainement as occasion serued him to speake the sayde Syr Raffe Saddler obteining audience thus beganne in the king his maisters behalfe to declare as followeth * The Oration of the kynges ambassadour WHeras there is nothing after the glory of almighty God The Oration of Sir Raffe Sadler to the Scottish king in this world so much to be tendred by kings Princes or any honest persons or so highly to be regarded and defended as their honor estimatiō good fame name which whosoeuer neglecteth is to be esteemed vnnatural and vnlesse a man labor to auoide and extinguish the false reportes slanders and diffamations made of him by malitious persons he may wel be suspected in cōscience to cōdemne himselfe the king your vncle considering y e same and hearing of sundry ballets criminations and famous libels made and vntruly forged and deuised in Scotland against his grace by your graces subiectes not only vpon trust to find with your grace such natural affection frendship and amitie as the nerenes of bloud betweene vncle nephew necessitude of reuerence proximitie both of kinne of dominions together doth require but
after whose birth Queene Iane his mother the second daye after dyed in childbed left the king agayne a widower which so continued the space of two yeres together Upon the death of whiche Queene Iane Prince Edward borne and vppon the birth of prince Edward her sonne these two verses were made which follow Phoenix Iana iacet nato Phoenice Queene Iane dyed in childe-bed dolendum Secula Phoenices nulla tulisse duas Here is by the waye to be vnderstand that during all this season since the time that the king of Englande had reiected the pope out of the Realme both the Emperour These verses were thought to be made by M. Armigyl Wade y e French king and the king of Scottes with other forreine potentates which were yet in subiection vnder the Pope bare no him do great good fauour inwardly what soeuer outwardly they pretended Neither was here lacking pryuy setters on nor secret working among themselues how to compasse vngracious mischiefes if God by cōtrary occasions had not stopped their intended deuises For first y e Pope had sent Cardinall Poole to the French king to stir him to warre agaynst the realme of England Secondly where as the Frenche king The Pope stirreth warre agaynst England by Cardinall Poole The Emperour the French king and the king of Scottes set agaynst the king of England by treaty of perpetuall peace was bound yearly to paye to the king of England at the first dayes of May and Nouember about xcv thousand crownes of the summe and odde mony and ouer that 10000. crownes at y e sayd ij termes for recōpēce of salt due as the treates therof did purporte that pension remayned now vnpayed iiij yeares and more Furthermore the Emperour and the Frenche K. both reteined Grancetor a traiterous rebell against the king condemned by Act of Parliament with certayn other traitors moe and yet would not deliuer him to the king at his earnest suite and request The Frenche king also digressing from his promise and treaty made alliance wyth the Bishop of Rome Clement in marying the Dolphine to hys Niece called Katherine de Medicis The sayd Frenche kyng moreouer contrary to his contracte made married his daughter to the king of Scottes All which were preiudiciall and put the kinge no doubt in some feare and perplexity though otherwise a stout and valiant Prince to see the Pope the Emperour the French king and king of Scottes so bent against him And yet all this notwithstanding the Lord stil defended the iustnes of his cause against them all For although the French king was so sette on by the Pope and so linked in mariage with the Scots and sacked nothing now but only occasion to inuade the realme of England yet notwythstanding he hearing now of the birth of Prince Edwarde the kinges sonne by Queene Iane and vnderstandinge also by the death of the sayde Queene Iane that the Kyng was a widower and perceiuing moreouer talk to be that the king would ioyne in mariage with the Germains began to waxe more calme and colde and to geue much more gentle wordes and to demeane him selfe more curtuously labouring to mary the Queene of Nauare hys sister to the king The Ambassadors resident then in France for the king were Ste. Gardiner with Docto● Thirleby c. Whyche Steuen Gard. what he wrought secreately for the Popes deuotion I haue not expressely to charge him Whether he so did or what he did the Lord knoweth all But thys is certaine that when D. Boner Archedeacon then of Leicester was sente into Fraunce by the Kinge throughe the meanes of the Lord Cromwell to succeede Steuen Gardinar in Ambassie which was about the yeare of our Lord 1538. he found such dealing in the sayd Bishop of Winchester as was not greatly to be trusted beside the vnkynde partes of the sayde Byshop againste the foresayde Boner Anno. 1538. comming then from the King and Lorde Cromwell as was not to be liked Long it is to recite from the beginning few men peruenture woulde beleeue Doct. Boner the kyngs Ambassadour in Fraunce the brawling matters the priuie complaints the contentious quarels and bitter dissentiōs betwene these two and especially what despightful contumelies D. Boner receiued at the hands of Winchester For vnderstande good Reader that this doctor Boner all this while remained yet as he seemed a good man Doct. Boner in the beginning a fauourer of the truth and a Lutherane and was a great furtherer of the kinges proceedings and a fauourer of Luthers doctrine and was aduanced only by the Lorde Cromwel Whose promotions here to reherse first he was Archdeacon of Leycester persone of Bledon of Dereham Cheswike and Cheriburton Then was made Byshop of Hereford and at last preferred to be Bish. of London The chiefe of which preferments and dignities were conferred vnto him only by the meanes and fauour of the L. Cromwel L. Cromwel the onely setter vp of Doct. Boner who was then his chiefe and only patrone and setter vp as the said Boner himselfe in al his letters doth manifestly protest and declare The Copies of which his letters I could heere produce and exhibite but for prolonging my story with superfluous matter Yet that the worlde and all posteritie may see how the comming vp of D. Boner was onely by the Gospell howsoeuer he was after vnkind vnto the Gospell this one letter of his Doct. Boners cōming vp was by the Gospell which I wil heere inferre written to the Lorde Cromwel out of Fraunce may stand for a perpetuall testimonie the tenour whereof here ensueth * A letter of Doctor Boner the kings Ambassadour resident in Fraunce sent to the Lord Cromwell declaring the order of his promotions and comming vp MY very singular especiall good Lord as one most bounden I most humbly commende mee vnto your honourable good Lordship Out of Boners owne hand writing And wheras in times passed in hath liked the same without any my desertes or merites euen only of your singular exceding goodnes to bestowe a great deale of loue beneuolence and good affection vpon me so poore a man and of so small qualities expressing in deede sondry wayes the good effectes therof to my great preferment I was very much bounde thereby vnto your honourable good Lordshippe and thought it alway my duetie as in deede it was both to beare my true hart againe vnto your Lordship D. Boner cōfesseth himselfe much bound to the L. Crōwell and also remembring suche kindnes to doe vnto the same all such seruice pleasure as might then lie in my smal power to do But where of your infinite inestimable goodnes it hath further liked you of late first to aduance me vnto the office of Legation from such a Prince as my soueraigne Lorde is vnto the Emperour and French king and next after to procure and obtayne mine aduauncement to so honourable a promotion as the Byshoprike of Hereford
Christ of the strength of the law of the horrour of sinne of difference betwene the lawe and the Gospel of the true liberty of conscience c. no mētion or very litle was heard Wherefore in this so blinde time of darknes it was muche needefull and requisite that the Lord of his mercy shoulde looke vpon his churche send downe hys gratious reformation which also he did For shortly vpon the same thorowe the gratious excitation of God came Martine Luther of whome the order of story nowe requireth that we should and will intreat Christ willingly after the storie of Richard Hunne and a fewe other things premised for the better opening of the storie to folowe Mention was made sufficiently before of the doings of Pope Iulius Anno. 1510. and of hys warlike affaires for the whych he was condemned and not vniustly in the coūcell of Turone in Fraunce Pope Iulius plaieth the warrior Anno 1510. and yet all thys coulde not asswage the furious affection of this pope but the same yere he inuaded the Citie of Mutina and Mirandula in Italie Anno. 1512. and tooke them by force of warre Which Pope Iulius not long after The Pope ouercome in Battaile in the yeare of our Lorde 1512. refusing peace offered by Maximilian the Emperour was encountered by Lewes the French king about Rauenna vpon Easter day where he was vanquished and had of his army slaine to the number of xvj thousande Ex Chron. Carion And the yere next folowing Anno 1513. this Apostolical warriour Anno. 1513. which had resigned his keyes vnto the riuer of Tybris before made an end together both of fighting and liuing The death of Pope Iulius after he had raigned and fought x. yeeres Atter whome succeded next in the sea of Rome Pope Leo the 10. About the compasse of which time Pope Leo x great mutatiōs and stirres began to worke as well in states temporall as especially in the state of the Church Pope Leo 10. in Rome An. 1513. reigned 9. The state succession of Princes Charles 5. Emperour in Germanie An. 1519. reigned 39. Fraunces K. of France An. 1515. reigned 32. Henry 8. K. of England An. 1509. reigned 38. Iames 5. K. of Scotland An. 1514. reigned   In the time of which Pope Emperour and kinges of England and of France great alterations troubles and turnes of religion were wrought into the Churche by the mighty operation of Gods hand in Italy Fraunce Germanie Englande and all Europe suche as haue not bene seene although muche groned for many hundreth yeares before as in further discourse of this historie Christe willing more manifestly shall appeare But before wee come to these alterations taking the time as it lieth before vs wee will first speake of Richarde Hunne and certaine other godly minded persons heere in Englande afflicted for the woorde of Christes Gospell in great multitude as they be found and taken out of the Registers of Fitziames Bishop of London by the faithfull helpe and industry of R. Carket citizen of London The historie of diuers good men and women persecuted for religion in the Citie and Dioces of the Bishop of London briefly extracted out of the Registers of Richard Fitziames AMongest and besides the great number of the faithful martyrs and professours of Christe that constantly in the strength of the holy Ghost gaue their liues for the testimonie of his truthe Ex Registro Fitziames I finde recorded in the Register of London betwene the yeares of our Lorde 1509. and 1527. the names of diuers other persons both men and women who in the fulnes of that darke and mystie times of ignoraunce had also some portion of Gods good spirite whiche induced them to the knowledge of his trueth and Gospel and were diuersly troubled persecuted and imprisoned for the same notwithstanding by the proud cruell and bloudy rage of the Catholique seat and through the weaknes and frailtie of their owne nature not then fully strengthned in God it was againe in them for the time The professiō of the Protestantes no new doctrine suppressed and kept vnder as appeareth by their seueral abiuratiōs made before Richard Fitziames then bishop of London in hys time a most cruell persecutor of Christes church or els before his vicar general deputed for y e same And for asmuch as many of the aduersaries of Gods trueth haue of late dayes disdainefully and braggingly cried out and made demaunds in their publique assemblies and yet do asking where this our church and religion was wythin these 50. or 60. yeares I haue thought it not altogether vaine somewhat to stop such lying crakers both by mentioning theyr names and likewyse opening some of the chiefe and principal matters for which they wer so vnmercifully afflicted and molested thereby to geue to vnderstand as wel the continuaunce and consent of the true church of Christe in that age touching the chiefe poynts of our faith though not in like perfection of knowledge and cōstancie in all as also by the way something to touch what fond and friuolous matters the ignoraunt Prelates shamed not in that time of blindnesse to obiect against the poore simple people accounting them as heynous and great offences yea such as deserued death both of body and soule But least I shauld seeme too prolixe and tedious heerein I will nowe briefly proceede wyth the storie and first begin wyth theyr names whych are these Anno. 1510. Ioanne Baker William Pottyer Iohn Forge Thomas Goodred Thomas Walker alias Talbot Thomas Forge Alyce Forge Iohn Forge theyr son William Couper Lewes Iohn Ioanne Iohn Ihon Webbe alias Baker Anno. 1512. Iohn Houshold Robert Rascal Anno. 1517. Elizabeth Stanford George Browne Anno. 1518. Iohn Wykes Richard Butler Anno. 1511. Iohn Caluerton Anno. 1521 Iohn Woodrofe Richard Woolman Roger Hyllyar Anno. 1521. Alyce Couper Anno. 1523. Thomas Austye Ioanne Austye Thomas Graunt Iohn Garter Anno. 1526. Christofer Rauins Dionise Rauins Anno. 1527. Thomas Vincent Richard Butler Iohn Samme William Kyng Robert Durdant Henry Woolman Edmond Spilman Iohn Higges aliâs Noke aliâs Iohnsonne Henry Chambers Iohn Hynggyns Thomas Egleston Here foloweth the particular examination of all these heere aboue named To these were diuers and sundry particular Articles besides the common and generall sort accustomably vsed in such cases priuately obiected euen such as they were then accused of either by their curate or other their neighbours And because I thinke it somewhat superfluous to make any large recitall of all and euery part of their seuerall processe I minde therefore briefly only to touch so many of their articles as may be sufficient to induce the Christian Reader to iudge the sooner of the rest being I assure you of no greater importance then these that folow Except that sometime they were charged most slanderously with horrible and blasphemous lies against the maiestie and truth of God which as they vtterly
the Emperour and nobles of Germany acompanied with the Emperours Heraulde and the rest of his company hauing onely xxi dayes to him graunted for his returne and no more In the which meane space of his returne hee writeth to the Emperour and to other nobles of the Empyre repeating briefely to them the whole action and order of things there done desiring of them theyr lawfull good will and fauour which as he hath alwayes stand neede of so now he moste earnestly craueth especially in this that hys cause whiche is not his but the cause of the whole church vniuersall may be hearde with indifferency and equitye and may be decised by the rule and authority of holy Scripture signifying moreouer that when so euer they shall please to send for him he shall bee ready at theyr commaundement at any time or place vppon theyr promise of safety to appeare c. During the time of these doinges the Doctours and Schoolmen of Paris were not behinde with theyr partes The doctors of Parts condemne the bookes of Luther but to shewe theyr cunning condemned the bookes of Luther extracting out of the same especially out of hys booke De Captiuitate Babilonica certayne Articles as touching the Sacramentes lawes and decrees of the Church equalitye of workes vowes contrition absolution satisfaction Purgatory free will priuiledges of holy Church coūcelles punishment of heretiques Philosophye Schole diuinity with other more Philip Melancton answereth the Parisians Unto whom Philip Melancton maketh aunsweare and also Luther himselfe albeit pleasantly and iestingly It was not long after this but Charles the new Emperour Luther outlawed by the Emperour to purchase fauor with the Pope because hee was not yet confirmed in his Empyre prouideth and directeth out a solemne writ of outlawry agaynst Luther all them that take his part commaunding the said Luther where so euer he might be gotten to be apprehended and his bookes burned By which decree proclaymed agaynst Luther the Emperour procured no small thanke with the Pope in so much that the Pope ceasing to take part with the French king ioyned himselfe whollye to the Emperour In the meane time Duke Fridericke to geue some place for the time to the Emperors Proclamation M. Luther kept aside for a while conueyed Luther a litle out of sight secretly by the helpe of certain noble men whom he well know to be faythfull and trusty vnto him in that behalfe There Luther being close and out of company wrote diuers Epistles and certayne bookes also vnto his frendes among which he dedicated one to his companye of Augustine Fryers entituled De abroganda Missa Which Friers the same time being encouraged by him Luthers booke De Abroganda Missa ad Augustinenses beganne first to lay downe theyr priuate Masses Duke Fridericke fearing least that would breede some great styrre or tumult caused the censure and iudgementes of the whole Uniuersity of Wittenberge to be asked in the matter committing the doing thereof to foure Iustus Ionas Philip Melancthō Nic. Ambsdorssius Ioh. Dulcius The mindes of the whole Uniuersity being searched it was shewed to the Duke that he shoulde doe well and Godly The Masse laide downe first at Wittenberge by the whole aduise of the learned there to commaund the vse of Masse to be abrogate through his dominion and though it could not be done without tumult yet that was no let why the course of true doctrine should be stayed The iudgement of the Vniuersitie of Wittenberge against the Masse for the multitude which commonly ouercommeth the better part Neyther ought such disturbaunce to be imputed to the doctrine taught but to the aduersaryes which willingly and wickedly kicke agaynst the trueth wherof Christ also geueth vs forewarning before For feare of such tumults therefore we ought not to surcease frō that which we know is to be done but constantly must go forward in defence of Gods truth how so euer the world doth esteeme vs or rage against it Thus shewed they their iudgemēt to Duke Fridericke Anno. 1521. It happened moreouer about the same yeare and time that king Henry also pretending an occasion to impugne the booke De Captiuitate Babylonica wrote agaynst Luther In which booke 1. He reproueth Luthers opinion about the Popes pardons 2. He defendeth the supremacy of the Byshop of Rome 3. He laboreth to refell all his doctrine of the Sacramēts of the Church This booke albeit it carryed the kinges name in the title K. Henry wryteth agaynst M. Luther yet it was an other that ministred the motion an other that framed the stile But who so euer had the labor of this booke the king had the thanke and also the rewarde For consequently vpon the same the bishop of Rome gaue to the sayd king Henry for the style agaynst Luther K. Henry made defender of the fayth by the Pope y e style and title of Defender of the Christen fayth and to his successors for euer Shortly after this within the compasse of the same yere Pope Leo after he had warred agaynst the Frenche men and had gotten from them through the Emperors ayd the Citties of Parma Placentia and Millen c. he sitting at supper reioycing at three great giftes that God had bestowed vpō him 1. That he being banished out of his coūtry was restored to Florence agayn with glory 2. That he had deserued to be called Apostolique The death of Pope Leo in the midst of his tryumphe 3. That he had driuē the Frenchmen out of Italy after he had spokē these wordes he was stroken with a sodayne feuer and dyed shortly after being of the age of 47. yeares albeit some suspect that he dyed of poyson Successour to whom was Pope Adrian the vi scholemayster sometime to Charles the Emperour Pope Adrian the 6. who liued not much aboue one yeare and a halfe in his Papacy During whose small time these three especiall thinges were incident A great pestilence in Rome wherein aboue an hundreth thousande people were consumed A great pestilence in Rome The losse of Rhodes by the Turke And thyrdly the capitall warre which the sayd Pope Adrian with the emperour and the Uenetians and the king of Englande dyd hold agaynst Fraunces the French king This pope Adrian was a Germane borne brought vp at Louane Adrian a Germaine Pope and not vnlearned and as in learning he exceded the common sort of Popes so in moderatiō of life and maners he semed not all together so intēperate as some other Popes haue bene and yet like a right Pope nothing degenerating from hys Sea Pope Adrian a great enemie to Luther he was a mortall enemy against Martin Luther and his partakers In his time shortly after the Councell of Wormes was broken vppe an other meeting or assemble was appoynted by the Emperor at Norenberge of y e princes nobles and states of Germany an 1522. Unto this assemble the sayde
reproue any thing in them for feare to be called hereticke and then they would make him smoke or beare a Fagot And the Cardinall himselfe was so elated that he thought himselfe equall with the King and when he had sayd Masse he made Dukes Earles to serue him of wine with a say taken and to hold the bason at the Lauatories Furthermore as he was Ambassadour sent to the Emperour at Bruxels he had ouer with him the great Seale of England and was serued with his seruitours kneeling on their knees and many noble men of England wayting vpon him to the great admiration of all the Germaines that beheld it such was his monstrous pompe and pride Ex Par●lip Abb. Vrspur This glorious Cardinall in his tragicall doyngs dyd exceede so farre all measure of a good subiect that he became more like a Prince then a Priest for although y e King bare the sword yet he bare the stroke makyng in a maner the whole Realme to bend at his becke to daunce after hys pipe Such practises and fetches he had that when he had well stored his own cofers first he fetched the greatest part of the Kings treasure out of the realme in xij great barels ful of gold siluer to serue the Popes warres And as his auaritious mind was neuer satisfied in getting so his restles head was so busie ruffling in publicke matters that he neuer ceassed before he had let both England Fraunce Flaunders Spayne and Italy together by the cares Thus this Legate well following the steppes of hys maister the Pope and both of them well declaring the nature of their religion vnder the pretence of y e Church practised great hipocrisie and vnder the authoritie of y e King he vsed great extortion with excessiue taxes and lones and valuation of euery mans substance The pilling 〈…〉 Cardinall so pilling the commōs and Marchaunts that euery man complayned but no redresse was had Neither yet were the Churchmen altogether free from the pillax and pollax from the pilling polling I meane of this Cardinall who vnder his power Legantine gaue by preuētions all benefices belonging to spirituall persons by which hard it is to say whether he purchased to himselfe more riches then hatred of the spiritualty So farre his licence stretched that he had power to suppresse diuers Abbeyes Priories and Monasteries and so did taking from them all their goodes moueables and not moueables except it were a little pension left onely to the heads of certayne houses By the saide power Legantine he kept also generall visitations through y e Realme sending Doctor Iohn Alein his Chaplein riding in hys gowne of veluet The Fryers obseruaunts 〈◊〉 of the Cardi●●ll with a great traine to visit all religious houses whereat the Friers obseruants much grudged would in no wise cōdescend thereunto wherfore they were openly accursed at Paules crosse by frier Forest one of the same order so that the Cardinall at length preuayled both against them Of Fryer 〈◊〉 Vid. 〈…〉 Reg. Henri● 8. and all other Against whom great disdayne arose among the people perceauing how he by visitatiōs making of Abbots probates of testamentes graunting of faculties licences and other pollings in his courtes Legantine had made his treasure equall with the Kings and yet euery yeare he sent great summes to Rome And thys was their dayly talke against the Cardinall Beside many other matters and greeuances which stirred the harts of the commons against the Cardinall thys was one which much pinched them for that the sayd Cardinall had sent out certain strait commissions in the Kings name that euery man should pay the vj. part of his goods Wherupon there folowed great muttering amongst y e cōmons 〈…〉 19. Reg. Henri● 8. in such sort y t it had almost growen to some riotous commotion or tumult especially in the partes of Suffolke had not the Dukes of Northfolke and Suffolke with wisedome and gentlenes stept in and appeased the same Another thing that rubbed the stomackes of many or rather which moued them to laugh at the Cardinall was this to see his insolent presumption so highly to take vpon him as the Kings chiefe counsailer to set a reformation in the order of the Kings houshold making and establishing new ordinances in the same He likewise made new officers in y e house of the Duke of Richmond which was then newly begon In like maner he ordeined a Counsell established another houshold for y e Lady Mary then being princes so that all thing was done by his cōsent by none other All this with much more tooke he vpō him making the King beleeue y t all should be to his honour and y t he needed not to take any paine insomuch that the charge of all things was committed vnto him whereat many men smiled to see his great folly and presumption At this tyme the Cardinall gaue the King the lease of the Manour of Hampton Court which he had of the Lord of S. Iohns and on which he had done great coste Therfore y e King again of his gētle nature licenced him to lie in his Manour of Richmond so he lay there certain times But when the common people and specially such as were King Henry the vij seruantes sawe the Cardinall keepe house in the royall Manour of Richmond which K. Henry the vij so much esteemed it was a maruaile to here how they grudged saieng See a butchers dogge lie in the Manour of Richmond These with many other opprobrious wordes were spoken agaynst the Cardinall whose pride was so hygh that he regarded nothyng yet was he hated of all men And now to expresse some part of the 〈◊〉 practises and busie intermedlynges of this Cardinall in Princes warres first here is to be noted The Cardinall ruffling in matters and warres of Princes that after lōg warres betwene England Fraunce 1524. in the which warres kyng Henry takyng the Emperours part agaynst Fraūces the French kyng had waged with his money y e Duke of Bourbon and a great part of the Emperours army to inuade and disturbe certaine partes of Fraunce it happened that the French kyng commyng with his armye toward Millan at the siege of Pauia was there takē by the Duke of Bourbon Uiceroy of Neaples Fraunces 〈◊〉 French king taken prisoner and so led prisoner into Spayne Here note by the way that all this while the Cardinall held with the Emperour hopyng by hym to be made Pope but when that would not be he went cleane from the Emperour to the French kyng as the Lord willyng ye shall heare After this victory gotten and the French kyng beyng taken prisoner who remayned in custody about a yeare halfe at lēgth through great labour solicitation as well of other as namely of the Cardinall and kyng Henry an order was taken The French king prisoner a yeare and a halfe and conditions propoūded
quatuor or the Cardinall of Pouche was slayne and with him were a M. Prelates and Priests fiue hundred Gentlemen fiue hundred Souldiers wherefore immediately the Captaines determined to lay siege to the Castle of S. Angell least they within might issue out and turne them to damage wherefore sodeinly a siege was planted round about the Castle The castell of S. Angel besieged In the meane season the souldiers fell to spoyle Neuer was Rome so pilled either of the Gothes or Uandales for the Souldiers were not content with the spoyle of the Citizens Rome spoyled but they robbed y e Churches brake vp the houses of close religious persons and ouerthrew the Cloisters and spoyled virgines and rauished maried women Men were tormented if they had not to geue euery new asker or demaunder some were strangled some were punished by the priuie members to cause them to confesse their treasure This woodnes continued a great while some man might thinke that whē they had gotten so much then they would cease be quiet but that was not so for they plaied continually at dyce some v. C. some a M. Ducates at a cast and he that came to play ladē with plate went againe almost naked and then fell to rifeling againe Many of the Citizens which could not paciently suffer that vexation drowned themselues in Tyber The Pope mocked and scorned op●nly in Rome before his owne face The Souldiers daily that lay at the siege made Iestes of the Pope Sometime they had one riding like the Pope with a whore behinde hym sometime he blessed and sometime he cursed sometyme they would with one voyce call him Antichrist and they went about to vndermine the Castle and to haue throwne it downe on his head but the water that enuironeth the Castle disappointed their purpose In this season the Duke of Urbine with xv M. men came to ayde the Pope but hearing that Rome was takē he taried xl myle from Rome till he heard other worde The Marques of Saluce and Sir Frederico de Bodso with xv M. footemen and a M. horsemē were at 〈◊〉 be the tenth day of May where they hearing that the Citie of Rome was taken also taried The Cardinall of Colume came with an army of Neapolitans to helpe the Emperours men but when he saw the cruelty of the Souldiers he did little to helpe them but he hated them much The Byshop of Rome was thus besieged till the eight Ides of Iuly The Pope besieged and taken at which day he yelded himselfe for necessitie and penury of all things in the Castle and thē he was restored to geue Graces and graunt Bulles as he did before but he taried still in the Castle of S. Angell and had a great number of Almaines Spanyards to keepe him but the Spanyards bare most rule in the Castle for no mā entred nor came out of the Castle but by them When the moneth of Iuly came corne began to fayle in Rome and the pestilence began to waxe strong wherfore the great army remoued to a place called Narma xl mile from Rome Warre and pestilence is Rome leauing behind them such as kept the Byshop of Rome When they were departed the Spanyards neuer were contented till they had gotten the Almaynes out of the Castle of S. Angell and so they had the whole custody of the Pope And thus much for the sacking of Rome Ex Paralip Abbat Vrsper When the Cardinall heere in England heard how hys father of Rome was taken prisoner The Cardynall bestirreth him for the Pope hee began to styrre coales and hearyng of his captiuitie he laboured with the King all that he might to stirre hym vp to fight with the sayd Pope against the Emperour and to be a defendour of the Churche whiche if hee would do the Cardinall perswaded him that hee shoulde receiue great rewarde at Gods hand To whome the King aunswered againe and sayd in this maner My Lord I more lament this euill chaunce then my tong can tell but where you say I am y e defendour of the faith I assure you that this war betwene the Emperour the Pope is not for the faith The Pope fighteth for temporall possessions but for tēporall possessions and dominiōs and now sith Pope Clemēt is taken by men of warre what should I do My person nor my people can not rescue him but if my treasure may helpe him take that which seemeth to you most cōuenient Thus the Cardinall when he could not obteine at the Kings hands what he would in stirring him vp to mortall warre 12. score thousand Poundes conueyed out of England by the Car●inall A new foūd Letanye of the Lord Cardinalls making he made out of y e Kings treasure xij score thousand poundes which he caried ouer the Sea with him After this the Cardinall sent his commission as Legate to all the Bishops commaunding fastings and solemne processions to be had wherein they did sing the Letany after this sort Sancta Maria ora pro Clemente Papa Sancte Petre ora pro Clemente Papa and so forth all the Letanie This Cardinall passing the Seas with the foresayde summes of money departed out of Callis accompanyed with Cuthbert Tunstall Byshop of London the Lorde Sandes the Kings Chamberlaine the Earle of Darby Syr Henry Guilford and Syr Thomas Moore wyth many other Knightes and Squiers to the number of xij hundred horse hauing in his cariage lxxx wagonnes and threescore Moyles and sumpter horses It were long to discourse in this place the manifold abuses and treasons which he practised whē he came to the French Court at Amias conuerting the greate summes of money Warre waged by the Cardinall whiche before you heard he had obteined of the King for the reliefe raunsome of Pope Clement which at that time was prisoner in the Emperours armye and bestowed the same in the hyring of souldiers furnishing out the French Kings armye appoynting also certayne English Captaynes in the King of Englandes name to go against the Emperour to rescue the Pope all whiche army was payd with the King of Englands money Besides that he priuely by his letters caused Clarentius king of the armes to ioyne with the French Herauld and openly to defie the Emperour whereby there began great displeasure to rise betwen y e Emperour the King but that the Emperour of his politike nature would take no occasion of displeasure agaynst the Kyng of England Now agayne he vttered another of his practises for vpon the sayd defiaunce the Cardinall surmising whispering in the Kings eare that y e Emperour had euill intreated and imprisoned the Kings Ambassadours in Spa●ne The craftye practise of the Cardinall caused Hugo de Mendosa the Emperours Ambassadour in England to be attached put in safe keeping and hys house with all his goodes to be seased Which so remained vntill y e manifest letters came of the gentle intreatye of the kings
for the singulare promptnesse in the Italian toung wherein hee seemed nothing inferior neither to Peter Uanne here in Englande the kings Secretary for the Italian toung nor yet to any other which were the best in that toung in all Uenice For opinion fame of lerning he was so notoriously accepted not onely here in England w t Linacre Grecinus More other but also knowen reported abroad in such sort that in all the great heap of Erasmus Epistles he wrote almost to none so many as he wrote to thys Richard Pacie As the sayde Pacie was resident Ambassadour at Uenice the king hauing warre the same time Richard Pacie Ambassadour at Venice with Fraunces the French king as is afore rehersed through the conducting of the duke of Bourbon whom he then waged w t hys expenses sent commandement to Pacie to geue attēdance to the duke of Bourbon The Duke of Bourbon waged with the king of Englāds money concerning the receite of that money and other necessities exploits to that expedition appertaining In the meane while as the French king wyth his army and the Duke of Bourbon were approchyng in battel together neare about the citie of Pauia it so hapned some thinke through the craftie packing of the Cardinall that the kings money was not so ready The Duke of Bourbon disapointed of the kinges money as it was looked for By reason wherof y e duke of Bourbon perceiuing his soldiors about to shrinke from him to the French king for lacke of paiment called to him the Ambassador cōplaining vnto him how the king of England had deceiued him and broke promise with him to hys great dishonor vtter vndoing c. Pacie then being sure of the kings wil and suspecting the crafty fetch of the Cardinall desired y e duke not to take discomfort nor any diffidence of the Kings assured promise excusing the delay of y e money as wel as he could by intercipation or other causes by the way incident rather then for any lacke of fidelitie on the kings behalfe adding moreouer that if it would please him happely to proceede as he had couragiously begon Richard Pacie helpeth the Duke of Bourbō with money he should not stay for the kings mony so sure he was of the kings mind therin that he would supply the lacke of that paiment vppon hys owne credite amongest his frendes at Uenice and so did Wherupon the soldiors being sufficiētly satisfied with paiment of theyr wages proceeded foorth wyth the Duke vnto the battaile In the which battaile the foresayde French king the same time before the Citie of Pauie Richard Pacie was the meanes why the French king was taken was taken prisoner as is afore declared Which being eftsoones knowen to the king of Englande Pacie had bothe condigne thankes for his faithfull seruice and also his money repaid againe with the vttermost as he wel deserued But as the laude and the renowmed praise of men for theyr woorthy prowesses commonly in this world neuer go vnaccompanied without some priuie canker of enuie and disdaine following after so the singulare industrie of Pacie as it wan much commendation with many so it could not auoyd the secrete sting of some Serpents The Cardinall hated Pacie For the conceiued hatred of this Cardinal so kindled against him that he neuer ceased till first he brought hym out of the kings fauour and at last also out of his perfect wittes The occasion howe hee fell beside hymselfe was thys for that the Cardinall after the death of Pope Adrian hoping no lesse but that he should haue bene aduaunced vnto the Papacie and yet missing thereof hee supposed wyth him selfe the faulte chiefly to rest in Pacies negligence by whose great witte and learning and earnest meanes and sute he thought easily he might haue acheued and compassed the triple crowne Wherfore he seing it otherwise come to passe and inflamed against Pacie for the same wrought such wayes and meanes that by the space almoste of two yeares The Cardinall practiseth against Pacie Pacie continuing at Uenice had neither wrytinge from the king nor his counsaile what he shuld do nor yet any maner of allowaunce for his diet although he wrote and sent letters for the same to England very often for the Cardinall had altogether incensed the king against hym Whereupon the sayd Pacie tooke such an inward thoughte and conceite that his wittes began to faile hym he beynge notwithstanding in such fauour among the Senatours of Uenice Pacie in great credite with the Venetians that neyther for gold nor siluer he could there haue lacked By some it is reported that the Uenitian Legate heere in Englande comming to the Cardinall required if he would commaunde any thyng to the Englishe Ambassadour at Uenice The Cardinall falsely belyeth Pacie To whome he should aunswer agayne in high woordes sayinge Paceus decepit Regem Whyche wordes comming to Pacies eares so deepely pearced hys stomacke that he fel quite besides himself I hard it moreouer of an other thus testified who had a brother the same time dwelling wyth Pacie that the Cardinall aboute the returning of Pacie from Uenice sent him a letter so powdered wyth what spices I can not tell that at the reading therof Pacie then being in the fieldes fell sodenly in such a mighty running for the space of 2 miles that his seruants had much a do to take him and bring him home This pitious case of Pacie was not a litle lamented by the whole Senate and chiefe learned men in Uenice in so much that the king was not onely certified therof by Thomas Lupset who then was chiefe man about Pacie Pacie be straught of his wittes and his Secretarye for that Ambassage but also the sayde Senate of Uenice wrote in such sharpe vehement wise vnto their Ambassador then being in England that he should signifie to the king touching Pacies case that thereby the king knowing the trueth and the whole circumstaunce of the matter was not a litle sorowful therefore Whereupon Pacie was forthwith sent for home and when hee came to England he was commanded by the king to be specially well tended to lacke no keeping In so much that within a small processe of time he was pretely well come agayne to his wittes began to studie the Hebrew tongue wyth Wakefield Pacie pretely recouered so that the Cardinall then being absent suche waies was founde by his frendes that he was brought to the king lying then at Richmond where he and the kynge secretely communed together by the space of 2. houres and more Pacie brought to the kinges speech not wythout greate reioycing to the king as it was perceiued to see him so well amended returned to hymselfe againe geuing likewise strait charge and commaundement that he should lacke nothing The Cardinall being then not present when he heard of this fearing least he had disclosed somewhat to the king
to his mercifull goodnes Of which diuorcement and suppressing of the Popes authority we haue likewise to make declaration But first as we haue begun with the Cardinall of Yorke so we will make an ende of him That done we will God willing addresse our selfe to other matters of more importance As the ambassadours were thus trauailing in Rome to promote the Cardinall to be Pope althoughe the Pope was not yet dead in the meane time the Cardinall played the Popish persecuter here at home Fryer Barnes with two Marchantes of the Stilliard caused by the Cardinal to beare fagots For first hee sitting in his Pontificalibus in the Cathedrall Churche of Paules vnder his cloth of estate of rich cloth of golde caused Frier Barnes an Augustine Frier to beare a fagot for certayne poyntes which he called heresie Also hee caused the same two marchants of the stilliarde likewise to beare fagottes for eating fleshe on a friday At the which time the Byshop of Rochester made a sermon in reproofe of M. Luther who had before wrytten agaynst the power of the B. of Rome This bishop in his sermon spake so muche of the honoure of the Pope and his Cardinals and of their dignitie and preeminence that he forgate to speake of the Gospel which he tooke in hande to declare which was about the yeare of our Lord. 1526. Anno. 1528. After this the said Cardinall likewise An. 1528. and in the moneth of Nouemb. sitting at Westminster as legate called before him the whole Cleargie and there promysed that all abusions of the church shuld be amended but there nothing els was done saue onely he caused to be abiured Arthur Bilney Geffrey Lome and Garret for speakinge against the Popes authoritie and his pompous pride Of whome more shal be sayd the Lord assisting vs hereafter And this was An. 1528. Anno 1529 The yeare next following which was An. 1529. began the question of the kings mariage to be reuiued Wherupon Cardinal Campegius was sent againe into Englande from Rome The occasion of the Cardinalls fall for the hearing and debating of the matter Who then with Cardinall Wolsey consulting with y e king although at first he seemed with his felow Cardinal to incline to the kings disposition yet afterward perceiuing the sequele of the case whether it tended so farre as peraduenture might be the occasion of a blot to the court of Rome The cause of the kinges mariage with his brothers wife was dāgerous to the Pope for this For if it were vnlawfull then the dispensation of Pope Iuly was voyde If it were lawfull then the iudgementes of so manye vniuersities were false and might shake perhaps the chaire of the Popes omnipotent authoritie as wel in other cases like if this one case were throughly decided by learning and trueth of Gods word he therefore slipping his necke out of the collar craftily shifted him selfe out of the Realme before the day came appoynted for determination leauing his suttle felowe behinde him to wey with the king in the meane time while the matter might be brought vp to the court of Rome The king thus seeing himselfe disappoynted foded wyth false promises and craftily doubled withal by the Cardinalles and at last after so many delaies and long expectation nothing to be concluded was sore agreeued in his mind with them but especially with Cardinall Wolsey whom he had before so highly exalted and promoted to so many greate dignities as to the Archbishoprike of York the bishoprike of Winchester The king deluded by the two Cardinalls of Duresme the abby of S. Albons besides the Chancelorship of England and many other high roumes preferments in the realme which caused him clearly to cast him out of his fauour so that after that time he neuer came more to the kings presence Ex Hallo Then folowed first a counsaile of the nobles called the first of Octob. A Counsaile of the Nobles called During the which counsaile all the Lordes and other the kings Counsaile agreeing together resorted to Windsore to the king and there informed the king that all things which he had done almost by his power Legātine were in the case of the Premunire and prouision and that the Cardinall had forfaited all his lands The Cardinall cast in the Premunire tenements goods and cattels to the king wherefore the king willing order to him according to the order of his lawes caused his attourney Christopher Hales to sue out a Wryt of Premunire against him in the which he licenced hym to make an Attourney And further the 17. day of Nouember hee sent the two Dukes of Norffolke Suffolke The Cardinall depriued of the C●auncellourship to his place at Westminster to fetch away the great Seale of England whyche he was lothe to deliuer if there had bene any remedie but in conclusion he deliuered it to the two Dukes which deliuered the same to Doctor Tailour Maister of the Rolles to carie it to the king which so did the next day Besides this the king sent Syr William Fitzwilliams Knight of the Garter and Treasurer of his house and doctor Steuen Gardiner newly made Secretary to see that no goodes should be embesiled oute of his house Steuen Gardiner the kinges secretarye and further ordeined y t the Cardinal should remoue to Asher beside Kingston there to tary the kings pleasure and to haue all things deliuered to hym which were necessary for him but not after his olde pompous and superfluous fashyon for all hys goodes were seased to the kinges vse When the Seale was thus taken from the Cardinall The Cardinalls goods seased to the king the Dukes of Norffolke and Suffolke wyth many Earles Byshops and Barons came into the Starre chamber the xix day of October where the Duke of Norffolke declared that the kings highnesse for diuers and sundry offences had taken from hym his great Seale and deposed him of all offices and lest men might complaine for lacke of iustice he had apointed him and the Duke of Suffolke with the assent of the other Lordes to sitte in the Starre chamber to heare and determine causes indifferently and that of all thyngs the kings pleasure and commaundement was that they should keepe their hands close from any rewards taking or maintenance and so that weeke they sate in the Starre chamber and determined causes The Cardinalls remouing from Yorke place A fewe dayes after in the same moneth the Cardinall remooued out of hys house called Yorke place wyth ●ne Crosse saying that he woulde he had neuer borne more meaning that by his crosse that which he bare as Legate which degree taking was hys confusion as you see openly and so hee tooke his barge and went to Pueney by water and there tooke his horse and roade to Asher where he remained till Lent after During which time hee being called on for an aunswere in the kings Bench to the Premunire for geuing
frō the king his letters of credence and withall to declare and extend the kinges most effectuous commendations with the harty good will and sincere affections whiche his hignes bare to the sayde Cardinall Chauncellour of Fraunce with no lesse desire also most gladly to do that thing which might be to his commoditie and benefite according as the manifold pleasures grauities and kindnes done on his part for the kinges highnes did worthily deserue Then after such words of mollification to enter into further communication with him in such sort as might best serue his honour And forasmuch as the Cardinall was thē noted much to be moued with the affections of vayn glory couetous therfore amongst other cōmunication The vaine glory and auarice of the Cardinall it was deuised to inferre mentiō of the Papalitie noting what wayes meanes might be vsed to attayne vnto that dignitie Wherein if the kinges hignes coulde stand him to anye steede as he thought the person of the sayd Chauncellour most meet for the same The fashyo● of Princes courtes to be noted so he would not fayle to moue and to procure it to the best furtheraunce of his aduauncement And finally to declare how desirous the kinges highnes was to retayne and make sure vnto him the amitie and friendship of the sayd Chauncellour and that hys hignes deuising by what meanes and wayes he might do the same albeit his grace knew wel that the fayth and sinceritie of the sayd Chauncellour towardes hys mayster was such as no gift pension or other offer could aduance or increase that good will which for hys maysters sake he would employ in the kinges highnes affayres thought that for declaration of hys hartye good will towardes the sayde Chauncellour it were conuenient to offer vnto hym some yearely remembraunce c. This was the summe and effect of the message of the king sent vnto the French king and to other of his counsayle by his ambassadour maister Edward Foxe whiche was especially to signifie and make manifest vnto the sayd French king the vniust dealinges and preiudiciall proceedinges of the pope in calling vp the king of Englande to appeare at Rome by Proxie which was derogatory to y e kinges dignitie and crowne and also preiudiciall both to generall Councels of the primitiue tyme and to the auncient lawes and statutes of this Realme as is afore declared and no lesse hurtfull for example to all other Princes and kinges likewise c. This message so done Steuen Gardiner Ambassadour to the Frēch king shortly after was sent to the said french king Stephen Gardinar bish of Winchester with the kings answere and message again on this maner y t for so much as the saying of the Frenche king to the ambassadors was this that notwithstanding all the kings Realm shuld agree and condescend neuer so muche to y e right title The French kings saying against the kinges succession which the succession procreated of this his lawfull matrimony hath in this hys realme yet when outward parties shall conceaue anye other or contrary opinion thereof great trouble and vexation might ensue Wherunto the K. made answere agayne declaring y t he could not but greatly marueyle y t the king his brother being so wise a Prince The kinges aunswere to the French king and there to well expert and learned in Chronicles and histories not onely of his owne realme but also of all others or any of his Counsayle being men of such experiēce as they were taken to be would thinke that the opinion consent of other outward Realms was so highly to be cōsidered and regarded of any prince or king in stablishing or in executing of thinges which mighte be lawfully done and which touched the preseruation of the rightes preeminences dignitie and state of his realme and did also notably conferre vnto the singular benefite and tranquillitie of the same so as the words both of the sayde king hys brother and of the great master did pretend Who furthermore were not ignoraunt them selues 〈…〉 of 〈◊〉 realm 〈…〉 boūd t● the agrement of outwarde realmes that many thinges haue bene by hys noble progenitours kinges of Fraunce attempted and done as well in cases of matrimonie as otherwise which in some part in the opinion of y e Popes of Rome then being in some part in the opinion of diuers other outwarde princes states seigniories and common people haue bene thought not perfectly good nor yet much acceptable vnto them and yet that notwithstanding hys said progenitors knowing them selues the prosecuting of those causes to be beneficial to them and to the realm haue not therfore desisted from their said purposes but diligētly employing their owne strength and powers with the succours of their frends haue finally atchieued their sayd enterprises wythout requiring or greatly regarding the opinion or agreement therunto of outward princes Againe wheras the Chauncelour of France made thys ouerture to the ●ayde Bishop of Winchester whether the kyng woulde be content to haue indifferent Iudges to be appoynted by the authoritie of the Pope The ouerture of the Chauncellour 〈◊〉 Fraunce to the king to take indifferent iudges by the Popes authority The kinges aunswere to the ouerture to determine his cause wyth a commission decretall from y e same declaring Quid iuris c. The King by his ambassador therunto answearing declared that the Pope hauing done vnto hym so notable and euidēt iniuries as he had done it were hys office and duetie now to labor him selfe to ende this matter and to studie how to make due satisfaction to God and his iustice which hee hath tam indignis modis offended and violated and to deliuer himselfe out of the danger and the perpetual infamie of the world which he hath incurred by reason of these his most vngodly doings and not to looke that the King shoulde make any request or suite vnto hym therfore or recompence for the same c. Furthermore where as the Pope at the request of the French king had in open Consistorie proroged execution of his censures and excommunication against the king vnto the first day of Nouember and woorde thereof was sent to the king by his ambassadours from the great maister of Fraunce that the king mighte haue the sayde prorogation made autentikely in wryting if he woulde The kyng answearing thereunto thought it not vnprofitable that hys ambassadors resident in France should receiue vnto theyr hands the possession of the saide newe prorogation conceiued and wrytten in autentike forme and maner according to the order of the lawes After this againe came other letters to the King from France namely frō the great maister of France tending to this ende that if the king would do nothing for the pope meaning by the reuocation of such actes of parlament The king requested by the Frēch king to relent to the Pope as were made in the Realme of England to the Popes preiudice it were
to be a farre vnequall recompence and satisfaction for a thinge whiche ought of right and iustice to be ministred vnto him that a king therefore should reuocate and vndoe the actes and statutes passed by a whole Realm contrary to hys owne honour and weale of hys subiectes c. Where is moreouer to be vnderstanded The crafty packing of the Papistes how that the Pope with all hys papistes and the French king also and peraduenture Stephen Gardiner too the kynges owne Ambassadour had euer a speciall eye to disproue and disapoynt y e kings successiō by Queene Anne whō they knew all to be a great enemye vnto the pope thinking thereby that if that succession were diminished the popes kingdome might soone be restored agayn in England But yet for all their vniust and craftie packing they were throughe Gods prouidēce frustrate of their desired purpose For although they so brought to passe the next yeare folowing to ad●●lle the order of that succession by a contrary Parlament The Papistes frustrate of their purpose yet neither did they so adnihilate it but that both K. Edwarde followed yea and also the same succession afterward by the said king and other parlaments was restored againe and yet God be praised hath hetherto raigned doth yet florish in the Realme of England Nowe as wee haue declared the Kings doings in the Realme of Scotland and of Fraunce proceding further in the kings proceedings wyth other Princes let vs see how the king defended himselfe and his cause before the Emperor sending his ambassador vnto him vsing these wordes before his maiestie as here foloweth The Oration of the kings Ambassadour before the Emperour in defence of his cause SIr the king my maister taking and reputing you as his perfect frende confederate and allye and not doubting but you remembring the mutual kindnes betwene you in times past The Oration of the Ambassadour to the Emperour wil shew yourself in all ocurrents to be of such minde and disposition as iustice truthe and equitie doeth require hath willed me by his letters to open and declare vnto you what he hathe done and in what wise hee hathe proceeded concerning suche Marriage as by many yeares was supposed to haue bene betwene your Aunte and hys grace Diuisions consisting in 2. partes In which matter being two principall poyntes specially to be regarded considered that is to say the iustice of the cause and the order of the processe therein hys highnes hath so vsed hym in both as no man may right wisely complaine of the same First as touching the iustnes of the cause that is to say of that Mariage betwene him and your sayde Aunte to be nought The iustnes of the kinges cause and of no moment ne effect but against the law of God nature and man and indispensable by the Pope and in no wise vailable his highnes hath done therein asmuch as becommeth him for discharge of hys cōscience and hath found so certain so euidēt so manifest so open and approued truth as wherunto his maiesty ought of good congruence to geue place which by al other ought to be allowed and receiued not as a matter doutful disputable or depending in question and ambiguitie but as a plaine determined and discussed verity of the true vnderstanding of gods word and lawe which all Christian men must follow and obey and before all other worldly respects prefer and execute In attaining the knowledge whereof if hys highnes had vsed only his owne particular iudgement sentence or the minde only opinion of his owne natural subiects althoughe the same might in his conscience haue suffised woulde not muche haue repugned if some other had made difficulty to assent to him in the same till further discussion had bene made thereupon But now forasmuch as besides hys owne certaine vnderstanding and the agreement of thys whole Cleargie to the same in both Prouinces of hys realme his maiestie hath also for him the determinatiōs of the moste famous vniuersities of Christendome Vniuersities stāding with the kinges cause and most indifferent to pronounce and geue iudgement in this case and among them the Uniuersitie of Bonony all feare of the Pope set apart concluding against his power and also Padua the Uenetians threates not regarded geuynge their sentence for the truth euident words of Gods law there should no man as seemeth to him gainsay or wythstand either in word or dede the truth thus opened but for his honor and duetie to the obseruation of Gods law willingly embrace and receiue the same According whereunto his grace perceiueth also aswell in his Realme as els where a notable consent and agreement amongest all Diuines and suche as haue studied for knowledge of Gods lawe without contradiction of anye number vnlesse it be such applying their minde to y e maintenaunce of worldly affections do either in defence of such lawes as they haue studied eyther for satisfaction of theyr priuate appetite forbeare to agree vnto y e same The number of whō is so smal as in the discerning of truth it ought not to be regarded in a case so plainly described and determined by Gods word as thys is And if percase your Maiestie heere not regarding the number but the matter shall seme to consider in thys case not so much who speaketh as what is spoken to aunswer thereunto I say Syr the king my maister is of the same mind for his own satisfactiō taketh hymselfe to be in the right Both the number and matter maketh with the king not because so many sayeth it but because hee being learned knoweth the matter to be right Neuertheles reason would and enforceth also that straungers to the cause and not parties therein should be induced to beleue that to be truth that such a number of Clearkes doe so constantly affirme specially not being otherwise learned to be iudges of theyr sayings as your maiestie is not And if you were then could your highnesse shew such reasons authorities and grounds as cannot be taken away and be so firm and stable as they ought not of Christen men in any part to be impugned like as hath bene partly heeretofore shewed by his sondry ambassadours to your Imperiall maiestie and shuld eftsoones be done were it not too great an iniury to y t is already passed in the Realme to dispute the same againe in any other countrey which being contrarious to the lawes and ordinances of his realme he trusteth your prudēcie will not require but take that is past for a thing done and iustly done and as for Gods part to leaue hys conscience to himself qui Domino sua stat aut cadit and for y e world to passe ouer as a frend that whych nothing toucheth you and not to maruell though the said king my master regarding the wealth of his soule principally with the commodity of his person and so great benefit quiet of his realm haue percase
tout the towne had communication of diuers thinges and some of the kinges affayres By the whiche talke Pointz as yet suspected nothing but after by the sequele of y e matter hee perceiued more what hee entended In the meane time this he well perceiued that he bare no great fauour The Papist● 〈◊〉 spare no cost to fulfill their malicious enterprises either to the setting forth of any good thing either to the proceedinges of the king of England But after when the time was past Pointz perceiued this to be his mynde to feele if he could perceiue by him whether he might breake with him in the matter for lucre of money to helpe hym to his purpose for he perceiued before that he was monied would that Pointz should thinke no lesse but by whome it was vnknowne For hee had desired Pointz before to helpe him to diuers things and such things as he named he required might be of the best for sayd he Phillippes well monyed by the Englishe Byshops I haue money enough But of this talke came nothing but y e men should thinke he had some thinges to doe for nothing els folowed of his talke So it was to be suspected that Philips was in doubt to moue this matter for hys purpose to any of the rulers or Officers of the towne of Antwarpe for doubt it should come to the knowledge of some Englishmen by the meane therof M. Tindall should haue had warning So Phillippes went from Antwarpe to the Court of Bruxelles whiche is from thence 24. Englishe miles the K. hauing there no Ambassadour for at that time the king of England and the Emperour were at a controuersye for the question betwixte the King and the Ladie Katherine which was Aunt to the Emperor and the discorde grewe so much that it was doubted least there shoulde haue bene warre betwene the Emperour and the king so that Phillippes as a traitour both againste God and the king was there the better retained as also other traitors moe besides him who after hee had betrayed master Tindal into their hāds shewed himselfe against the kings owne person and there set foorth things against the king to make shorte the saide Philips did so much there that hee procured to bring from thence w t hym to Antwerpe that Procurour general which is the Emperours Atturney with other certain officers as after followeth The which was not done wyth small charges and expences from whome so euer it came Within a while after Pointz sitting at his doore Phillippes man came vnto hym and asked whether Maister Tyndall were there and sayde his maister would come to hym and so departed But whether hys M. Phillippes were in the towne or not it was not knowne but at that time Pointz hearde no more neyther of the maister nor of the man Within 3. or 4. daies after Pointz went foorth to the Towne of Barrow being 18. English miles from Antwerpe where he had businesse to doe for the space of a moneth or sixe weekes Henry Philipes traytour and betrayer of M. Tindall and in the time of hys absence Henrie Philips came againe to Antwerpe to the house of Pointz and comming in spake with his wife askinge her for M. Tindall and whether he woulde dine there with him saying what good meat shall we haue She answeared suche as the market will giue Then went he foorth againe as it is thought to prouide and sette the Officers whyche hee brought wyth hym from Bruxelles in the streete and about the dore Then about noone he came againe and went to M. Tindall and desired hym to lend him 40. shillings for sayd he I lost my purse this morning comming ouer at the passage betweene this and Machelyn The simplicity of M. Tindall So M. Tindall tooke him 40. shillings the whych was easie to be had of him if he had it for in the wylie subtilities of this world he was simple and vnexperte Then sayde Philips M. Tindall you shall be my gest here thys day No sayd M. Tindall I goe foorth thys day to dinner and you shall go wyth me and be my gest where you shall be welcome So when it was dinner time master Tindal went forth with Philippes and at the going forth of Pointz house was a long narow entrie so that 2. could not go in a frount How Tindall was betrayed into his enemies handes M. Tindal would haue put Philippes before him but Philippes woulde in no wise but put M. Tindall afore for that he pretended to shewe great humanitie So master Tindall being a man of no greate stature went before and Philips a tall comely person folowed behinde him who had set Officers on either side of the doore vpon 2. seates which being there might see who came in the entrie and comming through the same entrie Philips poynted with his finger ouer M. Tindals head downe to him that the Officers which sat at the doore myght see that it was he whome they shuld take as the officers that tooke M. Tindall afterward tolde Pointz and sayde to Pointz whē they had laid him in prison that they pitied to see hys simplicitie when they tooke him Then they tooke him and brought him to the Emperours Attourney or Procurour general where he dined Then came the Procuror general to the house of Pointz and sent away all that was there of master Tindals Tindall had to the Castle of Fylforde as well his bookes as other things and from thence Tindall was had to the Castle of Filforde 18. English miles from Antwerp and there he remained vntill he was put to death Then incontinent by the helpe of English marchants were letters sent in the fauour of Tindall to the Court of Bruxels Letters sent frō England by the Lord Cromwell and others in the behalfe of M. Tindall Also not long after letters were directed out of England to the counsaile at Bruxels and sent to the marchauntes aduenturers to Antwerpe commaunding them to see that with speede they should be deliuered Then such of the chiefest of the marchaunts as were there at that time being called together required the sayde Pointz to take in hād the deliuerie of those letters w t letters also from them in the fauour of M. Tindall to the Lorde of Barrowe and others the which lord of Barrow as it was told Pointz by the way at that time was departed from Bruxels as the chiefest conductor of the eldest daughter of the King of Denmarke to be maried to the Palsgraue whose mother was sister to the Emperour shee being chiefe Princesse of Denmarke Who after he heard of hys departure did ride after the next way and ouertooke hym at Akon where hee deliuered to him his letters The which whē he had receyued and red he made no direct answere but somewhat obiecting said there was of their coūtriemen that were burned in England not long before as in dede there were Anabaptists burnt in
amongst such a number of Philistians both within the Realme and without Agayne neither is it vnlike but that Stephen Winchester being then abroade in Ambassie was not altogether asleepe The suspition whereof may be the more coniecturall for that Edmund Boner Archdeacon of Leicester and then Ambassadour in Fraunce succeeding after Stephen Winchester did manifestly detect him of plaine Papistrie as in the sequeale of their stories when wee come to the time more ample the Lord graunting shall be expressed And as touching the Kings minde and assent The lawfulnes of Queene Annes succession defended although at that time through crafty setters on he seemed to be sore bent both against that Queene and to the disheriting of his owne daughter yet vnto that former will of the King so set against her then I will oppose againe the last will of the King wherein expressely and by name he did accepte and by plaine ratification did allow the succession of hys Mariage to stand good and lawfull Furthermore Defence of Queene Anne agaynst priuy backbyters to all other sinister iudgements and opinions whatsoeuer can be conceiued of man against that vertuous Queene I obiect and oppose againe as in stede of aunswere the euident demonstration of Gods fauour in mainteining preseruing aduaunsing the offspring of her body the Lady ELIZABETH nowe Queene whome the Lord hath so meruailously conserued from so manifold daungers so royally hath exalted so happely hath blessed with such vertuous patience and with such a quiet reigne hetherto that neither the reigne of her brother EDVVARD nor of her sister Mary to her is to be compared whether we consider the number of the yeares of their reignes or the peaceablenes of their state In whose royall and florishing regiment we haue to behold not so much the naturall disposition of her mothers qualities as the secrete iudgemente of God in preseruing and magnifieng the fruite and offspring of that godly Queene And finally as for the blasphemous mouth both of Cardinall Poole Paulus 〈◊〉 can finde no whoredome in all Rome but must come and 〈◊〉 matter where none 〈◊〉 in England The Protestantes of Germanye forsake king Henry for the death of Queene Anne The wily practises of the Papists and of Paulus Iouius that Popish Cardinall who measuring belike other womē by his curtesanes of Rome so impudently abuseth his penne in lieng and rayling against this noble Queene to aunswere agayne in defence of her cause to that Italian I obiect and oppose the consent and iudgement of so many noble Protestants and Princes of Germany who beeing in league before with King Henry and minding no lesse but to haue made him the head of their confederation afterward hearing of the death of this Queene vtterly brake from him and refused him onely for the same cause But all this seemeth as is said to be the drift of the wilie Papistes who seeing the Pope to be repulsed out of England by the meanes chiefly of this Queene and fearing alwayes the succession of this Marriage in time to come thought by sinister practise to preuent that perill before whispering in the Kings eares what possibly they could to make that Matrimonie vnlawfull and all for the disheriting of that succession Againe Stephen Gardiner who was a secret worker against that mariage and a perpetuall enemie against Lady Elizabeth being then abroade with the French Kyng and the great Maister of Fraunce ceased not in his letters still to put the King in feare that the foreine Princes and powers of the world with the Pope woulde neuer be reconciled to the King neither should he be euer in any perfect securitie vnlesse he vndid againe such actes before passed for the ratification of that succession Which thing when they had now brought to passe after their owne desire that both now the Queene was beheaded Gods prouidence still disapointeth the papistes The king maried Lady Iane. and Elizabeth the Kings daughter disherited they thought all things to be sure for euer But yet Gods prouidence still went beyond them and deceaued them For incontinently after the suffering of Queene Anne the King within three dayes after maryed Lady Iane Semer of whome came King Edward as great an enemie to Gods enemie the Pope as euer his father was and greater too In the meane time as these troublous tumultes were in doing in England Paule the third Bishop of Rome for his part was not behind to helpe forward for his own aduantage Who seeing his vsurped kingdome feate to be darkened in the countreys of Germany The feate of the beast darckned Apoc. 16. also in Englād thought it high time to bestirre him and therefore to prouide some remedy against further daungers appointed a general Councel at Mantua in Italy requiring all kings and princes either personally to be there or else to sende their Ambassadours vnder faire pre●enses as to suppresse heresies and to restore the Church and to warre agaynst the Turke c. This Bull was subscribed with the hands of 26. Cardinals and set vp in diuers great Cities that it might be knowne and published to the whole world Unto the which Bull firste the Protestants of Germany doe aunsweare declaring sufficient causes why they refused to resort to that Councell being indicted at Mantua in the Popes owne Countrey Whose declaration with theyr causes graue and effectuall Ex Ioan. Sledano Lib. 10. being set forth in print and in the English tongue although they were worthy heere to be inserted yet for breuitie and more speede in our story I will pretermit the same and only take the Oration or answere of our King heere Wherein he likewise rendereth reasons and causes most reasonable why he refuseth to come or to send at the Popes call to his Councell indicted at Mantua Whose Oration or Protestation because it conteineth matter of some w●ight and great experience I thought heere good to expresse as foloweth ¶ A Protestation in the name of the King and the whole Counsaile and Cleargy of England why they refuse to come to the Popes Councell at his call SEing that the Bishop of Rome calleth learned men frō all parties The kinges protestation why he sen●eth not to ●he Popes Councell conducting them by great rewards making as many of them Cardinals as he thinketh most meet and most ready to defend fra●des and vntruthes we could not but with much anxietie cast with our selues what so great a preparance of wits should meane As chance was wee gessed euen as it folowed We haue ben so long acquainted with Romaine subtilties and popish deceites that we wel and easely iudged y e Byshop of Rome to intend an assemble of his adherents and men sworne to thinke all his lusts to be lawes We were not deceiued The Popes craftes espyed Paule the Byshop of Rome hath called a Councell to the which he knewe well either fewe or none of the Christen Princes coulde come Both the time
the truth which he defended before in his booke De obedientia to papistry Steuen Gardiner reuolteth to Papistry ioining part and side with suche as were knowne papists so he seemeth likewyse to beare a like secret grudge against the Lord Cromwell and all such whomsoeuer he fauoured Thirdly as concerning the forenamed D. Edmund Boner the author of this declaration heere is to be seene and noted that he all this while appeared a good man and diligent friend to the truth and that he was fauoured of the Lord Cromwell for the same Fourthly that the said D. Boner was not onely fauoured of the Lord Cromwell but also by him was aduaunced first to the office of Legation D. Boners comming vp onely by the Gospell then to the Bishoprike of Hereford and lastly to the Bishoprike of London whome the said D. Boner in his letters agniseth and confesseth to be his only Patron and singular Mecaenas Which being so we haue in this said D. Boner greatly to meruayle what should be the cause that he seing all his setting vp making and preferring came only by the Gospell and by thē of the Gospels side he being then so hated of Steuen Gardiner and such as he was being also at that time such a furtherer and defender of the Gospell as appeared both by his Preface before Gardinars booke De obedientia and by his writings to the Lord Cromwell also by helping forward the printed Bibles at Paris could euer be a man so vngratefull vnkind afterward to ioyne part with the said Steuen Gardiner against the Gospell without y t which Gospel he had neuer come to be bishop neither of Hereford nor yet of London and now to abuse y e same bishopricke of London to persecute y t so vehemently which before so openly he defended Wherin y e same may well be said to him in this case y t he himselfe was reported once to say to the french King in the cause of Grancetor to witte that he had done therein against his honour against iustice against reason against honesty Boners owne wordes retorted against himselfe against frēdship against his own promise and his othe so often made against his owne doctrine and iudgement which then he professed against all truth against the treates and leagues betwene him and his setters vp and against all together and to conclude against the saluation of his owne soule But to referre this to the booke of his accomptes who shall iudge one day all things vprightly let vs proceede further in y e cōtinue of this D. Boners legation Who being now Ambassadour in the court of Fraunce as he haue heard had geuen in commission from the king to entreate with the French King for sondry pointes as for the printing of the new Testament in English Printing the newe testament in English and the Byble at Paris and the Bible at Paris also for slanderous preachers and malicious speakers against the King for goods of merchaunts taken and spoiled for the kings pension to be paid for the matters of the Duke of Suffolke for certaine prisoners in Fraunce Item for Grancetor the traitour and certain other rebels to be sent into England c. Touching all which affayres the sayd D. Boner did employ his diligence trauaile to the good satisfaction and contentment of the kings minde The diligēce trust of D. Boner in legatyon and discharge of his duetie in such sort as no default could be found in him saue only that the French King one time tooke displeasure with him for that the said Boner beyng now made bishop of Hereford and bearing himself somewhat more seriously and boldly before the king in the cause of Grancetor the traytour wherein he was willed by the aduertisement of the Kings pleasure The wordes of D. Boner 〈◊〉 to the French king to wade more deepely and instantly vsed these words to the French King as y e french king himself did afterward report them saieng that he had done in deliuerāce of that foresaid Grancetor being an Englishman The French king dis●lesed with ●ishop Boner Bish. Boner 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 to the king his m●●ster 3. thinges agaynst God agaynst his honor agaynst iustice agaynst reason agaynst honesty against friendship against all law against the treates leagues betwene him and his brother the King of England yea and against all together c. These words of Bishop Boner although he denieth to haue spoken them in that forme and qualitie yet howsoeuer they were spoken did stirre vp the stomack of the French King to conceiue high displeasure agaynst him in so much that he answering the Lord Ambassadour againe bad him write these three things vnto his maister First among other thinges that his Embassadour was a greate foole Secondarily that he caused to be done better iustice there in his Realme in one houre then they did in Englande in a whole yeare Thirdly that if it were not for the loue of his maister he should haue an hundreth strokes with an Haulbard c. And furthermore the sayde Frenche King beside thys sending a speciall messenger with his letters to the king of England willed him to reuoke and cal this Ambassadour home and to send him an other The cause why the french King tooke these wordes of Bishop Boner so to stomacke as the L. Chauncelour said was this for that the Kings of Fraunce standing chiefly and in maner only vpon theyr honour can suffer that in no case to be touched Otherwise in those wordes if they had bene well taken was not so much blame perchaunce as boldnes being spoken somwhat vehemently in his maisters behalfe Bishop cōmōly boldder in Princes matters then in the cause of Christ. But this one thing seemeth to me much blameworthy both in this Byshop and many other that they in earthly matters and to please terrene Kings will put forth themselues to such a boldnes and forwardnes and in Christes cause the King of all kings whose cause they should onely attend vppon and tender they are so remisse cold and cowardly To these letters of the French King the King of England sent aunswer againe by other letters in which he reuoked and called home againe bishop Boner geuing vnto him about the same time the Bishopricke of London and sente in supply of his place Sir Iohn Wallop a greate frend to Steuen Gardiner Whiche was in February about the beginning of the yeare of our Lord 1540. Heere now followeth the othe of Boner to the King when hee was made Byshop of London ¶ The othe of Doctor Edmund Boner when hee was made Byshop of London agaynst the Pope of Rome YE shall neuer consent nor agree that the Byshop of Rome shall practise D. Boners othe against the Pope exercise or haue any maner of authority iurisdiction or power within this Realme or any other the Kings dominion but that you shall resist the same at all times to the vttermost
to rule all vnder the King or rather with the King so that the freshest wittes and of best towardnes most commonly sought vnto him Among whome was also Thomas Cromwell to his seruice aduaunced where he continued a certayne space of yeares Cromwell solliciter to the Cardinall Cromwell More and Gardiner companions in the Cardinalls house growing vp in office and authoritie till at length he was preferred to be sollicitour to the Cardinall There was also about the same tyme or not much different in the houshold of the sayd Cardinall Tho. More afterward knight and Chauncelour of England Steuē Gardiner Byshop after of Wint. and of the Kings Coūsaile All these three were brought vp in one houshold and all of one standing almost together Whose ages as they were not greatly discrepant nor their wittes much vnequall so neither was their fortune and aduauncementes greatly diuers A comparison betwene Cromwell More and Gardiner albeit their dispositions and studies were most contrary And though peraduenture in More and in Gardiner there was more arte of letters and skill of learning yet notw tstanding there was in this mā a more heauenly light of minde more prompt perfect iudgement eloquence equall and as may be supposed in thys man more pregnant and finally in him was wrought a more heroicall and princely dispositiō borne to greater affayres in the common wealth and to the singular helpe of many It happened that in this meane season ● Cromwell was placed in this office to be sollicitour to the Cardinall the said Cardinal had then in hand the building of certeine Colledges Small Monasteryes suppressed by the Cardinall namely his Colledge in Oxforde called then Frideswide now Christes Churche By reason whereof certayne small monasteries and priories in diuers places of the realme were by the saide Cardinall suppressed and the lands seased to the Cardinals hāds The doing wherof was committed to the charge of Thomas Cromwell In the expedition whereof he shewed himselfe very forward Cromwell first set a worke by the Cardinall to sup●resse religious houses and industrious in such sort as in y e handling thereof he procured to himselfe much grudge with diuers of the superstitious sorte and with some also of noble calling about the King And thus was Cromwell first set a worke by the Cardinall to suppresse religious houses Which was about the yeare of our Lord 1525. As this passed on it was not long but the Cardinall whiche had gotten vp so high began to come downe as fast first from the Chauncellorship in whiche roome was placed Sir Tho. More as is aforesayd then he fell into a Premunire So that his houshold being dissolued Tho. Cromwell amongst other laboured also to be reteyned into the Kings seruice Syr Christopher Hales helper of Cromwell to the king Cromwell commended to the king by Sir Christopher Hales M. of the Rolles Cromwell complayned of to the king There was at the same tyme one Syr Christopher Hales Knight Maister of the Rolles who notwithstanding was then a mightie Papist yet bare he suche fauour and good liking to Cromwell that he commended him to the King as a man most fitte for his purpose hauing then to do against the Pope But heere before is to be vnderstand that Cromwel had greatly bene complained of and diffamed by certeine of authority about the King for hys rude maner and homely dealing in defacing the Monkes houses in handling of their aultars c. Wherfore y e king hearing of the name of Cromwell began to detest y t mention of him neither lacked there some standers by who w t reuiling words ceased not to encrease and inflame y e kings hatred against him What their names were it shall not neede heere to recite Among other there present at the same hearing was the Lorde Russell Earle of Bedforde whose life Cromwell before had preserued at Bononye through politicke conueyance at what time the said Earle comming secretly in the kings affaires The Lord 〈◊〉 Earle of Bedforde through the ●olicy of Cromwell escaped at Bononie The Lorde Russel commendeth Cromwell to the king was there espyed and therefore being in great daunger to be taken through the meanes and pollicie of Cromwell escaped This Lord Russell therefore not forgetting the olde benefites past with like grauitie willing againe to requite that he had receaued in a vehement boldnes stoode forth to take vpon him the defence of Thomas Cromwel vttering before the king many commendable words in the behalfe of him and declaring withall how by his singulare deuice and policie he had done for him at Bononie beyng there in the Kings affaires in extreame perill And for as much as now his Maiestie had to do with the Pope his great enemy there was he thought in all England none so apt for the kynges purpose which could say or do more in that matter then could Thomas Cromwell and partly gaue the kyng to vnderstand wherein The kyng hearyng this specially markyng the latter end of his talke was contēted and willyng to talke with him to heare and know what he could say This was not so priuily done but Cromwell had knowledge incontinent that the kyng would talke with him whereupon therfore prouidyng before hand for matter had in a readynesse the copie of the Byshops othe which they vse cōmonly to make to the Pope at their consecration and so beyng called for was brought to the king in his garden at Westminster which was about the yeare of our Lord. 1530. Cromwell after most loyall obeysaūce doyng his duetie to the kyng accordyng as he was demaunded Cromwell brought to talke with the king made his declaration in all pointes this especially making manifest vnto his highnes how his Princely authoritie was abused within his own Realme by the Pope his Clergy who beyng sworne vnto him were afterward dispensed from the same sworne a new vnto the Pope so that he was but as halfe kyng and they but halfe his subiectes in his owne land which sayd he was derogatorie to his crowne Cromwels wordes to the king concerning the premunire of the Clergy and vtterly preiudiciall to the common lawes of his Realme Declaryng therupō how his Maiestie might accumulate to himselfe great riches so much as all y e Clergy in his Realme was worth if it so pleased him to take the occasion now offered The kyng geuyng good eare to this and likyng right well his aduice required if he could auouch that which he spake All this he could he sayd auouch to be certaine so well as that he had the copie of their owne othe to the Pope there present to shewe and that no lesse also he could manifestly proue if his highnesse would geue him leaue therewith shewed the Byshops othe vnto the kyng The kyng folowyng the veyne of his counsayle tooke his ryng of his finger first admittyng him into his seruice Cromwell sent by
the king to the conuocation house sent him therewith to the Conuocation house among the Byshops Cromwell commyng with the kynges signet boldly into the Clergy house and there placyng himselfe among the Byshops W. Warham beyng then Archbyshop begā to make his Oration declaryng to them the authoritie of a kyng and the office of subiectes and especially the obedience of Byshops Churchmen vnder publicke lawes necessaryly prouided for the profite quyet of the cōmon wealth Which lawes notwithstandyng they had all transgressed highly offended in derogation of the kynges royall estate fallyng in the law of Premunire in that no● onely they had consented to the power Legatiue of the Cardinall For the copie of the Bishops 〈◊〉 to the Pope read before pag. 1025. The clergy condemned in the Premunire Syr Tho. Cromwell made knight and M. of the kinges Iewel house but also in that they had all sworne to the Pope contrary to the fealtie of their soueraigne Lord the kyng therfore had forfeyted to the kyng all their goodes cattels landes possessions and whatsoeuer liuynges they had The Byshops hearyng this were not a litle amased and first began to excuse and deny the fact But after that Cromwell had shewed them the very copie of their othe made to the Pope at their cōsecration and the matter was so playne that they could not deny it they begā to shrinke and to fall to entreatie desiryng respite to pause vpon the matter Notwithstandyng the end thereof fell so out that to be quite of that Premunire by Act of Parliament it cost them to the kyng for both the prouinces Canterbury and Yorke no lesse then .118840 poundes whiche was about the yeare of our Lord. 1530. whereof before you may read more at large pag. 1020. After this an 1522. Syr Thomas Cromwell growyng in great fauour with the kyng Cromwell made M. of the Rolles Cromwell made knight of the Garter was made Knight Maister of the kynges Iewell house shortly after was admitted also into the kynges Coūsaile which was about the commyng in of Queene Anne Bullen Furthermore within two yeares ofter the same an 1524. he was made Maister of the Rolles Doct. Taylor beyng discharged Thus Cromwel springyng vp in fauour and honour after this in the yeare .1527 a litle before the byrth of kyng Edward was made Knight of the Garter L. Cromwell made Earle of Essex great Chamberlaine of England and Vicegerent to the king not long after was aduaunced to the Earledome of Essex and made great Chamberlaine of England Ouer and besides all which honours he was constitute also Uicegerent to the kyng representyng his person Whiche office although it standeth well by the law yet seldome hath there bene sene any besides this Cromwell alone either to haue susteined it or els to haue so furnished the same with counsayle and wisedome as Cromwell did And thus much hytherto cōcernyng the steppes and degrees of the Lord Cromwels risyng vp to dignitie and high estate Now somewhat would be sayd likewise of the noble Actes the memorable examples and worthy vertues not drowned by ease of honour in him but encreased rather quickened by aduauncemēt of authority place to work more abundantly in the common wealth Among y t which his woorthy actes and other manyfolde vertues in thys one chiefely aboue all other riseth his commendation The actes and doinges of the L. Cromwell described for his singular zeale and laborious trauaile bestowed in restoring the true Church of Christ and subuerting the Synagogue of Antichrist the Abbeyes I meane and religious houses of Friers and Monkes For so it pleased almighty God by the meanes of the said Lord Cromwell to induce the King to suppresse first the Chauntries then the Friers houses and small Monasteries till at length all the Abbeys in England both great and lesse were vtterly ouerthrowne and pluckt vp by the rootes The which acte and enterprise of him as it may geue a president of singular zeale to all Realmes christened which no Prince yet to this day scarse dare folow so to this Realme of Englande it wrought such benefit commoditie as the fruite thereof yet remayneth and will remayne still in the Realme of Englande though we seeme little to feele it Rudely and simply I speake what I suppose without preiudice of other which can inferre any better reason In the meane time my reason is this that if God had not raised vp thys Cromwell as he did to be the instrument of rooting out of the Abbeyes and Celles of straunge religion The L. Cromwel a profitable instrument in suppressing Abbayes what other men see I know not for my part I neuer yet saw in thys Realme any such Cromwell since Cromwels time whose hart and courage might not sooner haue bene subuerted with the money and bribes of Abbots then he to haue subuerted any Abbey in all England But heere I must of necessitie answeare the complaynt of certayne of our countrey men For so I heare of many the subuersion of these Monasteries to be reprehended The defence of the L. Cromwell for ouerthrowing the Abbayes as euill and wicked The building say they mighte haue bene conuerted vnto schooles and houses of learning The goodes and possessions might haue bene bestowed to much better and more godly vse of the poore and mainteining of hospitalitie Neyther do I denie but that these thyngs are well and godly spoken of them and could willingly embrace their opinion with my whole hart if I did not consider heerein a more secret and deeper meaning of Gods holy prouidence then at the first blush peraduenture to all men doth appeare And first to omit the wicked and execrable life of these religious orders The abhominable life in Monasteryes bewrayed by their owne confessiō ful of al feditie found out by the Kings visitours and in their Registers also recorded so horrible to be heard so incredible to be beleeued so stinking before the face of God and man that no maruayle it is if Gods vengeance from heauen prouoked woulde not suffer anye stone or monument of these abhominable houses to be vnplucked vp But as I sayd letting these things passe vnder chaste silence whiche for very shame will abhorre any storie to disclose let vs now come to the first institution of these orders and houses of Monkerie and consider howe and to what end they were first instituted and erected here among the Saxons at the first foundation of them about the time 666. In the former parte of thys Hystorie declaration was made before Read afore pag. 133.134 page 133.134 first by whome and at what time these Monkish houses heere in England among the Saxons flowing no doubt out of the order of Saint Benet The first beginning of religious houses in the time of the Saxons and brought in by Augustine began first to be founded as by Augustine the Monke Furseus Medulphus
y e same The 〈◊〉 hereof were Rich. Graftō and Whyt-church And in like maner at the same time the said king wrote vnto his ambassadour who then was Edmund Boner Bishop of Herford lying in Paris that he should ayde and assist the doers thereof in all their reasonable sutes The which Bishop outwardly shewed great friendship to y e merchants that were the imprinters of the same and moreouer did diuers and sundrie times call and commande the said persons to be in maner daily at his table both dinner and supper Edmund Boner a great furtherer in printing the Bibles in Engli●he and so much reioyced in the workemanship of the said Bible that he himselfe would visite the imprinters house where the same bibles were printed also would take part of such dinners as the Englishmen there had and that to his cost which as it seemed he little wayed And further the sayd Boner was so feruent that he caused the said Englishmen to put in print a new testament in english latine The new testament in Englishe Latine put in print by Boner Edmund Boner made Byshop of London and himselfe took a great many of them and payd for them gaue them to his friends And it chaunced the meane time while the said Bible was in printing the king Henry the 8. preferred the said Boner from the said bishopricke of Herford to be bishop of Londō at which time y e said Boner according to the statute law of England tooke his othe to the king knowledging his supremacie and called one of y e aforesaid Englishmen that printed y e bible whom he then loued although afterward vppon the change of the worlde he did hate him as much whose name was Richard Grafton to whom the said Boner saide when he tooke his othe maister Grafton so it is that the kings most excellent maiestie hath by his gracious gift presented me to the Bishopricke of London Boners wordes to Grafton when he toooke his othe to the king for the which I am sory for if it would haue pleased his grace I could haue bene well content to haue kept mine old bishopricke of Herford Then said Grafton I am right glad to heare of it and so I am sure will bee a great number of the Citie of London for though they yet know you not yet they haue heard so much goodnes of you frō hence Boner reproueth Stokesley for his persecuting as no doubt they wil hartily reioyce of your placing Then said Boner I pray God I may doe that may content them and to tel you M. Grafton Before god for that was commonly his othe the greatest fault that I euer found in Stokesley was for vexing and troubling of poore men as Lobley the bookebinder and other for hauing the scripture in english and God willing he did not so much hinder it but I wil as much further it and I wil haue of your Bibles set vp in the Church of Paules at the least in sundrie places sixe of them Boners promise to set forth the Scriptu●e in Englishe and I will pay you honestly for them and giue you hartie thankes Which wordes hee then spake in the hearing of diuers credible persons as Edmund Stile Grocer and other But now M Grafton at this time I haue specially called you to be a witnes with me that vpon this translation of Bishops Sees I must according to the statute take an othe vnto the kings maiestie knowledging his Supremacie which before God I take with my heart and so thinke him to be Boner sweareth hartely to the kinges supremacy Myles Couerdale corrector in printing the Bible of the large volume and beseech almightie God to saue him and long to prosper his grace holde the booke sirah and reade you the oth said he to one of his chapleins he layd his hand on the booke and so he tooke his othe And after this he shewed great friendship to the saide Grafton and to his partener Edward Whitchurch but specially to Myles Couerdail who was the corrector of the great Bible Now after that the foresaid letters were deliuered the French kyng gaue very good wordes and was well content to permit the doing therof And so the printer went forward and printed forth the booke euen to the last part and then was the quarell picked to the printer and he was sent for to the inquisitors of the fayth The printing of the Bible stayed at Paris thorough the 〈◊〉 of Englishe Bishop● and there charged with certaine articles of heresie Then were sent for the Englishmen that were at the cost and charge thereof and also such as had the correction of the same which was Myles Couerdale but hauing some warning what would folow the said Englishmē posted away as fast they could to saue themselues leauing behynd them all their Bibles which were to the number of 2500. called the Bibles of the great volume and neuer recouered any of them sauing that the Lieftenaunt criminal hauing them deliuered vnto hym to burne in a place of Paris like Smithfield called Mauibert place was somewhat mooued with couetousnes English Bibles burnt at Paris and sold 4. great dry fattes of them to a Haberdasher to lap in caps and those were bought againe but the rest were burned to the great and importunate losse of those that bare the charge of them But notwithstandyng the sayd losse after they had recouered some part of the foresayde bookes and were comforted and encouraged by the Lord Cromwell the said Englishmen went agayne to Paris there got the presses letters and seruants of the aforesayd Printer and brought them to London and there they became printers themselues which before they neuer entended and printed out the said Bible in London How Grafton Whitchurch became printers and after that printed sundry impressions of them but yet not without great trouble and losse for the hatred of the bishops namely Steuen Gardiner and his fellowes who mightily did stomacke and maligne the printing thereof Here by the way for the more direction to the story thou hast louyng Reader to note and vnderstand that in those daies there were ij sundry Bibles in English printed and set forth bearing diuers titles and printed in diuers places The first was called Thomas Mathews Bible printed at Hambrough about the yeare of our Lord 1532. the corrector of which print was then Iohn Rogers of whom ye shall heare more Christ willing hereafter The Printers were Richard Grafton and Whitchurch In the translation of this Bible the greatest doer was in deede William Tyndall who with the helpe of Miles Coue●●ale had translated all the bookes thereof except onely the Apocrypha and certaine notes in the margent which were added after But because the said William Tyndall in the meane tyme was apprehended before this Bible was fully perfected Tho. Mathewes Bible by whom and how it was thought good to thē
Alane Cope and Abell amōgest other which dyed in kyng Hēries dayes in the like Popish quarell that is for the like treason agaynst their Prince beyng in all to the number of 24. extolleth thē not onely in wordes but with miracles also vp to the height of heauē amōg the crowned Martyrs Traytors made Martyrs Saints of God To the whiche Cope because in this hast of story I haue no laysure at this present to geue attendaūce I shall wayt attēdaūce the Lord willing an other tyme to ioyne in this issue with him more at laysure In the meane time it shall suffice at this present to recite the names onely of those 24. rebelles whom he of his Popish deuotiō so dignifieth with the pretensed title of Martyrs The names of which Monkish rebels be these here folowyng Iohn Houghton Robert Laurence Aug. Webster Reynald of Syon Iohn Hayle Iohn Rochester Iac. Wannere Iohn Stone 24. neither good martyrs to god nor good subiects to the king Iohn Trauerse William Horne Powell Fetherstone Abell Beside these were other ix Cartusian Monkes which dyed in the prison of Newgate To the whiche number if ye adde M. More and the Byshop of Rochester the summa totalis commeth to 24. whom the sayd Cope vniustly crowned for Martyrs But of these more shall be sayd the Lord willyng hereafter Thus hauyng discoursed the order of the vi Articles with other matter likewise folowyng in the next Parliament concernyng the condemnation of the Lord Cromwell of Doct. Barnes and his felowes c. Let vs now proceedyng further in this history cōsider what great disturbaunce and vexation ensued after the settyng forth of the sayd Articles through the whole Realme of Englād especially amongest the godly sorte Wherein first were to be mentioned the straite and seuere commissions sent forth by the kynges authoritie to the Byshops Chauncelors Officials to Iustices Maiors Bailiffes in euery shyre Great disturbāce in England after the 6. articl●● and other Commissioners by name in the same commissions expressed and amongest other especially to Edmund Boner Byshop of London to the Maior Shiriffes and Aldermen of the same to enquire diligently vpon all hereticall bookes and to burne them also to enquire vpon such persons whatsoeuer culpable or suspected of such felonies heresies contemptes or transgressions or speakyng any wordes contrary the foresayd Act set forth of the sixe Articles Read before pag. 1101. The tenour of whiche Commissions beyng sufficiently expressed in auncient Recordes and in the Bishoppes Registers and also partly touched before pag. 1101. therfore for tediousnesse I here omit onely shewyng forth the Commission directed to Edmūd Boner Byshop of London to take the othe of the Maior of London and of others for the execution of the Commission aforesayd The tenour wherof here foloweth ¶ The Commission for takyng the othe of the Maior of London and others for the execution of the Acte aforesayd HEnry the eight by the grace of God kyng of England and of Fraunce defender of the fayth Lord of Ireland and in earth supreme head of the Church of England vnto the Reuerend father in Christ Edmund Boner Byshop of London Commission directed to Edm. Boner bishop of London from the king and to his welbeloued the Byshops Chauncellour health Know ye that we haue geuen you ioyntly and seuerally power and authoritie to receaue the othes of William Roche Maior of London Iohn Allen Knight Raffe Warren Knight Rich. Gresham Knight Roger Chomley Knight Sergeant at Law Iohn Greshā Michael Dormer Archdeacon of London the Byshops Cōmissary and Officiall Robert Chidley Gwy Crayford Edward Hall Robert Broke and Iohn Morgā and euery of them our Cōmissioners for heresies and other offences done within our Citie of London and Dioces of the same accordyng to the tenour of a certaine schedule hereunto annexed And therfore we commaūde that you receiue the othes aforesayd and when you haue receaued them to certifie vs into our Chauncery vnder your Seales returnyng this our writ T. meipso at Westminster the 29 of Ianuary in the 32. yeare of our reigne What the othe was of these Commissioners whereunto they were bounde read before pag. 1101. * A note how Boner sat in the Guildhall in Commission for the vi Articles And of the condemnyng of Mekins VPon this commission geuen vnto Edmūd Boner he commyng to the Guildhall with other Cōmissioners The story of Rich. Mekins condemned by Boner to sit vpō the Statute of the vi Articles begā eftsoones to put in execution his authoritie after a rigorous sort as ye shall heare And first he charged certaine Iuries to take their oth vpon y e Statute aforesaid who being sworne had a day appointed to geue their Uerdicte At the which day they indited sundry persons which shortly after were apprehended brought to Ward who after a while remaynyng there were by the kyng his Counsaile discharged at the Starre chāber without any further punishment Not lōg after this Syr Wil. Roche being Maior Boner with other Cōmissioners sat at the Guildhall aforesayd before whom there were a certaine number of Citizens warned to appeare and after the Commission read the sayd parties were called to the booke and when v. or vi were sworne one of the sayd persōs beyng called to the booke Boner seemed to mislike and sayd Stay a while my Maisters quoth he I would ye should consider this matter well that we haue in hand whiche concerneth the glory of God the honor of the kyng and the wealth of the Realme and if there be any here amōg you that doth not consider the same it were better that he were hence then here Thē commoned the Commissioners with Boner about that man so that at length he was called to the booke and sworne not all together with his good will When the ij Iuries were sworne Boner taketh vpon him to geue the charge vnto the Iuries and began with a tale of Anacarsis by which example he admonished the Iuries to spare no persons Rich. Mekins presented by Boner of what degree soeuer they were And at the end of his charge he brought forth to the barre a boy whose name was Mekins declaryng how greuously he had offended by speaking of certaine wordes agaynst the state and of the death of Doct. Barnes produced into the sayd Court ij witnesses which were there sworne in the face of y e Court So a day was assigned vpō which the Iuries aforesayd should geue vp their Uerdict at which day both the Commissioners the sayd Iuries met at Guildhall aforesayd Then the Clarke of the peace called on the Iuries by their names when their appearaunce was taken W. Robins Iurer Boner bad them put in their presentmentes Thē sayd the foreman whose name was W. Robins of that Iury. My Lord with a low curtesy we haue found nothyng At which wordes he fared as one in an agony sayd Nothyng haue ye
discoursing how hardly and sore those poore mē were hādled that were committed to ward and close prison and that all men feared what through the malice of their Papisticall enemies and the great rigour and ignoraunt zeale of those that were in authoritie they should shortly for their faith and consciences being true men and suche as reuerently feared God be put to death but chiefly her husband who was yet more extremely handled then any other So that vnlesse his honour voutchsaued to be a meane to the Kings maiestie that they with their causes might be sente ouer into England they were but dead men Whereupon the said Lord Cromwell wrote speedely his letters vnto the Commissioners declaring the kings maiesties pleasure and commaundement was that the arrant traitour and hereticke Brooke The Lord Cromwels Letters to the Commissioners at Calice with a dosen or twentye complices should with their accusers be immediately sent ouer that heere in Englād they might receiue their iudgement and there at Calice to the great terrour of like offenders hereafter suffer according to their demerites Now by the tyme that the sayd Commissioners had receiued these letters they had made out precepts for 8. or 9. score honest men more to be cast in prison But these letters so appalled them that they stayde and afterwarde sent no moe to ward But making then as diligent inquisition as was possible to haue found some worthy matter againste those before named whereby there might haue bene some colour both of the Counsels greeuous complaintes and of the Cōmissioners rigorous dealing whē no such thing could fall out because they would be assured y t they should not go vnpunished they first banished thē the towne and Marches of Calice with a Trumpet blowne vnder paine of death for a hundred yeare and a day if that one day had bene left out all had bene marde and then sent them backe to prison staying them there vpon hope that the L. Cromwell should come into captiuitie sooner then he dyd T●e 13. pris●●ers of Calice sent to London But at last to wit on May day they sente the xiij prisoners through the market the sayd Brooke going before wyth yrons on his legges as the chiefe captaine the rest following him two and two without yrons vnto shipbord then were they all coupled in yrons two two together Where because they were loth to go vnder the hatches Sir Iohn Gage with a staffe smote some of them cruelly 〈◊〉 cruelty 〈◊〉 popishe p●●●ecutor Whereupon Anthony Pickering sayd vnto him Syr I besech you yet be as good vnto vs as you would be to your horses or dogs let vs haue a litle aire that we be not smothered Yet that request could not be obtained but the hatches were put downe close and they garded and kept with a great company of men and so sailing forwarde by Gods mercifull prouidence were within 24. houres at ancker before the Tower of London And when the Lord Cromwell vnderstoode they were come he commaunded their yrons to be smit off at the Tower wharfe and the prisoners to be brought vnto him When he saw them he smiled vpon them stedfastly beholding each of them and then sayde Sirs you must take payne for a time Go your way to the Fleete and submit your selues prisoners there 〈◊〉 xiii pri●●●ers put in the Fleet. and shortly you shall knowe more so in deede they did for that euening he sente them word they shoulde be of good cheere for if God sent him life they should shortly go home with as much honesty as they came with shame Whilest these xiij persecuted men lay in the Fleete and W. Steuens in the Tower to wit the xix day of Iuly an 1541. the foresaid Lord Cromwell for treason layd agaynst him was at Tower hill beheaded as is before specified in his story who made there a very Christian end Then had the poore Calice men great cause to feare if they had not altogether depēded on the mercifull prouidēce of their heauenly father whose blessed will they knewe directed all things But he in the middest of their deepe troubles and miseries so comforted them that euen as the daungers and troubles increased so likewise did their consolation ioy in him so farre forth as Mathew de Hound one of those xiij who was in trouble onely for that he heard Copen de Hall reade a Chapter of the new Testament Mathew de Hounde a blessed martyr of God burned in Flaunders and was as deepe in punishment and in banishmente from his wife children and countrey as the rest got in shorte time suche instruction that hauing therewith a soule and conscience fraughted ful of godly zeale vnto Gods glory and the true doctrine of Christ within a few monethes after his deliueraunce out of the Fleete for inueying constantly against the wicked honouring of images praying vnto Saints departed was cruelly in a most cōstant faith and patience burned in Flaunders Now therfore when all hope in man was past the right honourable L. Audeley lord Chancellor of Englād without further examination The Lord Audly good the per●●●uted members of Christ. discharged first the sayd 13. that were in the Fleete and at length two yeares after he deliuered W. Steuens also by the Kings owne motion out of the Tower saying at y e discharging of those 13. sirs pray for the Kings Maiestie his pleasure is y t you shall all bee presently discharged And though your liuings be taken from you yet despaire not God wil not see you lacke But for Gods sake sirs beware how you deale with popishe Priests for so God saue my soule some of them be knaues all Sirs said he I am commaunded by the counsayle to tell you The common saying of the Lord Audly concerning Popishe priestes that you are discharged by vertue of the kings generall pardon but that pardon excepteth and forbiddeth all sacramentaries and the most part or all of you are called sacramentaries Therefore I can not see how that pardon doth you any pleasure But pray for the Kings highnesse for his graces pleasure is that I should dismisse you and so I do and pitie you all Farewell sirs So geuing God most hartie thankes for his mightye and mercifull deliuering of them they departed dismissed as you haue heard Callice men dismissed being in deede in very poore estate but not in so miserable state as all those eight Counsailours of Calice were within one yere and a halfe after For wheras the other three Counsailers which semed more fauourable to them to wit the Lord Gray sir George Carow and sir Rich. Grinefield which purged the towne of those sclaunders that vntruely were raysed vpon it Example how God prospereth the fauourers and friendes to his Gospell and therfore for a time were in their princes high displeasure within y e yeare were al three in greater fauour then euer they were before and that not without
a false Prophet So when mayster Doctour had ended his collation he sayde vnto Kerby Thou good man doest not thou beleue that the blessed sacrament of the aultar is the very flesh and bloud of Christ and no bread euen as he was borne of the virgine Mary Kerbyes confessiō of the Sacrament Kerby aunswering boldly sayd I do not so beleue How doest thou beleue sayd the Doctour Kerby sayd I do beleue that in the Sacrament that Iesus Christ instituted at his last supper on Maundye Thursdaye to his Disciples which ought of vs likewise to be done is the death and passion and his bloud shedding for the redemption of the world to be remembred and as I sayde before yet bread and more then bread for that it is cōsecrated to a holy vse Then was mayster Doctor in his dumpes and spake not one word more to Kerby after Then sayd the vnder Shiriffe to Kerby hast thou any thing more to say Yea syr sayde he if you wyll geue me leaue Say on sayd the Shiriffe Then Kerby taking his night cappe from hys head put it vnder his arme as though it should haue done him seruice agayne but remembring him selfe The Lord Wētworth wept at Kerbyes burning he cast it from him and lifting vp his handes he sayd the Hymne Te Deum and the beliefe with other prayers in the English tongue The Lord Wentworth whilest Kerby was thus doing did shroude him selfe behinde one of the postes of the Gallery and wept and so did many other Then said Kerby I haue done you may execute your office good Maister Shiriffe ¶ The burning and Martyrdome of Kerby On the Gang Monday an 1546. about tenne of the clocke Roger Clarke of Mendelsham brought to the stake at Burye Roger Clarke of Mendelsham was brought out of prison and went on foote to the gate called Southgate in Bury and by the way the Procession mette with them but he went on and would not bow cap nor kne but with most vehement words rebuked that idolatry and superstition Roger Clarke geueth no reuerence to the procession the Officers being much offended And without the gate where as was the place of execution the stake beyng ready and the wood lying-by he came and kneeled down and sayd Magnificat in the English tongue making as it were a Paraphrase vppon the same Wherein he declared how that the blessed virgine Mary who might as well reioyce in purenes as any other yet humbled her selfe to her Sauiour Iohn 1. And what sayst thou Iohn Baptist sayd he the greatest of all mens children Behold the Lambe of God whiche taketh away the sinnes of the world And thus with loude voyce he cried vnto the people while he was in fastning to the stake then the fire was set to him wheras he suffered paines vnmercifully The painfull burning and Martyrdome of Roger Clarke of Mendelsham for the wood was greene and would not burne so that he was choked with smoke and moreouer being set in a pitch barrel with some pitch sticking stil by the sides was therwith sore payned till he had got hys feet out of the barrell And at length one standing by tooke a fagotte sticke and striking at the ring of yron about hys necke so pashed him and stroke him belike vpon the head that he shronk downe on the one side into the fire so was dissolued In the beginning of this story of Kerby and Roger mention was made of a certayne Bill put vpon the towne house doore and brought the nexte day to the Lord Wentworth the wordes of which Bill were these ¶ The Byll set vpon the Townehouse dore in Ipswich IVstè iudicate filij hominum yet when ye shall iudge minister your iustice with mercy The wordes of the bill set vp on the Townhouse doore A fearfull thing it is to fall into the hands of the liuing God be ye learned therfore in true knowledge ye y t iudge the earth least the Lord be agry with you The bloud of the righteous shall be required at your handes What though the veile hanged before Moses face yet at Christes death it fell downe The stones will speak if these should hold theyr peace therfore harden not your hartes agaynst the verity For fearefully shall the Lord appeare in the day of vēgeance to the troubled in conscience No excuse shall there be of ignorance but euery fat shall stand on his owne bottome Therfore haue remorse to your conscience feare him that may kill both body and soule Beware of innocent bloud shedding take heed of iustice ignorantly ministred worke discreetly as the Scripture doth commaund looke to it that ye make not y e trueth to be forsaken We beseech God to saue our king king Henry the 8. that he be not lead into temptation So be it This yeare also it was ordeined decreed solemnly geuen out in Proclamation by the kings name authority and his Counsell that the english Procession should be vsed throughout al England according as it was set forth by his sayd counsell and none other to be vsed throughout the whole Realme About the latter end of this yeare .1545 in the Moneth of Nouember after that the king had subdued the Scots and afterward ioyning together with the Emperour The Scottes subdued had inuaded France and had got from them the town of Bollayn he summoned his high Court of Parliament In the which was graunted vnto him besides other subsidies of mony Bollayne wonne all Colledges Chaūtries free chappels hospitals fraternities brotherhoodes guildes perpetuities of stipēdary priestes to be disposed at his wil pleasure Whervpon in the moneth of Decem. folowing Stat. an 37. Reg. Hen. 8. the king after the wonted maner came into the parliamēt house to geue his roiall assent to such actes as were there passed where after an eloquent Oration made to him by the Speaker Colledges and Chauntreis geuen to the king he answering agayne vnto the same not by the L. Chancellour as the maner was but by himselfe vttred forth this oration word for word as it is reported and left in story A Parliament In the contentes of whiche Oration first eloquently and louingly he declared his gratefull hart to his louyng subiectes for theyr grauntes and subuentions offered vnto him In the second part with no lesse vehemency he exhorteth them to concord peace and vnity Whereunto if he had also ioyned the third part that is as in wordes he exhorted to vnity so had begon in deed first himselfe to take away the occasion of deuision disobedience disturbance frō his subiectes that is had remoued the stūbling blocke of the 6. articles out of the peoples way The Third part● 〈…〉 Oration 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 which set brother agaynst brother neighbour agaynst neighbor the superior agaynst subiect the wolues to deuour the poore flocke of Christ then had he not onely spoken but also done like a
God in whom our whole affiaunce is shall send vs. Wherefore my Lordes we require you and charge you and euery of you that euery of you of your allegeance whyche you owe to God and vs and to none other for our honour and the surety of our parson onely employ your selues forth with vpon receit hereof cause our right and title to the Crowne and gou●rnement of this Realme to be proclaymed in our Citty of London and other places as to your wisedomes shall seeme good and as to this case apperteineth not fayling hereof as our verye trust is in you And thus our Letter signed with our hande shal be your sufficient warrant in this behalfe Yeu●n vnder our Signet at our Manor of Kenyngall the ninth of Iuly● 1553. To this Letter of the Ladye Marye the Lordes of the Counsell make aunswere agayne as foloweth ¶ Aunswere of the Lordes vnto the Lady Maryes Letter MAdame A letter of the Counsaile aunsw●ring agayne to the Lady Mary we haue receiued your letters the ninth of this instant declaring your supposed title which you iudge your self to haue to the Imperiall crowne of this Realm all the dominions thereunto belonging For answere whereof this is to aduertise you that forasmuch as our soueraign Lady Quene Iane is after the death of our soueraign Lord Edward the sixt a prince of most noble memorye inuested and possessed with the iuste and right title in the Imperiall Crowne of this Realme Lady Iane inuested in possession of the crowne by king Edwards will and assent of the whole coūsaile not onely by good order of olde aunciente lawes of this Realme but also by our late soueraigne Lordes Letters patentes signed with his own hand and se●led with the greate seale of Englande in presence of the most parte of the Nobles Counsellours Iudges with diuers other graue and sage personages assenting subscribing to the same We must therfore as of most boūd duety and allegeance assent vnto her sayde Grace and to none other except wee shoulde which faythfull subiectes can not fall into greeuous and vnspeakeable enormities Wherefore we can no lesse do but for the quiet both of the realme and you also to aduertise you that forasmuch as the diuorce made betwene the king of famous memory K Henry the 8. the Lady Katherine your mother was necessary to be had both by the euerlasting lawes of God and also by the Ecclesiasticall lawes by the most part of the noble learned Vniuersities of Christendome and confirmed also by the sundry actes of Parliamentes remaining yet in theyr force and therby you iustly made illegitimate and vnheritable to the crown Imperiall of this realme and the rules and dominions and possessions of the same Lady Mary recounted illegitimate you will vpon iust consideration hereof and of diuers other causes lawfull to be alledged for the same for the iust inheritaunce of the right line and godlye order taken by the late king our souereigne Lord king Edward the sixt and agreed vpon by the Nobles and greatest personages aforesayd surcease by any pretence to vexe and molest any of our soueraigne Ladye Queene Iane her subiectes from theyr true fayth and allegeance due vnto her grace assuring you that if you will for respect shew your selfe quiet and obedient as you oughte you shall finde vs all and seuerall ready to doe you any seruice that we with duety may and be glad with your quietnes to preserue the cōmon state of this realme wherin you may be otherwise greuous vnto vs to your selfe and to them And thus we bid you most hartily well to fare from the Tower of London this 9. of Iuly 1553. Your Ladyships frendes shewing your selfe an obedient subiect Thomas Caunterbury The Marques of Winchester Iohn Bedford Wil. Morthhampton Thom. Ely Chauncellour Northumberland Henry Suffolke Henry Arundell Shrewesbury Pembrooke Cobham R. Riche Huntington Darcy Cheyney R. Cotton Iohn Gates W. Peter W. Cicelle Iohn Cheeke Iohn Mason Edward North. R. Bowes All these aforesayd except onely the Duke of Northūberland and syr Iohn Gates afterward were either by especiall fauor or speciall or generall pardon discharged After this aunswere receiued and the mindes of the Lordes perceiued Lady Mary keepeth her selfe from the Citty of London Lady Mary speedeth her selfe secretlye away farre of from the City hoping chiefly vpon the good will of the Commons and yet perchaunce not destitute altogether of the secret aduertisementes of some of the Nobles When the Counsell heard of her sodiene departure and perceiued her stoutnesse that all came not to passe as they supposed they gathered speedily a power of mē together appointing an army and first assigned that the Duke of Suffolke shoulde take that enterprise in hand so haue the leading of the Bande The Duke of Northumberland sent forth agaynst Lady Mary But afterwarde alterynge their mindes they thought it best to sēd forth the Duke of Northumberland with certaine other Lords and Gentlemen and that the Duke of Suffolke shoulde keepe the Tower where the Lord Gilford and the Lady Iane the same time were lodged In the which expedition y e Gard also albeit they were much vnwilling at the first therunto yet notwithstanding through the vehemēt perswasions of the Lord Treasurer M. Chomley other they were induced to assist the duke and to set forward with him These thinges thus agreed vpon and the Duke nowe being set forwarde after the best array out of London hauing notwithstanding his times prescribed and hys iourneys appoynted by the Counsell to the entent he woulde not seeme to do any thing but vpon warrant Mary in the meane while tossed with muche trauell vp and downe to worke the surest way for her best aduauntage withdrewe her selfe into the quarters of Northfolke and Suffolke Pollicie of the Lady Mary where she vnderstood the Dukes name to be had in muche hatred for the seruice that had ben done there of late vnder king Edward The Lady Mary taketh Fremingham castle in subduing the rebels and there gathering to her such aid of the commons in euery side as she might keepeth her selfe close for a space within Fremingham Castle To whom first of al resorted the suffolke men who being alwayes forward in promoting the procedinges of the Gospell The Suffolk mē gather to the Lady Maryes side promised her theyr ayd helpe so that she would not attempt the alteration of the religion which her Brother king Edward had before established by lawes and orders publickely enacted and receiued by the consent of the whole Realme in that behalfe To make the matter short vnto this condition she eftsoones agreed with suche promise made vnto them that no innouatiō should be made of religiō The Lady Mary promiseth faithfully that she would not alter religion Breach of promise in Queene Mary as that no mā would or could then haue misdoubted her Whiche promise if shee had as
his comming and what were his desires and requestes In the which meane time the Court gate was kept shut vntill he had made an end of his Oration The tenour and wordes wherof here foloweth ¶ The tenour of Cardinall Pooles Oration made in the Parliament house ●●rdinall ●●oles O. 〈◊〉 in Parliament house MY Lordes all and you that are the Commons of thys present Parliament assembled which in effecte is nothing els but the state and body of the whole realm as the cause of my repayre hither hath bene most wisely grauely declared by my Lord Chancellor so before that I enter to the particularities of my Commission I haue somewhat touching my selfe and to geue most humble and harty thankes to the king and Queenes Maiesties and after them to you all which of a man exiled and banished from this Cōmon wealth hath restored me to be a mēber of the lame of a man hauing no place neither here or els wher within this Realme haue admitted me in place where to speake and to be heard This I protest vnto you all that though I was exiled my natiue coūtry without iust cause as God knoweth yet the ingratitude could not pull from me the affection and desire that I had to profite doe you good If the offer of my seruice might haue bene receiued it was neuer to seek and where that could not be taken you neuer fayled of my prayer nor neuer shall But leauing the rehearsall thereof and comming more neare to the matter of my Commission I signify vnto you all that my principall trauell is for the restitution of thys noble realme to the auncient nobility and to declare vnto you that the Sea Apostolicke from whence I come hath a speciall More for the vauntage that was hoped by it then for any great loue respect to this realme aboue all other not without cause seing that God himselfe as it were by prouidēce hath geuen this realme prerogatiue of Nobility aboue other which to make more playne vnto you it is to be considered that this Iland first of all Ilandes receyued the light of Christes religion For as stories testifye England of all Ilandes receaued first the faith of Christ. it was prima prouinciarum quae amplexa est fidem Christi For the Britaines being first inhabitauntes of thys Realme notwithstanding the subiection of Emperours and heathen Princes did receiue Christes fayth from the Apostolicke Sea vniuersally and not in partes as other Countryes nor by one and one as Clockes increase theyr houres by distinction of times but altogether at once as it were in a moment But after that theyr ill merites or forgetfulnes of God had deserued expulsion and that Straūgers being Infidels had possessed this land yet God of his goodnes not leauing where he once loued so illuminated the hartes of the Saxons being Heathen menne that they forsooke the darckenes of heathen errors and embraced the light of Christes religion So that within small space idolatry and Heathen superstition was vtterly abandoned in this Iland This was a great prerogatiue of Nobilitye whereof though the benefite therof be to be ascribed to God yet the meane occasion of the same came frō the * That the fayth of the Britaine 's came first from Rome neyther doth it stand with the circūstaunce of our storyes neyther if it so did yet that faith and doctrine of the Romanistes was not such then as it is now Read before Of this Offa read before Of Alcuinus read before church of Rome In the faith of which Church we haue euer since continued and consented with the rest of the world in vnity of religion And to shew further the feruent deuotion of the inhabitantes of this Iland towards the Church of Rome we read that diuers princes in the Saxons time w t great trauel expenses went personally to Rome as Offa Adulphus which thought it not enough to shew themselues obedient to the said Sea vnlesse that in theyr owne persons they had gone to that same place from whence they had receiued so great a grace and benefite In this time of Carolus Magnus who first founded the Uniuersity of Paris he sent into England for Alcuinus a great learned man which first broughte learning to that Uniuersity Wherby it seemeth that the greatest part of the world set the light of the religion from England Adrian the fourth being an Englishmā cōuerted Norway from infidelity which Adrian afterwards vpō great affection and loue that he bare to this Realme being hys natiue coūtry gaue to Henry the second king of England the righte and segniory of the dominion of Ireland which perteyned to the Sea of Rome I will not rehearse the manifolde benefites that thys Realme hath receiued frō the Apostolicke Sea nor how ready y e same hath bene to releiue vs in all our necessities Nay rather what riches and treasures the Sea of Rome hath suckt out of England it is incredible Nor I will not rehearse the manifold miseryes calamities that this realme hath suffered by swaruing from that vnity And euen as in this realme so in all other coūtries which refusing the vnity of the Catholick sayth haue folowed fantastical doctrine the like plagues haue happened Let Asia and the Empyre of Greece be a spectacle vnto the world who by sweruing from the vnity of the Churche of Rome are brought into captiuity subiectiō of the Turk * The cause of their subiectō to the Turke cannot be proued to come by swaruing from the vnitie of the church of Rome for they were neuer fully ioyned vnto it And as touching the subiection of Asia and Grecia to the Turkes read in the story of the Turkes before All stories be full of like examples And to come vnto the latter time looke vpon our neighbours of Germany who by swaruing from this vnity are miserably afflicted with diuersity of sectes and diuided in factions What shall I rehearse vnto you the tumultes effusiō of bloud y t hath happened there of late dayes Or trouble you with the rehearsall of those plagues that haue happened since this innouation of religion where you haue felt the bitternes and I haue heard the report Of all whiche matters I can say no more but such was the misery of the time And see how far forth this fury went For those that liue vnder the * And why thē do ye more cruell then the Turke persecute other for their conscience Turk may freely liue after theyr consciēce and so was it not lawfull here If men examine well vpon what grounds these innouations began they shall wel finde that the roo● of this as of many other mischiefes was auarice and that the lust carnall affection of one man confounded al lawes both diuine and humaine And notwithstanding all these deuises and policies practised within this realme against y e church of Rome they needed not to haue lost you
benefite and grace offred from the apostolick sea vntill the abrogation of such lawes wherby you haue disioined and disseuered your selues from the vnity of Christes Church It remayneth therefore that you like true christians prouident men for the weale of your soules bodyes ponder what is to be done in this so weighty a cause and so to frame your actes and procedings as they may tend first to the glory of God and next to the conseruation of your cōmon wealth surety and quietnes The next day after the 3. Estates assembled agayne in the great chamber of the Court at Westminster where the king and queenes maiesties and the Cardinall being present they did exhibite sitting all on theyr knees a supplication to theyr highnesses the tenor wherof ensueth * The Copy of the supplication and submission exhibited to the king and Queenes maiesties by the Lordes and Commons of the Parliament WE the Lordes spirituall and temporall and the commōs of this present parliament assembled The supp●●●catiō ●●●●mission o● the Lo●● and Com●mons to the king 〈◊〉 Queenes maiesties representing the whole body of the realme of England and dominions of the same in our own names particularly and also of the sayd body vniuersally in this supplicatiō directed to your maiestyes with most hūble sute that it may by your gracious intercession and meane be exhibited to the most reuerend father in God the Lord Cardinall Poole Legate sent specially hither from our most holy father Pope Iulius the third and the Sea Apostolick of Rome do declare our selues very sorye and repentaunt for the schisme and disobedience committed in this realme and the dominions of the same against the sayd sea Apostolicke either by making agreing or executing any lawes ordinaunces O great s●●row and deepe repentaunc● or commaundementes agaynst the supremacye of the sayde sea or otherwise doing or speaking that might impugne the same Offring our selues promising by this our supplication that for a token and knowledge of our sayd repentance we be and shal be alway ready vnder and with the authorities of your Maiesties to the vttermost of our power to doe that shal be in vs for the abrogation and repealing of the sayd lawes and ordinaunces in this present parliament as well for our selues as for the whole body whom we represent Whereupon we most humbly beseech your maiesties as persons vndefiled in the offence of his body towardes the sayde Sea which neuerthelesse God by his prouidence hath made subiecte to your maiesties so to set forth this our moste humble sute The Pop● absolutio● cānot 〈◊〉 but by in●tercessio● of kinge Queene The supp●●●cation 〈◊〉 vp by the king and Queene 〈◊〉 the Ca●●●●nall that we may obteine from the sea Apostolicke by the sayd most reuerent father as wel particularly as vniuersally Absolution release and discharge from all daunger of such Censures and sentences as by the lawes of the church we be fallen in and that we may as children repentant be receiued into the bosome vnity of Christes church so as this noble Realme with all the members therof may in vnity and perfect obedience to the Sea Apostolicke and Popes for the time being serue GOD and your Maiesties to the furtheraunce and aduancement of his Honour and Glorye Amen The Supplication being read the king and Queene deliuered the same vnto the Cardinall who perceiuing y e effect thereof to aunswere his expectation did receiue the same most gladly from theyr Maiesties and after he had in fewe wordes geuen thankes to God and declared what great cause he had to reioyce aboue all others that his cōming from Rome into England had takē most happy successe He by the Popes authority did geue them this absolution folowing ¶ An absolution pronounced by Cardinall Poole to the whole Parliament of England in the presence of the King and Queene OUr Lord Iesus Christ which with his most precious bloud hath redemed and washed vs frō all our sinnes and iniquities that he might purchase vnto himselfe a glorious spouse without spot or wrinckle whō the Father hath appoynted head ouer all his church he by his mercy absolue you And we by apostolick authority geuen vnto vs by the most holy lord Pope Iulius the 3. his Uicegerent in earth do absolue deliuer you and euery of you with the whole Realme and the Dominions therof from all Heresy and Schisme and from all and euerye iudgement Censures and paynes for that cause incurred also we do restore you agayn vnto the vnity of our Mother the holy Church as in our Letters more playnely it shall appeare In the name of the father of the sonne and of the holy Ghost When all this was done they went into the Chappell and there singing Te Deum with great solemnity declared the ioy and gladnesse that for this reconciliation was pretended The reporte of thys was with great speede sent vnto Rome as well by the king and Cardinals Letters which hereafter folow as also otherwise Wherupō the pope caused there at Rome processions to be made and thankes to be geuē to God with great ioy for the conuersion of England to his Churche and therefore praysing the Cardinals diligence and the deuotion of the king and queen on Christmas euen by his Buls he set forth a generall pardō to all such as did truely reioyce for the same ¶ A copy of king Philips Letter written with his owne hand to Pope Iulius touching the restoring of the Realme of England MOst holy Father I wrote yesterday vnto Don Iohn Maurique Nouember 30. K. Phillips letter to the Pope tran●uted out of Spanish into English that he shoulde declare by worde of mouth or els write to your holynes in what good state the matter of religion stoode in this Realme and of the submission to your holinesse as to the chiefe As this day which is the feast of S. Andrew late in the euening we haue done God that seruice to whose onely goodnesse we must impute it and to your holynes who haue taken so great payne to gayne these soules that this realme with full generall consent of all them that represent the state being very penitēt for that was past and well bent to that they come to doe submitted themselues to youe holynes to that holy Sea whom at the request of the Queene and me your Legate did absolue And forasmuch as the sayd Don Iohn shall signify vnto your holinesse all that passed in this matter I will write no more therof but onely that the Queene I as most faythful deuout children of your holynes haue receiued the greatest ioy and comfort hereof that may be expressed with tong Considering that besides the seruice done to God hereby it hath chaunced in the time of your holynes to place as it were in the lappe of the holy Catholicke churche such a kingdome as this is And therfore I thinke I cannot be thankefull enough
these so weightie matters entreating of Christes holy Martyrs to discourse much of Thomas Wolsey Cardinall of Yorke notwithstandyng forsomuch as there be many whiche being caryed awaye with a wrong opinion and estimation of that false glittering Church of Rome doe thinke that holynes to be in it which in deede is not to the entent therefore that the vayne pompe and pride of that ambitious Church so farre differing from all pure Christianitie and godlynes more notoriously may appeare to all men and partly also to refresh the Reader with some varietie of matter I thought compendiously to expresse the ridiculous and pompous qualities and demeaner of this foresayd Thomas Wolsey Cardinall and Legate of Rome in whome alone the Image and life of all other suche like followers and professors of the same Church may be seene and obserued For like as the Lacedemonians in times past were accustomed to shewe and demonstrate droncken men vnto theyr children Example of the Lacedemonians to behold and looke vpon that through the foulenes of that vice they might inflame them the more to the studie and desire of sobrietie euen so it shall not be hurtfull sometimes to set forth the examples which are not honest that others might thereby gather the instructions of better and more vpright dealing Wherefore thou shalt note heere good Reader in thys hystorie wyth all iudgement the great difference of lyfe and Christian conuersation betwene this Church and the other true humble Martyrs and seruants of God whome they haue and doe yet persecute And first to beginne with the first meeting and comming in of this Cardinall and his fellow Cardinall Campeius into England Campeius sent into England it was about the tyme when Pope Leo intending to make war agaynst the Turkes sente three Legates together from Rome whereof one went into Germanie an other into Fraunce Laurentius Campeius was appointed to come into England When he was come to Callis and that the Cardinall of Yorke had vnderstanding therof he sent certayne Byshops and Doctors with as much speede as he coulde to meete the Legate and to shewe hym that if hee would haue hys Ambassade take effect he should sende in poste to Rome to haue the sayd Cardinall of Yorke made Legate and to be ioyned wyth hym in commission Which thing he much affected misdoubtyng least hys authoritie thereby might perhaps be diminished through the comming of the Legate and therefore required to be ioyned with hym in like degree of the Ambassade Cardinall Wolsey seeketh to be ioyned in equall commyssiō with Campeius Campeius being a man light of beliefe and suspecting no such matter gaue credite vnto hys wordes and sent vnto Rome with suche speede that within xxx dayes after the Bull was brought to Callis wherein they were both equally ioined in Commission during whiche time the Cardinall of Yorke sent to the Legate at Callis red cloth to clothe hys seruants withall which at their comming to Callis Note the state and pride of the Popes Clergye were but meanely apparelled When all things were ready Campeius passed y e Seas landed at Douer and so kept forth his iourney towarde London At euery good towne as they passed he was receaued with procession accompanied with all the Lords Gentlemen of Kent And when he came to blacke Heath The receauing of the Popes Legate into England there met him the Duke of Northfolke with a great number of Prelates Knightes and Gentlemen all richly apparelled in y e way he was brought into a rich tent of cloth of gold where he shifted hymselfe into a Cardinals robe furred with Ermines and so tooke his Mule ryding toward Lōdō Now marke y e great humilitie in this Church of the Pope and cōpare the same with the other Church of the Martyrs and see which of them is more Gospell like Thys Campeius had eight Mules of hys owne laden with diuers farthelles and other preparation Ambition pompe in the Cardinall The Cardinal of Yorke thinking them not sufficient for his estate the night before he came to London sent him xij mules more with empty cofers couered with red to furnish his cariage withal The next day these xx mules were led through the Citie as though they had bene loden with treasures apparell and other necessaries to the great admiration of all men that they shoulde receiue a Legate as it were a God with such and so great treasure and riches For so the common people doth alwayes iudge and esteeme the maiestie of the Cleargie by no other thing then by theyr outwarde shewes and pompe but in the middest of thys great admiration there hapned a ridiculous spectacle to y e great derision of their pride ambition For as the Mules passed through Cheape side and y e people were pressing about them to behold and gaze as the maner is it hapned that one of the Mules breaking his coller that he was led in ranne vpon the other Mules whereby it hapned How God confoundeth the pride pompe of men that they so running together and their girthes being losed ouerthrew diuers of their burthens and so there appeared the Cardinals gay treasure not without great laughter and scorne of many and specially of boyes and gerles whereof some gathered vp peeces of meate The Cardinalles 20. great Mules loden with rosted eggs and rotten shoes and such other treasure othersome peeces of bread and rosted egges some found horse shoes and old bootes with such other baggage crieng out beholde heere is my Lord Cardinals treasure The Muliters being therewithall greatly ashamed gathered together their treasure agayne as well as they could and went forward About three of the clocke at after noone the xxix day of Iuly the Cardinall himselfe was brought through the Citie with great pompe and solemnity vnto Paules church whereas when he had blessed all men with the Byshops blessing as the maner is he was guided forth vnto y e Cardinall of Yorkes house where as he was receaued by the said Cardinal and by him on the next day being Sonday was conducted vnto the King to fulfill his Ambassade agaynst the Turke which might haue destroyed all Hungarie Ex Edouar Hallo in the meane time whiles they were studieng with what solemnitie to furnish out their Ambassade When the Cardinall of Yorke was thus a Legate hee set vp a Court and called it the Court of the Legate and proued testamentes and heard causes to the great hynderance of all the Byshops of the Realme He visited Byshops all the Clergy exempt and not exempt and vnder colour of reformatiō he got much treasure nothing was reformed but came to more mischiefe for by example of his pride Priests and all spirituall persons waxed so proude that they weare veluet and silke both in gownes iackets dublets and shoes kept open lechery so hyghly bare thē selues by reason of his authorities faculties that no mā durst once
benefices by preuention in disturbance of mens inheritance and diuers other open causes in the Premunire accordynge to the kings licence constituted Iohn Scute Edmonde Ienny Apprentises of the lawe his attourneys whych by his owne warrant signed w t his hand confessed all thyngs concerning the said suit for they were too open to be cloked or hidden and so iudgement was geuen that hee shoulde forfeite all his landes tenements goodes and cattels and shoulde be put oute of the kings protection but for al that the king sent him a sufficient protection and of hys gentlenes left to him the bishoyprikes of Yorke and Winchester and gaue to hym plate and stuffe conuenient for hys degree Doctour Tunstall Byshop of Duresme Iohn Stokesly made Byshop of London and the Bishoprike of Duresme he gaue to Doctour Tonstall Bishop of London and the Abbey of S. Albones he gaue to the Priour of Norwich and to London he promoted Doctour Iohn Stokesley then Ambassadoure to the vniuersities for the marriage as you hearde before For all this kindnesse shewed to the Cardinall yet still hee maligned against the king as you shal hereafter perceiue but first we will proceede in the course of these matters as they passed in order The next yeare following whych was Anno. 1530. Anno 1530. in the moneth of Nouemb. was summoned a generall parlament to be holden at Westminster In the which yeare about the 23. day of October A parliamēt called the king came to his manor of Grenwich and there much consulted wyth his Counsaile for a meete man to be his Chauncelour so that in no wise he were no man of the Spiritualtie and so after longe debate the king resoluted him selfe vpon sir Thomas Moore knight Chauncelor of the Duchy of Lancaster Syr Thomas More made lord Chaūcelour of England a man wel learned in the tonges and also in the common law whose wit was fine and full of imaginations by reason whereof hee was a litle too muche geuen to mocking more then became the person of M. More and then on the Sonday the 24. day of the same moneth the king made him his Chauncelor and deliuered him the great seale which Lord Chancelor the next morow after was ledde into the Chancerye by the two Dukes of Norffolke and Suffolke and there sworne and then the Mace was borne before him Of this fall of the Cardinall and of the placing of Syr Thomas More in the Chauncelorship Erasmus in an Epistle to Iohn Uergera thus wryteth The Cardinall of Yorke hath so offended the kings minde Ex Eras. that he being turned out of his goodes and all his dignities is cōmitted not into prison but into a certaine Lordshippe of his with 30. seruaunts or kepers to geue attendance vpon him Many and sundry complaintes are cōmenced against him so that he is not like to escape with his life Such is the daliaunce of fortune of a scholemaister to be made a king For so hee raigned more like a king then the king him selfe Hee was dreaded of all men he was loued but of a fewe almoste of none A litle before he was apprehēded he caused Richard Pacie to be cast in the towre Also he threatned my Archbishop of Canterburie Salomon sayeth By this Archbyshop he meaneth William Warham That before the fall of man his spirite shall be eleuated The Archb. of Caunterbury was called or restored to be chosen Lord Chancellor which is the chiefest office in all that realme but he excused himselfe by his age as being not able to weld such a function Wherefore the sayde office was bestowed vpon Tho. More no les to the reioycing of many then the other was displaced from it These newes my seruaunt brought me out of England c. Ex Epist. Erasm. ad Ioan Vergeram You heard before A parliamēt summoned in Nouemb. anno 1530. how a counsaile of the Nobles was appoynted by the king in the moneth of October to assemble in the Starre chamber aboute the Cardinals matter and also how a parliament was summoned to begin in the moneth of Nouember in the yeare following An. 1530. At the beginning of which Parliament after that M. Moore the newe Chauncelour had finished hys oration the commons were commaunded to chuse them a Speaker Thomas Audely speaker of the Pa●liament Sixe greuāces of the commons agaynst the clergye who was Thomas Audeley Esquire and attorney of the Duchie of Lancaster Thus the Parlament being begun the 6. day of the foresaid month of Nouember at Westminster where the king with all the Lordes were set in the Parlament chamber the commōs after they had presented their speaker assembling in the nether house began to common of their grieues wherwith the spiritualtie had before time greeuously oppressed them contrary both to all righte and to the lawe of the realme and especially were sore mooued with these 6. great causes ¶ Greeuances against the Cleargie of Englande 1. THe first for the excessiue fines which the Ordinaries tooke for probate of Testaments 〈…〉 of testamentes in so much that Sir Henry Guilford Knight of the Garter and Comptrollour of the Kings house declared in the open Parliament of his fidelitie that he and other being executours to Syr William Compton Knight payed for the probate of hys will to the Cardinall and the Archbishop of Canterbury a thousand marke sterling After this declaration were shewed so many extortions done by Ordinaries for probates of willes A thousand 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 probate 〈…〉 testa●●●t The vnreas●●●ble 〈◊〉 of the clergye for Mortuaries that it were too much to rehearse 2. The second cause was the great poling extreame exaction which y e spirituall men vsed in taking of corps presents or Mortuaries for the childrē of the dead should all die for hūger and go a begging rather then they would of charitie geue to thē the sely cow which the dead mā ought if he had but onely one such was the charitie of them 3. The third cause was that Priestes being Surueyers Stuards F●rmes and Granges in Priestes handes and officers to Byshops Abbots and other spirituall heads had and occupied Farmes Graunges and grasing in euery Countrey so that the poore husbandmen could haue nothing but of them and yet for that they shuld pay dearely 4. The fourth cause was that Abbots Priors and spirituall men kept Tannehouses Monkes and priests marchauntes and bought and sold wooll cloth and all maner of Marchaundise as other temporall Marchaunts did 5. The fift cause was because the spirituall persons promoted to great benefices Beneficed men take of their flocke but geue nothing and hauing their liuing of theyr flocke were lying in the Court of Lords houses and tooke all of their parishioners and nothing spent on them at all so that for lacke of residence both the poore of the parishe lacked refreshing and vniuersally all the parishioners lacked preaching and true instruction of Gods
Cardinall Wolsey Nixe Byshoppe of Norwich Fryers of Ipswich Thomas Bilney Bacheler of both lawes Fryer Byrd Fryer Hogekins Doctour Stokes Sir Thom. Moore Fryer Brusyerd Fryer Iohn Huggen Prouinciall of the Dominikes Fryer Geffrey Iulles Fryer Iugworth M. William Iecket gentleman William Nelson Thomas Williams Thomas Bilney Arthure which abiured At Norwiche Ann. 1531. In the story aboue passed of Cardinall Wolsey Anno. 1531. mention was made of certayne Thomas Bilney Martyr whome the sayde Cardinal caused to abiure as Bilney Geffrey Lome Garret Barnes and such other of whome we haue nowe the Lorde directing vs specially to entreate This Thom. Bilney was brought vp in the Uniuersitie of Cambridge euen from a child profiting in al kind of liberal science euen vnto the profession of both lawes But at the last hauing gottē a better schoolemaister euen the holy spirit of Christ who enduing his hart by priuie inspiration with y e knowledge of better more wholesome things he came at the last vnto this point that forsaking y e knowledge of mās lawes he cōuerted his studye to those things which tended more vnto godlynes then gaynefulnes Finally as he hymselfe was greatly inflamed with the loue of true religion godlines euen so agayne was in hys hart an incredible desire to allure many vnto the same desiring nothing more then that hee might stir vp incourage any to the loue of Christ sincere Religion Neyther was his labors vayne for he conuerted many of hys felowes vnto the knowledge of the Gospell amōgst which number was Thomas Arthur and M. Hugh Latimer which Latimer at that time was crossekeeper at Cambridge bringing it forth vpon procession dayes At the last Maister Latimer Crossekeeper in the Vniuersitye of Cambridge Bilney forsaking the Uniuersitie went into many places teaching preaching being associate with Arthur whiche accompanied him from the Uniuersitie The authoritie of Thom. Wolsey Cardinall of Yorke of whome ye heard before at that time was great in England but his pompe pride much greater which did euidently declare vnto all wise men the manifest vanitie not only of his life but also of all the Byshops and Cleargie Whereupon Bilney Bilney against the pride of the Pope and of his Cardinalls with other good men maruelling at the incredible insolencie of the Cleargie which they could now no longer suffer or abide beganne to shake and reprooue this excessiue pompe of the Cleargie and also to plucke at the authoritie of the Byshop of Rome Then it was time for the Cardinall to awake and speedily to looke about hys busines Neyther lacked he in this poynt any craft or subtiltie of a serpent for he vnderstood well enough vpon how slender a foundation theyr ambitious dignitie was grounded neyther was he ignoraunt that theyr Luciferous and proude kingdome could not long cōtinue against the manifest word of God especially if the light of the Gospell should once open the eyes of men For otherwise he did not greatly feare the power and dipleasure of Kings and Princes Only thys he feared the voyce of Christ in his Gospell least it should disclose and detect their hypocrisie and deceites and force them to come into an order of godly discipline wherefore he thought good speedily in time to withstand these beginnings Whereupon he caused the sayd Bilney and Arthur to be apprehended and cast in prison as before yee haue heard After this the xxvij day of Nouember in the yeare of our Lord 1527. the sayde Cardinall accompanyed wyth a great number of Byshops Cardinall Wolsey with his complices agaynst Bilney and Arthur as the Archbyshop of Caunterbury Cuthbert of London Iohn of Rochester Nicholas of Ely Iohn of Exeter Iohn of Lincolne Iohn of Bathe and Welles Harry of Saint Asse with many other both Diuines and Lawyers came into the Chapterhouse of Westminster where the sayd Maister Thomas Bilney and Thomas Arthur were brought before them and the sayd Cardinall there enquired of M. Bilney whether he had priuately or publiquely preached or taught to the people the opinions of Luther or any other condemned by the Church contrary to the determination of the Church Whereunto Bilney answeared that wittingly he had not preached or taught any of Luthers opinions or any other contrary to the Catholique Churche Then the Cardinall asked him whether he had not once made an othe before that he should not preach rehearse or defende any of Luthers opiniōs but should impugne the same euerywhere He answered that he had made such an othe but not lawfully which interrogatories so ministred and answeares made the Cardinall caused hym to sweare to aunsweare playnely to the articles and errors preached and set foorth by him as well in the Citie and dioces of London as in the dioces of Norwich and other places and that he shuld do it without any craft qualifying or leauing out any part of the truth After he was thus sworne and examined the sayd Cardinal proceded to the examination of M. Thomas Arthur there present causing him to take the like othe Thomas Arthur examined that M. Bilney did Which done he asked of him whether he had not once told sir Tho. More knight y t in the Sacrament of the altar was not the very body of Christ Which interrogatory he denied Then the Cardinal gaue him time to deliberate til noone and to bring in his answeare in writing After noone the same daye what tyme the examination of the foresayde Thomas Arthur was ended the Cardinall and Byshops by theyr authoritie Ex officio did call in for witnesses before Mayster Bilney certayne men namely Iohn Huggen chiefe Prouinciall of the Friers preachers throughout all England Geffrey Iulles and Richard Iugworth professours of Diuinitie of the same order Also William Iecket Gentleman William Nelson and Thomas Williams which were sworne that all fauour hate loue or rewarde set aparte they shoulde without concealing of any falsehoode or omitting anye truth speake theyr myndes vpon the Articles layde agaynst them or preached by hym as well within the Dioces of London as the Dioces of Norwich and because he was otherwise occupyed aboute the affayres of the Realme he committed the hearing of the matter to the Byshop of London and to other Byshops there present or to three of them to proceede agaynst all men as well spirituall as temporall as also against schedules writings and bookes set forth and translated by Martin Luther lately condemned by Pope Leo the tenth and by all maner of probable meanes to enquire and roote out their errors and opinions and all such as were found culpable to compell them to abiuration according to the lawe or if the matter so required to deliuer them vnto the secular power and to geue them full power and authoritie to determine vpon them The xxvij of Nouember in the yeare aforesayde the Byshop of London B●●ney and A●t●ure b●●●ght bef●re ●ū●tall bi●hop of L●ndon with the Byshop of Ely and
tuum Pasce gregem tuum vt cum venerit Dominus The wordes of Tho. Bilney to Doct. Warner inueniat te sic facientem That is Feede your flocke feede your flocke that when the Lord commeth he may finde you so doing and farewell good M. Doctour and pray for me and so he departed without any answere sobbing and weeping And while he thus stood vpon the ledge at the stake certayne Friers Doctours and Priors of theyr houses beyng there present as they were vncharitably and malitiously present at his examination and degradation The Fryers 〈◊〉 Bilny 〈◊〉 for them c. came to him and sayd O M. Bilney the people be perswaded that we be the causers of your death and that we haue procured the same and thereupon it is like that they will withdraw theyr charitable almes from vs al except you declare your charity towards vs and discharge vs of the matter Whervpon the sayd Tho. Bilney spake with a loud voyce to the people and sayd I pray you good people be neuer y e worse to these men for my sake as though they should be the authors of my death It was not they and so he ended Then the officers put reed and Fagots about hys body and set fire on the reed which made a very great flame which sparcled and deformed the visour of his face he holding vp his handes and knocking vpon his brest crying sometimes Iesus sometimes Credo Which flame was blowne away frō him by the violence of the winde which was that day 2. or 3. dayes before notable great in which it was sayd that the fieldes were maruellously plagued by the losse of corne and so for a litle pause The pacient death Martyrdome of M. Bilney he stoode without flame the flame departing recoursing thrise ere the wood tooke strength to be the sharper to consume him and thē he gaue vp the ghost and his body being withered ●owed downeward vpon the chayne Thē one of the officers with his halbard smite out the staple in the stake behinde him suffered his body to fall into the bottome of the fire laying wood on it and so he was consumed Thus haue ye good readers the true history Martyrdome of this good man that is Saint Bilney of blessed Saint Bilney as M. Latimer doth call him without any recātation testified and ratified by the authority abouesayd By the which authority and party being there present yet aliue it is furthermore constantly affirmed that Bilney not only did neuer recant but also that he neuer had any such bill or script or scrolle in his hand to read either softly or apertly as M. More per licentiā Poeticam would beare vs downe M. Mo●●s false report refuted Wherfore euen as ye see M. More deale in this so ye may trust him in the residue of his other tales if ye will ¶ Mayster Stafford of Cambridge AS the death of this Godly Bilney did much good in Northfolke where he was burnt so his diligēt trauel M. Bilney the cheife 〈…〉 Apostle of Cambridge in teaching and exhorting other and example of life correspondent to his doctrine left no small fruite behinde him in Cambridge beyng a great meanes of framing that Uniuersity drawing diuers vnto Christ. By reason of whō and partly also of an other called M. Stafford the word of God begā there most luckely to spread and many toward wittes to florish In the company of whom was M. Latimer D. Barnes D. Thistell of Penbroke hall M. Fooke of Benet Colledge and M. Soude of the same Colledge D. Warner aboue mentioned with diuers other moe This M. Stafford was then the publicke reader of the Diuinity lecture in that Uniuersity Who as he was an earnest professour of Christes Gospell so was he as diligēt a folower of that which he professed as by this exāple here folowing may appeare For as the plague was then sore in Cambridge The notable zeale of M. Stafforde in sauing a damnable Priest and amongest other a certaine Priest called Syr Henry Coniurer lay sore sicke of the sayd plague M. Stafford hearyng therof and seing the horrible daunger that his soule was in was so moued in conscience to helpe the daūgerous case of the Priest that he neglecting his owne bodely death to recouer the other from eternall damnatiō came vnto him exhorted and so labored him that he would not leaue him before he had conuerted him and saw his coniuring books burned before his face Which being done maister Stafford went home and immediatly sickened shortly after most christianly deceased Ex fideli testimonio D. Ridlei Edmund Episcoporum Lond. Concerning which M. Stafford this moreouer is to be noted how that M. Latimer being yet a feruent and a zealous Papist M. Latimer asketh M. Stafford forgeuenes standing in the Schooles when M. Stafford read bad the Scholers not to heare him and also preaching agaynst him exhorted the people not to beleue hym and yet the sayd Latimer confessed himselfe that he gaue thankes to God that he asked him forgeuenesse before hee departed And thus much by the way of good M. Stafford who for his constant and godly aduenture in such a cause may seeme not vnworthy to goe with blessed Bilney in the fellowship of holy and blessed Martyrs ¶ The story of M. Symon Fish BEfore the time of M. Bilney and the fall of the Cardinall M Symon Fishe author of the booke called the supplication of Beggars I should haue placed the story of Simō Fish with the booke called the Supplication of Beggars declaring how and by what meanes it came to the kynges hand and what effect therof folowed after in the reformation of many thinges especially of the Clergy But the missing of a few yeares in this matter breaketh no great square in our story though it be now entred here which shold haue come in sixe yeares before The maner and circumstaunce of the matter is this After that the light of the gospell working mightely in Germany began to spread his beames here also in England great styrre alteration folowed in the harts of many so that colored hipocrisy and false doctrine paynted holynes began to be espyed more and more by the reading of Gods word The authority of the Bishop of Rome and y e glory of his Cardinals was not so high but such as had fresh wits sparcled with Gods grace began to espy Christ from Antichrist that is true sincerity from counterfait religion In the number of whom was the sayd M. Simon Fish a gentleman of Brayes Inne It happened the first yeare that this Gentleman came to Londō to dwel which was about the yeare of our Lord 1525. that there was a certayne play or interlude made by one M. Roo of the same Inne gentlemā in which play partly was matter agaynst the Cardinall Wolsey And where none durst take vpō thē to play that part which
forme of a publicke instrument wherunto and to the contents thereof we referre our selues as farre as is expedient and no otherwise And for somuche as we doe perceaue that thou diddest vnderstand the premisses and yet these things notwitstanding after thy abiuration made as is aforesayd thou hast brought in diuers sundry tymes many bookes of y e said Martin Luther and his adherentes and complices and of other heretickes the names titles and authors of which bookes here follow and are these Martine Luther of the abrogating of the priuate Masse The declarations of M. Luther vpon the Epistles of Peter Luther vppon the Epystles of Paule and Iude. A 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 brought by Richard Bayfilde Luther vppon monasticall vowers Luthers commentary vppon the Epistle of S. Paule to the Galathians Iohannes Oecolampadius vppon the exposition of these words Hoc est corpus meum The Annotations of Oecolāpadius vpon the Epistles of Paule vnto the Romains Oecolāpadius his Commētary vpon the 3. last prophets Aggeus Zacharie and Malachie The Sermons of Oecolampadius vppon the Catholicke Epistles of Iohn A booke of Annotations vpon Genesis gathered of Huldecus Zwinglius The Commentaries of Pomeran vppon foure chapters of the 1. Epistle to the Corinth Annotations of Pomeran vpon Deut. and Samuell Pomeran vpon the Psalmes The Commentaries of Frances Lambert of Auinion vpon the Gospell of S. Luke A Congest of all matters of Diuinitie by Fraunces Lambert The Commentaries of Fraunces Lambert vpon the Prophet Ioel. The Commentaries of Fraunces Lambert vpō the Prophetes Micheas Naum Abacuc Sophonias Aggeus Zacharias Amos Abdias Ionas and Osee. A new G●ose of Philip Melancton vpon the Prouerbes of Salomon The Comentaries of Philip Melancton vpon the Epistle of S. Paule to the Colos. The Annotations of Philip Melancton vpon the Epistle of S. Paule to the Romans and vpō y e Epistle to the Colo. Salomons sentences translated according to the Hebrew by Philip Melancton Most wholesome Annotations vpon the Gospel of S. Marke by Christopher Hegendorphinus The Cōmentaries of Iohn Brentius vpon Iob. The Commentary of Iohn Brentius vpō Ecclesiastes of Salomon Homilies of Brentius vpō the Gospel of S. Iohn The Annotations of Andrew Althomarus Brentius vpon the Epistle of S. Iames. The Commentaries of Bucer vpon Sophonias Bucer vpon the 4. Euangelistes The proces Cōsistorial of the Martyrdome of Iohn Husse A briefe commendatory of M. Luther vnto Otho Brunfelsius as touching the life doctrine and Martirdome of Iohn Hus. Felmus vpon the psalter his exposition vpon Esay his expositions vpon Ieremie Capito vpon Oseas Capito vpon Abacuc Vnio dissidentium The Pandect of Otho The Cataloge of famous men An aunswere of Tyndall vnto Syr Thomas More A disputation of Purgatory made by Ioh. Frith in English A prologue to the v. book of Moyses called Deuteronomy The first booke of Moyses called Genesis A prologue to the iij. booke of Moyses called Leuiticus A prologue to the iiij booke of Moyses Num. A prologue to the ij booke of Moyses called Exod. The practise of prelates The new Testament in English with an introductiō to the Romaines The parable of the wicked Mammon The obedience of a Christian man A. B. C. of Thorpes The Summe of Scripture The primer in English The Primer and Psalter 〈◊〉 Englishe forbidden The Psalter in English A Dialogue betwixt the Gentleman and the Plowman Of all which kynde of books both in Latin and English translated set forth and imprinted containing not only Lutherian heresies but also the damnable heresies of other heretiks condemned for as much as thou hast brought ouer from the parties beyōd the Sea a great nomber into this Realme of England specially to our Citie and Dioces of London and hast procured them to be brought and conueied ouer also hast kept by thee and studied those books and hast published read them vnto diuers men and many of those bookes also hast dispersed and giuen vnto diuers persons dwelling within our Citie and Dioces of London hast confessed and affirmed before our Officiall that those books of M. Luther and other heretikes his complices and adherentes and all the conten●es in them are good agreable to the true faith saying thus that they are good and of the true faith and by this meanes and pretence hast commēded and praised M. Luther his adherents and complices and hast fauoured beleued their errors heresies and opinions Therfore we Iohn the Bishop aforesaid first calling vpon the name of Christ If Christ were before you● eyes ye would not condemne this good man for these good 〈◊〉 and setting God only before our eyes by the counsell and consent of the Diuines and Lawiers with whom in this behalf we haue conferred do declare and decree thee the foresaide Richard Bayfild otherwise called Somersam for the contempt of thy abiuration as a fauorer of the foresaid M. Luther his adherentes complices fauourers and other condemned hereticks and for commending and studying reading hauing retaining publishing selling giuing and dispersing the bookes and writinges as well of the sayd M. Luther his adherentes and disciples as of other heretikes before named and also for crediting and maintayning the errours and heresies and damnable opinions contained in the said books and writings worthely to be and haue bene an hereticke and that thou by the pretence of the premisses art fallen again most damnably into heresie and we pronounce that thou art and hast bene a relapsed hereticke and hast incurred and oughtest to incurre the payne and punishment of a relapse and we so decree declare and also condemne thee thereunto and that by the pretence of the premisses thou hast euen by the law incurred the sentence of greater excommunication and thereby we pronounce and declare thee to haue bene and to be excommunicate and clearely discharge exonerate and disgrade thee from all priuiledge and prerogatiue of the Ecclesiasticall orders and also depriue thee of all Ecclesiasticall office and benefice also we pronounce and declare thee by this our sentence or decree the which wee here promulgate and declare in these writinges that tho● art actually to be disgraded deposed and depriued as followeth IN the name of God Amen We Iohn by the permission of God Byshop of London The sentence of degradation against blessed Bayfilde rightly and lawfully proceeding in this behalfe doe dimisse thee Richard Bayfild aliâs Somersam being pronounced by vs a relapsed hereticke and disgraded by vs frō all Ecclesiastical priuiledge out of the Ecclesiasticall Court pronouncing that the secular power here present should receiue thee vnder their iurisdiction earnestly requiring and desiring in the bowels of Iesu Christ And they shall cast you out of their Synagogue for my names sake that the execution of this worthy punishment to be done vpon thee and against thee in this behalfe may be so moderated that there be neither ouermuch crueltie neither to much fauorable gentlenes but y t
soone as he came vnto him Frith by and by began in the Latine tongue to bewaile his captiuitie The Schoolemaister by and by beinge ouercome wyth his eloquence did not onely take pitie and compassion vppon him but also began to loue and embrace such an excellent witte and disposition vnlooked for especially in such a state miserie Afterward they conferring more together vpon many things as touching the Uniuersities scholes and tongues fell from the Latine into the Greeke Wherin Frith dyd so inflame the loue of that Schoolemaister towardes him that he brought him into a marueilous admiration especiallye when the Schoolemaister hearde him so promptly by hart rehearse Homers verses out of his first booke of Illiades Whereuppon the Shoolemaister wēt with all speede vnto the Magistrates greeuously complaining of the iniurie which they did shew vnto so excellent and innocent a young man Thus Frith through the helpe of the schoolemaster was freely dimitted out of the stockes Iohn Frith through the helpe of the Schoolemaister was deliuered out of the stockes set at libertie without punishment Albeit this his safetie continued not lōg thorow the great hatred and deadly pursuit of sir Tho. More who at that time being Chauncelour of Englande persecuted him both by land and sea besetting all the waies and hauens yea promising great rewardes if any mā could bring him any newes or tydings of him Thus Frith beinge on euerye part beset with toubles not knowing whiche way to turne hym Syr Tho. More a deadly persecuter of Iohn Fryth seeketh for some place to hyde him in Thus fleeting from one place to an other and often chaunging both his garmentes and place yet coulde he be in safetie in no place no not long amongst his frindes so that at the last being trayterouslye taken as ye shall after heare hee was sent vnto the Tower of London wheras he had many conflicts with the bishops but specially in writyng with Syr Thomas Moore The occasiō of Frythes writing agaynst More The first occasion of his writyng was this Uppon a tyme hee had communicatiō with a certaine olde familiar freende of his touching the Sacramēt of the body bloud of Christ. The whole effecte of which disputation consisted specially in these foure poyntes 1 FIrst that the matter of the sacrament is no necessarye article of fayth vnder payne of damnation 2. Secondly that for somuch as Christes naturall bodye in like condition hath all properties of our bodye sinne onely except it it cannot be neyther is it agreable vnto reason that he should be in two places or moe at once contrarye to the nature of oure bodye 3. Moreouer it shall not seeme meete or necessarye that wee should in this place vnderstand Christes words according to the literall sense but rather accordyng to the order and phrase of speache comparing phrase wyth phrase accordyng to the Analogie of the Scripture 4. Last of all how that it ought to be receaued accordyng to the true and right institution of Christ albeit that the order which at thys tyme is crept into the Church and is vsed now a dayes by the Priestes do neuer so much differ from it And for somuche as the treatise of this disputation seemed somewhat lōg The occasiō of Frythes writyng vppon the Sacrament his frend desired hym that such things as he had reasoned vpon he would briefly committe vnto writing and geue vnto hym for the helpe of his memory Frith albeit he was vnwilling and not ignoraunt howe daungerous a thing it was to enter into suche a contentious matter at y e last notwithstanding he being ouercome by the intreaty of hys frend rather followed hys wil then looked to his owne safegard There was at that tyme in London a Taylor named William Holt which fayning a great frendshyp towarde this party William Holte a Iudas instantly required of him to geue him licence to read ouer that same writing of Frithes whiche when hee vnaduisedly dyd the other by and by caryed it vnto More being thē Chauncellour which thing afterward was occasion of great trouble and also of death vnto y e said Frith Syr Tho. More Chaūcel●r For More hauing gotten a copy of this booke not onely of this Sicophant but also two other copies whiche at the same time in a maner were sent hym by other promoters he whetted his wittes and called his spirites together as much as he might meaning to refute his opiniō by a contrary booke This in a maner was the whole summe of the reasons of Frithes booke First to declare the Popes beliefe of the Sacrament to be no necessary article of our faith that is to say that it is no article of our fayth necessary to be beleued vnder payne of damnation The summe 〈◊〉 ●rythe 〈◊〉 of the Sacrament that the Sacrament should be the naturall body of Chryst. Whych he thus prooueth For many so beleue yet in so beleuing the Sacrament to bee y e naturall bodye are not thereby saued but receyue it to their damnation Agayne in beleuyng the Sacrament to bee the naturall body yet that naturall presence of his body in the bread is not that which saueth vs The not beleu●●● the co●po●all 〈◊〉 of Christ in the Sacraments is no damnation but his presence in our harts by fayth And likewise the not beleuing of his bodyly presence in the Sacrament is not the thynge that shall damne vs but the absence of him out of our hart through vnbeliefe And if it be obiected y t it is necessary to beleue gods worde vnder payne of damnation to that he aunswereth that the woorde taken in the right sense as Christ meant mayntayneth no such bodyly presence as the Popes churche dothe teache but rather a Sacramentall presence And that saith he may be further confirmed thus ¶ Argument None of the olde fathers before Chrystes incarnation were bound vnder paine of damnatiō to beleue this point Ce All we be saued by the same fayth that the olde fathers were la. Ergo none of vs are bounde to beleue this point vnder pa●●e of damnation ●ent The first parte sayth he is euydent of it selfe For howe coulde they beleue that which they neuer hearde nor sawe The seconde part sayth he appeareth plainly by sainct Augustine August ad Dardanum writinge ad Dardanum and also by an hundreth places more Neither is there any thing that he doth more often inculcate thē this that the same fayth y t saued our Fathers saueth vs also And therfore vppon the truth of these two parts thus proued must the cōclusion saith he nedes folowe ¶ An other Argument None of y t olde fathers before Christes incarnation did eate Christ corporally in their signes but only mistically spiritually and were saued Al we do eate Christ euen as they did and are saued as they were Ergo none of vs do eate Christe corporally but mystycally and spiritually in our signes
God This Benet was burned in a Ierkine of neates leather at whose burning such was the deuilishe rage of the blinde people that wel was he or shee that coulde catche a sticke or furse to cast into the fire HItherto we haue runne ouer good reader the names y e Acts and doings of them which haue susteined death and the tormēt of burning for Christes cause The king● Proclamation Vid supra pag. 991. through the rigorous proclamation aboue specified set out as is sayd in the name of K. Henrie but in dede procured by the Bishops Which proclamation was so straitly looked vpon executed so to the vttermost in euery poynt by the sayd popish Prelates that no good man habens spiramentum 4. Esd. 7. wherof Esdras speaketh coulde peepe out wyth his head neuer so little but he was caught by the backe brought eyther to the fire as were these aboue mentioned or els compelled to abiure Wherof there was a great multitude as wel men as women whose names if they were sought oute through al registers in England no doubt it would make too long a discourse Neuerthelesse omitting the rest it shal content vs at this present briefly as in a shorte Table to insinuate the names with the speciall Articles of suche as in the diocesse of London vnder Bishop Stokesley were molested and vexed and at last cōpelled to abiure as heere vnder may appeare Persons abiured with their Articles Geffrey Lome 1528. HIs Articles were these For hauing and dispersing certain bookes of Luther Item Mē abiured for translatinge certaine chapters of his booke De bonis operibus For holding that faith without works is sufficient to bring vs to heauen That christen men ought to worship God onely and no Saintes That christen men shuld not offer to images in churches nor sette any lyghte before them That pardons granted by pope or bishop do not profite man Sygar Nycolson Stationer of Cambridge 1528. His Articles were like and moreouer for hauing in his house certayne Bookes of Luther and other prohibited and not presentyng them to the Ordinarie The handling of this man was too too cruell if the reporte be true that hee shoulde be hanged vp by those partes whych nature well suffreth not to be named Iohn Raymund a Dutchman 1528. For causing fiftene hundreth of Tindals new Testaments to be printed at Antwarpe and for bringing 500. into England Paule Luther Gray Frier and Warden of the house at Ware 1529. Hys Articles For preachyng and sayinge that it is pitie that there be so manye Images suffered in so manye places where as vndiscreate and vnlearned people be for they make theyr Prayer and Oblations so intirely and heartely before the Image that they beleeue it to be the very selfe Sainct in heauen Item that if he knewe hys father and mother were in heauen hee would counte them as good as S. Peter or Paule but for the paine they suffred for Christes sake Item that there is no nede to go on pilgrimage Item that if a manne were at the poynte of drowning or anye other daunger hee shoulde call onely vppon God and no Sainct for Saincts in heauen can not helpe vs neither know no more what men do here in this world then a man in the North countrey knoweth what is done in the South countrey Roger Whaplod Merchaunt Taylor 1529. Roger Whaplod sent by one Thomas Northfolke vnto Doctor Goderige this Bill following to be reade at his Sermon in the Spittell A byll read by the preacher at the Spittell If there be anye well disposed person willing to doe any coste vppon the reparation of the Cunduite in Fleetestreete let hym or them resort vnto the administratours of the goodes and cattell of one Richarde Hunne late Marchaunt Taylor of London which died intestate or els to mee and they shall haue toward the same vj. li.xiij.s.iiji.d and a better pennie of the goodes of the sayde Richarde Hunne vppon whose soule and all christen soules Iesu haue mercy For the which Bill both Whaplod and Northfolke were brought troubled before the Bishop and also Doctour Goderige which tooke a groate for reading the Bill It was the manner at this time to take money for reading of billes at Sermons Ex Regist. Lond. was suspended for a time from saying Masse and also was forced to reuoke the same at Paules Crosse reading this Bill as foloweth The reuocation of Doct. Wil. Goodrige read at Paules Crosse. MAisters so it is that where in my late Sermone at S. Mary spittle the Tewsday in Easter weeke last past I did pray specially for the soule of Richarde Hunne Doct. Goodrige reuoketh his praying for the soule of Richard Hunne late of London Marchant Tailer an heretike by the lawes of holy Church iustly condemned by reason wherof I greatly offended God and hys Churche and the lawes of the same for the which I haue submitted mee to my Ordinarie and done penaunce therefore for as muche as peraduenture the audience that was there offended by my sayde woordes myght take any occasion thereby to thincke that I did fauour the sayd heretike or any other I desire you at the instance of almighty God to forgeue mee and not so to thynke of me for I did it vnaduisedly Therefore heere before God and you I declare my selfe that I haue not fauoured him or any other heretike nor heereafter intend to do but at all times shall defend the Catholike faith of holy church according to my profession to the best of my power Rob West Priest 1529. Abiured for Bookes and opinyons contrary to the Proclamation Nicholas Whyte of Rye 1529. Hys Articles For speaking against the Priestes saying of Mattens For speaking against praying for them that be deade Againste praying to God for small trifles as for the cowe caluynge the henne hatching c. For speakynge againste the relique of S. Peters finger Againste oblations to Images Againste vowing of Pilgrimage Against Priesthoode Against holy bread and holy water c. Rich. Kitchin priest 1529. His Articles That pardons granted by the Pope are naughte and that menne should put no trust in them but onely in the Passion of Christe Via lata Via angusta That he being lead by the wordes of the Gospell Matt. 7. De via lata angusta and also by the Epistle of the Masse beginning Vir fortissimus Iudas hadde erred in the way of the Pope and thoughte that there were but two wayes and no Purgatorie That men ought to worship no Images nor set vp lights before them That Pilgrimage doth nothing auaile That the Gospell was not truely preached for the space of 300. yeares past c. Wil. Wegen priest at S. Mary hill 1529. Hys Articles That hee was not bounde to say hys Mattens nor other seruice but to sing with the Queere till they came to Prime and then sayinge no more seruice thought he myght wel goe to Masse That hee hadde saide Masse
other good deedes and as for one of them whatsoeuer he haue of money in his purse he will distribute it for the loue of God to poore people Also he sayde that no man should geue laud nor prayse in no maner of wise to no creature nor to no Saint in heauen Tim. 1. but only to God Soli Deo honor gloria that is To God alone be all honour and glory Also he sayd ah good Sir Edmund ye be farre from the knowledge and vnderstanding of the Scripture for as yet ye be a Pharisey with many other of your company but I trust in God I shall make you and many other mo good and perfect Christen men ere I depart from the Citie The Godly courage of Rich Bayfilde for I purpose to reade a common lecture euery day at S. Fosters Church which lecture shall be to the edifyeng of your soules that be false Phariseys Also he sayde that Bilney preached nothing at Wilsedone but that was true Also he sayd that Bilney preached true at Wilsedone if he sayd that our Ladyes crowne of Wilsedone The peoples offringes bestowed bestowed vppon harlots her rings beades that were offered to her were bestowed amongest harlots by the Ministers of Christes Churche for that haue I seene my selfe he sayd heere in London and that will I abide by Also he sayde he did not feare to commen and argue in Arthur and Bilneys opinions and Articles and if it were with my Lord Cardinall Also he sayd that he would hold Arthur and Bilneys opinions and Articles and abyde by them that they were true opinions to suffer death therfore I know them said he for so noble and excellent men in learning Also he sayde if he were before my Lord Cardinall hee would not let to speake to him and to tell hym that he hath done nought in prisoning of Arthur and Bilney whyche were better disposed in their liuings to God then my Lord Cardinall or my Lord of London as holy as they make themselues Also he sayd my Lord Cardinall is no perfect nor good man to God for he keepeth not the Commaundements of God for Christ he said neuer taught him to folow riches nor to seeke for promotions nor dignities of this worlde nor Christ neuer taught him to weare shoes of siluer and gilt set with pearle and precious stones The Cardinals shooes nor Christ had neuer ij crosses of siluer ij axes nor piller of siluer gilt Also he sayde that euery Priest might preach the Gospell without licence of the Pope my Lord Cardinall my Lord of London or any other man And that would he abide by and thus he verified it as it is written Marke 16. Euntes in mundum vniuersum praedicate Euangelium omni creaturae Christ commaunded euery Priest to go foorth thoroughout all the worlde and preache the word of God by the authoritie of this Gospel and not to runne to y e Pope nor to no other man for licence and that would hee abyde by he sayd Also he sayd Wel Sir Edmund say you what you will and euery man my Lord Cardinall also and yet will I say and abide by it my Lord Cardinall doth punishe Arthur Bilney vniustly for there be no truer Christen men in all the world liuing then they two be and that punishment that my Lord Cardinall doth to them he doth it by might and power as who say this maye I do and thys will I do who shall say nay but he doth it of no iustice Also about the xiiij day of October last past at iij. of the clocke at after noone Syr Richarde Bayfilde came to S. Edmunds in Lumbardstreete where he founde me Syr Edmund Peerson Sir Iames Smith and Syr Myles Garnet standing at the vttermost gate of the personage Syr Edmund sayd to Syr Richard Bayfilde how many Christen men haue yee made since yee came to the Citie Quoth Sir Richard Bayfilde I came euen now to make thee a Christen man and these two other Gentlemen with thee for well I know ye be all three Phariseis as yet Also he sayd to Syr Edmund that Arthur and Bilney were better Christen men then he was or any of them that did punish Arthur and Bilney Per me Edmundum Peerson And thus we haue as in a grosse summe cōpiled together the names and causes though not of al yet of a great and to great a number of good men good women whych in those sorowful daies from the yere of our Lord 1527. to this present yere 1533. that is til the comming in of Queene Anne were manifold wayes vexed and persecuted vnder the tiranny of the Bishop of Rome Ten Dutchmen Annabaptists put to death Segor Derycke Symon Runa Derycke Dominicke Dauid Cornelius Ell●en Milo Where again we haue to note that frō this present yeare of our Lord 1533. during the time of the sayd Quene Anne we read of no great persecution nor any abiuration to haue bene in the Church of Englande saue onely that the Registers of London make mention of certaine Dutchmen counted for Anabaptists of whom 10. were put to death in sondry places of the realme an 1535. other 10. repented and were saued Where note again that 2. also of the said company albeit the diffinitiue sentence was read yet notwithstāding were pardoned by the king which was contrary to the Popes law Now to proceede forth in our matter after that the Byshops and heads of the clergy had thus a long time taken their pleasure Anno. 1533. exercising their cruell authoritie against the poore wasted flocke of the Lord Complaynt of the Cōmons against the Clergy Ex Edw. Hallo A Parliament an 1534. and began furthermore to stretch foorth their rigour and austeritie to attach molest also other greater persons of the temporaltie so it fell that in y e beginning of the next or 2. yere following which was an 1534. a parlament was called by the king about the 15. day of Ian. In the which parlament the commons renuing their old griefes complained of the cruelty of the Prelates Ordinaries for calling men before them Ex Officio For suche was then the vsage of the Ordinaries and theyr Officials Crueltye of the Clergye against the temporaltie that they would send for men lay accusations to them of heresie onely declaring to them that they were accused and would minister Articles to them but no accuser should be brought forth wherby the cōmons was greuously anoyed oppressed for the party so acited must eyther abiure or do worse for purgatiō he might none make As these matters were long debating in the Common house as last it was agreed that the temporall men should put their griefs in wryting and deliuer them to the King Whereuppon the 18. day of Marche the common speaker accompanied wyth certaine Knights and Burgeses of the common house came to the Kyngs presence and there declared how the temporal
willingly discouer to any person The Popedome of Rome the rules of the holy fathers and the regalities of S. Peter I shall helpe and retaine and defende against all men The legate of the sea Apostolicke going comming I shall honourably entreat The rightes honours priuiledges authorities of the Church of Rome and of the Pope and hys successours I shall cause to be conserued defended augmented promoted I shall not be in counsell treatie or any acte in the which any thing shall be imagined against him or the Churche of Rome their rights states honours or power and if I knowe anye such to be mooued or compassed I shall resist it to my power and assoone as I can I shall aduertise him or suche as maye geue hym knowledge The rules of the holy fathers the decrees ordinances sentences dispositions reseruations prouisions and commandements Apostolike to my power I shall keepe and cause to be kept of other Heretikes schismatikes and rebels to our holy father and his successors I shall resist and persecute to my power I shal come to the Synode whē I am called except I be letted by a Canonicall impediment The lights of the Apostles I shall visite personally or by my deputie I shall not aliene nor sell my possessions wythout the Popes councell so God me helpe and the holy Euangelistes ¶ This othe of the Clergie men which they were wont to make to the Bishoppe of Rome nowe Pope quondam was abolished and made voyde by statute and a new othe ministred confirmed for the same wherein they acknowledged the King to be the supreame heade vnder Christe in this Church of England as by tenor thereof may appeare here vnder ensuing The othe of the Clergie to the king I Iohn B. of A. vtterly renoūce and clerely forsake al such clauses words sentences grants which I haue or shal haue hereafter of the Popes holines Pope quondam● The othe of the Clergye to the king of for the bishoprike of A that in any wise hath bene is or hereafter may be hurtfull or preiudiciall to youre highnes your heirs successors dignity priuiledge or estate royal and also I doe sweare that I shal be faithful and true and faith and truth I shall beare to you my soueraigne Lord and to your heires kings of the same of life and limme and earthly worship aboue all creatures for to liue die with you and yours against al people and diligently I shal be attendant to all your nedes and businesse after my wit and power and your counsel I shall kepee and holde knowledging my selfe to hold my Bishopricke of you onely beseeching you of restitutiō of the temporalties of the same promising as before that I shal be faithfull true and obediēt subiect to your said highnes heires and successours during my life and the seruices and other things due to your highnesse for the restitution of the temporalties of the same Bishoprike I shall truely do and obediently performe so God me helpe and all Saintes These othes thus being recited and opened to the people were the occasion that the Pope lost al his interest and iurisdiction heere in Englande wythin shorte while after Upon the occasion and reason whereof Syr Tho. More the matter falling out more more against the Pope Syr Thomas More of whome mention is made before being a great maintainer of the Pope a heauy troubler of Christes people and nowe not liking well of this othe by Gods good worke was enforced to resigne vp his Chauncelorship and to deliuer vp the great seale of England into the kings hands After whom succeeded syr Thomas Audley Keeper of the great seale Tho. Audeley made Lord Chauncellour a man in eloquence and giftes of tonge no lesse incomparable then also for hys godly disposed minde and fauorable inclination to Christes religiō worthy of much commendation These things being done in the parlament the king w tin short time after proceeded to the mariage of the foresayd lady Anne Bullen mother to our most noble Quene now who w tout all controuersie was a special comforter aider of all the professors of Christes gospell The maryage of Queene Anne as well of the learned as the vnlearned her life being also directed according to the same as her weekely almes did manifestly declare Who besides the ordinarye of a C. crownes and other apparell that she gaue weekely a yeare before she was crowned The great almes of Quene Anne both to men and women gaue also wonderfull much priuie almes to wydowes and other pore housholders cōtinually til shee was apprehended and she euer gaue three or foure pounde at a time to the poore people to buy them kine withall and sent her Subamner to the townes about where shee lay that the parishioners should make a bill of all the poore householders in their parish and some towns receiued 7.8 or 10. pound to buy kine withal according as the number of the poore in the Townes were Shee also maintained many learned mē in Cambridge Likewise did the Erle of Wilshire her father and the Lord Rochford her brother and by them these men were brought in fauour w t the king of whome some are yet aliue and can testifie the same which would to God they were nowe as great professors of the gospell of Christ as then they appeared to be which were D. Heath and D. Thirlby with whome was ioyned the L. Paget who at that present was an earnest protestant Heath Thirlby L. Paget gaue vnto one Rainolde West Luthers bookes and other bokes of the Germaines as Franciscus Lambertus de Sectis and at that time he red Melancthons Rhetorike openly in Trinitie hall in Cambridge and was w t his M. Gardiner a mainetainer of D. Barnes and all the Protestantes that were then in Cambridge Lord Paget a mainteyner of D. Barnes holpe many religious persons out of their cowles It hath bene reported vnto vs by diuers credible persons which were about this Quene and daily acquainted with her doings concerning her liberall and bountiful distribution to the pore how her grace caried euer about her a certaine little purse The praise of Quene Anne out of the which she was wont daily to scatter abroad some almes to the needy thinking no day well spent wherein some man had not fared the better by some benefite at her handes And this I write by the relation of certain noble personages which were chiefe principall of her waiting maides about her especially the Duches of Richmond by name Also concerning the order of her ladies gentlewomen about her one that was her silkwoman a Gentlewoman not nowe aliue but of great credite and also of fame for her worthy doings The name of this gentlewoman was Maistres Wilkinson did credibly report that in all her time she neuer saw better order amongst the ladies gentlewomē of the Courte then was in this good Queenes
thus Steph. Winchester takyng his leane biddyng the Pope farewell endeth with a frēdely exhortatiō Steph. Wint. taketh his vale of the Pope but not his ultimum vale willyng him to be wise circumspect not to striue stubburnely agaynst the truth The light of the Gospell sayth he so spreadeth his beames in all mens eyes y t the works of the Gospell be knowne the mysteries of Christes doctrine are opened both learned and vnlearned men women beyng Englishmen borne do see perceiue that they haue nothyng to doe with Rome nor with the Byshop of Rome but that euery Prince in his owne dominion is to be taken and accepted as a Uicare of God Uicegerent of Christ in his owne boūdes And therfore seyng this order is taken of God The office of teaching The office of of Ruling that one in the Church should beare the office of teachyng an other should beare y e office of rulyng which office is onely limited to princes he exhorteth him to consider the truth and to folow the same wherein consisteth our true and speciall obedience c. To this booke of Stephen Winchester De obedientia we will adioyne for good felowshyp y e Preface also of Edmund Boner Archdeacō then of Leycester prefixed before the same to the entēt that the reader seyng the iudgemētes of these men as they were then agayne the sodeine mutation afterward of the sayd parties to the cōtrary opiniō may learne thereby what vayne glory and pompe of this world cā worke in the frayle nature of man where Gods grace lacketh to susteine The Preface of Boner before the sayd booke of Winchester De obedientia proceedeth thus in effect as foloweth ¶ The Preface of Edmund Boner Archdeacon of Leycester prefixed before Stephen Gardiners booke De obedientia FOr asmuch as some there be no doubt as the iudgements of men be alwaies variable which thinke the controuersie which is betweene the Kings roiall Maiestie Boners preface be●ore Winchesters booke of obedience and the Bishop of Rome consisteth in this point for that his Maiestie hath taken the most excellent and most vertuous Lady Anne to wife which in very deede is farre otherwise and nothing so to the intente therefore that all true harty fauourers of the Gospell of Christ Queene Anne which hate not but loue the truth may the more fully vnderstand the chiefe point of the controuersie and because they shall not be ignoraunt what is the whole voice and resolute determination of the best and greatest learned Bishops with all the nobles and commons of England not only in that cause of Matrimony but also in defending the doctrine of the Gospell The doctrine of the Gospell heere shall be published the Oration of the Bishop of Winchester a man excellently learned in all kinde of learning entituled DE VERA OBEDIENTIA that is See how these clawbackes can clung togeather in truth and in false hood and al to fashiō thēselues to the world and the time present concerning true obedience But as touching this Bishops worthy praises there shall be nothing spoken of me at this time not only because they are infinite but because they are farre better knowne to all Christendome then becommeth me heere to make rehearsall And as for the Oration it selfe which as it is most learned so it is most elegant to what purpose should I make any words of it seeing it praiseth it selfe inough and seeing good wine needeth no tauerne bushe to vtter it But yet in this Oration whosoeuer thou art most gentle Reader thou shalt beside other matters see it notably and learnedly handled of what importaunce and how inuincible the power and excellencie of Gods truth is which as it may now and then be pressed of the enemies so it can not possibly be oppressed and darkened after such sorte but it sheweth it selfe againe at length Mens traditons The contents of Winchesters booke De vera obedientia The kinges mariage with Queene Anne more glorious and more welcome Thou shalt see also touching obedience that it is subiect to truth and what is to be iudged true obedience Besides this of mens traditions which for the most parte be most repugnaunt against the truth of Gods law And there by the way he speaketh of the Kings said highnes mariage which by the ripe iudgemente authoritie and priuiledge of the most and principall Vniuersities of the world and then with the consent of the whole Church of England Supreme head he contracted with the most excellent and most noble Lady Queene Anne After that touching the Kings Maiesties title as perteining to the supreme head of the Church of England Lastly of all The Bishop of Roomes pretensed supremacy of the false pretenced supremacie of the Bishop of Rome in the Realme of England most iustly abrogated and how all other Byshops being felowlike to him in their function yea and in some points aboue him within their owne prouinces were before time bound to the King by their othe But be thou most surely perswaded of this good Reader that the Bishop of Rome if there were no cause else but onely this mariage Bo●ner knewe well what morsell would best please his father of Rome that mony bribes would soone stoppe his mouthe would easely content himselfe specially hauing some good morsell or other geuen him to chaw vpon But when he seeth so mighty a King being a right vertuous and a great learned Prince so sincerely and so hartely fauour the Gospell of Christ and perceiueth the yearely and great pray ye so large a pray that it came to as much almost as all the Kings reuenues snapped out of hys hands and that he can no longer exercise his tyranny in the Kings Maies●ies Realme * Seeing thou knewest the Pope to be such a cruell tirant why then wouldest thou against thy knowledge become his slaughter man alas heeretofore too cruell and bitter nor make lawes as he hath done many to the contumelie and reproch of the Maiestie of God which is euident that he hath done in time past vnder the title of the Catholicke Church and the authoritie of Peter and Paule when notwithstanding he was a very rauening Wolfe dressed in sheepes clothing calling himselfe the seruaunt of seruaunts to the great damage of the Christen common wealth heere heere began all the mischiefe thereof rose these discords these deadly malices and so great and terrible bustling For if it were not thus could any man beleeue that this Iuppiter of Olympus which falsely hath arrogated vnto himselfe an absolute power without controlment woulde haue wrought so diligently by all meanes possible to stirre vp all other Kings and Princes so traiterously against this so good and godly and so true a Gospellike Prince as he hath done Neyther let it moue thee gentle Reader that Winchester did not before now apply to this opinion for he himselfe in this Oration sheweth
his word will be aboue theyr gouernours in refusing to obey them Secondly beside this rebellious disobedience in these Bishops of Rome not sufferable The pride of the Pope described theyr pride moreouer so farre exceedeth all measure that they will haue theyr princes to whō they owe subiection prostrate vpon y e ground to adore them by godly honor vpon the earth and to kysse theyr feet as if they were God where as they be but wretched men and yet they looke that theyr princes should do it vnto them and also all other christen men owing them no subiection should do the same And who be these I pray you that men may knowe them Surely sayth he the Bishoppes of Rome be these whom I do meane Who following the pride of Lucifer theyr father make themselues fellowes to God and do exal● theyr seate aboue the starres of God and do ascend aboue the cloudes and will be like to almighty God The starres of God be ment the aungels of heauen for as stars doe shew vnto vs in part the light of heauen so do Aungelles sent vnto men shew the heauenly light of the grace of God to those to whom they be sent And the cloudes signified in the olde Testament the Prophettes and in the new doe signify the Apostles and Preachers of the woord of God For as the cloudes do conceiue and gather in the skye moysture The Pope 〈◊〉 aboue the cloudes and the 〈◊〉 of heauen which they after poure downe vpon the ground to make it thereby more fruitfull so the Prophets in the olde Testament and the Apostles and Preachers in the newe do poure into our eares the moysture of theyr heauenly doctrine of the word of God to make therewith by grace our soules beinge scere and drye to bring foorth fruit of the spirite Thus doe all auncient expositours and amongest them Saynt Augustine interpret to be ment in Scripture starres and cloudes in the exposition of the 45. Psalme But S. Iohn the Euangelist writeth in the 19. chapter of the Apocalips Apoc. 19.22 in the 22. also that whē he would haue fallen downe at the Aungels foote that did shew him those visions there written to haue adored him with godly worship the Aungell sayd vnto him See thou do not so for I am the seruaunt of God as thou art Geue adoration and Godly worship to God and not to me Here it appeareth that the Bishops of Rome suffering all men prostrate before them to kisse theyr feet yea the same Princes The Pope exalted aboue Angels to whom they owe subiection do clime vp aboue the starres and Aungels too offering their feet to be kissed with shoes and all For so I saw my selfe being present 34. yeares ago whē Iulius thē Bishop of Rome stood on his feet and one of his chamberlaynes held vp his skyr● because it stood not as he thought with his dignity that he should do it himselfe that his shoo might appeare whiles a noble man of great age did prostrate himselfe vpon the ground and kissed his shoo which he stately suffered to be done as of duety Where me think I saw Cornelius the Centurion Captayn of the Italians ●and spoken of in the tenth Chapiter of the Actes submitting himselfe to Peter and much honoring him but I saw not Peter there to take him vp and to bidde him rise saying I am a man as thou art as Saynt Peter did say to Cornelius The Pope climeth aboue the Apostles so that the Bishops of Rome admittting such adoration due vnto God doe clime aboue the heauenlye cloudes that is to say aboue the Apostles sent into the world by Christ to water the earthly and carnal hartes of men by theyr heauenly doctrine of the word of God Thus Bishop Tonstall hauing described the passing pride of the Pope surmounting like Lucifer aboue Byshops Apostles Aungelles and starres of heauen proceeding then further to the latter ende of his Sermon commeth to speake of his rage and malice most furious and pestilent The Pope stirreth vp warre agaynst England in that he being iustly put from his kingdome here to wreake his spitefull malice styrreth vppe warre against vs bloweth y e horn of mischief in geuing our land for a spoyle and pray to all whosoeuer at his setting on will come and inuade vs. The treason of Cardinal Poole But let vs heare his owne wordes preaching to the king and all Englishmen touchyng both the popes malice and the treason of Cardinall Poole Now sayth he because he can no longer in this realm wrongfully vse his vsurped power in all thinges as he was wont to do and sucke out of this Realme by auarice insatiable innumerable summes of money yearely to the great exhausting of the same he therefore moued and repleat with furious ire and pestilent malice goeth about to styrre all Christen nations that will geue eares to hys deuillish enchauntmentes to moue warre agaynst this realme of England geuing it in pray to all those that by hys instigation will inuade it And here expounding these foresayd wordes to geue in pray he declareth what great mischiefe they conteyne and willeth euery true Englisheman well to marke the same First to make this realme sayth he a pray to all vēturers The Pope geueth England away for a pray all spoylers all snappehaunses all forlornehopes all cormorantes all rauenors of the world that will inuade this Realme is to say thou possessioner of any landes of thys Realme of what degree soeuer thou be from the highest to the lowest shalt be slayne and destroyed and thy lands taken from thee by those that will haue all for themselues thou mayest be sure to be slayne for they will not suffer thee nor none of thy progeny to liue to make any claime afterwarde or to be reuenged for that were theyr vnsurety Thy wife shal be abused before thy face thy daughter lykewise defloured before thee thy children slayne before thine eyes thy house spoyled thy cattell driu●n away sold before thy visage thy plate thy mony by force taken frō thee all thy goodes wherin thou hast any delight or hast gathered for thy children rauened broken and di●tributed ●n thy presence that euery rauenour may haue his share Thou Marchaunt art sure to be slaine for thou hast either money or ware or both which they search for Thou Byshoppe or priest whatsoeuer thou be shalt neuer escape because thou wouldest not take the Bishop of Romes part and rebell agaynst God and thy Prince as he doth If thou shalt fi●e and escape for a season whatsoeuer thou be thou shalt see and heare of so much misery and abhomination that thou shalt iudge them happy that be dead before for sure it is thou shalt not finally escape For to take the whol realme in pray is to kill the whole people and to take the place for themselues as they will do if they can And the Bishop of Rome now
extant in his workes to be seene and woorthy in all ages to be marked the tenour whereof tendeth to this effect as followeth Tyndals supplications to the King Nobles and subiects of England I Beseech the Kings most noble grace well to consider all the wayes Tindals supplicatiō to the king and states of England by the whiche the Cardinall and oure holy Byshops haue led hym since he was first King and to see whereunto all the pride pompe and vaine boast of y e Cardinall is come and how God hath resisted hym and oure Prelates in all their wiles We hauing nothing to do at all haue medled yet with all matters and haue spente for our Prelates causes more then all Christendome euen vnto the vtter beggering of our selues and haue gotten nothing but rebuke and hate amōg all nations a mocke and a scorne of them whom we haue most holpen For the Frenchmen as the saieng is of late dayes made a play or a disguising at Paris in whiche the Emperour daunsed with the Pope and the French King and weeryed them the King of England sitting on a hye bench and lookyng on The king of England payes for all And when it was asked why he daunced not it was aunswered that he sat there but to pay the minstrels their wages As who shoulde say we payd for all mens dauncing We monied the Emperour openly and gaue y e french King double and treble secretly and to the Pope also Yea and though Ferdinandus had money sent openly to blind the world withall yet the saieng is through all Dutchland that we sent money to the King of Pole c. Furthermore The secō● petition of Tindall I beseech his grace also to haue mercy of his owne soule and not to suffer Christ and his holy Testament to be persecuted vnder his name any longer that the sword of the wrath of God may be put vp agayne which for that cause no doubt is most chiefly drawne Thirdly my petition is to his grace The third petition of Tindall to haue compassion on his poore subiectes that the Realme vtterly perish not with the wicked counsayle of our pestilente Prelates For if his grace which is but a man should die the Lords and commons not knowing who hath most right to enioy the crowne the realme could not but stand in great daunger My fourth sute and exhortation is to all the Lords temporall of the realme Th● 4. p●●●tion of Tindall Limitation of succession to the Crowne I pray God this be not a prophesie agaynst England The 5. petition of M. Tindall that they come and fall before y e kings grace and humbly desire his Maiestie to suffer it to be tried who of right ought to succeede And if he or shee fayle who next and who third And let it be proclaimed openly and let all the Lords temporall be sworne therto and all y e knightes and squiers and gentlmen and the commons aboue xviij yeares old that there be no strife for the succession If they trie it by the sword I promise them I see no other likelyhode but it will cost the realme of England c. Further of all the subiects of England this I craue that they repent For the cause of euill rulers is the sinne of the subiects as testifieth the Scripture And the cause of false Preachers is that the people haue no loue vnto the truth sayth Paule in the 2. Chapter of the 2. Epistle to the Thessalonians We be all sinners an hundred times greater then all that we suffer Let vs therefore eche forgiue other remembring the greater sinners the more welcome if we repent according to the similitude of the riotous son Luk. xv For Christ died for sinners and is their Sauiour and his bloud their treasure to pay for their sinnes He is that fatted calfe which is slaine to make them good cheare withall if they wil repent and come to their father againe and his merites is the goodly rayment to couer the naked deformities of their sinnes Finally if the persecution of the Kings grace and of other temporall persons conspiring with the spiritualtie be of ignoraunce I doubt not but that their eyes shal be opened shortly and they shal see repent and God shal shew them mercy But if it be of a set malice against the truth and of a grounded hate against the law of God by the reason of a full cōsent they haue to sinne and to walke in their old wayes of ignoraunce whereunto beeing now past all repentance they haue vtterly yeelded themselues to followe with full lust without bridle or snaffle which is the sinne against the holy Ghost then ye shall see euen shortly that God shall turne the poynt of the sword wherewith they now shed Christes bloud homewarde to shed theyr owne againe after all the examples of the Bible These thinges thus discoursed pertayning to the story and doings of Tindall finally it remayneth to inferre certayne of his priuate letters and epistles whereof among diuers other which haue not come to our hands two speciall he wrote to Iohn Frith one properly vnder his own name another vnder the name of Iacob but in very deede was written and deliuered to Iohn Frith being prisoner then in the Tower as ye shall further vnderstand by the sequeale heereafter The copie and tenour of the Epistles heere followeth A letter sent from Tyndall vnto Mayster Frith being in the Tower THE grace and peace of God our Father and of Iesus Christe our Lord be with you Amen Dearely beloued brother Iohn A letter of Tindall to M. Fryth I haue heard say how the hipocrits now that they haue ouercome that great busines whiche letted them or at the least way haue brought it at a stay they returne to their olde nature againe The will of God be fulfilled and that which he hath ordeyned to be ere the world was made that come and his glory raigne ouer all Dearely beloued how euer the matter be commit your selfe wholy and onely vnto your most louyng Father and most kynde Lorde and feare not men that threate nor trust men that speake faire but trust him that is true of promise and able to make hys word good Your cause is Christes Gospell a light that must be fed with the bloud of fayth The lampe must be dressed and snuffed dayly and that oyle poured in euery euening and morning that the light go not out Though we be sinners Pet. 2. yet is the cause right If when we be buffeted for well doing we suffer paciently and endure that is acceptable to God for to that end we are called For Christ also suffred for vs leauing vs an example that wee should follow his steps who did no sin Herby haue we perceiued loue that he layd downe his life for vs 1. Iohn 3. therefore we ought also to lay downe our liues for the brethren Reioyce and be glad Math. 5. Rom. 8.
cyuill and also the lawes of God be on our side For a free man borne doth not lose his liberty no nor hurt the plee of his libertie though he write himselfe a bond man Againe if they leane to custome we send them to sainct Ciprian which saith that custome Custome if trouth be not ioyned with it is nothing but erroris vetustas that is an old error Christ sayd Ego sum via veritas vita I am y e way trouth and life He neuer sayd Ego sum consuetudo I am the custome Wherfore seeing custome serueth you on y e one side and Scripture vs vppon the other are ye able to matche vs In how many places doth Christ monish you to seek no primacie to preferre your selues before no body no The Popes 〈◊〉 and his digni●● agree not to geather to be obedient vnto all creatures Your old title Seruus seruorum euill agreeth with your new forged dignitie But we will not tary in matters playne We onely desire God y t Cesar other Christian Princes would agree vpō some holy Councell where trouth may be tried and Religiō set vp which hath bene hurt by nothing so sore as by general not generall Councels Errours and abuses grow to fast Best that euery Prince reforme his owne realme and tary not for generall Councells Erudimini erudimini qui iudicatis terram Get you learning you y t iudge the earth excogitate some remedy for these so many diseases of y e sick Church They that be wisest do dispayre of a generall Councel Wherfore we think it now best that euery Prince call a Councell prouincial and euery Prince to redresse his owne Realme We make all men priuy what we thinke best to be done for the redresse of religion If they like it we doubt not but they wil follow it or some other better Our trust is that all Princes will so handle themselues in this behalfe that Princes may enioy their own and Priests of Rome content themselues with that they ought to haue Princes as we trust will no longer nourish Wolues whelpes they wil subscribe no more to popish pride to the Papacie c. Fauour our doinges O Christen Princes Your honor ancient Maiestie is restored Remēber there is nothing pertaining so muche to a Princes honour as to set forth truth and to helpe religion Take you heed that their deceite worke not more mischief then your vertue can doe good euerlasting warre we would all Princes had with this Papacie As for their Decrees so harken to them that if in this Mantua assemble thynges be well done ye take them but not as authorised by them but that trouth and thyngs that mainteyne Religiō are to be taken at all mēs hādes And euē as we will admit thynges well made so if there be any thyng determined in preiudice of trouth for mainteinaūce of their euill grounded primacy or that may hurt y e authoritie of kings we protest vnto y e whole world that we neither allow it nor will at any tyme allow it Ye haue Christen Readers our mynde cōcernyng the generall Councell We thinke you all see that Paule his Cardinals Byshops Abbots Monkes Friers with the rest of the rablemēt do nothing lesse intēd then the knowledge or search of trouth Ye see this is no tyme meete Mātua no place meete for a generall Coūcell And though they were both meete yet except some other cal this Coūcell you see that we neither neede to come nor to sēd You haue heard how euery Prince in his owne Realme may quiet thynges amisse If there be any of you that can shew vs a better way we promise w t all harty desire to do that that shal be thought best for the setlyng of Religion that we wil leaue our owne aduises if any mā shew vs better Which mynde of ours we most hartly pray GOD that gaue it vs not onely to encrease in vs but also to send it vnto all Christen Princes all Christen Prelates and all Christen people A little before the death of Queene Anne there was a Parliamēt at Westminster wherin was geuē to the kyng by cōsent of the Abbots all such houses of religiō as were vnder 300. markes Which was a shrewde prognosticate of the ruine of greater houses which in deede folowed shortly after as was might easely be perceaued before of many who thē sayd that the low bushes and brambles were cut downe before but great okes would folow after Although the proceedyng of these thyngs did not well like the myndes of the Popes frendes in Englād The Papistes purpose disapointed Queene Iane maryed to the king yet notwithstandyng they began agayne to take some breath of comfort when they sawe the foresayd Queene Anne dispatched Neuerthelesse they were frustrate of their purpose as is aforeshewed and that doblewise For first after they had their willes of Queene Anne the Lord raysed vp an other Queene not greatly for their purpose with her sonne kyng Edward L. Cromwell groweth in authoritye And also for that the Lord Crōwell the same tyme began to growe in authoritie Who like a mighty piller set vp in the Churche of Christ was enough alone to confounde and ouerthrow all the malignant deuises of the aduersaries so long as God gaue him in lyfe here to continue whose story hereafter followeth more at large Shortly after this foresayd Mariage of the kyng with this Queene Iane Semer aboue mentioned in y e moneth of Iune duryng the continuation of the Parliament by the consent of the Clergy holdyng thē a solemne conuocation in the Church of S. Paule Alteration of religion a little beginneth a booke was set forth conteyning certaine Articles of religon necessary to be taught to the people wherein they intreated specially but of three Sacramentes Baptisme Penaunce the Lordes Supper Where also diuers other thyngs were published concernyng the alteration of certaine pointes of Religion as that certaine holy dayes were forbiddē and many Abbayes began to bee suppressed For the whiche cause the rude multitude of Lincolneshyre fearing the vtter subuersion of their old Religion Commotion in Lincolnshire wherein they had bene so long nousled did rise vp in a great cōmotion to the nūber welneare of 20. thousād hauyng for their Captaine a Monke named D. Makerell calling himselfe then Captaine Cobbler but these rebels being repressed by the kyngs power and desiryng pardon A mōke stirrer of the cōmotiō soone brake vp their assembly For they hearing of the royal army of the king cōming against them wyth his owne persone there present fearing what would follow of this first the noble men and Gentlemen which before fauoured them began to w tdraw themselues so that they were destitute of Captaines and at the laste they in writing made certaine petitions to the king protesting that they neuer intended hurt toward his royal person These petitions the king
I must here knowledge the exceeding greatnes of your Lordshippes benefite Boner preferred to the Byshopricke of Hereford by the L. Cromwel with mine owne imbecillitie to recompence it and say as Virgil writeth Grates persoluere dignas non opis est nostrae Surely my good Lorde I neither am neither shall be able to requite thus your Lordships moste speciall kindnesse and bountifull goodnes at any time vnlesse I shoulde vse that ciuile remeady called in law acceptilation which great detters especially are accustomed to procure at the handes of their creditours Acceptilation whereby yet neuertheles your goodnes the onely doer thereof shoulde rather be encreased then my duetie towardes the same thereby diminished And cessio Bonorum the onely extreeme refuge and helpe of poore detters deuised also in * * Here seemeth to lack some word but that I would not alter any thing in his owne copie ciuile myghte somewhat help herein sauing that it is not possible that I shall come Ad tam pinguem fortunam Wherupon that remedy is grounded whereby I may recompence and requite this dette worthely So that in cōclusion there resteth this that vnlesse your Lordships self do lose me as you haue boūd me I shal and that ful gladly remaine cōtinually your most boundē beadesmen And Syr I most humbly beseeche your good Lordship in the honor of God seeing this thing is begonne and auaunced onely by your goodnesse and meanes you will to the entent the acte may be wholely your owne stretche out your goodnesse not suffering the rest to be perfited otherwise thē by your own hands wherin as I must shall knowledge my selfe to be exceedingly beholden vnto your good Lordshippe so shal the same more esteeme and set by during my life hauing so attained it by your onely goodnes And verely if your good Lordship be not better to me heerein then I can L. Cromwel onely the aduancer of D. Boner therfore in an other letter he calleth him his onely Mecenas The promotions of Boner vnlesse it be of your owne goodnes desire you I knowe not howe I shall be able to ouercome the great charges annexed to this promotion For though my promotions afore were right honest and good yea and suche as one of farre better qualities then I was or am of ought therewith to haue beene contented yet considering that of diuers of them it is to witte Leicester Bledon Derham Cheswicke and Cheryburton the first fruites tenthes and charges borne I haue not receiued clerely one penie I am now neuer a whit the more able to beare the great charges of this I shall therefore herein and in all things els pertaining heereunto seeing your Lordshippe is so great a patrone and will nedes binde me for euer to be your owne as in deede I will referre all together vnto your goodnesse beseeching you to take the order and disposition of all into your handes I cannot tell whether the late Bishop standeth bounden for the first fruits tenthes or other dueties which by stature may be demanded of his successour but I feare it greatly and beseeche your Lordship that I may be holpen therein My charges nowe heere enforceth me the more to speake and trouble your good Lordship which at the beginninge are not a fewe and yet not ended Of my fidelitie to your good I haue of fiue hundreth crownes remaining fortie bestowed vpon horses m●le mulet raiment and other necessaries standing debter to M Thirlby neuertheles and also to M. Doctour Heynes for one hundreth markes or fast vpon to them both And besides this suche is my chaunce nowe at the beginning diuers of my seruauntes haue fallen sicke being in great pearill and daunger putting me to no little charges Ouer and besides these displeasures comming vnto me by not hauing their seruice and other to keepe them and also wantinge mine other seruaunts in Englande which thoughe I haue sent for them yet neither they neither my horses or stuff are come I must and doe take patience trusting it will mende Vpon the closing vp of this letter and depeache of this bearer God willing I will packe vp my geare and to morow betime followe the French kinge who yesterday departed from Shambour and maketh haste towardes Paris And thus our blessed Lord long and wel preserue your good Lordship in health At Bloyse the 2. of September in the euening Scribled by the weary hand of him that is bounden to be and is in dede your Lordships beadesman ● at commaundement Edmund Boner Diuers other Letters beside this of Doct. Boner remayne in writyng vpon the like effect and purport which here also I might adde for a further demōstration hereof but this one in stede of many may suffice D. Boner all this while shewed himselfe to be a goo● man and a good Gospeller Now to our purpose agayne which is to declare how this Doct. Boner in the tyme of his first springyng vp shewed him selfe a good man a fast frend to the Gospell of Christ to the kyngs proceedynges contrariwise how Steuen Gardiner did halt then both with God with the kyng Also what vnkyndnes and contumelies the sayd Boner receaued at his handes what rancour and hartburnyng was betwene them Rancor and hartburning betweene● the Bish. of Winchester and Boner and what complayntes the one moueth agaynst the other remaineth cōsequētly by their writyngs recordes to be opened For the more euident demonstration whereof they that haue the letters of y e sayd Doct. Boner written from Fraunce to the kyng and the Lord Cromwell may right well perceaue And first to note what a Gospeller he was in his letter from Roan hee speaking of hys trustie companion and bearer of hys letters who was belike D Heines he geueth thys report both of him and of hymselfe saying If this bearer had beene so much desirous to please the Emperour and followe his religion The wordes of Boner declaring himselfe to be a Gospeller as he was studious to serue truely your grace and to aduaunce the truthe he had not wanted c. And againe And besides that he hath not wanted the euil report of naughtie fellowes Boner recompted a Lutherane naming him a Lutherane wherein for companie I was ioyned such was their goodnesse c. Againe in an other letter written to the Lord Cromwel these woordes he hath speaking of his companion Doctor Heines Especially for that the saide D. Heines by his vprighte dealing herein Doct. Boner and Doct. Heynes noted for Lutheranes and professing the truth neither gate thanks nor reward but was blased abroad by honest folks to be a Lutherane The les hee pleaseth in Spayne the better argument it is that his entent was to serue none but the kings highnesse and the truth c. And furthermore in an other minute wryting to the L. Cromwel of Steuen Win. and of his churlishnes toward him thus he sayth And there founde
vpon the bourd and the Bishop in washing standing so betweene me and the dore that I could not get out The straūgenes betweene Winchester and Boner Winchesters bookē of instructions to Boner Thyrlebye and Winchester great togeather and there would he needes that I should wash with hym and sup and I suppose all the way from Barella to Bloys he talked not aboue foure times with me and at euery time sauing at Molyns where he by mouth told me somewhat of the Kings affaires heere in Fraunce and at Veronne when he aunswering to my requests in writing deliuered me his booke of his owne hand for mine instructions the copie whereof is now sent heere withall there was quicke communication betweene vs. His talking by the way was with M. Thirleby who I thinke knoweth a great deale of his doing and will if he be the man I take him for tell it plainely to your Lordship I my selfe was out of * * Why Boner was out of credite with Wynchester Winchesters fleshe trembled at the first comming of Doct· Thirleby to succeede him credence with the Byshop not being appliable to his manners and desires And surely as M. Thirleby told me at his first comming to Lyons and then speaking with the Bishop the Bishop seemed to be so well content to returne and so glad of his comming to succeede him that his fleshe in his face began all to tremble and yet would the Bishop make men beleeue that he would gladly come home Which thing beleeue it who will I will neuer beleeue for euer he was looking of letters out of England from M. Wallop and M. Brian whome he taketh for his great frends and M. Wyat himselfe reckoned that the Bishop should haue come into Spaine or else my Lord of Durham Winchester loth to returne into England so that the Bishop of Winchester euer coueted to protract the time desiring yet withall to haue some shadow to excuse and hide himselfe as tarieng at Barella he made excuse by my not comming to Lyons and comming to Varennes and there hearing by the Embassadors of the Venetians a flieng tale of the going of the Frenche King towardes Bayon to meete the Emperour Boner called M. diligence by and by he said lo where is mayster diligence now If he were now heere as then I was that night wee would to the Court and present him and take our leaue But whē I in the morning was vp afore him and ready to horse hee was nothing hasty No comming to Molyns afore him and there tarrieng for him the Frenche King lieng at Schauenna three small leagues off hee made not halfe the speede and haste that hee pretended I mislike in the Byshop of Winchester that he cannot be content that any ioined in commission with him The second complainte should keepe house but to be at his table Wherein eyther he searcheth thereby a vaine glory and pride to himselfe with some dishonour to the King Winchester would be alone as who saith there were among all the Kings Embassadors but one able to mainteine a table and that were he either else he doth the same for an euill entent and purpose to bring them therby into his daunger that they shall say and do as liketh him alone which I suppose verily hath bene his entent I mislike in the sayd Bishop that where he for his owne pompe and glory hath a great number of seruaunts in their veluets and silkes The thyrd complaynte The Pompe and glory of Winchester with their chaines about their neckes and keepeth a costly table with excessiue fare and exceeding expenses many other waies he doth say and is not ashamed to report that he is so commaunded to do by the Kings grace and that is his aunswere commonly when his frends telleth him of his great charges and so vnder colour of the Kings commaundement and honour he hydeth his pride which is heere disdained The fourth complaynte Wynchester geuen more to hys owne affections thē to the kings affayres I mislike in the said Bishop that he hauing priuate hatred against a man will rather satisfie his owne stomacke and affection hindering and neglecting the Kings affaires then relenting in any part of his sturdy and stubburne will geue familiar and harty counsaile whereby the Kings highnes matters and busines may be aduaunced and set foorth to him that he taketh for his aduersary I mislike in the said Bishop that he euer continually heere in this Court of Fraunce made incomparably more of the Emperours The 5. cōplaint Wynchester suspected to be imperiall King of Portugals Venetians and Duke of Ferraries Ambassadours then of any Frenchmen in the Court which with hys pride caused them to disdaine him and to thinke that he fauoured not the French King but was imperiall I mislike in the Bishop that there is so great familiaritie and acquaintance The 6. cōplaint Boner like a true Gospeller complayneth of Papistes yea and suche mutuall confidence betweene the said Bishop and M. as naughty a fellow and as very a Papist as any that I know where he dare expresse it The Bishop in his letters to M. Wyat euer sendeth speciall commendations to Mason and yet refuseth to send any to M. Heynes and me being with M. Wyat as we perceiued by the sayde letters And Mason maketh such foundation of the Bishop that he thinketh there is none suche And hee telled me at Villa Franca that the Byshop vpon a time when he had fallen out wyth Germaine so trusted him that weeping and sobbing he came vnto him desiring and praieng hym that hee woulde speake wyth Germaine and reconcile him Winchester suspected of vntrue dealing so that no wordes were spoken of it and what the matter was hee would not tell me That yong fellowe Germaine knoweth all and Preston which is seruaunt to the Byshop of Winchester shewed me one night in my chamber at Bloys after supper that Germaine is euer busie in shewing the Kings letters to straungers and that he himselfe hath geuen him warning thereof This thing Preston told me the night before that the Byshop departed hence and when I woulde haue more of him therein hee considering how the Bywop and I stoode kept him more close and woulde say no further In this declaration of D. Edmund Boner sente to the Lord Cromwell aboue prefixed Thinges in the foresayd declaration to be noted The rancour and pride of Steuen Gardiner diuers things we haue to note First as touching Steuen Gardiner Bish. of Wint. heere we haue a plaine demonstration of his vile nature and pestilent pride ioyned with malice and disdaine intollerable whereof worthely complaineth D. Boner aforesayd shewing sixe speciall causes why and wherefore he misliketh that person according as he was willed before by the Kings commaundement so to do Secondly in the said Steuen Wint. this we haue also to note and vnderstand that as he heere declareth a secret inclination from
c. The English is this Pope Gregorie the seuenth called Hildebrand holding a Synode accursed such as committed Simonie and remooued married Priestes from saying seruice forbidding also the lay men to heare their Masse after a new and strange example as many thought after an vnconsiderate preiudice against the sentence of holie fathers And thus much for the antiquitie of bringing in the single life of Priests which first springing from the tyme of Pope Nicholas and Alexander 2. began first with a custome and afterward was brought into a lawe chieflie by Pope Hildebrand and so spread from Italie into other countries and at length into England also albeit not with out much adoe as ye shall heare the Lord willing In the meane while as Pope Nicolas and Hildebrand were busie at Rome so Lanfranke Archb. of Canterbury likewise was doing here in England about the same matter although he began not altogither so roughlie as Pope Hildebrand did for so it appeared by his Councell holden at Winchester where though he inhibited such as were Prebendaries of cathedrall churches to haue wiues yet did he permit in his Decree Lanfrancks law for Priestes not to marye that such Priests as dwelt in townes and villages hauing wiues should reteine them still and not to be compelled to be separate from them and they which had none should be inhibited to haue enioyning moreouer the Bishops thus to foresee hereafter that they presumed not to admit into order any priests or Deacons vnlesse they should first make a solemne profession to haue no wiues The words of the Councell be these Decretumque est vt nullus Canonicus vxorem habeat sacerdotum verò in castellis in vicis habitantium habentes vxores Ex act 〈…〉 sub 〈◊〉 non cogantur vt 〈◊〉 non habentes interdicantur vt habeant deinceps caueant Episcopi vt Sacerdotes vel Diaconi non praesumant ordinare nisi profiteantur vt vxores non habeant c. And here to note by the way of the said Lanfranke for all his glorious gaye shew of his monkish virginitie and single life yet he escaped not altogither so vnspotted for his part but that the storie of Mathew Paris writing of Paulus Cadonensis Ex Math Pari●i●● Lanfra●●●● supposed 〈◊〉 to be a 〈◊〉 virgine whom Lanfranke preferred so gladly to be Abbot of S. Albons thus reporteth of him Paulus inquit Monachus Cadonensis Archiepiscopi Lanfranci nepos iure aliquorum relationibus consanguinitate propinquior c. That is Paule a Monke of Cadune and nephew of the Archbishop Lanfranke yea as some say further more neere in bloud to him then so c. Then after Lanfranke came Anselme into the See of Canterbury who taking to him a stouter stomacke Anselme Archb. of Canterb●●y a const●●● doer 〈◊〉 Priestes mariage more fiercelie and egerlie laboured this matter in abrogating vtterly the mariage of priests Deacons Subdeacons and of the vniuersall clergy not permitting as Lanfranke did Priests that had wiues in villages and townes to keepe them still but vtterly commanding and that vnder great paine not onelie Priests and Deacons but Subdeacons also which is against the Councell of Laterane which were already maried to be seperated Concil ●a●teran 〈◊〉 14. De 〈◊〉 matrimo●●● copulati● and that none should be receiued into order hereafter without profession of perpetuall chastitie And yet notwithstanding for all this great blustering and thundering of this Romish 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Priests yet still holding their owne as well as they could gaue not much place to his vnlawfull Iniunction but kept stil their wiues almost two hundred yeares after refusing and resisting of long time the yoke of that seruile bondage to kepe still their freedome from such vowing professing and promising as may well appeare by those Priests of Yorke of whom Gerardus Archbishop of Yorke speaketh writing to Anselme in these wordes Sitio Clericorum meorum integritatem sed praeterquam in paucis admodum ve Aspidis surditatem vel fabulosi cuiusdam Prothei mutabilitatem inuenio Varijs linguarum aculeis minas modò conuitia infligunt Sed hoc facilius in his qui remotíores sunt tolero Illud omninò graue genus mali est quod hi qui quasi in sinu meo sunt qui Canonicorum nomine gaudent canones aspernant aduersus concilij nostri statuta quasi Sophistici disputatores argumētantur professiones verò mihi penitus abnegant Canonici illi qui sine professione ad sacros ordines inordinabiliter sunt prouecti qui in praesbyteratu vel Diaconatu constituti vxores siue Concubinas in publico hactenus habuerunt ab Altari nulla se reuerentia continuerunt Cum verò ad ordines aliquos inuito dura ceruice nituntur ne inordinando castitatem profiteantur In englishe thus I much desire the puritie of my clergye men Howbeit except it be in very few I finde in them the deafenes of the serpent aspis and the inconstancie of Protheus that the Poets fable spake of With theyr stinging tongues they cast out some while threates some while tauntes and rebukes But this greeueth mee lesse in them that be further off This greeueth mee most of all that they whiche be of mine owne Church as in myne owne bosome and prebendaryes of myne owne See contemne our Canons and argue like Sophisticall disputers agaynst the statutes of our Councell The prebendaries which vnordinately haue bene taken into orders heretofore without making vow or profession refuse vtterly to make profession to me And they that be priestes or Deacons hauing maryed before openly wyues or Concubines will not be remoued for anye reuerence from the Aultare And when I call vpon any to receaue order styffely they deny to professe chastitie in theyr ordering c. Thus for al their rigorous austeritie by this Anselme in forcing his Decree made at London agaynst the marriage of Priests yet the same had no great successe Hereby appeareth tha● Priestes 〈◊〉 the ol●● time here 〈◊〉 England 〈…〉 made ●ow of ●●●●stity at th● orders b●fore this tyme. Ex 〈◊〉 lib. 4· neither in his life time nor after his life For although sondry priestes during his life tyme were cōpelled by his extremitie to renounce theyr wyues yet many denyed to obey him Diuers were contented rather to leaue theyr benefices then their wiues A great number were permitted by king Henry for mony to enioy theyr wiues Which was so chargable vnto them sayth Edmer in his 4. booke that at length two hundreth priestes in theyr Albes and Priestly vestementes came barefoote to the kings Pallace crying to hym for mercy and especially makyng theyr sute to the Queene who vsing much compassion towardes them yet durst not make for them any intercession Anselme at this time was ouer the Sea making his voyage to the pope Who hearing hereof Read 〈◊〉 pag. 19● writeth to the King declaring that suche forfaytures appertayned nothing to him
they came not emptie handed willed them to be called in Crōwell there shewing his obediēce offering his iolye iunkets Cromwels presentes to the Pope Cromwell a suter for Boston Pardons suche as Kings and Princes only sayd he in the realme of Englaād vse to feede vpon desired y e same to be accepted in beneuolent part which he and his cōpanions as poore suters vnto his holines had there brought and presented as nouelties meete for his recreation c. Pope Iulius seing the straungenes of the dishes commaunded by and by his Cardinall to take the assay Who in tasting thereof liked it so wel and so likewise the Pope after him that knowing of them what their sutes were and requiring them to make knowen the making of that meate he incontinent without any more adoe stamped both their pardons Boston pardons obtayned at Rome as well the greater as the lesser And thus was the iolye pardons of the Towne of Boston obteyned as you haue heard for the maintenaunce of their decayed porte The copie of which Pardons which I haue in my handes briefly comprehended commeth to this effect That all the brethren and sisters of the gylde of our Lady in S. Botulphes church at Boston The effect and contentes of Boston pardons should haue free licence to choose for their confessor or ghostly father whome they woulde eyther seculare Prieste or religious person to assoyle them plenarely from all their sinnes except only in cases reserued to the Pope Also should haue licence to carry about with them an aultar stone whereby they might haue a Priest to say them Masse or other diuine seruice where they would without preiudice of any other Church or Chappell though it were also before the day yea and at three of the clocke after midnight in the Sommer tyme. Furthermore that all suche breethren and sisters of the sayd gilde which should resort to y e chappel of our Lady in S. Botulphes Church at the feast of Easter Whitsontide Corpus Christi the Natiuitie or Assumption of our Lady or in y e Octaues of them the feast of S. Michaell and first Sonday in Lent should haue Pardon no lesse then if they themselues personally had visited the Stations of Rome Prouided that euery such person man or woman entring into the same gilde at his first entraunce should giue to the finding of vij Priests xij Queresters xiij beademen and to the lightes of y e same brotherhoode a Grammer schole vj. shillings viij pence and for euery yeare after xij pence And these premisses being before graunted by Pope Innocentius and Pope Iulius 2. this Pope Clement also confirmed graunting moreouer that whatsoeuer brother or sister of the same gylde thorough pouertie sickenes or any other let could not resort personally to the saide chappell notwithstanding he should be dispensed withall as well for that as for all other vowes irregularities censures Canonicall whatsoeuer only the vowe of going the Stations of Rome and going to S. Iames of Compostella excepted c. He also graunted vnto them power to receaue full remission A poena culpa once in theyr lyfe or in the houre of death Item that hauing their aultar stone they mighte haue Masse sayd in any place though it were vnhallowed Also in the time of interdict to haue Masse or any Sacramente ministred and also being departed that they might be buried in Christen buriall notwithstanding the interdict Extending moreouer his graunt that to all such breethren and sisters in resorting to the foresayd Chappell of our Lady vpon the Natiuitie or Assumption of our Lady giuing supportation to the sayd Chappel at euery such Festiuall daye to haue full remission of all their sinnes Or if they for any impediment could not be present at the Chappell aforesayd yet if they came to their owne Parish Churche and there sayd one Pater noster and Aue Maria they should enioy the same remission aboue specified or whosoeuer came euery Friday to the same Chappell should haue as much remission as if he went to the Chappell of our Lady called Scala coeli Furthermore that whatsoeuer Christē people of what estate or cōdition soeuer either spirituall or tēporal would ayde support the chamberlaines or substitutes of y e foresayd gylde should haue fiue hundreth yeares of pardon Item to all brothers and sisters of the same gylde was graunted free libertie to eate in time of Lent or other Fasting dayes egges milke butter cheese and also fleshe by the counsaile of their ghostly father and phisition without any scruple of conscience Item that all partakers of the same gylde and beyng supporters thereof which once a quarter or euery Friday or Saterday either in the said Chappell in S. Botulphes Church or any other Chappell of their deuotion shall say a Pater noster Aue Maria and Creede or shall say or cause to be sayde Masses for soules departed in paynes of Purgatory shall not onely haue the full remission due to them which visite the Chappell of Scala Coeli or of S. Iohn Lateran but also the soules in Purgatory shall enioy full remission and be released of all their paynes Item that all the soules departed of the brothers and sisters of the sayde gylde also the soules of their fathers and mothers shall be partakers of all the prayers suffragies almoses fastings masses and mattens pilgrimages and of all other good deedes of all the holy Churche militant for euer c. These indulgencies pardons grauntes and relaxations were geuen and graunted by Pope Nicholas the fift Pope Pius 2. Pope Sixtus and Pope Iulius the second of which Pope Iulius it seemeth that Cromwell obteyned this Pardon aforesaide about the yeare of oure Lorde 1510. Which Pardon againe afterward through the request of King Henry an 1526. was confirmed by Pope Clement the seuenth And thus much concerning the pardon of Boston renued by the meanes of Thomas Cromwell of Pope Iulius the second All this while it appeareth that Cromwell had yet no sound taste nor iudgement of Religion but was wylde youthfull without sence or regard of God and his worde as he himselfe was wont ofttimes to declare vnto Cranmer Archbishop of Cant. shewing what a ruffine he was in his yong dayes Cromwell was in th● 〈◊〉 of the Duke of B●●rbon bes●●ging Rome and how he was in the warres of duke Bourbon at the siege of Rome also what a great doer he was with Geffray Chambers in publishing and settyng forth the pardon of Boston euery where in Churches as he went and so continued till at length by learnyng the texte of the newe Testament without booke of Erasmus translation in his going and comming from Rome as is aforesayd he began to be touched and called to better vnderstanding In this meane tyme Thomas Woolsey Cardinall of Yorke began to beare a great port in England Cromwell ●●ceiued into the Cardinalls ser●●ce and almost
Aidanus Ceadda king Ulferus Oswius Elfreda King Oswys daughter Kineburga Hilda Botulphus Edeldreda King Oswald Edgar Erkenewaldus Bishop Ethelwoldus Bishop of Winchester Osketellus Archbishop of Yorke Oswaldus Bishop of Worcester Leswinus Byshop of Dorcester Dunstane and diuers other The end and final cause why they were builded appeareth in stories to be The ende and cause of building religious houses pro remissione redemptione peccatorum pro remedio liberatione animae pro amore coelestis patriae in eleemosinam animae in remissionem criminum pro salute Regnorum pro salute requie animarum patrum matrum fratrum sororum nostrarum parentum omnium benefactorum in honorem gloriosae Virginis c. As may appeare in auncient histories in olde Charters and donations vnto religious houses and in the Chronicle of Ingulphus as also all other stories be full of the same So King Ethelstane for killing his brother Edwyne builded two Monasteries The damnable doctrine and institutions of religious sectes and orders Midleton and Michelneye for his soule page 152. Which doctrine and institution for so much as it tendeth and soundeth directly against the foundation of Christian religion against the Testamēt of God the Gospel of Iesus Christ the freedome of our redemption and free iustification by fayth it is therfore to be condēned as execrable and horrible as euil or worse then the life of the persons and not only worthy to be suppressed to the foundation but to be maruelled rather that God woulde suffer it to stand so long Gods con●●nual pla●●●gaynst Mo●●sterye● Albeit Gods mighty vengeance and scourge hath not ceased from time to time to worke againste suche impious foundations from the time of theyr first setting vp For besides the inuasions of the Danes whiche may seeme to be stirred vp of God especially for the subuersion of Abbeyes let old hystories be searched what Monasterie almost in all this Realme was eyther leaft by the Danes or reedified agayne after the Danes but by some notorious casualty of fire sent by Gods hand it hath bene burnt vp First the Monasterie of Caunterbury called the house of S. Gregory was burnt an 1145. and afterward againe burnt an 1174. Ex hist. Geruasij The Abbey of Croyland also was twise burnt Ex hist. Ingulphi The Abbey of Peterborow twise set on fire an 1070. Ex Chron. Peterb The Abbey of S. Maries in Yorke burnt with the hospitall also The Abbey of Norwich burnt The Abbey of S. Edmunds Bury burnt and destroyed Ex Chron. S. Edmund The Abbey of Worcester burnt The Abbey of Glocester was also burnt The Abbey of Chichester burnt The Abbey of Glastenbury burnt The Abbey of S. Mary in Southwarke burnt The Church of the Abbey at Beuerley burnt The steeple of the Abbey of Euesham burnt These with many other monasteries mo Abbeyes burnt and 〈◊〉 within fire God brought downe to the ground so that few or none of all the Monasticall foundations in all England either before the Conquest escaped the hands of the Danes and Scottes or else after the Conquest escaped destruction of fire and that not without ius●●●use deserued The doctrin of the monkes worse then their liues for as the trade of their lyues was too too wretched and bestiall so the profession of theyr doctrine was intollerable fraught with all superstition full of much Idolatrie and vtterly contrary to the grace of the Gospell and doctrine of Christ. Furthermore the more these Abbeyes multiplyed and the longer they continued in time the more corruption still they drew vnto them And albeit we reade the name of Monkes to haue continued from the old auncient time yet notwithstanding the Monkes of those dayes were not like to the Monkes of our time nor their houses then like to our Abbeyes nowe So we reade of the Monkes of Bangor before the comming of Augustine but those Monkes got their liuing with toyle and labour of theyr hands and had no other lands nor lordships to liue vpō 16. q. 1. Mo●●chus 16 q. 2. 〈◊〉 caus● 〈◊〉 Againe neither were they as Ministers then but as Laye men according as Hierome describeth the Monkes of his time sayeng Monachus non docentis sed plangentis habet officium And againe he sayeth Alia causa est Monachi alia Clerici Clerici oues pascunt Ego pascor That is A Monkes office is not to preache but to mourne The state of a Monke is one thing and the state of a Priest is another Priestes feede the flocke of Christ. I am fedde c. Also in the storie of Ingulphus Abbot of Croylande Ex 〈…〉 thus I finde an 1075. In Croylandiam primum installatus inueni tunc in isto Monasterio Croylandési Monachos numero 62. Quorum quatuor laici fratres erant praeter aliorum Monasteriorum Monachos nostri capituli conprofessos c. That is Lay 〈…〉 Being installed in the Abbey of Croyland I found there to the number of lxij Monkes Of which Monkes foure of them were laye breethren besides the Monkes of other Monasteries which were also professed to our Chapter c. The like matter also appeareth in the fourth Canon of the Councell of Chalcedon where it is prouided Ne Monachi se Ecclesiasticis negotijs immisceant c. Et Leo Epist. 62. Vetat Monachos laicos etsi scientiae nomine glorientur admitti ad officium docendi concionandi Whereof reade more page 154. Thus it appeareth about or before the time of Hierome that Monkes in the firste persecutions of the Primitiue Church were lay men and companies of Christians associating themselues together eyther for feare of persecution or for eschewing the company of heathen Gentiles Afterward in continuance of time when the Gentiles began to be called to Christianitie the monkes yet keeping theyr name growing in superstition woulde not ioyne with other Christians but keepe still their brotherhoodes diuiding themselues from other Christians and professing a kinde of life straunge and diuers from the common trade Upō this diuersitie of life and profession folowed also like diuersitie of garments and attire differing from their other breethren After this moreouer came in the rule of S. Benedict enioyning to them a prescribed forme of goyng of wearing of watching sleeping rising praying of silēce sole life and diet and all thinges almost differing from the vulgar sort of common Christians Whereby men seeing theyr austerity beganne to haue them in great admiration Monkes diuers from other in apparell And thus growing vp in opinion of ho●●nes of lay men and laborers they came at length to be Clergy men and greatest doers of all other in Christes religion In so muche that at last there was none reputed almost for a religious man or perfect christian vnles he were a monk neither almost was any aduaūced to any dignity of the Church but either he was a monke or afterward he put on a
knaues to meddle with Counsellers matters Had not mony bene well bestowed vpon such a good felow as this is that knoweth not a Councellers man frō a Coblers man And with those wordes the Lord Cromwell went vp into the kinges chamber of presence and the Archbishops Secretary with him where he found in the chamber the Lord of Caunterbury To whō he sayde my Lord I haue founde here good stuffe for you shewing to him the paper booke that he had in his hand ready to bring both you this good felow your mā to the halter The wordes of the L. Cromwel to the Archb. Cranmer namely if the knaue Beareward now in the Hall might haue well compassed it At these wordes the Archbishop smiled and sayd he that lost the booke is lyke to haue the worse bargayne for besides that he was well washed in the Thames he must write the booke fayre agayne at those wordes the Lord Cromwell cast the booke vnto the Secretary saying I pray thee Morice go in hād therwith by by with all expedition for it must serue a turne Surely my Lord it somwhat reioyseth me quoth the L. Cromwell that the verlet might haue had of your man xx s. for the book and now I haue discharged the matter with neuer a peny And shaking him wel vp for his ouermuch malepar●nes I know the felow wel enough quoth he there is not a rancker Papist within this realme thē he is most vnworthy to be seruaunt vnto so noble a Princesse And so after hūble thanks geuen to the Lord Cromwell the sayd Morice departed with his booke which when he agayne had fayre written was deliuered to the kinges Maiesty by the sayd Lord Cromwell within 4. dayes after * The Lord Cromwell not forgetting his olde frendes and benefactours IT is commonly sene that men aduaūced once from base degree to ample dignityes do rise also with fortune into such insolency and exaltatiō of mind The gentle behauiour of the L. Cromwell in remembring his olde frende that not only they forget themselues what they were from whence they came but also cast out of remembraunce al their old frendes and former acquayntance which haue bene to them before beneficiall Frō which sort of men how farre the curteous cōdition of this christen Earle did differ by diuers examples it may appeare As by a certain poore woman keping some time a vitailing house about Hownsloe to whom the said Lord Cromwell remayned in debt for certayne old reckonings to y e summe of xl.s. It happened that the L. Cromwel with Cranmer Archbishop of Cāterbury riding thorow Cheapeside toward the Court in turning his eye ouer the way and there espying this poore woman brought now in need misery eftsones caused her to be called vnto him Who being come after certayn questions asked of her if she were not such a womā and dwelling in such a place At last he demaunded if he were not behind for a certayne payment of mony betwene him and her To whō she with reuerent obeisance confessed that he ought her money for a certayn old reckoning which was yet vnpayd wherof she stoode now in great necessity but neuer durst call vpō him nor could come at him for to require her right Thē the L. Cromwell sending the poore woman home to hys hou●e and one of his seruants withall Example of a gratefull debter that the Porter should see her in after his returne from the Court not onely discharged the debte which he ought but also gaue her a yearely pension of foure poundes and a liuery euery yeare while she liued The like curtesy the said L. Cromwell shewed also to a certayne Italian who in the city of Florence had shewed him much kindnes in succoring and relieuing his necessity as in this story following may appeare Which storie set forth and compiled in the Italian tong by Bandello imprinted at Luke by Busdrago an 1554. Ex historia Italica I thought here to insert with the whole order and circumstance therof as it is reported Not many yeares past sayth the author there was in Florence a merchant whose name was Fraunces descended from the noble auncient family of the Frescobaldes A notable story of the ● Cromwel and an Itallan this Gentleman was naturally indued with a noble liberall minde vnto whome also through prosperous successe and fortunate lucke in his affayres and doings much aboundaunce of riches increased so that he grew in great wealth hauing his cofers replenished w t many heapes of much treasure He according to the custome Marchantes vsed his trade into many countries but chiefely into England where long time he liued soiourning in London keping house to his great commendation and prayse It happened that Fraunces Frescobald being in Florence there appeared before him a poore yong man Crōwell asking hys almes of Frescobald asking his almes for Gods sake Frescobald as he earnestly beheld this ragged stripling who was not so disguised in his tottered attire but that his countenaunce gaue significatiō of much towardnes vertue in him with cōformity of maners agreing to the same being mooued with pity demaūded of what coūtry he was where he was borne I am Syr quoth he of England Note that this cloth sherer was his father in lawe my name is Thomas Cromwell My father is a poore man by his occupation a cloth sherer I am straied from my country and am now come into Italy with the campe of frenchmē that were ouerthrowne at Gatilyon Cromwel page to a souldiour where I was the page to a footman carying after him his pike and burganet Frescobald partly considering the present state of this yong man and partly for the loue he bare to the english natiō of whom he had receiued in times past sondry pleasures receiued hym into his house with such curtesy interteined his gest as at his departure whē he was in mind to returne to his coūtry he prouided such necessaries as he any way neded The gentlenes of Frescobald shewed to Cromwell He gaue him both horse new apparrel 16. duckats of gold in his purse to bring him into his coūtry Cromwell rendering his harty thanks tooke leaue of his host returned into England This Cromwell was a man of noble courage heroicall spirite geuen to enterprise great matters very liberall a graue Counseller c. But to our purpose At what tyme Cromwell was so highly fauoured of his prince and aduanced to such dignitie as is aforesaid Frāces Frescobald as it many tymes happeneth vnto Merchants was by many misfortunes and great losses cast backe and become very poore For according to conscience and equitie he payd whatsoeuer was due to any other frō himself but such debts as were owing vnto him he could by no meanes obtaine An Italian Ducate cōmeth to as much as our Englishe crowne yet calling further to remembrance that in
England by certaine merchants there was due to him the summe of 15000. ducates he so purposed with him self that if he could recouer that mony he would well content himself and no longer deale in the trade of merchants but quietly passe ouer the rest of his dayes All things prepared for his iourney he setting forward towards England at last arriued at London hauyng vtterly forgotten what curtesie long before hee had shewed to Cromwel which is the property alwayes of a good nature for a man to forget what benefites he hath shewed to other but to kepe in mind continually what he hath receiued of other Frescobald thus being now ariued at Lōdon and there trauelling earnestly about his businesse it chanced him by the way to meete with this noble man as he was riding toward the court Whome as soone as the sayd lord Cromwell had espied and had earnestly beheld he bethought with himselfe that he should be the man of Florence at whose hands in tymes past he had receyued so gentle entertainment and therupon sodenly alighting to the great admiration of those that were with him in hys armes he gently embraced the stranger and with a broken voyce scarce able to refraine teares he demanded if he wer not Frances Frescobald the Florētine Yea sir he answered and your humble seruant My seruant quoth Cromwell The wordes of the Lord Cromwell to the Italiā Marchaunt no as you haue not bene my seruant in times past so will I not now account you otherways then my great and especiall frend assuring you that I haue iust reason to be sory that you knowing what I am or at the least what I should be will not let me vnderstand of your arriuyng in this land which known vnto me truely I should haue payd part of that debte which I confesse to owe you but thanked be God I haue yet tyme. Well sir in conclusion you are hartilie welcome Old friendship remēbred But hauing now waightie affaires in my princes cause you must hold me excused that I can no longer tary with you Therfore at this tyme I take my leaue desiring you with the faithfull mynde of a friend that you forget not this day to come to my house to dinner and then in remounting on his horse he passed to the Court Frescobald greatly meruailing with himselfe who this Lord should be at last after some pause hys remembraunce better called home he knewe hym to be the same whome long before as you haue heard he had relieued in Florence and thereat not a little ioyed especially considering how that by his meanes he should the better recouer his duety The houre of dinner drawing neere he repayred to the house of this honourable Counsellour where walkyng a while in his base Court he attended his commyng The Lord shortly returned from the Court and no sooner dismounted but he agayne embraced this Gentleman with so frendly a countenance that both the Lord Admirall and all the other noble men of the Court beyng then in his cōpany did not a little maruell thereat Which thing when the Lord Cromwell perceyued he turnyng towardes them The curtesie of the Lord Cromwell in retayning his old host and holding Frescobald fast by the hand do ye not meruaile my Lordes quoth he that I seeme so glad of this man This is he by whose meanes I haue atchieued the degre of this my present calling and because ye shall not be ignoraunt of hys curtesie when I greatly neded I shall tell it you and so there declared vnto them euery thing in order accordyng as before hath bene recited vnto you His tale finished holdyng him still by the hand he entered his house and commyng into the Chamber where his dinner was prepared he sate hym downe to the Table placing his best welcomed guest next vnto him The dinner ended and the Lordes departed he would know what occasion had brought Frescobald to London Fraunces in few wordes opened his cause truely tellyng that from great wealth he was fallen into pouerty and that his only portion to maintayne the rest of his life was xv thousand Ducates which were owyng him in england and two thousand in Spaine Whereunto the lord Cromwell answeryng agayne sayd touching the things Maister Frescobald that be already past although it can not now be vndone by mans power nor by pollicye called agayne which hath happened vnto you by the vnstable cōdition and mutabilitie of this world altering too and fro yet is not your sorrow so peculiar to your selfe alone but that by the bond of mutuall loue I must also bewaile with you this your state and condition which state and condition of yours though it may worke in you matter of iust heauines yet notwithstanding to the intent you may receaue in this your heauy distresse some consolatiō for your old curtesie shewed to me in tymes past the lyke curtesie now requireth of me agayne that I likewise should repay some portion of that debt wherin I stand bound vnto you according as the part of a thankfull man byndeth me to do in requiting your benefites on my part heretofore receiued And this further I auouch in the word of a true frend that during this life and state of myne I will neuer fayle to do for you wherein my authoritie may preuaile to supply your lacke and necessitie And so let these fewe wordes suffice to giue you knowledge of my friendly meaning But let me delay the tyme no longer Then taking him by the hand he led him into his chamber whence Example of a faythful debter after that euery man by his commandement was departed he locked fast the dore Thē opening a coffer full heaped with treasure he first tooke out sixtene Ducates and deliueryng them to Frescobald he sayd loe here my friend is your mony which you lent me at my departure from Florence and here other tenne which you bestowed in my apparell with ten more that you disbursed for the horse I rid away on But cōsidering you are a merchant it seemeth to me not honest to returne your money without some consideration for the long detainyng of it Take you therefore these 4. bags The Lorde Cromwelles vsury and in euery of them is 400. ducates these you shall receiue and enioy from the hands of your assured friend Frescobald although from great welth he was brought to a lowe ebbe and almost an vtter decay yet expressyng the vertue of a modest mynde after gentle thankes geuen to the Lord Cromwell for his exceedyng kyndnesse shewed curteously would haue refused that which was offered had not the other enforced him agaynst his will to receiue it This done he caused Frescobald to geue him a note of the names of all his debters and the summe that from euery of them was owyng him Kindnes requited with kindnes This scedule he deliuered to one of his seruants vnto whom he gaue charge diligētly to search out such men whose names
maruelled at it said plainly that y e Scripture knew no such terme of transubstantiation Damlip threatned by the Byshops Then begā the other Bishops to threaten him shortly to cōfute him with their accustomed argument I meane fire and fagot if hee should still stand to y e defence of that he had spoken Wherunto he constantly answered that he would the nexte day deliuer vnto them fully so much in writing as he had said whereto also he would stand and so was dismissed The next day at the houre appointed to appeare when they looked surely to haue apprehended hym in the meane season he had secrete intimation from the Bishop of Canterbury Damlip secretly warned to voide that if he did any more personally appeare he should be committed vnto Warde not like to escape cruell death Wherupon he plaieng in deede then somewhat old Adams part for such is man left in his owne handes had him commended vnto them and sent them four sheetes of paper learnedly written in the Latin toung cōteining his faith with his argumentes conferences of the Scriptures and allegations of the Doctours by a messenger or frend of his Whiche done he hauyng a little money giuen him in his purse by his frends stepped aside and went to the West countrey and there kept all the time whyle great trouble kindled against Gods people in Calice vpon the same as ye shall heare the Lord permitting After his departure the Kings Maiestie was aduertised that there was great dissention diuersitie of pernitious opinions in his sayd towne of Calice greatly tending to the daunger of the same Wherupō during yet the daies of the Lord Cromwell D. Champiō and M. Garret sent to preach at Calyce were sent ouer Doct. Champion Doctour of Diuinitie M. Garret who after was burned two godly and learned men to preach and instruct the people and to cōfute all pernitious errours who in effect preached and mainteined the same true doctrine which Adam Damlip had before set foorth and by reason thereof they left the Towne at their departure very quiet and greatly purged of the sclaunder that had runne on it After the departure of the sayd Champion and Garret one Sir William Smith Curate of our Lady Parishe in Calice a man very zelous though but meanely learned did begin to preach and earnestly to inuey against Papistrie and wilfull ignoraunce exhorting men obediently to receaue the word and no longer to contemne the same Syr W. Smith Curate and a zealous preacher at Calyce least Gods heauie plagues and wrath should fall vpon them which alwayes foloweth the contempt of his holy word Which sir William Smith for that sometime he would be very feruent zelous sharply inueying against the despisers of the word was moued by some of y e Counsell there who woulde seeme to fauour Gods word that he should not be so earnest against them that yet could not away with the same willing him to beare with suche for by bearing with them they might hap to be wonne Well well said the same Smith openly in the Pulpit one day as he preached some men say I am too earnest and will me to beare with such as continue open enemies against Christes holy Gospell and refuse nay forbid that any should reade the Bible or holy scripture within their house but let all such take heede for before God I feare that God for their contemning of his word will not long beare with them but make them in suche case as some of them shall not haue a head left them vpon their shoulders to beare vp their cap withal which also after came to pas This Smyth continued in the diligente bestowing of his talent there till shortly after the deuill got such hold in the harts of a number of Gods enemies that he with diuers other godly men were called ouer into Englande and charged with erroneous opinions worthy of great punishment as hereafter more at large shall appeare First the Lord Lislie the Kings deputy there whome we shewed to be the maintainer of Damlip albeit he were himselfe of a most gentle nature of a right noble bloud The Lord Lisli● base sonne to K. Edward the 4. the base sonne of that noble Prince King Edwarde the fourth being fiercely set on and incessauntly entised by the wicked Lady Honor his wife who was an vtter enemie to Gods honour and in Idolatry hypocrisie pride incomparably euill she beeing dayly and hourely thereunto incited and prouoked by Sir Thomas Palmer Knight Iohn Rookewood Esquire two enemies to Gods word Syr Thomas Palmer M. Rookewood The Councell of Calice letters against the Protestantes beginning now to flourish at Calice these I say with certayne other of the Counsell of the sayd Towne of Calice to the number of vij mo besides themselues seeking occasion or rather a quarell where no iust cause was geuē begā to write very heinous letters and greuous complaints vnto the Lordes of the priuie Counsell agaynst dyuers of the Towne of Calice affirming that they were horribly infected with heresies and pernitious opinions As first the foresaid Adam Damlip who though he were for a time escaped their hands yet stacke still in their remembraunce from time to time vntill at last the innocent man was cruelly put to death as a traitor as hereafter shal appeare Also besides this Damlip they complained of Thomas Broke Rafe Hare likewise of Sir Iohn Butler then Commissarie and Sir W. Smith Iames Cocke aliàs Coppen de Hane Iames Barber other and the names of them all sente ouer Of the wich persons first the sayde Thomas Broke and Rafe Hare Coppen de Hane and Iames Barber were apprehended and sent ouer and cōmitted to prison in Westminster gate and then commanded to appeare before the Archbishop of Canterbury the Bish. of Winchester the Bishop of Chichester and ten other appointed by the Kings maiesties commission for the examination of them And their accusers also were sent ouer with letters from the Counsell there vnto his priuie Councell here in the furtheraunce of their malicious sutes against those honest men with certaine speciall letters directed vnto the Lord Fitzwilliams then Earle of South-hampton great Admirall of Englād to the L. Sandes Lord Chamberlayne of the Houshold likewise also to sir William Kingstone Knight Comptroller of y e houshold and to D. Sampson then B. of Chichester and other tending all to one effect that is to say to the vtter destruction of these godly men if God after his wonted manner had not mightely preserued them and as it were ouershadowed them with the wings of his mercy That the same may the better appeare you shall vnderstand that first Rafe Hare a man rude and so vnlearned that scarce he could reade yet through Gods grace The trouble o● Rafe hare souldiour of Calice was very zelous and therwith lead so godly temperate a life as not one of his enemies
lawfull I will passe vnto the second part where as I do say that it is not onely done against the worde of God but also against equitie and iustice to forbid priests to marry for so much as it is not lawfull for any man by any meanes to forbid y t thing which the Lord hath left at liberty For S. Paule in the xiij chapter vnto the Hebrewes declareth that matrimony is lawfull for all men saying that mariage and the vndefiled bed or chamber is honourable amongest all men and in the first to the Corinthians and vij chapiter He sayth for auoiding of whoredome Let euery man haue a wife of his owne but I know what these obstinate and stiffe necked will aunswer vnto me that the same is spoken and meant of others and not of priestes But what will they aunswere vnto me as touching that whiche is written in the first to Timothie and iij. chapter A Bishop ought to be without rebuke the husband of one wyfe and by and by after he sayeth Deacons ought to be the husbandes of one wyfe the which should rule and gouerne their children and family vprightly Unto these Paule affirmeth matrimony to be meete and necessary let them say what they can vnto the contrary What could bee more vehemently spoken agaynst their wicked tiranny then that which by the holy Ghost he declareth in the iiij chapter of the same Epistle that in the latter daies there should come wicked men which should forbid matrimonye and calleth them not onely deceiuers but also wicked spirites attending vnto the doctrine of wicked spirites but these men thinke that they haue very well escaped whē as they wrest this sentence to those old ancient heretikes the Tatianes they say these men did onely condemne matrimonye we do not condemne it but onely forbidde Church men to marry Unto whome we thinke matrimonye is not conuenient As though that albeit this prophesie were first of all complete and fulfilled in the Tationes that it did not also redound vnto them or as though this theyr subtile sophistication were worthy to be regarded that they do not deny or prohibite matrimony because they do not forbid it vnto all men generally Lyke as if a tyraunt would contend and affirme hys lawe to be good by the extremity and violence whereof onely one part of the citie is oppressed but now let vs heare the reasons of the contrary part it behoueth say they a Priest to differ from the common sort of the people by some notable marke or token But read Saint Paule where as he describeth the perfect Image of a good Bishop did he not recken and account mariage amongest the other good giftes which hee required to bee in them But I knowe very well howe these men interprete Paule Uerily that a Bishop ought not to be chosen which hath married hys second wyfe But also it appeareth openly by the text that this interpretation is false for so much as he doth by and by declare shew what maner of women the wiues of Byshops deacons ought for to be Wherfore Saint Paule nūbereth matrimony amongest the principall vertues pertainyng vnto a Bishop And these men do teache it to be an intollerable vice amongest the orders of the Church and not beyng content with that generall reproche or slaunder they call it in the Canons the vncleanlinesse pollutyng and defilyng of the fleshe Nowe let euery man consider with himselfe out of what shop this stuffe is taken God instituted matrimony Christ sanctified it with hys presence by turnyng water into wyne and vouchsafed so to honour it that he would haue it the Image or figure of his loue and friendship with the Church What can be more famous or notably spoken to the commendation and prayse of wedlocke But these vnshamefast faces doe call it a filthy and vncleane thyng alledgyng the Leuitical priestes which as often as they came vnto the office of ministration were bounden to lye a part from their wiues whereby they beyng cleane and vndefiled might handle the holy things A 〈…〉 again● Priestes mariage 〈◊〉 Leuit●●●ll Priestes 〈◊〉 time 〈…〉 from 〈◊〉 wiue●●●go Chri●●●● Prie●te● must haue no 〈◊〉 I do 〈◊〉 the argum●●● and our sacraments for so much as they are much more noble and excellent then theirs and daily vsed it would be a very vncomely thing that they should be handled by maried men As though that the office of the ministery of the Gospell were all one with the Leuiticall priesthoode For they as figures did represent Christ which beyng mediator betweene God and man by hys singular and absolute puritie and cleannes should reconcile the father vnto vs for so much as on no part sinners could exhibite or shew forth any tipe or forme of his sanctity or holynesse yet to the intent they might shadow hym out with certaine similitudes or lineamentes they were commaunded that when so euer they should come vnto the sanctuary or holy place they should purify themselues aboue all mens order or fashion for then did they most nere and properly figurate Christ which appeared in the Tabernacle as peacemakers to reconcile the people vnto God This Image or personage forsomuch as our Ecclesiasticall pastors at this day doe not take vpon them or execute in vayne are they compared vnto them Wherefore the Apostle without all exception vpon a sure good ground doth pronounce and say that mariage is honourable amongest all men and that whoremongers and adulterers do abide the iudgement of God Besides all this the Apostles themselues by their examples do prooue that matrimony is not vnworthy of any office or function be it neuer so excellent for S. Paule himselfe is witnes that they did not only kepe their wyues but also caried them about with them The 4. Article That all those heresies commonly called the heresies of England 4. Article or at the least the greater or most part of them to be now presently vnderstand and knowen by the English men to be of themselues good and iust and to be obserued of all faythful Christians as most true and conformable vnto the law of God and that he hath persuaded many persons to imbrace the sayd heresies Borthwike Saint Iohn in his xi chapter declareth how Caiphas hy● Bishop of Ierusalem did prophesie that Iesus should dye for the people which thing he spake beyng vtterly ignoraunt The lyke Image of blyndnes we haue now presently in our luxurious Cardinall of S. Andrewes and hys adherents which accused religion of heresie which in the yeare of our Lorde 1540. was had in estimation in England at the which tyme they proclaymed me an Arch-heretike although they esteeme the same religion for most christian for what religion at that tyme was vsed in England The 〈◊〉 of religio● in Engl●●● An. 15●● the lyke the whole realme of Scotland did imbrace in this poynt onely the English men differed from the Scottes that they had cast of the yoke of
were now by iust authoritie fully abolished throughout this realme of England and the right vse of the Sacrament of the most precious body bloud of our sauiour Iesus Christ truely restored in stead of the same But neuertheles as at no tyme any thing can be so well done of the godly but that the wicked will find some meanes subtilly to deface the same so likewyse at this present through the peruerse obstinacy dissembling frowardnes of many the inferior priests and ministers of the cathedrall and other churches of this realme Priuy hinderers of the Gospell there did aryse a meruailous schisme and varietie of fashions in celebratyng the common seruice and administration of the Sacraments Diuision among the Priestes about the kinges proceedinges and other rites and ceremonies of y e church For some zealously allowyng the kyngs proceedings dyd gladly follow the order thereof and others though not so willingly admittyng them did yet dissemblingly and patchingly vse some part of them but many carelesly cōtemnyng all would still exercise their old wonted popery Wherof the kyng and his Counsell hauyng good intelligence and fearyng the great inconueniences daungers that might happen through this diuision and beyng therwithall loth at the first to vse any great seuerity towards hys subiects but rather desirous by some quiet and godly order to bring them to some conformitie did by theyr prudent aduises againe appoynt the Archbishop of Caunterbury with certaine of the best learned and discrete bishops and other learned men diligently to consider and ponder the premisses and thereupon hauyng as well an eye and respect vnto the most sincere and pure Christian religion taught by the holy scriptures as also to the vsages of the primatiue church to draw and make one conuenient and meete order rite and fashion of common prayer administration of the Sacraments to be had and vsed within this his realme of England One vniforme order of commō prayer and the dominions of y e same Who after most godly and learned conferences thorough the ayd of the holy Ghost with one vniforme agreement did cōclude set forth and deliuer vnto the kings highnes a booke in English intituled A booke of the common prayer and administration of the Sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church after the vse of the Church of England The whith his highnes receiuing with great comfort and quietnesse of mynd did forthwith exhibite vnto the Lords and Commons of the parliament then assembled at Westminster about the 4. of Nouember in the second yeare of his raigne and in the yeare of our Lord 1548. and continuyng vnto the 14. day of March then next ensuyng Whereupon the Lords spiritual and temporal and the Commons of the sayd Parliament assembled well and throughly consideryng as well the most godly trauayle of the kings highnes of the Lord Protector Anno 1548. and other of his maiesties Counsaile in gatheryng together the said Archbishop bishops and other learned men as the godly praiers orders rites and ceremonies in the sayd booke mentioned with the consideratiō of altering those things which were altered and retainyng those thyngs which were retayned in the same booke as also the honour of God and great quietnes which by the grace of God should ensue vpon that one and vniforme rite and order in such common prayer rites and externe ceremonies to be vsed throughout England Wales Calice and the marches of the same dyd first geue vnto hys highnesse most lowly and hearty thankes for the same Statut. 〈◊〉 3. Reg. Ed● cap. ● and then most humbly prayed hym that it myght be ordeyned and enacted by hys Maiesty w t the assent of the sayd Lords and Commons in that parliament assembled and by the authoritie of the same that not only all and singular person and persons that had thertofore offended concernyng the premisses others then such as were then remainyng in Ward in the Tower of London or in the Fleete myght be pardoned thereof but also that all and singular ministers in any Cathedrall or parish Churches or other places within the Realme of Englād Wales Calice and the Marches of the same or other the kings dominions should from and after the feast of Pentecost next commyng be bounden to say and vse the Mattins Euensong celebration of the Lords supper and administration of ech of the Sacraments Petition 〈◊〉 the Lorde● 〈◊〉 in the Pa●●liament to the king and all other common and open prayer in such order forme as was mentioned in the sayd booke and none other or otherwise And albeit that they were so godly and good that they gaue occasion vnto euery honest and conformable man most willyngly to embrace them yet least any obstinate persons who willingly would disturbe so godly an order and quiete in this realme should not go vnpunished they further requested that it might be ordeined and enacted by the authoritie aforesayd that if any maner of Person Uicar or other what so euer minister that ought or should say or sing common prayer mencioned in the sayd booke or minister the Sacraments should after the sayd feast of Pentecost then next commyng refuse to vse the sayd common praier or to minister the Sacraments in such cathedrall or parish churches or other places as he shoulde vse or minister the same in such order fourme as they were mentioned set foorth in the sayd booke or should vse wilfully obstinately standyng in the same any other rite ceremonie order fourme or maner of masse openly or priuily or Mattinnes Euensong administration of the Sacraments or other open prayer then was mentioned and set foorth in the sayd booke or should preache declare or speake any thyng in the derogation or deprauyng of the sayde booke or any thyng therein conteyned or of any parte thereof and should be thereof lawfully conuicted accordyng to the lawes of this Realme by verdite of twelue men or by his owne confession or by the notorious euidence of the fact should loose and forfayte vnto the Kynges hyghnesse hys heyres successours for hys first offence one whole yeres profite of such one of his benefices or spirituall promotiōs as it should please the kings highnes to assigne appoint and also for the same offence should suffer imprisonmēt by the space of sixe monthes without bayle or mainprise Anno 1549. But if any such person after his first conuiction Penaltye should eftsone● offend agayne and be thereof in forme aforesayd lawfully cōuicted then he should for his second offence suffer imprisonment by y e space of one whol yeare should also be depriued Ipso facto of all his spirituall promotions for euer so that it should be lawfull for the patrons Doners therof to geue the same agayne vnto any other learned man in like maner as if y ● sayd partie so offending were dead And if any the sayd person or persons shoulde agayne the thyrd tyme
done and finally albeit it be a good while since hee was put to death yet the memorie of hys death as frutefull seede hath taken such roote in some that euen vnto this present day he is a liuely and diligent preaching vnto them against superstition and Idolatry vsed in their Churches Ex testimonio N. Fildi Pendigrace aliorum qui rei gestae interfuerunt The tragicall hystorie of the worthy L. Edward Duke of Somerset Lord Protector with the whole cause of his troubles and handling AFter so many troublous matters in this historie aforepassed comming nowe to the lamentable and tragicall narration of the L. Edward duke of Somerset Anno 1552. the kings vncle and Protector of his person of his realme I could not wel enter into the story of him without some premonition first to all noble personages The story of the L. Protector Duke of Somerset of what honor or calling soeuer within this realme by way of history briefly to admonish them no man to plant any trust or assurance vpon the brickle pillers of worldly prosperity howe high soeuer it seemeth consideringe that there is no state so high but it hath his ruine wisedome so circumspecte but it maye bee circumuented no vertue so perfecte but it may be enuyed neither any mans trade so simple but it maye be beguiled And therefore seeing the condition of mortall things is so Worldly prosperity not to be trusted vnto that no man can alwaies stand in this so ruinous a world y e surest way is euery man to chuse his standing so that his fall may be y e easier But because my purpose is as I haue said in the stories before to abridge and make short I will here stay referring to the secrete cōsideration of that which remaineth further by me in this matter to be vttered and so falling into the storie of the Lorde Protectoure Duke of Somerset we will the Lorde willing declare in order the original and whole occasion of his trouble and decay euen from the beginning King Edwarde after that both his father and mother were dead had three vncles least him by his mothers side Edwarde Thomas and Henry Semer of the which two first one was made Protectour of the Realme and the other high admirall of the same These two brethren so long as they were knit ioyned together in amitie and cōcorde Concorde maketh brethren strong preserued both themselues the king their nephew and the whole common wealth from the violence and feare of all danger But the subtil old serpent alwaies enuying mans felicitie through slanderous tongues sought to sowe matter first of discord betwene them then of suspition and last of all extreme hatred in so much that the Protectour suffered his brother being accused whether truely or falsely the Lorde knoweth to be condemned and to loose hys heade Wherby it came to passe whether by y e correction of Gods iudgement vpon him or whether that he after the death of his brother and the king being yet but yong and tender of age was the lesse able to shift for himselfe that not long after he was ouermatched and ouerthrowen of his enemies and so cast into the Tower and at last lost hys head also to the great lamentation of many good men as in the sequele of this hystorie foloweth to be declared For the better introduction of which hystorie firste to begin with the foresaide brother of the Lorde Protectoure Syr Thom●● Semer 〈◊〉 admirall namely Sir Thomas Semer high Admirall of England and the kings Uncle here is to vnderstande that he hadde maried Queene Katherine late wife to kinge Henrye the eight of whome ye heard before pag. 1342. Displeas●●● betweene the Quee● the Du●●ches of So●merset Now it happened vppon what occasion I knowe not that there fell a displeasure betwixt the sayde Queene and the Duchesse of Somerset and therupon also in the behalf of their wiues displeasure and grudge began betwene the brethrē Which albeit through perswasion of frendes it was for a time appeased betweene them Discorde betweene the L. Pr●●tectour 〈◊〉 the L. A●●mirall his brother The L. A●●mirall beheaded at tower hy● yet in shorte space after perchaunce not without y e priuie setting forward o● some whych were backefrendes to the Gospell it brake out againe both to the trouble of the Realme and especially to the cōfusion of them both as after it is prooued First to the Lorde Admiralles charge it was laide that hee purposed to destroy the young king and translate the Crowne vnto hymselfe and for the same being attainted and condemned did suffer at Tower hill the 20. of Marche An. 1549. As manye there were which reported that the Dutches of Somersette had wrought his death so manye moe there were En quo discordial fratres per●ducit mise●ros who misdoubting the long standing of the Lord Protectour in hys state and dignity thought and affirmed no les but that the fall of the one brother woulde be the ruine of the other the experiment whereof as it hath often ben proued so in these also eftsoones it ensued It was not long after the beheading of the Lorde Admirall but insurrections began to kindle the same yeare in diuers quarters of the realme as is aboue storied Iohn Du●●ley Earle 〈◊〉 Warwicke afterward Duke of Northumberland By the occasion wherof the lord Russel lord priuy Seale was sent to the West parts and the lord Dudley Earle of Warwike was sent w t an armie into Norfolke where bothe he hymselfe a great number of Gentlemen that were with hym meeting with the rebels were in great daunger notwithstanding in the ende the ouerthrowe was geuen to the rebels which was aboute the beginning of Septemb. 1549. After this victorie atchieued in the next moneth folowing whiche was October Discorde betweene the Earle 〈◊〉 Warwick● the Lo●● Protecto● howe the matter fell oute betweene the Lorde Protectour and certaine other Lordes I knowe not but at the retourne of the Earle of Warwike aforesaid greate workinge and consultation there was amonge the Lordes assembling them selues in the house of M. Yorke and at Bainardes Castle and in the Lorde Maiors house at London against the Lorde Protectoure remaining the● with the King at Hampton Court Of the which businesse and trouble thus the Lorde Protectoure wryteth in hys letters to the Lorde Russell in the West countrey as followeth A letter of the L. Protectour to the L. Russel Lord priuie Seale concerning troubles working against him AFter our right harty commendations to your good Lordship heere hath of late risen such a conspiracie against the kinges Maiestie and vs as neuer hath bene seene A letter o● the L. Pr●●tectour to the L. 〈◊〉 Seale the which they can not maintaine but with such vaine letters and false tales surmised as was neuer meant nor entended on vs. They pretend and say that we haue solde Bulloigne to
letter of execution from the Kinge and the Counsaile the foresayde Duke and Uncle to the Kyng beinge founde no traitour onely being caste by the Acte of Fellonye was deliuered vnto the Sheriffes and so brought to the place of execution Touching which execution a few words here woulde be bestowed in describing the wonderful order and maner thereof according as it hath faithfully ben suggested to vs vppon the credite of a certaine noble Personage who not onely was there present at the deede doing but also in a maner next vnto him vpon the scaffolde beholding the order of all things with his eies and with his penne also reporting the same in order and maner as here foloweth In the yeare of our Lorde 1552. the 22. day of Ianuary in the sixte yeare of the raigne of king Edward the sixte he being yet vnder age and gouernaunce of Tutours the noble Duke of Somersette vncle to kynge Edwarde was brought out of the tower of London and accordinge to the maner deliuered to the Sheriffes of the Citie and compassed round about w t a great number of armed men both of the garde and others he was brought vnto the scaffolde on Tower hill where as hee nothing chaunging neyther voyce nor countenance but in a maner with the same gesture whych he commonly vsed at home kneeling downe vppon both his knees and lifting vpp his handes commended himselfe vnto God After that he had ended a fewe short prayers standing vp againe and turning him selfe towarde the East side of the Scaffold nothing at all abashed as it seemed vnto me standing about the middest of the Scaffold and diligently marking all things neither with the sight of the axe The chea●●●full counte●nance of 〈◊〉 Duke of Somerset his death neyther yet of the hangman or of present death but wyth the like alacritie and chearefulnesse of minde and countenance as before times he was accustomed to heare the causes and Supplication of other and especially the poore towardes whom as it were with a certaine fatherly loue to his children he alwaies shewed himselfe moste attentiue he vttered these wordes to the people Dearly beloued frendes The wor● of the Duke of Somerset peop●● the peop●● at his dea●● I am broughte hither to suffer death albeit that I neuer offended against the king nether by word nor dede and haue bene alwaies as faithful true vnto this Realme as any man hath bene But for somuch as I am by a lawe condemned to die I do acknowledge my selfe as well as others to bee subiecte thereunto Wherefore to testifie my obedience whiche I owe vnto the lawes I am come hither to suffer death wherunto I willingly offer my selfe with most hearty thankes vnto God that hath geuen me this time of repentaunce who myght thorowe sodaine death haue taken away my life that neyther I should haue acknowledged him nor my selfe Moreouer dearly beloued frendes there is yet somewhat that I must put you in minde of as touchinge Christian religion which so long as I was in authoritie I alwayes diligently sette foorth and furthered to my power Neither I repent me of my doinges but reioyce therein sith that now the state of Christian religion commeth most neare vnto the forme and order of the Primitiue Churche The 〈◊〉 the Duk● Somerse● setting forth tru● religion Which thing I esteeme as a great benefite geuen of God both vnto you and me most hartily exhorting you all that this which is most purely set forth vnto you you wil with like thankfulnesse accept and embrace and set out the same in your liuing Which thing if you do not wythout doubt greater mischiefe and calamitie wil folow When he had spoken these wordes A sodein● noyse and feare of people 〈◊〉 the deat● the Du●● Somers●● sodainely there was a terrible noise heard whereupon there came a great feare on al men This noise was as it had bene the noise of some great storm or tempest which vnto some semed to be heard from aboue like as if a great deale of gunpouder being inclosed in an armorie and hauing caught fire had violently broken out But vnto some againe it seemed as though it had ben a great multitude of horsemen running together or comming vppon them Suche a noyse was then in the eares of all men albeit they saw nothing Whereby it hapned that all the people being amased wythout any euident cause wythout any violence or stroke striken or any man seene they ran away some into y e ditches and puddles and some into the houses thereabout other some being afraide with the horrour and noyse fell downe groueling vnto the ground w t their polaxes and halbards most part of them cried oute Iesus saue vs Iesus saue vs. Those whyche tarried still in their places for feare knewe not where they were And I my selfe which was there present among the rest being also afraid in this hurly burly stoode stil altogether amased looking when any man woulde knocke me in the head It hapned heere as the Euangelists write it dyd vnto Christ when as the officers of the high Priestes and Phariseis comming wyth weapons to take him being astonied ran backwardes and fell to the ground In the meane time The lyke story you shall rea● Caius M●●rius in V●●lerius M●●●imus the booke chapter whilest these things were thus in doing the people by chance spied one sir Anthony Broune riding vnto the scaffold which was the occasion of a new noise For when they saw him comming they coniectured that which was not true but notwithstanding which they all wished for that the king by that messenger had sent hys vncle pardone and therfore with great reioysing casting vp their cappes they cried out Pardon pardone is come God saue the king Thus this good Duke although hee was destitute of all mans helpe The grea● fauour of the peop●● to the 〈◊〉 of Somer●set yet he sawe before hys departure in how great loue fauour he was with all men And truely I doe not thinke that in so great slaughter of Dukes as hath bene in England within these few yeares there was so many weeping eyes at one time and not w tout cause For all men did see in the decay of this Duke the publike ruine of al england except such as in dede did perceiue nothing But now to returne from whence we haue strayed the Duke in the meane time standing stil in y e same place modestly and with a graue coūtenance made a signe to the people w t his hand that they woulde kepe themselues quiet Which thing being done silence obtained he spake vnto them in this maner Dearely beloued frendes The word of the Du●● agayne to the peopl● there is no such matter heere in hande as you vainely hope or beleeue It seemeth thus good vnto almighty God whose ordinance it is meete and necessary that we all be obedient vnto Wherefore I pray you all to be
of England and B. of Winchester Doct. Poynet beyng put out but also that Boner was restored to his bishoprike agayne The t●●e preaching ●●shop ●●spla●ed and D. Ridley displaced Itē D. Day to the bishoprike of Chichester Iohn Scory beyng put out Item D. Tonstall to the bishoprike of Duresme Item D. Heath to the bishoprike of Worcester and Iohn Hooper committed to the Fleete Item D. Uesi● to Exceter and Miles Couerdale put out These things beyng marked and perceiued great heauinesse and discomfort grew more and more to all good mens hartes but contrary to the wicked great reioysing In which discord of minds and diuersitie of affections was now to be seene a miserable face of things in the whole commō welth of England They that could dissemble tooke no great care how the matter went But such whose consciences were ioyned to truth perceiued already coales to bee kindled which after should be the destruction of many a true Christian man as in deed it came to passe In the meane while Queene Mary after these beginnings A Parliament Summoned remoouyng from y e Tower to Hampton Court caused a Parliament to bee sūmoned against the x. day of Octob. next ensuing wherof more is to be sayd hereafter Ye heard before how diuers Bishops were remooued and other placed in their roumes amongest whome was D. Ridley B. of London a worthy man both of fame and learnyng This D. Ridley in tyme of Queene Iane had made a Sermon at Paules crosse so commaunded by the Counsaile Bishop Ridley preacheth 〈◊〉 Queene Maryes 〈◊〉 declaryng there hys mynde to the people as touching the Lady Mary and disswading them alledging there the incommodities and inconueniēces which might ryse by receiuyng her to be their Queene prophesieng as it were before that which after came to passe y t she would bryng in forraine power to raigne ouer them besides the subuertyng also of Christian Religion then already established shewyng moreouer that the same Mary beyng in hys Diocesse he accordyng to his duetie beyng then her Ordinary had trauailed much with her to reduce her to this Religion and notwithstandyng in all other poyntes of ciuilitie she shewed her selfe gentle and tractable yet in matters that concerned true fayth and doctrine she shewed her selfe so stiffe and obstinate that there was no other hope of her to be conceyued but to disturbe and ouerturne all that which with so great labours had bene confirmed and planted by her brother afore Shortly after this Sermon Queene Mary was proclaymed whereuppon hee speedily repairyng to Fremingham to salute the Queene had such colde welcome there that beyng dispoyled of all his dignities he was sent backe vpon a lame halting horse to the Tower After hym preached also Maister Rogers the next sonday M. Rogers preacheth entreatyng very learnedly vppon the Gospell of the same day This so done Queene Mary seyng all things yet not goyng so after her mynd as she desired deuiseth wyth her Counsaile to bring to passe that thyng by other meanes which as yet by open lawe she could not well accomplish directing forth an Inhibition by Proclamation that no man should preach or read openly in churches the word of God besides other thynges also in the same Proclamation Inhibited the copye whereof here followeth ¶ An inhibition of the Queene for preaching Printyng c. THe Queenes highnes well remembryng what great inconuenience and daungers haue growen to this her highnes Realme in tymes past August 18. thorough the diuersitie of opinions in questions of religion An inhibition of the Queene for preaching and printing and hearyng also that now of late sithence the beginnyng of her most gracious Raigne the same contentions be agayne much reuiued thorough certayne false and vntrue reportes and rumors spreade by some lyght and euyll disposed personnes hath thought good to doe to vnderstand to all her highnes most louyng subiectes her most gracious pleasure in manner followyng First Q. Mary beginneth to set forth her popish religion Religion here grounded vppon the Queenes will her Maiestie beyng presented by the onely goodnesse of God setled in her iust possession of the Imperiall Crowne of this Realme and other Dominions thereunto belongyng cannot now hide that religion which God and the world knoweth she hath euer professed from her infancie hitherto Which as her Maiestie is mynded to obserue and maintaine for her selfe by gods grace during her tyme so doth her highnesse much desire and would be glad the same were of all her subiectes quietly and charitably embraced And yet she doth signifie vnto all her maiesties louyng subiects that of her most gracious disposition clemency her highnesse myndeth not to compell any her sayde subiects thereunto vnto such tyme as further order by common assent may be taken therein forbiddyng neuertheles all her subiects of all degrees at their peryls to mooue seditions or stirre vnquietnes in her people by interpreting the Lawes of this Realme after their braynes and fantasies but quietly to continue for the tyme tyll as before is sayd further order may be taken and therfore willeth and straitly chargeth and commaundeth all her sayd good louyng subiects to lyue togethers in quiet sort and Christian charitie leauyng those new found diuelish termes of Papist or heretike and such lyke and applying their hole care study and trauaile to lyue in the feare of God exercising their conuersations in such charitable godly doyng as their lyues may in deed expresse that great hunger and thirst of Gods glory and holy worde Terme● of Papist and Hereticke forbidden which by rash talke wordes many haue pretended and in so doing they shal best please God and lyue without daungers of the lawes and maintaine the tranquillitie of the Realme Wherof as her highnes shall be most glad so if any man shall rashlye presume to make any assemblies of people or at any publike assemblies or otherwyse shall go about to stir the people to disorder or disquiet shee myndeth according to her dutie to see the same most surely reformed punished accordyng to her highnes lawes And furthermore forasmuch also as it is well knowen False surmise against true preachers Printers and players that sedition and false rumours haue bene nourished and maintayned in this Realme by the subtletie and malice of some euill disposed persons which take vpon them without sufficient authoritie to preach to interprete the word of God after their owne brayne in churches and other places both publike and priuate Here was the head of Winchester also by playing of Enterludes and printyng of false fond bookes ballades rymes and other lewd treatises in the English tongue concernyng doctrine in matters now in question and controuersie touchyng the high poyntes and mysteries of christen religion which bookes ballades rymes and treatises Preachyng Printyng Readyng and playing of Enterludes restrayned are chiefly by the Printers and Stationers set out to sale to her graces
Cardinal Poole being sent for by Q. Mary Cardinall Poole se●t 〈◊〉 was by the Emperour requested to staye wyth hym to the intente as some thinke that hys presence in England should not be a let to the mariage which hee intended betweene Philip his sonne and Q. Marye For the making wherof he sent a most ample Ambassade with full power to make vp the mariage betwixt them which tooke such successe that after they had communed of the matter a few daies they knit vp the knot Anno. 1554. The 13. of Ianuarie 1554. Doctor Crome for his preaching vpon Christmas day without licence was committed to the Fleete The 21. of Ianuarie M. Thomas Wootten Esquire was for matters of religion committed to the Fleete close prisonner ●●riage be●●eene 〈◊〉 and 〈…〉 This mention of mariage was about the beginning of Ianuary and was very euill takē of the people of many of the nobility who for his and for religion conspiring among themselues made a rebellion whereof sir Thomas Wyate knight was one of the chief beginners who beyng in Kent Ann. 1454. said as many els perceiued that the Queene and the Counsel would by forraine mariage bring vppon thys Realme moste miserable seruitude establish popish religion About the 25. of Ianuary newes came to London of this stur in Kent ●●nuary 25. and shortlye after of the D. of Suffolke who was fled into Warwikeshier Lecestershire there to gather a power The Queene therefore caused them bothe wyth the two Carewes of Deuonshire to bee proclaimed Traitors and sent into Kent against Wyate The Duke of No●folke se●● agaynst M. Wyat. Thomas D. of Norfolke who being aboute Rochester bridge forsaken of them that went with him returned s●●e to London with out any more harme done vnto him and wythoute bloudshed on either partie Furthermore to apprehende the Duke of Suffolke being fled into Warwikeshiere was sent the Earle of Huntington in post The Duke of Suffolke apprehended who entring the Citie of Couentrie before the Duke disappoynted him of his purpose Wherefore the Duke in great distresse committed himselfe to the keeping of a seruaunt of his named Underwoode in Astley Parke who like a false traitor bewraied him And so was brought vp to the Tower of London In the meane while Sir Peter Carewe hearynge of that was done fledde into Fraunce but the other were taken Queene Mary commeth into the Guildhall and Wyat came towards London in the beginning of February The Queene hearing of Wyates comminge came into the Citie to the Guilde Hall where shee made a vehement Oration against Wyate the contentes at least the effect wherof here foloweth as nere as out of her owne mouth could be penned The Oration of Queene Marie in the Guild Hall I Am come vnto you in mine own person to tel you that Queene Maryes Oration to the Londoners which already you see and know that is how traiterously and rebelliously a number of Kentish mē haue assembled them selues against both vs and you Their pretence as they sayde at the first was for a mariage determined for vs to the which and to all the Articles therof ye haue bene made priuie But sithens we haue caused certaine of our priuie Counsaile to goe againe vnto them and to demaunde the cause of this their rebellion and it appeared then vnto our sayde Counsel Demaundes pretended to be sent from M. Wyat and hys company to Queene Mary that the matter of the mariage seemed to be but as a Spanish cloake to couer their pretenced purpose against our religion so that they arrogantly and traiterously demaunded to haue the gouernance of our person the keeping of the Tower and the placing of our Counsailers Nowe louing subiectes what I am ye right well knowe I am your Queene to whome at my Coronation when I was wedded to the Realme and lawes of the same the spousall Ring wherof I haue on my finger which neuer hetherto was nor heereafter shall be left off you promised your allegeaunce and obedience vnto me And that I am the right and true inheritour of the crowne of this Realme of England I take all Christendome to witnesse My Father as ye all know possessed the same regall state which nowe rightly is descended vnto me and to him alwaies ye shewed your selues most faithfull and louing subiectes and therefore I doubte not but ye will shew your selues likewise to me and that yee will not suffer a vile Traitour to haue the order gouernance of our person and to occupie our estate especially being so vile a Traytor as Wyat is Who most certainly as he hath abused mine ignorant subiects which be on his side How he pretended the spoyle of theyr goodes it appeareth in that he comming to Southwa●ke did hurt neither man woman nor childe neyther in body no● in a penny of their goodes so doth he entend and purpose the destruction of you and spoile of your goodes And this I say to you in the woorde of a Prince I can not tel how naturally the mother loueth the childe for I was neuer the mother of anye but certainely if a Prince and gouernour maye as naturally and earnestly loue her subiectes as the Mother doeth the Childe then assure your selues that I being your Ladie and Maistres doe as earnestly and as tenderly loue fauour you And I thus louing you cannot but thinke that yee as heartely and faithfully loue me and then I doubt not but we shall geue these rebelles a short speedy ouerthrow As concerning the Mariage ye shall vnderstand that I enterprised not the doing thereof without aduise and that by the aduice of all our priuie Counsell who so considered and wayed the great commodities that might ensue thereof that they not onely thought it very honorable but also expediēt both for the wealth of the Realme and also of you our Subiects And as touching my selfe I assure you I am not so bente to my will neither so precise nor affectionate that either for mine own pleasure Q. Mary excuseth her maryage I wold chuse where I lust or that I am so desirous as needes I would haue one For God I thanke him to whome bee the praise therefore I haue hetherto liued a Virgin and doubt nothing but with Gods grace am able so to liue stil. But if as my progenitors haue done before it might please God that I might leaue some fruit of my body behinde me to be your Gouernour I trust you would not onely reioyce therat but also I know it would be to your great comforte And certainely if I either did thinke or knowe that this Mariage were to the hurt of any of you my Commons or to the empeachment of any part or parcel of the royall state of this realme of England I would neuer consent therunto neither wold I euer mary while I liued And in the word of a Queene I promise you that if it shall
for that is done this day And I trust in hym that your holynesse shall alway vnderstand that the holy sea hath not had a more obedient sonne then I not more desirous to preserue and encrease the authority of the same God guid and prosper the most holy personage of your holinesse as I desire From London the xxx of Nouember 1554. Your holines most humble Sonne the king c. ¶ Here foloweth likewise the Cardinals letter to the sayd Pope concerning the same matter THose things which I wrote vnto your holines of late of that hope The Cardinals letter 〈◊〉 the Pope 〈◊〉 the 〈…〉 of ●ngland to 〈◊〉 Sea which I trusted would come to passe that in short space this realme would be reduced to the vnity of the church obedience of the Apostolick sea though I did write them not without great cause yet neuerthelesse I could not be voyd of all feare not onely for that difficulty which the mindes of our countreymen did shew beyng so long alienated from the sea Apostolicke and for the old hatred which they had borne so many yeares to that name but much more I feared least the first entry into the cause it self shuld be put of by some other by matter or conuention comming betwixt For the auoyding wherof I made great meanes to the king and Queene which litle needed for their own godly forwardnes and earnest desire to bring the thing to passe farre surmounted my great and earnest expectation This day in the euening being S. Andrewes day who fyrst brought his brother Peter to Christ it is come to passe by the prouidence of God that this Realme is reclaymed to geue due obedience to Peters seat and your holynesse by whose meanes it may be cōioyned to Christ the head his body which is the Church The thing was done and concluded in Parliament the king and queene being present with such full consent great reioysing that incontinently after I had made my Oration and geuen the Benediction with a great ioy and shout there was diuers times sayde Amen Amen which doth euidently declare that that holy seed although it hath bene long oppressed yet was not vtterly quenched in them which chiefly was declared in the * * The Popes authority as much w●lcome to the Nobilitie of England as w●●ter into the shippe Nobility Returning home to my house these thinges I wrote vnto your holynes vpon the sodaine reioysing that I had of so weighty a matter so luckely brought to passe by the diuine prouidence thinking to haue sent my letters by the kings post who as it was sayd should haue departed shortly but afterwardes chaunging my purpose when I had determined to send one of mine owne men I thought good to adde this much to my Letters for the more ample gratulation and reioysing at that good chaūce which thing as it was right great gladnes to me through the euent of the same being it selfe very great and so holy so profitable to the whole Church so healthsome to this my Countrey which brought me forth so honorable to y e same which receiued me so likewise I tooke no lesse reioysing of y e Princes themselues through whose vertue and godlinesse the matter did take successe and perfection Of how many and how great things may the Church which is the spouse of Christ our mother make her accompt through those her children Oh notable zeale of godlines Oh dissimulatiō of a fl●ttering Cardinall Oh auncient fayth which vndoubtedly doth so manifestly appeare in thē both that who so seeth them muste needes whether he wyll or no say the same which the Prophette spake of of the firste children of the Church Isti sunt semen cui benedixit Dominus Haec plantatio Domini ad gloriandum That is These are the seede which the Lord hath blessed This is the Lordes planting to glory in How holily did your holines with al your authority and earnest affection fauour this mariage which truly semeth to expresse a great similitude of y e highest king which being heyre of the world was sēt down by his father from the Regall seat What similitude is betwixt light and darcknes 2. Cor. 6. to be Spouse and Sonne of the Uirgine by this meanes to comfort all mankind for euen so this king himselfe the greatest heyre of all men which are in the earth leauing his fathers kingdoms that are most great is come into his litle kingdome and is become both the spouse and sonne of this Uirgine for he so behaueth himselfe as though he were a sonne whereas in deed he is an husbande that he might as he hath in effect already performed shew himselfe an ayder helper to recōcile this people to christ his body which is the church Cardinal Pool● flattereth the king Which things seing they are so what may not our mother the Churche her selfe looke for at his handes that hath broughte this to passe to conuerte the hartes of the Fathers towardes theyr Sonnes and the vnbeleuers to the wisedome of the righteous which vertue truely doth wōderfully shine in him But the Queene which at that time when your holines sent my Legate vnto her did rise vp as a rodde of incēce springing out of the trees of mirre and as Frankincence our in the desert she I say whiche a litle before was forsakē of all men how wonderfully doth she now shine what a sauour of myrre frankincēce doth she geue forth vnto her people which as y e Prophet saith of the mother of Christ brought forth before she laboured before she was deliuered brought forth a man childe Scripture well applyed who euer heard of such a thing and who hath seene the lyke of this shal y e earth bring forth in one day or shal a whole natiō be brought forth together But she hath now brought forth a whole nation before the time of that deliuery wherof we are in most great hope How great cause is geuen to vs to reioyce How great cause haue we to geue thankes to Gods mercy your holines and the Emperors maiesty which haue bene causers of so happy and so godlye a mariage by whiche we beyng reconciled are ioyned to God the father to Christ to the Church of the which although I cannot comprehend in wordes the ioy that I haue taken yet I can not keepe silence of it And to this my reioysing this also was ioyned which whē I had perceiued by the letters of the reuerend Archb. of Cousane your holynes Nuncio with the Emperours maiestye brought me maruelous great gladnes y t your said holynes began to restore to y e aūciēt bewty those thinges which in the Church of Rome through the corruptiō of times were deformed which truely whē it shal be finished thē in deede may we wel cry out with y e Prophet The Scripture speaking of Sion and Ierusalem vnaptly applyed to the Pope and speake vnto your
much ado and a great number also to be sore afrayd Ye heard a little before the Councels letter sent to B. Boner signifiyng the good newes of Queene Mary to be not onely conceyued but also quicke with childe which was in the moneth of Nouember the xxviij day Of this child great talke began at this tyme to ryse in euery mans mouth with busy preparation and much ado especially amongst such as semed in England to cary Spanish hartes in English bodies In number of whom here is not to be forgotten nor defrauded of his condigne commendatiō for his woorthy affection toward his Prince and her issue one sir Rich. Southwel who being the same tyme in the parlament house when as the Lordes were occupied in other affaires matters of importance sodainly starting vp for fulnes of ioy brast out in these words folowing Tush my Maisters quoth he what talke ye of these matters I would haue you take some order for our yong maister that is now comming into the world apace The wordes of Sir Rich. Southwell ●n the Parliament house for his yong master lest he find vs vnprouided c. By the which words both of him and also by the foresaid letters of the counsaile and the common talke abroad it may appeare what an assured opinion was thē conceiued in mens heds of Queene Mary to be conceiued and quicke with child In so much that at the same tyme and in the same Parliament there was eftsoones a bill exhibited and an Act made vpon the same the words wherof for the more euidence I thought here to exemplificate as vnder followeth ¶ The wordes of the Acte ALbeit we the Lordes spirituall and temporal the commons in this present parliament assembled Ex s●at ●n 1. 2. Phil. Mar. cap. 10. haue firme hope confidence in the goodnes of almighty God that like as he hath hitherto miraculously preserued the Queenes maiesty from many great imminent perils and daungers euen so he will of his infinite goodnes geue her highnes strength the rather by our continuall prayers to passe well the danger of deliuerance of chylde The iudgement of the 〈…〉 in God 〈…〉 wherwith it hath pleased him to al our great comforts to blesse her Yet forasmuch as all things of this world be vncertaine and hauing before our eyes the dolorous experience of this inconstant gouernment during the tyme of the raigne of the late king Edward the 6. do plainly see the manifold inconueniences great dangers and perils that may ensue to this whole realme if foresight be not vsed to preuent all euill chances if they should happen For the eschewyng hereof we the Lordes spirituall temporall and the commons in this present Parliament assembled for and in consideration of a most speciall trust and confidence thot we haue and repose in the kings maiesty Order taken by Parliament for Q. Maries child for and cōcerning the politike gouernment order and administration of this realm in the tyme of the yong yeres of the issue or issues of her maiesties body to bee borne if it should please God to call the Queenes highnes out of this present lyfe during the tender yeares of such issue or issues which God forbid according to such order and maner as hereafter in this present Acte his highnes most gracious pleasure is should be declared and set forth haue made our humble sute by the assent of the Queenes highnes that his maiestie would vouchsafe to accept and take vppon hym the rule order education and gouernment of the sayd issue or issues to bee borne as is aforesayd vpon which our sute beyng of his said maiestie most graciously accepted it hath pleased his highnesse not onely to declare that like as for the most part his maiesty verely trusteth that almighty God who hath hitherto preserued the Queenes maiesty to geue this realme so good an hope of certayne succession in the bloud royall of the same realme will assist her highnes with his graces and benedictions to see the fruite of her body well brought forrh Trust disapoynted lyue and able to gouerne whereof neither all this realme ne all the world besides should or coulde receiue more comfort then his maiesty should and would yet if such chaunce should happen hys maiesty at our humble desires is pleased and contented not onely to accept and take vpō him the cure and charge of the education rule order and gouernmēt of such issues as of this most happy Mariage shall be borne betweene the Queenes highnes and him but also during the time of such gouernment would by all wayes and meanes study trauaile and employ hymselfe to aduance the weale both publike priuate of this realme and dominions thereunto belonging according to the sayd trust in his maiestye reposed with no lesse good will and affection then if his highnesse had bene naturally borne amongst vs. In consideration whereof be it enacted by the King and the Quenes most excellent maiesties by the assent of the Lordes spirituall and temporall and the commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the authoritie of the same c. as it is to be seene in the Acte more at large ratified and confirmed at the same Parliament to the same entent and purpose ¶ Thus much out of the Acte and statute I thought to rehearse to the entent the Reader may vnderstand not so much how Parliaments may sometimes be deceiued as by this childe of Queene Mary may appeare as rather what cause we Englishmen haue to render most earnest thanks vnto almighty god who so mercifully against the opinion expectatiō and working of our aduersaries hath helped deliuered vs in this case which otherwise might haue opened such a window to the Spaniardes to haue entred and replenished this land that peraduēture by this tyme Englishmen should haue enioyed no great quiet in their owne countrey the Lord therefore make vs perpetually myndfull of his benefits Amen Thus we see then how man doth purpose but God disposeth as pleaseth him For all this great labour prouision and order taken in the Parliament house for their yōg maister long looked for commyng so surely into the world in the end appeared neither yong maister nor young maistresse that any man yet to this day can heare of Furthermore as the labour of the lay sort was herein deluded The Prayers of the Papistes of what litle effect they are with God so no lesse ridiculous it was to behold what litle effect the prayers of the Popes Churchmen had wyth almighty God who trauailed no lesse with their processions Masses and Collects for the happy deliueraunce of thys yong maister to come as here followeth to be seene ¶ A prayer made by D. Weston Deane of Westminster daily to be sayd for the Queenes deliueraunce O Most righteous Lord God which for the offence of the first woman hast threatened vnto all women a common sharpe A prayer for
God hath dealt vnto them and to the diuersitie of the gifts of the spirite geuen vnto them But let vs nowe consider y t if it be Gods good will and pleasure to geue hys owne beloued heart that is hys beloued church and the members therof into the handes of theyr ennemies to chasten trie prooue them and to bryng them to the true vnfained acknowledging of theyr owne naturall stubburnnesse disobedience towardes God and his commaundements as touching the loue of God and of their brethren or neighbours and their naturall inclination readinesse desire to loue creatures to seeke their owne lusts pleasures and things forbidden of God to obtaine a true and earnest repentaunce and sorowfulnesse therefore and to make them to sigh and crie for the forgeuenesse of the same and for the aide of the spirite daily to mortifie and kill the saide euill desires and lustes yea and often falling into grosse outwarde sinnes as did Dauid Peter Magdalen and other to arise againe also thereout with a mighty crying for mercy wyth many other causes lette vs also consider what he hereafter doeth with the said enemies into whose hands he hath geuen his tenderly beloued dearlings to be chastened and tried Forsothe wheras he but chasteneth his dearlings and crosseth them for a small while accordinge to his good pleasure as all fathers doe with their children Heb. 12. Prouerb 3. Gods iustic● vpon his enemies and persecuters He vtterly destroyeth yea and euerlastingly damneth the vnrepentant enemies Let Herode tell me what he wanne by killing Iames and persecuting Peter and Christes tender dearlings and beloued spouse and wife hys Churche Uerely God thought him not worthy to haue death ministred vnto him by mē or Angels or any worthy creatures but those small and yet most vile beastes lice and small wormes must consume and kill his beastly vile and tirannous body Pharao and Nabuchadonoser for all their pride and most mighty power must at the length let Gods dearlings go freely away out of their land yea out of their bandes and tirannie For when it could not be obtained at theyr handes that Gods congregation mighte haue true mercy ministred vnto them but the counterfaite mercye of these our dayes that is to saye extreeme crueltie and euen the very and that most horrible and cruel death God arose and awoke out of his sleepe and destroyed those ennemies of his flock with a mighty hand and a stretched out arme Pharao did wyth moste great and intollerable labors and burdens expresse and bring vnder the poore Israelits and yet did the Courtiers vndoubtedly noyse abroade that the king was mercifull vnto them to suffer them to liue in his land and to sette them aworke that they might gette them theyr liuings If he shoulde thruste them out of hys lande whether should they go like a sort of vagabunds and runagates This title name of mercy wold that tyāt haue and so did his flattering false Courtiers spreade hys vayne praise abroade Haue not wee the like examples nowe a dayes O that I had nowe time to wryte certaine thyngs pertaining to our Winchesters mercy Wincheste●● mercy Howe mercifull hee hath bene to me and to my good brethren I will not speake of neither yet vnto the Duke of Suffolkes moste innocent daughter and to her as innocent husband For althoughe their fathers were faultie yet had their youth and lacke of experience deserued a pardon by all true merciful mennes iudgements O that I had time to painte out thys matter a right but there be many aliue that can doe it muche better when I am deade Pharao had hys plagues and hys moste flourishinge lande was by his counterfaite mercye whych was in deede righte crueltie and abhominable tyrannie vtterly destroyed And thinke yee that thys bloudy butcherly Byshoppe of Winchester and his moste bloudie brethren shall escape Or y e Englande shall for theyr offences and specially for the maintenaunce of theyr Idolatrie and wilful following of them not abide a great brunt Yes vndoubtedly If God looke not mercifully vpon England Ann. 1554. ●ebrua●y the seedes of vtter destruction are sowen in it already by these hypocriticall Tyrauntes and Antichristian Prelates Popishe Papistes and double Traytours to theyr naturall Countrey And yet they speake of mercy of blessing of the Catholicke Church of vnitie of power and strengthening of the Realme This double dissimulation will shew it selfe one day when the plague commeth which will vndoubtedly light vpon these crowneshorne capteines and that shortly whatsoeuer the godly and the poore Realme suffer in the meane while by Gods good sufferaunce and will Spite of Nabuchodonosors beard and maugre his heart the captiue thrall and miserable Iewes must come home agayne and haue their Citie and temple builded vp agayne by Zorobabell Esdras and Nehemias c. And the whole Kingdome of Babylon must go to ruine and be taken in of straunges the Persians and the Medes So shall the disperpled English flocke of Christ be brought againe into theyr former estate or to a better I trust in the Lorde God than it was in innocent Kyng Edwardes dayes and our bloudy Babylonicall Byshops and the whole crowneshorne companye brought to vtter shame rebuke ruyne decaye and destruction for God can not and vndoubtedly wyll not suffer for euer theyr abhominable lying false doctrine theyr hypocrisie bloudthrist whoredome idlenesse theyr pestilent lyfe pampored in all kynde of pleasure theyr thrasonicall boasting pryde theyr malicious enuious and poysoned stomackes which they beare towardes hys poore and miserable Christians Peter truely warneth that if iudgemente begynneth at the house of God what shall be the ende of them that beleeue not the Gospell If the righteous shall scant be saued where shall the vngodly and sinfull appeare Some shall haue theyr punishmente heere in thys worlde and in the worlde to come and they that doo escape in thys worlde shall not escape euerlastyng damnation Thys shall bee youre sauce O yee wicked Papistes make yee merry heere as long as yee may After that I. Rogers as yee haue heard had bene long straitly imprisoned Febr. 4. lodged in newgate amōgst theeues oftē examined and very vncharitably intreated at lēgth vniustly and most cruelly by wicked Winchester cōdemned the 4. of February M. Rogers warned to prepare to death in the yeare of our Lord 1555. beeyng Monday in the morning hee was warned sodenly by the kepers wife of newgate to prepare himself to the fire who then being sound a slepe scarse with much shogging could be awaked M. Rogers 〈◊〉 At length being raysed and waked and byd to make haste then saide he if it be so I neede not to tye my poyntes M. Rogers coul● not be 〈◊〉 of Boner to 〈◊〉 to his wife before his burning M. Rogers brought to Smithfield and so was had downe first to Boner to bee disgraded That done hee craued of Boner but one petition Boner asking what that
aduersary to reioyce In conclusion this Theologicall contentiō came to this end that the bishops hauyng the vpper hand M. Hooper was faine to agree to this condition that sometymes he should in hys Sermon shewe himselfe apparelled as the other Bishoppes were Wherefore appoynted to preach before the king as a new player in a strange apparel he commeth forth on the stage His vpper garment was a long scarlet Chymere downe to the foote and vnder that a white linnen Rochet that couered all his shoulders Upon his head he had a Geometriall that is a foure squared cap albeit that his head was round What cause of shame the straungenes hereof was that day to that good preacher euery mā may easily iudge But this priuate contumely and reproch in respect of the publike profite of the Church which he onely sought hee bare and suffered paciently And I would to God in lyke maner they which tooke vpon them the other part of that tragedy had yelded their priuate cause whatsoeuer it was to the publike concord and edifieng of the Church for no man in all the Citie was one haire the better for that hote contention I will name no body partly for that hys oppugners beyng afterwards ioyned in the most sure frendship with him in one for one cause suffred martyrdome and partly for that I commonly vse accordyng to my accustomed maner The crosse maketh peace to keep my pen from presumptuous iudging of any person yet I thought to note the thyng for this consideration to admonish the reader hereby how wholesome necessary the crosse of Christ is sometyme in the church of Christ as by the sequele hereof did afterward appeare For as in a ciuill gouernance common wealth nothyng is more occasion of warre then ouermuch peace so in the church and among churchmen as nothyng is more pernitious then too much quietnes so nothyng more ceaseth priuate contentions oftentymes rising amongst thē then the publike crosse of persecution Furthermore so I persuaded my selfe the same not to be vnexpedient to haue extant such examples of holy and blessed men For if it do not a little appertaine to our publike consolation and comfort when we read in the scriptures of the foule dissension betweene Paule and Barnabie of the fall of Peter and of Dauids murder and adultery why may or should it not be as well profitable for our posteritie to heare and know the fals of these godly Martyrs The falles and infirmityes of holy Saints and Martyrs lefte for our consolation whereby we may the lesse despayre in our infirmitie consideryng the same or greater infirmities to raign in the holy Saints of God both Prophets Apostles and Martyrs And this by the way thou hast heard good Reader hitherto the weakenes of these good men plainly and simply as the truth was declared vnto thee Note how discorde reconsiliation happeneth many times amongest good men to the ende theyr fall may minister occasion to vs eyther of eschewyng the lyke or els to take hart and comfort in the lyke fall frailenes of ours Now agayne on the other part it remayneth to record after the foresayd discord the godly reconciliations of these good men in tyme of persecution who afterward beyng in pryson for the truths sake reconciled them selues agayne with most godly agreement as appeareth by this letter sent by Bishop Ridley to the sayd Bishop of Glocester The copy whereof as it was written wyth hys owne hand in Latine hereafter followeth translated into English ¶ To my deare brother and reuerend fellow Elder in Christ Iohn Hooper grace and peace MY dearely beloued brother and fellow Elder A letter of reconsiliatiation sent by Doctour Ridley to Bishop Hooper whom I reuerence in the Lord pardon me I beseech you that hitherto since your captiuity and myne I haue not saluted you by my letters where as I doe in deed confesse I haue receiued from you such was your gentlenes two letters at sundry times but yet at such tyme as I could not be suffered to write vnto you agayne or if I might yet was I in doubt how my letters myght safely come vnto your hands But now my deare brother for as much as I vnderstand by your workes which I haue but superficially seene that we throughly agree and wholy consent together in those things which are the grounds and substantial points of our Religion agaynst the which the world so furiously rageth in these our dayes howsoeuer in tyme past in certaine by matters and circumstances of Religion your wisedome and my simplicitie I graunt hath a little iarred ech of vs followyng the abundance of hys owne sense and iudgement now I say be you assured 1. Cor. 10. B. Ridley and Bishop Hooper ioyne handes togither that euen with my whole heart God is my witnes in the bowels of Christ I loue you in the truth and for the truthes sake which abideth in vs and as I am perswaded shall by the grace of God abide in vs for euermore And because the world as I perceiue brother ceaseth not to play his pageant and busily conspireth agaynst Christ our Sauiour with all possible force and power Exalting high thyngs agaynst the knowledge of God let vs ioyne handes together in Christ and if we cannot ouerthrow yet to our power and as much as in vs lyeth let vs shake those high altitudes not with carnall but with spirituall weapons and with all brother let vs prepare our selues to the day of our dissolution by the which after the short tyme of this bodily affliction by the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ we shall triumph together wyth hym in eternall glory I pray you brother salute in my name your reuerend fellowe prisoner and venerable father D.C. by whome since the first day that I heard of hys most godly and fatherly constancie in confessing the truth of the gospell I haue conceyued great consolation and ioy in the Lord. For the integritie and vprightnes of that man his grauitie innocency all England I thinke hath known lōg ago Blessed be God therfore which in such abundāce of iniquitie and decay of all godlines hath geuen vnto vs in this reuerend old age such a witnesse for the truth of hys Gospell Miserable and hard harted is he whom the godlynes and constant confession of so worthy so graue and innocent a man wyll not mooue to acknowledge and confesse the truth of God I do not now brother require you to write any thing to me agayne for I stand much in feare lest your letters should be intercepted before they can come to my hands Neuertheles know you that it shall be to me great ioy to heare of your constancy fortitude in the Lordes quarell And albeit I haue not hitherto written vnto you yet haue I twise as I could sent vnto you my mynde touchyng the matter which in your letters you required to know Neyther can I yet brother be
paine and griefe to departe from goods and frends but yet not so muche as to departe from grace and heauen it selfe Wherefore there is neither felicitye nor aduersitye of this world that can appeare to be great if it be wayed with the ioyes or paines in the world to come I can do no more but pray for you do the same for me for Gods sake For my parte I thanke the heauenly Father I haue made mine accompts and appoynted my selfe vnto the wil of the heauenly father as he will so I will by hys grace For Gods sake as soone as ye can send my poore wife and children some letter from you and my letter also which I sent of late to D. As it was tolde me shee neuer had letter from me sithens the cōming of M.S. vnto her the more to blame the messengers for I haue wrytten diuers times The Lord comfort them and prouide for them for I am able to doe nothing in worldly things Shee is a godly and wise woman If my meaning had bene accomplished she should haue hadde necessary things but that I meant God can performe to whom I commend both he● and you all M. Hoope● care and commendation of his wife I am a precious Iewell nowe and daintely kept neuer so daintely for neither mine owne man nor any of the seruants of the house may come to me but my keper alone a simple rude mā God knoweth but I am nothing carefull thereof Fare yee well the 21. of Ian. 1555. Yours bounden Iohn Hooper Amongst many other memorable acts and notes worthy to be remembred in the hystorie of M. Hooper thys also is not to be forgotten which happened betwene hym and a bragging Frier a little after the beginning of his imprisonment the storie whereof heere followeth A Frier came from Fraunce to England wyth greate vaunt Talke betwene M. Hooper an● a Fryer in the prison asking who was the greatest hereticke in all England thinking belike to doe some great act vpon hym To whom aunswere was made that M. Hooper had then the greatest name to be the chiefest ringleader who was then in the Fleete The Frier comming to him asked whye hee was committed to prison He sayd for debt Nay sayde he it was for heresie Which when the other had denyed what sayst thou quoth he to hoc est corpus meum M. Hooper being partly mooued at the sodaine question desired that hee mighte aske of him againe an other question whyche was thys What remained after the consecration in the Sacrament any breade or no No breade at all sayeth hee And when yee breake it what doe yee breake If the mate●riall body of Christ be broken in the sacrament then i● the commaundem●t of Gods word broken either bread or the body sayde Maister Hooper No bread sayd the Frier but the body onely If you doe so sayd M. Hooper ye do great iniurie not onely to the body of Christe but also yee breake the Scriptures which saye Yee shall not breake of hym one bone c. Wyth y t the Frier hauing nothing be like to aunswere recoyled backe and with his circles and crosses began to vse exorcisme against M. Hooper as though c. Thys and more wrote master Hooper to mistres Wilkinson in a letter which letter was read vnto her by Iohn Kelke Comparison betwene M. Hooper and Polycarpus WHen I see and beholde y e great patience of these blessed Martyrs in our daies in their sufferings so quietly and cōstantly abiding the torments that are ministred vnto them of princes for Gods cause ● compari●●n be●weene M. ●ooper ●olycarpus mee thinkes I maye wel and worthely compare them vnto the olde Martyrs of the primatiue Churche In the number of whome if comparison be to be made betwixt Saint and Saint Martyr and Martyr with whom might I match this blessed martyr M. Iohn Hooper better throughe the whole catalogue of the olde Martyrs then with Polycarpus the aunciente Bishop of Smirna Euseb. lib. 4. cap. 15. of whome Eusebius maketh mention in the Ecclesiasticall storie For as both agreed together in one kinde of punishmēt being both put to the fire so which of them shewed more patience and constancie in the time of their suffering it is hard to be sayde And though Polycarpus being set in the flame as the storie saith was kepte by myracle from the tormente of the fire till hee was stricken downe with weapon and so dispatched yet Hooper by no lesse myracle armed with patience feruent spirit of Gods comfort so quietly despised the violence thereof as though he had felt litle more then did Polycarpus in y e fire flaming round about him Moreouer as it is wrytten of Polycarpus when hee should haue bene tied to the stake Of this Policarpus read before he required to stand vntied saying these woordes Sinite me qui namque ignem ferre posse dedit dabit etiam vt sine vestra clauorum cautione immotus in rogo permaneam That is Let me alone I pray you for he that gaue me strength to come to this fire will also geue mee patience to abide in the same without your tying So likewise Hooper with the like spirite when hee shoulde haue bene tied with thre chaines to the stake requiring them to haue no such mistrust of him was tied but with one who and if he had not bene tied at all yet no doubte woulde haue no lesse aunswered to that great patience of Polycarpus M. Hooper compared to Polycarpus in life And as the ende of them bothe was much agreeing so the life of them both was such as might seme not farre discrepant In teaching like diligent both in zeale feruent in life vnspotted in manners and conuersation inculpable Bishops also martyrs both Briefly in teaching so pithy and fruitful that as they both were ioyned together in one Spirite so mighte they be ioyned in one name together of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to wit much fruitful to which name also 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is not much vnlike In thys the Martyrdome of M. Hooper may seeme in suffering to goe before though in time it followed the Martyrdome of Polycarpus for that he was bothe longer in prisone The cruell handling of M. Hooper and there also so cruellye handled by the malice of hys keepers as I thinke none of the olde martyrs euer suffered the like To thys also adde howe hee was disgraded by Boner wyth suche contumelies and reproches as I thinke in Polycarpus time was not vsed to any And as wee haue hitherto compared these two good Martyrs together The enemies of M. Hooper and of Polycarpus compared so nowe if we should compare the enemies and authours of their death one wyth the other wee should finde no inequalitie betwixt them both but that the aduersaries of M. Hooper semed to be more cruell and vnmerciful For they that put Polycarpus to
I most hartely thanke you for that ye haue so tender a care ouer me And although I knowe that there is neither iustice nor truth to be looked for at my aduersaries handes but rather imprisonment and cruell death yet know I my cause to be so good and righteous and the truth so strong vpon my side that I will by Gods grace go and appeare before them and to their beardes resist their false doings Then sayd his frendes M. Doctour we thinke it not best so to do You haue sufficiētly done your duety and testified the truth both by your godly Sermons and also in resisting the Parson of Aldam with other that came hytherto bring in againe the popish Masse And for as much as our Sauiour Christ willeth and biddeth vs that when they persecute vs in one City we should flie into another Math. 10. we thinke in flying at this time ye should do best keeping your selfe against another time whē the Church shall haue great neede of such diligent teachers and godly Pastors Oh quoth Doct. Taylour what will ye haue me to do I am now olde and haue already liued too long to see these terrible and most wicked dayes Flye you and do as your conscience leadeth you D. Taylour re●●●eth to ●ye I am fully determined with Gods grace to go to the Bishop to his beard to tell him that he doth nought God shall well hereafter raise vp teachers of his people whiche shall with much more diligence and fruite teach them then I haue done For God will not forsake his Church though now for a time he trieth and correcteth vs and not without a iust cause As for me I beleeue before God I shall neuer be able to do God so good seruice as I may do now nor I shall neuer haue so glorious a calling as I now haue nor so great mercy of God profered me as is now at this present For what Christian man woulde not gladly dye against the Pope and his adherents I know that the Papacie is the kingdome of Antichrist altogether full of lyes altogether full of falsehode so that all their doctrine euen from Christes Crosse be my speede and S. Nicholas The Papacy a ●ingdome 〈◊〉 lyes vnto the end of their Apocalyps is nothing but Idolatry superstition errours hypocrisie and lyes Wherefore I beseech you and all other my frendes to pray for me I doubt not but God will geue me strēgth and his holy spirit y t all mine aduersaries shal haue shame of their doings When his frends saw him so constaunt and fully determined to go they with weeping eyes commended him vnto God and he within a day or two prepared himselfe to his iourney leauing his cure with a godly olde Priest named Syr Richard Yeoman who afterward for Gods truth was burnt at Norwich Syr Rich. Yeoman D. Taylours Curate and Martir of Christ Iohn Alcocke of Hadley trobled for Gods truth and dyed in prison D. Taylours iourney There was also in Hadley one Alcocke a very godly man well learned in the holy Scriptures who after Sir Richard Yeoman was driuen away vsed dayly to reade a chapter and to say the English Letany in Hadley Church But him they fet vp to London and cast him in prison in Newgate where after a yeare imprisonment he died But let vs returne to Doctour Taylour agayne who being accompanied with a seruaunt of his owne named Iohn Hull tooke his iourney towardes London By the way this Iohn Hull laboured to counsell and perswade him very earnestly to flie and not to come to the Byshop and profered himselfe to go with him to serue him and in all perils to venter his li●e for him and with him Iohn Hull a faythfull seruaunt to D. Taylour But in no wise would Doctour Taylour consent or agree thereunto but sayd Oh Iohn shall I geue place to this thy counsell worldly perswasion and leaue my flock in this daunger Remember the good shepeheard Christ whiche not alonely fed his flocke but also died for hys flocke Him must I follow and with Gods grace will do Therefore good Iohn pray for me and if thou seest me weake at any time D. Taylour agayne ad●●ed to flye but he refused so to do The first meeting betweene Winchest and D. Tailour A great abuse in Englande and 3. mischiefes comming thereof The first mischiefe The second mischiefe comfort me and discourage me not in this my godly enterprise and purpose Thus they came vp to London and shortly after Doctour Taylour presented himselfe to the Bishop of Winchester Steuen Gardiner then Lord Chauncellour of England For this hath bene one great abuse in Englande these many yeares that such offices as haue ben of most importance and waight haue commonly bene committed to Bishops and other spirituall men whereby three diuelish mischiefes and inconueniences haue happened in this Realme to the great dishonour of God and vtter neglecting of the flocke of Christ the which three be these First they haue had small leysure to attende to theyr pastorall cures which thereby haue bene vtterly neglected and left vndone Secondly it hath also puft vp many Byshops and other spirituall persons into such hautines and pryde that they haue thought no noble man in the Realme worthy to be their equall and fellow Thirdly where they by this meanes knew the very secretes of Princes The third mischiefe they being in such high offices haue caused the same to be knowne in Rome afore the kings could accomplish and bring their ententes to passe in England By this meanes hath the Papacy bene so maintained and things ordered after their wils and pleasures that much mischiefe hath happened in this Realme and others sometime to the destruction of Princes and sometime to the vtter vndoing of many common wealthes Now when Gardiner saw Doctour Taylour he according to his common custome all ●o reuiled him calling him knaue Traytor hereticke with many other villanous reproches which all Doctour Taylour heard patiently and at the last sayd vnto him D. Taylours patience and ●agnani●itie My Lord quoth he I am neither Traytour nor hereticke but a true subiect and a faithfull Christian man and am come according to your cōmandement to know what is the cause that your Lordship hath sent for me Then sayde the Bishop art thou come thou villaine How darest thou looke me in the face for shame Knowest thou not who I am Yes quoth Doctor Taylor I knowe who yee are Steuen Gardiners Lordly lookes Ye are Doctor Steuen Gardinar Bishop of Winchester and Lord Chauncellour yet but a mortall man I trow But if I shoulde be afrayde of your Lordly lookes why feare you not God the Lord of vs all Howe dare yee for shame looke any Christian man in the face The notable answere of Doctor Taylour to the Bishop of Winchester seeing ye haue forsaken the trueth denyed our sauioure Christ and hys word done
thē within the said Deanry whom he shall lyke best to be instructed and appeased in that behalfe And also I haue appoynted that i● this beyng done there shall yet remayne any scruple in the parties conscience and himselfe not satisfied then the said partie to repaire vnto one of myne Archdeacons or chaplens vnto whom his mynd shal be most inclined vnto or els to repaire vnto myne owne selfe to bee resolued in his saide scruple or doubt and to receiue and take such order therin as to one of the sayd Archdeacons or vnto me shall therin appeare to be most expedient Further certifieng and declaring vnto you that I haue geuen commaundement herein to all my Archdeacons that they monish and commaund euery pastor Curate within their Archdeaconries that they hauing knowlege hereof doe in the first holiday next then followyng at the masse tyme when the multitude of people is present declare all these thyngs vnto their parishioners and exhort them that they esteeme this grace accordingly and reconcile themselues to the church before the first Sonday after Easter next ensuyng which thyng I also do commaunde by the tenour hereof with intimation that the sayd tyme beyng once past and they not so reconciled euery one of them shall haue processe made agaynst hym accordyng to the Canons as the cause shall require for which purpose the pastours and Curates of euery parish shall be cōmanded by their Archdeacon to certifie me in writyng of euery man and womans name that is not so reconciled Further herewith I do signify and declare vnto you that our holy father the Pope Iulius the 3. of that name lyke a most tender and naturall father hearyng of the returne and recouery of his prodigall child this Realme of England hath hymselfe made much ioy and gladnes here at and also all other true christen Realmes haue done the lyke Exhorting you therefore in our Lord not to bee vnthankfull your selues or negligent in this behalfe but diligently to seeke for it ioyfully to embrace it and fruitfully to vse it remembryng with all the monition and charge which came from me the last yeare concernyng your commyng to confession in Lent and receiuyng the sacrament at Easter which monition to all effects and purposes I haue now here repeated and renewed chargyng you and also al your Curates therwith And because al our dueties is earnestly and deuoutly to pray for the prosperous estate of our soueraignes the King and Queene of this Realm I do finally require and pray you as hartily as I can to pray for their maiesties accordingly and specially that it may please almighty God to send vnto her grace a good tyme and to make her a glad mother which cannot be but vnto vs all great ioy much comfort and inestimable profite Geuen at London the 19 day of the moneth of Febr in the yere of our Lord God after the computation of the church of England 1554. and of my translation the 16. * The forme of absolution to be kept by the Pastors and Curates in priuate confessions concernyng this reconciliation OVr Lord Iesus Christ absolue you and by the Apostolike authoritie to me graunted and committed I absolue you from the sentences of excommunication and from all other censures and paynes into the which you be fallen by reason of heresie or schisme or any other wayes and I restore you vnto the vnity of our holy mother the Churche and the Communion of all Sacramentes dispensing with you for all manner of irregularitie and by the same authoritie I absolue you from all your sinnes In the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy Ghost Amen ¶ The lamentable history of Maister Iames Hales Iudge IN the history of M. Hooper mention was touched a little before of Iudge Hales The history of Iu●ge 〈◊〉 wherefore somethyng would be sayd more in this place touching that matter But because the story of that man and of his ende is sufficiently comprehended in our first booke of Acts and Monumēts we shall not greatly need to stand vpon rehersall of euery perticular matter touching the whole but only taking the chiefest and leauyng the rest we will report somewhat of the communication betwene the B. of Winchester hym declaring withal how false and vntrue the excuse is of our aduersaries which so precisely by the law defend thēselues and say that in all their doyngs they did nothing but by y e Law to beare them out Which if it be so how did they thē to Anne Askew What law had they when they had condemned her first for a dead woman then afterward to rack her The Catholickes proued to doe agaynst the law in Q Maryes tyme. By what law did they cal vp M. Hooper prison him for the Queenes debt when the Queene in very deede did owe hym foure score pounds and kept hym a yeare and a halfe in prison and gaue hym neuer a penny pag. 1577. By what law did B. Boner condemn and burne Richard Mekins a lad of xv yeares when the first Iurie had quit hym and at the stake reuoked all heresies and praised the sayd Boner to be a good man and also hauing him in prison would not suffer his father and mother to come to hym to comfort their owne chylde pag. 1168. What lawe had they to put Maister Rogers in prison when hee dyd neyther preache nor reade Lecture after the tyme of the Queenes inhibition and when they had kept hym in his owne house halfe a yeare beyng not depriued of anye liuyng yet would not let hym haue a halfe peny of his owne liuyngs to relieue hym his wyfe and xi childrē pag. 1574. By what law was Thomas Tomkins hand burnt and afterward his body consumed to ashes What good law or honestie was there to burne the 3. poore womē at Garnsey with the infant chyld fallyng out of the mothers wōbe when as they all before theyr death recanted their wordes and opinions and were neuer abiured before So here likewyse in this case what order or right of law did Steuen Gardiner follow in troublyng imprisoning Iudge Hales when he had done nothyng neither agaynst Gods law nor mans law in proceeding by order of law against certayne presumptuous persones which both before the law and agaynst the law then in force tooke vppon them to say their Masse as ye shall heare in these his answers and communication had with Steuen Gardiner here vnder ensuyng ¶ The communication betwene the Lord Chauncellour and Iudge Hales beyng there among other Iudges to take his oth in Westminster hall An. 1553. October 6. Lord Chauncellour I. Hales MAister Hales ye shall vnderstand that lyke as the Queenes highnes hath heretofore conceiued good opinion of you especially for that ye stood both faithfully lawfully in her cause of iust succession refusing to set your hand to the booke among others y t were against her grace in that behalfe Communication
passe of the Popes Bull the time nowe serueth to entreat of Pope Iulius death for so much as he made hys end about the latter end of this foresayd moneth of March. * Read more of this in a booke called a warning to England The death of Pope Iulius 3. Concerning the deedes and acts of which Pope to make a full declaratiō it were not so much tedious to the reader as horrible to all good eares * Vide scriptum Pauli Vergerij contra hunc Archiepiscopum Note here what an holy Catholicke Church 〈…〉 Under this Iulius florished the Archb. of Beneuentanus a Florentine named Iohannes a Casa Deane of the Popes Chamber chiefe Legate to the Uenetians who well declaring the fruit of that fylthy See so farre forgat both honesty and nature that hee shamed not onely to play the filthie Sodomite himselfe to boast openly of the same but also tooke vpon hym most impudently in Italian metre to al mens eares to set forth the prayse commendation of that beastly iniquity saying that he himselfe neuer vsed other this booke was prynted at Uenice by one Troianus Nauus yet the Pope could suffer this so great iniquity and shameles beastlines euen vnder his nose in his owne chāber which could not abide the true doctrine of Christ in Christian bookes Amonges other prankes and deedes of this foresayde Pope in his Iubilee and in the Sinode of Trent and in cōfirming of the Idole of Lauretane this is also reported of him in his life that he delighted greatly in Porkefleshe and Peacockes Upon a tyme when he was admonished of his Phisition to abstayne from all Swynes fleshe for that it was noysome for his Goute and yet would not folow his counsell the Phisition afterward gaue warnyng to his steward or orderer of his diet that he shoulde set no more Porkeflesh before hym Wherupon when the Pope perceyued the sayd Porke flesh to be lacking in his accustomed seruice where sayde he is my Porke A Porkish Pope And when his Steward had aunswered that his Phisition had forbidden anye Porke to be serued thē the Pope bursting out in great rage said in these wordes Bring me sayd he my Porkefleshe Al dispetto di Dio● That is to to say in English Monstrous blasphemy 〈…〉 Pope In the despight of Cod. At an other time he sitting at dinner poynting to a Peacocke vpon his table which he had not touched keepe sayd he this colde Peacocke for me agaynst supper and let me sup in the gardē for I shall haue guestes So whē supper came and amongest other hot Peacockes he sawe not his colde Peacocke brought to his table y e Pope after hys wonted maner most horribly blaspheming God fell into an extreme rage Pope Iulius blasphemeth God 〈…〉 c. Whereupon one of his Cardinals sitting by desired him saying Let not your holinesse I pray you be so moued with a matter of so small weight Then this Iulius the Pope answering agayne What sayd he if God was so angrye for one apple that he cast our first parents out of Paradise for the same O Voc●m 〈◊〉 christo 〈◊〉 why may not I beyng his vicar be angry thē for a Peacocke sithens a Peacocke is a greater matter then an apple Beholde here good reader by this Pope the holines of that blasphemous See and yet thou shalt see here what affectiō was borne vnto this Pope here in England by the Diriges Hearses and Funerals cōmaunded to be had and celebrated in all churches by the Queene and her Counsell as may appeare by the copy of theyr letters here folowing ¶ A Letter from the Byshop of Winchester being Lord Chauncellour vnto Boner Byshop of London touching the celebrating of the Popes Funeralles AFter my harty commendations to your good Lordship Aprill 20. Winchesters letter to Bon● for the Popes funerall The king and Queenes Maiesties hauing certayne knowledge of the death of the Popes holinesse thought good there should be as well solemne Obsequies sayd for him throughout the Realme as also these prayers whiche I sende you herein enclosed vsed at Masse tymes in all places at this tyme of vacation and therfore willed me to signifye theyr pleasures vnto you in this behalfe that thereupon ye might proceede to the full accomplishmente thereof by putting the same in due execution within your owne Diocesse and sending worde to the rest of the Byshoys to do the like in theyrs Thus doubting not but that your Lordship will vse such diligence in this matter at this time as shall be necessary I bid your Lordship hartily well to fare From my house at Assher the tenth of Aprill 1555. Your assured frend and brother Stephanus Winton Chancel ¶ Prayers commaunded to be vsed in the funerall Masses for the Pope Apostolica sede vacante SVpplici te domine humilitate deposcimus A Collect for the Pope vt tua immensa pietas sacrosanctae Romanae ecclesiae concedat pontificem illum qui pro in nos studio semper tibi gratus tuo populo pro salubri regimine sit assiduè ad gloriam tui nominis venerādus per dominum nostrum Secreta TVae nobis domine pietatis abundantia indulgeat vt gratum maiestati tuae pontificem sanctae marris Ecclesiae regimini praeesse gaudeamus per dominum nostrum Post Communionem PReciosi corporis sanguinis tui domine sacramēto refectos mirifica tuae maiestatis gratia de illius summi pontificis assūptione laetificet qui plebem tuam virtutibus instruat Another prayer for chusing of the Pope fidelium mentes spiritualium aromatum odore perfundat per dominum nostrum Upon this commaundement on wednesday in Easter weeke there were Hearses set vp Diriges song for the sayd Iulius in diuers places At which time it chaunced a woman to come into S. Magnus church at the bridgefoot in Londō there seing an Hearse other preparation A woman of S. Magnes Parish imprisoned for not praying for the Pope asked what it meant and other that stood by said that it was for the Pope and that shee must pray for him Nay quoth shee that will I not for he needeth not my prayer and seing he coulde forgeue vs all our sinnes I am sure hee is cleane himselfe therefore I neede not to pray for him She was heard speake these wordes of certayne that stoode by which by by caried her vnto the Cage at Londō bridge and bade her coole her selfe there ¶ A spectacle for all Christians to beholde and to take heed of the Popes blasphemous Doctrine BY many and sundry wayes almighty God hath admonished men of all nations in these our latter yeares to embrace A Popish Parsō preaching to his Parishioners and not violently to repugne agaynst the light of his Gospell as first by preaching of his word secondly by the bloud of the Martyrs and thirdlye by terrible examples shewed from
no reason neither shoulde it be possible for the Frenche king to induce the Pope to any gratuitie or pleasure for the king in his affaires Wherunto the king answearing againe sendeth worde to the French king The kinges aunswere to the French kinges request trusting and hoping wel of the perfect frendship of the French king his good brother that he will neuer suffer any suche perswasion to enter into hys breast whatsoeuer the great maister or any other shall say to the contrary thereof nor that he will require any thyng more of him to do for the Pope Chauncelour or other then hys Counsaile hath already deuised to be done in this behalfe especially considering the words of the sayd French kings promise made before as well to the Duke of Northfolke as to the other Ambassadours promising his frendship to to the King simply without requiring him to reuocate or infringe any suche acte or constitution made by the realme and Parlament to the contrary Perswading moreouer and laying before the eyes as well of the Pope as of the French king howe much it should redound to the Popes dishonou● and infamie to the sclaunder also of his cause if he should be seene so to pact and couenant wyth the king vpon such conditions for the administration of that thing which he in his owne conscience hath reputed and adiudged to be most rightfull agreeable to iustice and equitie and ought of his office and duetie to do in thys matter simpliciter gratis and wythout all worldly respectes eyther for the aduancement of his priuate lucre and commoditie The Pope seeketh not for iustice but his owne lucre and commodity or for the preseruation of hys pretensed power and authoritie For surely it is 〈◊〉 to be doubted but that the Pope being minded and determined to geue sentence for the inualiditie and nullitie of the kings first pretensed matrimonie hath conceiued and established in hys owne conscience a 〈◊〉 and certain opinion and perswasion that he ought of iustice and equitie so to do Then to see the Pope to haue thys opinion in deede and yet refuse this to doe for the King vnlesse hee shall be content for his benefite and pleasure The Pope ●elleth iustice ●edere iuri suo and to doe some things preiudiciall vnto his subiects contrary to hys honour it ●o easie to be foreseene what the world and the posteritie shall iudge de tam turpi nundinatione iustitiae illius tam foeda sordida lucri honoris ambitione And as fo● the kings part if he shal not attaine now iustice at the mediation of hys good brother knowing the Pope to be of this disposition and determination in his heart to satisfie all his desires being mooued thereunto by iustice The Pope doth agaynst his 〈◊〉 owne consciēce and that the ●et therof is no default of iustice in the cause but onely for that the king woulde not condescende to hys request it is to the king matter sufficient enough for discharge of hys conscience to God and to the worlde although hee neuer did execute in deede hys sayde determination For sith hys corrupt affection is the onely impediment thereof what neede either the king to require him any further to doe in the cause or els his subiectes to doubte any further in the iustnesse of the same Albeit if respects to benefites merites done towardes the Pope the See of Rome The Pope forgetteth his olde benefactors and frendes should be regarded in the attaining of iustice in a cause of so high consequencie as thys is reason would that if it would please the Pope to consider the former kindnesse of the King shewed vnto him in time past whereof hee is very loth to enter the rehearsall ne videatur velle exprobrare quae de alijs fecerit bene he should not nowe require of him any newe benefite or gratuitie to be shewed vnto him but rather studie to recompence hym for the olde graces merites pleasures and benefites before receiued For surely he thinketh that the Pope can not forget howe that for the conseruation of his person his estate and dignitie the king hath not heretofore spared for anye respecte The benefites of the king vpon the Pope when he was taken by the Duke of Burbon● in vsing the office of a moste perfecte and stedfaste frend to relinquish the long cōtinued good will established betweene him and the Emperor and to declare openly to all the world that for the Popes sake and in default of hys deliuerance he would become enemie to the sayde Emperour and to make against him actuall warre Besides thys the King hath not failed hym with right large and ample subuentions of money for the better supporting of his charges against the enterprises of the sayde Emperour combinding and knitting him selfe wyth the Frenche king to procure the aduauncement of the sayde Frenche kings armie into Italie to the charges whereof the king did beare little lesse then the one halfe Besides notable losses susteined as well in his customes subsidies and other dueties as also to the no little hinderaunce and dammage of his subiects and marchauntes occasioned by discontinuance of the traffike and entercourse heretofore vsed with the Emperours subiectes In doing of al which thinges the king hath not bene thus respectiue as the Pope nowe sheweth himselfe towardes him but lyke a perfect frend hath bene alwayes contented franckly liberally and openly to expone all his study labour trauayle treasure puisaunce Realme and diuers subiectes for the Popes ayd and y e mayntenance of the state and dignitie of the Church and See of Rome Which thinges although he doth not here rehearse animo exprobandi yet hee doubteth not but the same weighed in the ballaunce of anye indifferent mans iudgement All is lost tha● is done for a churle shal be thought to be of that weight valure as that he hath iustly deserued to haue some mutuall correspondencie of kindenes to be shewed vnto hym at y e popes handes especially in the ministration of iustice and in so reasonable iust cause as this is and not thus to haue his most rightfull petition reiected and denyed because he will not follow hys desire and appetite in reuocating of such actes as be here made passed for the weale commoditie of hys realme and subiectes ¶ Thus ye haue heard how instantly the king had laboured by the meanes of the french king to the pope being then in Fraunce for right and iustice to be done for the dissolution and nullitie of his first pretensed matrimonye with hys brothers wife Which when it could not be attayned at the popes handes vnles the king would recompēce and require the same by reuocating of such statutes as wer made and enacted here in the high Court of Parliament for the surety of succession and stablishment of the Realme what the king thereunto aunswered agayne ye heard declaring that
partye of the sayd doings and can testifie the truth thereof Aunswere to the cauilling aduersaries touching Iohn Marbecke WHerefore against these crooked cauillers which make so much ado against my former boke because in a certaine place I chaunced to saye that Bennette and Filmer had their pardon when in dede it was Bennet and Marbecke be it therfore known protested denounced The story doth purge it selfe if it had pleased these mē to take one place with an other and notified to al singular such carpers wranglers exclamers deprauers with the whole broode of all such whisperers railers quarelpickers corner creepers fault finders spidercatchers or by what name els so euer they are to be titled that here I openly say affirm professe hold maintain write the same as I sayde wrote before in the latter castigations of my booke that is that Iohn Marbecke was with the other condemned but not burned cast by the law but by pardone saued appoynted with the rest to die Harke you wranglers and be sa●isfied yet not deade but liueth God be praised yet to thys present day singeth merely and playeth on the Organes not as a dead man amōgst Foxes martyrs as it hath pleased some in y e court to encounter against me but as one witnessed testified truely in the booke of Foxes Martyrs to be a liue And therfore such maner of persons if y e disposition of their nature be such that they must needes finde faultes then let them finde them where they are and wher those faults by their finding may be corrected But wheras they be corrected already found to their hands also amended before let then these legend liers looke on their own legends and there cry out of lies where they may find inough and cease their bitinge there where they haue no iust cause to barke And admitte that I had not foresene and corrected thys escape before touching the matter of Iohn Marbecke but that the place stil had remained in the boke as it was that is that the sayd Iohn Marbecke whyche as yet aliue had then died suffred w t the other 3. the same time at Wyndesore yet what gētle or courteous reader could haue therin any iust matter to triumph insult against me seing the iudiciall acts the records registers yea the bishops certificate also the write of execution remaining yet in Recorde sent to the king did lead me so to say and thinke For what man wryting histories who can not be in all places to se al things but folowing his records registers wher in he seeth the said Marbecke to be iudged and condemned with the rest would otherwise write or thinke but that also he was executed and burned in the same company But nowe I correct and reforme the same agayne and first of all other I finde the fault and yet am I found fault withall I correct my selfe and yet am I corrected of other I warne the Reader of the truth The death of Iohn Marbecke in the former booke amended and yet am I a lier The booke it selfe sheweth the escape and biddeth in steade of 4. to read 3. burned and yet is the booke made a legēd of lies Briefly where I preuent all occasion of cauilling to the vttermost of my diligence yet can not I haue that law which all other bookes haue that is to recognise reforme mine owne errata Wherefore to conclude these men whosoeuer they are if they will be satisfied I haue sayd inough if they wil not whatsoeuer I cā say it wil not serue and so I leaue them I woulde I could better satisfie them God hymself amend them The persecution in Calyce with the Martyrdome of George Bucker otherwise called Adam Damlyp and others AT what time Iohn Marbecke was in the Marshalsey which was about the yeare of our Lord. 1544. there was in the sayd prison with him one George Bucker Anno 1544. named otherwise Adam Damlyp who hauing continued in the sayd prison 3. or 4. yeres at last by the commandement of Winchester was had to Calice by Ihon Massie the keeper of the Marshalsey George Bucker alias Adam Damlip Martyr and there hanged drawen quartered for treason pretensed whiche was a little before the condemnation of the Windsore men aforesayd as is by the letters of the sayd Iohn Marbecke to me signified Touching which story of Adam Damlyp for somuche it includeth matter of much trouble and persecutiō that hapned in Calice Ex litteris Ioan. Marbecki to digest therefore and comprise the whole narration therefore in order firste I will enter the Lorde willing the storie of Damlip and so proceede in order to such as by the sayde occasion were afflicted and persecuted in the towne of Calice Persecution in the towne of Calice Persecutors Persecuted The Causes Iohn Doue Prior of the gray Fryers in Calice Syr Gregorie Buttol Priest Steuen Gardiner Bysh. of Winchester D. Sampson Byshop of Chichester D. Clarke Byshop of Bathe D. Repse B. Norwich Haruey commissarie in Calice Ladie Honor wife to the I. Lisle deputie of Calice Syr Thomas Palmer Knight Iohn Roochwoode Esquier Adam Damlip requested by Cardinal Poole to tary at Rome Rich. Long souldiour of Calice Fraunces Hastings souldiour Hugh Coūsel seruant· Syr Rafe Ellerker Knight Syr Iohn Gage George Bucker or els called Adam Damlyp A poore labouring mā W. Steuens Thom. Lancaster Iohn Butler commissary W. Smith Priest Raffe Haire Iacob a Surgion A Fleming Clement Philpot seruaunt Ieffrey Loueday Dodde Sir Edmond Priest W. Touched Post-maister Pet. Bequet Anthony Pickeryng gentleman Henry Tourney gentleman George Darby Priest Iohn Shepard W. Pellam W. Keuerdall Iohn Whitwood Ioh. Boote Ro. Cloddet Copen de Hane alias Iames Cocke Math. Hounde W. Crosbowmaker IN the yeare of oure Lorde 1539. the Lorde Cromwell being yet aliue there came to Calice one Georg Bucker alias Adam Damlyppe who had beene in tyme past a great Papist and Chaplaine to Fisher bishop of Rochester and after the death of the bishop hys maister hadde trauailed through Frāce Dutchland and Italie and as he went conferred with learned menne concerninge matters of controuersie in Religion and so proceedinge in hys iourny to Rome whereas he thoughte to haue founde all godlynesse and sincere Religigion in the end he foūd there as hee confessed such blasphemy of God contempte of Chrystes true religion loosenes of life and aboundance of all abhominations and filthinesse that it abhorred his heart and conscience any longer there to remayne althoughe he was greatlye requested by Cardinal Pole there to continue and to read 3. Lectures in the weeke in his house for y t which he offered hym great entertainment Whyche he refused so returninge homewarde hauynge a piece of money geuen him of the Cardinall at his departure to the value of a Frenche crowne towarde his charges came to Calyce as is aforesayd Who as he was there wayting
without the gate for passage into Englande and being there perceiued by certayne Calyce menne namely William Steuens and Thomas Lancaster through conference of talke to bee a learned man and also well affected and moreouer howe that he being of late a zelous Papist was now returned to a more perfecte knowledge of true Religion was by them hartely entreated to stay at Calice a certayne space and to read there a day or two to the intent he might do some good there after his payneful trauell vnto the people To this request Adam gladly consented so as he might be licenced by such as were in authority so to do Whereupon the sayde Steuens at the opening of the gates brought him vnto the Lord Lisle the kinges Deputie of the towne and marches of Calice Ad●m bro●ght to the ●ord D●●●ty of 〈◊〉 vnto whome hee declared throughly what conference and talke had bene betweene Adam Damlip and him Which knowne the sayd Lord Deputie instauntly desired the sayd Damlip to stay there and to preach three or foure dayes or more at his pleasure saying that he should haue both his licence the Cōmissaries also which then was sir Iohn Butler so to doe Where after he had preached three or fourt times hee was so well lyked both for his learning his vtteraunce and the truth of his doctrine that not onely the souldiours commoners but also the Lord Deputy and a great part of the Counsell gaue him maruelous great prayse and thankes for it and the sayd Lord Deputy offered vnto him a chamber in his owne house and to dyne and sup euery meale at his owne messe to haue a man or two of his to wayte vpon him to haue what soeuer it were that he lacked if it were to be had for mony yea what he would in his purse to buy bookes or otherwise so as he woulde tary there among them preach onely so long as it should seeme good to himselfe Who refusing his Lordships great offer most hartily thanked him for the same and besought him to be onely so good vnto him as to appoynt him some quiet honest place in the towne where he might not be disturbed nor molested but haue oportunitie to geue himselfe to hys booke and would dayly once in the forenoone and agayn by one a clocke at after noone by the grace of God preach among them according vnto the talent that God had lent him At which aunswere the Lorde Deputy greatly reioysed and therupon sent for the foresayd W. Steuens whom he earnestly required to receiue and lodge the sayde Damlip in his house promising what soeuer hee shoulde commaund to see it payd with the most and moreouer would send euery meale frō his owne messe a dish of the best vnto them and in deede so did albeit the sayde Damlip refused that offer shewing his Lordship that thinne dyet was most conuenient for Studentes Yet coulde not that restrayne him but that euery meale he sent it This godly man by the space of xx dayes or more once euery day at vij of the clocke preached very godly learnedly playnly the truth of the blessed sacrament of Christes body and bloud mightely enueying agaynst all Papistrye and cōfuting the same but especially those two most pernitious errours or heresies trifling Transubstantiation and the pestilent propitiatorye Sacrifice of the Romishe Masse by true conference of the Scriptures and applying of the auncient Doctours earnestly therewith oftentimes exhorting the people to returne from theyr Popery declaring how Popish he himselfe had bene and how by the detestable wickednes that he did see vniuersally in Rome he was returned so farre homeward and now became an enemy through Gods grace to all papistry shewing therewith that if gayne or ambition could haue mooued him to the contrary he might haue bene enterteyned of Cardinall Poole as you haue heard before but for very conscience sake ioyned with true knowledge grounded on Gods most holy word he now vtterly abhorred all Papistry and willed them most earnestly to do the same And thus he continued a while reading in the Chapter house of the White Friers but the place beeyng not bigge enough he was desired to reade in the Pulpit and so proceeding in his Lectures wherein hee declared howe the world was deceaued by the Romaine Bishops which had set forth the damnable doctrine of Transubstantiation and the reall presence in the Sacrament The Idolatrous pageāt of the resurrection most ●●mptuously 〈◊〉 out 〈◊〉 Calice as is aforesayde he came at length to speake against the Pageaunt or Picture set foorth of the Resurrection whiche was in Saint Nicholas Church declaring the same to be but meere Idolatrie and illusion of the Frenchmen before Calice was English Upon which Sermon or Lecture there came a Commission from the King to the Lord Deputie M. Grendfield Commyssiō 〈◊〉 from the king to s●●●ch our the false ●●gling of this Idolatry at Calice sir Iohn Butler Commissary the Kinges Mason and Smith with others that they should searche whether there were as was put in writing and vnder Bull and Pardon three hostes lyeng vpon a Marble stone besprinkled with bloud and if they found it not so that immediatly it should be plucked downe and so it was For in searching therof as they brake vp a stone in a corner of the Tumbe they in stead of the three hostes founde souldered in the Crosse of Marble lyeng vnder the Sepulcher The false iuglinges of the Papistes espyed three playne white counters which they had paynted lyke vnto hostes and a bone that is in the typ of a sheepes tayle All which trumpery Damlip shewed vnto the people the next day folowing which was Sonday out of the Pulpit and after that they were sent by the Lord Deputie to the King 3. paynted counters instead of 3. hostes Notwithstanding the Deuill stirred vp a Doue hee might well be called a Cormorant the Priour of the white Friers Who with Syr Gregory Buttoll Chapleyne to the Lord Lisle began to barke agaynst him Yet after the sayde Adam had in three or foure Sermons confuted the sayd Friers erroneous doctrine of transubstantiation and of the propitiatorie Sacrifice of the Masse Iohn Doue Fryer peacher of Damlip the sayd Frier outwardly seemed to geue place ceasing openly to inuey and secretly practised to peach him by letters sent vnto the Clergie here in England so y t within viij or x. dayes after the said Damlip was sent for to appeare before the Bishop of Canterbury Damlip sent for to appeare before the Councell in England with whome was assistant Steuen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester D. Sampson Byshop of Chichester and diuers other before whome he most constantly affirmed and defended the doctrine which hee had taught in such sort aunswering confuting soluting the obiections as his aduersaries yea euen among other the learned godly and blessed Martyr Cranmer then yet but a Lutheran