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A19128 The famous, pleasant, and variable historie, of Palladine of England Discoursing of honorable aduentures, of knightly deedes of armes and chiualrie: enterlaced likewise with the loue of sundrie noble personages, as time and affection limited their desires. ... Translated out of French by A.M. one of the messengers of her Maiesties Chamber.; Histoire palladienne. Part 1. English Colet, Claude, 16th cent.; Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. 1588 (1588) STC 5541; ESTC S105031 117,949 193

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THE Famous pleasant and variable Historie of Palladine of England Discoursing of honorable Aduentures of Knightly deedes of Armes and Chiualrie enterlaced likewise with the loue of sundrie noble personages as time and affection limited their desires Heerein is no offence offered to the wise by wanton speeches or encouragement to the loose by lasciuious matter Translated out of French by A. M. one of the messengers of her Maiesties Chamber Patere aut abstine AT LONDON Printed by Edward Allde for Iohn Perin dwelling in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the Angell And are there to be sould 1588. ¶ TO THE RIGHT Honorable Robert Deuorax Earle of Essex and Ewe Viscount of Hereford and Bourchier Lord Ferrers of Chartley Bourchier and Louayne Maister of the Queenes Maiesties Horsse A. M. wisheth increase of all happinesse AMong those right Honorable that offered incense in the Temple of Iupiter in plates of Golde according to the custome a simple Heardsman religiously affected brought his offering on a broken potsheard for which he being reprooued by Iupiters Priest boldly returned this answere The Gods that dispose all knowe all rich men are discerned by their great gifts and poore men by their simple yet happily their zeale is not alike for rather had I be thought vnmannerly by this homely present then vndutifull by want of better abilitie In like manner right noble Lord among those ripe and curious wittes that offer to your learned view matter of valew squared and leueld by deepe knowledge and experience a simple zealous man more deuoted in affection to your honors welfare then able to expresse the same as other can presents this rude and vnpullished peece of worke not handled with arte because I want it nor glozed with borrowed phrases because I am loth to become indebted but equall with the poore Heardsmans potsheard and with him chusing rather to be thought homely then vndutifull knowing that the Eagles eyes of Iupiter can search into the substance of the one and other This woorke of Palladine with all his imperfections I humblie commit to your honorable protection knowing that in respect of your owne loue to Chiualrie you will thinke well of him and because he is an English man in the better sort fauour him For my selfe as I neuer knew honor partiall in opinion but with vpright iudgement to ballance each mans deseruing so in this assurance with reuerence I end as forward as any in affection to your Honor. A. Monday To the corteous and freendly Readers MY promise was that by Easter Tearme this worke should be published and according to my promise heere doo I send it not doubting but you will so fauourably censure theron as my paynes and the pleasure of the Historie deserueth If you happen to fynde any mislike in the translation or that it is not so currant English as fyne eares hunt after let this serue as a sufficient excuse for mee that in translating men are bound to their Writers words and such as roue at random may set downe what they please And this I am to intreate on the Printers behalfe and mine owne whereas in dyuers places there are faultes escaped as woordes verie much mistaken many left out and others common that you will freendly let passe such ouer-sightes and at the next Impression they shall bee amended for I beeyng often absent and the Printer carefull to end his worke by appoynted time haue beene the cause of all these escapes Thus committing my Booke and my selfe to your fauourable iudgement I ceasse From my house without Cripple-gate this 23. of Aprill Yours to bee commaunded Anthony Monday THE Famous pleasant and variable Historie of Palladine Discoursing of Knightly and woorthy deedes of Armes and vnfolding the loue of many great Princes and Lords but especially of PALLADINE Soone to the King Milanor of England and the faire Selerina sister to the King of Portugall c. CHAP. I. * Of the birth of Prince PALLADINE and the strange aduenture that happened on the day of his birth in the Citie of London before the Pallace of King Milanor AT what time the puissant and spacious Empire of Greece and most fertile Asia was held in subiection by the great Turke and the Romaine Monarchy was commaunded by the wise Emperour Iustinian Gouernour of both high and nether Allmayne raigned in great Brittayne now called England a King named Milanor who from his youth was so well instructed in good letters and the Sciences liberall as among the most learned Doctors he was reckned peerelesse before he came to the age of eightéene yéeres During this time of his education his Gouernors to make him perfect in all things beseeming so great a Prince caused him to practise the managing of great Horsses to vse the Tilt and Tourney with all other-feates of agilitie incident to Armes wherein right soone he grew so prompt and excellent as all the Lords and Subiects of his Realme were not onely abashed at his forwardnes but thought themselues especially blessed to liue vnder the regiment of so braue a King Nor was this ioy alone to them but many other nations and forreigne Princes did participate therein especially the Kings of Scottes and Norgalles his neighbours who hearing of the great bountie prowesse magnanimitie and other lawdable vertues in this King determined to be freends to him and his holding this opinion that beeing confederate with England in loue no other King or Prince durst molest them with warres Upon this consideration they sent their Ambassadours to his Maiestie to promise and sweare peace amitie and inuiolable concord with obeysance and acknowledging him their Superiour where they were receiued honourably and with content a matter greatly auailing them afterward as you shall perceiue by the following discourse of our Historie The King of Portugall vnderstanding the manifold vertues and power of King Milanor as also that so many Kings and Princes desired his fréendly alliaunce preuayled so well by his sundry Embassades as the King of England married with his Sister named Selerina faire in perfections yong and gratious among all the Ladies in her time and to continue holy loue betwéene this King and Queene soone after she was conceyued with a goodly Sonne at whose birth happened such a maruelous aduenture as no registred memorie records the like At what time the Quéene was in trauayle suddenly was the Citie of London couered with a darke and fearefull Clowde the heauens deliuering such thunder and lightning the earth likewise shaking and trembling so straungely as the Citizens expected death euery moment imagining the end of the world was come vpon them For the space of two houres this wonderfull tempest endured vntill the Quéene was deliuered of her burthen when the Clowde began to vanish away and the heauens looked fayre and cheerefull as before After this despairing Storme the people who with feare and terror of the thunder had hid themselues in vaultes and caues amazed and fearefull began to shew themselues but
his Father had done in his youthfull time Thus continued he sixe or seauen moneths in this desire not daring to aquaint the King his Father therewith least he should refuse his request in respect of his yong yeeres but the destenies who foresawe the maruellous déedes of Armes he should accomplish and the straunge encha●●●ments that should be finished by him would not suffer 〈◊〉 remaine long slothfull in his Fathers Court among 〈◊〉 Ladies and beautifull creatures but bringing his 〈◊〉 to perfection found the meane that he should be Knig●●●d by the King his Father as héereafter you shall read● more at large CHAP. V. ¶ How the Duke Temoreo of Millaine sent his Sonne Manteleo into England to be made Knight with the Prince Palladine and how Manteleo became enamoured of the Princesse Marcelina DUring this time the Duke of Millaine had a Sonne named Ma●●eleo a yong Prince and of vertuous nature brauely disposed to Knightly resolutions and being aged about eightéene yéeres He hauing oftentimes heard the famous report euery where bruted of the Prince Palladine of England and what a strange aduenture happened at his birth which could not as yet be ended by any was very desirous to go see him that he might be aquainted with the Prince so renowmed And one day finding the Duke his Father walking in his Garden he came and knéeled before him desiring licence for three or foure moneths to trauaile into England that he might be aquainted with the Prince Palladine of so especiall report as also the wise and debonaire King Milanor his Father with whome quoth he all Kings and Princes louers of vertue haue euermore desired fréendly allyance Witnesse héerof is the King of Portugall the Kings of Scots and Norgalles and diuers other Princes straungers by his hand my Lord so it stand with your liking would I receiue my order of Knighthood which he I hope will not denie me in respect of his owne gratious humanitie and the consideration he will haue of your person when he shall vnderstand that I am your Sonne The Duke hearing his Sonne in these tearmes was well pleased to behold him of so good a mind and contented likewise to graunt what he demaunded saying In sooth my Sonne seeing Fraunce and England are now in peace together the lesse do I doubt of thy going thither and boldly mayst thou assure him that he hath a perpetuall fréend of me determine then to depart when thou wilt foorthwith shall I giue order for thy prouision in trauaile but returne not till thou hast tried the aduenture so renowmed which hapned before the Kings Pallace on the day of his Sonnes birth and if thy good fortune may bring it to an end well mayst thou intreate the King for thy Order in that thou shalt well deserue thy Knighthood seeing so many haue fayled in triall thereof Manteleo hauing humbly thanked the Duke his Father for graunting him the thing he onely desired said I promise you my Lord that I will not returne thence without proofe of my fortune albeit I were sure to be repulsed more sharply then any hath béene heeretofore yet since the aduenture is so ordeyned let me dye ere I be dishonored with feare or dismaying Héereupon the Duke called the maister of his Horsse to whome he gaue charge to prouide his Sonnes estate toward England and that all things might be readie for his departure within thrée daies following which was accordingly perfourmed and so the Prince Manteleo with his trayne set forward from Millaine in the wéeke next after Pentecost making such expedition in trauaile as hauing passed the fairest Cities in Fraunce which he was desirous to see he came to Bullin where he tooke shipping and with a merry gale of winde in lesse then eighteene houres he landed in England The King Milanor aduertised of his arriuall was greatly contented therewith commaunding in all the Townes where-through he should passe that he should be receyued and intreated honorably And when he drew néere London the Gouernours were charged to méete him on the way the Prince Palladine likewise to welcome him at the Citie gates and the King with his Quéene and Ladies remained at the Pallace to entertaine him Euerie thing thus perfourmed in greatest maiestie the Prince of Millaine was receiued with generall ioy of the Citizens and the Prince Palladine accompanied with many great Lords of England to whome Manteleo behaued himselfe with honorable modestie as well he could his Courtship in those affayres and riding along with the English Prince he entred into these speeches The fame of so many lawdable vertues accompanyed with heroicall prowesse and magnanimitie which amply are discerned in your dayly cogitations hath earnestly prouoked me good Prince to be aquainted with you for which onely occasion I left my natiue Countrey to see this Realme euery where named happie by the honorable regiment of the King your Father whose vertues you imitate so effectually as you remaine a wonder to them that neuer saw you And long may good successe attend your dayly actions heauen making me so fortunate to winne acceptance in your eyes in that I haue deuoted my selfe to estéeme of you aboue all other Sir Manteleo answered the Prince Palladine as I knowe my selfe farre vnworthie these titles of prayse so am I perswaded that your speeches proceed of good affection towards me flying reports are oftentimes found vntrue yet do not I mislike your opinion of me which hath sorted out the meane to sée and knowe you in this Countrey as our honorable and well wishing fréend Of the King my Father haue I heard of your parents and good acquaintance hath he had with the Duke your Father when as a Knight errant he sought after aduentures assure your selfe therefore right welcome hither and gladly shall I accept of you as my freend and companion Thus beguiled they the time til they came to the Pallace where the Prince of Millaine stayed to behold the Statues reading the deuises he had so long desired to see whereat not able to maruaile sufficiently they went on into the great Hall where the King embraced him verie louingly the Princes and Lords likewise present entertained him with excéeding kindnesse and humanitie in that they had heard the King many times report the worthie chiualrie of the Duke of Millaine his Father After the King had welcomed this stranger with manyfold courtesies and had vnderstood the cause of his comming to his Court he sent him with the Prince Palladine to salute the Quéene and her Daughters But loue whose puissance as yet he had neuer felt finding time and opportunitie so conuenient when Manteleo had done his reuerence to the Queene comming to the Princesses that attended on her hauing kissed the first named Marcelina he found his sences so strangely inueigled as he stoode silent before her a prettie while being not able to deliuer one word so was he rauished with contemplation of her beautie Which the Princesse well noting and imagining this
strange Knightes whatsoeuer They not misliking this councell went presently to the Abbey where the Abbot welcommed them as beseemed their estates and while their Supper was prouiding the skilfull man hauing visited their woundes they walked into the faire Orchards and Gardens recounting to each other their seuerall fortunes since they were together in the Court of England Simprinell discoursed his loue to Belanicia of Norgalles and the cause of his comming to the Citie of Varne which when Palladine heard he determined not only to forget his affection to Belanicia but also to assist his freend to his vttermost in obtaining her loue saying My noble fréend I knowe what manner of disease loue is if one haue not receiued the swéetes thereof albeit when I sawe you in England I had no knowledge at all therein wherefore if I shall accompanie you to Norgalles such good speeches will I vse of you to your Lady as she shall not be offended for not bringing her portrait againe or that of the Duchesse which she sent ye for Simprinell thanked the Prince for his offer but he was farre otherwise addicted saying he had promised his Lady a further iourney for her loue wherein he would not haue any companie With this answere was Palladine well contented directing his course another way so hauing stayed two daies at the Abbey and either of them being able to beare Armour he left Simprinell there and courteously taking his leaue of the Abbot set on whither fate and fortune would guide him And after he had ridden fiue or sixe dayes he met a horsseman with whome falling in talke he vnderstood that the great Prince Caesar of Roome had at Paris enterprised a noble Tournament for the loue of the faire Rosamonde of Fraunce a Princesse estéemed incomparable in beautie And I quoth the Courrier am sent to the King of Norgalles Court who hath a faire Daughter named Belanicia before whome I must reueale my message and declare the Prince Caesars challenge in presence of all the Kings Knightes Afterward I must trauaile to Bulgaria and in the Court of the Duchesse Brisalda a Lady likewise renowmed for her beautie I must make knowne of this famous Tournament Palladine glad to heare the Duchesse so commended and that now he had the meanes to see the Princesse Belanicia accompanied the messenger to Norgalles and by the way méeting Belanicia riding in her Litter abroade for her recreation with diuers Knightes that attended on her Palladine was prouoked to Ioust with them by a contemptuous challenge of one of her Knightes But such was their ill lucke as all her champions were dismounted till her brother Landastines tooke the cause in hand hauing left the English Court to come sée the King his father and after they had broken many Launces not being able to preuaile against each other they ended the sport and Landastines knowing Palladine tooke him with him to the Court where he was welcommed honorably by the King as also the faire Belanicia his daughter CHAP. XXI ¶ How Simprinell being healed of his wounds returned to Varne where he vanquished the Prince Alfian of Ireland and brought away the portrait of Brisalda WHen Simprinell felt himselfe well recouered and remembred how he had not onely failed in winning the portrait of the Duchesse but in the attempt had lost y e figure of his mistresse Belanicia he determined not to goe to Norgalles vnlesse he could accomplish his Ladye commaundement Wherefore taking his leaue of the Abbot he rode backe againe to Varne and comming to the place of triumphes found the Duchesse with her Ladyes placed on the Scaffolds and the Prince Alfian of Ireland the Champion for Brisalda who preuayled woorthely against all that encountred with him Simprinell looking on his Ladyes picture and séeing it embased vnder the Duchesse had such a violent impression strooke him to the harte as he intended to recouer her honor againe or else to leaue his life in the feeld And in this resolution he encountred the Irish Prince passing two or three courses brauely the shiuers of their Launces flying vp into the aire but at the third attaint he met Alfian so roughly as both horsse and man were sent to the ground When Alfian had recouered his feete hee drew his Sword and comming to Simprinell who by this time was alighted and prepared for him when they began a fierce and cruell combate whereof Simprinell in the end had the honor Then comming to the Duchesse with courteous reuerence he demaunded of her if she would permit him to carie thence the portraites whereto she made no answere but in a great anger strong from the Scaffold because her champion had defended her cause no better Heereupon the Iudges as the equitie of the case required deliuered the portraites to Simprinell which he giueing to his Squires mounted on horssebacke returning presently backe to the Abbey not alittle glad of his high good fortune At the Abbey he stayed thrée or foure dayes to heale such woundes as he tooke in the last combate and afterward departed toward Norgalles where he arriued without any aduenture by the way to hinder him If he were welcome to the Lords and Ladies I referre to your opinions and how the Princesse Belanicia liked thereof when she sawe her Knight returned with the Duchesse counterfeit let Ladyes desirous of especiall account imagine her content but in requitall of his great paines so confidently did she loue him afterward as by imparting the same to her brother Landastines who highly fauoured his freend Simprinell the King was made acquainted therewith and Ambassadours sent to the King of Scots such good liking thereof beeing found betweene them both as the mariage was consumated and long loue requited with desired recompence Afterward Simprinell imparted to Landastines how at first he was foyled by the Prince Palladine and in his absence had woon his Ladyes credit againe which Landastines tooke so vnkindly as they concluded to trauaile to Paris whither the English Prince was gone before to reconcile this wrong to former amitie And thither are ridden Landastines and Simprinell to the great gréefe of the King and Quéene but chéefely of Belanicia so soone to forgoe her Lord and husband Palladine entised with the report of this braue Tournament held at Paris by the Prince Caesar for faire Rosamonde of Fraunce would néedes be séene in those worthie exploites and landing at Callis loth to be knowne in England least the King his Father should hinder his intended iourney he met with the Duke of Gaule accompanyed with twentie Knightes brauely mounted he likewise riding to the Prince Caesars Tourney by the commaundement of the faire Agricia of Naples whome he honored as his Lady and mistresse After they had saluted each other Palladine presently knew the Duke remembring he had séene him in his Fathers Court yet would not he make any shew thereof because he was so slenderly accompanyed hauing no one with him but his Squire Lycelio and
King would not deny him then againe he dispaired of the matter reputing himselfe vnlikely to enioy her by reason of their contrarietie in faith and religion the King being an earnest maintainer of the Pagan lawe Nor would this imagination serue wherefore he intended to steale her thence secretly and to carie her with him into England while Orbiconte laboured at home to appease the trouble that might follow In the end he reposed himselfe on the faithfull promise of Orbiconte and desired his Lady to doo the like because he had found her so iust in all his former fortunes But now are the Ambassadours come to the Court where being entertained with great pompe and royaltie he that was appointed chéefe in the embassade thus deliuered his message to the King King of Aquilea the high and mightie Lord my maister being aduertised of the rare vertues wherewith thy Daughter is endued hath sent me to intreate thée that thou wouldest bestowe her on him in marriage and in so dooing he vowes himselfe thy fréend and a continuall enemie to thy ill willers Heerewith he deliuered the Letters of credit signed with the hand and scale of the great Turke whereat the King no lesse ioyfull then amazed that his Daughter should arise to so high fortune without crauing any aduise in the cause thus answered I thanke my gracious Lord with all my heart that he will so honor me with request of my Daughter in marriage and her do I fréely giue him with all that is mine at his disposing Then did the Ambassadour present the King sixe goodly Coursers of Turkie sent him from his Lord and maister and to the Princesse he gaue a sumptuous Carbanet garnished with Carbuncles Orientall Pearles and stones of inestimable valew which she receiued with good countenance albeit God knowes with a heauie heart in which gréefe the Knight without rest bare her company yet durst not outward shew therof This costly Iewell the Queene immediatly fastened about her Daughters neck being commended for the rarest that euer was seene afterward the King walked with the Ambassadours dooing them all the honor he could any way deuise While all the Court were busied Orbiconte came with Nonparelia to Palladines chamber and there concluded that he should on the morrow take his leaue of the King framing his iourney directly toward England where the Princesse and she would in short time méete him willing them to make no shew of sorrow at their departure least suspition might preuent what she had intended but to resolue them assuredly that all her promises should sorte to effect The Knight without rest did as he was aduised and albeit it was long ere the King would giue consent because he loued him very déerely yet at length with muche adoo he preuailed the Prince Zorian obtaining leaue of his Father to accompanie him in trauaile because his Maiestie thought he could neuer haue a brauer companion Many rich giftes the King bestowed on the Knight without rest especially one of the Coursers sent him from the great Turke and other thinges néedfull to be vsed in trauaile and thus he prepared him selfe toward his iourney reposing his confidence in the wise Orbiconte that she would bring his Lady safely into England CHAP XXXVI ¶ How the knight without rest and the Prince Zorian departed from Aquilea toward England and how the Knight without rest by the waye discouered him selfe to the Prince Zorian who when he came into England was baptized and betrothed to the faire Graciana daughter to the Earle of Flaunders and the like was Mantelio and Land●stines to their Ladies EUery thing being in redines for our Knightes trauaile after all the ceremonious conges at the parting of freendes the knight without rest Zorian Broantine Lyboran and Lycelio all brauelye mounted in seemely equipage they leaue the Courte of Aquilea and toward England iourney with all conueniēt speede the Knight without rest being especially induced to this haste because he expected the promise of Orbiconte soone after would followe him with the faire Nonparelia Many woorthy aduentures they had by the way as defending chaste Damoselles from forced violence and helping distressed Ladies to their suborned right which growing to more tediousnes thē delightfull matter I haue thought good to abridge as lothe to speake of any thing but what is woorth the hearing When our Knightes were entered the Realme of Almaigne and the Englishe Prince had made good triall of Zorians loue to him one night as they laye in Bed togeather he entred into these spéeches My Lord Zorian the fréendship solemnely sworne betwéene vs and the proof of your ready good will in all my actions will not let me hide one thing f●●● you which till this present I haue kept with great secrecie both from the knowledge of the King your Father and you onely by the perswasion of the Lady Orbiconte your Aunt to whome I am more beholding then any other liuing creature For in my iourney toward Aquilea oftentimes did she preserue me from the danger of death and by her meanes I left the Court of the King of England my Father by her promise that I should enioy your faire Sister in mariage in recompence of some seruice I should doo to the King your Father and this by her secret knowledge she likewise tolde me that all your Fathers dominions shall be shortly conuerted to the Christian faithe which I professe and will doo till death Then he recounted how Orbiconte sent him the Shéeld he bare and shewed the Swoord wheron the name of Aquilea was engrauen being brought to him by the enchaunted knight and two Damosells He likewise declared how he changed his name because he would not be knowne and that Liboran only counterfeited dumbnes being not able to learne the Aquilian language all the rest of his trauailes at full he opened his right name and whether he now iournied In sooth my Lord Palladine answered Zorian such resolute opinion of your vertues haue I imprinted in my hart as though you be contrary to me in loue and profession yet shall not my good will slack or I forgoe your companie but I would the time were come wherein my Fathers kingdome shall embrace Christianitie which I already begin to like so well beleeuing that your God is of greater power then ours as all our successefull déedes of armes beare witnes that I ere long will become a Christian Yet one thing cheeflye dooth displease me that my Sister is promised in mariage to my Lord the great Turk which will be the occasion that my Aunte Orbiconte cannot keep her woord with you My Lord and companion saide Palladine that I haue your good liking in this cause in sooth it dooth not a little content me but as for your Sister there is nothing yet doone but may easily be altered Madame Orbiconte hath promised to content the great Turke and your Father and in fewe dayes will safelye arriue with your Sister in England I would we
thereof In truth said the Quéene I see the Letter imports great matter let vs vnderstand what is contained therein Palladine not daring to denie this commaundement causing the Gentleman that brought the Letter to withdraw himselfe thus answered My gracious Lord and Father this Lette● deliuers none but good newes the Sister to the King of Aquilea and faire Nonparelia his Daughter are come to visit your Maiestie Right welcome are they said the King and I will doo them all the honor I may but what may be the cause of this kindnesse séeing our Realme is so farre from Aquil●a Then Palladine declared the whole discourse of his voiage how by the aduise of the wise Orbiconte he had promised the Princesse Nonparelia after she had receiued her Christendome to take her in mariage in that she was accomplished with as rare perfections of beawtie and vertue as any Princesse in the world beside You place that formost quoth the King which you loue best preferring corporall beawtie before vertue but héerein you are to be pardoned for loue and affection so alter the sences as makes men put one word in anothers place I spake of that first my Lord quoth Palladine which I first sawe in so faire a creature namely a choise grace of corporall beawtie and hauing afterward by frequenting her companie gathered sufficient knowledge of her inward endowments I placed them as they came to my acquaintance And such is my hope good Father that your selfe wil iudge no lesse then I doo when you haue seene her For the rest Madame Orbiconte her Aunt shall resolue ye giuing you to vnderstand matters of weight and such as you will thinke your selfe happie to knowe this being the meane to bring to the Christian faith the great and mightie Kingdome of Aquilea Thou tellest me wenders my Sonne quoth the King but why didst thou not sooner acquaint me heerewith Because I feared answered Palladine that misfortune on the Sea might alter my intent or the promise of Orbiconte might be preuented by some other sinister meane Well my Sonne quoth the King I pray that thy desires may haue a fortunate end and such things as thou speakest of may come to passe meane while let vs prouide to receiue these two Princes and make them such entertainement as their calling deserues Foorthwith he commaunded that the Pallace should bee adorned with most sumptuous Tapistrie and calling for the Uiceadmirall willed him to prepare certaine Ships that might go meete the Ladies as they came wherein Palladine Zorian Manteleo Landastines and many other great Lords were embarqued And béeing come to the Ile of Tennet they espied the Ships sayling amaine toward them and entring among them Palladine seeing Orbiconte aloft on the deck knew well where the Princesse Nonparelia was wherefore going aboord that Ship catching Orbiconte in his armes he thus spake Welcome good Lady into this Countrey this day doo you giue me life and the onely comfort I desire in this world for had not your assurance at my departure from Aquilea perswaded me I had ere this beene consorted with the dead As he was thus embracing Orbiconte the Princesse Nonparelia came foorth of her Cabin and with a sweete smiling countenance came to him saying Haue you not doone yet my Lord I am not content that you giue all the welcome to mine Aunt and allow me no portion thereof I thinke I haue deserued some part At these words he suddenly leauing Orbiconte embraced his mistresse with such zealous affection as neither of them were able to speake one word in which time Zorian and the other Princes had leisure to welcome the wise Orbiconte During this time of greeting and salutation they sayled on with so good a winde as in short time they entred the Port of London where this honorable companie were receiued with great magnificence the Citizens conducting them thorough the streetes with such pompe and sumptuous deuises as neuer was the like seene in London before The King and Queene for the greater honor of their Sonne came to the Court gate to welcome the Princesse at whose rare beawtie as they did not a little wonder so there wanted no kinde of courtesie whereby their good will might at large be expressed So walking on into the great Hall there began againe new shewes of entertainement whereby both Orbiconte and her Niece perceiued that the Court of England was incomparable for gracious behauiour While the King and Queene were conferring with Orbiconte Palladine tooke his Lady aside to the windowe where she at large declared to him the dangers sustained in their voyage and their good deliuerance by the Admirall of England and Broantine Héerof sweete Lady quoth Palladine your Aunt already hath aduertised me and I knowe assuredly that you haue escaped greater perill then you can report to me all for my loue wherein I am religiously bound to you while I liue yet heerewithall consider that you haue endured all this for your faithfull freend and husband who now bids you welcome as his loyall and espoused wife Alas my Lord quoth the Princesse you well knowe that I haue no other intent and the sooner our nuptials are solemnized the better shall I be quieted least any dishonor should ouertake me in respect of what hath passed betweene vs heeretofore Madame answered Palladine this ●ace concerneth me as néere as your selfe and to preuent such danger we must héerein be aduertised by your Aunt Orbiconte the rest shall be accomplished with all possible spéede In all this time Orbiconte had so preuailed with the King and Quéene declaring that this mariage was forepointed in their infancie and should by her meanes be ●at●fied by the King of Aquilea her Brother as they both promised that so soone as the King of Portugal● was arriued who was sent for to the mariage of his two Nieces the wedding should be sollemnized at that instant likewise Untill which time the Princesse should be enstructed in the Christian faith and be made partaker of that holy Sacrament which is the badge and cognisance of all Christians so should her obscure thoughts be cléerely illuminated and the mariage would be more acceptable in the sight of God The Kings deuise was generally well liked and the Princesse her selfe willing to vnderstand the rules which were so farre different from her Pagan profession in which exercise she had her whole studie and delight till the time came that she should be Baptized CHAP. XXXIX ¶ How the Princesse Nonparelia and all her Ladyes were with great pompe and solemnitie Baptised and all the honorable mariages afterward finished BY paineful diligence of diuers learned Diuines the Princesse was wonne to receiue the faith of a Christian and all her Ladies likewise that came with her from Aquilea so they being all attired in white garments were conducted to the Cathedrall Church in London with such royall pompe and magnificence as euery eye was set to wonder Such was her stately maiestie in going and
her swéete lookes so effectuall in piercing as the most deuoutest minde was halfe rauished yea double charged with the baptisme of these twelue Aquileans Manteleo Landastines and the Queene were her sureties at the Font and diuers honorable persons for the Ladies who changed none of their names at Palladines request They were no sooner returned to the Pallace ●ut newes was brought that Don Roderigo the King of Portugall was come to London which tidings pleased the King to well especially all the louers whose mariages stayed onely for his comming as I thinke the riches of the whole world could not more content them Roderigo thus arriued is saluted by the people embraced by the King his Brother welcommed by Palladine and the other Princes kissed so courteously by Nonparelia his two Nieces and Graciana Daughter to the Earle of Flaunders as he imagined himselfe in the like place as héeretofore was feigned on the Isle of Aualon and the Kingdome of Feria On the morrow was the sollemnitie of the espousalles and because the Kings Princes and great Lords there arriued stroue who should giue place to each other it was in the end concluded that each Bridegroome should leade his Bride himselfe therefore they went to the Church in this manner Nonparelia was lead by the Prince of England Marcelina by Manteleo Florea by Landastines Graciana by Zorian Doronea Daughter to the Duke of Rostock by Broantine Erinnea Duchesse of Rimandria by Liboran Héere doo I omit the description of their sumptuous ornaments chaines and iewelles because you are able to conceiue that such persons at such a time want nothing that may set foorth themselues to the vttermost The feastes at Dinner and Supper ended the Maskes Mommeries and other pastimes giuen ouer Hymen entred among them whose Comedie was so bréefe as he vsed but one acte and two persons in the scene and that without any auditours present but those whome the play and partes concerned But cléere Dyan arising gaue fauour to some and offence to other so for that time the pastime ceassed because the Lords and Ladies came to giue them the good morrowe especially to Nonparelia who in time they hoped to sée Queene of England She hauing with modest and amiable gestures thanked them demaunded of Marcelina and Florea her Sisters how they fared and how her Brother Zorian did with his faire Princesse of Flaunders they all replying that loue that night rewarded their long trauailes and Venus courteously fauoured her Sonnes procéedings But leaue we this to such as haue made experience thereof and now let vs come to a matter long time kept in silence CHAP. XL. ¶ What end the aduenture of the Statues had namely that of the Goddesse Cytherea and her Sonne Cupid and the braue Tournament after the proofe thereof in honor of the marriage of Palladine and Nonparelia IN honor of this great sollemnitie the Princes had concluded on a Tournament at Armes which to behold the Ladies of the Court put themselues in comely equipage when Palladine before them vsed these speeches Faire Ladies you knowe how long I haue beene desirous of this day to make proofe how the aduenture of Loues Images might be brought to end namely by one of the race of the King my Father And albeit I am not that happie Knight to whome it is destenied and whome the heauens will regard with such fauour as in beawtie and firme affection to God beyond all other yet will not I faile to hazard my triall being thus farre assured that in matters appertaining to a noble minde no one hath beheld me inferiour to any And if my vertues are not came to perfection it will be some greefe to me because the abilitie of a man shall be prized according to his successe in this triall But to the end these Images newly called to remembrance may breede no obscure and difficult vnderstanding you must h●ere note that in the great waste place before the Court at London at the top of a great pa●●e of staires stood these Statues the one representing Venus holding in her hand a lighted Torche not to be extinguished but by the conquerour of double passions and the other was her Sonne Cupid with an arrowe drawen in his lo●● as readie to shoote which likewise could not be discharged but by her that was as much ouercome as victorious in amorous affections Now although these Statues were made of Marble yet were they so excellently carued and approching so neere to the life as Venus being attired in habit after the English manner was able to entise the thoughts of a verie stayed person Yet resteth one matter to declare namely that the man not deseruing the name of a louer might not present himselfe before these Images for the sight of such men was so offensiue to them as they would disdaine to looke vpon them and exalt themselues vp into the aire because such vnwoorthie people should not touch them Returne we now to Prince Palladine againe he who by generall opinion had not his second in England and by his new entraunce into the fellowship of the maried caried this estimation in his owne conceit that he should beare away this long desired honor in triall whereof so many had fayled héeretofore Yet heerein his high opinion was beguiled for he must yeeld and giue place to those whome the fates had especially appointed to wit his owne Sonne the Prince Florano of England and the faithfull Lady Pamphilia of Greece his wife as in their historie at large it is discoursed For this cause that the chéefest honor might remayne to him beyond all the other he caused Broantine and Liboran to begin the triall first then the Prince Zorian followed yet all of them so slenderly fauoured as they could not attaine to any shew of possibilitie Which when Landastines and Manteleo beheld the desire of glorie they had before made them now of so high and resolute courage as impacient of delay they would not tarie for each other attempting their fortune together but this vnkindly heate caught such a sudden cooling as their timeritie grew insupportable whereby the Images turned their backs to them Then they heereat offended said that the vertue of loue in this triall had not his due therefore they ought not to be any way dishabled As for this p●ece of Witchcraft quoth they héere beawtie is preferred before loyaltie therefore it must consequently followe that he and she who should despoile these Images must be the most faire and loyall of all louers So such as had not exquisite beawtie and loyaltie to be tearmed incomparable were repulsed thence with such discontent as the open foyle was more gréeuous then death to them Palladine heereat thoroughly moued yet more reioycing at anothers fault then distrusting his owne sufficiencie aduanced himselfe and proffering his owne hand to the Torche and the other to the Bowe the Images making obeysance and shewing amiable countenance to him mounted vp on high from him which
when the Gentlemen in the Kings Pallace came to open the windowes they beheld in the great waste place before the Court thrée Statues of Copper each one about eight foote in height and by each of them stoode a Collomne of blacke Marble on the formost whereof hanged a Shéeld of fine and pure Steele right curiously engrauen and pollished and enriched with many pretious stones and iewelles in bréefe such was the workemanship and deuise thereof as neyther sword launce or bullet from an Harquebuzo could any way pierce or enter it Aboue this Sheeld on the same piller was engrauen these verses in faire gréene letters whereto the Statue pointed with one of his fingers Pallas the wise Goddesse whose skill thus framed me Ordaind I must be giuen vnto the cheefe in chiualrie The second Statue shewed on his Piller the God of loue Cupid being framed of massie Orientall Pearle holding a golden bowe in his hand and his arrowes in a Quiuer of golde by his side vnder his féete on the Piller was engrauen these verses in Romane letters No one so stout or affable can take me from this place Except in loyaltie of loue all other he surpasse The third Statue made in forme of a goodly beawtifull woman shewed on the Collomne standing by her the Image of the Goddesse Venus in white Alablaster hauing on her head a Crowne of Golde embellished with many Rubies Diamonds Emeraulds and other precious Stones of great value This Image of Venus held in her left hand a flaming strebrand and pointed with her right hand to the Crowne Under her feete hung a Table wherein was written two French verses thus Englished This Crowne is for the Ladie framd That chiefe in beautie shall be namd The two first Statues séemed like two fierce and strong Sauage men each of them hauing a great fauchion hanging in Skarffes by their sides and in such sort were they charmed as whosoeuer made offer to take the Crowne or touch the God of Loue was immediatly assayled by one of the men who would not giue ouer till he had vanquished him Many Knightes of England and other Countreys aduentured their fortunes at these Statues but were still repulsed vntill the Knight came that conquered these monstrous men as héereafter in the Historie shall be declared In like manner at the Image of Venus the Ladyes profered to take away her Crowne but the Statue standing by repelled them continually so that they which once had assayed durst meddle no more wherefore the Crowne remayned vnconquered vntill the Lady came that surpassed all other in beawty to whome the honor of the Crowne was vowed After they had long beheld and considered this aduenture so admirable and vnable to coniecture the meaning thereof diuers went to aduertise the King of this accident who was no lesse abashed héereat then the other were especially the Queene whose feare was not a litle hearing the terrible thunder and tempest that happened by which occasion she had more spéedie deliuerance then was expected and with greater ease then commonly women haue yet was the child in such goodly shape resembling his Father as the Mother was highly pleased therewith hoping this Infant would remaine an inuiolable league of loue betwéene the King and her and the rather the intelligence of this new spectacle animated her therewith The King giuing little credite to this strange report went in person with all the Princes and Lords of his Court to behold the same and séeing that it was true indéede confessing likewise the thing in strangenesse to surpasse the memorie of all former aduentures he sent immediately for the most skilfull Philosophers in his Realm who hauing learnedly considered thereof assured the King that at the instant appearing of those rare spectacles a Child should be borne that in bountie prowesse and loyaltie should exceede all the Knightes in the world for whose renowne a wise Nigromancer had appointed that occasion that each curious eye might discerne his rare vertues among all that should aduenture for the Shéeld and Trophe of Cupid Nor can we iudge my Lord sayd these wise men that the same is reserued for any other then your new borne Sonne at whose houre of birth the Statues appeared or at leaste some other that shall issue from him for our iudgemente in his Astracisme doth perswade vs that he shall be valiant and renowmed in feates of Armes and in loyaltie was neuer man found his second As for the Image of Venus that beareth the rich Crowne we gesse my Lord it is meant to some Daughter you shall haue héereafter who in beautie and gratious nature shall excéede all of her time If it like your Maiestie to make experience of what we haue sayd you must send for all the fairest Ladies in your Realme and permit them to trie their vertue in taking the Crowne from the head of the Image in which attempt you shall receiue occasion of excéeding pleasure for the brazen statue which you behold standing by it will repulse the Ladies in such sort as they shall repent their bold aduenture The King very ioyfull to heare these newes said By the faith of a Prince I will cause proofe to be made héereof within these few dayes and first the Ladies of our Citie of London shall begin if they can not speede in their attempt the Ladies through our Realme shall be aduertised thereof as also they of Scotland and Norgalles which haue commendation beyond other Nations for beautie In the meane while I will go conferre with the Quéene héereon who as I thinke will not be a little glad to heare that such good fortune is reserued for our yong Sonne As he was about to depart thence he beheld the inscriptions engrauen on the Pillers which causing to be read and vnderstanding the effect of them all three In sooth quoth he I will for the loue of Pallas who framed this faire Sheeld that my Sonne at his Christening shall be named Palladine which came so to passe as you shall reade héereafter CHAP. II. ¶ How the King Milanor recounted the meruaile of the three Statues to the Queene and of the great Triumphs was made at the Baptizing of the yong Prince who was named Palladine THE King hauing aduisedly considered this strange accident and vnderstood to what end it was appointed went very ioyfully to the Quéenes Chamber and there to her rehearsed what the wise men had said which newes were so welcome to her as nothing could be more I know behoueth vs Madame quoth he to forethinke on the Baptizing of our Sonne who shall be his Sureties in that holy Sacrament to which I can request no fitter persons then our freendly breethren and neighbors the Kings of Scotland and Norgalles so please you Madame to ioyne with me in opinion The Queene was so well contented with this motion as Ambassadours were immediately dispatched who so well executed the trust committed to their charge as the Kings reputed themselues highly honored
for by ought I can perceiue there is no signe of life left in them They haue no more aunswered Manteleo then they worthily deserued ought they to misprise or detract strange Knightes cheefely such as are of one nation yet let vs see in what estate they are So comming to the Knight that was first dismounted and finding him dead by reason of the aboundance of blood he had lost as also because his Helmet hindered him from the aire Unhappy man said his Brother oftentimes haue I told thee that thy pride and ouer-wéening would one day cause thy death Be thou warned heereby sayd the enchaunted Knight and learne another time to vse more courtesie to Knightes how yong or old soeuer they be for thou and thy companions did imagine that be●cause these two yong Princes were no further entred i● yeeres that therefore they were vnprouided of courag●● and vertue but by outward behauiour neuer iudge o● men heereafter Too well doo I perceiue your words ar● true but I beseech ye looke if my Cosins haue accompanied my Brother in death or no. Palladine finding them to be aliue offered with his Sword to haue smitten off their heads Uillaines quoth he you are but dead men if you will redeeme your liues you shall promise me to go ●ubmit your selues to the King of Englands mercie recounting to him wherefore how and by whome you haue beene vanquished Sir answered one of them there is nothing that we will not gladly promise and perfourme for the ●aunsome of our 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 I sweare to yee that I will not faile 〈◊〉 you haue commaunded You must auouch the like quoth the Prince to the other Knight wherevpon he that was so sore hurt with his fall from his horsse could make no aunswere but by signes so that with many sad countenances he shewed his consenting Now may yee depart when ye please said Palladine and say that Englishmen are better Knightes then Spanyards So hauing buried the Knight that was slaine they departed not a little glad they were so well escaped but they tooke small care of perfourming their promise as you shall perceiue by the sequell of our historie CHAP. XI ¶ How Palladine and Manteleo with their company arriued in the Realme of Hungaria where the Gentleman remayned that stole the Lady from the enchaunted Knight and what fortuned to them by the way AFter the Princes had left the Spanyardes they rode on their iourney and comming to the port of Gorforte they tooke Shipping when the Seas were still and calme expecting a winde to passe into Holland which fitting their expectations crossing through Zeland they came to Triell where Palladine furnished himselfe with new Armour because his other was greatly battered in Iousting with the Knightes Hauing contented themselues with the sight of Holl●nd they passed the Rheme and entred Almayne where arriuing on the frontires of Bohemia they beheld a Lion comming toward them carying a yong Infant wrapped in swadling clothes in his mouth and a yong woman running after the beast with verie pitifull cries and acclamations Behold quoth Palladine how a sauadge beast hath gotten a yong Infant let vs alight to sée if we can force him forgoe his pray The poore woman seeing how readie they were to helpe her cryed aloude to them that they should get betwéene the Lion and his Caue least entring with the child there should remaine no hope of recouerie When the Lion saw he could not enter his denne he let fal the Infant and furiously assailed the Prince Manteleo who gaue the beast such a wound on the head as made him cry and rore very dreadfully At which noyse a Lionesse came foorth of the Caue from her yong ones and she likewise ranne on the noble Manteleo but Palladine and his Squires so valiantly assisted him as the beastes were in short time ouercome and slaine Then came the poore woman and tooke vp her child which when she beheld had escaped all daunger on her knées she humbly thanked the Princes for their good assistance One of the Damosels taking the child in her armes and séeing it both beautifull and comely said to the mother Great had béene the losse good woman that these cruell beastes should haue deuoured so swéete an Infant but why were you so negligent to endaunger it so much Madame aunswered the poore woman not by my fault did this inconuenience happen for I earning my liuing by dayly labour by binding faggots which my husband cuts in the wood left my child with one of my neighbours in kéeping How she suffered this mishap I know not but as I returned from the wood and méeting the Lion with my child which full well I knew by the swadling cloathes I made what haste I could after the beast hoping by some meanes to recouer my child which now I thanke God and you I haue done Nor is this the first time we haue béene thus serued for in this little Uillage béeing but tenne or twelue housholds in number three children haue béene lost within these sixe moneths the parents still thinking some Boores or peasants had stollen them but now in good time haue wee founde the Théefe And seeing these Gentlemen haue slaine the Lion and Lionesse it may be they haue some yong ones in this Caue which I gladly would haue destroyed likewise so shall we be in no further daunger heereafter That will I soone trie said Palladine go to your house and fetch me some fire and withall bring some sheaues of thrasshed corne for Lions cannot abide the sight of fire and by this meane shall we see what is in the darke Caue Right soone did the woman accomplish her charge bringing strawe and fire with her and sixe or seauen sturdy fellowes with staues flayles and pikeforkes when Palladine hauing set the strawe on fire with the cou●trey peasants entred the Caue where he found thrée yong Lionesses like little dogs and the clothes of diuers children deuoured by the beasts To behold this strange sight he called the two Damosels and the poore woman into the Caue saying These beastes should haue dined with your child to day but God hath appointed his end in better sort and because you shall remaine in no further dread of these yong ones were I not so farre from England I would send them to the King who I am sure would accept them for our sakes My Lord quoth one of the poore countreymen I will vndertake to fulfill your mind in this and will carie them to England if you please to commaund me full well doo I knowe how to vse them for my Father nourished one like to these a long time and when it grew great he gaue it to our King who sent it as an especiall present to the King of Fraunce In sooth quoth the Prince if thou will perfourme what thou hast promised I will giue thee money to defray thy charges and theirs likewise whome thou wilt take with thee Letters will I also send
by thee to safe-conduct thee on the way and that thou mayst be welcome into England whence thou canst not returne without sufficient recompence Of that my Lord I haue no doubt aunswered the poore man for oftentimes haue I heard reported that the King ●ilanor of England is one of the most vertuous Princes on the earth and though I receyu●d no other benefite by him I would account my labour well bestowed onely to see a King accounted so famous Beside such great good haue you done vs in killing these rauenous and daungerous beastes as in signe of our willing mindes to make you further recompence if we were able if the iourney were tenne times further you should commaund vs. So comming foorth of the Caue the poore men prouided Panniars to carrie the yong beastes in meane while the Prince wrote to the King his Father describing what had befallen them in their iourney and what valour Manteleo had shewen in killing the Lions not forgetting his salutations to the Princesse Marcelina with all the other Ladyes of the Court. Hauing sealed his Letters he gaue them to the countreyman and money sufficient to beare his charges who taking his leaue of the Princes in few dayes after set on his iourney toward England Palladine and Manteleo mounting on horsseback with their companie tooke the way to Hungaria which at length they reached lodging in a little Uillage about a mile distant from the Castell where the Gentleman abode who detaned the wife to the Knight that had beene enchaunted There the Princes concluded to rest themselues that night and on the morrow the Knightes Sister should goe to accuse the Gentleman of Treason and to knowe of him whether he would maintaine his cause man to man in Combate or two against two or three to thrée if he durst so accept it Upon this determination they supped merily together Manteleo still remembring his faire Marcelina and Palladine his intended action of honor So betaking themselues to rest Palladine dreamed that he beheld a goodly Lady before him who vsing certaine speeches to him softly layd her hand very kindly on his head and so departing the chamber againe made such a noyse as he awaked therewith Long hée studied what this Lady should be but could not gesse on any thing directly wherefore he concealed his dreame to himselfe albeit not long after he compassed his desire as you shall at large behold heereafter CHAP. XII ¶ How the Princes Palladine Manteleo and the enchaunted Knight fought the Combate with the Gentleman of the Castell and his two Brethren and the successe therof MAny were the seuerall apparitions that these Princes had in their sléep this night the one of his loue in the Court of England and the other of the Lady that thus had sollicited him wherin the enchaunted Knight had likewise a share remembring the wrong done vnto his wife by the Traytor whom he had so fréendly vsed in his house the conceite of which ingratefull acte presented him with many strange cogitations Earely in the morning they all arose and the Knightes Sister accompanied with one of the Prince Palladines Squires rode to the Castell where the Gentleman dwelt to deliuer the message before determined And finding him sitting at the Castell gate with two or thrée of his seruaunts that attended on him without vsing any courtesie or salutation but with a stearne and angrie countenance thus spake Well knowest thou villayne as thou art that violently thou didst carie away my Brothers wife who lodged and entertained thée fréendly in his house wherefore I say to thée that thou art the most vile and abiect creature liuing hauing committed the greatest treason and disloyaltie that euer was heard of a man toward his freend A Knight will I bring that to thy ●eard shall testifie what I haue said by aduenturing his person in Combate against thée or if thou thinke it conuenient two against two or three to three so many will I bring hither before two houres are expired The Gentleman abashed to heare a woman speake so brauely she being accompanied but with one Squire thus replied I beléeue Damosell it is not long since ye came from Paradise for you are yet maruellous glorious but I hope ere night to quallify your pride and him or them that dare bid me the Combate And where thou chargest me with detaining a Lady who as thou sayest is thy Brothers wife héere will I kéepe her still and hence shall she not go till I haue had my pleasure on her But to spend no time in pratling with a foolish woman go fetch the thrée Knghtes thou threatnest me withall and they shall finde héere throe other whereof my selfe will be one say we graunt them the Combate and bid them looke they come well prouided for all their wit and strength I thinke will scant helpe them The Damosell and the Squire returned with this answere to the Princes who hauing heard the Gentlemans mishap presently mounted on horssebacke and rode toward the Castell In this time the Gentleman went into the Castell to his Brethren and aduertised them of the Damosels challenge wherevpon they immediatly armed themselues the Gentleman causing twentie of his seruants to be secretly ambushed to succour him if his enemies were the stronger and if they could not take them prisoners then to murther them without any redemption By this time are the Princes and the enchaunted Knight come to the Castell where they found the thrée Brethren staying their comming and without any further spéeches they prepared to the carire when Palladine would haue encountred the Gentleman of the Castell but the enchaunted Knight intreated him to the contrarie saying Let me trie my fortune with him good Sir Knight for he it is that hath iniu●ied me and now shall I be sufficiently auenged on him Palladine was well contented it should be so and while the Knight gaue his horsse the spurres to meete the Gentleman he and Manteleo found his Brethren play so that after they had brauely broken their Launces and fought a long and dangerous Combat with the Sword the Gentleman was throwne downe sore wounded and his Brethren were both flame outright Now though too late rushed foorth the ambushed seruants and they being twentie in number set with such violence on the Princes and their Squires as their ho●sses were slaine vnder them and themselues in very great danger of death but that Lydiseo the Prince of Hungaria suddenly arriued there for that day had he beene on hunting and because the bordering Turkes did oftentimes iniurie the King his Father he seldome rode without armed Knightes in his companie When he beheld so many against so few he commaunded his Knightes to assist the weaker side so that the greater part of them were slaine and the rest thinking to saue their liues fled into the Castell yet were they so narrowly pursued as they could not drawe the bridge but were all taken and reserued in prison for a further
their leaue of the King shaping their course through Piccardie toward Bullin where they embarqued themselues and sailed into England for that they were desirous to sée the good King Mil●nor to whome they brought letters from his Sonne Palladine Landastines likewise as not vnmindfull of his Florea sent the message of his heart vnder seale by Lydiseo excusing his absence which should not be long and hoping to bring her brother home with him As for Palladine he became so affected to the Princesse Rosamonde whome he imagined to be the Lady foretold by the wise Orbiconte as he wasted and consumed in pensiue thoughts practising how to obtaine her loue albeit he aduentured the hard stratagemes of death Oftentimes would he priuately conferre with her and she would aunswere him with such rare modestie as increased his torments aboue the compasse of reason Nor was she forgetfull of his dangerous paines in deliuerance of her brother Lewes from imprisonment ioyning therewithall the common benefit by the death of Brulanfurior and his brother Frucidant but as for the priuiledge of her loue the Prince Caesar of Roeme was Lord thereof and her setled affection impossible to be remoued All which he perceiued by such manifest signes as made him were frantike in silent cogitations sometime thinking to forestall his fréend by making the first request of her in mariage then againe intending the death of Caesar rather then to misse of the faire Rosamonde And though the Romaine Prince loued him déerely yet the furie of blinde loue made Palladine so impatient as he minded nothing but Caesars death which with a sharpe Launce in the Ioust he imagined might easily be done or with an infected cup of poyson giuen him in his chamber But the wise Orbiconte still directing Palladines course and knowing by her arte his secret intent onely by being deceiued in his owne opinion would separate Palladine from Caesar by calling him to his destenyed Countrey whereof we spake in the beginning of our Historie and thus it happened The Prince being in his Chamber with Landastines Simprinell and his Squire Lycelio imagining how to finish his determination on a sudden there entred a little deformed Dwarffe who saluting Palladine gaue him a Letter saying My Lord the wise Orbiconte hath sent ye this Letter the contents whereof she commaunds you to fulfill otherwise great harme will happen to you He had no sooner spoken these words but immediatly he vanished away How now quoth Landastines whether is the little Iack an Apes gone oftentimes haue I séene the craftie deceits of Iugglers but neuer sawe I such a trick before I hold my life the Deuill fetched him away This strange accident made Palladine remember the voyce that whispered in his eare at Varne when he determined to depart from the Duchesse Brisalda and desirous to knowe the newes from Orbiconte he feigned that he would lie downe vpon his bed wherefore Landastines and Simprinell withdrew themselues when he opening the Letter read as followeth The Letter from Orbiconte the wise to Palladine the Prince of England HAuing certaine knowledge vertuous Prince of the extreame loue thou bearest to the beawtifull Rosamonde and the doubtfull estate whereinto her amiable lookes hath brought thée I am to aduertise thee in respect of the loue I beare thée as also the good support I shall one day receyue by thee that the Prince Caesar of Roome is appoynted for her and no other then hée shall she haue in marriage Therefore withdrawe thy earnest desire and the execution of that thou hast determined which is to demaund her for thy wife and to preuent the life of Caesar whome she entirely loueth and honoreth in heart assuring thée that another is reserued for thée who excelleth in beawtie the faire Rosamonde and all the other Ladyes of Christendome whose liuely portraite thou shalt sée to morrow brought to the place where thou art by a Knight whome thou shalt vanquish in Combate and by that meane recouer her picture Then taking leaue of the Court thou shalt trauaile to seeke her in her Countrey which shall be named to thée by the Knight and neuer feare any dangers in thy iourney for thou shalt be fauoured by fortune and me who haue foreséene all these things that shall happen Thy good freend Orbiconte the wise and Prophetesse Palladine hauing read this Letter was meruailously perplexed in his spirit doubting whether he might credit the aduertisement of Orbiconte or execute his intent touching faire Rosamonde whome he reputed so accomplished with all perfections of beawtie as he iudged it impossible to finde her second in the whole world Beside he was throughly inueigled with her loue as he despaired how he could diuert his fancie on the other side he was as greatly displeased to vnderstand that she would loue none but Caesar and that to him she onely was vowed In these diuers opinions he spent the whole night yet in the end considering by the Letter of Orbiconte that what he had pretended was knowne to her he concluded to credit her message and especially if the Knight came accordingly on the morrow with the portrait of her he desired so much to sée vpon this determination he slept till morning CHAP. XXIIII ¶ How a Pagan Prince came to the Court of Fraunce bringing with him the portraite of the Princesse Nonparelia and of the Combate betweene him and Palladine who hauing woon the portraite departed from the Court. THE next morning the King and all his Barons being in the great in the great Hall Palladine Landastines and Simprinell likewise in companie there entred a Squire attired after the Morisco manner who making great reuerence thus began Mightie and redoubted King I am sent from the Prince Zarcanell of Chipre who yet abideth without the Citie to craue licence of your Maiestie that he may report before you and your Lords an enterprise which he hath determined to execute before you Squire aunswered the King say to thy maister that he shall be welcome and boldly let him enter our Citie for we graunt him frée accesse to our presence to open any thing he hath intended The Squire returned presently to his Lord who vnderstanding the Kings gracious answere commanded his seruants to goe to the playne before the Court and there with all spéed to set vp his Tent in meane while himselfe accompanied with thrée Gentlemen came before the King and hauing humbly saluted his Maiestie before all the Princes and Lords thus spake Gracious Prince I am perswaded that your highnesse well doth knowe what authority loue hath ouer humaine creatures and how vnable they are to resist his power therefore I beséech ye not to thinke it strange if I declare what loue hath enforced me to doo So it is that hauing heard the beawtie of faire Nonparelia so highly renowmed aboue all Ladyes in the world as one couetous to sée a thing so excellent I trauailed to Aquilea and there sound by proofe that fame had
might finde them there quoth Zorian at our comming you maye be assured I would not hinder your mariage but assist it to the vttermost of my power for more account doo I make of your loue and fréendship then all the wealthy possessions af my Lord y e great Turk And one thing will I intreat ye faithfully to prom● me that the next day after our arriuall at your Fathers Court you will take such order as I maye be baptised in the faith of a Christian for I féele my conscience that way earnestly addicted Palladine not a little ioyfull of this request promised to perfourme what he had desired so sléep causing them to breake off talke the nexte morning they were earlye on Horsse backe and passing the Rheme they entred Lorrayne Afterward trauersing the Ardeines Luxenbourge and Liege they came into Brabant and from thence after many aduentures ended they crossed through Flaunders taking shipping at Callis and in shorte time landed at Douer in England where they stayed two or three daies to refresh them selues Then comming to London to the Court God knowes what ioy was there made for their arriuall the King to see his Sonne returned Manteleo and Landastines their long absent fréend and the Citizens their yong Prince whome they feared was lost let all their ioye be compared together and thinke of what efficacie so great a matter is because pen and paper cannot disclose it Palladine not vnmindefull of his passed promise acquainted the King his Father with the state of Zorian how graciouslye him selfe was entertained in the Court of Aquilea and how the Princes Sister was comming after with her Aunt a Ladye of incomparable vertues and graces and her noble brother renouncing his paganisme desired to be receiued into the fellowship of Christians not being able to enioy peace in conscience till he were deliuered of his vnbeleefe The King excéeding glad of these good newes caused such royall preparation to be made against the next daye as at a matter of such solemnitie is required there was Zorian and his Squire christened the King the Queene and the Earle of Fl●unders witnesses to the Prince and Palladine Manteleo and Marcelina to the Squire Ligasto Returning from the Church to the Pallace there was ordained a sumptuous feast and Zorian well regarding the Ladies of England among them all liked Graciana daughter to the Earle of Flaunders being then sodenly so enchaunted with her as he secretly vowed neuer to loue any other while he liued Palladine perceiuing his amorous glaunces on Graciana and noting the many alterations of his countenaunce immediatly knew what disease he was troubled withall which he desirous to ●●ttigate and to pleasure the Prince Zorian to his vttermoste the tables being withdrawen he tooke Graciana by the hand and bringing her to Zorian thus spake My Lord and noble companion for my sake loue this beautifull Lady she is named Graciana and I hope you shall finde her nature answerable to her name to wit gracious vertuous and honest I promise ye my Lord quoth Zorian you haue doone me the greatest pleasure in the World bringing to me a Lady so woorthily accomplished that I might learne to imitate her vertues which haue pearced my hart in such sorte as would she accept me to be her Knight and seruant neuer should any other Lady haue the honor of my loue I perceiue well then said Palladine that you are touched to the quick doo you twaine deuise togeather and in meane while I will goe talke with the Countie her Father So taking the Earle of Flaunders aside he rehearsed to him the manifolde vertues of the Prince Zorian and how intirely he loued his Daughter thinking it a great preferment to her if she ioyned with him in mariage Like spéeches hid he vse to the Queene his Mother who was Cosin germaine to the Carle of Flaunders and betweene them bothe handled the matter so effectuallye as within two dayes Zorian and Eraciana were affianced together their mariage being deferred because of Ambassadours were gone to Norgalles and Millaine to conclude the mariages betwéene Landastines Manteleo Marcelina and Florea and the Princes Fathers consent obtained all these mariages should be sollemnelye perfourmed togeather But twenty dayes being now past and Palladine hearing no tidinges of Nonparelia he began to waxe melanchollye halfe distrusting the promise of Orbiconte yet did not this pensiuenes continue long for she arriued soone after as you shall presently perceiue CHAP. XXXVII ¶ How the Princesse Nonparelia was deliuered to the great Turkes Ambassadours and how by the sorceries of the wise Orbiconte the Ships were scattered and what perswasions she vsed to the Mari●●ers who were very lothe to saile into England WIthin thrée dayes after the departure of Palladine and Zorian from Aquilea Nonparelia was honourably deliuered to the great Turks Ambassadours and with meruailous royaltye conuaied on Ship boorde accompanyed with her Aunt Orbiconte and a séemelye traine of Ladies beside The Ankers weyed and the sayles hoysed they launche into the deepe the Princesse still fearefull to loose the true owner of her loue yet comforted by her Aunt that in few dayes they would sée England Being entred the Mediterranean Sea Orbiconte saw it was time to set her practise abroche and seeing the Pilots and Mariners were all at rest with a Booke in her hand she came vp on the deck where brething her charmes into the aire and filling the sayles with her vnhallowed spelles the windes began to blowe terribly and the Seas were troubled with wonderfull roughnes that the Mariners awaked with the horror of the storme awaiting euery hower their vtter destruction In this tempest the ships were seperated so farre a sunder as the Turkes dispaired of euer méeting againe so that the vessell wherin y e Princesse and Orbiconte were by daye was on the borders of Scicilie and very néere to the Labean promontarie albeit the Pilot could not tell in what Cuntrie they were Then Orbiconte calling the Gouernours of the Ship to her and the Gentlemen appointed to attende on the Princesse in the presence of her Niece thus spake to them You haue seene my good freendes in what extreame danger we haue beene this night past and I thinke there is no one amonge yee but is perswaded that our Gods haue especially preserued vs yea by wonderfull miracle from shipwracke wherwith euery minute of an hower we were threatned In like sorte you may imagine that not without some secret and hidden cause we are caste into these partes and scattered from the Ships of my Lordes Ambassadours héerby doo our Gods euidentlye manifest that men how strong or puissant so euer they be cannot bring to end any intended enterprise vnlesse it be ordered by their fauour and direction and heerehence ariseth the the common prouerb That men purpose and the Gods dispose It is well knowne to you that the King my brother hath graunted in mariage my Niece Nonparelia to our Lord the great
set with Starres of gold and in his Sheeld a Lady reskewed from a Giant the other bare for his deuise Fame triumphant in a siluer feeld The Knight in azure Armour made signe to Caesar that he would first aduenture for his Lady yet such was his ill hap in the end as both horsse man were throwne to the ground When the Knight of Fame sawe his fréend dismounted he came to Caesar with these speeches Sir Knight I confesse as well as thou doost that my Lady Rosamonde excelleth all other in beautie but this will I make good on thy body that I am more woorthie to be her seruant then thou art It should séeme then answered Caesar that I deserue not to be so accounted this controuersie shall the strength of my Launce presently discide and thou or I will be her onely seruant Heereupon they encountred verie valiantly breaking many Launces yet neither able to mooue the other whereat they both grew angrie desiring the King to let them haue stronger Launces or else to permit them the Combate with the Sword but the King would not suffer them to meddle with Swords commanding each of them a very strong Launce at which charge the Prince Caesar was brauely dismounted and the Knight of Fame had almost borne him companie A great murmuring presently grew among the people some auouching that because the strange Knight so hardly recouered himselfe therefore Prince Caesar should not be held as vanquished but that they should prooue their fortune once more But the Iudges gaue verdict to the contrarie attributing the conquest to the Knight of Fame which when Caesar heard he went to the King to intreate his Maiestie for the Combate with its Sword but he denyed it him saying that the Ioustes being enterprised for loue ought not to be ended in hatred At these words Prince Caesar went to his Lady Rosamonde who gaue him many thanks for his honorable paines and though his successe happened so ill in the end yet would not she withdraw her loue But now commes Palladine into the feeld being sorie he had not the conquest of Caesar yet determining to end his choller on the Knight of fame to whome he approached saying It gréeues me Sir Knight that I Iousted not with noble Caesar for if I had little praise couldest thou haue gotten to day Your reason aunswered the Knight of fame Because I had woon y e honor ꝙ Palladine which thou vsurpest and yet remains in doubt among a number which if thou darest say thou hast deserued I will auouch the contrary beside y t it appertaines not to thee to be seruant to the faire Lady Rosamonde nor to the very meanest among her Ladies for as I vnderstand she is prouided of one beyond thee many degrees Good Sir aunswered the Knight of fame you are very bold and braue in spéeches What mooueth ye so much to abase me seeing you knowe not of whence or what I am nor hast thou seene any matter in me deseruing these words But I perceiue the cause héereof groweth by the desire thou hast to deale with me wherein thou shalt haue thy desire either at the Launce or Sword so pleaseth the King to graunt vs that libertie Then turning to his Maiestie the Knight of Fame intreated the combate with the Sword if they could not finish their quarrell at the Launce Loth was the King to suffer such danger but the Iudges with many Lords and Barons there present noting the earnest desire of the Knight and that they were both strangers perswaded his highnesse intending to cause them giue ouer if in fight either of them should be in perill of life When they had thus obtained what they would they gaue their horsses the spurres and with a verie rough encounter they were both dismounted whereat Palladine verie angrie drew his Sword and marching against the Knight of Fame such a cruell combate continued betwéene them as neuer had the like beene seene in Fraunce The King beholding their Armour broken and the ground coulored with their scarlet blood sent his Sonne the Prince Lewes to intreate them giue ouer which they immediatly did the Knight of Fame being not a little glad thereof because he was brought into verie great debilitie onely by the exceeding aboundant losse of his blood Lewes bringing them before the King his Father caused them both to be graciously entertained and taking Palladine by the hand sayd Sée heere my Lord the man that slew Brulanfurior and his brother who deliuered me from imprisonment and many Knightes that were held captiue in the Castell The King not alittle ioyfull of these newes arose and embraced Palladine saying Worthie Knight I am more indebted to you then any man else in the world for you alone haue done that to me which neither with strength or pollicie I was able to compasse I enioy my Sonne againe by your meanes and my people are deliuered from those mercilesse villaines whome neyther law nor loue could bridle let me vnderstand of whence you are that I may knowe the man to whome I am so highly beholding My Lord aunswered the Prince my name is Palladine Sonne to the King Milanor of England your louing brother and vowed fréend At these words the King was much more glad then before and casting his armes about his necke with inward conceite of ioy the teares trickled downe his face then came the Quéene and faire Rosamonde her daughter who welcommed the Prince with maruailous courtesie the like did Landastines Simprinell and Lydiseo of Hungaria who was the man that came with the Knight of Fame and at report of these Triumphes trauailed into Fraunce As for the Knight of Fame himselfe he was called Don Robert the Prince of Freeze a stout couragious and hardie champion greatly deuoted to the loue of faire Rosamonde The King presently departed to his Pallace there to honor these braue Knightes as they worthely deserued but Caesar of Room● highly thanked Palladine for reuenging his foyle on the Knight of Fame swearing to him an inuiolable league of amitie which grew to such effect as you shall héereafter behold CHAP. XXIII ¶ How the Princes Don Robert of Freeze and Lydiseo of Hungaria being healed of their woundes departed from Paris and of a letter which the wise Orbiconte sent to Palladine who was passionate for the loue of faire Rosamonde of Fraunce DOn Robert of Freeze hauing kept his chamber certaine dayes by reason of the dangerous woundes he had receiued and Palladine likewise in the selfesame estate yet carefully attended on by the Kings Chirurgions a greater corsey happened to them both then either their woundes or doubt of health For Don Robert séeing he was not regarded of the faire Princesse Rosamonde whome he loued as déerely as his own life thought to haue committed violence on himselfe but that by good aduise he was better perswaded and being out of hope to compasse his desire when he was somewhat recouered he and Lydiseo of Hungaria tooke